Inbox Meme - Tumblr Posts

this ask meme is based on the blog gravesuggestion. i’ve divided it up into two categories ( light & dark ) based on the themes. some of these can be somewhat triggering seeing that the darker ones deal with a lot of death mentions. please be cautious before continuing on!!
‘ at night i dream of you. ’ ‘ don’t give up yet. you still have time to fix things. ’ ‘ falling in love with someone else is not a personal attack. ’ ‘ i am still so weak when it comes to you. ’ ‘ i can’t believe i let myself let you down. ’ ‘ i don’t care where we go when we die, as long as i’m with you. ’ ‘ i dream of saying to you all the words i held inside until it was too late. ’ ‘ i feel so warm & safe when you talk to me. maybe i could love you if you’d let me. ’ ‘ i finally let the right people in & i have never felt so loved. ’ ‘ i like the way your nails paint red stripes along my spine days after you’re gone. ’ ‘ i lived in your permafrost for twenty years & then you looked at me & i felt the warmth of spring. ’ ‘ i once wished you’d leave me alone, but i take it back. ’ ‘ i want to be able to love someone else, but you stretch your arms & spread your legs inside my heart so that there is no room for anyone or anything else. ’ ‘ i want to believe that we got it right this time. ’ ‘ i wonder how much longer i can cling to your light before it expires completely. ’ ‘ i would travel across the world to be by your side, because as long as you are with me, anywhere is a perfect place to me. ’ ‘ it took me awhile to realize it myself, but you are not what other people say you are. ’ ‘ it’s not that i really need you, but life would be pretty boring without you around. there’s no one i would rather be with. ’ ‘ i’d like to stay like this for awhile. ’ ‘ life & death don’t have to be so boring, let’s make both an adventure. ’ ‘ life imitates art, they say. i didn’t believe it until i started to notice the way your eyelashes look so much like tiny ink stroke. ’ ‘ live your life so that when you die, souls will come for miles just to hear your historic tales. ’ ‘ make your exes jealous & your past self proud. ’ ‘ maybe you’re what i needed to find in order to move on. ’ ‘ never get caught falling harder. they’ll never let you back up. ’ ‘ please don’t go. ’ ‘ some days it’s easier to just stop fighting it & succumb. ’ ‘ sometimes, you’ll find it hard to keep going, but you always will. ’ ‘ the desire i feel for you is that same itching, insidious hunger that an addict has for their addiction. ’ ‘ the worst thing about you is that you weren’t all bad. ’ ‘ there is absolutely nothing & no one who can stop me. ’ ‘ there is no route of losing you that is without pain. ’ ‘ there’s still room for adventure & there is no one i’d rather have by my side. ’ ‘ things didn’t turn out the way i planned, but i’m alright with that. ’ ‘ we could be really incredible together, you know? ’ ‘ you are beautiful & vibrant & confident. you are light & laughter incarnate & every fiber of your being screams freedom & joy. when i am with you, i am truly happy. ’ ‘ you are starlight incarnate, from the grand way you sway your hips to the wide mysterious way you think. blessed are any to be loved by you. ’ ‘ you are too afraid of the future to let go of a past that was never kind to you. ’ ‘ you call me yours & i have no idea what that even means to you. ’ ‘ you remind me of bubblegum & sweets; soft & pink & warm. you are strong in the gentlest way. you are so stubbornly kind. i wish i could be like that. ’ ‘ you still visit me while i sleep sometimes. your fingers trace my spine & i listen to you breathe. please stop haunting me. ’ ‘ ‘morbid curiosity’ is a wonderful way to describe how i feel about you. ’
‘ a thousand empty bottles & fist fights will never return to us what we lost that day. ’ ‘ everyone else has moved on, but i am still here. ’ ‘ everything about you screams danger. ’ ‘ everything is worthless to you & you, in turn, became worthless. ’ ‘ for once in my life i want to be surrounded by people that i don’t feel like i need to impress. ’ ‘ freedom is really hard to get used to. ’ ‘ how could you do this to me? how fucking could you? ’ ‘ i am becoming everything we always dreamed of & i am leaving you behind. ’ ‘ i buried you so well that you might as well have died. ’ ‘ i can rest easy knowing that the person i love is dead & not the monster you became. ’ ‘ i can’t look at