the-vampire-lance - Voltron's blue vampire paladin RP
Voltron's blue vampire paladin RP

hay! its vampire paladin lancey lance here! come on in, sit down, relax and join me for a "bite" lol XP

333 posts

If My Keith (redpala-Keith) Was A Pokemon. Hed Be Lycanroc

If my Keith (redpala-Keith) was a pokemon. He’d be lycanroc

If My Keith (redpala-Keith) Was A Pokemon. Hed Be Lycanroc

Though which form Would he be? …

They all look so cool…

What if he could switch between forms depending on the time of day? That would be cool!

Werewolf Keith would be one awsome formshifting lycanroc!

If My Keith (redpala-Keith) Was A Pokemon. Hed Be Lycanroc
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More Posts from The-vampire-lance

10 months ago

Shiro shakes his head. “No, no crawling in there pidge, you might end up getting stuck as well. And it’s a little dangerous to use the lions. They’re big and bulky, even the smallest wrong move could end up crushing the rebels. We’ll do it by hand. Keith, Lance, hunk and I are strong enough to lift most of the rubble. Pidge, when we get to them, you will help the rebels climb out and treat them for injuries. Now Let’s start digging them out!”

After issuing his orders, they all got to work. Eventually after some time they managed to dig their way to the trapped rebels. While shiro and Lance held up some stubborn beams, hunk, Pidge and Keith helped get the rebels out.

Red Moon, Full Moon

(The Voltron Paladins have been sent out on a mission to rescue allied aliens that have been trapped under rocky debris for almost a whole quintant. But, there might be a problem for our favorite vampire and werewolf duo; not only does the planet have a red moon in it’s orbit, there’s also a full moon tonight. )

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10 months ago

Lance breathed a sigh of relief. The kid was going to be ok!

Lance dreaded the type of choice that he would have been forced not to do.

Of course the aliens didn’t know but lance being a vampire, had the ability to turn others into vampires. And Lance has more than once found himself in a position where people who were losing their loved ones would beg him to save them. And by saving them, they mean turning them. And Lance knew the costs that came with turning people. Becoming a vampire wasn’t something you went into impulsively. It was a major lifestyle change. And turning someone was a commitment and a responsibility. Lance would become their sire. And he would be responsible for teaching them how to live as a vampire.

And that was a responsibility he was not in any position to commit to. They were in a war, they didn’t have time to care for newborn vampires.

What was worse about if the situation turned that way, he would be forced to say no and let the child die. And that thought hurt just as much.

The Allied ship had arrived and they began loading the injured.

Red Moon, Full Moon

(The Voltron Paladins have been sent out on a mission to rescue allied aliens that have been trapped under rocky debris for almost a whole quintant. But, there might be a problem for our favorite vampire and werewolf duo; not only does the planet have a red moon in it’s orbit, there’s also a full moon tonight. )

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9 months ago
The Wind Is Knocked Out Of Lance As Hes Plowed Over By Hunk. By The Time He Recovers, Hes Already Restrained

The wind is knocked out of lance as he’s plowed over by hunk. By the time he recovers, he’s already restrained by both paladins. He snarls and hisses at them, trying desperately to get free. The venom from the dart started to take effect. he was starting to feel slightly sluggish but not enough to stop fighting.

He hisses at hunk when the yellow paladin tries talking to him. His words not reaching the vampire’s ears. It was like all language was muffled out. He couldn’t understand anything that was being said to him.

Shiro huffed in relief, sitting up to catch his breath.

“Keep holding him down!” Shiro ordered as he got up and grabbed the tranq gun.

He approached them, raising the gun to aim at Lance’s neck and fires.

Lance lets out another shriek of pain and he thrashes against hunk and pidge’s hold. Guttural growls and hisses erupted from his mouth as the venom’s effect grows stronger and makes him feel more light headed and tired.

Finally after a few minutes, the venom takes full effect and lance slowly slumps limply. His eyes half lidded as he groans weakly. Everything blurred in and out as if he was drugged. (Which he kinda is)

Soon he loses consciousness and passes out.

Everyone breaths a sigh of relief. Shiro wipes his brow and looks at the other two paladins.

“Ok, now that he’s taken care of. We need to go after Keith. Hunk, you and pidge take Lance back to the ship and get him restrained. I’ll go after Keith.”

Red Moon, Full Moon

(The Voltron Paladins have been sent out on a mission to rescue allied aliens that have been trapped under rocky debris for almost a whole quintant. But, there might be a problem for our favorite vampire and werewolf duo; not only does the planet have a red moon in it’s orbit, there’s also a full moon tonight. )

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10 months ago

Everyone heads to their lions and flies down to the planet. They reach the area where the rebel’s distress signal came from and touchdown a good distance away. They get out and start walking towards the trapped rebels.

“So how are we going to get these rebels out of that fallen debris? Keith and I are strong, vampires and werewolf strength and all. Shiro’s got some muscle on him, especially with that robot arm. Allura is like some crazy altean Amazon…. You know what, never mind, forget I asked, dumb question. What I should really be asking is do we have enough medical experience and equipment to help these guys if they are hurt? and they most likely are.”

Shiro hide a smirk at Lance’s first question and observation. Typical silly Lance. Always stating the obvious.

Then he glanced at Lance on the second question while still smiling.

“That’s why hunk and pidge grabbed the medical gear we store in all our lions for emergencies.”

Lance blinked dumbly.

“Oh…ok good to know we’re prepared then.” He’s gonna shut up now.

Red Moon, Full Moon

(The Voltron Paladins have been sent out on a mission to rescue allied aliens that have been trapped under rocky debris for almost a whole quintant. But, there might be a problem for our favorite vampire and werewolf duo; not only does the planet have a red moon in it’s orbit, there’s also a full moon tonight. )

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9 months ago


I do NOT “count”!


I’m more like alucard from castlevania!


If my Keith (redpala-Keith) was a pokemon. He’d be lycanroc

If My Keith (redpala-Keith) Was A Pokemon. Hed Be Lycanroc

Though which form Would he be? …

They all look so cool…

What if he could switch between forms depending on the time of day? That would be cool!

Werewolf Keith would be one awsome formshifting lycanroc!

If My Keith (redpala-Keith) Was A Pokemon. Hed Be Lycanroc

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