Sally Face Fanfiction - Tumblr Posts
Phasmophobia Au
Sally Face Edition
(Alt ! Au)
ft: sal, larry, travis (,ash, todd, and neil) tw: ghosts, murder, violence, demoniacs, weed, implied romance? i have never smoked weed can you tell? not beta read forgive me edit: it was beta read now yay a/n: i'm writing this up on my laptop rather than my phone, which i lost. anyways, feel free to request. this was heavily inspired by mark, bob, wade, (jack/sean) i also rewatched sally face fandub, it's pretty neat. you should watch it too. i added travis cause he's silly
after high school, after everything at the addison apartments, things you all knew you couldn't just leave the paranormal life behind. enrolling in collage, school went about the same. you moved in with your friends, and life was relatively normal.
you were laying on the wood floor, mind feeling a bit fuzzy. larry talking nonstop, sal sitting on the bed with his back against the wall. an odd silence filled the room, then larry spoke up.
"dudes, wait, wait, actually, hear me out on this one," larry slurred sitting up on the beanbag chair. "what if we like hunted ghost? ghostnabbers 'n shit." he waved his hands around dramatically. "larry, what. man, wait, what?" sal sat up as well. you turned your head to look over at larry not getting up from the floor. "just hear me out! like, i got this flyer from some dude talkin' about his ghost hunting job, showed me all his ghost tracking shit." larry stumbled to his feet, rushing to his desk dropping the flyer on your face. the paper covering your face for a moment before you grabbed it off, looking it over. in your high mind, this looked like the best idea that could have ever been said. "no way." you dragged yourself to your feet, plopping on sal's bed, showing him the flyer. sal looked it over as well. you were a group of unsupervised, high out of their mind, teens. of course, you were going to do it.
the others took some convincing, but they were in. it seemed it wasn't just you three that missed your paranormal fascination.
how you managed to get travis involved? he saw a flyer, thought it looked stupid. but, the more he looked at it, the more a strange fascination fell onto him. he knew ghosts were real, but actually searching for the things, solving their mysteries. he heard the ghost group talking about them, and tried not to eavesdrop, but couldn't help himself. (also, he heard you say it was pretty cool.) he called for the job and nailed it. now he has to deal with all of you and you all have to deal with him.
you, sal, larry, ash, and travis are usually inside the haunting grounds while todd, and neil stay in the truck, watching over and keeping equipment in check. they also often make sure you all get the objectives done. (you all refer to them as papa eagle. they share the title.)
"papa eagle, what're the objectives? over." "papa- what? over." (todd) "objectives are witness an event, capture ghost on film-" (neil)
(todd warms up to the title while neil owns it out the gate.)
(probably w/ travis) "why won't you listen to me, i already said the objectives are-" "cause you're not papa eagle." "papa huh-? i'm not calling todd or neil-" "papa eagle." "sorry, i'm not calling papa eagle- wait." "..." "..."
if you chose to partner with sal he always makes sure you got good equipment, doesn't want you to draw the short end of the stick. he cares very much.
while the idea sounded crazy at first, sal got into it after some convincing via you and larry. he nails the interview. he sees his friends did as well, and he's glad to have them onboard. though, when he sees travis is here, he had to do a double take. he's not opposed to it, just surprised. actually laughs, and nearly gets hit. larry, and ash wants to hit travis. you are the peacekeeper.
he's actually really good at this. he's had many experiences at the apartments, so the ghost violent attempts don't really phase him much.
sal likes to use the walkie even when he's in the same room as you, or anyone. finds it funny. everyone, but travis, join in.
"look, there's footprints, over." "roger, over." cue giggling. ...
"guys, you seein' this bullshit? over." "affirmative. over" "mhm, yeah. over." "i can practically smell it from here. over." "i wish i couldn't see it. over." "get off the line we're literally all in the same room. >:(" (travis) "buzz kill. over, and out." more giggling.
this man has no fear. will actively seek out the ghost, using the cursed objects. though not scared of them, he makes no room to provoke them. he's very chill with them. whether you're scared of them or not, sal's always sticking close to you just in case.
sal always ends up with a shit flashlight, or even a uv light to see. he always makes sure everyone has a good flashlight and ends up with the bad one. please help this guy. one time he got stuck with a candle. you made sure to keep close to him so he can share yours. he was very grateful.
sal has each ghost type, and behavior memorized, and actively adds to it, the twist is, they're memorized in such goofy ways.
"it's the one that can't touch the salt, finding no green stuff on the purple light, and it's talking to me over the ghost phone. over." "what- wait, huh? go again. over." "wraith, it's a wraith. over, and out."
he finds them all fascinating in honesty. if you share this interest, he tends to come to you with any, and all new information. enjoys talking to you about the kinds of ghosts and demons. you both like to take your ghostly conversations to todd, who also has everything memorized.
if you chose to partner with larry, i'll have you know larry is the instigator. this man will provoke, provoke, provoke. and will freak out when something goes wrong. he's really mellowed about it though. you, ash, and sal running in with the smudge sticks or a crucifix, trying to get the ghosts attention. travis is laughing over the walkie, todd and neil are watching in the van. he will make sure you're in the safe even when he's being stupid.
"harold wilson, harold wilson, harold wilson." "..." "..." "what a puss-" loud banging, chair is thrown but missed him. "haha. shit."
he's on a thin line between skeptic, and believer. he's always so surprised when the ghost shows themself, or if they give them evidence. he also just barley passed his interview. if it wasn't for all of you vouching for him, and being friends with the boss, he probably wouldn't have gotten the job.
larry hates mimics. hates how they give an extra piece of evidence and makes things difficult. literally calls them the try hard of the ghost community.
larry probably pulls pranks on everyone (travis). always dragging you into his pranks, sometimes pulling small one over you. larry just gets a good laugh at spooking everyone, claiming he's just "keeping you on your toes."
the ghost is always after him and travis. like, they always have it out for them. during ghost events, you could be standing right in front of it and the ghost would sidestep you and chase after them instead. everyone always pokes fun at it. secretly make sure to keep a crucifix on you at all times for him, just in case.
never leave larry alone with cursed items. he will use them without a second thought.
"and i pulled death." "you pulled what?" "death." "please, tell me you aren't using the cards." "..." "larry..." incoherent ghost noises
larry will bet on things. he would put money on what the ghost is. he will bet on chores, and such, and somehow, he always calls things. claims it's just luck, but after so many times everyone grows skeptical. he's always so lucky with the bets. probably the luckiest member out of the group.
larry is always throwing hands with travis. they can never, and i mean never be on the same page. the only time they are is during a hunt. you have to keep the peace.
if you chose travis, please be patient, he is trying. travis knows a lot about ghost, and the occult, but not about teamwork. at first, he will deny he needs a partner. it isn't until he gets the scare of his life, and you have to deter the ghost will he even consider it.
always cursing out the ghost once they are in some scary shit. he will go feral. please keep him in check.
ghost breaks the lightbulb above him "you piece of shi-" "travis, buddy, pal, friend, chum, i think it's hunting." "..." "..." "bitch."
travis keeps a tough front but will get anxious. he can deny it all he wants, but he sticks a bit closer to you, making sure to keep his flashlight on at all times, including in bright lights.
if it isn't larry getting targeted, it's him. can't explain the thought process. travis is always mumbling curses under his breath when the ghost is hunting. travis will claim he will use you as a human shield, but he doesn't. literally all his threats are empty threats. he will deny everything though. claims he didn't have the time, or something along those lines.
he oddly knows his stuff. very smart in this field of work, but 'hates' being praised for his knowledge. he brags a bit about it, only with you though.
you make travis open up a bit, he's nicer with everyone. you're not really scared of him, scolding him before he has a chance to say anything bad, or offensive to the group.
he doesn't join in any pranks, or walkie talkie jokes. he is the designated buzz kill. though, one time he did make a joke during an event. literally made you promise not to tell. blames all of you.
"make sure to take the picture of those bones. over." "wilco, taking picture now. over...wait"
always gets mad when your 'stupid' rubs off on him. but in all, he does want to make sure your safe. can't have your stupid get you in trouble, can he? he's stuck with you. (he actually isn't he just says he is cause he likes being your buddy.)
e/n: i only wrote for sal, larry, and travis cause it's going on 3am, and i'm eating shrimp stir-fry. i might do a part two, or something similar. thank you for reading :) (the beta reader is my brother{s} sue me) beta reader note: funni funni haha
hi! can i please have some cute hcs with larry johnson with a short punk s/o? you can simplify it if you need to :) -gh0stwriting (thank you!)
Pairing: Larry Johnson x short!punk!reader
Warnings: fluff, description of injury (just a mention, nothing graphic)
A/N: I hope you’ll like this! I’m not sure if it’s as cute as you expected, I guess it’s a bit because I just can’t picture punk as anything cute, but I’m just going from my experience with punk people (because it’s very common around where I live)
* * * * *
Larry Johnson with a short punk s/o
This man is intrigued from the first moment he saw you.
Your appearance would be the first to catch his eye.
You didn’t dress anything like rockers or metalheads, or anyone he’s ever seen actually
Your outfit looked looked like it was pulled out of a dumpster, given how torn and worn out it looked, and yet it was creative in a special way and he could appreciate that.
He especially likes all the chains, padlocks, clips and pins attached everywhere, it’s just so unique and cool!
Needless to say you two click without a problem.
Definitely asks you what this aesthetic is all about.
To which you respond that punk is not just an aesthetic, but more a lifestyle.
A lifestyle full of rebellion and personal freedom.
It was honestly adorable seeing you get so worked up about your beliefs with how short you are.
Not that he’d tell you that, because he was sure you’d kill him for it...
Is definitely on board with the rebellion part.
Nothing feels better than to piss off some close minded jerks after all.
Depends on what type of punk are you into, because the original lifestyle promoted some pretty controversial ideaology that I don’t think even Larry would agree with, like complete personal freedom with no order.
Anarchy is nice and not living up to what society wants from you is definitely the part of rebellious behaviour he likes and supports.
But it definitely shouldn’t cross other people’s freedom, which in itself ruins the idea of complete anarchy.
No matter what, he isn’t going to treat you differently unless you are a jerk to others for no reason, so rest assured.
If anything, he loves that you believe in your thing and don’t let anyone give you shit for it.
He would absolutely love causing trouble with you.
You’d be such a power couple, I’m swooning just imagining it!
Wouldn’t be opposed to going with you to a concert of your favourite band.
He would totally be the tall guy in the moshpit, I’m sorry.
He is used to headbanging, this is completely new to him.
Not that he doesn’t like the idea and I could see him joining you if he’d be in the mood.
But he’s very worried about you, you could get hurt! What if you fall and no one notices! They could stomp on you! And that would hurt, given the heavy boots everyone is wearing...
Relaxes when he sees people picking up others from the ground, only to nearly die when you come to tell him you probably dislocated your jaw for a moment there (A/N: that legit happened to my classmate on a school trip XD).
I think Larry is open to all kinds of things, so he’d be surprised by the atmosphere of the concert.
Agressive music with agressive dancing.
Everyone is having fun though, including you, so he doesn’t mind but definitely asks you what is all that agression about.
