Church Boy-Costume
Church Boy-Costume
A few days had passed since the night with me and Travis. Today was October 26th. Ash, Larry, Chug, Maple, Todd, Neil, Lisa, Travis, and I had all decided to go shopping for costumes. I was surprised that Lisa wanted a costume, she said it was because she was going to be handing out candy to the kids at the entrance. She didn't have to; she didn't even get paid for it. She just enjoyed it.
What a sweetheart!
"You guys ready?" Ash asked. "Yup!" Larry answered, putting on the last bit of his eyeliner. "=
*Time Skip*
Once we were all gathered, everybody figured out how they were going to get around. Larry drove with Lisa, Chug, Maple, and Todd. Neil rode on the back of Ash's bike and I drove with Travis.Β
We decided to all meet up at the closet Halloween store. "Frank's Halloween Supplies!" It read the tacky flashing lights were always dimmed and flickering. "Trav, come on!" I called, unlocking the car door so he could jump in. "You're driving? Do you have a license?" he asked, buckling his seatbelt. "Yes, I am. And yes, IΒ doΒ have a license. Not a real one!" I said, pulling out a fake license I had Larry make for me.
"I'll see you soon, God." Travis remarked, putting his hand into a praying formation and he looked up and closed his eyes. "Oh, shut up." I retorted, pulling out of the driveway.Β
*Time Skip*
We were halfway there until I looked over at Travis. He had the window down and his hair was blowing everywhere. He had his head nearly out the window and was all smiles. "You having fun?" I yell, trying to carry my voice over the Sanity's Fall song and the sound of air whooshing around. He nodded gleefully and smiled even wider, something I didn't think to be possible.Β
Once we pulled up, I saw Ash and Neil talking outside the building. Travis and I got out and ran up to them, me beating Travis by a foot. "Ha! Loser!" I mocked, holding up an L sign. "Whatever, midget." he retorted, flipping me off.
The four of us talked until the rest of the group arrived. Once they did, we all filed in and went our ways. I went to the aisle with the makeup. I was planning on decorating my mask to look like Jason Vorhees. I grabbed another mask and started walking out of the aisle.Β
I was walking when I ran into someone and fell to the ground. "Sal? I'm so sorry!" a male voice yelled. I looked up to see Travis standing there, falling to his knees and looking to make sure I was okay. Blood started flowing from his nose and I took off my jacket and placed it under his nose, not caring about it staining.Β
He held it there until the bleeding stopped. Once it had, he and I walked around with each other. I picked up the mask and watched as Travis picked out a cute little skeleton onesie that he was going to wear.Β
I searched for the rest of our group. After everyone was accounted for, we paid and left. Nobody told anyone what they got; we're gonna try them all on and do a little fashion show.
*Time Skip*
We got back to the apartments and decided it'd be best to use Larry's place because he had enough room for all of us. We entered and saw the decorations that had been hung by Lisa and my dad. There were spider webs, spiders, goop, and fake blood. It looked really cool. Even Travis thought so.
We drew straws and Lisa went first. She grabbed her bag and went into the bathroom of her apartment to change. She returned a second later in a long white dress. "You got that at Frank's?" Larry asked. "Nope! I have something to tell you all! Henry and I are getting married!" she announced, pride surging through her voice. "Really?!" Larry and I said in unison. "Really!" she assured.Β
After us talking about the wedding, it was someone else's turn. Drawing straws again, it was Maple's turn. She left and returned in a mummy outfit. "Plot twist: I stole all your toilet paper!" she joked, sitting down. Now, it was Larry's go. He left and returned in a sheet with holes for his eyes and arms. "Dude, are you serious?" I choked out, stifling a cackle. "Yup." he assured, plopping down on the floor. "That's so fucking gay." Maple remarked. "Shut up! You crushed on Ash all of the 6th grade!" Larry exposed, earning a redness to emerge from Maple's cheeks. "Shut up..." she muttered, brooding away from the rest of us.Β
Then it was Todd, Neil, Travis, and me. Todd was an angel and Neil was a devil. Once it was Travis' turn, he snatched up his bag and ran as fast as I'd ever seen him.Β
Travis' POV:
I practically flew out of the room and into the hall. I ran into the bathroom and threw off my clothes. Grabbing my bag, I rummaged through it and found the first piece. I put it on and quickly finished the look.Β
Seeing as though this is the first Halloween, I've been able to celebrate, I wanted everyone to remember what I've done. Once I was done, I ran back into the room and a burst of laughter followed right after my entry.Β
I looked around. Larry was rolling around, Maple was wiping under her eyes, Chug wasn't paying attention, too busy gawking at Maple, Neil and Todd shared a look of worry and Lisa looked confused. In my opinion, the funniest reaction that I got was Sal's. He was confused and red as he could get. "Travis..." he muttered. "Yea, Sal?" I asked, stifling a laugh of my own. "Follow me..." he requested. "Yes, sir." I joked, following behind like a dog as Sal walked to the elevator.
