the-catmans-offical-2 - You are not immune to Wrathfull propaganda.
You are not immune to Wrathfull propaganda.

Not Spoiler Free!!! 19 in April! Multifandom AU and Art ACC; I'm working on like, 20 FMA AUs rn.

716 posts

Autistic Elric Brothers? (and Winry)

autistic elric brothers? (and winry)

please let me hear the headcanons

name me one neurotypical in fma. i’ll wait. /j

fr tho theyre SO autistic coded

- I believe in my HEART the reason Ed doesn’t wear that uniform isn’t JUST because he thinks it’s stupid, he also just absolutely hates the texture of it. He put it on his body exactly one time and went “absolutely the FUCK not” and has since transmuted it into something else to take up less space

- It’s very hard for Alphonse to regulate himself because he has no sense of touch and can’t feel anything and he feels pretty detached from reality a lot of the time, but he likes to just talk and make noise. Like banging his gloves together, just because he can, because it’s proof to him he’s still here

- I can see Edward stimming by waiting until his ankle starts to get creaky and then just rocking it from side to side and listening to the squeaks. He gets the nice feeling of moving his whole leg with his ankle, plus the bonus of the obnoxious little sounds. Mustang wants to strangle him for it, Winry wants him dead, Alphonse just wants him to oil the joint before Winry rips his leg off

- Winry and Ed are BOTH tappers when they’re thinking. Fingers on the desk, foot on the floor, doesn’t matter. Tap tap tap tap tap tap tap. Poor granny and alphonse are just so used to it by now, bless them

- Winry and Ed definitely just have YAP sessions where they ramble about their hyperfixations for literal hours on end. They don’t really understand too much about the other one’s thing, but theyre very supportive

- When Alphonse gets his body back he very much becomes obsessed with the ✨Textures✨ of different things. He needs to touch EVERYTHING and just feel it, and one of his favorite stims becomes rubbing a very nice very specific rock he found

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More Posts from The-catmans-offical-2

7 months ago

🜘 — The claws of a boy, grasp onto what it was. ; Chapter 2

Havoc wasn’t able to pry Edward out of his arms, so he had to drive on with the boy in his lap; Thankfully hidden for the most part due to the white clothing that he was draped in, which became all the more apparent to being a long coat of sorts. The sleeves used to tie Edward’s detached automail arm to his back, where it sat limply — or as limply a metal limb could get — , looked thick and bulky despite nothing being in them. Regardless, Ed had been mostly silent on the drive. Only making a small raspy noise when the car was to run over a bump or turn a street corner too tightly. 

Thankfully the drive wasn’t too long, though it was a place that Havoc had only been to once; He couldn’t head to the military barracks, even though that’s where his dorm, as well as Ed’s old dorm, was. So, he headed to a person he knew would be safe. Other than the rest of Team Mustang, as he knew that any sort of reunion with them would be emotionally overwhelming — on both sides really. 

“Alright, we’re here. Just hold on a sec’ longer big guy.” Havoc murmured, parking the car on the side street before opening the door; Sticking his leg out of the car as his hand moved and pulled the keys out of the ignition, pocketing them, before getting a better hold on Edward. Who just grunted quietly, his clawed hand gripping onto Havoc’s blue uniform jacket tighter. The dirty blonde soon got himself out of the car, using his booted foot to shut the door as he adjusted the bundle of Ed in his arms; Keeping him entirely hidden from view as he walked along the sidewalks. He left Ed’s detached automail arm in the car, as he figured there was no reason to carry it around. It wasn’t like he knew how to reattach it. Or if it was even in good enough condition to do so safely, but by the looks of it; It seemed out of commission.

It only took another moment before Havoc ascended a few steps and stood on a porch that was unfamiliar to the still somewhat out of it Elric in his arms. He moved, putting one arm on the lower part of where he held Ed while raising the other and balling his hand into a fist. Turning his hand, and using his knuckles to gently knock against the wooden door he stood in front of. 

