Yandere!au - Tumblr Posts

4 years ago

Oh? O H? I am very interested to see where this is going!!! He writing!!!! The suspense!!! The mystery!!! The *questionable* P A S S I O N!!! AndalsotheslightyoongiendearmentUwUplsdontfrickthisupformeyoongiimrootingforyou😤

Blood Bounty - Part 1 (M)


Pairings: Yoongi x Reader, Taehyung x Reader Word Count: 10K Rating: M Genre: Historical fantasy AU, Vampire AU, Thriller, Drama, Smut Warnings: Non-consensual vampire feeding (graphic, provocative, sexual, blood play, and twisted as fuck), captivation/enslavement, blood, drugging (force feeding vampire blood), obsession, violence, PTSD, at one point the OC pleads for death, it’s dark guys you’ve been warned. While the vampire feeding in this part is highly sexualized, I do have somewhat more “traditional” smut scenes planned for part 2 and 3.

| Series Masterlist |

Summary: He’s taken everything from you, your blood, your memories, your life, and after months spent as Taehyung’s own personal feast, you eagerly take your chance to flee. Unfortunately your escape doesn’t go as well as you had hoped, as you are soon caught by another blood thirsty beast. The vampire Yoongi claims to know you, and that he wishes to return you home. But when you can only remember the pain caused by his kind, you find it difficult to trust him, since he too could just be another monster waiting to feed.

A/N: This mini-series is a loose retelling of Anastasia, you’ll find it to be very different from the animated film. I attempted to blend both the history and the story together in a new historical fantasy world that is not our own. Anyway I hope you enjoy the start to my three part twisted tale, and if you have any questions at the end please feel free to send them my way! Also a big thank you to my beta readers @m00nchild-shi​ and @ladyartemesia​. This story wouldn’t have made it this far without you!

This story is dedicated to all of those who have lost themselves to a monster (of any form) at some point in their life. I know the journey back to yourself can be hard, but trust me, you are worth every effort. 


From the break of dawn you’ve crossed miles of ground, traversing through grassy fields and deep rivers. Accompanied only by the clothes on your back, a stake in your hand, and a pair of boots far too big for your feet, all stolen during your hastened departure. 

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6 years ago

l u s t

possessive!jungkook | reader

☞ genre: angst, horror, gore, smut

☞ description: everybody has a lust for something. but his lust was beyond the ordinary one. his lust for you was out of this world. he only wanted you and in order to make you his, everything had to go his way.

☞ word count: 4.7k

☞ warning: graphic content, mentions of death, vulgar language

→ a/n: if you’re triggered by the twisted vibe of this story, i suggest not reading it.


You were everything to him.

From your smile to your personality and to your beauty. Every single thing about you was perfect to him. It was like you had a spell on him. He became enraptured by you in a matter of seconds. You were the dream girl he never thought he’d ever see in his whole lifetime. He didn’t think a girl from his fantasies would ever appear in front of him just like that. But fortunately for him, it happened anyway.

He would always watch you from a distance ever since the day you appeared before him. It was always during school either in the morning, during lunch, or even outside of school when he would watch you. He would even watch you from the outside of your home through the tiny window that was implanted into your room. And the sad part about this whole thing was that the boy never even realized that the watching he was doing the whole time was actually him partaking the action of being a stalker. He stalked you every single second of the day whenever he had the chance to, which was almost always. He would never skip out on “watching” you even if the world were to come to an end somehow. He’d still be mesmerized by you no matter how bad the situation was for him. Nothing could get in his way from your beauty, and he’d make sure of it.

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6 years ago

“The Party” Jimin Angst (Yandere! + Step-brother AU)

R|N: “Hello babies! I have been getting alot of requests to do BTS as your Yandere, brothers/step-brother who is in love with you. Of course I decided to make it to where they are your brothers by marrige so others wouldn’t think too much into it. I decided reactions would be too short so decided to make a oneshot on each member and will be uploading them one by one randomly! I hope you all enjoy!❣️ Please be nice! I am furfilling what those want to see and I don’t want any judgment on here. That is the fun about fanfictions. You can come up with anything. That’s all I want to direct. Thank you all again!

*Warning* As always our Yandere! Writing contain scenes of violence, obsession, vulgar language, and sometimes sexual content so if any of are uncomfortable about this topic, please do not continue reading on. We never want to hurt any of you with our writing. :(

”___, did you get all that we need for tonight?“ Your mother called out from the laundry room.

You scanned the countertop. "Yes, I think so.” You replied before going back to finishing up your essay for class. “Thank you for all your help sweetie.” Your mom walked by you and gave you a small Pat to your back before making her way to the living room with a laundry basket. “I’m sure Kwan and Jimin are going to love it.” You sighed and look up from your laptop. “I guess so…”

“What’s wrong? I thought you would be happy seeing your brother.” Your mom gave you a concerned look before going back to folding clothes.“Step-brother…” You muttered looking away. “And it’s nothing just-Jimin thinks he is so much better than everyone else here. Ever since he got that new job and started traveling, he thinks he’s this big hotshot.” You rolled your eyes and shook your head. Your mom sighed with a smile. “He’s only going to be here for a few days, then he will be away again. Just try to please get along. Until then, could you help me get ready for dinner tonight?” You sighed while closing your laptop, then smiled tiredly and nodded. “Sure mom.”


Night arrived just as quick as your Step-father Kwan and Step-brother Jimin did. You were tossing the salad when you heard the front door open and close and your mother’s voice exclaim from the other room. “Oh my goodness! Look at you! You’re hair! You changed it? Huh? Oh yeah, she’s in the kitchen just finishing the last of dinner. You must be hungry. Come on, come on.” You shifted back over to your other foot, suddenly feeling uneasy as you heard the footsteps get closer towards where you were.

“___, look who’s here.” Your mom said as they turned the corner. You looked up to see your mom with her arm around Jimin’s shoulder and couldn’t help, but stare. He looked the same, besides his hair. He now had dark velvet locks, that matched his curious eyes as he smiled at you. “Hey sis. You’re not going to say hi?” He spoke up after sometime, making you jolt back into reality. “Huh?” You felt your face flush from embarrassment as you blinked. “H-hi.”

You returned the hug that he gave you as he walked behind the counter where you were. Your mom and Kwon walked into the dining room, chatting away as they caught up, leaving you and Jimin standing there awkwardly. You went back to tossing the salad, then wiping your hands on a kitchen towel, trying to shake him off as he loomed near you.

“How’ve you been?” He asked as he took one of the cucumber slices from the bowl and put it to his lips.

“Good.” You nodded then looked up at him. “You?” He shrugged nonchalantly as he slipped the slice into his mouth. “Great. As always. What can I say, ever since I got my job, life have been going smoothly."You scoffed and shook your head. "Of course.”

