12 posts
I Need Help Finding A Tumblr Post
I need help finding a tumblr post
Ok, it’s dp x dc
The idea is that Tim and Danny are twins, Tim finds this out from his dad I think.
After Tim falls out with the Batfam, he leaves and I think he gets badly injured. Danny can feel this, and turns Tim into a Halfa to save his life.
Tim gets adopted by the Fenton’s, and Batfam thinks he’s dead because they only found all the blood from the injury, and they think that until they see Tim and Danny together in a cafe of some kind.
Any help is appreciated
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More Posts from Thattoxicshipper
“Batman, both Fenton and Pharaoh are in Gotham.” Oracle’s voice cuts through the coms.
“Where.” He grunts, motioning for Robin to continue following him as Oracle replies:
“West entrance of Robinson Park.”
“Poison Ivy is out tonight.” Red Robin hisses, worry obvious in his tone. Bruce feels the same, deciding to pick up more speed in an effort to get there faster.
5 minutes later, Batman and Robin land at Robinson Park, both Fenton and Pharaoh turning at the sound of feet hitting the ground.
“Ah, Batty man!” Fenton beams with a clap of his hands. “Did you come alllllllll the way over here for little old us?”
“And are you sure you can’t go away and come find us again at 2:31 pm tomorrow?” Blue, kohl lined eyes, hidden behind black rimed glasses, rolled as the other boy crossed his arms and grumbled. “You’re gonna ruin our last day out before the Math test.”
“It’s dangerous here tonight.” The Dark Knight grunted.
“Exactly. Now leave our city, fools. You have no place here.” The younger child wrinkled his nose at the two as if they were some particularly foul thing he’d found in an alleyway.
“You are correct, Batman.” Fenton acknowledged with a smirk, ignoring his younger companion. “It IS dangerous here tonight, far more so than you realize, but not for the two of us so much as for the three of you.”
“Three?” Pharaoh raises an eyebrow as his attention shifts to his companion.
“Yeah,” The scientist smiles. “It’s four now, but Red Robin and Black Bat just showed up.” And he turned his almost luminous blue eyes to a shadow on his right and Robin’s left. The two aforementioned vigilantes slip out of the shadows with a nod towards him.
“How is it more dangerous for us than you?” Red Robin asked. “We’ve basically faced everyone in this city at least once.”
“You haven’t faced me.” A young, seemingly female voice came from the shadows of the plant life through the gate, and before any of the bats could react, vines and vegetation snapped forward, entangling and immobilizing the four vigilantes and completely bypassing the two teen villains who were now grinning like lunatics.
A teenage girl, about the same age as Fenton and Pharaoh, stepped through the gate and into the light. Black and purple flower petals and plating made up the pale, paler than Fenton, girl’s armor, which was longer in the back in a way that was distinctly dress like. Black, armored leggings that became more frequently ripped as the got closer to her bare feet, and vines that crawled and wound around her arms, one of her legs, and even framed her neck gave her a distinctly more nature-esc feel.
Her rather black hair was messy, only a small portion of it being held back in the small ponytail at the back of her head. Her eyes were two solid, glowing green walls that reminded the Bats far to much of the Lazarus pits, and her veins were visibly black, and very obviously not drawn on with makeup like one would first assume from the smudged eye liner and mascara beneath her eyes.
“And who would you be, wench!” Robin sneered.
“Nightshade,” her head tilted slightly to let everyone know she was looking at the youngest Bat. “And I’m afraid you’ll have to wait. We have things to do.” With the final word securely hers, Nightshade moved to link arms with Fenton and Pharaoh, and they disappeared in a cocoon of vines that fell to the ground with their restraints.
“That one’s mine, Bats.” Batman and the others turned to find Poison Ivy standing at the gate to Robinson Park, smiling at the place the three teens had stood only moments before.
Batman sighed, reaching for his com.
“Oracle. Create a new file named Nightshade, and link it to Fenton and Pharaoh’s.”
In the middle of the Justice League meeting the next day, informing the others of Nightshade and her ties to the other two, a number of companies that purposely ruined the environment for their own gain and various animal slaughterhouses were disrupted by plant life wreaking havoc on the workers and buildings.
On a whim, Batman checked the time before he left with everyone else to deal with it.