Sal's POV:
Travis walked back in, and laughter erupted from nearly everyone in the room. I felt my face and ears get hot. There he was, standing in my doorway in aΒ maid suit and fucking fishnets...
I couldn't resist.Β
"Travis..." I muttered. "Yea, Sal?" he asked, stifling a laugh. "Follow me." I demanded. "Yes, sir." he retorted. My face heated up even more at his teasing antics. I'm not sure he was even aware of what he was doing to me.Β
I dragged him up to my apartment and slammed open the door, knowing my dad was in the kitchen. "Run." I whispered to him. He nodded and bolted to my room, opening the door and entering. After he entered, my father turned around. "Hey, Dad." I greeted. "Hey, bud. Lisa tell you anything cool lately?" he asked, smiling to himself. "Yea, she told me." I answered. "We have to talk later; I have stuffΒ I need to do." I said, walking into my room and locking the door behind me.Β
Travis was already there, confused and sitting on my bed. "What? Is something up?" he asked. I nodded, technically telling the truth. "Well, what's up?" Travis asks, smiling nervously.Β
Originally posted March 23rd 2023 on Wattpad
"Church Boy." - Costume - Wattpad
star-dox liked this · 1 year ago
More Posts from Thatonewatching
Church Boy-Offer
Travis' POV:
I punched him...
HolyΒ shit...
After that, I just walked away. I couldn't let anyone see my fucking sinning face. I went to the bathroom and locked myself in a stall. I tried to hold them back, but I ended up crying like the failure I am...
I stayed quiet, now and then a small sob would escape. After a few minutes, I heard footsteps and wiped my eyes. "Someone in here?" a sweet voice asked.Β
I recognized it.
"No shit, get out."
"Are you okay?"
"What do you think!?"
"...Why do you hate me so much...?"
"Because you and your friends are a bunch of fags! God will never love you, why should I?"
"Y'know, we're not all gay. Except for me and Todd, were super gay."
"...I don't really hate you...or your friends..."
"I didn't think so..."
"Hey, if you ever want to, y'know, hang out or get away from your dad, you could hang out with me."
"Just, think about it and let me know. If you ever need anybody to talk to, I'm always here for you. I will never turn you down, my doorΒ is always open."
"No problem!"
"But, why are you being so niceΒ to me?"
"I don't think you're a bad guy, Travis. Under all that anger, I think there's a good dude who's afraid to be himself."
"You're wrong..."
"You're wrong. I am of nothing good. I am a sinner. I am a failure..."
"Travis, don't say that. You aren't any of those things. If I thought so, I wouldn't be here."
"Thanks, Sally face..."
"Of course, Travis."
"Hey, um."
"It's just...Mrs. Packerton said I needed some tutoring. Do you...know anyone who could...?"
"I could!"
"Yeah, if that's okay with you. We don't have to be friends, but I wouldn't mind helping."
"Are you sure? I mean, after what just happened, I didn't think you'd even consider me human."
"Travis, we can be friends...we don't have to be enemies..."
"Are you free after school? We could start today."
"Yea...I'll have to...sneak out..."
'Oh, no. You don't have to. I could go over to your house! Or we could meet at the park or something. I don't want to get you in trouble."
"Why the hell are you so fucking nice?"
"I...I don't know..."
"Well, I live in Addison Apartments. Stop by if you want..."
I felt my eyes tear up again. They wouldn't stop and I didn't put in an effort to make them. Footsteps erupted from in front of the stall and then the bathroom door slammed shut and I heard the bell ring. It was time for class.
