Omg! I Love Your BTS Porn Link! Ah, I Feel Like I Need A Drabble Of Yoongi's "Let Me Do It The Right
Omg! I love your BTS porn link! Ah, I feel like I need a drabble of Yoongi's "Let me do it the right way baby" 💦🥺
The right way // Idol!Yoongi x reader

MINORS DNI!! // wordcount: 380 // ♜
POV: Reader
I know that what I've done was bad, but he's been gone for so long !
And it was just this one time ..
POV: third person.
When Yoongi finally arrived at your shared home from his tour, the last thing he was expecting was a needy doll desperately trying to stuff her fingers into her pretty little pussy, not knowing how it's done correctly because her daddy’s always there to do it for her
,,Look who's being such a horny babydoll, couldn't even wait for her daddy and even worse, can't seem to pleasure herself properly since her daddy always spoils her with orgasms, doesn't he?
He cooed, with a playfully mocking undertone dripping like venom from his voice.
Slowly approaching his now whimpering baby girl, he looks down at her with her legs spread and pussy on full display.
,,Stand up for me baby. ‘’
So, you do, and he takes a seat on the couch behind you.
He pulls your half naked body onto his fully clothed lap. And keeps your legs and body in place with one arm while the other travels to your cunt, playing with it like a cat with its wool.
,,Relax baby, let me do it the right way, doll.’’
And with that, he spat on his fingers and went feral on your pussy. Hitting your sweet spot repeatedly with his long and slender fingers.
POV: Reader
He is so good I feel like my brain’s going to melt away.
,,So, d-deep daddy!’’
I managed to moan out but only he only chuckles picking his pace up.
Right before I was finally going to cum, he pulls his fingers out of my glistening cunt to which I whine in a bratty tone demanding his fingers back in me, but he only tugs at my top, exposing my tits.
He then immediately grabs both and gives them a firm squeeze.
,,Ouchie, too hard!’’
With one hand on my tit, the other one finally gives me what I've been yearning for; A good squirt!
It ends up all over our couch and his pants.
,,Whoopsie.. ‘’
I mumble out.
He lets out a small laugh and frees my tit while kissing my cheek and whispering;
,,Daddy is finally home baby, he missed you a lot!’’

This is a little over 100 words so...
I'll just call it a triple drabble or smth , Hope ya'll like it , and I'd appreciate feedback in the comment section (btw this was my first smut..)
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More Posts from Th4saapobangpo
Breaking news!!
Hii guys !!
I just wanted to tell yall that I’ve been on holiday for the past week and will return home tomorrow !! And since I accidentally left my laptop at home , I wasn’t able to transfer the stories I wrote into my notebook onto word and then , lastly ,tumblr .. 🙈
I’m really sorry for the delay and I reassure you that I’ve not deleted or ignored a singular request !! PLEASE REQUEST AS MUCH AS YOU LIKE !!! it’s my pleasure to write this stuff for you all 🫡‼️
The already requested stories , drabbles or headcanons will be posted in the next 4 days ( starting the day after tomorrow , when I’ve settled back in my home ) 💗
Love of love ,
I'm just wondering, do you take request?
Yes , i do !! I’d really appreciate if you maybe read my rules first but then request anything and as much as you’d like !! Just maybe also clarify if you want a mood board , full stories etc .. and who + what I should write 💗
⋆SIMON RILEY P0rn links⋆

MINORS DNI!! I recommend to ignore the caption of most of the videos, please and thank you !!🪽
Too m-much!!
Horny beast , aka Simon Riley
You like your humpies, don’t ya
Cute undies, doll face
I just wanna look a little , baby
Size kink with Simon
My daddy’s not deranged he just has his kinks!!
Threesome with König and reader
Just like that,duckling
Yes boss, moreeee
Sunshine Playcare //little!reader x jikook


In a world where little space is a diagnosed and normalized condition the little named Areum just moved from the city Geochan, located in the countryside of Korea, to the booming capital Seoul.