“‘S just Second Lieutenant Havoc, we need to talk.” He drawled, just loud enough for whoever was on the other side of the door to hear him clearly, moving his free hand away from the door as he put it into his pocket, fishing around in it before pulling out a small, cardboard box. With a simple swipe of his thumb, he pushed open the top of the box; Raising it to his mouth, and using his lips to pull out a cigarette. As he pulled it away, shut it and slipped it back into the safety of his pocket, the door opened. Havoc smiled, apologetically, keeping the butt of the cigarette clenched between his teeth. In front of him stood a very confused looking Maria Ross, her eyes looking between Havoc and the bundle of.. Well, she might not have known it to be Ed. 

Ed knew it was her though, even if he wasn’t looking at Ross; He could just tell. It could’ve been his sense of smell — she smelled warm, like the tulips mom used to grow just out front of the house and like a summer breeze, it reminded him of his mom, and it made him calm but antsy at the same time — could’ve been the specific way she sighed, like she did back when she had tried to comfort he and Alphonse before they snuck out to figure out what the hell was up with Lab 5. The boy shifted in Havoc’s hold, making a small, raspy sound as he tried to uncover his face and look for himself; Though his hold on Havoc didn’t lessen, so it just seemed that he was wiggling around impatiently.

Before Ed could reveal himself, and before Ross could question just what it was Havoc was carrying, the man pushed past Ross. Stepping into her home without permission.

“Hey! Havoc, what the hell is going on? What’re you carrying?” Ross began to question, sounding baffled and a bit annoyed as she quickly shut her front door and followed Havoc. It was the middle of the night, Ross was officially off duty for the night, so she had no idea what business the other second lieutenant would have with her at this ungodly hour. Her footsteps were softer than Havoc’s against the hardwood floors, she was barefoot whereas Havoc had boots. Thudding, thudding, the sound was dull but so much louder than they should have been. The steps held a sort of authority, urgency, it was rather unlike him. 

Havoc was always a sort of laid back guy, the only time he was serious was when those he cared for were in danger or the situation generally called for it. 

“Just– Where’s your bathroom?” Havoc would start, only to cut himself off and change his low words into a question. A question that seemed so ordinary and didn’t fit the situation that Ross thought of. He rolled the cigarette in his mouth around, an anxious habit of his, before lightly grinding his teeth against the filter. She blinked, her blue eyes looking into Havoc’s as her thin brows pinched together. As much as she wanted to question it, the brunette knew it would be quicker to just point to the bathroom and ask questions later. 

And so she did, her arm lightly smacking Havoc’s as she pointed down a small hallway in her home. Her home was small, being only a townhouse that she rented out with the help of her co-worker. It was two stories, with two small bedrooms on the second floor, a kitchenette, a small bathroom, small dining room and a living area on the first floor. It wasn’t much, but Ross felt content with what she had. She watched as Havoc walked through the small hallway she gestured to, stepping into the bathroom before waving his free hand outside the door. Beckoning her to come into the bathroom.

When she did come, she found that Havoc was seated on the edge of the tub; Not focusing on Ross, but on the creature he held. The creature had an armored carapace that faced her, partially hidden away by the white cloth that encased its body. It had only one furry arm, that appeared to be partially armored with the same scutes that covered its back, that had three fingers on the hands end. Long claws that looked to be for digging were on their ends, clinging tightly to Havoc’s jacket. Desperately and shaky, as though the being thought Havoc would up and disappear if it didn’t cling to him — if he didn’t cling to him. Ross felt even more baffled the longer she looked at the back of the creature. At the circular ears that rested atop its head, against the golden locks that loosely hung from its head. Wavy, oily, dirtied. Like a human’s hair rather than an animal’s. It wasn’t the looks that made it apparent just what — or rather who — the being was. It was Havoc’s soft reassuring murmurs. 

“You can let go, Ed, ‘m not going anywhere. You remember Ross, yeah?” Havoc was saying, only to cause Ross to look even more confused, ‘Ed? Surely that’s not the Ed I know.’, Ross thought, blinking as she crouched on the bathroom floor to be at eye level with Havoc and Ed. 

