18+ Are you the sweet reader next door? a god to be worshiped? A master to be obeyed? A nice obedient baby? A sweet caring mommy/daddy? The owner of a good pet? A ruthless mafia boss? How about we become all of them and more.. allow me to take you to the worlds of my dreams. Where anything can happen.
15 posts
I Need A Part Two To The Yeosang Pretty Boy
i need a part two to the yeosang pretty boy 😳
I'm already planning it now. I'm thinking about a series where reader finds out about his obsession with them and manipulates him into becoming their perfect sub. However the reader underestimates how far he would truly go to make sure that he is their one and only pretty boy. His obsession has devolved so much that he would do anything for them. He lives for them. He would die for them. He values no other human life besides theirs so he would kill for them. He exists solely for the reader. But maybe that's just what the reader wanted? But idk if that's a bit too dark and intense. Even if I don't write that series he will be a recurring character with many of his own oneshots and scenario. I'm glad you enjoyed it ❤️
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More Posts from The-chaotic-neutral-pansexual
Are you planning on writing stories for dreamcatcher?
Yeah actually I was just trying to think of something for them since I’ve been really into their group lately especially gahyeon and handong. I liked your fic do you have any ideas?
The Cat Owns You Part 1
CW: posessive behavior
Pairing: Sub!Choi Soobin x Dom!Catgirl reader
Idea: Cats are kind of assholes. Bossy, destructive, self centered and temperamental but loveable nonetheless. Almost anyone who has a cat will tell you sometimes it feels like the cat owns you.
A/N: this is part 1 to this story so its sfw, I'm just using this part to establish the story before the extremely smutty next chapter which will also be out this week. i hope you enjoy❤
Shortly after moving out of the TXT dorms Soobin realized that he had gotten used to living with other people. While being alone wasn't unbearable it wasn't exactly comfortable either. he realized that he enjoyed the feeling of coming home and having someone there for him. Someone to talk to after a long day or to hang out with when he didn't want to leave the security of his own home or even simply having the presence of another person, their warmth, their scent, the sounds of them living life. So as he sat alone at his dining room table surrounded by empty chairs clutching his phone and devising a plan on how to subtly ask one of his members to stay over a few days and possibly move in, a thought dawned on him. How would it look to everyone if the big strong levelheaded leader of one of the biggest current kpop groups came begging his youngers to keep him company and cut the silence of his lonely new apartment? He would look weak, like a codependent child and unfit to lead, he couldn't possibly portray himself that way to anyone. Not the public, his fans, his labelmates, his superiors who he begged to move out on his own and definitely not his bandmates who he left at their dorm in favor of his new apartment. So he stood from his place at the table and took his jacket from its place as the only one on the coatrack, slipping it on and leaving the apartment. he opted to take a walk in hopes of temporarily escaping the deafening silence and spine chilling still of his lonely apartment. at least being outside would give him the comfort of being in the presence of others. soon what was originally supposed to be a short 10 minute walk around the neighborhood turned into an hour long expedition around the city, there was a slight burn in his long legs from walking aimlessly around the city for an hour however he barley noticed being too distracted by the comfort of the city around him buzzing and full of life, a stark contrast to the apartment that he was would soon regretfully return to. The apartment where nothing but the sound of his thoughts awaited him. Before heading home he decided to grab something to eat for dinner he decided on something light to eat approaching a small yet slightly busy looking café. he slightly ducked to better cross the threshold into the café before being warmly greeted by a bubbly waitress. “hello there sir! do you have a reservation?” she asked with a smile and a slightly raised voice ensuring that he caught her words “reservation?” he replied his deep voice equally as friendly but laced with confusion “for a café?” The waitress replied with a light laugh “oh you must be new, see this is not a regular café” she stated. Just before he could inquire about what she meant he felt something brush against his leg. He quickly looked down slightly startled meeting the bright green eyes of a small beautiful fluffy black cat. “you see sir this is a hybrid cat café. Its a place where people in the market for a hybrid can make a reservation to spend time with our hybrid cat breeds and hopefully adopt one” she stated. just then he looked around and sure enough there were about a dozen cats, some roaming around and others interacting with customers. he also realized that all of the waitresses had cat ears ranging in colors and fur lengths perched atop their heads as well as matching tails lively swinging behind them. Soobin had always wanted a pet however due to his busy schedule it was out of the question, but a hybrid can function as a pet that can survive on its own. a pet that can keep him company in his apartment and still take care of itself during his promotions. It was a perfect solution. Just then another waitress walked up the look in her eyes signaling that she recognized him. She lightly tapped the other waitress before they began to whisper among themselves. While Soobin waited for them to finish their conversation so he could hopefully make a reservation he bent down to look at the black cat resting by his feet. A truly adorable kitten you were with your smooth, shiny, soft black fur and wide yet piercing green eyes. Just as he was reaching to pet you the waitresses concluded their hushed conversation, turning