Winry Rockbell - Tumblr Posts

7 months ago

Some doodles

Some Doodles
Some Doodles
Some Doodles
Some Doodles

Last two doodles are for @lingyaoied 's rapunzel au!

Some Doodles
Some Doodles

Also, the reapearance of more abominations created by your's truly. Winrybob.

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7 months ago

autistic elric brothers? (and winry)

please let me hear the headcanons

name me one neurotypical in fma. i’ll wait. /j

fr tho theyre SO autistic coded

- I believe in my HEART the reason Ed doesn’t wear that uniform isn’t JUST because he thinks it’s stupid, he also just absolutely hates the texture of it. He put it on his body exactly one time and went “absolutely the FUCK not” and has since transmuted it into something else to take up less space

- It’s very hard for Alphonse to regulate himself because he has no sense of touch and can’t feel anything and he feels pretty detached from reality a lot of the time, but he likes to just talk and make noise. Like banging his gloves together, just because he can, because it’s proof to him he’s still here

- I can see Edward stimming by waiting until his ankle starts to get creaky and then just rocking it from side to side and listening to the squeaks. He gets the nice feeling of moving his whole leg with his ankle, plus the bonus of the obnoxious little sounds. Mustang wants to strangle him for it, Winry wants him dead, Alphonse just wants him to oil the joint before Winry rips his leg off

- Winry and Ed are BOTH tappers when they’re thinking. Fingers on the desk, foot on the floor, doesn’t matter. Tap tap tap tap tap tap tap. Poor granny and alphonse are just so used to it by now, bless them

- Winry and Ed definitely just have YAP sessions where they ramble about their hyperfixations for literal hours on end. They don’t really understand too much about the other one’s thing, but theyre very supportive

- When Alphonse gets his body back he very much becomes obsessed with the ✨Textures✨ of different things. He needs to touch EVERYTHING and just feel it, and one of his favorite stims becomes rubbing a very nice very specific rock he found

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7 months ago

winry 💪

How I feel about this character

-> I like Winry, though this is specifically 03/CoS Winry as that's the Winry I remember best, I remember liking her when I first got into the series! She likes mechanical sciences, she's smart, we know she's strong, she's caring and blunt and she has trouble keeping her worrying from turning to aggression or irritation. Makes her feel relatable to me, as I've always like mechanical science, and whatnot.

-> I like how she also helps Wrath (03 when she met him and in ep 51. CoS implied) :) Big bonus for me liking her character lmao.

All the people I ship romantically with this character

-> Hmmm. Shipping.. I ship her with Paninya and Lan Fan most typically (This is obviously only when it comes to manga/brotherhood)! Idk I think that'd it'd be a cute ship, even if it realistically couldn't happen in canon and whatnot (As Lan Fan would be in Xing, and I doubt she'd leave hee post as Ling's bodyguard to envelope in romantic affairs. But Winry visiting Xing/staying in Xing could be silly.)

-> I honestly don't ship her with anyone in 03/CoS, kinda like how I don't when it comes to 03/CoS Ed!

My non-romantic OTP for this character

-> Edwin... I don't ship them romantically, I see them as siblings, and it's like.. Tragic bffs in 03/CoS. Makes me sob when I remember how Ed came back to Armestris, barely got to talk to his best friend, and then up and left. Fucking took Al with him too so Winry has no one now, except for..

-> Her and Sheiska are THE best friends ever. Sheiska probably rambles on about her books and Winry listens, although overstimulated by it sometimes, and then rambles about her mechancry. And vice versa idk. They're autistic bffs your honor.

-> Alwin, (is that the ship name?), Al and Winry are buddies but I also think that they loose touch with the ending events of 03. With Al going with Izumi and leaving Winry to mourn Ed basically all on her own, and Winry simply being older than him and all.

My unpopular opinion about this character

-> She's not simply just Ed's love interest. She's an amazing character on her fucking own. Sure, she doesn't get into physical altercations (Out of true malice, her hitting Ed and Al over the head with a wrench doesn't count), but that doesn't make her weak and defenseless. She's not some type of maiden, she's a bad ass and I hate when people fail to realize that.