I opened the stall and snatched my backpack from the floor. "Shit..." I muttered, running as fast as I could to my next class.Β
Once I arrived, I sat in the back and pulled out my book. It was about space. I stole it off my dad's shelf, I wanted to read something other than the Bible. He would've killed me if he found out, whatever. Not like he reads these anyways. Just for display.
Just likeΒ ourΒ family...
*Time Skip*
I went to my 4th class. This one I had with Sally...That fucking freak. Weird ass blue hair, I never even saw any brown spots at his roots. Was it natural? Weird... And he always wore his hair super feminine. Whether it was in pigtails, ponytails, or space buns, it was feminine. His eyes always shone through his mask. They were the same color as his hair, too.Β
Baby blue...
They could practically see through me. That's what it felt like, at least, when he looked at me. They were kind of pretty. Actually, I think one of them is fake. When he rolls his eyes at me, only one rolls. The other one stays in place, maybe shift a little. His piercings were kinda cool, too.
He had his cartilage pierced. I think he did all his piercings at home because he had a safety pin through it with a little dried blood. He wasn't a pussy, I could give him that.
"Mr. Phelps, please read the next paragraph for us." The teacher called out, snapping me out of my trance.Β
I hadn't noticed, but I was staring at Sal. "Uh, yea." I said, finding where we were and continue the article. After I finished, the class grew silent, and I looked around. I noticed Sal staring at me and I quickly looked away. "Mr. Fisher, staring isn't polite. Please turn around." the teacher rhetorically asked. "Yes, sir..." Sal answered, turning back around and looking down at his textbook.Β
"Alright, for the homework tonight, you are all required to read the rest of the section and write a summary with at least 4 paragraphs and 5 sentences in each. Thank you and see you all tomorrow." he said, allowing us to leave. "Mr. Phelps and Mr. Fisher, do you mind staying back?" he called, standing by the door.Β
Sal and I shared a look of confusion before waiting with the teacher until everyone else left. After everyone was gone, he started to talk to us. "I have the understanding that one of you is exceptionally gifted in mat but not so much in literature. The other one is the opposite. I recommend that you two tutor and helpΒ each other for your own sake. Finals are coming up and I want you all to pass. Please consider this. I don't want to hold eitherΒ of you back..." the teacher offered, suggesting that we take his advice.Β
"Now, I'll write you two some passes, and you can get going." he informed, clapping his hands to signify the end of the conversation. Sal nodded and I stayed still, tappingΒ my foot. He finished the passes and sent us onΒ our way.Β
After getting to my next class, I sat in an empty seat and started reading. "Mr. Phelps, could youΒ please tell the class what has piqued your interest so?" My teacher said, crossing her arms and scowling. "Um...just this book..." I answered, closing the book and putting it on my desk.Β
"Hmm..." she irritably said, turning back around and finishing her examples. After that class, I finished my next with no interruptions.
I walked out of the class and to my locker. After grabbing my things, I closed it and started to walk away before someone grabbed me by the back of my shirt. I was yanked to theΒ ground and looked up to see Larry Johnson standing above me. "The fuck do you want?!" I yelled, squirming a little. "You wanna pick fights? Huh? You wanna pick fights with Sal, do you? See It doesn't feel good when someone bigger than you pick on you, does it?" he jeered, smiling wildly.
"Larry! What the hell?!" A voice yelled.
"What the fuck are you doing to him?" Sal asked, grabbing Larry by the back of his shirt and yanking him off me. When they fell on the floor, Larry fell on top of Sal. Larry was pinning Sal down.Β
I'm not sure why, but that pushed me over the edge. I got up and threw my biggest textbook at Larry's face. "Fuck you, asshole!" I screamed, watching as blood trickled out of his nose and onto his shirt.
"What the hell, man?!" he yelled back, holding back tears.
I walked away after that...