But she of course can't go anywhere with her two daddies, which she loves very dearly and vice versa, Jimin and Jungkook.
Yes, she has two dads. So, what, she loves them, and they take good care of her!
Little girls and boys like her meet daddies and mommies like them, even if they’re a queer couple! Nothing’s wrong with that.
On their first day in Seoul, they painted her new nursery in her favorite color, pink! She even helped get her daddies the paint brushes, she’s such a good little helper. But now on their second day, which unfortunately is a Monday, she must go to her new Daycare... Sunshine daycare...
But the little one is scared, she does not want to meet new people... what if they do not want to be friends or even worse find her weird. Her daddies always say that she’s the sweetest girl and nobody would think that about her, but little Areum still isn’t sure if that’ll be the case.
POV: Areum
,,So baby, are you ready for your first day in your new Play care?’’ Papa grabbed a second hair tie from my hand to secure my second pigtail and make it look extra cute.
Papa’s a hairdresser and cuts my and Daddy’s hair, not for free though. I always got to pay the huge amount of ten kisses plus one cuddle session!! I don’t mind though; I love showing papa and daddy my love!!
,,Not sure, Papa.. scared’’ I mumble.
I want to stay home with both my dad’s and just spend the rest of our time playing and eating candy and snuggling both.
,,What are my two sweethearts chatting about?’’ Daddy just came into the bathroom in his business suit and tie. He looks so very serious! It’s so funny I let out a giggle, earning an arched eyebrow.
,,And now what’s so funny little girl? The tickle monster isn’t even here to tickle you, angel? But if you’re already snickering and giggling so loud and proud I might as well get him to make you laugh even more. ~Oh tickle monste- ‘’
,,NO DADDY!! Me is sorry!! No call the meanie monster’’ I beg and whine at the same time.
I even continue mumbling little sorry’s while hugging daddy, having to listen to Papa’s laugh. His angelic laugh that always makes my day.
,,I’m sure you’re forgiven. Come on now little one, the kiddos at Sunshine Play care are waiting for their new little friend! We even bough cupcakes you can share with them.’’
I whine annoyed and frustrated not wanting to leave and potentially embarrass myself at the new play care, in the new city...
While daddy is dressed in his formal suit, putting on his suit shoes, daddy and I are dressed in fun and casual ones, putting our sneakers on!
I’m wearing an overall with my favorite short armed shirt and my normal white sneakers!! My Papa is so stylish always dressing me in so pretty clothes!
After we all entered the car, me siting in my bumper seat, we drove off and I notice on something I miss about our old home, the long weeds adorning the sides of the road and the weeping willows in the horizon swaying in the breeze. But Seoul only has high skyscrapers and sidewalk made of granite.
,,Dada, miss willow.’’
My statement confusing both. ,,Who’s willow baby? I don’t remember a kid from your old daycare being named Willow?’’
,, Silly Papa, not name Willow, the weeping one!’’ I giggle.
,, You miss the nature and fields in Geochang baby? Ain’t that sweet, honey’’
Arriving at the daycare, I see another kiddo in a very cute outfit, holding her daddies hand and sucking on a lollipop while he types on a box with black number on it.
Her daddy’s so silly!
,,Baby daddy’s just going go type the pin in and then you’ll finally see your new Daycare! Are you ready, sweet girl?
Even though Papa has only said positive things about this place, and the pretty pictures adorning the insides of the windows facing our direction also make me believe that I will be happy and have a good time there, I’m still a little worried.
,,I hope they like cupcakes, Papa. Want them to like the present!’’
What if they don’t like the frosting color I chose? Everyone likes purple though, right..
,,I’m sure they’ll love them, sweet pie! You’ll have to tell us all about your first day when we pick you up again, okay baby. Don’t let out one singular detail!’’