“What’s that supposed to mean?” Jimin laughed.

“Of course you would still be bragging. I mean, don’t you ever get tired of it?” You leaned against the counter.

“Hmm..no?” He smirked as if he were trying to make you annoyed. You rolled your eyes and let out another scoff as you grabbed the bowl of salad and walked past him towards the dining room.

“Hey.” He suddenly grabbed ahold of your wrist and looked at you with a more serious expression. “I’m sorry, okay? I didn’t mean to make you upset. Honestly…I’m just really happy to be home and to see you.”

You looked from his face, down to your wrist where he gently rubbed his thumb across your veins. You felt your face grow hot as you swiftly pulled your arm away. “Don’t be weird.” You nervously laughed as you continued making your way towards the table. You felt so confused at the way he acted towards you. When you and your mom first moved in with them, he was kind and someone that protected you from the things that scared you. He was like your best friend. But when he started to leave more frequently, you two became much more distant, even when you did try to be close to him, it seemed like he was trying to push you away, so you just gave up. Now he was somewhat cocky and aloof and that made you more annoyed than anything. He didn’t seem like the person you knew back then.

Dinner went by faster than you expected. You all laughed and talked over shared memories, with occasional glances from Jimin which made you raise an eyebrow, but didn’t think too much into it. After you excused yourself from the table, you were now in your room, trying to choose something to wear for the Welcome party tomorrow that you and your mom were throwing for Jimin’s arrival.

You were holding up two outfits as you switched them back and forth against you in front of the mirror. “You would look cute in that dress.” A voice came from behind you that made you turn around feeling startled. It was Jimin. He was standing in the doorway and leaned against the door, pointing towards one of the dresses that you held up.

“D-did you need something?” You stuttered as you set the dresses back onto your bed.

He crossed his arms and took a few steps more into your room and looked around. “I just wanted to come say goodnight.” You gave him a look of confusion as you sat on the edge of your bed. “Are you okay?” Now you were a little concerned about his behavior. You had thought, maybe something was seriously wrong with him or something had happened that he didn’t tell you about and it made you nervous.

“Yeah I’m alright. I just feel like these past few months, I’ve kind of let you down, I guess. I’m gone alot and I just don’t want us to drift apart or anything like that. You’re still my favorite girl.” As he spoke, he had on a tired yet serious expression. He ran his hands through his hair in a frustrated manner, as if he were trying to find the right words to say.

You nodded with a smile. “I get what you’re saying.” You said, trying to ease his frustration. You had also felt some relief yourself because you thought that maybe he had out grew you. “You didn’t let me down by the way. Honestly, I was a little upset for a while, the way you sort of changed when you came back, but I’m glad that you side something first.” He looked over at you then smiled as he started to walk back towards the door and gave it a light tap. “Well, goodnight ___. I’ll see you in the morning.”

“Yeah. Goodnight Jimin.” You sighed as he left the room then flopped back into your pillows and closed your eyes.


Jimin sat on his bed in the room and starred at the celling with a serious expression. He had been thinking about you ever since the ride to the house from the airport. He cupped his hands around his face and groaned in frustration, thinking back to his conversation with you. He never knew that you felt that way and it killed him. The last thing he ever wanted to do was hurt you in any way. “You’re such a damn jerk…” He said to himself as he let his hands fall into his lap as he leaned his head back and closed his eyes, letting out a long sigh. Something was definitely on his mind, and he couldn’t shake this he always had when he came back home feeling. He had hoped it would go away until it was time for him to leave again.


You smiled at yourself in the mirror as you finished brushing your hair, then put the brush down on your vanity and smoothed down your favorite short white dress with the small pink flowers, making sure to get out any wrinkles with your finger tips. For some odd reason you were happy today. And you knew that reason was probably because of your conversation with Jimin, the previous night. You felt as though he changed, and you could now turn over a new leaf. You were just happy to have your brother back to the person you had admired back then.

“____! People are already arriving! Can I get a hand down here?” Your mom called out to you. “Yes, I’m going!” You called back as you slipped into some sandals and quickly headed downstairs.

Soon the backyard and patio was filled with family and friends. When Jimin got back from running to the grocery store for your mom as a distraction, he was surprised and happy to see all those familiar faces around him. After he greeted them, there he was standing on one end of the yard with some of his friends from town, laughing and catching up. You stood there with one of your closest friends, talking and listening to the noise of people and music. “Wow. He got more handsome. If that’s even possible.” Your friend smiled and beamed towards where Jimin stood. “Don’t you agree ___?”

You felt your face flush again as she spoke. “What?” You snorted. “How would I know? We’re brother and sister. That’s kind of weird to think about your brother.” You glanced over towards Jimin who was now looking your way. When your eyes met with his, he looked down at his drink then back over to you and flashed a smile, which caught you off guard. You quickly averted your eyes back over to your friend who was looking towards Jimin too, but sending small flirty waves and smiles his way, which he smirked at. “Ew?” You burst out laughing as she winked before turning her attention back towards you.

“What? Jimin is so much more cuter than any other guy around here. What does he do again?” She started at you curiously, as she sipped the ice tea in her cup.

You let out a small sigh and squinted your eyes from the ray of sunlight that was now cascading over you. “He’s like a traveling entrepreneur, but his dad says this is only temporary until he can get him something at his company.”

“Oh yeah, he never stays in one place twice right? Or at least that’s what he’s told me. He has so many great stories.” She smiled his way again for a moment before it faded. “Who is that?” She suddenly asked, with her eyes still peeled over where she was looking. You turned your gaze in her direction and pursed your lips tightly. “Oh. That’s one of his friends sisters. I’ve seen her a few times before whenever they would all hangout here.”

“Really? Hm well they seem pretty close.” Your friend said as you both watched her latch onto Jimin with her arms around his neck. He wore a huge smile as his arms snaked around her waist and descended lower as he pulled her in closer against his body. You felt yourself slightly frown,as he rested his head near her neck and whispered something inaudible that made her squeal and try to move away, but he latched on which made her squirm and laugh loudly.

“Jimin! Stop it! You’re so naughty! I have to go already. I just heard you were in town for the weekend and just wanted to stop by and say ‘hi’, but I’ll call you.” She smiled as he let her go and gave her a wave and smile back. As she started walking back the way she came, you thought you noticed her look your way and smirk in a way that said, “I claimed him.”

“Seriously?” Your friend made a sound of disgust which made you look away. “I guess having good looks makes you prone to being exposed to people like that ” She shook her head then forced a fake smile. “Hey Jimin.” He was now standing behind you which made you slightly jump.