you. not now, not ever. ’ ‘ i don’t ask how you’ve been. what’s the point? you’d lie anyways. ’ ‘ i dream of hearing the words i so desperately needed to lay your memory to rest. ’ ‘ i haunted this house first. there is no room for you here. ’ ‘ i have a right to be upset. i loved them too, you know. ’ ‘ i just want it to end. i want it to all go away. i want to go away. ’ ‘ i may be a wolf in sheep’s clothing, but a snake hiding in the skin of a mouse is far more dangerous. ’ ‘ i saw your face today & didn’t feel anything. i am free. ’ ‘ i tried to save you, but you didn’t want to be saved. you just wanted someone to suffer with you. ’ ‘ it’s almost as if you were never here. ’ ‘ it’s unhealthy to do these things, you tell me. you say it’s time to stop smoking, time to stop gambling, & dammit, i f you don’t stop drinking it’ll kill you. i sure hope you’re right, darling. ’ ‘ i’m always pleasantly surprised by how easy it is to kill you in my mind ’ ‘ i’m not really scared to die. i’m more afraid that no one will miss me when i’m gone. ’ ‘ i’m not the person you left behind anymore. there’s no one here to miss. ’ ‘ i’ve been dead far longer than i’ve been alive. ’ ‘ i’ve eaten nothing but flower petals & ivy for weeks because i want to be beautiful inside like you. ’ ‘ i’ve never been completely satisfied. i most likely will still be unsatisfied long after my death. ’ ‘ no motive other than pleasure, my dear. ’ ‘ one day i’ll go or you will. either way, it will be as if i’m losing a piece of myself. ’ ‘ our dreams & promises decay along with you. ’ ‘ the leaves change, but nothing else does. ’ ‘ the only difference between avoiding & leaving is that now i’m not waiting up for you. ’ ‘ there is no such thing as a person who is required to love you. ’ ‘ there’s only so much that can be done to repair old damage. ’ ‘ things aren’t going as i hoped. maybe if i die, i can start over again? better luck next time. ’ ‘ this is not something to be proud of. this is a tragedy. ’ ‘ trying to get rid of me? oh honey, you’ll have to try much harder than that. ’ ‘ trying to get under my skin? you’re nothing more than a pesky itch. ’ ‘ unlike you, i can’t hide my identity when it becomes an inconvenience or a danger. ’ ‘ weeping is for gods & martyrs, we cannot afford such luxuries. ’ ‘ would you even miss me? ’ ‘ you are not important enough to earn an eternal place in my heart. ’ ‘ you complain nonstop about being unloved & alone, i can’t imagine what you’d be like if that were actually true. ’ ‘ you don’t know what it’s like. ’ ‘ you made this so fucking easy for me. ’ ‘ you should see me as a threat. i will tear down everything you know until there is nothing left of you. i am a walking threat. ’ ‘ you think i’m already gone, but i’m still fighting. ’ ‘ you think i’m dead, but i’m just dying. ’ ‘ you were never an addiction, you were a fucking disease. ’ ‘ you wouldn’t dare cross me. i am god & you are the soil beneath my feet. ’ ‘ your existence takes up so much more space in mine that we might as well be one entity. ’ ‘ your fingers are so cold & bruised, but you’re still slamming your fists again the barricade as if it makes a difference. ’ ‘ your hair is tied in a noose & your fingernails are razor blades, your lips are poison & i will gratefully kiss them. ’ ‘ your hatred has a body count & we will not forget. ’ ‘ your loss, not mine. ’ ‘ you’re a sick fuck. you know that? ’ ‘ you’re not gentle with me & i would never ask you to be. ’ ‘ you’ve trapped yourself so thoroughly in your own mind that it’s not even a rut anymore, it’s a pit. ’
✦ - Favorite character(s) Tyrion, Sansa, Jon, Daenerys, Tywin, Arya
✧ - Least favorite character- Ramsay Bolton, Joffrey
⟰ - Favorite house/family-House Stark
⟱ - Least favorite house/family-House Greyjoy
⊳ - Favorite scene-Tyrion's trial
⊲ - Most hated scene-Dany's wedding night
≂ - Favorite place-Dorne
≄ - Least favorite place-Pyke
👗 - Favorite outfit- Sansa's gothic outfit in the Vale
🎤 - Favorite saying/line: “Once you’ve accepted your flaws, no one can use them against you.” Tyrion
GOT/HOTD questions for the mun
✦ - Favorite character(s)
✧ - Least favorite character
⟰ - Favorite house/family
⟱ - Least favorite house/family
⊳ - Favorite scene
⊲ - Most hated scene
≂ - Favorite place
≄ - Least favorite place
👗 - Favorite outfit
🎤 - Favorite saying/line
[Reblogged on 11/12/21]
You guys know what to do 😌✨
Send “🎶🎵🎵” To hear my muse singing!
