tf2strategist - I lost my medical license!
I lost my medical license!

TF2 fanblog! Based on the 10th class fic "Ten's a Crowd", AKA Meet the Strategist! Mostly general headcanons, artwork, and fic info here. READ REQUEST RULES PLEASE! ♥

215 posts



Would you guys like to know more about Edith..?

I’m also open for asks about any of the tf2 ocs I have, though many I haven’t shown yet. I need to make pages for them, really, but some are more developed than others…


no particular theme to them, just what i could think of~ feel free to reblog and use for your own oc blogs! sorry if any questions repeat ;;

1. What’s a unique skill they have? Is their any reason why they can do it?

2. What are their favourite possessions? Why? (sentimentality, history, price, etc)

3. Do they get jealous easily? If so, what usually causes it?

4. Are they a good gift-giver? What do they tend to give as gifts?

5. What’s their reputation like? Does this reputation contrast what they’re really like?

6. Do they prefer to have a big social circle, or a few close friends?

7. What’s their “type”? What romantically attracts them to another person?

8. What does their dream house look like?

9. If they could change one part of their appearance, what would it be?

10. What’s a simple thing that brings them joy?

11. What is their dream pet?

12. What’s their position in their friend group? (leader, mom friend, chaos goblin, etc)

13. How forgiving are they? What do they consider unforgivable?

14. Who do they go to in a crisis/emergency? Any particular reason why they choose that person?

15. How good are they at conversation? Are they a small talk master, bad at initiating, etc?

16. What food do they absolutely hate?

17. Do they show a lot of affection, or are they pretty reserved?

18. If you had to represent them with a flower, colour, and animal, what would you choose?

19. What’s their unusual quirk?

20. Are they easy to wake up in the morning, or grouchy and sleepy?

21. What’s their ideal date like?

22. What’s their silliest or most unusual fear/phobia?

23. Is their pain tolerance high or low?

24. Are they a fussy eater?

25. What are their dreams like?

26. Are they technologically savvy?

27. Are they forgetful? What do they tend to forget? (plans, phone, keys, etc)

28. Describe their morning routine.

29. Are they a good cook? If they are, what do they like to make?

30. Do they consider themselves a “hero” or “villain”?

31. What holiday do they like the most? (Christmas, Easter, Valentine’s Day, etc)

32. What are they like at parties? Party animal, or awkwardly sitting in the corner drinking punch and reading?

33. Are they adventurous, or do they prefer to stay in their safe zone?

34. What’s their favourite drink? (Coffee, tea, juice, hot chocolate, soda, etc)

35. Are they good with children?

36. Do they trust easily? What would you have to do to earn their trust?

37. Are they a hopeless romantic, or is that stuff just not for them?

38. Do they get lost easily, or are they good with directions?

39. Are they superstitious?

40. Do they like physical activity, or staying inside?

41. What would they dress up as for Halloween?

42. Do they like fast food, or fancy restaurants?

43. Are they a chaotic bastard, pure angel baby, or tired mom friend?

44. Do they have a good attention span?

45. Are they always late, on time, or early?

46. Do they cry, gasp, laugh, etc, while reading a book, or do they remain relatively stone-faced?

47. Do they keep a diary?

48. How dramatic are they?

49. Do they put a lot of effort into their appearance, or do they just make themselves presentable and go?

50. Why would they be a good partner for a road trip?

51. Why would they be a BAD partner for a road trip?

52. What topic should nobody bring up around them, lest the other person be subject to a massive ramble/rant?

53. Are they clumsy?

54. Are they a law breaker, or stickler for rules?

55. Choose a vine you think perfectly encapsulates their character.

56. Do they like to share?

57. What’s the most chaotic thing they’ve done?

58. Which friend do they immediately become a zero-braincelled idiot around?

59. Do they love or hate surprises?

60. What sappy thing will they cry at? (romance movies, cute cat videos, etc) Would they deny crying about it later on?

61. What’s their favourite and least favourite subject in school?

62. Do they take a lot of photos? If so, what of?

63. Do they wear makeup?

64. Describe what their social media would be like.

65. Do they give people a lot of nicknames?

66. What nicknames do others call them by?

67. What’s an outrageous story about them nobody believes?

68. Are they easy to fluster? What would you have to do to truly fluster them?

69. What’s their dream vacation like?

70. Are they a good liar?

71. What do they want to do in the future?

72. How do they feel about love?

73. Are they more book smarts, or street smarts?

74. What’s their guilty pleasure?

75. Is there anyone they consider their rival?

76. Do they have any notable physical features?

77. What’s their music taste like?

78. What’s something they’re really bad at?

79. Do they have a good sleep schedule?

80. What’s their aesthetic sense like?

81. What’s something they’re really proud of?

82. How would they spend a free day?

83. What are they like as an s/o?

84. What’s one thing they like that they don’t want anyone to know about?

85. Do they have a sweet tooth?

86. How would you describe their fashion sense?

87. Do they like spicy food?

88. Are they lucky? Do they believe in luck?

89. What would they get into a petty argument over?

90. Are they a good artist?

91. Do they prefer hot or cold weather?

92. Can they play an instrument?

93. What type of movies do they like to watch?

94. What does their room look like?

95. How do they feel about bugs? Scared? Fascinated?

96. What’s their sense of humour like? (Dad jokes, morbid humour, basic knock-knock jokes, stand up comedy, etc)

97. What do they keep in their bag?

98. How competitive are they?

99. What would they wear to a formal event? Describe their outfit!

100. If you, the creator, met them, would you two get along?

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3 years ago

How would medic react if i'd steal his bonesaw? Just wanna know because of several reasons-

He’d laugh it off, probably. Just make sure to keep one eye open next time you visit, especially if you plan on sleeping... He has plenty of bonesaws to spare. I mean, why have one when you have the possibility of losing it! Multiple is always the better option, right?

Anyways, enjoy the new organs sewn into you anon!

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Happy birthday to Medic!!!

Happy Birthday Medic Tf2
Happy Birthday Medic Tf2

Happy Birthday Medic tf2

Thank you @tf2-asktheagent for the edit agghhfhfhfhfh

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