“Hi. That dress looks really nice on you. Is that Satin?” He complimented your friend, making her swoon, before resting his hand on your bare shoulder. “I’m sorry to interrupt, but I just wanted to steal my lovely little sister for a dance if that’s okay?” You cringed as your friend shooed you two away. “Oh sure sure! Of course! I think I’m going to go inside to get something to eat anyways. Y'all two go bond.” The minute she turned on her heel and walked away, Jimin led you towards another part of the patio where others were dancing.

He carefully placed your hands on his shoulders before setting his up on your lower back.

“You look really beautiful.” He said as he slowly swayed with you. You scoffed with a smile. “Thank you. But not as beautiful as your girlfriend.”

“Girlfriend?” He thought for a moment then laughed and shook his head. “No way is she my girlfriend, she’s just a good friend. Why do you say it with that kind of face? Are you jealous?” “What?!” You gave his shoulder a light but sharp pinch.

“Ow!” He laughed.

“I’m not jealous. It just seemed like, I don’t know..you two were interested in each other.” You shrugged as you felt the music engulf you two, as if you two were the only ones there. “She may be interested in me, but she is definitely not my type.” He said with a now serious tone as looked at you, while his thumbs gently rubbed the curve of your back. You raised an eyebrow. “I didn’t know you had a type.”

“Everyone has a type, and mine just happens to be someone who’s cute, shorter than me of course, someone who is kind and that can rely on me for anything.” You looked elsewhere as he spoke, and couldn’t help but blush at the feeling of his warm hands pressing into your dress as if he were trying to hold onto you tighter than he already was.

“Come to think of it. You’re pretty short, and you are pretty cute too.” He joked.

“Being weird again…” You softly laughed and buried your face into his chest that was twice as red than seconds before. He chuckled and held you closely, while you two danced until the end of song that played ever so softly. You two parted ways after the last verse sounded, going back to where you previously were.

“Talk about creepy!” Your friend hissed in a hushed tone as she pulled you into her.

“What are you talking abo-”

“You and Jimin! Duh! You guys looked like a couple on the dancefloor! I mean he was holding you so provocatively, not to mention the looks he gave his friends!”


“Yeah! As if he was some kind of dog, about to attack other dogs if they got close to a bone he had!” She scoffed and shook her head. “I didn’t know he had a side like that to him.” You didn’t read much into it. You two were just dancing after all. You felt much closer to him than any other siblings you had seen before. There was nothing wrong with that. It just meant you had a good relationship and bond.

A voice cut through your thoughts. It was the voice of one of Jimin’s best friends. “Hey ____.” He beamed your way as he went in for a hug. When he pulled back, he looked you up and down.

“Wow..look at you. It’s been way too long. How have you been?” The way he looked at you in a hungry manner made you sightly uneasy but you managed to give him a warm smile. “Oh I’ve been great. How about yourself?”

“Good! Yeah I’ve been good!” He nodded then paused. “Oh..you’ve got something in your hair.” He moved into you and reached his hand out, letting his fingers graze your hair, trailing them down to your neck, making you shiver. “My mistake.” He smiled and pulled his hand slightly away, but suddenly touched your chin. “When did you get so pretty?” It was as if he was in a daze as he spoke.

In seconds, he was soon on the ground and you were thrown back. You didn’t know what was going on for a moment, until you realized that Jimin had tackled him to the ground and was now punching him over and over again. “Ow!” You hit the floor with a loud thud which made your friend run to your aid.

Jimin saw so much red that he didn’t notice the bright blood that was seeping from his friend’s mouth and nose as he pleaded for Jimin to stop, but he didn’t stop until his dad, and one of your uncles went over and yanked him off.

“What the has gotten into you?!” His dad yelled at him trying to tightly, hold him in place from trying to break free.

“___, are you okay?” Your friend asked in a frenzy with a hand on you shoulder.

“Y-yeah I think so…” You said trying to get up, but hissed as she and some other people close by helped you up. Pain was shooting through your leg, as you had fallen on it from the impact.

“Go inside, and I’ll get you some ice. Let me go find your mom okay?” Your friend said as she helped you stand up before bolting off.

You bit your lower lip and looked over at Jimin who had now calmed down and was looking at you with a pained and sad expression.

You then shifted your gaze over towards the man who then got up from the floor and glared at you and Jimin before spitting blood from his teeth.

You were stunned with what just happened and felt embarrassed about the whole situation. You couldn’t take anymore of the whispering and stares, and ran inside and upstairs to your room, wiping the tears from your eyes. You thought he had changed and things would be better.

“____!” Jimin pulled away and ran after you feelings angry at himself for hurting you.

You leaned against your dresser in your room and softly cried into your cupped hands that were over your face.

Jimin sharply turned the corner, and rushed over to you, grabbing your hands after he closed the door behind him. “___, please look at me.”

You pulled away from him and shook your head. “No..”

“Please! I’m sorry I didn’t mean to hurt you! There was so much adrenaline running through me !” He was now gritting his teeth as he spoke, trying to hold back his own tears.

“Why?…Why did you do that to him?” You sniffled.

He stood back up and pushed his hair back, but it fell back into a messy position over his eyes.

“Because he really pissed me off the way he was touching you and…” He started then paused and let out an angry groan. “I love you okay?! It made me crazy whenever I saw him around you, when I see any guy around you.”

You looked at him with a puzzled look then opened your mouth to speak. “Jimin, I love you too. We’re brother and-”

“No! It’s not like a brother and sister- it’s. You want to know the real reason why I tried to distance our relationship?! Because! I couldn’t stand being around you with these cravings. I was afraid I would hurt you like I did today.” He loomed over you and held you by your arms as he looked into your eyes.

“What cravings-”

You tried to speak but was cut off by the feeling of his lips come crashing down on yours.

You were taken aback by his actions but just couldn’t pull away, and you found yourself kissing him back.

He closed his eyes into the kiss and rested his hands firmly on your face and pulled you deeper into him.

After moment of passionate kissing, he pulled away to give you air, but began to trail his kisses from your jawbone down to your neck, making your whole body shiver and lower lip quiver.

“I love you so much ___.” He whispered against your skin before running his tongue along it and gently sinking his teeth in. “I never want to hurt you. I just want to love you forever…I never want us to be-apart again.” He spoke in small breaks against your skin as he kissed and nibbled away at your skin that was becoming reddened. “I’m sorry…I’m sorry…I’m sorry…” He huffed over and over again after every kiss.

He was in bliss being able to touch you this way, and he didn’t want to stop.

You whimpered quietly and closed your eyes as he did this. He became much more firm as he pressed his body against yours, making you move back into the dresser and knock a picture frame or two down, with a small gasp. Your leg had hit the drawer making you cringe in pain.

