Figure Study - Tumblr Posts

quick sketch from my figure drawing class. thought i’d give this poor blog some love
these tags are everything!! I was asked to put nudity filters/nsfw tags on my sketches of statues in french museums, which I drew as an exercise in anatomy and posing. breasts aren’t sexual and the human body isn’t inherently sexual- if literal children are being taken on field trips to see the statues I drew it’s not nsfw. We need to unlearn the sexualization of the human body, ESPECIALLY in the fine arts. Like hell, I took a nude figure drawing class when I was 13, it’s art.
I could rant for even longer about the sexualization of breasts, especially about how it affects me as a transmasc, but it’s been something that’s bothered me ever since I was a little kid. if you’re bothered by nudity in art then that’s your own can of worms to open up- not mine or the artist’s.

fountain in italy
My new art collection eBook is now available on Amazon with Kindle Unlimited (KU) and the Kindle Owners' Lending Library (KOLL) for a limited time. DRAWING ENERGY: A Collection of Figure Sketches with a Stick Model, Portraits and Drawing Hands (Figure Drawing)

First attempt at figure painting after a semester of figure drawing

Miku from a while ago :3. This is probably one my favorite figures ever and I’m so sad it never really released. The song is also very good!

She looks so badass tho—
Figure Study
Medium: Acrylic on Canvas
Size: 4 x 3 feet
Price: $2,000

Oil on canvas

figure studies except it’s all just sergei polunin

Lighting study that also served to try my hands at drawing big bushy hair.
"Evening Moon"

Found a picture on here with a nice mix of warm and cool color tones, and felt inspired to draw it.
"Spring Workout"

A bit beefier dude than what I normally draw.
I'm in a bit of an art block lately, so I'm glad this came out as well as it did.
Referenced from local12156 on Flickr.

Not a very easy drawing to render considering I'm struggling through an art block, but it came out alright.
Inspired by @pascualnico98 on Instagram.
"El Venado"

Something for the upcoming Mexican Independence Day.
The Deer Dance is an indigenous folk dance from northern Mexico, traditional to the Yaqui and Mayo peoples. The dancer playing the deer wears a headdress with a stuffed head of the animal at the top.
Viva México, cabrones! 🇲🇽
Haha yeh, hands n arms
Best I've ever done lol

Starting a cheap resources thread for Artists!
Il start- this is a free website called Line of Action it gives you free images of posing humans to reference while drawing.
How it works:
Select the types of images you want. Ex: adult, male, clothed.
The website will collect images for you. Then it will ask you to time yourself. This isn't really necessary but it's good for practice.
Then it gives you a sideshow of images, go nuts!
I use this constantly, its a great tool, it's FREE and it adaptable, with new images constantly
Have fun!

Learning figures and their structure

Adding to the Skeletons to become figures

Adding heads