“R.. Ross?” Ed echoed, a stammer in his slowed down words as he moved his head to look toward the woman kneeling behind him. The boy’s snout wrinkled slightly, his lips curling back almost on instinct before his face relaxed. Nose and whiskers twitching, clouded over golden eyes blinking. He looked nervous, but not so much so that he’d flee. It was an odd sight, even more wrong with how his body seemed to have changed, to see him so.. Frightened. 

The second lieutenant froze up as Edward turned to face her, her eyes widening as she took in his appearance. He looked like those creatures she and the others, a part of the rescue team assigned to find both Elric brothers, had seen back at Lab 5. She swallowed, her eyes darting between Havoc and Ed. As if to figure out if this was some sort of joke, or prank, or something. 

“Ed?” She asked, her voice wavering slightly as internal pain began to cramp in her chest. Ed didn’t loosen his grip on Havoc, but he leaned a bit away from him and closer to Ross; His round-tipped ears flicking slightly as he tilted his head to the side, watching. Watching. Before pulling away from her and offering her a lopsided, awkward smile; Sort of smile, it looked strange with the snout he had. He looked overly relieved, relaxing slightly on Havoc’s lap. 

Ross blinked again, surprised by his small movements and non-verbal acknowledgment. She felt overwhelmed suddenly, her heart racking against her ribs which felt all too crushing. Too tight. Too much, too much, but she pushed that all down and looked directly at Havoc. She couldn’t afford to panic now, there wasn’t even a plausible reason for her to, yet looking at Ed made her feel.. Sick. Her gaze hardened, though she wasn’t angry in the slightest, more concerned and determined to know all that Havoc did. 

“Does Alphonse know? How long have you found him like.. This?” She began to question, not unkindly, as she addressed Havoc. Ed seemed completely fine with not being acknowledged, seemingly not really registering the conversation for now, simply facing forward again on the blue pants he sat on. Slowly blinking as his grip loosened slightly on the blue military uniform. Havoc chuckled sheepishly, his hand moving to Edward’s armored back as he looked at Ross. 

“I only just found him, when me, the boss, lieutenant Hawkeye, an’ major Armstrong were looking for Scar. No one else knows,” Havoc started, pausing as he rolled the still unlit cigarette in his mouth once again before continuing, “I kinda came here first.” The admission wasn’t too big nor surprising, Ross had been demanding to know if anything came up regarding Edwards disappearance. But she would’ve expected Havoc to head right for Alphonse, wherever he was. Ross had offered to shelter Alphonse while everyone searched for Ed; But he turned her down almost in an instant. Realistically, she hadn’t seen Alphonse since then, though she had heard he was visiting colonel Mustang’s office regularly.

“I, also,  was going to suggest that we keep him here, at least for now. I can’t take him with me to the dorms.” Havoc added on with a wry grin, cigarette bitten down on more roughly, his free hand moving to rub at his nape. He chuckled wearily, the sound causing his chest to vibrate slightly against Ed’s clawed hand. It made Edward jolt initially and tense, before blinking and relaxing again. He seemed to be trying to keep up with the conversation.

“So, let me get this straight, you come out of nowhere and just expect me to suddenly be able to take him? Denny’s here too, you know.” Ross retorted, shaking her head in exasperation. Her own hand raised to pinch the bridge of her nose, thought her eyes never left Havoc. Ross had darker eyes than Havoc, they were blue but more like the blue of an old toy with chipped paint. But, like Havoc’s, they were kind and soft in all the ways that mattered, still keeping a firmness that screamed protectiveness instead of scorn. Loving, even to those that she barely knew, to those that needed it; Like the Elric brothers themselves.

“Wouldn’t he be happy to see Ed though? I know this should probably stay low profile, but you two were the ones who last saw–” Havoc began, his tone more pleading though never losing its casual nature. He stopped as he was interrupted, looking down at Edward who began to move a little as his narrow jaws opened. Trembling slightly as it floundered for a moment, a noise emitting from Ed’s throat before he shook his head and tried again.

“Al?” Ed’s voice rang out quietly, croaking with effort, his brows drawn together in annoyance at himself. He seemed to have caught up with what Havoc had said earlier. He wanted his brother, he wanted to see him and to make sure he was ok, to make sure he was safe. The creature blinked, moving to look at Ross as well; She was frowning, looking back at Ed but not saying anything just yet.