He noticed and heaved you up on top of the dresser with both of his strong hands on either side of your thighs. You felt your whole body tingle like it never did before.

“I love you too Jimin..I think I always had from the beginning..” You let out a soft moan as he kissed you passionately once again, this time slipping the tip of his tongue into your mouth as he tried to find yours, but you both froze at the sound of more people chattering away inside the house and the sound of footsteps and someone coming upstairs.

He pulled away ever so slowly, letting a thin trail of saliva connect his lips with yours even though you they weren’t touching anymore.

A small huff escaped his lips as he smiled at you. You couldn’t help but smile back.

You blushed as he pushed back a stand of hair away from your warm face.

“Well then it looks like I’ll be sticking around for a long time.”

The Party Jimin Angst (Yandere! + Step-brother AU)

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6 years ago

Embroidery (M)

This took for-fucking-ever, but it is here. I decided to make this a drabble-esque series, but this is like the lowkey origins of it. FEEL FREE TO REQUEST DRABBLES FOR THIS AU. Anyway, thanks for waiting, let me know what you think, and enjoy!


Summary: Taehyung is the typical picture of the ideal man, and you are his rom-com counterpart, but there’s something slightly darker within the love that blooms between the two of. However, it’s hard to notice with the other sensations he spoils you with.

Genre: Smut and fluff

Warnings: clothed sex, cunnilingus, fellatio, obsessive themes

Pairing: Soft Yandere!CEO!Taehyung x Reader (Jeez)

Words: 13.7k

Embroidery reminded you of books. You read often. You stitched often. However, you craved something more interactive.

You loved romance, and you appreciated a slow burn towards a beautiful work of art, you looked forward to it, you expected one in life. It took a slow hand to craft it.

However, burns were seldom slow, and he basically showered you with gasoline and torched you all in one second.

Most startling of all, you loved it.

You still didn’t know who was the tether to who, or if you were both just sane enough to strap the other down, but crazy enough to need to be strapped down.

Things change so quickly, so drastically. Like paint meeting water or rain brushing against paper, Taehyung met you.

Well, met, is a strong word.

Taehyung saw you. He watched you. He felt like he knew you.

Taehyung was your run of the mill popular college guy. He was everything most of the girls wanted; he was funny, charming, playful, and sexy. However, he never cared for emotional attachments. Sure, he satisfied his primal enjoyments when he felt like it, seeing as there’s always a girl more than willing, but he never loved anyone. He grew up just about on his own, isolating himself in the orphanage he took refuge in until he was 16 and found a way to live alone. He had never felt passionate about anything with a heartbeat. Taehyung was a smart guy too, making top grades and taking advanced classes. He already had a nice-paying office job as one of the heads in marketing, and he was a beautiful singer for whatever event he was hired to enchant an audience at. Unrealistic? Yes, but so was he. Taehyung was truly remarkable.

However, he felt like he couldn’t hold a candle to you.

Yet, you were not popular whatsoever, a real recluse. You rarely went to parties, never dated, and you’ve never so much as been offered sex from someone sober. Your longest committed relationship was with your academics. You were a receptionist at Taehyung’s place of work, and you were a sophomore in college, so you never had any classes with him. You were only remarkable in the sense of academics, but this year you were told art history was a requirement, and you were happy with the subject, ecstatic, but you knew the class required partner work. You hated to depend on people.

Art history is where you and Taehyung finally, genuinely, continuously connected.

He took the class out of sheer excitement. He had free time, nothing really to stress about for his last year in college, until he saw you in there.

You knew of Taehyung, there was no way you couldn’t. You exchanged pleasantries as you bowed to greet him as he came in the morning. You found him interesting and attractive, but did you like him? You didn’t know. Your thoughts on him were anything but complex.

However, Taehyung knew you too well.

You started working as a receptionist a year ago, and Taehyung fell in love with you at first sight. He resisted his emotions, trying to shake you off in whatever female’s bed he broke, but nothing worked. He came to terms with the fact that he was enchanted after three months, and he was going through a voluntary dry spell since then. The next woman he would touch would be you if you were willing of course.

Taehyung was obsessive and a little crazy, but he was a gentleman. However, you were more sexual hungry than he ever expected.

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6 years ago

Terms of Endearment (M)


➳ Kim Taehyung saved you, in more ways than one. Despite how unorthodox his methods of affection were, you couldn’t say anything – besides, he never went too far. Nothing was ‘too far’ when it came to keeping you by his side, right?

Pairing: Yandere! Kim Taehyung x Reader | (implied) future! Jeon Jungkook x Reader

Genre: Angst, Smut, university au! yandere au!

Warnings: violence, death, non-con marking, graphic descriptions of gore, abuse (and mentions of it), stockholm syndrome; smut warnings - (major)sadism + masochism, dom + sub tones, dirty talk, oral (receiving & giving), overstimulation, multiple orgasms

Notes: !!!HEAVILY INSPIRED BY ‘KILLING STALKING’!!! Please do not read if you are faint of heart, and I definitely do not support ANY of this. And I am definitely not romanticising this toxicity. I haven’t edited this.. well… soz lol.

masterlist | 18.3k Words

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6 years ago

Amorous || Masterlist

⇝ one

⇝ two

⇝ three

⇝ four

⇝ five

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5 years ago

Let the Villain Win (M)


Word Count: 5K Rating: M Genre: Thriller, Drama, Author AU Warnings:  Smut scene (Oral m. and f. receiving, Fingering), Yandere Namjoon, Stalking, Drugging, Kidnapping Pairings:  Namjoon x Reader, Mention of Seokjin x Reader 

Summary: Kim Namjoon, famous author and your childhood friend has been keeping a secret from you. His new book treads on such dark themes that he’s finding it difficult to write. Excited by the prospect of a sinister plot you offer him a piece of advice, “Let the villain win…” 


You look to the building pile of manuscripts on your desk, curling your lip over the prospect of reading them. You’re sure that some of them will be good, a couple of them might hold your attention, but none of them are the story that you truly want to read, the one that you are waiting for, the one that was due three days ago…

“I’m going to kill him.” You mutter to yourself while taking a sip of tea. Kim Namjoon, one of the finest thriller authors ever to be published, and your best friend since childhood. You have the privilege to represent him as his literary agent, but that comes with its setbacks. Namjoon never seems to take you seriously when you set a deadline. Even now he’s off gallivanting somewhere, refusing to answer his calls or texts until he returns from his ‘creative space’.

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5 years ago

Goodbye (Yandere Namjoon)


Pairing: Yandere Namjoon x Reader, past Lee Minhyuk x Reader Word Count: 2k+ Warnings: Yandere stuff A/N: I think this one might be a bit too long? Please tell me if you prefer them shorter!