their attention to him. “well sir you are in luck, someone just canceled their reservation so if you would like we can put you in their slot” one waitress said with a smile while the other stood behind her looking excited but shy. “But before we take you to your seat my friend here would like your autograph, she's a bit shy however she is a huge fan of your group” she asked politely and Soobin obliged feeling like its the least he could do for the kind waitress. they direct him to a seat in the back corner of the café all the while you follow closely behind him, as he gets comfortable in his seat you hop up gracefully landing directly in the middle of his lap before situating yourself and laying down. He chuckles to himself before petting you lightly with one hand and skimming through the menu with the other. You begin to purr as you nuzzle into his warm touch relaxing until the waitress walks up taking his order. her presence making you slightly more alert but still relaxed she doesn't notice that you've claimed him taking shelter atop his lap under the table so she asks if he would like to meet some of the other cats up for adoption at the café. Before he gets the chance to answer you hiss lightly biting his fingertips as a warning that he better not even think about it. he moves his hand and you hop onto he table in front of him shooting him a pointed look. almost as if he understands what you're trying to say he politely declines “oh no thanks I'm pretty good here with this one, we seem to have a connection”. the waitress gives him a surprised look before speaking again “really? That's (Y/N), she's been here a while and hardly ever interacts with any customers.” She then leaves to put in soobins order and you return to your place on his lap. he begins talking to you letting basic information about himself and his life slip past those full pink lips of his. hopefully he adopts you so you can transform into your human form. see hybrids up for adoption are only supposed to stay in their animal forms when in places like adoption centers or cafes because its easier to care for a dozen cats then it is to care for a dozen humans. the waitresses are hybrids who have been adopted from this establishment and came back to work and care for their hybrid friends ensuring that the get adopted into good homes. if he adopts you then once you reach your new home you will be able to live in human form. While soobin continues talking to your cat form and you meow out responses as if he can actually understand you, you are interrupted again. this time by another cat form hybrid trying to move in and take him from you. Why cant they understand that he belongs to you? Why do they insist on trying to mark your soobin as their own? Cant they see that you chose him first? You cant wait until you guys get home and you can use your human form to mark his body with yours. maybe then they'll understand that he belongs to you. then soobin decides to be a brat and try to pet her. who does he think he is? what a bad boy! once you’re human again you'll be sure to punish him for doing such a thing. hopefully a nice punishment will ensure that your pe...owner never behaves this way again. before he touches her you pounce attacking the other cat growling and hissing threats. it was not enough to truly injure her but served as a warning to stay away from your property...owner. after that incident soobin decides to flag down a waitress and ask to get his food to go. the waitress quickly brings out his order in to go boxes and has a small stack of papers for him. “so do you think you'll be adopting a cat tonight” he looks down at you giving your best pleading eyes and in an impromptu decision he signs the papers. Now he officially belongs to you. he pays his bill before being handed a temporary cat carrier as you get comfortable preparing for the journey to your new home.
Pretty Boy (Yandere Sub!Yeosang x Reader)
CW: Yandere/Possessive behavior, jealousy, self-doubt/deprecation, masturbation, explicit sexual fantasies, msub, fingering, choking, mirror kink, cum eating, olfactophilia (turned on by smells).
A/N: Sorry it's late I accidentally put it in my drafts instead of posting it because I'm dumb. hope you enjoy and please let me know if you guys want more yandere sub content or more Yeosang content. my requests and ask box are open if you have any other ideas.

You met at a fan sign. The fan sign was organized so each fan could meet their bias, so the most biased members were put first.
Due to Yeosangs more reserved nature, he didn’t have many fans that biased him so he was put last.
He somewhat expected this after all he wasn’t as outgoing and attention-grabbing as his other members. Just because he expected it doesn’t mean that his feelings weren’t hurt, however.
Yeosang put in more effort during this comeback asking for more lines and wearing more eyecatching outfits, he even got his own dance break. But it seemed that his efforts were futile because while his members all had fans lining up to meet them, lavishing them with gifts and showering them with praise Yeosang sat there with nobody across from him.
He held out hope that somebody would come to see him but no matter how many fans acknowledged him with a wave or a hello they always ended up sitting across from somebody else.
And so the event continued with Yeosang sitting and waiting while he listened to the lively conversations happening around him. The fans in the lines talking about the newest comeback while next to him sat Jongho talking with a fan. The fan mirrored many of the sentiments he heard throughout the course of the event “you’re so talented” “I loved your part” “you’re so handsome” “I love all of the members but you’re definitely my bias”
As much as he hated to admit it Yeosang was jealous. Why wouldn’t anyone say that about him? He came to the conclusion a while ago that maybe he isn’t as handsome or talented as the rest of the group. That thought really hit him a month ago when he was scrolling through a fansite. After scrolling for a bit he saw three posts that really affected him.
