the-answers-lie-beyond-our-stars - Stardust to Startdust
Stardust to Startdust

114 posts

[Reblogged On 07/02/22]

[Reblogged on 07/02/22]

This is adorable wtf 🥺💙 The boyos

Winston: he’s not fit for battle in this condition. He’s neurotic to the point of being afraid of leaving his room and any mention of implementing his powers into battle send him spiralling-

76: that’s why I’m asking you winston. Please. Let me take him in as my ward. Let me give him the help I failed to give him when I was in charge…

Winston: …You blame yourself for Overwatch not saving him? But you didn’t even know about-

76: I did… and I fucking believed the government when they lied to my face and promised he’d be well taken care of… so please… let me look after him now…

Winston: *gently places his hand on his shoulder* so long as you promise you’ll ask for help too when you need it…

76: …I will…

*a few hours later*

Siebren: *shaking and looking over his shoulder repeatedly as he floats through the halls* wh-where are we going?? P-please don’t take me to the lab I don’t want to go back to the lab-

76: *holding his hand and so gently guiding him along like a balloon* it’s okay doc, we’re just moving you to a more comfortable accomodation. *stops in front of his apartment and punches in the code before leading him inside* your room is right next to mine, if you need anything at all come tell me and I’ll take care of it for you okay?

Siebren: *posture immediately relaxing at being in the homely and cozy space* o-okay.

76: everything’s gonna be okay now doc, I promise.

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More Posts from The-answers-lie-beyond-our-stars

[Posted on 07/02/22]

No, you 100% didn't see my posting goof. I swear I know how to work my Tumblr 😭

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[Reblogged on 07/02/22]


And like Seib having ADD? Bro, that makes me feel so recognized wtf 😭 my comfort character possibly having the illness I struggle immensely with is just aaA 😭💙


Cole has asked Torbjorn for a Robo horse before

Hanzo is unsure whether or not Sojiro was proud of him

Gabe still keeps tabs on his ex-wife

Fareeha really wants Ana to come home

Zenyatta can breathe (?)

Zenyatta wants to try and help Hanzo heal

Reinhardt is happy Jack and Ana are alive

Junkrat has a prosthetic finger

Jack is trying to talk Sigma and Gabe out of Talon

Cole thinks Hanzo isn't wearing shoes???

Hanzo wants to ride on Orisa

Lucio and Baptiste like Hanzo's hair

Hanzo used to write poetry

Genji felt like he was always in Hanzo's shadow

Hanzo had it rough being the oldest

Hanzo wanted him and Genji to be equals

Genji wants to help Hanzo heal

Sigma is ADD

Hanzo was apparently a BEAST with a sword

Baptiste wants Hanzo's bow

Gabe is still bullying Cole (He said cole has no friends)

Junkrat wants to write a novel

Cole wants to do target practice with Ana

Angela fed sojourns dog table scraps

That's all of the more interesting tidbits I heard from the voicelines people posted on twitter, I'll keep an eye out for others!

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[Posted on 07/02/20]

Hello, hello! Stardust here to share a roleplay response I wrote yesterday for a Sigmoira roleplay I've been doing! For a little context, Moira is performing Siebren's initial interview, and she requests that he elaborate on the black hole incident. I was really really proud of how this reply turned out and thought I'd share it! If anyone's wondering, the reply is 4,779 characters and 859 words long. It was really fun to write and I hope you all find it entertaining!

[Posted On 07/02/20]

Siebren's heart drops when she says she'd need him to elaborate about the black hole incident. He'd been hoping she wouldn't ask him to do this but alas. He nods as she speaks before taking a deep breath and sighing.

"Very well. Allow me to explain..."

Siebren then begins to recount the day when his life was forever changed...

— — —

That day two weeks into Siebren's team's stay on the International Space Station had begun just like any other. Everyone had been woken up at the crack of dawn to perform their chores, but today was special. The team's final goal on the ISS was to conduct a gravity experiment that could quite possibly change the course of human history, and today was the date of that experiment. The lead scientist, Dr. Siebren de Kuiper, had been awake far earlier than his colleagues so when they shambled into the cafeteria for coffee he simply chuckled.

"Well good morning, sleepy heads. Wonderful to see you all finally awake! We do know what day it is today, yes?"

One of his groggy companions groans and begins to think. She sighs.

"It's Monday, I think? Why?"

"No, no. I mean what the date is."

One of his other companions pipes up, still in his tired daze.

"It's the 20th."

Siebren sighs tiredly. Had they really forgotten the meaning of today? Had the history they were going to make on this very date slipped their minds?

"It's the day of our gravitic experiment! Today we'll be making history!"

Siebren spoke with such excitement and vitality but his colleagues don't seem to mirror it; they all tiredly get their coffee and shamble off to their chores. The Dutchman sighs before going off to begin the preparations for the experiment later that day.

— — —

At this point in his account, Siebren takes a moment and pauses. His hands were shaking, and he could hear his heart beating in his ears. He takes a slow, deep breath and exhales. He mutters for a moment.

