Couldnt Sleep Last Night Because My Bones Felt Like The Noise When You Smash Random Keys On An Organ
couldn’t sleep last night because my bones felt like the noise when you smash random keys on an organ at the same time
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More Posts from The-oracle-at-delphinitely-not
do you ever see people misinterpret music and get kind of pissed. like holy shit. you did it. you missed the fucking point
I totally agree! They 100% have the tech to give queer couples a biological child!
I feel like I'm the only one that thinks the Lost Cities wouldn't be homophobic
Like I absolutely understand that the matchmaking system is built upon genetics and having children and so it seems logical that elves would only like hetero couples
but 1. As humans we have technically already figured out a way for two women to reproduce with each other so there's a very good chance elves have too
2. Shannon emphasizes constantly that the Lost Cities have different prejudices from the Forbidden Cities and the reason they think of themselves as so much better than humans is because they don't have all the issues that humans do so to add homophobia would take away from that entire message
3. Because of immortality many elves never get married or even apply to the match the only thing in the Lost Cities that is seen as scandalous is marrying and having children with someone who's not on your match list
4. the fact that many elves don't have children or get married (and as far as I'm aware aren't judged for it) I don't think the having children aspect is actually as important as some people think it is
5. all these same things apply to trans people I think there's a very good chance that when an elf is trans they just tell their parents and transition literally right after they come out (which could be right after their out of the womb considering they can talk immediately) because gender has no standing on what ability an elf will manifest
Bonus, I also think the elves being pro-life (I've only seen this a couple times but still) is also not something that would actually happen I think the elves most likely have 100% affective contraceptive so they literally don't have children until they want to
On that point I want to once again emphasize that elves don't have the same norms and culture that humans do they have entirely different ways of living and don't have the same discrimination or prejudices that humans do and if defeats the point to say they do
Honestly I think the main reason there aren't any queer people in kotlc is because Shannon just like hasn't thought to add them
Hello 👋 🤗,
I hope you are well 🌺.
I am writing to you with a heart full of hope and faith, asking for your urgent help. My family is in great danger due to the war, and I am running a fundraising campaign to save them.
Please, could you reblog the post about my campaign on my account? Every share can make a difference in my family's life. 🙏
Can you reblog the pinned post on my account titled **Trapped Family in Gaza Appeals for Help to Survive**?
Don't hesitate to save a family with children, women, and newborns from death and war.
Thank you from the bottom of my heart for any help you can provide 🌹🌺.
you’ll always be famous to us Katie
reblog if @myfairkatiecat is famous
alright it’s moving day time to drug these little fuckers (my four amazing sweet kitties)