You can also send “ 🎶🎵🎵 + (song)” To hear my muse specifically sing that song!
How Intimidating Am I?
Send 🐹 for “You? Intimidating? Hell no.”
Send 🐰 for barely intimidating
Send 🐭 for slightly intimidating
Send 🐱 for moderately intimidating
Send 🦊 for fairly intimidating
Send 🐯 for very intimidating
Pleeeeeasssseeeeee these for my webtoon charactersssssss
What’s the lie your character says most often?
How loosely or strictly do they use the word ‘friend’?
How often do they show their genuine emotions to others versus just the audience knowing?
What’s a hobby they used to have that they miss?
Can they cry on command? If so, what do they think about to make it happen?
What’s their favorite [insert anything] that they’ve never recommended to anyone before?
What would you (mun) yell in the middle of a crowd to find them? What would their best friend and/or romantic partner yell?
How loose is their use of the phrase ‘I love you’?
Do they give tough love or gentle love most often? Which do they prefer to receive?
What fact do they excitedly tell everyone about at every opportunity?
If someone was impersonating them, what would friends / family ask or do to tell the difference?
What’s something that makes them laugh every single time? Be specific!
When do they fake a smile? How often?
How do they put out a candle?
What’s the most obvious difference between their behavior at home, at work, at school, with friends, and when they’re alone?
What kinds of people do they have arguments with in their head?
What do they notice first in the mirror versus what most people first notice looking at them?
Who do they love truly, 100% unconditionally (if anyone)?
What would they do if stuck in a room with the person they’ve been avoiding?
Who do they like as a person but hate their work? Vice versa, whose work do they like but don’t like the person?
What common etiquette do they disagree with? Do they still follow it?
What simple activity that most people do / can do scares your character?
What do they feel guilty for that the other person(s) doesn’t / don’t even remember?
Did they take a cookie from the cookie jar? What kind of cookie was it?
What subject / topic do they know a lot about that’s completely useless to the direct plot?
How would they respond to being fired by a good boss?
What’s the worst gift they ever received? How did they respond?
What do they tell people they want? What do they actually want?
How do they respond when someone doesn’t believe them?
When they make a mistake and feel bad, does the guilt differ when it’s personal versus when it’s professional?
When do they feel the most guilt? How do they respond to it?
If they committed one petty crime / misdemeanor, what would it be? Why?
How do they greet someone they dislike / hate?
How do they greet someone they like / love?
What is the smallest, morally questionable choice they’ve made?
Who do they keep in their life for professional gain? Is it for malicious intent?
What’s a secret they haven’t told serious romantic partners and don’t plan to tell?
What hobby are they good at in private, but bad at in front of others? Why?
Would they rather be invited to an event to feel included or be excluded from an event if they were not genuinely wanted there?
How do they respond to a loose handshake? What goes through their head?
What phrases, pronunciations, or mannerisms did they pick up from someone / somewhere else?
If invited to a TED Talk, what topic would they present on? What would the title of their presentation be?
What do they commonly misinterpret because of their own upbringing / environment / biases? How do they respond when realizing the misunderstanding?
