the-chaotic-neutral-pansexual - A trip into my dreams
A trip into my dreams

18+ Are you the sweet reader next door? a god to be worshiped? A master to be obeyed? A nice obedient baby? A sweet caring mommy/daddy? The owner of a good pet? A ruthless mafia boss? How about we become all of them and more.. allow me to take you to the worlds of my dreams. Where anything can happen.

15 posts

The Cat Owns You Part 1

The Cat Owns You Part 1

CW: posessive behavior

Pairing: Sub!Choi Soobin x Dom!Catgirl reader

Idea: Cats are kind of assholes. Bossy, destructive, self centered and temperamental but loveable nonetheless. Almost anyone who has a cat will tell you sometimes it feels like the cat owns you.

A/N: this is part 1 to this story so its sfw, I'm just using this part to establish the story before the extremely smutty next chapter which will also be out this week. i hope you enjoy❤

Shortly after moving out of the TXT dorms Soobin realized that he had gotten used to living with other people. While being alone wasn't unbearable it wasn't exactly comfortable either. he realized that he enjoyed the feeling of coming home and having someone there for him. Someone to talk to after a long day or to hang out with when he didn't want to leave the security of his own home or even simply having the presence of another person, their warmth, their scent, the sounds of them living life. So as he sat alone at his dining room table surrounded by empty chairs clutching his phone and devising a plan on how to subtly ask one of his members to stay over a few days and possibly move in, a thought dawned on him. How would it look to everyone if the big strong levelheaded leader of one of the biggest current kpop groups came begging his youngers to keep him company and cut the silence of his lonely new apartment? He would look weak, like a codependent child and unfit to lead, he couldn't possibly portray himself that way to anyone. Not the public, his fans, his labelmates, his superiors who he begged to move out on his own and definitely not his bandmates who he left at their dorm in favor of his new apartment. So he stood from his place at the table and took his jacket from its place as the only one on the coatrack, slipping it on and leaving the apartment. he opted to take a walk in hopes of temporarily escaping the deafening silence and spine chilling still of his lonely apartment. at least being outside would give him the comfort of being in the presence of others. soon what was originally supposed to be a short 10 minute walk around the neighborhood  turned into an hour long expedition around the city, there was a slight burn in his long legs from walking aimlessly around the city for an hour however he barley noticed being too distracted by the comfort of the city around him buzzing and full of life, a stark contrast to the apartment that he was would soon regretfully return to. The apartment where nothing but the sound of his thoughts awaited him. Before heading home he decided to grab something to eat for dinner  he decided on something light to eat approaching a small yet slightly busy looking café. he slightly ducked to better cross the threshold into the café before being warmly greeted by a bubbly waitress. “hello there sir! do you have a reservation?” she asked with a smile and a slightly raised voice ensuring that he caught her words “reservation?” he replied his deep voice equally as friendly but laced with confusion “for a café?” The waitress replied with a light laugh “oh you must be new, see this is not a regular café” she stated. Just before he could inquire about what she meant he felt something brush against his leg. He quickly looked down slightly startled meeting the bright green eyes of a small beautiful fluffy black cat. “you see sir this is a hybrid cat café. Its a place where people in the market for a hybrid can make a reservation to spend time with our hybrid cat breeds and hopefully adopt one” she stated. just then he looked around and sure enough there were about a dozen cats, some roaming around and others interacting with customers. he also realized that all of the waitresses had cat ears ranging in colors and fur lengths perched atop their heads as well as matching tails lively swinging behind them. Soobin had always wanted a pet however due to his busy schedule it was out of the question, but a hybrid can function as a pet that can survive on its own. a pet that can keep him company in his apartment and still take care of itself during his promotions. It was a perfect solution. Just then another waitress walked up the look in her eyes signaling that she recognized him. She lightly tapped the other waitress before they began to whisper among themselves. While Soobin waited for them to finish their conversation so he could hopefully make a reservation he bent down to look at the black cat resting by his feet. A truly adorable kitten you were with your smooth, shiny, soft black fur and wide yet piercing green eyes. Just as he was reaching to pet you the waitresses concluded their hushed conversation, turning their attention to him. “well sir you are in luck, someone just canceled their reservation so if you would like we can put you in their slot” one waitress said with a smile while the other stood behind her looking excited but shy. “But before we take you to your seat my friend here would like your autograph, she's a bit shy however she is a huge fan of your group” she asked politely and Soobin obliged feeling like its the least he could do for the kind waitress. they direct him to a seat in the back corner of the café all the while you follow closely behind him, as he gets comfortable in his seat you hop up gracefully landing directly in the middle of his lap before situating yourself and laying down. He chuckles to himself before petting you lightly with one hand and skimming through the menu with the other. You begin to purr as you nuzzle into his warm touch relaxing until the waitress walks up taking his order. her presence making you slightly more alert but still relaxed she doesn't notice that you've claimed him taking shelter atop his lap under the table so she asks if he would like to meet some of the other cats up for adoption at the café. Before he gets the chance to answer you hiss lightly biting his fingertips as a warning that he better not even think about it. he moves his hand and you hop onto he table in front of him shooting him a pointed look. almost as if he understands what you're trying to say he politely declines “oh no thanks I'm pretty good here with this one, we seem to have a connection”. the waitress gives him a surprised look before speaking again “really? That's (Y/N), she's been here a while and hardly ever interacts with any customers.” She then leaves to put in soobins order and you return to your place on his lap. he begins talking to you letting basic information about himself and his life slip past those full pink lips of his. hopefully he adopts you so you can transform into your human form. see hybrids up for adoption are only supposed to stay in their animal forms  when in places like adoption centers or cafes because its easier to care for a dozen cats then it is to care for a dozen humans. the waitresses are hybrids who have been adopted from this establishment and came back to work and care for their hybrid friends ensuring that the get adopted into good homes. if he adopts you then once you reach your new home you will be able to live in human form. While soobin continues talking to your cat form and you meow out responses as if he can actually understand you, you are interrupted again. this time by another cat form hybrid trying to move in and take him from you. Why cant they understand that he belongs to you? Why do they insist on trying to mark your soobin as their own? Cant they see that you chose him first? You cant wait until you guys get home and you can use your human form to mark his body with yours. maybe then they'll understand that he belongs to you. then soobin decides to be a brat and try to pet her. who does he think he is? what a bad boy! once you’re human again you'll be sure to punish him for doing such a thing. hopefully a nice punishment will ensure that your pe...owner never behaves this way again. before he touches her you pounce attacking the other cat growling and hissing threats. it was not enough to truly injure her but served as a warning to stay away from your property...owner. after that incident soobin decides to flag down a waitress and ask to get his food to go. the waitress quickly brings out his order in to go boxes and has a small stack of papers for him. “so do you think you'll be adopting a cat tonight” he looks down at you giving your best pleading eyes and in an impromptu decision he signs the papers. Now he officially belongs to you. he pays his bill before being handed a temporary cat carrier as you get comfortable preparing for the journey to your new home.