(Originally posted on May 15th 2023 on Wattpad)
"Church Boy." - Offer - Wattpad
Church Boy-Caught
We sat there for a few minutes, I was massaging his back and he was resting his head on my shoulder as his tears dried up. "You ready to go?" I ask, slowing the pace I was rubbing his back. "Mhm..." he muttered. "Okay, let's go..." I say, helping him stand up.Β
I made sure to walk slowly as we climbed down the steps. Once we reached the ground, I pulled him into another hug. Larry was standing in shock. His arms were tense, and his shoulders were brought up close to his chin.Β
"What do you want to do?" I ask, letting go of him as his hands slowly fell off of me as our distance grew. "Nap. I'm so fucking tired." he answered. "Larry, I'm gonna take Travis back to my room. I'll see you later." I said, grabbing Travis' wrist and leading him back to my apartment. "Alright, I'm going up in the...the treehouse..." Larry said, fumbling over his words.Β
I walked Travis to my room, helping him into the elevator as he could barely pay any attention to his surroundings. "This way." I say, stepping out of the elevator and walking to my room. I grabbed my keys and unlocked the door, walking in with an exasperated Travis following behind like a lap dog.
We entered the apartment, and I guided Travis to my room. He fell onto my bed and turned over onto his back. "Sal, can we" Travis asked, putting his arm under his head. "Of course, Travis." I assured. "Do you like video games?" I asked. "Dunno never played one." he answered.Β
I wasn't even surprised. He didn't seem like the type to be allowed. "Do you want to?" I asked. "Sure, guess so." he said, shifting to lie on his side, supporting his head with his hand. "Gimme a sec, I'll get my Gear Boy." I murmured, searching under my bed for the game.Β
Once I found it, I picked it up and crawled out from underneath the bed. "Found it!" I shouted, sitting up and onto my knees. "How do I play it?" he asked, holding it by his index and thumb as if it were a dirty diaper. "Here, let me show you." I said, crawling onto the bed and resting next to him.
"Ok, so, you press this button to move and that one to pick up stuff." I explained, helping him as I walked him through the first level. "Oh, ok." he said, continuing his gaming session. Once he got the gist of it, I watched him as he sped through the levels that even I had struggled with at first.
Once he got to the level I was on, I watched as he quickly figured out what to do and finished the game. "How the fuck...?" I mutter, in complete and utter shock. "That was fun!" He says, smiling profusely. "Did you really just...beat the game?!" I ask, eyes wide. "I guess so." he said, oblivious to his accomplishment.
After I got over my shock, I pulled out some card games and taught him how to play those as well. He caught on quickly and was soon speedily laying down cards until the inevitable happened. "Uno!" he shouted. "Dude!" I yell. He chuckled a little and waited for me to lay my card so he could win. "Uno out!" he yelled, smiling hard and obviously proud.Β
After a few more rounds and a few more losses, we decided we were hungry. A few hours had passed, and it was now around 10 at night. "You hungry?" I ask. "A little." he answered. I stood up and walked to my door. I gestured for him to follow me, and he did.Β
We walked into the living room and Travis effortlessly lifted himself onto the counter. "What are you hungry for?" I ask, opening my fridge. "Kinda whatever, just hungry." he said, shrugging his shoulders. " you want a sandwich and chips?" I ask, grabbing for the cheese and bologna.
"Sure." he said, glancing around the room. "Wheat or white bread?" I ask, grabbing two paper plates. "Either one, I'm not picky, Sal." he assured with a chuckle. "Sorry, ha. Not used to making food for others. Just me and my dad, and I already know what he likes and doesn't like." I joked, slathering some mayo on my sandwich. "Any condiments?" I ask. "Nope!" Travis answered, hopping off the counter and walking over to me.
*Time Skip*
We talked while I finished the sandwiches and grabbed some chips from the cabinet. We walked to the living room and sat on the couch. I turned on the TV and switched to some show, for background noise.Β
We sat down and I unbuckled the bottom of my mask. "Just take it off, I've already seen it." Travis said, eyes not leaving the screen. "You sure? I don't want to make you uncomfortable with..." I stopped. "You aren't as ugly as you think, you know that, right?" Travis said, stealing a quick glance at me.Β
"Shut up..." I murmured. "No, really. You aren't. Not to me, at least. If you don't want me to, I won't look. I just want you to eat comfortably." Travis said, putting his food down and looking at me. Sincerity filled his eyes as he stared at me. "Ok..." I said, unbuckling the rest of my maks and letting it fall into my lap.Β
"Am I allowed to look? Or no?" Travis asked, head facing the opposite direction. "Sure, just don't stare." I said, watching as he turned his head to face me. As his eyes darted from place to place on my face, I watched as his cheeks grew a deep red. "You're really red." I pointed out. "I am?" he asked, not believing me. "Yep." I assured.Β
He jokingly rolled his eyes and took another bite of his sandwich. As we finished eating, the door rattled open, and my father walked in. "Sal? Travis? What are you boys doing up?" my dad asked, eyes heavy and arms weak. "Just got hungry, we were about to go to bed anyways. Right, Travis?" I said, glaring at him so he gets my point. "Yup!" Travis said, giving a weary smile.Β
"Alright, just get some rest. It's already 12." my father said, retiring to his room. "Are weΒ actuallyΒ going to bed?" Travis asked. I smiled maliciously. "Nope!" I whispered, gently tapping his nose. He sarcastically rolled his eyes and smiled at me.