What language would be easiest for them to learn? Why?
What’s something unimportant / frivolous that they hate passionately?
Are they a listener or a talker? If they’re a listener, what makes them talk? If they’re a talker, what makes them listen?
Who have they forgotten about that remembers them very well?
Who would they say ‘yes’ to if invited to do something they abhorred / strongly didn’t want to do?
Would they eat something they find gross to be polite?
What belief / moral / personality trait do they stand by that you (mun) personally don’t agree with?
What’s a phrase they say a lot?
Do they act on their immediate emotions, or do they wait for the facts before acting?
Who would / do they believe without question?
What’s their instinct in a fight / flight / freeze / fawn situation?
What’s something they’re expected to enjoy based on their hobbies / profession that they actually dislike / hate?
If they’re scared, who do they want comfort from? Does this answer change depending on the type of fear?
What’s a simple daily activity / motion that they mess up often?
How many hobbies have they attempted to have over their lifetime? Is there a common theme?
I just had to do this with Kunio and Nathaniel, the MCs of my upcoming debut novel, The Tengu And The Angel! I've tortured them enough, they deserve a break lol:
LEARNING: Being obsessed with the Victorian era, (and building his entire fashion label based on Victorian clothes), Nathaniel will never pass up an opportunity to learn something new about it, especially when it could inspire some new designs. He's a highly-skilled fashion designer who takes most of his inspiration from Victorian literature, especially the works of Dickens
GRATITUDE: Kunio takes absolutely nothing for granted, so if he thanks someone for anything, it's always genuine. The things he's most grateful for in life are his boyfriend, Nathaniel, who took him in after he ran away from home, and his friends, as they're the closest thing to family that he has
Positive Psychology OC Ask Meme
I made Askbox Questions out of one of my psych text books to help develop characters for workable storytelling. Send some Virtues and a Character !
MINDFULLNESS– Do they live in the moment? What keeps them present?
SELF-EFFICACY– Does the end justify the means? How to they approach their goals? Do they blame others for their own faults or admit them?
RESILIENCE– How do they handle loss or failure? What helps them stay resilient and bounce back from loss or failure?
GROWTH – What would it take for them to change their mind or perspective? Do they recognize when new paths open for them, or stick to their preferred paths?
WISDOM– Are they open to other people’s perspectives? Do they look to history and past mistakes? What kinds of internal dialogue do they have about difficult situations?
CURIOSITY– How thoroughly do they explore new places, things, or ideas? Do they go out of their way to learn new things?
OPEN-MINDEDNESS– How do they deal with disagreement? How do they balance different perspectives?
LEARNING– What are they interesting in learning about, if anything? What hobbies and skills do they have? Do they know how to make themselves happy?
CREATIVITY– How do they go about solving problems? What is something they enjoy doing so much that they can lose themselves for hours doing it? Pick an object in your space: would they know what it is, and if not how would they go about figuring it out?
BRAVERY– What kinds of risks do they take? What are they willing to risk to help a stranger? Do they consider the cost-benefit of a risk?
PERSEVERANCE– Do they believe success is based on innate ability, or learning to overcome the obstacle? Do they know when to quit? What are ways they identify their weaknesses and strength?
VITALITY– Are they introverted, extroverted, or ambiverted? Are they more active or passive? What do they do to stay energetic? (NOTE: introvert does NOT mean they don’t like people, it means they need time alone to regain their energy for social situations).
INTEGRITY– Do they stand firm in their beliefs? Would they lie or refrain from disagreeing to avoid confrontation?
AUTHENTICITY– What are sub- and unconscious things that make them who they are? Who can they be themselves with, and who do they wear a mask for? What kinds of social roles do they perform?
HONESTY– What kinds of small lies do they tell others? What lies do they tell themselves? What is the biggest lie they’ve told?
SOCIAL INTELLIGENCE– Do they experience emotional empathy (innate ability to feel emotions for other people's feelings, i.e. happiness at success, grief at loss, etc), or cognitive empathy (may not feel grief but has a logical understanding that loss is painful, may not feel happy but has an innate understanding that someone’s success is a celebrated thing)? Are they aware of their own emotions and reactions? How well are they able to manage their emotions?