You were painting on the balcony when your husband, Namjoon, came up behind you and wrapped his arms around your waist. You were startled, but you leaned back into him anyway, letting him hunch down slightly to rest his chin on your shoulder. His affection made you uncomfortable, but you knew better than to deny him.

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5 years ago

Consumed pt.1⋆ jjk


⊹ Pairing: f reader x Jungkook x Jimin 3.1K ⊹ Genre: Vampire!junkook, Vampire!jimin, Yandere themes ⊹ Synopsis: Fed up with the every day monotony as a creature of the night, Jungkook finds a new obsession, one that he can share with no one.  ⊹ Warnings: mentions of blood, drinking of blood, mentions of a alcoholic parents, kidnapping, obsessive signs, future yandere, lying,future smut. Read at your on risk. ⊹ A/N: Thanks to my beta readers @flowingwiththewater and @killerharleyjaderose. Also a big thanks to my wifey @httpjibooty​ (she’s the talented one behind the red eyes and helping my untalented self make a banner) <3

Consumed Pt.1 Jjk

“This wine has no flavor anymore.” Jungkook huffs before tossing his glass into the fire nearby. From where he sat he felt sick to his stomach watching Jimin seducing not one, but two innocent females. It was a game Jimin was a master at, and for some reason he pitied the humans. They knew what they were in for when they looked into Jimin’s eyes; curiosity getting  the better of them. Perhaps it was the fear of the unknown – the danger that lured them in. Jungkook didn’t care, he was sick of it all. It had been one too many centuries of the same boring routine and he was done with it.

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5 years ago

Embroidery (M)

This took for-fucking-ever, but it is here. I decided to make this a drabble-esque series, but this is like the lowkey origins of it. FEEL FREE TO REQUEST DRABBLES FOR THIS AU. Anyway, thanks for waiting, let me know what you think, and enjoy!


Summary: Taehyung is the typical picture of the ideal man, and you are his rom-com counterpart, but there’s something slightly darker within the love that blooms between the two of. However, it’s hard to notice with the other sensations he spoils you with.

Genre: Smut and fluff

Warnings: clothed sex, cunnilingus, fellatio, obsessive themes

Pairing: Soft Yandere!CEO!Taehyung x Reader (Jeez)

Words: 13.7k

Embroidery reminded you of books. You read often. You stitched often. However, you craved something more interactive.

You loved romance, and you appreciated a slow burn towards a beautiful work of art, you looked forward to it, you expected one in life. It took a slow hand to craft it.

However, burns were seldom slow, and he basically showered you with gasoline and torched you all in one second.

Most startling of all, you loved it.

You still didn’t know who was the tether to who, or if you were both just sane enough to strap the other down, but crazy enough to need to be strapped down.

Things change so quickly, so drastically. Like paint meeting water or rain brushing against paper, Taehyung met you.

Well, met, is a strong word.

Taehyung saw you. He watched you. He felt like he knew you.

Taehyung was your run of the mill popular college guy. He was everything most of the girls wanted; he was funny, charming, playful, and sexy. However, he never cared for emotional attachments. Sure, he satisfied his primal enjoyments when he felt like it, seeing as there’s always a girl more than willing, but he never loved anyone. He grew up just about on his own, isolating himself in the orphanage he took refuge in until he was 16 and found a way to live alone. He had never felt passionate about anything with a heartbeat. Taehyung was a smart guy too, making top grades and taking advanced classes. He already had a nice-paying office job as one of the heads in marketing, and he was a beautiful singer for whatever event he was hired to enchant an audience at. Unrealistic? Yes, but so was he. Taehyung was truly remarkable.

However, he felt like he couldn’t hold a candle to you.

Yet, you were not popular whatsoever, a real recluse. You rarely went to parties, never dated, and you’ve never so much as been offered sex from someone sober. Your longest committed relationship was with your academics. You were a receptionist at Taehyung’s place of work, and you were a sophomore in college, so you never had any classes with him. You were only remarkable in the sense of academics, but this year you were told art history was a requirement, and you were happy with the subject, ecstatic, but you knew the class required partner work. You hated to depend on people.

Art history is where you and Taehyung finally, genuinely, continuously connected.

He took the class out of sheer excitement. He had free time, nothing really to stress about for his last year in college, until he saw you in there.

You knew of Taehyung, there was no way you couldn’t. You exchanged pleasantries as you bowed to greet him as he came in the morning. You found him interesting and attractive, but did you like him? You didn’t know. Your thoughts on him were anything but complex.

However, Taehyung knew you too well.

You started working as a receptionist a year ago, and Taehyung fell in love with you at first sight. He resisted his emotions, trying to shake you off in whatever female’s bed he broke, but nothing worked. He came to terms with the fact that he was enchanted after three months, and he was going through a voluntary dry spell since then. The next woman he would touch would be you if you were willing of course.

Taehyung was obsessive and a little crazy, but he was a gentleman. However, you were more sexual hungry than he ever expected.

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4 years ago

Although I don’t really read any yandere au, this was really beautiful😍

Scopophilic Affection (M)

Here it is! At last! I have had a rough couple of weeks. My roommate left me and my gf with the rest of the rent without any notice (yikes, I know. Kids, don’t break the lease, it’s shitty) soooo I’m going to plug my ko-fi below. Anything helps and would be greatly appreciated. Either way, donation or not, I hope you thoroughly enjoy and know that my ask box is open!


Genre: Smut/Fluff

Word count: 7.8k

Warnings: Voyeurism, choking, obsessives themes, yandere

Summary: Scopophilia is a more dignified way to define voyeurism, something Seokjin had no intention of partaking in until he came across your live stream. Seokjin is a dignified man, but never in his life had he felt so depraved watching you smile and work like it was his profession, unable to reach through the screen and make you his. Unable to tell you how much he loves to watch you because you have no idea you’re live stream even exists. He can’t tell you how hypnotizing you are without the glaring controversy of him watching your hacked-into webcam, both as a human and director in the computer science division of the company he is a board member of. Nevertheless, you were his very guilty utmost pleasure. 

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New Story Tomorrow

Sorry for being gone for a bit however i’m back and tomorrow I will be posting a new work. The concept is Yandere Sub!Yeosang(Ateez) X Reader. It’s gonna be my longest piece to date and I hope you will like it. It’s based on Yeosang’s birthday and the fact that i’ve seen many people say that Yeosang was the least popular member of Ateez. On places like twitter and tiktok I see a lack of Yeosang appreciation and sometimes even Yeosang slander calling him ugly untalented and disliked, that makes me sad because i love all of the Ateez members equally but i’ve always had a soft spot for Yeosang. I was already planning on writing for him and decided that this was the perfect time.