I felt my phone vibrate in my pocket. Picking it up and checking it, I saw that it was a message from Larry.Β
"Dude! Neil's having a prty! U coming?" he texted. "yea! Gotta ask Trav first!" I texted back. "Trav, you wanna go to a party at Neil's place? You don't have to-" I was quickly cut off by Travis flipping out and aggressively agreeing to go. "Yes! Yes! Yes! I've never been to a party!" he said, practically bouncing off the walls. "Alright! Chill, if my dad wakes up we can't go!" I whisper-yelled.Β
"Sorry! I'm just excited!" he replied, stifling his energy and walking with me to my room. "If we're going, you gotta dress right." I joked, pointing to my bed, watching as he sat down quickly. I pulled out a black turtlenecked sweater and some red ripped jeans.Β
"Can't I wear this?" he asked. "Yea, you can. I was kidding about the clothing thing." I explained, smiling sweetly. "Oh..." he said, now understanding the joke. "If you want you can, only if you want, though." I said. "Turn around."Β
He did as I said and faced the wall. Once I was done changing, I let him turn back around. He gave a thumbs up and a sweet smile. "So, you wearing that?" I ask, eying him up and down. He was wearing a purple shirt and some jean shorts with deep green sneakers.Β
"Guess so." he answered, shrugging his shoulders. "Okay, let's go meet with Larry." I said, guiding him quietly through the apartment.Β
*Time Skip*
Larry met us in the lobby and then drove us to the house. He knew his way to the house, must've been a few times. "We're here!" Larry yelled.
Travis' eyes grew wide, and a large grin was now plastered on his face. "You ready?" I asked, nudging shoulder with my elbow.Β
(Originally posted March 19th 2023 on Wattpad)
"Church Boy." - Caught - Wattpad
Church Boy-War
He smirked at me and then started facing the TV, trying to play off what he was going to do. Slowly, he reached his hand over and tugged on my hair. I let out a whimper of pain and delight. My father turned to me, eyebrow cocked and still chewing. "You alright?" he asked, eying me.Β
"Yea. Just choked on some food." I said, waving my hand to brush it off. He nodded and turned back to the TV. I looked over at Travis who was avoiding my gaze, stifling a laugh as his face turned red. I licked my finger and stuck it in his ear, earning a face of discomfort and disgust.Β
"Hey, Trav, you okay?" I innocently asked. "Mhm..." he murmured. My father looked over at him, confused. "So, what have you boys been up to?" he knowingly asked. "Oh, uhm, nothing. Just, playing games and stuff." Travis answered, also picking up the tone of my father's voice. "That all?" he asked, turning to me. "Yea, pretty much."Β
"Mhm, well...I need to be off to bed. Remember, you guys have school. It's 11 PM; get some sleep." father said, putting his dish in the sink and going to bed. "Okay, dad. We will." I promised. "Love you, dad." I called, finishing my food and putting my dish in the sink as well. "Love you too." he responded, closing his door.Β
Travis finished too and we went to bed. He crawled next to me and placed me near his stomach. We were spooning. His hands were resting on my stomach and clutching one of mine. "Goodnight, I love you." he whispered, leaving a small kiss on the crook of my neck. "I love you too."