-> Winry's a fucking child and some of y'all seem to forget that too.

-> And also, finally, she isn't just this big asshole who gets violent without cause. It's out of fear and worry, it's not great that she gets violent but she's also a kid/teen who doesn't nessicarily know better. AND I FUCKING LOVE HOW IN COS WHEN SHE SEES WRATH SHES MUCH MORE CALM ABOUT APPROACHING HIM, SHE CLEARLY CAME TO MATURE AND REALIZE THAT ACTING INITALLY VIOLENT WONT HELP THROW POINTS ACROSS!!!!

One thing I wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon.

-> Wrath (03) and Winry screen time, more of it. I'd like to see if they would be able to hatch a friendship or not. Especially with how kind she acted toward him!!

-> More Winry screen time in general, I wish I'd been able to see more of her character on her own. (This being said, I wish I saw more of Resembool too, how the town acts, the general quiet environment.)

-> I wish she spewed on about her work more, I wish she went into detail bc I wanna know just the specifics of how the automail works or even the surgery.

-> SPEAKIMG OF THE SURGERY!! I wish we got what Winry recalls from Ed's surgery, seeing the healing process, the physical therapy, how it affected her when she was only, what 10-11? She had to cut open her best friend to attach metal to his body. I wanna know moreee

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7 months ago

winry for the ummm. give-me-a-character thing :]

Check the post before this one bc I just did Winry!!!/nm

Winry For The Ummm. Give-me-a-character Thing :]

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1 year ago

hi, I am about to speak my opinion about the most classic FMA patterns in fics.

Hello again, if you don't know me, I am sweet, I have been writing FMA since April 2022, and I have so far published 47 fics of this fandom, I am dusweet @ Ao3.

I’ve been in this fandom since late 2021 and finished Brotherhood in February 2022- ON ED’S BIRTHDAY WHICH I THINK ITS COOL.

Okay now we know basic dates, you can guess that I read too many FMA fics, and that means that I have been seeing a pattern in them. And It doesn't matter if the fic was published in 2002 or in 2023- they all share similar themes- or like, I would say headcanons??

so now I think it is time for me to talk about the things that are often written and I don't like, and One them I just reblogged a few hours ago and that's:

Roy Mustang and his paperwork.

Hi, I Am About To Speak My Opinion About The Most Classic FMA Patterns In Fics.

Hold on, let's just think about it a little together. Roy Mustang, and a state alchemist, freaking Colonel at 26, Bridigal general at 30- the man is basically planning his own suicide- are you telling me THIS MAN WHO IS A SCIENTIST slacks in his job?

Like, the man wants to be Furher. The man has guilt complex, the man hates himself and is working to help his people.

It just doesn't add up in my opinion. It's funny sometimes, yes. But I just don't like how Riza keeps threatening him with a gun because he isn't doing his work when he is secretly doing it but acts as if he isn't because of the reputation he built.

You get what I mean, right?

Which brings me to point 2:

Riza Hawkeye and her gun.

Hi, I Am About To Speak My Opinion About The Most Classic FMA Patterns In Fics.

Oftentimes, Riza is written in a way that she keeps threatening Roy or treating him less- again, funny at times- but the fact remains:

Riza is in this army because of Roy, and she loves him to the point that is clear if she shot him, she will shoot herself. I would say it is a case “ the man is the boss.” here because the fact is Roy is the boss. Not Riza ( even tho she is a girlboss.)

Roy is her commanding officer, she waits for his orders. Simple as that.

Again, I do see her threatening the boys with her gun, after all, she is the right-hand of Mustang, and the third higher rank on the team ( Ed being few ranks higher then her.)

Riza is a smart woman, and she chooses to follow a man she loves into hell. It's a huge thing. She is SMART. And I don't this she would have agreed to work under Roy if he was as slaking as people write him.

Point 3:

Edward Elric and the small nicknames.

