the-techie-unicorn - The Techie Unicorn
The Techie Unicorn 🍀👩‍💻🦄

Hi! I’m a lighthearted Christian young woman who enjoys coding, music, and things of a winsome, wholesome, imaginative, and beautiful nature in general!🧚🏻‍♀️🧝‍♀️🌸

371 posts

Theyre Real Froggies Now!!

Two young frogs on rock

They’re real froggies now!! 🐸

We’ll be releasing them soon. 🥰

More Posts from The-techie-unicorn

4 years ago

🎵 Real ducky, joy of joys—when I see you, I make noise! 🎶🥰🛁

Real ducky, you’re my very best friend—it’s true!

Just Enjoying My Bath

Just enjoying my bath 🛀💦 

via @thesassyducks​ instagram

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4 years ago

Face to face with a 90 year old turtle

🎥: Nicholas Breaux

4 years ago
One Of The Tadpoles Tails Is Shrinking! So Exciting!!

One of the tadpole’s tails is shrinking! So exciting!! 🐸

4 years ago
What Do You Think About My New Hat?

What do you think about my new hat? 🎩

via @thesassyducks​ insta

4 years ago
So Many Lovely Portulaca Blossoms!
So Many Lovely Portulaca Blossoms!
So Many Lovely Portulaca Blossoms!

So many lovely portulaca blossoms!


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