At least I’ll get to tell my Papas if anything happens. I hope nothing will though, I’m determined to make a good first impression.
We make our way towards the entrance and walk in. I slowly look around and see paradise.
This place looks so nice and the pretty lady at the counter even complimented my pigtails before showing us the way to my classroom. I’m all blushy now and of course Daddy had to tease me about that.
,,You face is as red as a tomato, Bubba! The counter lady got you all blushy with only one compliment, huh- ‘’
But before he could finish his playful teasing one of my new supervisors opened the classroom door and slowly approached my Papa and Dada
,,Hello, I am Jung Hoseok and from today on will be one of Areum’s home room teachers!’’
He looks like a million rays of sunshine combined and his smile is so bright you shouldn’t look at it directly or you’ll become blind. I like him!
,,You look like you give the best hugs!’’ I just had to say that aloud. It is true, isn’t it?
,,I’m sorry, she always says what she thinks aloud, isn’t that right sweet’s?’’
He’s right but at least mister Sunshine doesn’t look mad at all; no, he’s smiling lots!
,,Thank you for the compliment, little one. But do you know what, you look even cuddlier.’’
Oh no, I’m all blushy again..
,,Are you ready baby, she even brought cupcakes for all the other kiddos!’’ Papas right, they’ll like the cupcakes, so they’ll automatically like me too right?
After saying good-bye to my daddies mister sunshine takes me to the classroom and shushes the class.
,,Guys, this is our new friends, Areum! She is so sweet, she brought you some cupcakes! What flavor are they, sweetie?’’
He turns towards me and I answer
,,Chocolate with purple frosting and little bears made from sugar.’’
I look down at my fidgeting hands after finishing my statement and the others break out into an energetic fit of cheers and one even shouted out aloud
,, I like you, Areum! From today onwards you’ll be my friend!’’
Hobi told the boy; Beomgyu to calm down a bit in a playful tone and also said to tell me that a bit later.
,,Form a nice line, guys. No pushing and no cutting in line! Please and thank you!’’
I give everybody a cupcake and they thank me afterwards until Beomgyu, the last one in line starts talking to me even after receiving his treat.
,,You can sit next to me in class! I’ll teach you everything you have to know about this place!’’
Before continuing he guides me to their table and resumes to finish his statement in a whisper tone.
,, I'll show you. All the good hiding spots. For when we always play hide and seek during our outside play time!’’
After he finishes. His important speech. I notice the other three boys sitting with us, staring at me from across the table.
Beomgyu introduced me to them to me and told me their names; Taehyun, Woozi and Beoming Kai, whom I can call Kai.
They seem very nice, but Kai keeps staring until he finally spits out;
,,Why are you so suddenly joining us in the middle of the year? ‘’
I'm sure he wasn't trying to be rude, and he didn't even sound like he was trying to offend me, but it still caught me a bit off guard.
,, I just moved here from Gochang with my Papa and Dada. I like it and Seoul, but I miss the weeping willows and quietness of the countryside.
Thinking about my hometown where I first met my daddies makes me a tad bit sad. The adoption Center for littles is where they first saw me and picked me to be that little one.
Knowing that we’ll never live in our old home again hurts.
I mustn't have noticed that I was zoning out until Beomgyu shook me back to reality.
,,You have two dads?’’ Taehyun asked.
But before I got time to answer, he continued.
,,That must be so cool!’’
I almost thought he was going to insult my Papas.
I couldn't ever be friends with the person who do that. Never ever.
,,It is, but I get twice the dad jokes.’’
I fear we all started giggling after the joke I just told until Hoseok went back to the teacher's desk to start the first lesson.
,,So, kids, which smart little one of you can tell me what subjects you're learning today?’’
Everyone but me raises their hand until I noticed the timetable on the wall next to the blackboard.
Silly hobby. He ends up choosing Woozi to repeat the timetable for Mondays, like today to us all.