In honor of Sangie’s birthday and tomorrows post here’s some Yeosang appreciation:

New Story Tomorrow
New Story Tomorrow
New Story Tomorrow
New Story Tomorrow

wow he’s so pretty😍

Also after receiving my first request I realized that I never said it but I am taking requests so if you have an idea you want me to write please read my introduction and ask away!❤️

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Pretty Boy (Yandere Sub!Yeosang x Reader)

CW: Yandere/Possessive behavior, jealousy, self-doubt/deprecation, masturbation, explicit sexual fantasies, msub, fingering, choking, mirror kink, cum eating, olfactophilia (turned on by smells).

A/N: Sorry it's late I accidentally put it in my drafts instead of posting it because I'm dumb. hope you enjoy and please let me know if you guys want more yandere sub content or more Yeosang content. my requests and ask box are open if you have any other ideas.

Pretty Boy (Yandere Sub!Yeosang X Reader)

You met at a fan sign. The fan sign was organized so each fan could meet their bias, so the most biased members were put first.

Due to Yeosangs more reserved nature, he didn’t have many fans that biased him so he was put last.

He somewhat expected this after all he wasn’t as outgoing and attention-grabbing as his other members. Just because he expected it doesn’t mean that his feelings weren’t hurt, however.

Yeosang put in more effort during this comeback asking for more lines and wearing more eyecatching outfits, he even got his own dance break. But it seemed that his efforts were futile because while his members all had fans lining up to meet them, lavishing them with gifts and showering them with praise Yeosang sat there with nobody across from him.

He held out hope that somebody would come to see him but no matter how many fans acknowledged him with a wave or a hello they always ended up sitting across from somebody else.

And so the event continued with Yeosang sitting and waiting while he listened to the lively conversations happening around him. The fans in the lines talking about the newest comeback while next to him sat Jongho talking with a fan. The fan mirrored many of the sentiments he heard throughout the course of the event “you’re so talented” “I loved your part” “you’re so handsome” “I love all of the members but you’re definitely my bias”

As much as he hated to admit it Yeosang was jealous. Why wouldn’t anyone say that about him? He came to the conclusion a while ago that maybe he isn’t as handsome or talented as the rest of the group. That thought really hit him a month ago when he was scrolling through a fansite. After scrolling for a bit he saw three posts that really affected him.

The first was a listing of someone offering to sell a photocard of San, the set price was 30$ and just as Yeosang was thinking that was way too much to pay for 1 photocard he realized that it had been sold. That alone wasn’t what bothered Yeosang though, the next post was a video of a fan doing an album unboxing. Even though Yeosang wasn’t particularly popular among atiny he still loved them with all of his heart which is why he opted to watch the video. The video was going well until it came to revealing the photocards, the fan specifically stated that they hoped for a Seonghwa or Wooyoung photocard before adding that they wouldn’t be disappointed with pulling a Mingi either. But as the fan revealed the photocards her face went from an expression of excitement to one of disappointment. She changed to a more neutral expression before revealing the photocards to the camera. There were 2 Yeosang photocards, one of which was a limited edition. Usually, fans are happy to pull limited edition photocards, however Yeosang could clearly see that this fan was not happy with the results of her unboxing. He chose to exit the video before it ended to spare his feelings but after seeing the next post he realized his mistake. It was another listing for the two photocards from the previous video, the listing read “I’m trading these two photo cards. If I don’t receive any offers soon I will just include them as freebies in my next sale.”

After that, he closed his laptop and hasn’t been on any fansites since then. He could understand why San’s photocard would sell for more than his but really he was only worth being given away as a free addition to another member’s photocard purchase?

Every second that passed Yeosang felt worse, after a while, he decided to look around the room. Even if atiny doesn’t want to see him he still wants to see them, he scanned the room observing the fans even exchanging looks and smiles with some of them. While looking around his eyes fell to the door just as it opened.

In you walked, your movements were a bit rushed, presumably because you were late. Yeosang’s eyes never left your figure as you walked up to security, handing them your ticket and allowing him to check your bags. There were two. One seemed to be your personal bag while the other was a gift bag. You spoke with the guard for a second and whatever you said surprised him as he began pointing you toward the lines.

You began moving toward the lines and Yeosangs interest grew, he wondered who you were here to see. He figured that there were 7 options excluding himself because if nobody else was here to see him then why would you be? The closer you got the more enamored he became, you were absolutely beautiful. Your pace slowed a bit and you were slowly making your way through the venue. He took in every detail about you that he could from head to toe. From your hair that looked extremely soft, to your face which he wanted nothing more than to get a better look at. Your outfit was slightly dressy while still appearing casual, the weather was warm so your outfit was showing some skin while remaining appropriate. Speaking of your skin it was just as beautiful as the rest of you being a nice rich brown color that looked as if you were glowing under the lighting of the venue. You continued on with a slight bounce in your step indicating that you were excited to be here until you reached the first line.

The first line was for San’s table, the most popular member of the group. Yeosang understood why he was so popular, he was handsome (more than any person should be in Yeo’s opinion) not to mention an extremely strong dancer, vocalist, and an all-around nice guy. But even with all of that, you continued past San’s line much to Yeosang’s surprise.

You approached the next line which belonged to Mingi. A talented rapper with a tall defined physique. He often caught fans’ attention, due to his height he was hard to miss. Even if you don’t see him you’ll be guaranteed to hear him. His deep voice always stands out in studio recordings or live performances, when he announces himself with a “FIX ON '' you know that it’s Mingi’s turn. There was a time when Yeosang thought that maybe if he had a tag like that then he would get noticed more but the thought quickly shut itself down as he began to feel nervous at the mere idea of announcing himself so boldly like that. However once again you continued past Mingi’s line with no hesitation 2/7 down.

Next was Ateez self-proclaimed “Sexy Guy” Yeosang’s best friend of many years Wooyoung. If someone like you was gonna stop for anybody then Yeosang would bet money that it was him. Wooyoung was virtually perfect, in all aspects he had a great balance of cute and sexy all while maintaining his unique personality. While Yeosang found Wooyoung’s personality to be a bit much for him at first they grew to like each other. Wooyoung just tended to draw people in which had a big hand in his popularity, after all he was able to become best friends with someone as reserved Yeosang. If someone as perfect as you was to bias anyone then Yeosang was happy that it was his best friend, or so he thought. Once again you walked past Wooyoung’s line much to Yeosangs shock.

The closer you got the more Yeosang had a chance to look at you, every step you took revealed another detail for his eyes to observe making him like you more. He began to zone out as he tended to do, staring at you and imagining what it would be like if you sat at his table. Even though he was the celebrity he found himself excited at the thought of meeting you. What was your name? Where were you from? What did you like? What did your voice sound like? What would you smell like? Was your skin as soft as it looked?