“Al’s in Dublith last I checked, seeing your teacher I think?” Havoc said, his shoulders rolling slightly as he shrugged. Ed turned back to face him, his mouth twisted into a comprehending frown. Blinking, watching, before he huffed slightly and let go of Havoc’s military jacket. Ross sighed slightly before moving to stand up, her hands brushing against her legs as she looked at the two. 

“You can take the second room upstairs, I’ll let Denny know he needs to take the couch.” Ross said first before silently mouthing ‘ill call Al’; To which Havoc nodded and gave a small, appreciative ‘thank you’, watching her leave the room. Leaving himself and the creature in his arms, Edward as he has to keep reminding himself, alone in the bathroom.

[ 1 , 3 ]

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7 months ago

winry for the ummm. give-me-a-character thing :]

Check the post before this one bc I just did Winry!!!/nm

Winry For The Ummm. Give-me-a-character Thing :]

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7 months ago

🜘 — What is alive will not remain, to a memory. ; Chapter 1

Tap, clank, tap, clank, tap, clank, tap, tap, tap, tap, clank, clank clank, clank.

Metal on stone, clunking and thudding against the hard surface with quick, uncoordinated movements, uncalculated, limping, but quick nonetheless. Pain and terror on the twisted face of the sound's origin. Teeth, protruded and sharp glistened in the moonlight, barred and revealed by curled lips; Wet and shivering lips, jowls shining like tiny, pointed bits of clay. The mouth pertaining to them fell agape occasionally, sucking in deep breaths before the jaw snapped shut and clenched, tensed. Showing off those teeth as the lips that hid them curled and shifted. A snarl, but not one of malice, but of fear, an animal trying to make itself look tough. To look strong, deadly despite its small frame and frightened being. Shaking, trembling with leftover adrenaline as the figure moved incorrectly. Its body screamed wrong, wrong, wrong. 

A beat of silence dwelled in the air, which was once filled with those sounds of heavy breathing, and uneven footsteps; Whirrs and gasps, pants, desperation in the golden, shiny eyes of a prey. Pearly white eyes, with hints of hot fire barely showing through the ghastly surface, seemed to almost glow in the darkened area. Flickering about the area, examining and taking in what they could in the area. Soon, the noises continued. Harsh, ragged breaths escaping into the sounds of the city alleyway, echoing and reverberating off the lonely, grimey walls; But slower and less desperate sounding than they did previously. Though hesitant, like a cornered animal looking about an environment to ensure its safety. A flick, a twitch, before footsteps resumed cautiously and slower. 

Another pause, clawed fingers twitching under the white fabric that encased the beings shaking, small figure; A twitch, a hitching of breath, before a flash of white swiveled in the alleyway. Heavy breaths, fear, panic, pain, pain, pain. White eyes wide and panicked as the being took in the sight of blue. The smell of smoke. Of calm. A familiar smell, a familiar look; But through a clouded mind, it was hard to pinpoint the familiarity’s origin. A blink, and a noise erupted from the smaller figure’s throat. Cracky, high pitched, but somewhat loud; Cat-like in nature yet different, almost like an infant crying out. Distorted through a throat of two beings mashed together. Incorrect. Wrong, wrong, wrong. A noise of distress, that much was clear, as the figure moved away from the blue with panic on its concealed face. From the smoke, from the barrel that was pointed at its forehead. Another noise, croaky sounding, quiet. A warning, snout - nose - bunched up at its bridge as lips pulled back even further. Targeted toward the man, predator, that stood before it. Despite the pain, the haze that covered its mind, it could tell that the gun had been lowered at some point, the familiar yet unfamiliar person watching as the white covered figure curled in on itself. It felt unsafe, fearful, it didn’t like this, it was so wrong. Everything about the figure was wrong, especially the fear on its beholder. 

Gold was never seen as a wavering color. It was strong, resilient, most think of it as unwavering, unbreaking. Yet here, it - he - was; Looking to be on the verge of tears as its body was wrecked with shakes and shivers. Fear is very clear, here.