Originally posted March 24th 2023
"Church Boy." - War - Wattpad
Church Boy-Life of the party
As we entered the house, the smell of drugs, booze, and sweat filled my nose. "Ew..." I muttered, scrunching my eyes at the stench. "Hey, guys!" Neil yelled, walking up to us with a red solo cup. "Hey, Neil. Hey, Todd." Larry said, pulling both of them into a hug.Β
"You brought Travis?" Neil asked, his once friendly and welcoming demeanor changing into concern and slight shock. "No, I did." I chimed in, grabbing Travis' shoulders and pulling him into a hug. "Oh, alright. No slurs and shit." Neil said, shrugging his shoulders and walking off with Todd trailing behind.Β
"You guys want something to drink?" Larry asked. "I don't drink." I said, waving my hands to signify I was fine. "Uhm...sure! Why not!?" Travis said, smiling wildly. "Gotcha!" Larry said, sprinting off into the crowd.Β
Travis and I talked for a minute before Larry returned with two solo cups. "Here ya go!" Larry exclaimed, handing one of the cups to Travis. "Thanks." Travis muttered, smelling the drink that was just barely filling half the cup.Β
While Larry downed his with ease, Travis took large sips but often recoiled after. Once Travis finished his drink, he tried to take a step toward me but stumbled and fell into my arms. "Calm down, Trav." I joked, holding him so he could steady himself. "I wanna-" he started but was immediately cut off by his own giggles and hiccups.
"You need to sit down." I said, looking around for Larry, Neil, or Todd. Once I spotted Neil, I called him over and asked where the nearest bedroom was.Β
"Neil! Neil! Over here!"
"Yea, Sal?"
"Where's the nearest bedroom? Travis is drunk and can't exactly function."
"Ha, that's hilarious. Never thought I'd see the day."
"Me neither."
"Anyways, the nearest one is just up there. No sex!" he joked, pointing to a room at the top of the stairs. I felt my face get warmer as I thought about his words. "Promise..." I said. Guiding Travis slowly up the steps one by one, hoping he wouldn't fall. We got to the room and he fell into the bed.Β
I closed the door behind me and walked to where he was. "Sally, I want another drink!" he whined through hiccups. "Are you sure? You're fucking drunk already." I asked. "Yup!" he said, a hiccup following after. "Alright, I'll be right back." I said.Β
I walked to the door and left. Running to the kitchen and grabbing a solo cup. I poured some vodka into the cup, nearly filling it. I swiftly walked back to the room with Travis and tried to open the door. It was locked. I knew that Travis hadn't done it himself because he couldn't even walk by himself.
"Trav! Open the door!" I yelled, knocking profusely. "Get-" he yelled. "Help!" a boy's voice yelled. "Sal!" Travis yelled. I sat the cup down, fearing that what I thought was going on in the room wasΒ reallyΒ going on. I stepped back and rammed into the door, shifting it.
I saw fucking red as I heard Travis sobbing on the other side and another boy's voice yelling at him to shut up. I rammed into the door again, this time it busted open, and I saw the sad scene in front of me.
Travis was pinned down on the bed underneath a much larger boy with darker blue hair than I. He was wearing a red-striped shirt and black sweats. I said nothing, instead, I ran at him with full force. He looked like a deer in headlights as I barreled toward him. He fell to the floor with my straddling his waist.
I let my anger get the better of me as I blew punch after punch to his fucking face. He was bleeding and my knuckles were sore. The pain from ramming into the door was settling in but I couldn't stop. I watched as his nose bled and he cried out for me to stop and that it was not what it seems.Β "Shut up you fucking pervert!" I screamed, taking my fists and slamming them into his chest. He clawed at my arms and neck.