LOVE– What attachment styles do they experience? How involved are they in their friends, family, and loved one’s worries, hopes, or goals? Do they turn to their loved ones for support? Do they let people who love them help them?
KINDNESS– Do they go out of their way to do favorable acts for other people? Do they treat themselves?
FAIRNESS– How do they determine what is right? Do they care about what is right?
CITIZENSHIP– Do they prefer to look out for themselves or be part of a community? Are they willing to work with others fairly to reach a shared goal?
LEADERSHIP– Do they have clear, set goals? Do they take the consideration of others, or do what they will? Would they go out of their way to meet the individual needs of people around them, or create a more standardized all-in-one solution?
SELF-CONTROL– How easy is it for them to perform a new task well? If they want something, how hard is it for them to wait?
PRUDENCE– How far ahead do they plan? Are they able to strategize future potential factors? Do they go out of their way to ask for clarification, or simply assume they know what they’re doing?
HUMILITY– Are they open to seeing their own faults when others point them out? Are they realistic about themselves, or do they inflate negative or positive values? What is something they are genuinely proud of?
FORGIVENESS– Do they obsess or linger on the bad things that someone did to them? Do they allow change to take place after they have been hurt, or do they fight against it? What negativities dictate or direct their decisions or life?
HOPE– Do they look at their past accomplishments as evidence or inspiration for success? What inspires them to move forward?
HUMOR– Do they know how to diffuse tension appropriately, or do they make things worse? Do they let themselves have fun?
APPRECIATION– What kind of accomplishments do they recognize? What things do they find beautiful or attractive? Which of their senses do they find most joy engaging with?
GRATITUDE– Do they thank people out of obligation, or because they are actually thankful? What is something they are most grateful for in their life? What sorts of things should they be more grateful for?
MEANING– Where do they believe they fit in the world around them? What provides them comfort? Do they think about their daily life and routine? Are they satisfied?
PURPOSE– What kinds of goals do they have to look forward to? What are their internal goals (having a good relationship, being a certain kind of person, etc)? What are their external goals (making money, being admired)?
SPIRITUALITY– Do they connect with things greater than themselves, or do they find it daunting? Do they want to have an impact on the world around them (for better or worse)?
Intimidation Meme
Sometimes it’s difficult for people to seek contact with each other because they can feel intimidated by others. Using this meme, you can send the symbols to my askbox that represent to you how intimidating I am to you. This way, it could be more clear to both sides how things are based on these feelings.
😗 - YOU ARE THE SOFTEST BEING. 😀 - I’m not afraid of reaching out to you. 😃 - To me, you are easy to approach. 😊 - I think you are a really friendly person. 😶 - I’m not sure if I can reach out to you. 😐 - You seem a little distant from others. 😓 - I feel like you would not really like me. 😲 - I’m afraid of reaching out to you. 😟 - I wish I had the courage to start talking to you. 😥 - I am very intimidated by you. I wish it wasn’t that way, because you seem cool. 😫 - I admire you from the sidelines because you seem cool and I’m just a dork. 😧 - Senpai, notice me???? 😦 - I feel really insecure when I want to reach out to you. 😨 - You intimidate me….a whole damn lot. 😭 - I wish I could be your friend but to me, you are so hard to reach out to. 😱 - I am so incredibly intimidated by you, it even makes me a little anxious sometimes. 💀 - OH MY GOD DON’T EAT ME PLEASE
Buckle Up I Made My Own Drawing Meme
Send me an emoji + a character of mine!
… 👔 in formal attire! … 📌 in their work clothes! … 💍 in a wedding dress! … 💋 in sexy attire! … ⛄ in winter clothes! … ☀ in summer clothes! … 😴 in their pajamas! … 👗 dressed for the club! … 👤 in goth attire! … 😎 in punk attire! … 🥇 dressed for their favorite sport! … 🐶 in a kigurumi! … 🎤 as a pop star! … 📝 as a student! … 💪 as a Greaser/Soc! … 🐴 in a horse mask! … 🕍 in Victorian attire! … 🛀 in nothing but a towel! … ✌ as a 1960s hippie! … ☝ in 1990s grunge attire! … 😬 in something they would never wear!