The first was a listing of someone offering to sell a photocard of San, the set price was 30$ and just as Yeosang was thinking that was way too much to pay for 1 photocard he realized that it had been sold. That alone wasn’t what bothered Yeosang though, the next post was a video of a fan doing an album unboxing. Even though Yeosang wasn’t particularly popular among atiny he still loved them with all of his heart which is why he opted to watch the video. The video was going well until it came to revealing the photocards, the fan specifically stated that they hoped for a Seonghwa or Wooyoung photocard before adding that they wouldn’t be disappointed with pulling a Mingi either. But as the fan revealed the photocards her face went from an expression of excitement to one of disappointment. She changed to a more neutral expression before revealing the photocards to the camera. There were 2 Yeosang photocards, one of which was a limited edition. Usually, fans are happy to pull limited edition photocards, however Yeosang could clearly see that this fan was not happy with the results of her unboxing. He chose to exit the video before it ended to spare his feelings but after seeing the next post he realized his mistake. It was another listing for the two photocards from the previous video, the listing read “I’m trading these two photo cards. If I don’t receive any offers soon I will just include them as freebies in my next sale.”
After that, he closed his laptop and hasn’t been on any fansites since then. He could understand why San’s photocard would sell for more than his but really he was only worth being given away as a free addition to another member’s photocard purchase?
Every second that passed Yeosang felt worse, after a while, he decided to look around the room. Even if atiny doesn’t want to see him he still wants to see them, he scanned the room observing the fans even exchanging looks and smiles with some of them. While looking around his eyes fell to the door just as it opened.
In you walked, your movements were a bit rushed, presumably because you were late. Yeosang’s eyes never left your figure as you walked up to security, handing them your ticket and allowing him to check your bags. There were two. One seemed to be your personal bag while the other was a gift bag. You spoke with the guard for a second and whatever you said surprised him as he began pointing you toward the lines.
You began moving toward the lines and Yeosangs interest grew, he wondered who you were here to see. He figured that there were 7 options excluding himself because if nobody else was here to see him then why would you be? The closer you got the more enamored he became, you were absolutely beautiful. Your pace slowed a bit and you were slowly making your way through the venue. He took in every detail about you that he could from head to toe. From your hair that looked extremely soft, to your face which he wanted nothing more than to get a better look at. Your outfit was slightly dressy while still appearing casual, the weather was warm so your outfit was showing some skin while remaining appropriate. Speaking of your skin it was just as beautiful as the rest of you being a nice rich brown color that looked as if you were glowing under the lighting of the venue. You continued on with a slight bounce in your step indicating that you were excited to be here until you reached the first line.
The first line was for San’s table, the most popular member of the group. Yeosang understood why he was so popular, he was handsome (more than any person should be in Yeo’s opinion) not to mention an extremely strong dancer, vocalist, and an all-around nice guy. But even with all of that, you continued past San’s line much to Yeosang’s surprise.
You approached the next line which belonged to Mingi. A talented rapper with a tall defined physique. He often caught fans’ attention, due to his height he was hard to miss. Even if you don’t see him you’ll be guaranteed to hear him. His deep voice always stands out in studio recordings or live performances, when he announces himself with a “FIX ON '' you know that it’s Mingi’s turn. There was a time when Yeosang thought that maybe if he had a tag like that then he would get noticed more but the thought quickly shut itself down as he began to feel nervous at the mere idea of announcing himself so boldly like that. However once again you continued past Mingi’s line with no hesitation 2/7 down.
Next was Ateez self-proclaimed “Sexy Guy” Yeosang’s best friend of many years Wooyoung. If someone like you was gonna stop for anybody then Yeosang would bet money that it was him. Wooyoung was virtually perfect, in all aspects he had a great balance of cute and sexy all while maintaining his unique personality. While Yeosang found Wooyoung’s personality to be a bit much for him at first they grew to like each other. Wooyoung just tended to draw people in which had a big hand in his popularity, after all he was able to become best friends with someone as reserved Yeosang. If someone as perfect as you was to bias anyone then Yeosang was happy that it was his best friend, or so he thought. Once again you walked past Wooyoung’s line much to Yeosangs shock.
The closer you got the more Yeosang had a chance to look at you, every step you took revealed another detail for his eyes to observe making him like you more. He began to zone out as he tended to do, staring at you and imagining what it would be like if you sat at his table. Even though he was the celebrity he found himself excited at the thought of meeting you. What was your name? Where were you from? What did you like? What did your voice sound like? What would you smell like? Was your skin as soft as it looked?
As Yeosang got lost in his mind thinking about you he failed to realize you were coming toward him. He didn’t notice how you walked past all of the other members until finally, you were standing in front of him.
