147 posts
The-ugly-duckling1010 - Forgive And Forget - Tumblr Blog
We love and stan Becky Blackbell in this household
Becky is the only character in SxF who stans every member of the Forger family which makes her the best character in SxF

The three times Yor said 'there, there' ...

... and the one time Anya did

She is growing up and learning that even papa is vulnerable and needs love and it is adorable 🥰
Anya has just the most beautiful smile.
When Twilight realizes he's not just fighting for a world where children don't need to cry, but much more so, fighting for the life where he gets to see his daughter smile - that is when the dam will finally break.

Because he'd realize Anya smiles because of him, because of Yor and because of Bond. How can he possibly leave?
And let's be honest. Most of these are from his POV. He is getting there, slowly.
Everyday, I think - bless the anime for turning this:

into this:

They really dialled up the adorkableness here. True twiyor energy.
You'll need to learn a lot of things, too...

Like how to feed him...

...praise him...

...scold him...

...et cetera...

...et cetera...

...et cetera...

...et cetera...

I just love this small detail within the dialogue they have Loid say, that "my family" will get suspicious if he's gone too long rather than him saying "the family". He didn't have to say it that way but it’s probably gotten so natural for him to say that he just doesn't notice it.
It's a tiny thing but a nice one to say the least.

Okay I know we’ve been talking about how good the new outro is for weeks now but like

THAT LOOK OF “my kid is such a handful, what would I do without her” LIKE THAT FONDNESS
I am genuinely about to cry
Spy x Family Ep 3 - Manga to Anime Adaptation Notes
Not here to point out *all* the places where manga and anime differ, but much more noting where adaptation and directing choices add to the story. Will start breaking these up into several posts...
Episode 3: 'Prepare For the Interview'- Manga chapter 3
The first episode where the anime added new material - a credit to them because it actually feels seamless! The slower moments where seemingly not much happens actually do a *lot* in terms of worldbuilding and character work. It is ruthlessly efficient in that way.
Meet the *other* Forger Family member - their apartment
The anime introduces us to the Forger’s home, not something we ever really got in the manga, and as we’ve seen in ‘Comedy’ and ‘Color’ EDs, a character in its own right. My favourite thing is that apart from getting a good view of their home’s layout, we also see
1) Anya being a smol bean - we see her on tip-toes, we see her head bobbing around at the bottom of the shot

2) Anya being super excited about having a mama and doing what kids do when they’re excited - show them the toilet. We've never seen the bathroom AFAIK in the manga. But I guess we need to know where Loid takes a long time to... well, you know

3) Twilight having gone full Dad mode and bought Anya not just a little pink chair for her to do homework on at the coffee table (not in the manga)...

but also a stool to stand on in the bathroom so she can wash her face by herself (not in the manga)...

and what looks like pink sheets on top of a pinkish rug with pink chest of drawers in a room with pink wallpaper, all decked out with toys and books (not this pink and cute in the manga). It's all for the mission.

This is a very lived-in home, and suggests Anya and her papa probably have been living together for a little while. If Yor thinks Loid looks like the perfect doting father, it’s because he clearly actually is.
The way Loid and Yor are looking at their little precious daughter and their cute new dog is the epitome of adorable Imma tear up 😭😔💔
Doting parents:

'Pretend' family my ass.
I just feel that deep down handler/ Sylvia wants him to love this fake family and if even for a bit to feel the warmth of a real family of which he was stripped off and denied the luxury of at such a young age as a result of the war
The look of a woman who realises her best agent is completely compromised, but who feels happy for him nonetheless

He referred to Anya as " my daughter " while speaking to Sylvia !!!! I will never get over this 😭 only spyxfamily fans will get this

he’s finally become the ultimate proud father
My lovely handler, plz let her be happy 😭💔


Make sure you take really good care of this pup here, all right?

the forger family gains a new member ~
Aww my heart 💜🌺

bond’s new home 。゚(T^T)゚。

my babies

❤ anya and bond = cuteness overloard ❤
Damn what a wonderful mother she is


I will genuinely tear up now 💜

jimin’s forehead must never be covered!
The fact that he tried his best to enjoy his time with Anya his supposed daughter and missed Yor his supposed wife for the mission is just so meaningful to me
Twilight never once wears his WISE pin throughout the whole cruise arc. He really was just there to play with his daughter and miss his wife and if that's not growth, I don't know what is.

I fell in love right there how can Yuki possibly not do too, I completely get you girl, he is a catch 😭

Unmei no Hito ni Deau Hanashi
Yah and that person is YOU

Unmei no Hito ni Deau Hanashi
Someone save me, my God are they adorable

Unmei no Hito ni Deau Hanashi
May my heart stay strong

Unmei no Hito ni Deau Hanashi
When they are your biggest ship and you are just waiting desperately for the next chapter for a month now 😭🙄😔

Unmei no Hito ni Deau Hanashi