Hi, I Am About To Speak My Opinion About The Most Classic FMA Patterns In Fics.

I will say it and you will hate me for it- but that is called BULLYING.

“ oh but sweet- they joke with Hi-” no. No. No. No.

If they were joking with him- he wouldn't get angry after every time someone calls him small or short. Edward has a hard time as is, the stress and the guilt and the responsibility are too much, and to think someone ( like on Team Mustang who knows about his life.) goes on and dares to bully him- it freaking hurts.

Every time I see someone calling Ed “ shrimp” I get angry for him. I’ve been a victim of bullying myself, and it hurts when you get picked up over something you might be insecure about.

I called him once shrimp- in my first ever fic- and again, maybe funny at times, but after it hit me one day that Ed yelling means that he is angry. And if he gets angry and expresses that he doesn't want to be called short and people still call him that it means that they bully him. After that, I try to never do it again.

✨ headcanon here, Ed is short like that because as a kid, he didn't receive enough nutritions and enough food. Although it is known that Ed eats for himself and Al- I think even on post-promise day Ed will keep eating that way ( maybe less but the same way, because it is the way his body is surviving. Since it thinks it might go for a while without food so it wants to eat as much as it could.)

I like to think that Ed was Al’s parent and therefore he used to give Al his food since they were poor and did not have enough money or food.

Since I mentioned this headcanon, let me follow it by this:

Point 4:

Edward Elric is the one who raised Alphonse Elric and not the other way around.

Hi, I Am About To Speak My Opinion About The Most Classic FMA Patterns In Fics.

I think that a lot of people go with the “ Al is more mature, Ed is childish.” mindset, which angers me.

As the oldest child, I relate to Edward in so many aspects ( besides the long hair in a braid deal.) For more than half of my day, I am in charge of my youngest siblings- feeding them, playing with them, teaching them, you get the idea. and according to my mom I started acting like a mother haha

Now that same thing should be applied to Edward. From just watching how they act and how they talk, many will judge right away and Say that Ed is the child one because he is impolite, loud and angry for nothing, and many would say that “Why can't you be just like your brother.”

i likes to think that Edward is loud and angry for these reasons:

He is protecting himself and Al from being abandoned all over again, he wants to be unloved in order not to get attached. He gets angry because anger to him is such an easy emotion to portray and be.

When he gets angry and frustrated and acts out- he is looking for attention. And that has been apparent ever since he was a child. Like, when he hits Al with the book on his head? Why? Because he wants his mother to yell at him. He tries to grasp her attention and time by acting out.

And that same tactic that he uses with Roy. If he was acting like he should be, Roy might see him for five minutes a day. But with acting out, he gets to have Roy’s attention as he yells at him.

Mature levels are different between the brothers, and it is clear how Ed has an understanding of things around them and works hard, I am not saying that Al isn't mature. It just... Ed raised Al. I think that explains everything.

Point 5:

Jean Havoc and how people write him as an idiot.

Hi, I Am About To Speak My Opinion About The Most Classic FMA Patterns In Fics.

Listen, I love me some good Uncle Jean action. And I love how people write him like that- the uncle/older brother dynamic.

I think on the team he is the third oldest- Vato being the older one, then Roy, and then Jean, and so on- so say he is like, 27 (?) IT MEANS THAT HE IS A GROWN MAN, K? PEOPLE NEED TO STOP WRITING HIM AS A HORNY TEEN.

I also want to point out, that maybe Jean is looking for a woman and going out on dates as much as he could so he can find a WIFE so he can settle down with and marry and have kids.

But the fact is, Jean is smarter than he gives himself credit, and we can see that across the anime and the manga. Also, I am not sure if this fact is Canon- but one of my favorite things about this man is that he is the medic of the team.

✨My headcanon is that he was a paramedic before he joined the Army or something. I just think it suits him.

Also, if he was not smart or mature enough, Roy wouldn't have made him “ team’s officer “

I just adore him, maybe more than Hughes-

AND Speaking of Hughes

Here is Point 6:

Maes Hughes and his family obsession.