"Hold it together. Hold it... together."

Having recollected himself, he continues his account of the events of that day.

— — —

It was now afternoon and all of the chores had been completed and preparations were done. It was now time for the gravitic experiment that served as the team's final goal. As Siebren slowly made his way through the many corridors that lead to the testing chamber, he quietly muttered to himself; he had been assuring himself since his first waking moment that this day was when he and his colleagues would go down in history. A sinking feeling sat in the Dutchman's chest that screamed that something was going to go wrong. He stops in front of the chamber designated for the experiment and takes a deep breath.

"Time to make history."

Siebren was in fact going to make history today simply not in the way he expected.

— — —

Siebren suddenly stops speaking for a moment. His hands were at either side of his head, his fingers pressing into his temples. His melody was growing in volume the longer he went on. He was trembling and his breathing had turned shallow and ragged. The tall male was in almost an upright fetal position with his head down, close to his body. At this point in the account, it would've been a good idea to stop him but before an objection can even be made, he draws one more ragged breath and continues to speak.

— — —

Everything was going as planned in the beginning. The experiment was playing out at a reasonable pace and nothing had gone awry just yet. Siebren sighs as all of this occurs; maybe that feeling from earlier was simply his nerves? Moments after the thought passes through his mind, everything changes. The field containing the experiment began to fail. The Dutchman desperately begins trying to figure out the cause. The brief formation of a black hole occurs just before he can do so, exposing him to its extreme power.

— — —

A scream tears out of the Dutchman's throat as the memory returns to him. In a matter of seconds, the room is sent into zero-g's. The table between the astrophysicist and the biologist and their chairs lift. The objects in the room drop right back to the ground. Quiet sobs leave the male before suddenly stopping. Siebren falls completely silent, unmoving. Had his quiet gasps for air not been audible, one could've assumed he'd stopped breathing all together.

All of a sudden, Moira is thrown back from her chair and pinned against the wall behind her by some unseen force. The Dutchman's very frightened and submissive posture shifts; slowly his hands move to rest on the table and his back straightens. The once confused expression that had been plastered over Siebren's face had turned to a cold, menacing one. He scoffs a bit and when he speaks it's quite obviously /not/ Siebren.

"I was certain my distrust of you was well placed and it seems you've confirmed my hypothesis..."

This. This was Subject Sigma.

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What kind of relaxation headcanons do you have for Sigma? I really like your take on the character and I'd love to know more ;w;

[Answered on 07/18/20]

Pyro, hey! I appreciate you sending me an ask! Great to know you enjoy my portrayal of gravity grandpa uwu! You're not here to hear me babble though so I'll go ahead and get straight to the answers!

What Kind Of Relaxation Headcanons Do You Have For Sigma? I Really Like Your Take On The Character And

R e l a x

Probably the most obvious, but most definitely Siebren's favorite, is stargazing. There's something inherently calming about the beauty of space and its vastness. If he were given the chance, the Dutchman would simply kick back in zero g's and watch the night sky until dawn.

Another obvious one is listening to music. Music serves as an escape for most people but for the astrophysicist it means so much more. Siebren has an affinity for classical (specifically piano pieces but he enjoys full orchestra as well) and old, 2000's pop. Shockingly, Sigma has different tastes than Siebren; Sigma does also enjoy classical but he prefers the sad rock songs over pop.

Reading is another one of Siebren's favorite things to do to relax. As I've already mentioned in a previous ask, he enjoys sci-fi and space themed novels in terms of fiction and astrophysics based books for non. At the moment, he's reading a trilogy called "The Movement".

And last but most certainly not least is cuddling. As I've mentioned in a previous ask, Siebren is extremely touch starved. Knowing that there's a physical person in his arms that he can touch and hold is a very calming sensation. His broken psyche churns his thoughts and constantly creates things he knows are not there, so knowing that at least one thing is real is grounding and relaxing for him. And we all know who'd be happy to cuddle with our gravity man. *cough* Moira *cough*

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[Reblogged on 07/26/20]

Been a while since I posted this, heh. I thought I'd drop by and thank everyone who's shown my content some love, followed me, and sent in asks! It really makes my day knowing that people enjoy my content and want to see more! ^^ I'm not here for just that though; I'd also like to give an update on my ask box! I'm now accepting writing and roleplay requests! Don't worry, I'm still accepting the asks I normally do for headcanons and whatnot; this is just me broadening the range of asks I'm accepting! Once again, I'd like to thank you all for the love and taking the time to read this. I hope you all have a lovely day / night!

[Posted on 07/06/20]

Hey psst. Hey you. I have something I wanna tell you, come here...

[Posted On 07/06/20]

Yes, my Ask Box is open! If you'd like to perhaps drop me an Ask, I'd be happy to answer them! And if you can't drop me an ask, I'd really appreciate you reblogging this post so this can get around and maybe someone else can drop me one? Of course, you don't have to; it's just a suggestion! Anyway, I appreciate your time and I hope you have a lovely day / night!

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