In conclusion, he wouldn’t be 100% into it, but wouldn’t mind it and would love you even more for being your unique self <3
sally face hc's!!!!
been putting off posting this for god knows what reason sally face fandom plz 🙏🙏🙏

•cuts his own hair with safety scissors
•his fav food is dino nuggets idc sue me
•runs his own lowkey piercing business. he even pierced larrys ears and ashleys nostril. he wants to make it a career in the future
•somehow so good at comforting everyone but himself
•always knows what to say when someone's having a hard time, probably cuz hes been through a lot and can easily put himself in others shoes
•always really reserved and shy until him and larry go to a concert together
•cares more about price than looks so most of his stuff doesnt match at all
•most, if not all of his clothes are from thrift stores
•most inconsistent sleep schedule ever. sometimes he goes to bed early and sleeps like a baby, other nights hes restlessly playing his gearboy until the sun comes up
•regular cigarette smoker, but will only smoke weed if larrys with him
•so fucking awkward but always has good intentions. bro just cannot communicate for shit
•when he meets new people he likes to freak them out with his glass eye when they least expect it
•definitely a big industrial fan (NIN, skinny puppy, KMFDM, etc) but his favorite band is korn
•also loves music from the late 70s-early 80s that he grew up hearing on the radio cuz it reminds him of the good memories he had with his mom
•his earth shattered when kurt cobain died
•started watching so much mtv after meeting larry cuz he wanted to be more educated on his kind of music
•his shoes are covered in doodles and signatures from the group
•theyre also hanging on by a thread cuz theyre old as shit and hes had them since grade 6 💀
•has a small collection of custom prosthetic eyes with different colors and cool shapes in them and stuff
•when he meets new people he likes to freak them out with his glass eye when they least expect it
•takes halloween VERY seriously
•writes songs for ppl he cares about and plays them on his guitar
•he wrote a song for ash once and she still asks him to play it for her every now and then
•typa fella to never cuff his pants so theyre all faded and torn and gross at the bottom
•collects random animal (or human) bones he finds around the woods of nockfell
•baggy clothes cuz body dysmorphia
•seems really calm and collected all the time but lets it all out behind closed doors
•sal’s tripsitter
•REEKS of axe body spray to cover the weed stank
•has literally witnessed murder but is DEATHLY afraid of most bugs
•pulls a lot of evil pranks and sal just goes along with it
•lisa taught him how to cook from a really early age
•whenever the gang is hanging out they force him to cook them food but he usually just goes the lazy route and microwaves some mac n cheese
•only really shows his emotions around sal because he knows he understands
•so attractive but carries himself like hes not
•uses humor to cope and often jokes about being fatherless
•has a guilty pleasure for pop music
•a grade above the rest of the group
•frequent guyliner wearer
•his paranoid ass carries a switchblade everywhere he goes for self defense
•actually carries so much random shit in his pockets
•has a framed photo on his nightstand of him and sal at a meet & greet with the members of sanity’s fall
•his band shirts are so ancient most of them have massive holes in them
•the group calls him “larr bear” to piss him off in a loving way
•the look on his face when lisa calls him that in front of people is priceless
•hair is so damaged from constantly messing with it
•loves doing other ppls hair too, especially sals (they do matching hairstyles sometimes :3)
•brings her camera literally everywhere and has a scrapbook of a bunch of memories of the gang throughout highschool
•also just takes random pictures sometimes cuz shes really into photography
•carries bandaids everywhere she goes just in case
•has to decorate literally everything she owns and make it look cute
•does not hold back on adding stickers (sal lets her stick them all over his mask sometimes)
•usually dozes off before she takes her makeup off and then just fixes it up in the morning and rolls with it
•collects everyones baby teeth to make necklaces and jewelry with
•likes to practice nail art on everyone
•has the best sense of style out of the whole group. the amount of clothes and accessories in her closet is impressive and she always puts together the most fire fits
•has a huge shoe collection from adidas, to docs, to combat boots
•so sweet and friendly to literally everyone but will actually kill someone if they fuck with her
•has a really hectic home life so she basically trained herself to sleep like a rock through anything
•literally the mom of the group, shes always looking out for everyone especially cuz she has her own little brother she takes care of
•master of diy she can make something out of literally anything and make it look amazing
•when times get desperate he sells bud from his dad’s garden
•never even came out to his parents, he didnt feel a need to they just accepted it and never questioned him
•has so many plants around the house and has names for every single one
•he doesnt allow sal to bring gizmo to his apartment cuz he once tried to eat bob
•everyones always asking to touch his hair cuz he takes care of it so well its so soft and curly
•spends the most amount of time on the internet than the rest of the group
•probably why his eyesight is dogshit 😹😹😹
•his brain is like its own encyclopedia, he’ll just randomly drop the most insane fun facts on everyone for no reason but its always a good conversation starter
•his parents randomly tell him these crazy stories from when they were young hippies
•they almost named him some hippie shit like “star”
•talks to himself a lot, like actual conversations with himself. sometimes he just narrates what hes doing without even realizing it until his mom walks in and is like “who tf are u talking to”
•on the spectrum and is deadpan majority of the time so whenever hes being sarcastic its so hard to tell
•so full of wisdom literally everyone goes to him for advice, even his own parents sometimes
•thats a left handed mf if ive ever seen one
•not photogenic at all and always has to be suade into being in group pictures
other random things:
•when theres no mysteries to be investigated, the gang likes to have sleepovers at larrys place where they smoke and watch movies and play video games and stuff
•sal and larry take “whats mine is yours” to another level. theyre always together and they share pretty much everything, from clothes to literal toothbrushes (they are disgusting)
•sal brings gizmo to chug’s place sometimes so soda has someone to play with (she likes to style his fur and he steals her stickers)
•a lot of the songs from the ost were songs that sal, larry, and sometimes rob recorded together for fun
•rob also taught them both how to skate
•chug is a massive weeb
•ashley and todd are basically sal and larrys ubers cuz sal has horrible vision and larry got his license revoked

can i request sally face relationship headcanons maybe??
sally face fandom is sooo dead:(
sally face realtionship hc's!!!!
i dont write this kind of stuff usually but i actually had a lot of fun with this ^___^ i hope its everything u hoped for 🙏🙏

•his love language is quality time, he loves spending time with you even if youre just doing nothing together
•your presence is very comforting to him
•isnt physically affectionate unless he knows youre 100% okay with it
•once he gets comfortable around you he will not let go he loves cuddling
•your dates are more lowkey like playing video games or having movie nights
•writes little songs for you and plays them on his guitar
•the best listener, you can yap all day and you will have his full undivided attention
•you can feel the shift in his behavior when hes in public with you vs being alone with you. he can let his guard down when its just the 2 of you
•communicating is hard for him but he is very understanding
•has a lot of deep conversations with you
•at night especially is when he opens up most, and you find it really endearing
•he has insomnia so sometimes you stay up all night talking or doing other things
•he loves how good you are with gizmo, hes basically your child
•gets so flustered when you make eye contact with him so naturally because hes insecure and sensitive about his face
•your acceptance of him means a lot to him
•literally melts when you play with his hair or scratch his head
•has abandonment issues and often worries hes not doing enough but you do your best to reassure him
•he can also be really clingy but he knows when to give you your space
•gives you really meaningful obscure compliments constantly, he finds all your “imperfections” beautiful
•very loving but also likes to mess with you and is such a tease
•will randomly come up behind you and pick you up when you least expect it
•he loves playing with your hair, especially when youre in bed together he’ll run his fingers through it until you fall asleep
•takes you to all of his secret hangout spots around nockfell for smoke seshes and picnics
•although he can be intense sometimes, hes really gentle with you and knows how to calm you down when youre overwhelmed
•loves getting you little gifts when you least expect it
•he frequently invites you over for painting dates
•also treehouse dates!!!!
•falling asleep up there and getting to watch the sunrise together
•PLEASE steal his clothes he loves that shit
•especially when you give them back and they smell like you
•taking you to concerts and shows is like his favorite thing ever
•not afraid to show affection with you in public
•you're his and everyone needs to know
•when he gets comfortable you get to see a different side of him
•hes usually loud and silly and annoying but he has an emotional and vulnerable side that only you really get to see
•acts of service are his love language fs, he cooks and cleans for you all the time
•hes definitely the jealous type
•someone complimenting you is fine, but if he catches someone flirting with you hes throwing hands
•sharing music with you is his favorite past time
•picking up cd’s from the music store and blasting them on his stereo together
•or on public transport where each of you has an earbud in
•lisa LOVES you and is always so welcoming whenever you come to stay with larry
•makes special burned cd mixes for you and labels them with sharpie and doodles little things on them
•you are her entire world she cannot be away from you for more than 5 minutes
•thinks your eyes are really pretty and you catch her staring into them every so often
•makes really heartfelt handmade gifts for you (like one of her “little dudes”)
•tries to make you laugh when youre sad
•it works like 99% of the time
•takes you everywhere on her motorcycle
•“hop on loser, we’re going to mcdonald's”
•takes a lot of pictures of you together and hangs them up on her wall
•can always sense when something is wrong and always knows how to make you feel better
•writes you little love letters every so often so you never forget how she feels about you
•will beg and pleade to let her do your makeup
•its mostly just an excuse to get close to you and get to sit on your lap :3
•also loves styling you in different outfits even if you dont wear them out, youre like her own personal model
•has like 20 different nicknames for you
•he smells sooooo good
•like pine and cedar wood 🤤🤤🤤🤤
•and dont get me started on his hair
•its so fluffy and smells amazing he loves when you run your fingers through his curls
•loves taking you out and spoiling you because you deserve it
•so chill and easy to communicate with, your comfort and happiness is his number one priority
•very protective over you but he tries not to be overbearing
•talks about you to literally everyone when youre not around
•remembers all the little details about you that you would expect him to forget
•the biggest nerd ever and loves yapping at things he likes, but he loves hearing you talk about your interests even more
•if you get obsessed with something like a video game or tv show he will not rest until you get him into it too
•if you crash at his place, expect breakfast in bed
•if youve had a bad day hes there to pamper you and give you everything you need
•“i got you this cuz it made me think of you” as he holds out a rock in his hand
•seems really serious and intimidating but youd be surprised
•hes such a dork when you get to know him
•drives you around literally everywhere, he loves traveling with you with the windows down and the radio blaring

Larry didn't need to be high to be quiet. He could just listen to his music. He could be painting. Or he could just stare into the void while a maelstrom of thoughts invaded his mind. He liked to isolate himself in the treehouse for these kind of moments. But you liked to bother him.
“Hey Larry-bear !”
He heard you voice coming from the feet of the tree. But he didn't move. He knew you would soon join him. He heard you yapping down the tree and a chuckle escaped his lips when he heard you grunting as you climbed the tree.
“Damn you need to change those planks !” he heard you grumbling. “I swear those are older than Mrs. Rosenberg !”
He finally saw your head emerge from the tree house entrance as you dramatically gasped for air. You beamed when you saw him, sat in a corner.
“Yo !” you raised your hand and Larry raised an eyebrow when he saw the plastic bag in your grip. “I've got snacks ! Want some ?”
You did not wait for his answer. You immediately joined him against the wall of the tree house.
“Paninis are still hot, Larry-bear,” you handed him one of the said 'paninis'. “Careful with your tongue.”
You handed him a can of soda (his favorite) then proceed to bite in your snack. Larry silently watched you do before biting in his panini.
“Told ya, silly bear !” you snorted as you quickly opened his can and he immediately chugged it down.
You leaned your head on his shoulder as you kept eating. You shared his silence but chased away his thoughts like the sun scoffing at the thunderclouds. You grabbed his hand and intertwined your fingers. A soft sigh escaped your lips as your thumb caressed the back of his hand.
“Next time you let yourself beaten by your own thoughts without me knowing, I'll choke you with your own hair, Rapunzel,” you murmured.
He snorted at your words but nodded.
As long as you were there, his thoughts didn't stand a chance.
Me waiting patiently for sally face requests:

Sal, my man, lowkey 🤭
Hello! Hope you’re doing great? I saw you wanted some Sally face request…
Can we have some Sally face characters (Sal, Larry, Ash?) x reader make out headcanons ? 🥹 I think I’ll fall down on my knees for some Sal x reader or Larry x reader make out sessions 😭 thank u
AHH, thank you!! Would love to write this! Sorry if it's a bit short, especially towards the end.I was just really excited to post this. It's not my best work, but that just means there's room for more improvement! I hope you enjoy it anyway
Sal,Larry,ash Makeout Hc.
Sal/Larry/ash x reader (seprately)

{All characters are 18+}
{Warnings: some swearing, some sexual content}
So, as an adult sal, I feel it is a bit less awkward and more Idgaf about dumb shit
So I feel like if you're close enough with him to not only be seeing his face and dating him, then he's pretty chill when making out. Unless you catch him off guard 😉
Normally, your guy's makeouts start pretty regular
Like you'll just be sitting together in your guys' room at the house watching a movie or listening to him playing guitar while you fuck around on the gearboy
Going with the latter, you'll be sneaking glances of him while he's just jamming out while trying to learn a song.