As Yeosang got lost in his mind thinking about you he failed to realize you were coming toward him. He didn’t notice how you walked past all of the other members until finally, you were standing in front of him.

“Hey, I’m (Y/N) is it okay if I sit,” you say softly

He snaps out of his daydream and stares at you with a shocked look on his face. Before he’s able to stop himself his thoughts find their way out of his mouth as he quietly asks “You’re here to see me?”

“Of course it is a meet your bias event after all why wouldn’t I be here to see you?” you say with a joking tone. Before he has a chance to respond, realization washed over your face “it’s okay if you don’t want to meet with me right now I know you’re shy. I’m sorry I was so excited that I didn’t even consider why you were sitting here alone” you said sincerely “I can go see someone else if you want to be alone, you’re my favorite member and I’d hate to make you uncomfortable.”

What? You were gonna leave? Why would he want that? You just got here you can't go! You can’t leave him for another member! He can’t let you leave! These thoughts raced through Yeosangs head before he quickly replied “ NO! It’s fine you can sit '' he rushed out a bit louder than he intended “just please don’t go” coming out a little more desperate than he wished. Despite his outburst, you took the seat across from him as you two began your conversation.

The conversation was actually going very well. Yeosang shocked himself with how well he was maintaining this interaction, he even kept eye contact the whole time. He pushed aside all of his shyness and anxiety to make sure that the interaction wasn’t awkward in order to make you stay, and it was working. You even laughed at his jokes!

A few minutes into the conversation he gestured to the gift bag which you sat on your lap. “Oh yeah these are gifts for you, they’re not much but I hope you like them,” you say as you slide the bag across the table. He takes it and places it with his personal items so it won’t get lost or mixed up with the other gifts when security comes to clear the table and put the gifts in the car.

Finally, he gets what he’s been wanting this whole time. A fan just for him, someone to give him gifts and compliment him. With every word you spoke to him his previous feelings of being inadequate abandoned his mind, all he could think about was you. You recognized his hard work complimenting his vocal parts and his dance break. He was so ecstatic that you noticed!

“I noticed that you switched up your style this comeback, I think it looks really good on you.” you say “then again you always look very pretty,” you said passively not really thinking about it. However, once you say it A deep blush overtakes Yeosang’s face as he replays the words in his head. You YOU think he’s pretty? He couldn’t believe it. Not many people have said that about him, especially recently when all of the attention was on everyone else. But if you said it then nobody else’s opinion really matters. In fact, it doesn’t matter if Yeosang had any other fans you’re the most important one, he doesn’t need fans lining up to see him, he’s glad that there’s nobody in his line because if they were then he wouldn’t be able to spend the rest of the event talking to you.

You sit there lost in conversation for 30 minutes just talking about random things, laughing and joking like you were old friends. Security approached the artist tables telling them to wrap up their conversations because the event was coming to an end. No no no it can’t end! They can’t leave! We were just getting somewhere! The thought of you leaving sends Yeosang into a mild panic. He finally has a fan, someone just for him and now he may never see them again! Just as his thoughts begin to run rampant your voice cuts them off “if you don’t mind I would love to take a picture” you say sweetly.

“Uh yeah okay” he agrees. As you take out your phone he notices your phone case, or rather what was inside of it. It was a photocard… of HIM, he stops you to ask about it. “Is that me?” he asks “oh yeah” you reply “it’s the limited edition photocard, I even decorated it wanna see?” you say excitedly. He nods as you hand him the phone. He observes it and notices your decorations. It's surrounded by stickers, some hearts and stars and across the bottom, there’s a name spelled out in sparkly letters “Sangie” he says a bit confused. “ It’s a nickname I came up with for you because when I was decorating it I ran out of y stickers,” you say. The nickname repeats in his head until you speak again “You know I really wanted that photocard in particular, it was super lucky that I found it for free on a fansite, all I had to do was trade the Seonghwa and Wooyoung photocards I pulled and they traded with me. 2 regular photo cards for a limited edition I couldn’t believe it” you said while reaching for your phone.

He walks around the table so you two can take a picture together. While you prepare your camera he stands next to you. Wow, they smell so nice he thinks trying to smell you discreetly. “Ok, you ready?” you ask he nods and positions himself smiling with you as you snap the picture. “Wait, I want to take one on my phone too,” he says hastily, grabbing his phone. After yall take your pictures together it was time to leave. Much to his dismay, you had to part ways. He reaches out for a handshake but you don’t realize so you pull him into a hug. “It was nice meeting you, I hope that we can meet again Yeosang '' you whisper in his ear. This action caused Yeosang to have many thoughts and feelings from how warm and soft you are, to how nice it feels to be this close, to him almost cumming in his pants, before finally landing on one thought you will meet again no matter what he has to do. After a few seconds you finally pull away and leave the venue, it takes all of Yeosang’s power not to pull you back and ask you to stay but he knows he can’t. He can only watch despairingly as you leave.

During the car ride back to the dorm everyone else was talking amongst themselves, but not Yeosang. He instead opted to sit in the back corner thinking about you the entire way home. On the way home they pick up some dinner and once they reach the dorms everyone sits in the living room to eat and converse while he goes to eat in his room.

He wanted to be alone when he opened your gift so he closed the door and sat on his bed. He eagerly opened the bag being excited to have a piece of you for himself. Inside the bag was a custom hoodie with a hehetmon in the middle, some of the snacks he said he liked in an interview, a plushie of his favorite character, a bracelet that said “sangie” and a knit blanket that looked handmade. As he was looking at his gifts taking time to look at and appreciate each one he noticed two things: one all of the gifts smelled like you and two that there was a note taped to the hoodie. He smiles before adorning himself in the gifts slipping on the hoodie, placing the bracelet on his wrist and the blanket over his lap cuddling the plushie surrounding himself in your scent before opening the letter. He made sure to open it very carefully, being sure not to damage it and began reading it. The letter was fairly long and included many things including some compliments and praise, some information on the gifts (you did make the blanket) but what really caught his eye was the end. “I know that this is a bit of a long shot but if you ever want to get in contact here are my social medias and my phone number, there’s no pressure to use them but I'd love to hear from you. Hope you enjoy the gifts pretty boy love, (Y/N).”

He rushed to grab his phone and open Instagram. He switched to his alt account and typed in the username in the letter and sure enough there you were. He began going through all of your pictures screenshotting his favorites (all of them) so he didn’t lose them. There were four that particularly caught his eye. The first was a pic of you at the beach glowing in the sunlight wearing a swimsuit that wasn’t particularly modest. The next was a picture of you. It was a candid shot of you sitting on your bed casually watching a movie in your pajamas. He wished that he was the one taking these pictures of you, accompanying you to the beach, or cuddling with you in bed watching a movie. The final pictures were together. The first was you wearing Ateez merch holding your albums happily and the next was you booking your tickets for the fan meet he saw the other Yeosang photocard on your desk.