,,First lesson is English, then math’s, PE, arts and crafts, my favorite then, playing period and Korean, and then we'll get picked up!’’
Wow, I like today schedule lots.
,,Fantastic job, Woozi. You deserve a golden star on your chart for that, isn't that right?’’
Hobi then proceeds to get a sheet of star shaped, golden and shiny stickers and put one under Woozie’s photo on his chart.
All the charts are hung on the wall next to each other. Everyone has some golden, silver, or bronze star on theirs but my chart has got none yet.
I want a gold one though. Those show everyone that I'm a good girl.
,,OK kiddos let's begin the English lesson now! Let’s start by repeating the alphabet like we always do OK.’’
I'm really good at naming all the letters in the alphabet. This is going to be so easy!
,, A-B-C-D-E-F-‘’ and we continued to name all the letters ,without one error, up to the last one Z
,,Good job guys! Now I'm going to say a word and whoever knows how to spell it correctly raises their hand. If I call out your name and you say all the correct letters. You'll get a tick on this list ,I made on the blackboard, just below your name. If you accomplish getting three ticks, you get an extra golden star on your chart.’’
Wow, I like this game and it's my chance to prove what a smart girl I am.
,,Your first word is; house’’
I raise my hand and Hobi calls out my name.
,,Areum, tell us how to spell the word house.’’
,,H-O-U-S-E, house.’’ I repeat and Hobby agreed with me!
Now I just need to get two more ticks. Easy, right?
With only 5 minutes of the lesson remaining, I managed to get all three ticks and my first golden star on my chart. Besides the word , house’ I was able to spell the words ,lamp’ and ,sticker’
A tricky one. Hobby even called me very smart after I got that one right. I can't wait to tell my Papas about this, they'll be so proud of me!
After the bell has rung, Hobie told us to take a 10-minute-long break.
,,You are so good in English, Areumie! I only got two right after raising my hand seven times.’’ Woozi confessed.
,, Do you like Dinos, Areumie?
,,I'm not sure, but I like Barbie and Teddies.’’
My voice turning small after I noticed how the boys reacted to me bringing up something as girly as Barbie.
,,We don't know much about Barbie, but we could watch the movies if we ever have a playdate or sleepover at each other's houses!’’
I really like the idea of my friends having a sleepover at my house.
,, I'd love that, Beomie! Let's all have a big sleepover at my house one day.
We could watch Barbie, play with Dinos and other fun stuff.
We all love the idea and they asked me to ask my Dada at first and then they’re going to ask their Mommies.
Soon after we finish talking, our math teacher, Kim Namjoon walked in. I called him Joonie.
He gave us all the sheet with math problems to solve. They're really hard, so I raised my hand and ask him;
,, Joonie, how am I supposed to calculate the sum of 14 + 5 if I only have 10 fingers? Should I take my shoes off and count with both my fingers and my toes?’’
He only chuckled and told me to get out the blank piece of paper, so I did just that. But what now?
,, Try to draw what you want to calculate. Draw 14 flowers on one side and 5 on the other.’’
I finish doing that and ask him how that helps me solve the problem.
,,You can now either draw the 14 and the five flowers directly next to each other and count them, or you can just count them as they are right now. I know that numbers can be really confusing, right? Try to always visualize math problems like that.
Come on now, count them, Areumie.’’
I counted 19 flowers and he told me it was right, 19 is indeed the correct answer.
I’m such a smart girl!
,,Thank you for teaching me your ways, Joonie. ‘’
He gives me a dimpled smile for being so polite.
I solved the other problems the same way and while correcting the worksheet together, I got all the answers right, even the hardest one 3 + 18.
The other lessons before lunch went by really fast.
In PE we played freeze tag and ran one small round. Our teacher is called Kim Seokjin, but I call him Seokie.
In arts and crafts, we made pretty pictures using finger paint.
I got a bit messy and now have a small glob of paint on my shirt ..