2:31 pm
Clockwork sees how stressed Danny is from trying to be the goodest boy and never do anything remotely bad that could turn him evil and thinks he may have overdone it. At this rate his panic over never doing anything evil is going to force him to emotionally burn out and stop caring. Then he'll turn evil anyway.
So Clocky does something that sounds completely ridiculous in theory. He scoops Danny up and drops him into a universe full of superheros and villains and tells him to "Do whatever you want. There will be no consequences for you." Then he leaves.
And just like that, Danny goes apeshit. He decides to do the one thing he always wanted to do but was too afraid to because he didn't want to be judged, or worse, forced to join his parents.
He becomes a supervillian. Not as Phantom, no. But as Fenton! He goes full super genius mad scientist and terrorizes whatever city he's in. The local superhero is being driven insane as Danny builds death rays, shrink rays, his own modified version of the GAV, ect.
The best part if that the local heros can never catch him for long and when he is caught he always escapes before he is transported to whatever facility they wanted him in. He always ends up back in his home dimension where he goes back to acting normal and no one from either human dimension or the Infinite Realms knows what he's up to (except the stop watch of course)
After a particularly fun day in which Danny highjacks all broadcasting services to teach everyone in the world how to make insulin at home so you didn't have to pay a ridiculous amount for necessary medication, the Justice League was now on his tail.
Danny just laughs, thinking there's no way they'd ever be able to arrest him. Little does he know some guy calling himself Batman is leading the mission and he has no intention of arresting him. Danny, much to his horror, becomes far to familiar with adoption papers. As in he keeps having to set them on fire.

I Need help finding a Fic on Ao3
It’s a series, too
It’s Dad for One, and Izuku goes to Tartarus to analyze and interview Afo
He kinda becomes a investigative journalist/reporter at the news paper company that Afo owns under the name Hisashi
Shigaraki figures out that Izuku is Afo’s son after seeing him all dressed up for an event with his hair styled different.
Then he gets kidnapped and badly injured, so afo breaks out of Tartarus and finds Eri. He teaches Eri to properly use her quirk, and she fixes him and then Izuku
Also, I remember in the next part of the series, Inko has Izuku stay with afo, they sue UA, Eri fixes All Might, Afo puts Bakugou in the hospital by taking his quirk, Izuku figures out he as the Afo quirk as well, and gives bakugou’s quirk back and breaks him out of the hospital.
That’s all I remember
Any help anyone can give me would be greatly appreciated!
I must write
The Justice League was incredibly frustrated. For some reason, Fenton’s Robot was acting very different, and no one could hack it.
“Got it!” Oracle shouted, before every screen in the Watchtower cut to a bright gold.
“Wow, did it really take you that long?”
That wasn’t Fenton.
“Who are you.” Batman growled out.
“Chillax man,” the person on the other end told them, sounding a bit annoyed. “Yo, D, the League finally connected!”
“Hey guys!” Fenton shouted, his voice muted slightly, like he was farther away. There were loud footsteps and then Fenton was closer. “Yo, T, can you pull up a camera connection?”
“Who do you think I am?” The unknown scoffed.
“My best friend who hacked the government on his outdated PDA!” Fenton chirped back. One of the screens showed a video projection just in time for the League to see Fenton get cuffed over the back of his head.
“How dare you call my baby old!” He shrieked in offense. Because they could see that the previously unknown hacker was masculine. He had a darker skin tone, closer to Signal’s. He was wearing a black, sleeveless shirt that looked to be made of the same material as Fenton’s hazmat suit. His hair was pulled into short dreadlocks and he had a strange scepter slung across his back. He also had a cape, which attached to the opposite shoulder from the scepter and seemed to connect to a gauntlet one of his fore arms.
His blue eyes were lined with kohl behind his glasses and he wore a circlet that twined together at the front into two snake heads.
When his eyes turned back to the screen he’d hacked, his eyes sharpened and his lips spread into a meaner smirk, a contrast to the easy and light way he interacted with Fenton.
“Please, refer to me as Pharaoh.” The young man, who really couldn’t be much older than Fenton, spoke confidently. “I coded the very simple connection barrier that took you so long to get through.”
“Simple?!” Cyborg exclaimed in disbelief. Pharaoh nodded, his smirk becoming noticeably more smug.
