the-names-ines - Made in Portugal
Made in Portugal

On this blog you can find things related with The Vampire Diaries, MCU, Shadowhunters, Doctor Who, Sherlock BBC, and Supernatural. Come and visit my Tumblr, ask me all sort of questions you like to, and follow me. I'll follow everyone who follows me! ;) Be safe, if you can, but always be amazing!

729 posts

I Honestly Hope You Are Right, Because That Plot Has Been A Bore, So Far...

I honestly hope you are right, because that plot has been a bore, so far...

Holy Fuck….

I just realized that Lucy and Parker are the Rex & Hannah equivalent of the new cast.

Season 1 of Charmed'98 was about a demonic couple who placed themselves into the life of one of the sisters. First to confirm she and her sisters were the charmed ones, then to destroy them.

I bet that’s what Maggies Sorority Plot develops into.

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More Posts from The-names-ines

5 years ago

You're not alone. Do it! 😍

So I’m Rewatching Saving Hope..

So Im Rewatching Saving Hope..

(Except the last episode, of course)

And I was wondering if we had any SH fans..

Any interest in a Doctor Joel x reader fic?

Or am I alone in my unwavering love for the bad boy doc?

So Im Rewatching Saving Hope..

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6 years ago

I don't believe in this shit!... But I can't risk her. Not her.

Reblog or your mom will die in 928 seconds.

I love my mom.


I am risking nothing



Will not risk.


sorry followers :(

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6 years ago

Stitch is a pting, and you can't convince me otherwise.

The Species, - If It Is A Species, - Birth Or Creation.
The Species, - If It Is A Species, - Birth Or Creation.

“The species, - if it is a species, - birth or creation.”

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6 years ago

They're all hilarious, but Tony's smile, tho x'D

Captain Marvel Should Smile Moreshe Looks So Serious All The Timeshe Lacks Charismashed Look Better With
Captain Marvel Should Smile Moreshe Looks So Serious All The Timeshe Lacks Charismashed Look Better With
Captain Marvel Should Smile Moreshe Looks So Serious All The Timeshe Lacks Charismashed Look Better With

“Captain Marvel should smile more” “she looks so serious all the time” “she lacks charisma” “she’d look better with a smile”


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6 years ago

The acting in the new Charmed is absolutely awful. The awful dialogue doesn't help but damn are we watching the same show?? The original felt real. Like it was real conversations between real sisters. This one? Not so much. But it's the CW so realism isn't expected, not everyone is a 10 irl

I respect your opinion, but I'm also going to share mine with you. I honestly felt like the original Charmed TV series was fake. The acting, the interaction between the characters... It just really felt like it was amateur acting. The only one I actually enjoyed was Shannen Doherty, and even her acting had its flaws. Obviously, the TV series got better, with time, and it turned out to be one of the best, most popular supernatural TV series that ever came to be, and a milestone for female lead TV shows. So, maybe, that's all we need to give this new TV series: time. Yes, the script has its flaws and the actresses are young, but I believe that it will get better in time.