Eventually, he latched his grubby little fucking hands onto my mask and ripped it off over my head. My mask was thrown across the room, close to Travis who had his back against the wall, shaking and crying.Β
I only stopped once somebody pulled me off of him. "Sal, what the fuck?!" Larry screamed, throwing me onto the bed effortlessly.Β "He fucking assaulted Travis!"Β Β I screamed, tears pouring out from my eyes. I felt eyes all over me. It hadn't struck me before, but I no longer had my mask on, and it had been strewn somewhere in the room.Β
"He did...?" Ash asked, stepping forward. "Obviously he fucking did! Look at him," I yelled, pointing to Travis. "he's shaking and fucking sobbing! Somebody get him out of here before I lose my shit on all of you!" I screamed, sounding oddly similar to a Banshee. "He...he did this to me too...I fought him off, but some people can't..." Ash admitted.Β
Gasps and whispers emanated from the crowd formed outside the door. "Travis...come here..." Ash said, arms open and a genuine smile spread across her face. Travis crawled off the bed and stumbled over to Ashley. She pulled him into a hug, and he returned the favor.Β
Larry was staring down at the blue-haired adolescent, rage, and contempt surging through his body. He bent down and grabbed the collar of the smaller teen's shirt, lifting him without struggle. "I ought to break your jaw right know that? Do you want that? Or do you want me to just fucking kill you?" Larry asked, voice quiet and laced with poison.Β
The teen shook his head, fear filling his eyes as Larry stared at him. "Then I'll give you a fucking minute to be out of this damn house..." he muttered, dropping the boy to the floor. He groaned in pain and Larry smirked sadistically.Β
Then, he started counting down. "60...59...58..." he said, watching as the boy writhed around, scrambling to get to his feet and out the bedroom door. He practically flew down the steps and out of the house, jumping into his car and trying to drive away.Β
As he attempted to get the car to start, Maple walked into the room with the biggest grin on her face. "Yea, he's not going anywhere." she said, trying to stifle a laugh. "What'd you do?" Ash asked, already knowing it was some crazy ass shit. She snorted out a laugh and pulled a knife out of her pocket. "Slashed his tires." she answered, putting the knife back in her pocket.Β
"Crazy ass." Larry said, jokingly rolling his eyes. Chug walked into the room, dizzily smiling. "Someone's in love..." Larry joked, bending down to my level. "No duh, we should set them up." I suggested, nudging his side. "Great idea, Sal." Larry complimented, smirking as we agreed on being cupid. "We'll worry about that later. Right now, Travis needs me."
I walked over to the shaking boy, huddled to himself by the wall. "Hey, Travis." I said, taking a seat next to him. "Hey..." he muttered, not even meeting my gaze. "You wanna go home?" I ask, slinging my arm around his shoulder and pulling him closer. He lay his head on my shoulder and sighed deeply. "Sal..." he whispered.Β
"I wish you wouldn't have saved me..."
(originally posted March 19th 2023 on Wattpad)
"Church Boy." - Life of the Party - Wattpad
Church Boy-Truthful
I stood up from the floor. "Larry, do you have some paper and something to write with?" I ask. "Yea, right here." He said, pointing to a shoebox next to him. "Thank you." I said, opening it to reveal a few notebooks and some writing utensils.Β
"No problem, Travis." he said, continuing with his art. I walked back to the spot I was at and sat down once again. I sat the paper on the top of the lid to a container nowhere in sight that was resting on the floor.
"πΌ ππππ ππ½πΎπ πΎπ πππππ. πΌ ππππ. π’ππΉ, π πππΆππ π»ππππΎππ ππ. πΌ ππΆππ ππ π·π π·πππππ, πΆππΉ πΌ πΉππ'π ππΆππ ππ π·π ππ½πΎπ ππΆπ. πΌ ππΎππ½ πΌ πΈππππΉ πΏπππ πΈπ½πΆπππ πΆππΉ π·π π·πππππ. ππΆππ·π, πΎπ» πΌ πππΉ πΎπ, πΎπΒ ππΎππΒ π·π π·πππππ. πΌ πΏπππ ππΎππ½ πΌ πΈππππΉ πΈπ½πΆπππ ππππππ». πΌ ππΎππ½ πΌ ππΆππ'π πΆ ππΎππππ. πΌ ππΎππ½ πππ ππππ πΆ ππΎππ. πΌ ππππ πππ πΆππΉ ππππ ππππ πΆππΉ ππππ ππΆπππ½ πΆππΉ πππΎπΈπ. π΄πππ πππππ πΎπ ππππΆπ, πΆππΉ πΌ ππΎππ½ πππ π»πππ ππ½π ππΆππ. πΌ ππΎππ½ πππ ππππ πΆ ππΎππ..."
I wrote, tears coming to my eyes.Β
Sal's POV:Β
I was in my room, lying on my bed and holding the stuffed cat my mother had gotten me when I was younger. It looked like Gizmo. My dad got Gizmo because he looked like an animal, we got him after the accident. He was my favorite little boy. My lil' meatball boy.
I smiled a little, happy I still could after what just went down. I tossed and turned around. Soon after I got comfy, my walkie-talkie beeped, and Larry started talking to me. "Hey, Sal?" he softly called out. "Yea?" I exasperatedly ask. "Travis is being, like, super fucking weird. He's being all quiet and polite. Can you come over?" he asked, a genuine sense of worry in his voice. "Sure, I'll be right up." I assure him, slipping on my shirt.