Silence, silence, before the man breathed in; Clearly having taken in the sight of metal tied onto the beings back. Unmistakable craftsmanship, a destroyed, no mangled, arm; Missing the middle finger from the first joint up, the metal fingers twisted in unnatural ways, the forearm dented and banged up, the upper arm damaged with multicolored wires sticking out. A cigarette dropped from the man at one point, being crushed under a black boot as he took a step forward. Blue eyes wide, observing, but confused; A hint of desperation in them, before another breath was taken, a swallow after that. Followed up with another step closer to the trembling, pathetic creature on the ground. 

“Chief? ‘S that you? ” The question rang out after the silence, breaking it in a breathless voice. A gruff voice, though it notably cracked when the first word was said, which only made the curled up figure stiffen even further. There was quiet again, the person carefully watching the being in confusion and disbelief. Holding his breath, expectant. A second passed, and then another, before the being slowly uncurled itself; White, cataracted eyes meeting sky blue ones. 

It was soft, like early morning skies, really; With no clouds obscuring it, no fighting. Deep green grass below, soft and long, farmland and workers. Sheep, cows, horses. Mom — Mom and Al, just a bit away. Mom with her gray eyes and brown hair, always tied loosely and draped over her shoulder. Al with a big grin, happily chattering about the days events and the alchemical toy he created using some clay from the Rheos River just a bit away from their old standing home. They were carrying things, mom had a basket held in the nook of her elbow, Al clumsily dragging a blanket across the dirt path they walked on, tripping over it occasionally. He stood in the grass, barefoot, both feet. He had both feet. It was before. Playing with the grass as a small giggle escaped his throat. Waiting for Al, waiting for mom, in the small Resembool countryside. A picnic, planned so they could feel the nice cool breeze of the nice spring morning. — The creature kept itself tightly coiled, defensively just in case, though a shaking clawed hand stretched out. Three fingers, blocky claws on their tips, dirty, unkempt, broken. Wrong yet again.

“H-havoc?” The figure hidden in white asked, sounding just like.. Like him, but not at the same time. Too high of pitch, too hesitant, too scared. But, with the hidden gold in the foggy cataracted eyes, with the unmistakably golden hair seeping from under the white it wore, the damaged automail arm tied to its back, the voice itself sounding so much like his. There was no doubt in the blue wearing man’s mind, this was him. The 13, or so, year old who was loud, rambunctious, who was always hanging around the hulking suit of armor that his brother’s soul was encased in. Edward Elric, the Fullmetal Alchemist. The boy who everyone thought was killed when Lab 5 went down, though there was no body that turned up to have proven that claim, Alphonse in particular insisted on that claim being false. As did Second Lieutenant Maria Ross and Sargent Denny Brosh. Two officers who had found Alphonse Elric at the scene and apparently Edward as well. Though they only returned with Alphonse.

Jean Havoc inhaled, quickly holstering his gun as he carefully kneeled down next to the boy; Getting a much better look at his concealed face, of the wrinkled snout, the pink nose, the whiskers, and pointed molars. He looked so wrong, but Havoc couldn’t bring himself to fully care. A smile appeared on his face, a soft one matching his kind eyes that crinkled at their corners, as he kept his hands resting on his knee. In sight, for Edward to see and not to assume him as a threat. 

“Well I’ll be damned, ‘s really you, huh?” He asked, watching as Ed’s white eyes looked him over; Slower than usual, though it wasn’t long before it clicked in Edward’s mind. As it did, clear relief on the boy’s animalistic features began to show, before he immediately, with his partially armored, partially furry, but all the way thin and bony fingers, grabbed Havoc loosely with an uncalculated grip. Safe, Havoc was safe, he knew Havoc. He was always kind, just as his eyes showed. The clawed tips scratched against Havoc’s military jacket before gripping shakily, tightly, and pulling his trembling self closer to the dirty blond’s body. Another noise emitted from him, another forlorn sob-like sound as Havoc wrapped his arms around Ed. Holding him close, protectively so.