“Hey, I’m (Y/N) is it okay if I sit,” you say softly
He snaps out of his daydream and stares at you with a shocked look on his face. Before he’s able to stop himself his thoughts find their way out of his mouth as he quietly asks “You’re here to see me?”
“Of course it is a meet your bias event after all why wouldn’t I be here to see you?” you say with a joking tone. Before he has a chance to respond, realization washed over your face “it’s okay if you don’t want to meet with me right now I know you’re shy. I’m sorry I was so excited that I didn’t even consider why you were sitting here alone” you said sincerely “I can go see someone else if you want to be alone, you’re my favorite member and I’d hate to make you uncomfortable.”
What? You were gonna leave? Why would he want that? You just got here you can't go! You can’t leave him for another member! He can’t let you leave! These thoughts raced through Yeosangs head before he quickly replied “ NO! It’s fine you can sit '' he rushed out a bit louder than he intended “just please don’t go” coming out a little more desperate than he wished. Despite his outburst, you took the seat across from him as you two began your conversation.
The conversation was actually going very well. Yeosang shocked himself with how well he was maintaining this interaction, he even kept eye contact the whole time. He pushed aside all of his shyness and anxiety to make sure that the interaction wasn’t awkward in order to make you stay, and it was working. You even laughed at his jokes!
A few minutes into the conversation he gestured to the gift bag which you sat on your lap. “Oh yeah these are gifts for you, they’re not much but I hope you like them,” you say as you slide the bag across the table. He takes it and places it with his personal items so it won’t get lost or mixed up with the other gifts when security comes to clear the table and put the gifts in the car.
Finally, he gets what he’s been wanting this whole time. A fan just for him, someone to give him gifts and compliment him. With every word you spoke to him his previous feelings of being inadequate abandoned his mind, all he could think about was you. You recognized his hard work complimenting his vocal parts and his dance break. He was so ecstatic that you noticed!
“I noticed that you switched up your style this comeback, I think it looks really good on you.” you say “then again you always look very pretty,” you said passively not really thinking about it. However, once you say it A deep blush overtakes Yeosang’s face as he replays the words in his head. You YOU think he’s pretty? He couldn’t believe it. Not many people have said that about him, especially recently when all of the attention was on everyone else. But if you said it then nobody else’s opinion really matters. In fact, it doesn’t matter if Yeosang had any other fans you’re the most important one, he doesn’t need fans lining up to see him, he’s glad that there’s nobody in his line because if they were then he wouldn’t be able to spend the rest of the event talking to you.
You sit there lost in conversation for 30 minutes just talking about random things, laughing and joking like you were old friends. Security approached the artist tables telling them to wrap up their conversations because the event was coming to an end. No no no it can’t end! They can’t leave! We were just getting somewhere! The thought of you leaving sends Yeosang into a mild panic. He finally has a fan, someone just for him and now he may never see them again! Just as his thoughts begin to run rampant your voice cuts them off “if you don’t mind I would love to take a picture” you say sweetly.
“Uh yeah okay” he agrees. As you take out your phone he notices your phone case, or rather what was inside of it. It was a photocard… of HIM, he stops you to ask about it. “Is that me?” he asks “oh yeah” you reply “it’s the limited edition photocard, I even decorated it wanna see?” you say excitedly. He nods as you hand him the phone. He observes it and notices your decorations. It's surrounded by stickers, some hearts and stars and across the bottom, there’s a name spelled out in sparkly letters “Sangie” he says a bit confused. “ It’s a nickname I came up with for you because when I was decorating it I ran out of y stickers,” you say. The nickname repeats in his head until you speak again “You know I really wanted that photocard in particular, it was super lucky that I found it for free on a fansite, all I had to do was trade the Seonghwa and Wooyoung photocards I pulled and they traded with me. 2 regular photo cards for a limited edition I couldn’t believe it” you said while reaching for your phone.
He walks around the table so you two can take a picture together. While you prepare your camera he stands next to you. Wow, they smell so nice he thinks trying to smell you discreetly. “Ok, you ready?” you ask he nods and positions himself smiling with you as you snap the picture. “Wait, I want to take one on my phone too,” he says hastily, grabbing his phone. After yall take your pictures together it was time to leave. Much to his dismay, you had to part ways. He reaches out for a handshake but you don’t realize so you pull him into a hug. “It was nice meeting you, I hope that we can meet again Yeosang '' you whisper in his ear. This action caused Yeosang to have many thoughts and feelings from how warm and soft you are, to how nice it feels to be this close, to him almost cumming in his pants, before finally landing on one thought you will meet again no matter what he has to do. After a few seconds you finally pull away and leave the venue, it takes all of Yeosang’s power not to pull you back and ask you to stay but he knows he can’t. He can only watch despairingly as you leave.
During the car ride back to the dorm everyone else was talking amongst themselves, but not Yeosang. He instead opted to sit in the back corner thinking about you the entire way home. On the way home they pick up some dinner and once they reach the dorms everyone sits in the living room to eat and converse while he goes to eat in his room.