“His code is somehow written in hieroglyphics!” Oracle shouted. Pharaoh’s grin widened and Fenton burst into wild, uncontained cackling.”
“Simple, trace amounts of magic woven into the system.” Pharaoh smirked. “Just enough to change the displayed words, but not enough to make function like something less electronic. I’m afraid that, even if you manage to get it into the English setting, you won’t be hacking through it. I am the best!”
The cocky grin on the teenager’s face, and confident words he hissed at them were not something the JL was used to. Especially not when dealing with Fenton. The aforementioned black haired teen pulled his goggles off and raised an eyebrow at his accomplice.
“When was the last time you saw S- no, N. When was the last time you saw N.” The paler boy asked. Batman took notice of the slip in names.
“It’s been three days!” The hacker clapped cheerfully. “Three days, my ego and power unchecked, so I’m basically God!”
“I’ll make sure to drop us by her place soon enough.” Fenton replied, pulling his goggles back on and shrugging. “Might be fun, we can have a sleepover.”
“Ooh, yeah! We haven’t had one of those in a while!” Pharaoh grinned, before turning back to his screen. “Anyway, we really just wanted to introduce me to you, let you know that the rest of the team is probably gonna make an appearance at some point!”
“Team?” Flash and Arrow asked at once, horrified expressions on their faces.
“Yep!” Pharaoh wiggled his fingers in a wave.“See ya, heroes!”
With a final giggle, all the screens on the Watchtower returned to normal.
And while the JL was distracted, Fenton and his robot had destroyed an old warehouse that was a front for some very illegal activity, and disappeared in a flash of golden light, leaving behind only sand and the wreckage of their chaos.
“I need to mentor and sibling adopt this kid.” Oracle calmly states over comms. Batman sighs, and makes his way towards the zeta beams.
He’s got another set of adoption papers to go get.
Clockwork sees how stressed Danny is from trying to be the goodest boy and never do anything remotely bad that could turn him evil and thinks he may have overdone it. At this rate his panic over never doing anything evil is going to force him to emotionally burn out and stop caring. Then he'll turn evil anyway.
So Clocky does something that sounds completely ridiculous in theory. He scoops Danny up and drops him into a universe full of superheros and villains and tells him to "Do whatever you want. There will be no consequences for you." Then he leaves.
And just like that, Danny goes apeshit. He decides to do the one thing he always wanted to do but was too afraid to because he didn't want to be judged, or worse, forced to join his parents.
He becomes a supervillian. Not as Phantom, no. But as Fenton! He goes full super genius mad scientist and terrorizes whatever city he's in. The local superhero is being driven insane as Danny builds death rays, shrink rays, his own modified version of the GAV, ect.
The best part if that the local heros can never catch him for long and when he is caught he always escapes before he is transported to whatever facility they wanted him in. He always ends up back in his home dimension where he goes back to acting normal and no one from either human dimension or the Infinite Realms knows what he's up to (except the stop watch of course)
After a particularly fun day in which Danny highjacks all broadcasting services to teach everyone in the world how to make insulin at home so you didn't have to pay a ridiculous amount for necessary medication, the Justice League was now on his tail.
Danny just laughs, thinking there's no way they'd ever be able to arrest him. Little does he know some guy calling himself Batman is leading the mission and he has no intention of arresting him. Danny, much to his horror, becomes far to familiar with adoption papers. As in he keeps having to set them on fire.
I Need help finding a Fic (the sequel)
DC, specifically Batfam this time
It’s a modern magic au, or urban fantasy, I don’t remember which, but Jason Todd could turn into a giant Cat, and he always sought out Tim. He also couldn’t remember anything he did as a cat, because he didn’t know he could do it. He showed up on Christmas Eve or something, and a blizzard always came with him. Jason would cuddle Tim all night, and when Tim woke up in the morning, he’d be gone. Last chapter I read, Tim finally got a DNA sample.
I also remember Bruce being fae or something similar, Tim’s parents were hunters of the supernatural, and the specific supernatural Jason was was called a giantess’s pet, except they used the giantess’s name, and it was the three fates who told Tim this.
I’m pretty sure it was unfinished last I saw it as well, but I’m not sure anymore.