He just looks so relaxed and pretty even with his scars as his fingers move across the strings. His prosthetic is off, and sitting on the dresser and his fake eye is out and sitting in its cup, his blue hair is down and covers his face a bit casting shadows
Before you know it, you're not just sneaking glances. you're just full-on staring at him
And he knows. He lowkey finds it funny. Because with him, he doesn't try. He's not gonna try and get you flustered. It just happens and he's aware of it
He looks at you still playing, and he smiles at you. Just for a moment before looking back down at his guitar. And at that point, you're done.
You set down the gear boy without a word creeping towards him silently. He sees you but keeps trying to figure out the riff in the song just right
You creep up to his side, careful not to knock the neck of the guitar as you wrap your arms around his neck lazily.
"It sounds really good, baby. I think you almost got it." You compliment resting your chin on his shoulder
"Thanks, I think I've got it down pretty good. I just gotta get better with the timing. I'm holding the notes too long." He says before leaning forward to set the instrument against the dresser.
In a couple seconds, you find yourself weasling your way into his lap.
He holds you gently but firmly in place with one hand on your hip and the other on the back of your head tangled sweetly in your hair.
He's not really grabby. Of course, his hands will roam a bit, but he's more of a hold you in place, so you don't wanna go anywhere, guy.
Even with his scarred lips, he's a good kisser. Very attentive. He knows what you're feeling and your intentions just by how you're kissing him, where your hands are,how hard you're gripping at him. He just gets it
Making out with him is full of emotion. Like, have you ever kissed someone, and you're just like I wanna write poetry about the feeling I have right now, but I don't have the words to even describe it
That's how kissing him/making out with him feels. And you can't help but grip onto him.
He can go on like this for ages.its not gonna get boring.
He will just lean back against the wall and prop his legs up so when you pull back, your face is above his.
He says he does that cause he likes pulling away to look into the eyes of the beauty before him.
Ok, he's a bit corny, but we love him
Also, his hands are pretty rough, I think, especially his fingertips. They are really calloused from playing guitar, and he might have some cuts and scrapes from messing around on the 5th floor of the apartments when he's told to go over there cause of Larry.
But anyways lol
Overall, he is amazing. An amazing partner and an amazing Makeout partner.hes just really chill, and it's honestly up to you a lot of the time if it leads to
Unless you somehow find a way to make him jealous, and that extremely difficult to pull off 😉
Larry is a rougher guy. Don't get me wrong, he's a sweetie, but he's really enthusiastic, and he's got a lot of energy
To be honest, making out is like his favorite pastime when yall are alone.
He just loves the feel of you being all up on him,and he's addicted to the taste of your lips.
Though he's not attentive as Sal, he's still a good kisser. Like I said, he's just rough cause he can't seem to get enough.
You guys will just be chilling in his room after the group leaves, and he'll just becken you over to him with a questioning grin, which you know what that means. If you don't come up to him he's not gonna force you.
Consent king. But honestly that can be said for all of them
There's really nothing emotional about it he's gripping, and he is grabbing. His hands will roam your body. So he likes to make out while laying down.
Couch,bed,floor, as long as he has access to everything. Like not necessarily always in a dirty way, he just likes the feeling of touching you.
Like he just loves it, feeling your body on/next to him is his favorite thing
Also His lips are chapped as hell, but that does not stop you guys.
And he does not just keep his lips on yours. Absolutely not. Making out with him is a dangerous game if you have any of the following
Stric parents (like if you have not moved out yet or if you are going to visit them), a job , a college life.
Cause he be leaving hickies. Like I'm talking big as purple hickeys. And they will be everywhere. It's like, are you dating a god damn vampire? It's not even bites, either it's just hickeys.
From your neck down to your fucking thighs just bruises
Ash once pulled you aside and asked if everything was OK cause she thought that the marks where from him beating on you instead of kissing you.
W ash, by the way, everyone needs a friend like her who will check up on you
But he just is a little rough. You love it, tho. But he will tone it down if you want him to.
Like shit you had a bad day? Come over here, lay down,relax, and he will slow down and pamper you with words and slow kisses.
What a sweetheart, and He's just happy to have you close to him.
Overall, he's more of a physical guy, so of course, the makeouts hold more of a physical value, which is alright! He loves you and that's just his way of showing it
Ash is actually amazing at makeouts. She knows you entirely. Better than you know yourself sometimes
With her, you get everything. You want it to be a rougher Makeout.
Girls got you. She'll be all up on you kissing,grabbing,tugging,loving (always) she'll have you however you want.
She will do it all to satisfy, and you would do the same for her.
You want it soft bet, she's cuddling you while you guys lips move with each other while a movie plays in the background.
Making out with her is so calming to.
You could have had the most stressful days at work, and when you come home, she'll immediately be asking what's up noticing you're off.
It would probably be later she would mostly be ready for the evening in pajamas just chilling,and upon your response, she's giving you a hug and leading you into you guys room to talk.
After unloading your troubles, she'll just fuckin hold you and eventually it just turns into a lazy lil Makeout.
It's not much, but it feels so loving, and all your pain and troubles from the day feel like they are just melting away cause of her lips.
She takes care of herself as well, so her lips are pretty soft.
Along with her skin. Her hands are a bit calloused due to her constantly doing art projects and working on her motorcycle.
But it's kind of a nice contrast.
She does have wondering hands, but unlike Larry, she's not a grabber she's a feeler.
Her hands wonder in a calming yet attractive way, mostly across your arms and back, maybe over your thigh a but.
I guess she's a more sensual Makeout partner. But she's just overall amazing with it.
You always feel safe in her arms, and even better is that she's really good at makeouts without making them sexual.
Like a lot of the time, makeouts seem heavily sexual even when they aren't supposed to be, but with her, it's not sexual unless you both want it to be.
And you're grateful for it cause sometimes you just wanna be able to love on your partner without it being sexual and that's fine. She loves it to
She's just an amazing person and an amazing partner who knows you well and what you want as well as knowing herself and it shows.
can i have Larry johnson headcanons pleaseeeeee 🙏🙏😔
Of course, pookie 🖤 😘 this list is a whole mess and just me rambling, but I hope you find enjoyment in it
Larry Johnson HC

{General} warnings: ???
So, to start off, these are just general Hcs no relationships in sight, lol. Also, I may or may not go off topic once or twice about dumb shit and how I hate the stereotypes people place onto metalheads. Anyways I hope you enjoy
But let's get into it
Larry is surprisingly clean, contrary to popular belief.
You all always wanna make metalheads out to be nasty when most of us aren't. (Most of us.)
This dude is really big on keeping his hair 100% at all times. And to keep his layers extra spicy, he steals Lisa's hairspray
She fucking hates when he takes her hairspray. Cause he uses way too much
And I say he's clean, but he is also a little messy. There is a difference.
When it comes to his room and stuff, it's very loosely organized. like his art area is a little cluttered, but you won't like to find video games mixed in. it's just art supplies. The same goes for his video game. You're not gonna find his bong posted up with the Nintendo 64.
Unless y'all are smoking while playing games, but as soon as y'all are done, he's putting everything in its respected area.
Trust me, no smoker wants to lose their stuff
I also believe Larry can cook well. I'll bet he gets it from Lisa.
Like I know, she was one of those moms who was like.
"No son of mine gonna be a damn scrub."
She taught him how to take care of himself, and she's been doing it since he was little.
She taught him how to cook, clean, do laundry, dishes, and to fix basic shit like leaky pipes.
She taught that boy well. If you wanna argue, your time would best be spent talking to a brick wall
(Again, just cause someone's a metalhead does not mean they are just a dirty greasy loser. I fuckin hate those stereotypes, especially in Fandoms.)
And the best part is you don't expect it from him like. Someone could just mention it. "Oh yeah, my faucets have been leaking for a while now." And he would just be like, "Oh cool, lemmi see. " And you looked away for 2 seconds, and he fixed that shit
He's just full of surprises.
He's just smarter than he lets on, to be honest. I feel like he even forgets he's smart sometimes.
I'm going along with that. His insults are top-notch. He is hitting people with those rare insults. Especially Travis.
He also insults his friends for shits and giggles. But it's fine cause they normally hit him back. Unless he was feeling creative that day in which they just gotta look at him and go "damnn. Wtf dude." And then laugh it off.
It's ok he will apologize if warranted
Speaking of Warrent
He's one of those metalheads that almost refuses to listen to other genres other than death or black metal, but he does secretly be linking some 80s shit.
You know how I mentioned Warrant. Yeah, he secretly loves those guys. His favorite song by them is low-key Uncle Tom's Cabin cause he loves the story it's telling. It is generic, but it's a good song, so you can't judge.
He's also not a big Mayhem fan. Which is surprising. I feel like he finds them underwhelming, and he's just not a fan of them as people.
I'm going down a bit of a different path, though.
His sleep schedule is absolutely positive F.U.C.K.E.D. and what does that spell. FUCKED.
This dude can not get to bed at a decent time. Tell me why this fucker is waking up at 11 am and going to bed at 3:30 am???
He's mostly up painting. especially if he's stressed out.
He uses painting as his damn therapy. He also likes to paint his dreams. Like, he'll dream up a cool-ass floating head, and he'll paint that shit.
But sometimes his paintings are a bit creepy, and they freak Lisa out.
Like she will avoid looking at those paintings in the eyes they just make her uneasy. But she still loves his other paintings
Moving on to school life.
He's not a bad guy. He just gets into trouble with teachers a lot.
Like I said, he has a smart mouth, and that gets him into arguments with some of the teachers sometimes
And sometimes with students. Like, he's a skinny fucker, but if you got a smart-ass mouth, you need to be able to throw a mean-ass punch.
Again, Lisa taught him
It's not like she wants her son to get into shit but she knew if he kept his attitude, he was gonna have to be able to defend himself.
It's cool, though it's not like an everyday occurrence. They go to kind of a pussy ass school where people are mostly all talk.
Travis and Larry are the only notorious people who are known to talk shit and actually go through with it.
He stopped getting into a lot of shit after hanging with Sal more. Sals is more of a pacifist, especially in school, so Larry got better about getting into physical fights. But he and Sal will double-team a MF.
Like shit, they can be mean if they want to. Especially if they team up on somebody.
Fun fact: Larry doesn't have a driver's license. He kept failing his test cause of speeding, but does that stop him from driving??
No absolutely not that fucker still be driving, and the speed limit to him is more of a suggestion.
He takes corners fast, and it's lowkey scary
But yeah, that's about it. I've run out of ideas. It's late as fuck lol I hope you enjoy it! Also, this is not proofread, so if there are spelling errors (bet you $ 50$, there are), then auto-correct can suck my ass hard, lmao 🤣 I love you all and have a good night/day
Hi :) ! I hope you're doing well <3 . I was wondering if you could do some Larry Johnson x chubby!fem!reader hdcns, along with some Sal Fisher ones too ? 🖤 Ily !!
Yesss there is not enough chubby reader on here, and as a chubbier girl myself, I couldn't wait to write this!! And Ilyt 🖤🖤 I hope you enjoy these Lil HCs
Larry and sal x Chubby!Fem!reader HCs

Separately of course
{Fluff} Warnings: some swearing,mentions of creeps but that's it.
Ok, to start, Larry with a Chubby Reader is a match made in heaven
He doesn't care you got a Lil meat on your bones his literal catchphrase is
"Well, there's just more of you to love."
He lives by it.
You will never see him be one of those guys that tells you not to eat something cause 'you gotta lose a few pounds'
Naw he don't give a fuck. It's your body he loves you no matter what.
Also, I've touched on it in the past, but I think Larry is a touchy guy.
Like not even in an inherently sexual way, it's literally just how he shows love
With you, it's all hugs,kisses,cuddles,grabs, and squeezes.
He loves how soft your skin feels even in the spots with bumps or stretchmarks he still loves it.
He would lowkey like to trace your stretchmarks. Or maybe paint them. I could see him turning your stretchmarks into like a cool as lightning piece.
Also, he would love just laying on you. He gets hella comfortable just laying on your thighs.
And if he gets the chance to fall asleep on them. That's it he's out like a light for hours.
But if you move, he will wake up and be like
"Where the fuck are you going?"
He's also your number 1 defender/Protector
cause ain't nobody gonna talk to his girl in a way he don't like.
Someone makes fun of your weight.
Well, now they are insecure about their own.
He's all about treating others how they treat you.
He has and will make a bully insecure the same way they made you insecure, but while he does it, he's talking you up the whole time
Cause you're perfect.