He wanted to be alone when he opened your gift so he closed the door and sat on his bed. He eagerly opened the bag being excited to have a piece of you for himself. Inside the bag was a custom hoodie with a hehetmon in the middle, some of the snacks he said he liked in an interview, a plushie of his favorite character, a bracelet that said “sangie” and a knit blanket that looked handmade. As he was looking at his gifts taking time to look at and appreciate each one he noticed two things: one all of the gifts smelled like you and two that there was a note taped to the hoodie. He smiles before adorning himself in the gifts slipping on the hoodie, placing the bracelet on his wrist and the blanket over his lap cuddling the plushie surrounding himself in your scent before opening the letter. He made sure to open it very carefully, being sure not to damage it and began reading it. The letter was fairly long and included many things including some compliments and praise, some information on the gifts (you did make the blanket) but what really caught his eye was the end. “I know that this is a bit of a long shot but if you ever want to get in contact here are my social medias and my phone number, there’s no pressure to use them but I'd love to hear from you. Hope you enjoy the gifts pretty boy love, (Y/N).”
He rushed to grab his phone and open Instagram. He switched to his alt account and typed in the username in the letter and sure enough there you were. He began going through all of your pictures screenshotting his favorites (all of them) so he didn’t lose them. There were four that particularly caught his eye. The first was a pic of you at the beach glowing in the sunlight wearing a swimsuit that wasn’t particularly modest. The next was a picture of you. It was a candid shot of you sitting on your bed casually watching a movie in your pajamas. He wished that he was the one taking these pictures of you, accompanying you to the beach, or cuddling with you in bed watching a movie. The final pictures were together. The first was you wearing Ateez merch holding your albums happily and the next was you booking your tickets for the fan meet he saw the other Yeosang photocard on your desk.
As he was scrolling back through the pictures he found himself back at the top of the page his finger lingering above the message button. should he do it? In the letter you said that he could reach out and he wants to talk to you again. But did you really mean that or were you just being nice? Would you think he was weird and creepy for texting you less than 2 hours after seeing you? Would you block him because it was an alt account? Eventually, Yeosang had psyched himself out so much that he decided against it. He was feeling a lot of emotions at the moment: anxiety, insecurity, confusion, happiness but the one that was dominating at the moment was lust. He didn’t know what was setting him off like this. Was it your Instagram pictures, your scent lingering on the gifts surrounding him, the memories of meeting you at the event. Ultimately he realized that it was a combination of the three.
He got up to look out his door making sure that his roommates weren’t coming in the room, sure enough, Wooyoung was nowhere to be seen, probably with San who also was absent and Jongho was doing a Vlive. He closed and locked his door, dimming the lights and getting comfortable on his bed. He removed his pants and underwear leaving himself only in the hoodie you gifted him, he took a deep inhale savoring your scent before laying on his back. He set the plushie on his cock and slowly began grinding against it as he reached over to his nightstand to grab his phone and a discreetly packaged bottle of lube. He squeezed some lube on one hand spreading it around his fingers before trailing them down his body past his cock stopping to tease his hole. He unlocked his phone to look at the pictures he screenshotted from your instagram, equipped with the pictures and his imagination he began slowly sliding one finger into his tight hole pushing it deeper as he grinded against the plushie. He bit down on the collar of the hoodie to hide his moans from his group mates as he began to imagine that his hand was yours, that the soft warm welcoming hand he shook earlier was here fingering his needy little asshole. While swiping through the pictures he came across the beach picture, this turned him on so much it caused him to slip another finger inside himself stretching the tight rim and eliciting a high pitched pathetic moan of your name from his mouth only muffled by the fabric of the hoodie that was doused in your scent. He gradually began to speed up his ministrations until he was using his finger to aggressively pound into his hole desperately searching for his sweet spot. You would probably be able to find it, he thought you would probably finger his tight hole so well while praising him with your sweet voice. He wondered how you would do it, if it were up to him he would want you to put him on his back spreading his legs while pinning his hands above his head with one hand using the other to drill 2 or maybe even 3 of your big fingers into his slutty little ass. Or maybe you would sit him on your lap feeling your larger body against his back as he sits on you facing a mirror, both of you watching as you jerk him off while choking him with your fingers. Making him gag on them for a bit before taking them out and using his drool as lube to begin stretching his hole out. Making him cum all over his stomach you stop jerking his sensitive cock but you continue fingering him using the hand that was previously stroking his cock to pick up some of his mess and forcing them into his mouth he cleaned them and once you removed them he began whining about overstimulation. But you wouldn't listen would you? No you would simply take that hand and wrap it around his throat choking him while looking at him in the mirror, he wanted nothing more than to hear you call him pretty again. Your pretty boy Yeosangie. Before his thoughts about you could go any further he was cut off by an intense pleasure overtaking his body he looked at the picture of you on his screen before letting out one last call of your name and cumming.