Havoc had always thought of Edward as a little brother, often teasing him or generally talking to him whenever the young alchemist visited the office with a report for colonel Mustang; His younger brother often tagging along. He had gotten to know Alphonse more ever since Ed’s disappearance, or death as most insisted it was even if Mustang’s team never believed it to be true, comforting the younger Elric and often telling him he was free to accompany team Mustang in their chosen office when he wished. So, he breathed softly and calmly; Lifting Ed up in his arms with a small grunt. He wasn’t as heavy as he thought he’d be, and he felt.. Oddly smaller. Than normal, causing Havoc’s thicker eyebrows to knit and crease in the middle. Though he didn’t comment on it. Nor did he comment on the fleshy appendage he felt curl against his forearm. That was definitely not there before.

“‘M gonna get you outta here, chief, just relax.” Havoc stated, his voice calm but there was a hint of weariness. Maybe due to the thing curled against his arm, maybe due to the somewhat plush fur he felt even through his military coat. Regardless of the fact, he remained calm, for the boy’s sake, and carried Ed in his arms, peering out of the alleyway. He caught sight of the others, his superiors, who were on the site; Colonel Mustang, lieutenant Hawkeye, even Major Armstrong. Blue eyes blinked, looking at the trio who were conversing before looking at the bundle of Ed that was in his arms. Surprisingly docile and silent. That alone caused a pang of worry to shoot through him. 

Havoc, as well as the aforementioned others, were currently searching for the scarred man. The alchemist killer; Having heard a recent sighting of him in the area. Or, well, that was what they were supposed to be doing, but of course fate let other things happen. It seemed Armstrong, Hawkeye, and Mustang were distracted with their own things, not paying attention to Havoc nor the bundle in his arms. Good.

‘At least I got to him before Scar did..’ The thought came to Havoc, causing him to frown; He thought it’d be best if he left quickly if — or before — the scarred man decided to show up. He had heard about what happened to Nina Tucker, the poor, sweet girl whose father was a total nutcase. Who had died from, what seemed to be, an attack by the scarred man. So he exited the alley way; Turning his body so that Ed and the white cloth he was covered in was obscured from the rest of the team’s view, his back turned to them. They were busy after all, and he didn’t want to make a big deal out of Ed’s sudden reappearance. Nor did he really want to cause Ed to panic, afterall he did seem more skittish than usual. And so, Havoc sighed, turning his head to look at the three before addressing them.

“Hey! ‘M turnin’ in for the day, need to, uh, check if I left the stove on! Yeah..” Havoc shouted, causing multiple pairs of eyes to fall on him. Ed moved a bit, his grip tightening on Havoc as he heard the loudness of his tone. He didn’t like it, but the boy thankfully didn’t make a noise. He likely knew what Havoc was doing, after all he was smart, and Havoc couldn’t help but feel overly grateful for that fact.

Mustang looked at Havoc, a frown on his face and his blue covered arms crossing over his chest. Hawkeye, although her facial expression remained explicitly neutral, seemed disapproving, especially as a singular eyebrow raised and her russet-red eyes blinked — that alone made Havoc’s skin crawl, he didn’t want to get shot! Armstrong, hummed, before nodding his head in a slight motion. Armstrong seemed to be smiling, though it was hard to tell with the bulky mustache that covered his mouth in its entirety.

“Yes, well, we have been at this for hours. And that Scar fellow has probably slipped from the area, so we all should take a break. At least for now!” Armstrong agreed, his voice booming and strong; But he turned to face Hawkeye and Mustang, the latter beginning to speak with Armstrong as the former watched Havoc still. Havoc simply mouthed, ‘Ill explain later’, before turning and quickly walking off before Hawkeye could pull her gun on him, though he was sure that if she was planning on it he would’ve already been a crumbled heep on the rain covered pavement; He made it to one of the black cars that was parked nearby, opening the passenger side and looking down at Edward in his arms.

[ 2 , 3 ]

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7 months ago

Ok ill go ahead and post all three chapters here then! I'll do three separate posts and then add on whenever I add the next chapter (which is ch 4 now, I haven't started it yet)

New # for better finding!! #chimera ed fic <- will be it.

Like a post, I dunno how to explicitly say it right.