*Time Skip*
I was in the elevator now when my walkie-talkie went off again. "Dude, he just left." Larry said, panic settling in his voice. "Where'd he go?" I ask, just as concerned. "Outback. Asked me for some paper and something to write with. After he wrote something down, he put it in his pocket and left. What if it's, like, a suicide note or something?" Larry suggested, causing my heart to race and my brow to sweat. "Let's hope not..."
I ran out of the elevator as it opened, the door still sliding slightly. I ran to his room, not bothering to knock or tell anyone why I was there. "Hey, Sal." My dad greeted me from the couch. "Hi, dad!" I yelled back, faking happiness as I panicked harder. I busted into Larry's room to find him already dressed and ready to go. "C'mon!" I yelled, grabbing his wrist and dragging him to the door.Β
As we exited the building, the sight of bright blonde hair at the top caught me off guard. "Travis, what the fuck are you doing?" I yelled, body beginning to shake but most likely not from the cold. "I'm fucking done." he yelled back, taking a small step forward.Β
My heart sped up and my intrusive thoughts got the better of me.
Travis' POV:
I was standing at the edge. His bright blue hair caught my attention. "Travis, what the fuck are you doing?!" he yelled. "I'm done." I replied, taking a small step as I recalled every fucking time my father punished me.Β
Every time I watched my mother bleeding on the floor.
Every time I cut my body up.Β
Every time I feared coming home.Β
Every time I begged for my father's approval and love.Β
Every time I thought of Sal.Β
Every damn time.
"Leave. I know you don't care. I know it. Stop pretending you do so everyone will look at you like you're a saint. You are the epitome of evil. You are a sinner. A freak!"Β I yelled, clenching my fists. Sal took a step back and looked at Larry. He said something, I could tell because his mask shifted.Β
After he turned away from Larry, he faced the treehouse and started bolting towards it. He climbed the steps at an inhuman pace, something I never thought would be possible for a guy his size.Β
Once he reached me, he tackled me to the ground and pulled me into a hug. "Travis, what the fuck were you thinking?!" he screamed, hugging me tighter.Β
Sal's POV:
I looked up at the boy, fear in his eyes and anger in his stance. I turned towards Larry and started talking. "I'm going to save his life, even if it costs me mine. I promise." I said, Larry turned to me with fear and guilt in his eyes. "I love you, bro. So much. Be fuckin' careful and don't do anything stupid." he said, looking back toward Travis. He looked down at me with hate.Β "Leave. I know you don't care. I know it. Stop pretending you do so everyone will look at you like you're a saint. You are the epitome of evil. You are a sinner. A freak!" he yelled.
I took a deep breath and ran as fast as my legs would take me to the treehouse. I climbed up the steps, ravaging my fingers and hands as I did. Once I reached the top, I tackled him to the ground, hugging him and wishing I could hold on forever. "Travis, what the fuck were you thinking?!" I screamed, tightening my grasp.Β
He looked at me with pure fear. "I don't know..." he said, falling into my arms and letting the tears drip from his deep amber eyes. "Don't you ever fucking scare me like that again..." I whispered, taking in everything I could.Β
He smelled like vanilla and new book; his eyes were amber, and he had dark bags under them. Small freckles could be seen if you looked hard enough. He looked exhausted. "I was so scared..." he admitted. "Travis, I was too..." I assured. "What...?" he asked, confused and sad. "I tried too. My dad found me and cut the rope. I'm so fucking grateful..." I said, letting out a breath I didn't know I was holding.Β
Travis stayed silent for a moment, accepting my hug and letting me rub his back as I talked to him. "Trav, why do you hate me?" I asked, trying not to dampen the already cold mood. He said nothing, instead, he sighed and buried his face into my neck. "I don't know..." he truthfully answered. "It's okay..." I assured, using my fingers to massage his spine.Β
"Travis, we don't have to be enemies, you know that, right?" I ask, cupping his cheek as he stared at me. "I know..." he said, dropping his head onto my shoulder. "Friends?" I ask.Β
(Originally Posted March 19th 2023 on Wattpad)
"Church Boy." - Truthful - Wattpad