After he calmed down he quickly realized that he made a mistake. He forgot to move the plushie he was grinding on and now it's ruined with his cum. He quickly moved to grab a napkin and wipe it off, he was able to get most of it off however there was still a stain. He had to make a decision: should he wash it out, thus causing your scent to be washed from the plushie forever or should he just leave it for a while? He opted to leave the stain just until your scent fades naturally and then wash it. He cleans everything up, unlocks the door and gets back in his bed. He was exhausted from the day he had so he drifted off to sleep quickly dreaming of you.
The next day was a break for them after such a busy day yesterday so Yeosang chose to chill in the dorms just hanging out with his group mates. Eventually it was lunch time, he was sitting at the table eating with some members when he got a notification telling him that you posted on instagram. He quickly opened it up but before he was able to fully enjoy the image Mingi came up behind him taking a peek at his phone screen. “WOAH WHO’S THAT” he yells startling Yeosang. “Nobody” Yeosang replies quickly with a hint of nervousness in his voice. “Well whoever it is they are really attractive” he states Yeosang can feel himself getting upset but he tries to dismiss it after all you ARE attractive and clearly Mingi didn't mean any harm by it. Just as he was getting his feelings reigned in, Mingi spoke again” Hey bro what's their instagram?” “Why do you want to know?” Yeosang asked, trying to mask the jealousy in his tone. “Well I mean why not? They’re hot and it's not like we have a dating ban” he said, pulling out his phone. Yeosang was already angry but he needed to find a way to avoid giving Mingi the information without having an outburst. No matter what he couldn't let Mingi get to you, if he did then it would be over. So he does the only thing he can think of, he drops his phone and plays it off. “Oh shit” he says before picking it up “sorry let me get the @ for you” he turns it back on quickly refreshing the page” damn sorry Mingi i wasn't following her and when my phone fell it refreshed the page and i lost her” he lied. With a disappointed look, Mingi put his phone away and said “It’s ok Yeo just let me know if you find it again” “i sure will” he lied again, this time with a smile.
To avoid suspicion he waited a bit before retiring to his room, despite his earlier acting, he was still shaken up by the situation. It was a close call and he almost lost you, he can't let that happen again. What happens next time someone finds you attractive and decides to try to get with you? This time he was able to stop it but what happens next time someone tries to dm you or worse approaches you in real life! He slowly begins to panic at the thought of you becoming a fan of somebody else. NO! You were HIS fan! Only his! You called him pretty and gave him gifts! Not Mingi or anyone else! Finally, he knew what he had to do.
With a shaky hand he grabbed his phone, opening it to t Instagram, he found your account and typed out a message attaching a picture of himself as proof. He hurriedly clicked send before he could psych himself out again.
About half an hour after you posted a picture on instagram you got a dm notification from a random account. This account had no followers or content but you decided to check it. You were met with a short sweet message and a picture attached that explained the weirdness of the account, it was an alt account. Once you were sure of who it was you sent a message back.
Yeosang sat at the edge of his bed, every vibration of his phone sent a shiver down his spine as he rushed to check it. Much to his disappointment, the notifications were never the ones he wanted to see, they were never from you. Until it was. He opened the dm within seconds and the message he received was all he wanted to see.
@(Y/N) sent a message
“Hey pretty boy, I missed you.”
Planned Works/Ideas for October
Hello everyone, as I mentioned previously I’ve been working on some stuff. I also have been feeling very inspired as of late and will be writing some more. I wanted to get this October started off right so here is a list of some things that will be coming your way hopefully sooner than later. I don't feel comfortable giving exact dates because as I've mentioned before certain factors can cause my writing schedule to be sporadic (also why I will not be participating in kinktober) Since some ideas are more developed than others his list will be separated into three categories:
Full ideas
People/characters who will be getting works
Ideas/tropes that I want to write about
Let's Begin!
First up here are the fully developed ideas that are in progress.
Yoon Hyunsuk (Cix)
Nerd!Hyunsuk x Popular!reader (college au)

The tall, shy, handsome, boy who sits behind you in every class you share has a secret. Like many other people on campus, he was hopelessly in love with you. It began three years ago, freshman year, and every day it only got stronger. Over the years this has led him to do some… questionable things he's not a bad guy by any means he's just an awkward college boy in love. At first, it was innocent just sitting behind you in classes that you shared. He hoped that this would give him some time to gain some confidence to talk to you while still remaining close to you. He really didn’t mean to begin eavesdropping on your conversations or reading your texts over your shoulder, he just wanted to learn more about you before he approached you. But as time went on the worse he got from smelling your hair to following you around campus to lurking your socials to finally finding your dorm room. He told himself that he was just trying to return a jacket you left in class so he racked his brain for all of the information he “gathered” and remembered your room number. It was just supposed to be a quick drop off of the jacket he played out the scenario in his head a thousand times. knock on the door, tell you he picked it up when you forgot it, give it to you, and leave. But, when he knocked on the door it opened slightly you weren’t there but you left it cracked indicating that you would be back soon. The change in circumstances caused him to panic and so he decided to just go in and drop it on your bed as opposed to waiting at your door for you. As soon as he fully entered the room the door closed behind him and after folding your jacket placing it on your bed he goes to leave. Turns out you left your door cracked for a reason, he twists the knob and pulls with all his might but he can’t get it opened. The door jammed and he’s stuck in your room. Before he even gets the chance to panic he hears you right outside the door.