… 🐟 as a mermaid! … 🦇 as a vampire! … 🐺 as a werewolf! … 🐲 as a dragon! … 😇 as an angel! … 😈 as a demon! … 🌼 as a fairy! … 🖤 as a witch! … 🦉 with their familiar! … ⚔ with their weapon of choice! … 👻 as a ghost! … 🌠 as a cosmic being!
… 🍥 in a cosplay! … 👑 as royalty! … 🏹 as a JRPG class! … 🎲 as a D&D class! … 👓 as a superhero/supervillain! … 😺 as an animal! … 👽 as a species from another show/movie/etc! … 🤖 as a robot! … 🐯 as a furry!
… 👶 as a child! … 👪 with their family! … 👯 with their best friend! … 👎 with their enemy! … 🐹 with their pet(s)! … 🗺 in an outfit of their cultural heritage! … 💐 surrounded by their favorite flowers! … 👴 as an elderly person! … 🎶 to a song that I associate with them!
… 🙃 with the mun! … ✍ in the style of another artist! … 🖍 in the drawing style of my muse! … 🌀 as a fusion with another OC! … ☢ as a different fandom interpretation! … 💩 as a meme! … 🕐 as an old interpretation of the mun’s!
Send '❤️❔' if you'd be interested in discussing a potential ship between our muses!
-send '<3?' if the emojis don't show!
Please send me one!
One Word Writing Prompts
Send me a number 1 thru 50 for a word that I’ll use to write either a headcanon, drabble, or starter. Send 🌀 for a random number instead.
01. — first 02. — kiss 03. — final 04. — numb 05. — broken 06. — wings 07. — melody 08. — rules 09. — chocolate 10. — nostalgia 11. — heartbeat 12. — stranger 13. — confusion 14. — bitter 15. — afterlife 16. — daybreak 17. — audience 18. — endless 19. — fireworks 20. — wishing 21. — birthday 22. — tomorrow 23. — oppression 24. — agony 25. — return 26. — protection 27. — boxes 28. — hope 29. — preparation 30. — beautiful 31. — lies 32. — underneath 33. — hide 34. — diary 35. — unforeseen 36. — conditional 37. — gone 38. — clear 39. — heartache 40. — wired 41. — insanity 42. — foolish 43. — words 44. — study 45. — love 46. — skies 47. — stars 48. — lucky 49. — shake 50. — punctual
Yes give me one for this bean
Cotton Candy Fluff Writing Prompts [pt. 1/8]
Send me a number 1 thru 50 for a word that I’ll use to write a fluffy headcanon, drabble, or starter. Send 🔄 for a random number instead. WARNING: some prompts listed are NSFW. (SOURCE)
01. — acceptance 02. — enemies / rivals become friends / lovers 03. — lending a coat in the cold 04. — routine(s) 05. — accident 06. — engaged / betrothed (or equivalent) 07. — letter(s) 08. — running out of time 09. — admission / confession 10. — evening 11. — lighthouse 12. — sacrifice 13. — adoption 14. — exhaustion 15. — lights 16. — sad / upset 17. — adulthood 18. — eyes 19. — locked out 20. — safe 21. — adventure / quest 22. — fair / amusement park 23. — long-distance relationship 24. — sandcastles 25. — alcohol 26. — fairy tale 27. — losing virginity 28. — scared 29. — allergies 30. — family 31. — lost / found 32. — scars 33. — ailing loved ones 34. — fantasy 35. — love at first sight 36. — school 37. — anniversary 38. — favorite 39. — love without sex 40. — secret 41. — annoyed 42. — feathers 43. — loving yourself 44. — seeking / finding love 45. — apology / forgiveness 46. — feeling a / the baby kick 47. — luck 48. — serenading someone 49. — art 50. — feet
feel free to elaborate as much as possible !
Reblog if your blog will be hosting Inbox Trick Or Treat on Halloween!!
