hello yes hi i am fallen and i can't get up | she/her | warning, this product may contain: relentless screaming, skeletons, and the occasional "normal" post
169 posts
That-fallen-child - This Is A Dumpster Fire - Tumblr Blog
Are you guys aware of chimney swifts??
They’re in the same order as hummingbirds and, in some positions, you can see the resemblance

But like… a hummingbird that’s cosplaying as a falcon.

Sleek. Efficient. Aerodynamic. Perfectly optimized.
Also they like to sleep in chimneys, hence the name, and when they perch they become very very flat

They also like to sleep in groups

Anyway 10/10 weird little beast. Love these little flat fuck hummingbird falcons

this is the money garf. reblog for untold pasta and riches to come your way
which one of u was going to tell me that tea tastes different if u put it in hot water?
i put “All I Want for Christmas is You” through a MIDI converter, and then back through an mp3 converter
the result is this garbage
oh yeah, in celebration of 2019, i feel like it is important to note that 2019 is the last year that chara falling into the underground can happen….

you know what that means yall, gotta go dive into a hole in a mountain this year or never

new tumblr people if you have a blank blog and you only like stuff but never reblog anything people are going to assume you're not a real person and block you

deez boots r made 4 walkin’
there is no audience to perform for, there is no approval, no admiration to attain. there is no role worth playing, there is no one to convince. let it go
i cant fucking take it anymore. (standing perfectly still, is not visibly stressed, appears normal)
mutuals if you don’t come into my render distance soon i am going to despawn
hey mutuals jsyk I baked an imaginary batch of brownies and put them on the shared table in our imaginary break room so you can grab one on the way to your blog this morning