As he was scrolling back through the pictures he found himself back at the top of the page his finger lingering above the message button. should he do it? In the letter you said that he could reach out and he wants to talk to you again. But did you really mean that or were you just being nice? Would you think he was weird and creepy for texting you less than 2 hours after seeing you? Would you block him because it was an alt account? Eventually, Yeosang had psyched himself out so much that he decided against it. He was feeling a lot of emotions at the moment: anxiety, insecurity, confusion, happiness but the one that was dominating at the moment was lust. He didn’t know what was setting him off like this. Was it your Instagram pictures, your scent lingering on the gifts surrounding him, the memories of meeting you at the event. Ultimately he realized that it was a combination of the three.

He got up to look out his door making sure that his roommates weren’t coming in the room, sure enough, Wooyoung was nowhere to be seen, probably with San who also was absent and Jongho was doing a Vlive. He closed and locked his door, dimming the lights and getting comfortable on his bed. He removed his pants and underwear leaving himself only in the hoodie you gifted him, he took a deep inhale savoring your scent before laying on his back. He set the plushie on his cock and slowly began grinding against it as he reached over to his nightstand to grab his phone and a discreetly packaged bottle of lube. He squeezed some lube on one hand spreading it around his fingers before trailing them down his body past his cock stopping to tease his hole. He unlocked his phone to look at the pictures he screenshotted from your instagram, equipped with the pictures and his imagination he began slowly sliding one finger into his tight hole pushing it deeper as he grinded against the plushie. He bit down on the collar of the hoodie to hide his moans from his group mates as he began to imagine that his hand was yours, that the soft warm welcoming hand he shook earlier was here fingering his needy little asshole. While swiping through the pictures he came across the beach picture, this turned him on so much it caused him to slip another finger inside himself stretching the tight rim and eliciting a high pitched pathetic moan of your name from his mouth only muffled by the fabric of the hoodie that was doused in your scent. He gradually began to speed up his ministrations until he was using his finger to aggressively pound into his hole desperately searching for his sweet spot. You would probably be able to find it, he thought you would probably finger his tight hole so well while praising him with your sweet voice. He wondered how you would do it, if it were up to him he would want you to put him on his back spreading his legs while pinning his hands above his head with one hand using the other to drill 2 or maybe even 3 of your big fingers into his slutty little ass. Or maybe you would sit him on your lap feeling your larger body against his back as he sits on you facing a mirror, both of you watching as you jerk him off while choking him with your fingers. Making him gag on them for a bit before taking them out and using his drool as lube to begin stretching his hole out. Making him cum all over his stomach you stop jerking his sensitive cock but you continue fingering him using the hand that was previously stroking his cock to pick up some of his mess and forcing them into his mouth he cleaned them and once you removed them he began whining about overstimulation. But you wouldn't listen would you? No you would simply take that hand and wrap it around his throat choking him while looking at him in the mirror, he wanted nothing more than to hear you call him pretty again. Your pretty boy Yeosangie. Before his thoughts about you could go any further he was cut off by an intense pleasure overtaking his body he looked at the picture of you on his screen before letting out one last call of your name and cumming.

After he calmed down he quickly realized that he made a mistake. He forgot to move the plushie he was grinding on and now it's ruined with his cum. He quickly moved to grab a napkin and wipe it off, he was able to get most of it off however there was still a stain. He had to make a decision: should he wash it out, thus causing your scent to be washed from the plushie forever or should he just leave it for a while? He opted to leave the stain just until your scent fades naturally and then wash it. He cleans everything up, unlocks the door and gets back in his bed. He was exhausted from the day he had so he drifted off to sleep quickly dreaming of you.

The next day was a break for them after such a busy day yesterday so Yeosang chose to chill in the dorms just hanging out with his group mates. Eventually it was lunch time, he was sitting at the table eating with some members when he got a notification telling him that you posted on instagram. He quickly opened it up but before he was able to fully enjoy the image Mingi came up behind him taking a peek at his phone screen. “WOAH WHO’S THAT” he yells startling Yeosang. “Nobody” Yeosang replies quickly with a hint of nervousness in his voice. “Well whoever it is they are really attractive” he states Yeosang can feel himself getting upset but he tries to dismiss it after all you ARE attractive and clearly Mingi didn't mean any harm by it. Just as he was getting his feelings reigned in, Mingi spoke again” Hey bro what's their instagram?” “Why do you want to know?” Yeosang asked, trying to mask the jealousy in his tone. “Well I mean why not? They’re hot and it's not like we have a dating ban” he said, pulling out his phone. Yeosang was already angry but he needed to find a way to avoid giving Mingi the information without having an outburst. No matter what he couldn't let Mingi get to you, if he did then it would be over. So he does the only thing he can think of, he drops his phone and plays it off. “Oh shit” he says before picking it up “sorry let me get the @ for you” he turns it back on quickly refreshing the page” damn sorry Mingi i wasn't following her and when my phone fell it refreshed the page and i lost her” he lied. With a disappointed look, Mingi put his phone away and said “It’s ok Yeo just let me know if you find it again” “i sure will” he lied again, this time with a smile.

To avoid suspicion he waited a bit before retiring to his room, despite his earlier acting, he was still shaken up by the situation. It was a close call and he almost lost you, he can't let that happen again. What happens next time someone finds you attractive and decides to try to get with you? This time he was able to stop it but what happens next time someone tries to dm you or worse approaches you in real life! He slowly begins to panic at the thought of you becoming a fan of somebody else. NO! You were HIS fan! Only his! You called him pretty and gave him gifts! Not Mingi or anyone else! Finally, he knew what he had to do.

With a shaky hand he grabbed his phone, opening it to t Instagram, he found your account and typed out a message attaching a picture of himself as proof. He hurriedly clicked send before he could psych himself out again.

About half an hour after you posted a picture on instagram you got a dm notification from a random account. This account had no followers or content but you decided to check it. You were met with a short sweet message and a picture attached that explained the weirdness of the account, it was an alt account. Once you were sure of who it was you sent a message back.

Yeosang sat at the edge of his bed, every vibration of his phone sent a shiver down his spine as he rushed to check it. Much to his disappointment, the notifications were never the ones he wanted to see, they were never from you. Until it was. He opened the dm within seconds and the message he received was all he wanted to see.

@(Y/N) sent a message

“Hey pretty boy, I missed you.”

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