Hi, I Am About To Speak My Opinion About The Most Classic FMA Patterns In Fics.

I know I know he just loves taking photos and talking about his wife and daughter- because he is just a proud man, and I love him for that. What I dislike is when someone writes him as if that is the only thing he does??

Like, have we forgotten that he is a detective? And the head of the inspection department? He has fun when he can but also he has his head leveled when needed, let's not forget that.

Think about Meas as if he is Superman ( Clark Kent.) because these two have so many similar traits.

Point 7:

Winry Rockbell and her anger issues.

Hi, I Am About To Speak My Opinion About The Most Classic FMA Patterns In Fics.

I again, dislike how abusive people write winry. Abusive might be the wrong word to use here, but when someone keeps hitting you with her wrench because your prosthetic broke against your will and it gets to the point that you try to fix it instead of going to her to help you fix it-

I just think it isn't healthy. Not to mention that Winry is always written as if she does not understand the hardships that Ed and Al go through. And that might be the case - she is just a girl who sees the man she loves get injuries and she doesn't understand the whys. And I think that is why she acts the way she does. Personally, I adore Winry. I like her and her and she and Ed are cute and they are right for each other.

I just dislike how she is always written as if Ed getting injured is his fault, Y’know?

Point 8:

Izumi and how much she does not understand the things that the boys go through.

Hi, I Am About To Speak My Opinion About The Most Classic FMA Patterns In Fics.

she is a wonderful woman, strong, and loves kids and her husband- my problem is how much she doesn't seem to understand Ed and Al's post they committed the taboo. She always comes at Ed and Al for joining the military without seeing the reason behind it.

That is why I found myself hating every time she comes in fics after Ed gets injured or something because she will always yell at him and acts as if it was his fault.

I only truly liked Izumi in one fic I read, which had her being Roy’s older sister- and I liked that. She was understanding while having her normal personality.

And yea, I think these are it! I just expressed my personal opinion towards things and I do have a few other ideas but these are what come to mind right now. I do enjoy reading fics even if these things were present in them- but the chances of me writing things like this are very minimal.

Tell me what you think. Do you agree or disagree with these and why? I would love to chat ❤️

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1 year ago

Sign ups are open beautiful souls! Come join us! You will have whole two months to create anything you want- and here is the catch, it doesn't matter how many workers you want to share ❤️❤️

Time to sign up!
Google Docs
Hi, and thank you for choosing to be part of our FMA parental event ( Storge.) Storge is an event that focuses on the parental relationship
Hi Everyone!

Hi everyone!

Lynn and Sweet are here, and both are happy to say that:


Here are the basic information for the event!

♟ So, how does it work? You are here because you have chosen to sign up for our Google form! Then, you must be an artist or a writer or really, a talented person. Our idea centers around: everyone creating something, ( whatever they like.), and then we will create a PDF with the works!


Yes! A PDF. We will add all of the art, all of the media, and the fics in one PDF, for people who are interested in having “ exclusive.” arts and fics that center around the event’s idea Of course, this part can be discussed! Since this should be a fun event for everyone involved We want to make sure that you are okay with the fact that your thing might be exclusive People will get this PDF through their email after they sign up for it Of course, this event will be free

♟Time line:

🦾 signups open: January, 17th 🦾 Signup closes: January, 27th

🦾 creating ( no matter what your media ): Starts the moment you sign up 🦾 last time to send your creations: March 30th

🦾 “ordering.”: March the 31

🦾 Everyone having their copy: hopefully by the 10th of April

♟As for the guidelines- they are nothing extreme, but we think it is worth saying them:

🦾 No NSFW things. ( like full-body nudity or sex. Minors might want to have a copy and everyone should feel safe when reading.)

🦾 Focus should be on the relationship between the parent and child.

🦾 Art yes, comics yes, long and short fics yes, whatever you want- yes yes yes. Someone might be interested in doing a video, we will find a way to add it to the bundle!

