Spoonie - Tumblr Posts

1 year ago

making friends at uni is hard… especially when you walk with a mobility aid and i think that makes other students kinda apprehensive to approach. sigh :(

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1 year ago

i think... all cripples who use mobility aids should weaponize them

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1 year ago

If you're on your school campus, be mindful of who is around you. This is not only a post about your own personal safety, but also others.

Today, I got bumped and shoved by quite a few people on their way to classes and, as someone with chronic pain and mobility issues, this is a problem because it heightens my pain and makes me unstable.

Be aware of others and don't fucking shove

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1 year ago

It is not normal to feel fatigue all the time. If you are tired all the time and you don't know why, that's a sign to seek answers.

It is not normal to feel pain all the time. If you are in pain all the time and you don't know why, that's a sign to seek answers.

It is not normal to feel nauseated all the time. If you feel nauseated all the time and you don't know why, that's a sign to seek answers.

It is not normal to be out of breath all the time. If you are struggling to breathe all the time and you don't know why, that's a sign to seek answers.

You're not crazy for thinking it's not normal if you feel like this all the time and someone says 'everyone feels like that.'

No, everyone does not!

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1 year ago

Either this is a result of the weather or my mystery condition, but I keep getting sick/feeling terribly ill...

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1 year ago

Opened Tumblr to find this in my drafts...

Opened Tumblr To Find This In My Drafts...

Sums things up pretty nicely, I think.

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1 year ago

The ridiculous thing about my doctor is that he'll go back and forth on whether or not I have fibromyalgia.

He'll tell me I'm "too young" to have it, but then refer to my condition as fibromyalgia and give me medications that treat it.

People with chronic pain already have enough to deal with. The least you (doctors) could do is give us straight forward answers.

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1 year ago

Cripples are stronger than any cop, any military pig, and every government worker who tries to undermine us.

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1 year ago

Shouting and screaming and ripping my hair out. I am braver than my pain. I am stronger than my pain. I am more resilient. I won't fall into despair.

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1 year ago

I don't think non-disabled people realize how dehumanizing it is to be a visibly disabled person and get stared at for just existing. Especially in large crowds, it's just constant eyes on you with looks of confusion, disgust, and pity.

I was borrowing a wheelchair at an amusement park and the amount of people (of all ages) who stared at me while I was minding my own business made me sick to my stomach.

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1 year ago

Sometimes support comes in the form of your friend saying "that fucking sucks man" after you tell them about your chronic pain


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1 year ago

I'm trying out tensor braces on my knees and ankles to help my fibro pain. Any other fibro havers have experience with braces?

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1 year ago

I intend to donate my wheelchair because I've found alternative ways to manage my pain, and my current chair is not suited for me personally. But I'm worried that if I need it, I won't have it. And since I'm donating it, if I wanted to get another chair I'd have to pay out of pocket since the Ontario support programs are incredibly choosey and lengthy.

In conclusion... ooooouuuugh

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1 year ago

Spoke to a rheumatologist today. Got another blood test done. I feel like I'm in a cycle.

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1 year ago

I just had two appointments back to back and both of them referred me to somewhere else.

The rage of the disabled is never ending.

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1 year ago

throws the medical system into the fucking sun. Ok I'm fine

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1 year ago

So much of being a disabled person looking for the limited support we have is waiting.

My spring semester starts tomorrow, and I only got an email two days ago about accessible seating. The email states it will take up to two weeks to process. Why on earth am I only being allowed to "ask" for accessible seating when I won't even get it in time?

I'm in a fortune situation with my health right now where I use a cane to walk, instead of my rollator, but if my health declines again, I can't just WAIT to get the support I need.

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1 year ago

Ever since I was a little girl I knew I wanted to be fundamentally ostracized from general society on account of my disabilities

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1 year ago

In the midst of all the ableism in the world, the casual allyship of offering someone a seat will always be important to me

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