I know i will :]
✍️ more fic writer asks!
reblog & your followers can send asks with the questions they’d like you to answer!
the last sentence you wrote
a character whose POV you’re currently exploring
how you feel about your current WIP
a story idea you haven’t written yet
first sentence of the fifth paragraph of an unpublished WIP
the word that appears the most in your current draft ( can tell you)
your preferred writing fonts
if you had to write a sequel to a fic, you’d write one for…
start to finish, how long did it take you to write the last fic you posted?
what is the longest amount of time you’ve let a draft rest before you finished it?
a WIP you’d like to finish someday
a trope you’re really into right now
a fandom you’re thinking about writing for
where do you get your inspiration?
favorite weather for writing
favorite place to write
talk about your writing and editing process
if you keep them, share a deleted sentence or paragraph from a published fic
the most interesting topic you’ve researched for a fic
in what year did you publish your first fic?
when did you publish your most recent fic?
do you ever worry about public reaction to what you’re writing? how do you get past that?
pick three keywords that describe your writing
how do you recharge when you’re not feeling creative?
besides writing, what are your other hobbies?
are you able to write with other people around?
your favorite part of the writing process
your least favorite part of the writing process
how easy is it for you to come up with titles?
share a fic you’re especially proud of
first impressions matter a collection of meet cutes and meet uglys from yours truly. (add a “swap” to swap the sender/receiver in the prompt (or just do it manually).)
ankle, sender twists their ankle and stumbles forward, coincidentally falling into receiver's arms.
bark, a dog barks loudly, making sender jump and send their phone flying into receiver's face.
chips, sender and receiver both reach for the last bag of chips in the grocery store, their fingers touching by accident.
drink, sender chokes on their drink and ends up spitting it out all over receiver as they walk past.
emergency, in the middle of an awkward blind date, sender pretends to be receiver's friend and helps them get out of the date by faking an emergency.
french, sender pretends they can only speak french to get out of giving a stranger directions. receiver is a witness.
gift, sender is about to get scammed into overpaying for something before receiver steps in to help (and haggle).
hair, sender gets something they're wearing caught in receiver's hair and ends up yanking a chunk of it out when attempting to separate.
ice, sender is ice skating for the first time and skates uncontrollably in receiver's direction.
jail, sender and receiver are both thrown into the same holding cell at a police station.
kid, sender loses a child that they're caring for, only to end up finding them in receiver's company.
lock, sender crashes their ex's wedding, and receiver, a bridesmaid / groomsman, locks them both in the bathroom to prevent sender making a scene.
match, sender and receiver both end up being sat at the same table in a full restaurant.
nauseous, sender is drunk, and while receiver is attempting to help them, ends up throwing up all over receiver's shoes.
oops, sender is carrying a bag full of groceries that ends up breaking. receiver helps them pick their groceries back up.
plug, receiver walks into the bathroom to find sender stuffing tissues up their nose in an attempt to plug up a nosebleed.
quarter, sender doesn't have enough coins for the vending machine, so they stick their hand up the flap and gets their arm stuck just as receiver approaches.
rain, sender and receiver both get stuck under the same awning when seeking shelter from sudden rain.
shh, sender and receiver are both sitting beside each other at the movies. sender keeps whispering to themself every few minutes.
tooth, sender accidentally bites down too hard on their food, resulting in a tooth falling out and skittering across the floor to land at receiver's feet.
undone, the laces on sender's shoes ends up coming undone and they trip and fall, bringing receiver down with them and into the fountain beside them.
vacation, there's a problem with the booking of sender and receiver's hotel rooms and they end up having to share one. thankfully there are two beds.
woods, sender and receiver bump into each other in the woods. one of them is holding a shovel.
x-rated, in a bookstore, sender accidentally drops a few of the erotic books they were planning on purchasing on the floor, which receiver picks up.
yawn, sender, who is dressed down and has not yet slept, bumps into receiver, who is dressed up and just woken up, in line for coffee.
zap, sender calls out to receiver to ask for directions, but as it's late receiver mistakes sender for a creep and tases them.