Klaus Mikaelson (TVD/The Originals)
Klaus kills a woman. Unbeknownst to him, this woman was the soulmate of a powerful witch. In revenge the witch curses him vowing that the day Klaus finds his soulmate they will be made immortal but their soul would be removed leaving an eternal one-sided soulmate connection where Klaus is completely connected to them ( can only love and desire them, unable to hurt or kill them, able to see their thoughts and feel their emotions/pain.etc) but they have no connection to him. The witch finally takes the only reverse to the spell to the grave with him and his wife leaving nobody else to break the spell. The story will center around an interesting toxic yet slightly romantic relationship between Klaus and the reader where over years they are continuously on and off again. Klaus does everything to get the reader to love and stay with him and the reader uses this to their advantage. When they’re together its great but when they’re apart things never go well. In the end, the reader can always leave him but he can never leave them so he takes any measure to keep them by his side.

Choi Soobin (TXT)
Sub!SoobinxDom catgirl!reader
The Cat Owns You Part 2

After returning home from the café Soobin you’re finally able to transform. Now being human you keep up a nice façade for the evening eating dinner and watching television peacefully. Having you around for these few hours has him believing he made the right decision after a while he took you to your room before retiring to his own for the night. He drifts off to sleep happily thinking that he found a simple way to fix his loneliness issue a cute catgirl who resides in the room beside his. Nothing could have prepared him for what would happen a few hours later. Waking up to feel his hands and legs in an uncomfortable position he tries to adjust himself but he can’t, opening his eyes to look he realizes that he’s tied to the 4 sides of his bedpost. Before he can question what’s happening he sees you making your way toward him with the collar he purchased earlier in your hands. You notice that he’s awake but continue on fastening the collar around his throat before positioning yourself to sit on him, straddling his spread body “(Y/N) what’s going on” he asks trying to sound stern but it comes out as more of a whisper as the reality of his situation really begins to set in affecting his body in a way he didn’t expect. “Shhh don’t worry I’ll take care of you” you whisper in his ear sending a shiver through his body. Every second that passes he can feel his resolve fading he knows that he wants whatever is about to happen and soon he won’t be able to say no you know this too. He quickly yet unconvincingly rushes out “ no you can’t do this” causing you to chuckle “ Yes I can, I can do whatever I want you signed the papers” before he can ask what you mean you continue “I own you”
Up next here are some muses that I will be writing about once I find the perfect ideas for them:
Garou (Genshin Impact)
Nejire Kamado (My Hero Academia)
Mina Ashido (My Hero Academia)
Shoto Todoroki (My Hero Academia)
Kazutora Hanemiya (Tokyo Revengers)
Choi Beomgyu (TXT)
Choi Chanhee (The Boyz)
Jeong Jaehyun (NCT)
Park Seonghwa (Ateez)
Wonho (Soloist)
Sunmi (soloist)
Sana (twice)
Beelzebub (Obey Me)
Loki Laufeyson (MCU)
Buckey Barnes (MCU)
Hela Odinson(MCU)
Wanda Maximoff (MCU)
And finally here are some ideas for works (I’m thinking of making a proper prompt list but for now you can request any of these ideas with a muse from above and I will try to fulfill it. Just make sure to specify what type of story you want (fluff, smut, angst, general hcs, drabbles, etc):
Reader is an evil sorcerer and the muse is their loyal familiar
Reader is a succubus and muse is a charge that keeps summoning them
Reader is like Hades and muse is like Persephone
Female Knight reader saves prince muse
Criminal reader goes yandere for normal muse
Opposites attract the big, scary, cold reader and soft cute muse
Muse who is a twitch streamer by day and a camgirl/boy by night
Reader is a Sugar mommy and muse is one of their many sugar babies it starts off fine but then muse falls in love and wants to be readers only one
Dom reader x fem switch muse x sub male muse
Ruler reader x harem
Reader is mean to everyone but muse
Smart tsundere reader dating clingy affectionate himbo/bimbo muse
Fem Joker type reader x male Harley type muse
Reader is an engineer who finds robot muse and fixes them
Vampire queen reader and yandere muse servant who wants to be readers walking blood bag
Hero reader saves muse from a yandere and muse becomes yandere
Demon reader x angel muse
A muse who keeps trying to kill a reader that they don’t know is invulnerable reader knows muse is trying to kill them but doesn’t stop them because they think it’s cute.
