the-darke - this is an art and writing blog
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3 years ago
Hi! Im Really Sick Of Whitewashing And The Various Excuses That Artists Come Up With, So I Wrote A Guide!
Hi! Im Really Sick Of Whitewashing And The Various Excuses That Artists Come Up With, So I Wrote A Guide!
Hi! Im Really Sick Of Whitewashing And The Various Excuses That Artists Come Up With, So I Wrote A Guide!
Hi! Im Really Sick Of Whitewashing And The Various Excuses That Artists Come Up With, So I Wrote A Guide!
Hi! Im Really Sick Of Whitewashing And The Various Excuses That Artists Come Up With, So I Wrote A Guide!
Hi! Im Really Sick Of Whitewashing And The Various Excuses That Artists Come Up With, So I Wrote A Guide!

Hi! I’m really sick of whitewashing and the various excuses that artists come up with, so I wrote a guide! How To Not Whitewash, at least with regards to skin tone. Please make use of it, and encourage other artists to do so as well. Here’s a link to this guide on a Google Doc - this document has image descriptions. Feel free to contact me if the link stops working, or if you have questions (in good faith).

3 years ago