Dada doesn't like it when I get my stuff dirty. He likes everything clean and in order.
Papa calls him a perfectionist or something like that. It's funny.
It's finally lunchtime and all my friends and myself sit on one table, outside with the other kids and the other tables when suddenly two girls just sit down on our table and start talking to Beomie and Taehyun in a funny way.
They play with their hair and giggle the whole time.
They're acting so weird.
,,Ha ha Beomie, you're so funny ha’’. The girl is named Chae and said that out loud…
That’s my nickname for him.
Everyoone calls him Beom or gyuie but not Beomie.
He told me that himself after I called him that for the first time. He said it's special from now on and only I am allowed to call him that since I invented the nickname.
It's so unfair. I have to say something, so I do;
,,Hey! That’s my nickname for Beomie, only I get to call him that. It's special.’’
I mumble a tad bit annoyed and Beomie me agreed with me.
,,She’s right don't call me that. It's Areumie’s special nickname for me!’’
But Chae wasn’t very OK with that.
,,Why do you even still sit with her? She's so messy. I bet she’d get me dirty only by talking to me. Haha!’’
She and her evil best friend laughed like 2 lunatics while I teared up and ran away to the playground.
I hid behind one of the many obstacles big enough to hide my 5-foot frame (1.60 m)
Why are they so mean? I only said the truth.
A few seconds later he found me and sobbing quietly, my four friends by his side.
,,Baby, what's wrong? Why are you shedding these tears, huh?’’
Hobi came up to me and wiped them from my cheeks after I told them what happened.
He looked a bit angry but told me to follow him to the table we just sat at where the two girls were still snickering about me telling mean lies about me to each other.
,,Chae, me and these five, nice kiddos are going to. Move to the nice kids table. But you 2 can’t sit with us. You were very mean to army and disrespected her. You even ignored her and from these rules about their special nickname they told you not to use it, but you did it anyways, didn't you? That was very mean. You two apologize to her right now before we go.
They apologized and promised to never use my special nickname for Beomie again.
After moving to another table, we ate our lightweight lunch, a sandwich with baby carrots and fruit as a side dish. I got strawberries and so did Woozi, Taehyun and Beomie got grapes but kai got apple slices.
,,what's wrong kai?’’
Taehyun then proceeded to explain to me that kai hates apples.
,,Oh, you can have my strawberries! Wanna trade?’’
He agreed.
,,Wow, you're so nice, Areumie! Such a good girl. I'll add a silver star to your chart for your kind act of service. Good girl!
Hobi’s praise always makes me blush.
The last two lessons we played hide and seek and read some Korean stories.
My favorite one was the one called Mother Holder.
I'm going to ask Dada to get me that book. He always spoils me.
But now it's time for the parents to pick up the little ones
,,Angel!’’ Dada is here, he just called me!
I run towards him and hug him tight.
,,I have a lot to tell you and Papa, Dada!’’
After rambling to him about my 2 golden stars, my math success, and my new best friends, I ask him.
,,Dada, I wanna have a sleepover with Beomie, Tae, Kai and Woozi! We want to watch Barbie and play with Dinos. Please, please, please!
Dada said that he and Papa will talk about it, but before the real sleepover happens, a play date with their mommies will be arranged.
,,Thank you. I love you lots, Dada and Papa!’’
,,We love you Daddy. We love you too, baby. Let's go home now.’’
I love it here in Seoul, at Sunshine playcare and in my new home too!!
Believe it or not,this is one of my first fanfictions!! The little!reader OC doesn't always have the name Areum but in this fic she does!! I'd appreciate some feedback in the comments ,hope ya'll like it 💗
I was the one requested "the right way"! Thank you for writing it! It was 💦💦😍 love it!
Omgggg, I’m sooo happy you liked it , I really appreciate it ‼️💗
I hope you request another ff soon !! It really is my pleasure to write them 😅‼️