Now, if someone is hitting on you, he's lowkey proud like
"Yeah, my girls, great, and nobody else can have her"
But if they are making you uncomfortable or just downright fetishizing you ( i hate when this happens and if it happens to you to im so sorry)) he's getting you tf outta there, and who knows. He gets feisty he might try to square up with them 😭
He's just really awesome.
He takes care of you and loves you so much
To him, weight doesn't mean shit. He loves you for you. Your personality is what matters to him. And he will always be there for you.
Even if you're feeling insecure, he's pulling you outta that state of mind.
But let's be honest with him, it's almost impossible he never gives you the chance to feel bad about yourself.
He reasures you before you even realize you need it.
Overall, he's just a great boyfriend no matter what size you are
Alright, sal is just the sweetest damn thing on earth
You think he gives a FUCK your a Lil Chubby?
I mean, when he was younger, even he was a little Chubby.
Plus, the guy got his face blown off. He's not the type to judge
He's just happy that he has someone that he loves and that loves him for who he is.
That's what means the most to him
And he does his best to show it.
He's not as touchy as Larry, but he still is big on it, especially farther into your relationship
The more he trusts you, the more it becomes
He lives for your hugs. He finds it really comforting. You're like a little pillow
Like if he wakes up in the night from night terrors or a vision. He will just grab you and pull you into a cuddle
The next morning, you wake up, and you have to poke him to make sure he's just sleeping and not dead
You just have that calming effect on him. idk
He is just always holding you
Your hand,your waist, an arm over your shoulders (if he can reach)
He also does not care about what you eat.
He's just like girl do whatever you want.
If you do wanna lose weight ok just do it responsibly.
Don't hurt yourself in any way.
Honestly, this could go for both him and Larry.
Getting onto the topic of protection
sal is a sassy dude.
especially as an adult. Dude, hit 19 and said fuck it I'm done.
Someone insults you for your weight ok well sal is talking shit on their whole bloodline.
he has a roster of insults he's come up with over the years
And he can be mean as fuck 😭
And the thing is, he doesn't even swear a lot while doing it. He is pulling up with words that even you're just like, "What?"
So just cause they said something to you, he's not only making fun of them but also there intelligence without even trying
Who needs to swing when you have sals attitude.
Now, if someone normally hits on you, he doesn't really care he might wait for them to leave, then chuckle about it with you
But if they are full on like touching you or fetishizing you, he don't let it slide.
He lowkey finds it fun to fuck with creeps.
Like, don't get me wrong, he hates what people do it to you in public, but he just loves the chance to talk his shit
just watching him make fun of them. cheers you up. just cause let's face it
he's 5'8 as an adult, and he's kinda lanky, so watching him make fun of someone bigger than him is hilarious
He has made a dude cry.
It was hilarious. You lowkey forgot the dude had full-on grabbed your ass
But yeah, other than that, Sal just doesn't give a fuck your chubby your a human being and he loves you.
And he always will.
You're also never insecure with him. He lets you know how beautiful and lovely you are and how much he appreciates you.
And you do the same for him
You guys are just the best together 🖤
Hi hi again ! I just wanna say I ABSOLUTELY ADORE the chubby reader x Larry n' Sal hdcns you wrote !! It's very nice and comforting, and really made my night - I can't stop re-reading them :') . THANK YOUUU 👹🖤‼️
Anyway, I was wondering if you could do something similar to the chubby reader hdcns, but with an ADHD!reader ? Just some Larry n' Sal with an adhd having gf hdcns ! Pls & ty, ilyyy <3
(also, if you're not comfortable with writing these, or don't know abt the symptoms of adhd [with depression & anxiety symptoms, bc it's a big struggle for me personally lol], no pressure abt writing these hdcns !! Remember to eat and stay hydrated <333 !!!)

Heyyy I actually loved writing this as I've struggled for years with depression as well and me and my family have been unsure if it's Adhd or autism since I was a kid lmao So here is
Larry,sal x Adhd!Girlfriend!Reader (separate)

Sal is really good with you
He's a really calming person to be around, so if you're really struggling that day, he's got you
If you're too hyperfocused and forget to take care of yourself, he will find a way to pull you away without bothering you. Even if it's just for a bit so you can eat or something
But if you have trouble focusing? Well, sals next to you and talking you through whatever you're trying to to.
He will even help you.
One day, you started frantically cleaning your room. Pulling stuff from the drawers pulling the stuff out from under your bed. Unloading your desk.
But then once you saw the amount of stuff, you kinda froze up. not sure where to even start.
You were honestly so overwhelmed you almost had a breakdown, but then sal walked into your guys' room, looking confused as shit asking you what's going on.
He waited patiently as you explained, and then he sat on the ground with you and started helping you organize everything,talking you through the process the entire time to keep you from getting more overwhelmed.
He's a damn angel
And once you guys got done and the room was back in order, you guys put on a movie and just passed out
If it's a day where you can't seem to sit still. He won't try to stop you.
Naw, he's saying ok come on, let's go to the apartments and run around checking on the ghost.
He doesn't try to hold you in place or stop you he tries to encourage you to do what you need to in a healthy way.
Also, if losing or misplacing things is a struggle for you, that's fine, don't worry.
Cause either he knows where it is or he's looking for it with you. And sometimes, when he sees something in an odd place, he will just grab it and put it where it should be.
And then when you need it, you don't have to go on a scavenger hunt.
On days where you can't seem to drag yourself outta bed or you're just not doing good with racing thoughts
He's with you. If you both have class that day, he will coax you out of bed,
and while you guys are driving there you guys will talk about it, and if you can't put it into words, he will just tell you stuff to get your mind off it
If you don't have class, he will lay with you, and you guys will just put on a show and chat, which makes you feel a bit better
He's like your other half at this point, and it's nice to have some calm when things get crazy
Overall, you both have a pretty good system, and if he's having issues, you help him out too, so it's a pretty win-win you
guys are great together
Well, now Larry, I think, has a bit of it to but a little different. He's more on the hyper focus end.
He will get to painting or playing a game, and he's not moving from that spot until it's done, and if you are also hyper focused at the same time it can start off good but then can get a bit unhealthy
It's whoever comes out of it first that will snap the other out of it
But if you're having trouble focusing, he will do his best to help, but let's be honest, you both will probably end up distracted
One day, you were trying to work on a project for one of your classes and you were stuck because you had so much to do and didn't know where to start.
So you tried to put on some music. We'll that didn't work too well because now you're sitting there watching MTV music videos.
By the time Larry got back, you were spaced out at the screen with your project forgotten sitting next to you.
He asked you what it was, and when you told him, he asked if it was done and you ended up explaining that you got stuck.
Well, he sits down with you and takes a look at it and also kinda blanks. Then you guys started talking, and the conversation ventured off, and yall ended up rushing it the night before.
At least he tried lmao.
Now, if it's a hyper day for you guys and you're running around trying to do a bunch of stuff, he will probably roll a joint and give it to you like.
Smoke this.
After you do, it can have one of two reactions
1 you actually slow down and are able to chill for a bit, or 2 it just makes you wanna go on an adventure.
If it's the second you guys end up in a gas station getting snacks and then heading over to sals to bother him and his girl it's cool they don't mind lol.
Now, when it comes to misplaced objects it really fucks with larry. Like I said in my general Larry HCs, he's messy but in an organized way.
So if he's digging around trying to find a certain paintbrush and he ends up finding it in the living room instead of in his art area he it really fucks with him.
But he's not mad he's just more confused and like what the fuck I didn't put that there.
And if he asks you and you don't remember, then you guys jokingly blame the ghosts. You both know it probably wasn't them but it's a Lil inside joke.
Now, for days, you can't get up, he stays with you. He's either in the same boat or he just feels bad and understands. Sometimes, he will lay with you, and you both might smoke and talk to each other. Or he will put on a show or music and paint while you do you.
It's just nice to know he's there and that he cares.
Overall, you guys got a lot going on, but you guys manage it as well as you can and what's important is that you do it together 🖤
hey! I stumbled upon your work, and instantly loved it. would it be ok if you could do a Sal fisher x flutter shy! like reader? Im sorry if this doesn’t make sense, but reader who has the same personality as flutter shy and is also good with animals?
Awww, love fluttershy this is a bit short and sweet and lightly proofread i apologize!!
Sal x fluttershy like reader HC

You guys most likely met in school.
Sal almost instantly wanted to try and be your friend because you seemed so sweet.
But you were really, really shy.
So when he first tried to talk to you and you kinda seemed scared or uncomfortable, he automatically figured it was cause of his appearance.
He was kinda sad about it, honestly, but at this point, he was used to it.
But then he found out you were really close with Ash, and he decided to ask her about you.
After sal told her what happened, she burst out laughing. He stood their for like 3 minutes, waiting for her to calm down as she leaned against the locker catcher, her breath with a big ass smile.
"Oh god dude no no no. It's not that she's scared of what you look like she's just scared to talk to people in general. She actually thinks you're pretty dope she just struggles to talk to people. But don't worry, I'll help you." Ash says, patting his back as she continues to chuckle.
It reassures him a little. Ash said she would introduce you guys, which was nice but also a little scary. He did not wanna freak you out.
But once ash does Introduce you guys shit lights up.
You all are besties.
The first time you came to his apartment and saw Gizmo, you almost ran to that cat. Picking him up and talking to him. To sal it was almost like Gizmo understood you.
A lot of the time you guys hang is sal playing games or playing guitar while you play with Gizmo.
It's the only time that cat gets any exercise cause whenever sal tries to wave the shoestring in his face, Gizmo looks at him stupid.
After some time of hanging with Sal, you start to come out of your shell more. Opening up a bit and starting to chat more with others without being as easily spooked off.
And he also learned that you liked to sing. Alot.
He will catch you sometimes. But he knows if he mentions it, you'll stop, and you have such a nice voice, so no way he'll do that.
One day you mentioned how much you wanted to be a singer but didn't have the balls and he convinced you
To sing while he plays guitar. It's a nice little bonding moment.
Ash has a picture of you that she just loves so much of you holding gizmo while singing with Sal in the background just looking up at you.
She gave you both copys.copy's.
It was really embarrassing for you. Sal, on the other hand, put that shit in his locker, and it's his favorite picture
Now you are full of surprises. One thing sal didn't expect was for you to have so much build-up rage.
Now, it was the day Travis punched sal, and you weren't having that shit. As soon as Travis's fist collided with sals prosthetic, your backhand made contact with his bare face.
Nobody was expecting you to bitchslap him. After you stuck your finger in his face, almost yelling at him as you back him up against a wall before you actually manage to scream at him.
Jesus Christ.
Once Travis was gone, you went up to sal and Ash back to your normal self.
You never spoke of it again. And they were kind of too scared to ask.
With Sal, you are more open, and the group loves you to death.your love of animals is deeply loved by sal and your hidden anger. (While being a surprise) He kind of found cute cause he never thought you could be capable of it.
If yall do end up dating, expect to end up running around in the woods looking for demons and or raccoons.
We won't get into how you befriended the ghosts or how the red eyed demon won't attack you. ( it's like a little discord fluttershy situation like how they became friends)
Sal gets freaked out when it appears in front of you the first time, and you waved to it while he was trying to figure out how to escape.
After that you had some explaining to do lol.
But back on track, you guys dating is the fluffiest,cutest, toothrotting, lovely, type of relationship you will ever see.
Church Boy-Truthful
I stood up from the floor. "Larry, do you have some paper and something to write with?" I ask. "Yea, right here." He said, pointing to a shoebox next to him. "Thank you." I said, opening it to reveal a few notebooks and some writing utensils.
"No problem, Travis." he said, continuing with his art. I walked back to the spot I was at and sat down once again. I sat the paper on the top of the lid to a container nowhere in sight that was resting on the floor.