🦾 Since we want the focus on the characters we love- we are proposing no oc children as the main focus. If a lot of people voiced otherwise, we will make it more open

🦾 Every FMA parental relationship is open! Izumi and Sig? Yes. Roy and Riza? Yes Scar? Yes Fu? Yes Trisha? Yes Maes and Grace? Yes

You get the idea, everything is open- even Ed and Winry and Al having kids

Or characters having grandchildren

What do you say? Are you in? If so!


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1 year ago
Time to sign up!
Google Docs
Hi, and thank you for choosing to be part of our FMA parental event ( Storge.) Storge is an event that focuses on the parental relationship


Sign up for the event hehe @parentalfmaevent where we celebrate the parental relationships in the fandom ❤️❤️

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7 months ago

I am back with more Heidi au! 🫶🏻

I Am Back With More Heidi Au!
I Am Back With More Heidi Au!
I Am Back With More Heidi Au!

Introducing more of this world’s characters! My first time drawing the lovely Rockbell ( minus Win ) I am just so excited to share this with you guys and the feedback on this has been so encouraging 🥺🩷

Tell me who do you think should be present in this au? Lets have a nice chat together in the comments

To read the first part of the published au click here

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3 years ago
So, Uuuuuh I Was Reading This Real Good Chaotic-ass Chatfic To Fuel My Fullmetal-brain-rot. It's Gay
So, Uuuuuh I Was Reading This Real Good Chaotic-ass Chatfic To Fuel My Fullmetal-brain-rot. It's Gay
So, Uuuuuh I Was Reading This Real Good Chaotic-ass Chatfic To Fuel My Fullmetal-brain-rot. It's Gay

So, uuuuuh I was reading this real good chaotic-ass chatfic to fuel my fullmetal-brain-rot. It's gay and wonderful and hilarious so here's some image highlights from it :)

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7 months ago
She Started His Braid Trend, Change My Mind.
She Started His Braid Trend, Change My Mind.

She started his braid trend, change my mind.

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6 years ago
I See The Passing Of The Years In Your Eyes

I see the passing of the years in your eyes

And when we part there will be no tears no goodbyes

I'll just look into your eyes

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6 years ago
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Столько лет, столько лет, я прикован здесь

Только свет, дивный свет, свет надежды есть

Ключ от моих оков

Это твоя любовь

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3 years ago

Nunca más _C1_

Nunca Ms _C1_

Anime: Fullmetal Alchemist

Rating: M

Pareja: Edward & Winry

Sinopsis: Ed se había pasado noches enteras pensando... pensaba en Al, en la alquimia, en este mundo, su hogar... y por supuesto en ella. Después de todo, del otro lado no había mecánicos automail.

Advertencia: Lemon (NSFW)


Por: Maeda Ai.


.:: Capítulo 1 ::.



Y ahí estaba ella, como en los viejos tiempos, reparando el automail de Ed.

 * Del otro lado no había nadie que supiera como arreglar estas cosas. *

 Winry recordó las exactas palabras del alquimista, cuando este por fin pasó de este lado de la puerta. Y ella. . . simplemente comenzó a llorar para luego arrojarse a sus brazos.

Ese tonto; todos esos años y esto era lo mejor que podía decirle.

Pero Winry no podía quejarse, oh no!.

Estaba tan agradecida de que Alphonse hubiese recuperado sus recuerdos y, gracias a ellos, traer de vuelta a su hermano.

 * Ahora sí parece tu hermano menor. *

 Susurró para sí la joven rubia, divertida al recordar la diferencia de estaturas y, ahora, de edades que tenían los Elric.

Pero el que Al haya perdido unos cuantos años, sin duda era un precio pequeño a cambio de recuperar su cuerpo y a su hermano.

 * ¿Qué es tan gracioso?. *

* Ehh?. *

* Estás sonriendo. . . ¿qué es tan gracioso?. *

 Edward la había estado mirando con sumo detalle.

Cada gesto, cada sutil movimiento y la forma tan especial como reparaba su brazo metálico.