Meeting Omega NCT + Them as Omega Househusbands: 1/10 Taeyong
Cw: A/b/o themes and dynamics, suggestive ending, masturbation(m)
Pairing: Alpha!ReaderxOmega!Taeyong
A/N: I decided to do the members individually because it would have taken too long if I put them all together and I wanted to get something out. I hope you enjoy it.

❤ You guys met when NCT127 was performing at one of your companies charity events. From doing some light research on them you had gained basic information like the members names and faces, from the pictures you saw Taeyong was a bit cuter than the rest. But it wouldn't be until he walked into the event that he really caught your eye, and more importantly your nose.
❤With every step he took the smell and subsequently your desire for him got stronger until he stood face to face with you.
❤As the leader of the group Taeyong felt it his responsibility to introduce himself first allowing his group members to follow his lead. So he did just that, reaching out to shake your hand with a bright smile he introduced himself. You weren't really listening after his introduction, not on purpose its just that between his look, his scent, the sound of his voice and the lingering feel of his soft skin gracing your hand the admiring the shorter man was way more interesting than listening to his members introduce themselves.
❤Unbeknownst to you Taeyong’s though process mirrored your own. That explains why throughout the course of the night he kept finding himself lingering around you, trying his hardest to remain in your presence as if he were drawn to you like a moth to a flame.
❤It was after his performance that you had finally decided that Taeyoung was the one you wanted and being a disgustingly rich alpha CEO means that you ALWAYS get what you want. and so with that revelation, your courting process began. However your plan to court Taeyong was cut short because he wanted you just as much as you wanted him.
❤Taeyong was a perfect house husband truly. After leaving NCT in favor of building a home with you, Taeyong decided that it was his responsibility as both a husband and an omega to make every minute he had with you the best it could be.
❤Due to your status as CEO you were very busy and this meant you could often go days and even weeks without seeing Taeyong so whenever you were home Taeyong made his perfect routine based off a book he read called “The Omega’s Guide to Keeping a Happy Healthy Alpha: Recipes Tips and more”
❤He begins his day at 7 Waking up, tidying his side of the bed, taking a shower, Looking at your schedule and picking/ironing your clothes for the day. At around 8 is when Taeyong begins making your breakfast and lunch (using recipes from his book ofc). He finishes cooking by 8:30 which is when you finally make your way downstairs after doing your morning routine.
❤You make it a point to spend time with Taeyong whenever you can. So if you are home then you always eat breakfast together. using that time to just relax together and enjoy each others company
❤After breakfast Tae sends you on your way lunch in hand he gives you a sweet kiss and wishes you luck with a bright smile he sends you off for the day.
❤After you leave Taeyong cleans up whatever mess the two of you made that morning before indulging in his hobbies. One of his favorite hobbies that he partakes in the most is interior design, and because of his perfectionism paired with is indecisive nature he tends to remodel parts of your house fairly often to match whatever aesthetic he is currently feeling.
❤You're no longer phased when you see charges on your card from renovators and home improvement stores only to return home and see him cooking diner in a completely different kitchen than the one you left, complete with all new ceramics, glassware, cookware and cutlery.
❤There was one time when you went on a two week long business trip and returned to find that Taeyong had the entirely new rooms built into your house which also looked completely different. While at first it may have been a bit jarring walking into completely different rooms every time you come home you let him continue living out his interior design dreams because it makes him happy and he’s damn good at it too.
❤One thing that you never understood was how despite Taeyongs love for drastically changing the house there was he never changed one room. His nesting room. The room youd think he would change the most has virtually never changed since you installed it. You eventually chalked it up to him thinking it was already perfect but Taeyongs actual reason was far simple, sentimentality. When Taeyong first moved into this house with you it was one of the best days of his life, in an attempt to ensure his comfrot in the new house you took a rare day off and helped him make his nesting room. YOU helped him make it so why would he ever change it? The nesting room was small by design but it was still full of life, decorated with picture of the two of you and full of tens maybe hundereds of items that youd bought and scented for him through the years.
❤Whenever he goes through a heat and you're away he retires to his nesting room, he slips on some of your clothing and wraps himself in your scent before setting himself up comfortably to look at the pictures decorating the walls of the small room. Slowly his thoughts devolve from sweet memories to ones of a more erotic tone. As he falls deeper into his memories of your many nights together he barley realizes his hinds slipping under your articles of clothing that adorn his lithe frame. Trailing into his boxers until he is touching himself the way that you do.
❤Taeyoung misses you when you're away and he cant wait until you come home.