"𝐼 𝓀𝓃𝑜𝓌 𝓉𝒽𝒾𝓈 𝒾𝓈 𝓌𝓇𝑜𝓃𝑔. 𝐼 𝓀𝓃𝑜𝓌. 𝒢𝑜𝒹, 𝓅𝓁𝑒𝒶𝓈𝑒 𝒻𝑜𝓇𝑔𝒾𝓋𝑒 𝓂𝑒. 𝐼 𝓌𝒶𝓃𝓉 𝓉𝑜 𝒷𝑒 𝒷𝑒𝓉𝓉𝑒𝓇, 𝒶𝓃𝒹 𝐼 𝒹𝑜𝓃'𝓉 𝓌𝒶𝓃𝓉 𝓉𝑜 𝒷𝑒 𝓉𝒽𝒾𝓈 𝓌𝒶𝓎. 𝐼 𝓌𝒾𝓈𝒽 𝐼 𝒸𝑜𝓊𝓁𝒹 𝒿𝓊𝓈𝓉 𝒸𝒽𝒶𝓃𝑔𝑒 𝒶𝓃𝒹 𝒷𝑒 𝒷𝑒𝓉𝓉𝑒𝓇. 𝑀𝒶𝓎𝒷𝑒, 𝒾𝒻 𝐼 𝑒𝓃𝒹 𝒾𝓉, 𝒾𝓉 𝓌𝒾𝓁𝓁 𝒷𝑒 𝒷𝑒𝓉𝓉𝑒𝓇. 𝐼 𝒿𝓊𝓈𝓉 𝓌𝒾𝓈𝒽 𝐼 𝒸𝑜𝓊𝓁𝒹 𝒸𝒽𝒶𝓃𝑔𝑒 𝓂𝓎𝓈𝑒𝓁𝒻. 𝐼 𝓌𝒾𝓈𝒽 𝐼 𝓌𝒶𝓈𝓃'𝓉 𝒶 𝓈𝒾𝓃𝓃𝑒𝓇. 𝐼 𝓌𝒾𝓈𝒽 𝓎𝑜𝓊 𝓌𝑒𝓇𝑒 𝒶 𝑔𝒾𝓇𝓁. 𝐼 𝓁𝑜𝓋𝑒 𝓎𝑜𝓊 𝒶𝓃𝒹 𝓎𝑜𝓊𝓇 𝑒𝓎𝑒𝓈 𝒶𝓃𝒹 𝓎𝑜𝓊𝓇 𝓁𝒶𝓊𝑔𝒽 𝒶𝓃𝒹 𝓋𝑜𝒾𝒸𝑒. 𝒴𝑜𝓊𝓇 𝓈𝓉𝓎𝓁𝑒 𝒾𝓈 𝑔𝓇𝑒𝒶𝓉, 𝒶𝓃𝒹 𝐼 𝓌𝒾𝓈𝒽 𝓎𝑜𝓊 𝒻𝑒𝓁𝓉 𝓉𝒽𝑒 𝓈𝒶𝓂𝑒. 𝐼 𝓌𝒾𝓈𝒽 𝓎𝑜𝓊 𝓌𝑒𝓇𝑒 𝒶 𝑔𝒾𝓇𝓁..."
I wrote, tears coming to my eyes.
Sal's POV:
I was in my room, lying on my bed and holding the stuffed cat my mother had gotten me when I was younger. It looked like Gizmo. My dad got Gizmo because he looked like an animal, we got him after the accident. He was my favorite little boy. My lil' meatball boy.
I smiled a little, happy I still could after what just went down. I tossed and turned around. Soon after I got comfy, my walkie-talkie beeped, and Larry started talking to me. "Hey, Sal?" he softly called out. "Yea?" I exasperatedly ask. "Travis is being, like, super fucking weird. He's being all quiet and polite. Can you come over?" he asked, a genuine sense of worry in his voice. "Sure, I'll be right up." I assure him, slipping on my shirt.
*Time Skip*
I was in the elevator now when my walkie-talkie went off again. "Dude, he just left." Larry said, panic settling in his voice. "Where'd he go?" I ask, just as concerned. "Outback. Asked me for some paper and something to write with. After he wrote something down, he put it in his pocket and left. What if it's, like, a suicide note or something?" Larry suggested, causing my heart to race and my brow to sweat. "Let's hope not..."
I ran out of the elevator as it opened, the door still sliding slightly. I ran to his room, not bothering to knock or tell anyone why I was there. "Hey, Sal." My dad greeted me from the couch. "Hi, dad!" I yelled back, faking happiness as I panicked harder. I busted into Larry's room to find him already dressed and ready to go. "C'mon!" I yelled, grabbing his wrist and dragging him to the door.
As we exited the building, the sight of bright blonde hair at the top caught me off guard. "Travis, what the fuck are you doing?" I yelled, body beginning to shake but most likely not from the cold. "I'm fucking done." he yelled back, taking a small step forward.
My heart sped up and my intrusive thoughts got the better of me.
Travis' POV:
I was standing at the edge. His bright blue hair caught my attention. "Travis, what the fuck are you doing?!" he yelled. "I'm done." I replied, taking a small step as I recalled every fucking time my father punished me.
Every time I watched my mother bleeding on the floor.
Every time I cut my body up.
Every time I feared coming home.
Every time I begged for my father's approval and love.
Every time I thought of Sal.
Every damn time.
"Leave. I know you don't care. I know it. Stop pretending you do so everyone will look at you like you're a saint. You are the epitome of evil. You are a sinner. A freak!" I yelled, clenching my fists. Sal took a step back and looked at Larry. He said something, I could tell because his mask shifted.
After he turned away from Larry, he faced the treehouse and started bolting towards it. He climbed the steps at an inhuman pace, something I never thought would be possible for a guy his size.
Once he reached me, he tackled me to the ground and pulled me into a hug. "Travis, what the fuck were you thinking?!" he screamed, hugging me tighter.
Sal's POV:
I looked up at the boy, fear in his eyes and anger in his stance. I turned towards Larry and started talking. "I'm going to save his life, even if it costs me mine. I promise." I said, Larry turned to me with fear and guilt in his eyes. "I love you, bro. So much. Be fuckin' careful and don't do anything stupid." he said, looking back toward Travis. He looked down at me with hate. "Leave. I know you don't care. I know it. Stop pretending you do so everyone will look at you like you're a saint. You are the epitome of evil. You are a sinner. A freak!" he yelled.
I took a deep breath and ran as fast as my legs would take me to the treehouse. I climbed up the steps, ravaging my fingers and hands as I did. Once I reached the top, I tackled him to the ground, hugging him and wishing I could hold on forever. "Travis, what the fuck were you thinking?!" I screamed, tightening my grasp.
He looked at me with pure fear. "I don't know..." he said, falling into my arms and letting the tears drip from his deep amber eyes. "Don't you ever fucking scare me like that again..." I whispered, taking in everything I could.
He smelled like vanilla and new book; his eyes were amber, and he had dark bags under them. Small freckles could be seen if you looked hard enough. He looked exhausted. "I was so scared..." he admitted. "Travis, I was too..." I assured. "What...?" he asked, confused and sad. "I tried too. My dad found me and cut the rope. I'm so fucking grateful..." I said, letting out a breath I didn't know I was holding.
Travis stayed silent for a moment, accepting my hug and letting me rub his back as I talked to him. "Trav, why do you hate me?" I asked, trying not to dampen the already cold mood. He said nothing, instead, he sighed and buried his face into my neck. "I don't know..." he truthfully answered. "It's okay..." I assured, using my fingers to massage his spine.
"Travis, we don't have to be enemies, you know that, right?" I ask, cupping his cheek as he stared at me. "I know..." he said, dropping his head onto my shoulder. "Friends?" I ask.
(Originally Posted March 19th 2023 on Wattpad)
"Church Boy." - Truthful - Wattpad
Church Boy-Life of the party
As we entered the house, the smell of drugs, booze, and sweat filled my nose. "Ew..." I muttered, scrunching my eyes at the stench. "Hey, guys!" Neil yelled, walking up to us with a red solo cup. "Hey, Neil. Hey, Todd." Larry said, pulling both of them into a hug.
"You brought Travis?" Neil asked, his once friendly and welcoming demeanor changing into concern and slight shock. "No, I did." I chimed in, grabbing Travis' shoulders and pulling him into a hug. "Oh, alright. No slurs and shit." Neil said, shrugging his shoulders and walking off with Todd trailing behind.
"You guys want something to drink?" Larry asked. "I don't drink." I said, waving my hands to signify I was fine. "Uhm...sure! Why not!?" Travis said, smiling wildly. "Gotcha!" Larry said, sprinting off into the crowd.
Travis and I talked for a minute before Larry returned with two solo cups. "Here ya go!" Larry exclaimed, handing one of the cups to Travis. "Thanks." Travis muttered, smelling the drink that was just barely filling half the cup.
While Larry downed his with ease, Travis took large sips but often recoiled after. Once Travis finished his drink, he tried to take a step toward me but stumbled and fell into my arms. "Calm down, Trav." I joked, holding him so he could steady himself. "I wanna-" he started but was immediately cut off by his own giggles and hiccups.
"You need to sit down." I said, looking around for Larry, Neil, or Todd. Once I spotted Neil, I called him over and asked where the nearest bedroom was.
"Neil! Neil! Over here!"
"Yea, Sal?"
"Where's the nearest bedroom? Travis is drunk and can't exactly function."
"Ha, that's hilarious. Never thought I'd see the day."
"Me neither."
"Anyways, the nearest one is just up there. No sex!" he joked, pointing to a room at the top of the stairs. I felt my face get warmer as I thought about his words. "Promise..." I said. Guiding Travis slowly up the steps one by one, hoping he wouldn't fall. We got to the room and he fell into the bed.
I closed the door behind me and walked to where he was. "Sally, I want another drink!" he whined through hiccups. "Are you sure? You're fucking drunk already." I asked. "Yup!" he said, a hiccup following after. "Alright, I'll be right back." I said.
I walked to the door and left. Running to the kitchen and grabbing a solo cup. I poured some vodka into the cup, nearly filling it. I swiftly walked back to the room with Travis and tried to open the door. It was locked. I knew that Travis hadn't done it himself because he couldn't even walk by himself.
"Trav! Open the door!" I yelled, knocking profusely. "Get-" he yelled. "Help!" a boy's voice yelled. "Sal!" Travis yelled. I sat the cup down, fearing that what I thought was going on in the room was really going on. I stepped back and rammed into the door, shifting it.
I saw fucking red as I heard Travis sobbing on the other side and another boy's voice yelling at him to shut up. I rammed into the door again, this time it busted open, and I saw the sad scene in front of me.
Travis was pinned down on the bed underneath a much larger boy with darker blue hair than I. He was wearing a red-striped shirt and black sweats. I said nothing, instead, I ran at him with full force. He looked like a deer in headlights as I barreled toward him. He fell to the floor with my straddling his waist.
I let my anger get the better of me as I blew punch after punch to his fucking face. He was bleeding and my knuckles were sore. The pain from ramming into the door was settling in but I couldn't stop. I watched as his nose bled and he cried out for me to stop and that it was not what it seems. "Shut up you fucking pervert!" I screamed, taking my fists and slamming them into his chest. He clawed at my arms and neck.
Eventually, he latched his grubby little fucking hands onto my mask and ripped it off over my head. My mask was thrown across the room, close to Travis who had his back against the wall, shaking and crying.
I only stopped once somebody pulled me off of him. "Sal, what the fuck?!" Larry screamed, throwing me onto the bed effortlessly. "He fucking assaulted Travis!" I screamed, tears pouring out from my eyes. I felt eyes all over me. It hadn't struck me before, but I no longer had my mask on, and it had been strewn somewhere in the room.
"He did...?" Ash asked, stepping forward. "Obviously he fucking did! Look at him," I yelled, pointing to Travis. "he's shaking and fucking sobbing! Somebody get him out of here before I lose my shit on all of you!" I screamed, sounding oddly similar to a Banshee. "He...he did this to me too...I fought him off, but some people can't..." Ash admitted.
Gasps and whispers emanated from the crowd formed outside the door. "Travis...come here..." Ash said, arms open and a genuine smile spread across her face. Travis crawled off the bed and stumbled over to Ashley. She pulled him into a hug, and he returned the favor.
Larry was staring down at the blue-haired adolescent, rage, and contempt surging through his body. He bent down and grabbed the collar of the smaller teen's shirt, lifting him without struggle. "I ought to break your jaw right know that? Do you want that? Or do you want me to just fucking kill you?" Larry asked, voice quiet and laced with poison.
The teen shook his head, fear filling his eyes as Larry stared at him. "Then I'll give you a fucking minute to be out of this damn house..." he muttered, dropping the boy to the floor. He groaned in pain and Larry smirked sadistically.