 * So-solo pensaba. *

 Un inusual carmín cruzó las mejillas de la chica, quien, aun sonriendo, fingió estar concentrada en su trabajo, más la verdad es que no podía dejar de pensar en Ed.

Él estaba aquí, a su lado, como siempre debió ser.

Sus manos temblaban mientras una idea que se volvió inquietud le cruzó la mente.

 * Co. . . ¿cómo era el otro lado, Ed?, eras feliz?. *

 El rubio suavizó un poco su mirar ante las preguntas de su bella acompañante.

Una sutil sonrisa adornando su atractivo rostro.

 Si descartaba la inexistencia de alquimia o las grandes máquinas de allá, las cosas no eran muy diferentes realmente.

Había guerras, pero también personas buenas y todo un mundo del cual disfrutar. Y sin embargo, no podría llamar felicidad a una vida lejos de su querido hermano.

 * Pero tuve mucho tiempo para conversar con mi padre, ¿sabes?. Creo que llegué a comprenderlo, no fue tan malo. . . es una lastima que el viejo se haya quedado allá y no pueda regresar. Estoy seguro de que a Al le hubiese gustado mucho volverlo a ver. *

 El mayor de los Elric giró el rostro.

De todas formas su padre no viviría por mucho tiempo.

La tristeza cubrió los ojos ámbar del muchacho.

 * Y a mi. . . *    _La suave voz de su compañera lo sacó de sus pensamientos._   * ¿Me extrañaste también?. *

 Edward la miró confundido: ¿qué no lo había dicho ya?.

 * Po, por supuesto, Winry, allá no hay mecánicos automail y. . . *

 Un aura roja rodeó a la joven mientras daba el último ajuste al brazo del alquimista, incrustándolo con fuerza.

Eso no era lo que ella quería escuchar.

 * Baka. *

 Le gritó ella, irguiéndose y dejando a un Elric retorciéndose de dolor.

Oh sí, vaya que había extrañado su horrible carácter.

 * Yo sí te extrañé, Edward. *    _La escuchó decir a sus espaldas._    * No hubo noche que no pasara en vela, rogando porque tu volvieses con bien y, y. . . es que yo. . . *

 La rubia no pudo terminar; las palabras se ahogaron en su garganta. Lágrimas deslizándose por sus mejillas blancas.

El dolor físico del muchacho se desvaneció de pronto y un agradable calor envolvió su corazón.

¿Acaso era lo que estaba pensando?, necesitaba saber.

 Se acercó a la joven hasta rodearla con sus fuertes brazos, clavando su rostro entre su cuello y su hombro, aspirando su dulce aroma.

Ella abrió desmesuradamente los ojos, sorprendida, mientras el joven pensaba lo bien que se sentía el tenerla así contra su cuerpo. Ese era el lugar correcto, con ella, no podía equivocarse.

 Y rompió la promesa de nunca decirle lo que por ella sentía, con tal de no perder su valiosa amistad.

 ““Pero es que ya no puedo más.””

 Pensó, estrechándola con un poco más de fuerza.

 * Durante las noches, yo pensaba, pensaba mucho. . . en Al, en la alquimia, en este mundo, mi hogar. . . en ti. *

 Apenas dijo estas palabras, el rubio la hizo girarse y buscó los labios de la chica entre sus brazos. Ambos sintieron un escalofrío que los llenó de felicidad.

 * Bienvenido a casa, Ed. . . *

 Fue lo único que Winry pudo decir una vez que sus bocas se separaron para luego mirarse a los ojos, compartiendo una pequeña sonrisa y un poco después. . . un nuevo beso.

  Sin finalizar.


No sé que pasa después del final del anime, es decir la película.

El final me dejó impactada, así que siempre he querido que Ed regrese con Winry, de ahí este fic.


Este fanfiction fue escrito por MAEDA AI y es material de Fallen Angel.

Totalizado el 17 de Marzo de 2006.

La dama del Hentai: Maeda Ai.


|| Capítulo 2 ||

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