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More Posts from The-chaotic-neutral-pansexual

i need a part two to the yeosang pretty boy 😳

I'm already planning it now. I'm thinking about a series where reader finds out about his obsession with them and manipulates him into becoming their perfect sub. However the reader underestimates how far he would truly go to make sure that he is their one and only pretty boy. His obsession has devolved so much that he would do anything for them. He lives for them. He would die for them. He values no other human life besides theirs so he would kill for them. He exists solely for the reader. But maybe that's just what the reader wanted? But idk if that's a bit too dark and intense. Even if I don't write that series he will be a recurring character with many of his own oneshots and scenario. I'm glad you enjoyed it ❤️

hey are you doing fine?

I’m okay just extremely busy and I’m motivated. Between college, work and treatments for my illness life has been pretty chaotic. I’ll most likely just post again randomly but overall I’m fine thanks for asking.💕

Are you planning on writing stories for dreamcatcher?

Yeah actually I was just trying to think of something for them since I’ve been really into their group lately especially gahyeon and handong. I liked your fic do you have any ideas?

Are you still planning to post on this blog?

Yeah definitely. I'm planning some stuff for October and I'm thinking about posting some short drabbles/thoughts type content. Like ideas that I have that aren't enough for a full story. My upload schedule isn't anything close to consistent because I have ADHD and a chronic illness so it can be very hard for me to write either mentally or physically. Even though I haven't been posting I have been working on stuff though so if all goes well a bunch of content should be on the way first up will be my requests.❤️

New Story Tomorrow

Sorry for being gone for a bit however i’m back and tomorrow I will be posting a new work. The concept is Yandere Sub!Yeosang(Ateez) X Reader. It’s gonna be my longest piece to date and I hope you will like it. It’s based on Yeosang’s birthday and the fact that i’ve seen many people say that Yeosang was the least popular member of Ateez. On places like twitter and tiktok I see a lack of Yeosang appreciation and sometimes even Yeosang slander calling him ugly untalented and disliked, that makes me sad because i love all of the Ateez members equally but i’ve always had a soft spot for Yeosang. I was already planning on writing for him and decided that this was the perfect time.

In honor of Sangie’s birthday and tomorrows post here’s some Yeosang appreciation:

New Story Tomorrow
New Story Tomorrow
New Story Tomorrow
New Story Tomorrow

wow he’s so pretty😍

Also after receiving my first request I realized that I never said it but I am taking requests so if you have an idea you want me to write please read my introduction and ask away!❤️

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