Then, he started counting down. "60...59...58..." he said, watching as the boy writhed around, scrambling to get to his feet and out the bedroom door. He practically flew down the steps and out of the house, jumping into his car and trying to drive away.
As he attempted to get the car to start, Maple walked into the room with the biggest grin on her face. "Yea, he's not going anywhere." she said, trying to stifle a laugh. "What'd you do?" Ash asked, already knowing it was some crazy ass shit. She snorted out a laugh and pulled a knife out of her pocket. "Slashed his tires." she answered, putting the knife back in her pocket.
"Crazy ass." Larry said, jokingly rolling his eyes. Chug walked into the room, dizzily smiling. "Someone's in love..." Larry joked, bending down to my level. "No duh, we should set them up." I suggested, nudging his side. "Great idea, Sal." Larry complimented, smirking as we agreed on being cupid. "We'll worry about that later. Right now, Travis needs me."
I walked over to the shaking boy, huddled to himself by the wall. "Hey, Travis." I said, taking a seat next to him. "Hey..." he muttered, not even meeting my gaze. "You wanna go home?" I ask, slinging my arm around his shoulder and pulling him closer. He lay his head on my shoulder and sighed deeply. "Sal..." he whispered.
"I wish you wouldn't have saved me..."
(originally posted March 19th 2023 on Wattpad)
"Church Boy." - Life of the Party - Wattpad
Church Boy-Cruel
"Travis, I don't mean this in... that way, but I love you." I admitted. "You do?" he asked. "I mean, yea." I choked out. "I... love you too, Sally Face..." he retorted, letting tears fall from his face. I sent everyone else out of the room and grabbed my mask and buckled it. "Sal, can you not wear that around me?" he asked, tired. "Travis..." I muttered. "Sure..." I obliged.
Unbuckling my mask and holding it in my hand, I stared down at Travis. His hair was messy and disheveled. His olive skin was soft and bruised, band-aids covering what he considered imperfections. His amber eyes were scarred with remnants of guilt, sadness, and disappointment.
"You ready to go?" I ask. "Yea..." he answered, faking a smile to reassure me. "C'mon." I said, reaching my hand down for him to grab.
Travis' POV:
I grabbed onto his hand and pulled myself up. I needed a shower; I feel disgusting and dirty. "Thanks, Sally." I muttered, letting go of his hand. "Of course, Trav." he said, smiling sweetly.
*Time Skip*
We got back to the apartment; Sal drove because he was the only sober one. Once we arrived, I walked into Sal's room with incredible speed. We quietly snuck back into his room and he let me change into some of his clothes so he could wash mine and I could wear them home.
Sal's POV:
I grabbed him some clothes that were big on me. He changed and I went down to the basement with our clothes. I dug out David's because he won't, and put mine and Travis' in. I started it and looked through the Lost and Found for a second.
I found this pretty necklace. It was a cross. "Megan..." I muttered, knowing that I needed to visit her soon. I grabbed it up and put it around my neck. It's safer on my neck than my pocket, if it was in there, I'd probably lose it.
So, I went back to my room. Travis was in the bathroom and had locked the door. "You okay in there?" I called. "Yea! I'm fine!" he answered, happiness lacing his voice. "You sure?" I asked again, just wanting to make sure. "I'm fine, Sal." he reassured. "Just gonna get a shower, I feel... dirty..." he said, disgust hinting in his voice.
"Alright, be quick." I suggested, walking to my bed and plopping down. The shower turned on and the metal hooks that hold up our shower curtain rattled. I held Gizmo for a while, petting his soft fur as his purrs vibrated my chest.
Travis' POV:
I told Sal I was going to get a shower. I turned on the water and let it get to the right temperature before stepping in. He told me to be quick, so I planned to just...wash up.
I stepped in and felt amazing as the hot water hit my sore body. Today had been a nightmare. Except now, I couldn't escape by waking up or reminding myself that it was a dream and all in my head. No, this was real and what had happened today could never be taken back.
I looked down at my body. I looked at the little pieces of fat that everyone swore wasn't there, the way my legs looked, and how I looked as a whole. I grabbed a washrag and started viciously scrubbing my body, especially where he touched. I washed my hair with a shampoo that smelled like Sal does.
It reminded me of him.
I took in the scent, scrubbing my scalp as my hair stuck to my forehead.
*Time Skip*
I stepped out of the shower and wrapped a towel around my waist. Looking around the bathroom, I noticed that I hadn't brought my clothes. I walked out of the bathroom and into Sal's. "Hey, Sal. Forgot my clothes." I informed him, grabbing the clothes off his bed and readjusting my towel because it felt a little loose.
"Oh! Hey, Trav!" Sal said, quickly sitting up and grabbing his bedsheets. "Are you okay?" I ask, watching as his ears and neck turned bright pink. "Mhm!" he assured, giving me a thumbs up as his eyes darted all over my body. "Okay..." I said, walking back to the bathroom.
Sal's POV:
I was about to lie down when my door creaked open, and I heard Travis' voice. "Hey, Sal. Forgot my clothes." he informed, grabbing the clothes off my bed. He readjusted his towel and I lost my shit. His hair was sticking to his face and dripping water all down his chest. "Oh! Hey, Trav!" I responded, trying not to make my nervousness too obvious. "Are you okay?" he asked, raising an eyebrow. "Mhm!" I reassured, taking in every part of him I could.
"Okay..." he said, smirking and walking out.
The scene replayed in my head, and I mentally scolded myself for being so weird. His blonde hair was shiny, and his stomach was skinny. I could see his defined collarbone and a minimal amount of his ribs. His arms were scrawny yet muscular. I could see where his body dipped into the spots only meant for that special someone and it drove me crazy knowing that the only thing separating me and it was a thin piece of cloth.
My heart may have skipped a few beats when he walked in.
He went back to the bathroom and returned a few minutes later in his clothes. He was wearing a tight white T-shirt and some basketball shorts that I hadn't grown into yet; I gave him a pair of pink fuzzy socks I always wore when it was cold. "You ready for bed yet?" I ask, crawling into the covers and burying my face into the pillow. "Yea, see you in the morning." he said, walking out of my room.
"Where are you going?" I ask, sitting up quickly. "The couch?" he answered, his words coming out as more of a question than a statement. "Just sleep in here. I'll sleep on the couch." I offered. "No, it's fine." he assured. "Or..." I started, wanting to just shrug off the idea altogether. "Or what?" he asked, intrigued. "Or we could just sleep together..." I suggested.
"I guess." he obliged, walking to the bed and climbing in next to me. Before I lay down, I made sure that I had set my alarm. Once I was sure I had, I lay down and pulled the covers over myself. Travis was facing me, but he had his eyes closed and his lips slightly parted.
"Sal, are you still awake?" Travis whispered, slightly opening his eyes. "I am, yea." I whispered back. "Can I talk to you?" he muttered, averting his eyes. "Of course, Trav. You don't have to ask." I assured, smiling sweetly at him. "Why..." he started.
"Why is cupid so cruel?"
(Originally posted March 20th 2023 on Wattpad)
"Church Boy." - Cruel - Wattpad
Church Boy-Ataraxia
"I don't know, Trav..." I truthfully answered, smiling and giving a lighthearted giggle to lighten the mood. "Oh..." he muttered. He sighed deeply and looked down at the bed as if it were going to morph into an answer if he looked long enough. "Do you need to tell me anything?" I asked, cupping his face. "I do...I don't feel good enough, I feel like a sinner, and I have this urge in my chest that I can't get rid of. I feel controlled and trapped and I'm not my own person..." he admitted, letting a few tears fall from his amber eyes.
"Trav, you are enough. Why would you be a sinner? You're a saint." I assured, smiling to support my statement. "Sometimes, we have urges that we can't fulfill. It's normal. You are your own person. I'm so grateful to know you and be here right now. You are my favorite person and I love being around you." I said, letting out a breath I didn't know I was holding.
"Why...why don't you hate me...?" he murmured, not meaning for me to hear him. "I don't hate you because you don't deserve my hate..." I answered, twirling some of his hair between my fingers. "But..." he muttered, sniffling slightly. "No buts. I don't care what you think, to me, you deserve the world..."
"I don't deserve you, Sal."
"You don't deserve me, you're right..."
"I know..."
"You deserve better..."
"Sal, you're the best they get."
"I'm really not, you have other friends who love you so much more!"
"What?" "No, I don't. I have nobody else."
"You have your parents."
"I would, but he would just call me a sinner and punish me... I can't do anything. Like I said, no free will."
"Trav, you need to start doing what you want to do. Not what everyone else wants."
"Whatever I want?"
"Yea, go for it. You only live once, y'know?"
"Yeah, guess so..."
"So, go ahead! Right now, is there anything you've been dying to do? I could help!"
"There is, actually..."
"Do it!"
"Are you sure?"
"Of course!"
"Do me a favor and promise me you won't be mad..." he whispered, sitting up and motioning for me to do the same. So, I did, I sat up onto my knees and looked up at him. Worry and apprehension was plastered on his face as he waited for me to respond.
"I promise you; I won't be mad."
"Here goes..." he whispered, reaching a hand up and grabbing my chin. I was in shock as his lips met mine. He pulled away after a second. "Travis, did you really just...kiss me?!" I whispered, my eyes wide and my lips parted. "I did...I'm sorry, that was uncalled for...I-"
He stopped talking as I went back in for more. His lips were soft, and I craved how they felt. "Travis, don't be sorry..." I murmured. "M'kay..." he whispered, struggling as he didn't want to pull away. Travis grabbed my chin and parted his lips from mine.
I threw my arms around his neck and crawled into his lap as he put his own on my skinny waist. Our lips met again, this time, he gently poked at my lower lip, requesting entry. I opened my mouth, allowing him to move his tongue around, exploring as he pleased. I moved closer, fiending for every part of him I could have.
He let out a small whimper as I grabbed the front of his shirt to pull him closer.
Travis' POV:
We were talking and he said I should just do what I wanted to. I sat up as he promised me that he wouldn't be mad. Once he answered, I pondered what I should do.
Should I do it?
What if he's straight?
What if he tells?
"You only live once..." Sal had said. His words reverberated in my mind as I grabbed his chin and just fucking went for it. His lips met mine and I felt as though I could live forever. He was warm and soft and tasted like coffee.
I pulled away as the realization set in. "Travis, did you really just...kiss me?!" he whispered, eyes wide and lips parted. "I did...I'm sorry, that was uncalled for...I-" my apology was quickly cut off by Sal kissing me again. Between kisses, he whispered something along the lines of "Travis, don't be sorry..." and I just agreed and allowed our session to continue.
I parted from him, grasping as much air as possible without wasting any time. When I was away, he threw his arms around me and crawled into my lap, straddling my legs. I gently poked at his bottom lip, he opened his mouth and a whole area that had yet to be explored was now mine. He grabbed my collar and pulled me closer to him, I let out a small whimper, that I hope he didn't hear, in response.
He smiled; I know because I felt his lips shift. I guess he heard. "You're such a fucking bottom..." he whispered into my ear, rubbing his hand down my torso. "I love you..." he whispered, cupping my face and looking me in the eyes. "I love you too..." I muttered, smiling like the idiot I am.
I'm so grateful he couldn't see.
Sal's POV:
The whimper sent me...
I told him I loved him. He said it back...
The realization of his words settled in, and I pulled away. I felt tears rising to my eyes as I stared at the dazed boy in front of me. I started to sob and hiccup, burying my face in my hands. "Sal? What's wrong? Did I do something wrong?" he frantically asked, pulling my hands away from my face.
I quickly shook my head as my hands were once again around his neck. "What the fuck is going on!?" my father yelled, busting through the door. "What the fuck did you do? Why is my son crying, you fucking bastard, answer me!" he screamed, stepping closer to us. "I don't know! I don't know what happened! He just started crying!" Travis defended, raising his arms.
"He...he...didn't look away!" I whispered, looking at my father with the widest smile he'd ever seen me put on. "What?" my father asked, relaxing his stance. "Trav, can I tell him?" I ask, quietly. "I don't know. Not yet..." he answered.
I nodded and Travis lifted his fingers to wipe underneath my eyes. My dad was still standing in the doorway, hair disheveled and messy, eyes wide and fearful. "Nothing happened, dad. I need a second with Travis. Can you...?" I ask, gesturing for him to leave. He nodded and stepped out, closing the door behind him.
"Travis, I just gotta ask...was that your first kiss?"
" was. What about you?"
"Mhm, it was mine too."
"So, are we Or?"
"If that's what you want."
"It that...what you want too?"
"You're so beautiful."
"Where's this coming from?"
"Dunno, the heart? I guess."
"Shut up, that's so cheesy."
"Fine. I can stop being nice to you."
"I was kidding!"
"I know, I know."
"Should I tell my dad?"
"Sure, tell him not to tell mine. He's a homophobe."
"Damn, so that's where you get it?"
"Fuck you."
"You would."
"No comment..."
"Shut it, Sally."
"Make me."
"I made you a few minutes ago, remember?"
"I do. How could I forget? Such a wondrous experience~"
"You're so fucking gay."
"Well, whose fault is that?"
"I take full responsibility."
"Okay, I'm letting him in."
I opened the door and let my father in. He was leaning up against the wall. Once he entered, he glanced over to the red and nervous Travis before switching his attention toward me. "So, what?" he asked. "Dad..." I muttered, excited beyond belief. He cocked an eyebrow, waiting for me to continue. "Travis and I are dating!" I said, throwing my arms around my father's waist. "I figured you were gay, Sal. Never thought Travis would be, though." he commented, resting a hand on my upper back.
"Ouch, okay." I said, letting go and barreling into Travis, knocking him over. "Help me." he mouthed. My father smiled sincerely and gave Travis a sweet wink before leaving. He closed the door but popped his head in a second later for another comment. "So, what size condoms?" he asked, dodging as I threw a pillow at his face.
I could hear him chortling outside the room. "I hate him..." I joked, looking over at Travis who had gone red. "Did he just ask that?" Travis pondered, turning to look at me with genuine fear and shock on his face.
"Yup! And guess what? I have to live with him!" I retorted, smiling hard. "Rest in peace." he said. I cocked an eyebrow at his remark. "Your loss of fucking braincells." he finished. I punched his arm. "Hey! I'm not that stupid!" I defended. "You're in love with me." Travis retorted. "So?"
"So, you're stupid."
Originally posted March 21st 2023 on Wattpad)
"Church Boy." - Ataraxia - Wattpad
Church Boy-War
He smirked at me and then started facing the TV, trying to play off what he was going to do. Slowly, he reached his hand over and tugged on my hair. I let out a whimper of pain and delight. My father turned to me, eyebrow cocked and still chewing. "You alright?" he asked, eying me.
"Yea. Just choked on some food." I said, waving my hand to brush it off. He nodded and turned back to the TV. I looked over at Travis who was avoiding my gaze, stifling a laugh as his face turned red. I licked my finger and stuck it in his ear, earning a face of discomfort and disgust.
"Hey, Trav, you okay?" I innocently asked. "Mhm..." he murmured. My father looked over at him, confused. "So, what have you boys been up to?" he knowingly asked. "Oh, uhm, nothing. Just, playing games and stuff." Travis answered, also picking up the tone of my father's voice. "That all?" he asked, turning to me. "Yea, pretty much."
"Mhm, well...I need to be off to bed. Remember, you guys have school. It's 11 PM; get some sleep." father said, putting his dish in the sink and going to bed. "Okay, dad. We will." I promised. "Love you, dad." I called, finishing my food and putting my dish in the sink as well. "Love you too." he responded, closing his door.
Travis finished too and we went to bed. He crawled next to me and placed me near his stomach. We were spooning. His hands were resting on my stomach and clutching one of mine. "Goodnight, I love you." he whispered, leaving a small kiss on the crook of my neck. "I love you too."
Originally posted March 24th 2023
"Church Boy." - War - Wattpad
Church Boy-Treat
Today was Halloween. We all met at Larry's and got dressed.
*Time Skip*
It was 7 when we walked to the neighborhood. Travis was by my side and everyone was with their boyfriend or girlfriend. It was cool because Larry and Ash had finally gotten together. He'd asked her out a few days prior.
"You ready, Trav?" I ask, nudging his arm. "Guess so, what do I do?" he asked, shrugging. "Go and knock then say 'Trick or Treat'" I explained, pushing him forward towards the first house. he knocked and looked back at me nervously. The door opened and an old woman stepped out with a bowl of candy. I saw Travis say something and open his bag. She dug into her bowl and dropped a few pieces.
Once she went back in, he ran over to me with the biggest smile I'd ever seen him have. "Fun?" I ask as he aggressively nods his head. We walked to the next house with the group always one or two houses behind us.
After around 30 minutes, Travis stopped and pulled a random candy from his bag. He pulled out a Battle Head (Warhead) and popped it into his mouth. His eyes went wide and he spits it out almost immediately. "The fuck?!" he yelled, looking at the wrapper. I was trying so hard not o laugh my cheeks were hurting.
"Gross..." he spat, continuing to walk the neighborhood.
*Time Skip* (I'm not gonna do a lot for actual Trick or Treating since it's just walking around and knocking on doors.)
We got back to the apartments. Everyone was spent and tired. "You guys wanna trade?" Ash asked, dumping her bag onto the floor. Travis nodded and quickly sat down across from her. "You can have my Battle Heads for...those Sour Patch Children." he offered. "Deal!" Ash shouted, shoving her candies towards him as he gave his to her.
I sat down next to Travis and gave him most of my dark chocolates for kisses. It was a fair trade, to me. He gave me some milk chocolate in return, just to compensate for the lack of material. Larry and the rest of the group eventually sat down and started trading.
Maple and Chug traded for chocolate and sour. Travis and I traded for sweet, sour, and the different types of chocolates we had. Todd and Neil didn't trade, instead, they just shared, and Lisa gave us the remaining candy she couldn't give out.
*Time Skip*
After everybody had traded, we decided to play a few games and watch a movie. We voted and the first game was Twister. Larry would call out the moves and Travis, Ash, and I had to move. Nobody else wanted to play; they were too busy gawking over their partners.
"Travis, right foot, red!" Larry yelled. Travis moved his foot to the nearest red dot. "Sal, left hand, blue!" he yelled. I moved my hand to the nearest blue dot. "Ash, right leg, green." she moved to the nearest green dot.
Eventually, it was getting hard to move. Travis was on all fours, doing something similar to a bridge. I was practically doing the splits and Ash was sitting like a weird bearskin rug. Larry was choking in the corner, trying to catch his breath through boyish giggles and hiccups.
"You done?" I ask, walking over to Larry because Travis had fallen, and the game was over. "I- yea. I'm done-" he answered, wiping under his eyes. "Good, what next?" Travis asked, walking over and rubbing his back. "We could play Uno?" I suggested, pulling out a shoebox with a few card games. "Sure." Larry agreed, shrugging.
"Yea, why not!"
We all gathered in a circle and waited for Ash to shuffle the deck. Once she did, she dealt the cards and told Larry to go first. (This boutta be an actual Uno game, by the way.)
L: Blue 3
A: Blue 2
T: Red 2
S: Red 6
L: Green 6
A: Yellow 6
T: Yellow 4
S: Yellow 1
L: Blue 1
A: Skip card, blue 6
T: Can't play
S: red 6
L: Red 5
A: Plus four-Green-Uno
T: Draws
S: Green 7
L: Green 2
A: Green 1-Uno out.
"Uno out! I win!" Ash exclaimed, recollecting the cards and putting them away. "Of course, you always win." Larry remarked, jokingly rolling his eyes. "It's fine, you love me." Ash joked, poking fun at Larry's very loving and sweet and kind nature, which he most definitely has...
"Movie time?" Maple called out, interlocking her fingers with Chug's. "Sure, you guys all staying?" Larry asked, getting down some blankets from under his bed. "Dude, what the fuck?! How much shit is under your damn bed?!" Travis asked, watching in awe and Larry pulled out around 5 fluffy blankets. "Uhm...Oh! I have a body, a few pillows, my old stuffed animals, a shoebox with human fingers, art stuff, etcetera, etcetera." he joked, counting on his fingers. "That's your best friend..." Travis mocked, giving me a disapproving look. "Yup!" I owned up.
"You poor homosexual boy...I'll pray for you." Travis joked, getting into a praying position. "Y'know, I think I like when you're on your knees. Save that for later." I joked, saying it loud so the group could hear.
Travis' face got red, but he smiled through the embarrassment. "Shut up..." he muttered, sitting back and crossing his legs loosely. "Horror, comedy, thriller, romance, chick flick, or Romcom?" Larry asked, laying down a bunch of movies in front of us. "Romcom!" Ash and I yelled.
Travis looked at me with pure shock. "You're so fucking gay." he teased. "Says you!" I retorted, chucking a pillow at his head. "You dickhead!" he shouted, grabbing the pillow I threw at him and launching it towards me. "Oh?! You wanna go, Christian boy?!" I yelled, standing up. "Yea! You wanna go, midget?!" he responded, mimicking my action and standing up as well.
We stared angrily at each other for a moment before bursting into laughter and falling to the floor. "You looked so dumb!" I joked, wheezing and trying to catch my breath. "Shut up, I have to look down for eye contact!" he insulted, letting out his hyena laugh that I loved.
I caught my breath and crawled over to the still-giggling boy. "I love you." I whispered. "I love you too." he replied, not bothering to whisper. "Aww~" Larry lovingly called out. "Stop, I hate it~" he finished, executing the transition from swooned to annoyed. "Jealous." I mocked. "I have a girlfriend, ass-fuck." Larry retorted. "Speaking of ass-fuck, how are you, Todd?" he asked, looking at the annoyed couple.
"Fuck you." Todd remarked, raising his middle finger. "What? Not my fault you're an obvious bottom!" Larry defended. "No, I'm not!" Todd objected, earning a giggle from his boyfriend. Neil looked over at Larry and nodded, making sure Todd didn't see. Larry saw and giggled to himself.
"I'm going back to my apartment. Trav, you coming?" I asked, standing up. "Yea, see you guys!" Travis called, waving goodbye as I grabbed his hand and walked with him.
"Tonight was fun." he commented, still walking with me. "Yea, every year we get to do it again."
"Every year?"
Originally posted March 25th 2023 on Wattpad
"Church Boy." - Treat - Wattpad
Church Boy-Sinners
Today was 14 days before Christmas. A few months ago, Travis and I started dating. We had our first kiss and first time together. I couldn't see myself with anyone else in the world.
Amazingly, our school didn't offer any breaks for Christmas. They said it was because a holiday didn't require time off. It did when you go to Nockfell High...
I had already gotten, Travis, Neil, Larry, Ash, Maple, Chug, Todd, and everybody else their gifts. I got Travis a matching necklace that I and him were going to wear, along with rings that matched too. I got Neil a new coffee mug. Larry got some new drumsticks and art stuff; Mainly acrylics and canvas'. Ash got more art stuff and a sketchbook. Maple got a new switchblade. Chug got an assortment of chocolates. Todd got a new book about the theory of the space-time continuum and some writing stuff.
I was sitting in my living room, wrapping the gifts when a knock at the door caught my attention. I ran over and barely opened it. Travis was standing in my doorway with another man behind him. His eyes were fearful and pleading. "Hey, Travis." I greeted. "Give me a second, I'm wrapping presents and you can't see yours." I informed, gently closing the door and completely flipping out.
I ran to my father's room and opened the door. "Dad! Travis' father is here and he wants in! What do I do? He's homophobic! I-"
"Calm down, Sal. I'll get it and I won't say anything about you two."
My father gave me a reassuring smile and walked to the front door. He opened it and let them in. The two men stepped inside and the taller one looked around before beginning to speak. "My son has informed me that you and he are very close." he stated, voice deep and raspy; he had likely been yelling prior. "Yes, Mr. Phelps. Travis and I have grown very close since I moved here." I informed, adjusting my mask.
"So, is there any problem with him and me?"
"Well, let's sort that out, then!"
"You're not a faggot, are you?"
"I- no...I'm not. They are the epitome of the devil."
"Then, tell me, Mr. Fisher. Why have you corrupted my son's soul? You've turned him into a faggot. A sinner..."
"I didn't-"
"Silence. You and Travis are to have no further interactions. If that isn't clear, I can make it."
"Since you want to lie, let me read through his journal. "Today I walked past Sal. His pigtails bounced and swayed when he walked. I like how his hair looks today. It looks good every day, though.
I miss his touch. The other night was amazing. I love him. He saw me and walked over. Looping his arms around my waist, I was pulled into a warm hug. He told me he loved me and I told him I loved him back.
We walked to our classes and then ate lunch together as well. He kept his hand on my thigh while we ate. I'm so glad we sit near the wall so nobody can see.
So perfect and pretty, yet he loves me out of everyone else. Wow..."
"Travis, you wrote that?"
"He did."
My words were cut off by the man leaving and grabbing Travis by his wrists and dragging him along. Before the door shut, Travis turned to face me and mouthed the words, "I love you" before being dragged away.
My heart sped up and I soon could no longer breathe. "Sal, what happened?" My father asked, re-entering the room. "I can't-" my words slurred. "Travis and I can't see each other..." I choked out, coughing and sobbing. "Sal, I'm so sorry. I really am..." my father muttered, rubbing my back.
*Time Skip*
I was now lying in my bed, flat on my back with my arms at my sides. I was no longer crying. Now, nothing would come out. The worst part had to be the fact that I had to see him tomorrow at school.
I was lying with my thoughts until something brilliant struck me. He's close with Ms. Gibson. I'd go talk to her.
I threw on my mask and a different shirt. "Dad! I'll be right back!" I yelled, dashing out of the door and down to the first level. The elevator ride felt so much longer than it should have. Once it stopped and the doors opened enough for me to slip out, I did and ran to Ms. Gibson's room.
I aggressively knocked on the door until it opened. "What?" she spat, glaring at me with contempt. "Travis." I choked out. Her eyes went wide, and she let me in. "What? Did something happen?" she interrogated. "His father...made him stop seeing me. He found his journal and when his dad brought him over...he had more bruises and scars than I do."
"Are you fucking serious?!"
She smiled sadistically before disappearing into her room.
She returned a second later, wielding a shotgun...
Travis' POV:
He grabbed my wrist and dragged me away from Sal. I turned away and told him I loved him, even if it were to be the last thing I ever said to him.
His eyes hurt so fucking bad. Those baby-blue pools just staring at me...
I wanted to just break away and kiss him, so bad. I just want to touch him again. Even hearing his laugh would suffice. Or seeing him smile at me when we were playing games or joking. To watch how his hair moved when he ran to me from across the school hallway. Or even his smell...That vanilla and coffee scent.
I felt tears rising to my eyes as we drove away. I saw him watching out of his window as we parted farther and farther from the apartments. "You are a sinner." my father declared, monotone.
Originally posted March 30th 2023 on Wattpad
"Church Boy." - Sinners - Wattpad
Church Boy-Enough
We arrived home and my father began to smile. I knew what was going to happen, so I ran up to my room and locked the door behind me. My father was now right outside, banging so the door rattled.
"Open this fucking door!" he screamed, jiggling the handle and banging some more. "Please! Don't!" I cried, hugging my knees to my chest. The banging and yelling stopped. "Travis, please open this door." he kindly requested, stifled anger surging through his voice. "No! I'm not falling for that! Leave! Kick me out, even! I don't care!" I screamed, voice wavering and shaky. "Then leave."
A few minutes later, a loud cracking sound could be heard from right next to me. The door had been split through the center, a large ax through the cheap wood. "You-" I muttered, seeing my father standing there, body shaking.
"Please..." I whispered, watching as my father charge toward me and knocked me to the ground. He took his hand and balled it into a fist, striking my face as I did my best to cover it. He grabbed my chin and forced me to face him.
His green eyes shot through me as he slapped me across the face. He then used his other hand to slam my head into the ground. I screamed but he covered my mouth. "You make another sound," he whispered, lowering himself to say it into my ear. "I'll break your jaw..."
A shiver went through my body, and I felt blood gushing from my nose. His hand was on my forehead, forcing my head down, and the other one was by his side and clenched. He raised his fist and struck my eye; a deep bruise would be there soon...
I could barely see now, only out of one eye. He smeared the blood from my nose all over my face, slapping me as he did. "I wish you were never fucking born!" he screamed, spit flying out of his mouth as he yelled. " So do I!" I boldly retorted, letting the pained tears fall from my face.
He sat up and removed his belt, quickly smacking my torso with it multiple times. He stood up after even more hits, beginning to kick my body as I curled up to protect what I could. "You pussy." he hissed, kicking me so I rolled onto my side. Stomping a foot into my guts, he spat onto my face before leaving.
I gasped for air as I lie there, shaky and bloody...
It's time to leave...
I tried to sit up but before I could, he was back in my room with a knife. He got on his knees and flipped me effortlessly onto my back. cutting the back of my shirt and exposing my scarred skin. Slowly but violently, he traced the blade down my back, breaking the skin and causing crimson blood to spill out.
I writhed but to no avail. "The more you squirm, the more I'll hurt you." he threatened, not once removing the cold blade. I knew he was drawing something; I just couldn't figure out what.
Eventually, he lifted the blade and got off the floor. I felt blood seeping off the sides of my body, contrasting with the cold of the wooden floor, the warm liquid pooled around me.
I felt dizzy as my father laughed and left, closing the door behind him. "Fuck..." I muttered, putting my hand on my back to evaluate the damage.
Before I closed my eyes, I could hear screams and gunshots emanating from the rooms beyond mine. "I found him!" a boy shouted, though I couldn't figure out who. "Where?" a woman's voice frantically asked. "Oh my..." she muttered, gasping. "Hurry! He's alive!" he yelled.
Soon, I felt someone lifting me and putting me on another flat surface. Drifting in and out of consciousness, I heard more people talking and crying.
Sal's POV:
Ms. Gibson and I broke it, she had brought her gun and wasn't afraid to use it.
We heard screaming from outside, and even worse, we heard silence right after. We busted in, running into the blonde man who had been at my home. He had blood dripping from his clothes and off of the knife he was holding.
He swung at me, hitting a spot in my arm. Ms. Gibson pulled out her gun and shot him in the arm, causing him to drop the knife. He screamed and I ran up the steps to see if I could find Travis. "I found him!" I yelled, taking a step as I looked at the bloody boy in front of me.
The back of his shirt had been sliced open and his olive skin was exposed. He was bleeding and had the word "Sinner" carved into his back along with a pentagram. "Where?!" Ms. Gibson yelled, following suit. "Oh my..." she muttered, gasping for air.
I picked him up and he nodded in and out of consciousness. We called the ambulance and they arrived quickly. Once they were here, Ms. Gibson and I carried him down and placed him on the stretcher.
He muttered something that I couldn't have made out if I tried. The paramedics sat with him while one of them cleaned my wounds separately. Once they were finished with me, they went and tended to Travis.
*Time Skip*
We arrived at the hospital, and they wheeled him out. Once we were inside, they brought him to a room and allowed us to see him after a few hours. I didn't leave the waiting room, not once.
Ms. Gibson went home as I sat there by myself, sobbing and wishing I could've been there sooner. Wishing I could've said something to save him.
Wishing I would've never loved him.
Wishing I could've had some control and stayed away.
Wishing I never became his friend.
Wishing I could take back everything I'd ever done.
Wishing is never enough...
Hoping he would be okay...
Hoping he'd forgive me...
Hoping he didn't love me...
Hoping that he'd recover...
Hoping is never enough...
Originally posted March 30th 2023
"Church Boy." - Enough - Wattpad
Church Boy-Long wait
I sat there for hours on end, contemplating returning home or waiting. Ironically, I ended up waiting because I couldn't decide.
"Mr. Fisher? He can be seen now." A nurse called, poking half her body out of the door. I jumped up and ran over, nearly falling as I did.
She guided me to the room with Travis. "Be careful; he's still a little out of it from the medication." she warned, exiting the room.
My heart broke when I saw him.
His eyes were red and glossy, and bumps and bruises covered him. "Hey, Trav..." I muttered. "Sal?" he whispered, grimacing as he spoke. "Don't talk; your lip is busted. It'll just hurt more." I said, sitting in a seat next to him and grabbing his hand. "What happened?" he asked, ignoring my advice. "Ms. Gibson and I broke in and...and we shot your dad because he cut me...then I found you and we carried you to the medics..." I informed.
He nodded but gasped right after. "Stop, Trav. You're going to hurt yourself more. Just relax; I'm not going anywhere. Not until I can take you home with me..." I promised, reassuring the bruised boy beneath me.
"I love you..." I whispered, letting tears fall from my eyes as Travis rubbed the base of my thumb with his own. I removed my hand so I could take my mask off. Once I did, I threw my hair into a ponytail with a pink scrunchie.
Soon, I gave him my hand and he grasped it again. He drifted off to sleep after a while. I never let go of his hand. I held it the entire time.
*Time Skip*
I had fallen asleep. When I woke up, I looked at Travis. He was awake and staring at me with the softest smile. "Morning, handsome." he greeted, squeezing my hand. "Morning, sexy." I retorted, smiling back at him as he smirked in pride at my nickname. "Haha, very funny." he replied, jokingly rolling his eyes. "I wasn't joking. I think you're sexy." I protested. "I know; I just wanted to hear you say it." he admitted.
"I love you." I said, watching as his smile shrunk a little. "What?" I asked, worried I said something wrong. "Why?" he asked, looking away. "Why do I love you? Is that what you're asking me?" I inquired. He nodded slightly and glanced back at me for a split second. "I love you because you love me unconditionally, you have the brightest smile and cute ass braces, your eyes are so deep and pretty, your skin is soft. You make me happy beyond belief and I couldn't imagine a world without you. Even thinking about one of us with someone other than each other makes my stomach churn. I love everything about you, Trav. From your family issues to your birthmarks and scars you try to hide." I admitted, my face heating up as I let out a breath, I didn't know I was holding.
"Oh please, you're flattering me~" he joked, holding his hand to his face, pretending to be swooning. "Ha, that's most of it. There's more." I said, halfheartedly giggling. "You should see what I write about you..." Travis murmured, not expecting to be heard. "What do you write about me?" I asked, utterly intrigued.
"I'll give them to you as your gift. If it wasn't for Christmas, you'd never even know about them." he informed, raising a finger and tapping my nose. "Fine. It's only two weeks away."
"That's so long~" he whined, and I smiled a little at his boyish nature. "You know what else is long?" I asked, trying not to smile. "Wh-" he stopped once he figured out what I was talking about. "No, I don't. Guess you'll have to show me." he taunted. "Once you're healed."
He pouted and rolled his eyes. "Fine..."
*Time Skip*
It was now two days before Christmas. Kenneth is in jail for child abuse, and I have to pick Travis up from the hospital. Today is the day he gets to come home.
Every day for two weeks, I would go to the hospital after school. I couldn't stop going. I had to learn so I could tutor Travis when he gets back.
I ran out of the school and down the street to wait for the bus. It took around ten minutes because of all the traffic with kids getting out of school. I used to ride with Larry but now I have to ride the public bus instead of the school bus.
Once it arrived, I climbed on and paid my fee. Taking a seat in the back, I was shaking in my seat. The bus stopped at the hospital, and I climbed off with incredible speed. I ran to the doors and into the elevator, pressing the button for the fifth floor.
Travis' Floor.
I sprinted to his room, opening the door with haste and impatience. "Travis!" I yelled, walking over to him. "Sal!" he yelled back, walking over to me with a slight limp. "You ready to go?" I ask, glancing at the nurse. She smiled and allowed us to leave, informing us to sign out at the front desk.
*Time Skip*
My father pulled up and we got in. I assisted Travis and then climbed in myself. "You boys ready? he asked, pulling out. "Yup. I finished the presents, and nearly used all the wrapping paper. Do you think Travis is going to like his gift?" I asked my father, teasing Travis with the mystery of his present.
"I do, Sal, I do. He'll love it." my father said, smirking as he picked up on what I was doing. "Really?" Travis rhetorically asked. My father and I nodded as he chuckled. "You guys are jerks." Travis insulted, crossing his arms.
"Listen, Trav," I said, resting a hand on his shoulder. "There was a long wait to see you out of the hospital. It's two more days."
Originally posted April 1st 2023 on Wattpad
"Church Boy." - Long Wait - Wattpad