theanonymousninja247 - The Anonymous Ninja
The Anonymous Ninja

The only thing minor about meis my minor inferiority complex. But HAY, life like me, is growth in progressšŸ¤™šŸ¼šŸŒ±ā€œbe ready always to give an answer to every man that asketh you a reason of the hope that is in you.ā€~1 Peter 3:15 + Ether 12:4 AKA Ima let Jesus handle it because if I handle it something's going to end up on fire

209 posts

@fishsticksloser Ah Creating Mischief Through Writing Snippets For Your Friends, I See. A Worthy Engagement

@fishsticksloser Ah Creating Mischief Through Writing Snippets For Your Friends, I See. A Worthy Engagement

@fishsticksloser Ah creating mischief through writing snippets for your friends, I see. A worthy engagement indeed, for tis an endeavor I participate inquire frequently. May all the inspiration be upon ye, and your fingers fly swiftly in your story.Show no mercy, my friend. Make him suffer šŸ˜ˆšŸ«”šŸ§”šŸ™ŒšŸ¼

and if I may be as bold, may I see the destruction afterwards? I do so enjoy a good creative volley

Apologies everyone... I fear I have accidentally killed him. Who knew a cryptid could be so powerful...



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More Posts from Theanonymousninja247

7 months ago


This is a little somethin somethin inspired after this post by @mrabubu. Happy Really Late Birthday?

ANyHoO please listen to this song to set the mood

ā€So that's what I want to give them, as many forms of softness as I can.

Because everyone should have a little softness in their lives.

Including you, anon-chan.

And even if it has to be secret, even if it's just between you and four walls, I hope you do find some time to be soft.ā€ ~ @luckycharms1701

Cookies and Cream Rating: 16+ and up please šŸ™šŸ¼



One of the things you donā€™t think you would ever get used to about living in these underground bunkers was just how cold it could get.

A constant temp of 50 something degrees in the summer. Or wellā€¦what used to be called summer. With the Kraang invasion and what not, the stupid aliens messed with your seasons in their attempt to make the Earth atmosphere more like their heralded ā€œDimension X.ā€

It wasnā€™t the only thing the stupid pink buggers had messed with besides the obvious glaring fact that they were attempting mass Earthen genocide and planetary colonization and what not.

No, the Kraang had a nasty habit of being unfairly unpredictable. Which made sense because they were, you know, aLiEnS. Aliens who had no need of following humans preferred sense of having at least SOME semblance of structure.Ā 

That unpredictability was causing its fair share of grief across the entire Resistance. Aliens, you had decided, had certainly lost their ā€œawe factorā€Ā  the minute they started to decimate the planet and permanently engrain ā€œRaph Chasmsā€ on every single face you passed.

A heavy disgruntled sigh escaped you at that thought, one face in particular coming to your concerned mind. A face whoā€™s brow was often furrowed with the weight of said Kraang unpredictability.

One face that you had not seen all day even though he had promised to come to bed earlier just once he had finished planning for an upcoming Kraag ambush he was leading.Ā 

He had promised you that. 7. Hours. Ago.Ā 

You hated that that had become his norm of late. Granted, you knew that he had always struggled with insomnia, but usually if you smiled at him just right and caught him sitting down, you could get him to snuggle in close and at least take a nap.Ā 

Now though? You werenā€™t sure the last time you had even seen him with his eyes closed for more than a minute or two. It was almost to the point that his sleep hours were rivaling Donnieā€™s due to how miniscule and spaced out they were. It was starting to worry you. Even more so than usual.Ā 

You let out a soft hum of thought at that and shifted your feet in the direction of where you had left him last. Looks like desperate times really did call for desperate measures.

So with a plan of action once again set into play, you just shook your head wearily, tightened the worn blanket around your shoulders as your shield against the chilly bunker air, and marched off to find your stubbornly still awake man.Ā Ā 

After wandering the ever puzzling interlocking halls and bunkers, you finally found him exactly where you had left him: stone faced with that ever deepening Raph Chasm on his brow with his gaze hyper-focused on the paperwork laid out in a heap in front of him.

His hand anxiously rubbed his chin, one that you had absently noticed that he had grown into rather nicely through out the years. While he forever seemed to face each day with his ā€œdevil may careā€ kind of attitude, you could see the way his eyes constantly flicked around. His movements only emphasizing the fact as he seemed moreā€¦agitated than usual, lacking that oh so signature lithe agility that always seemed to accompany him.Ā 

You stepped up to the doorway frame, a small frown pursing your lips as you watched him mutter to himself, pacing around the table in thought as though his nerves would never let him settle. Resting your shoulder against the frame of the doorway as a support, you wrapped the blanket more snugly around your shoulders, pulling the fabric in a slowly tightening fist as you watched Leo with an ever deepening ā€œRaph Chasmā€ of your own.Ā 

Ever vigilante, always watching, ever the ninja lying in wait. It was only in these small private moments when you could see the facade of bravado fall and the religiously clandestine truth finally rise to the surface.Ā 

It was a truth. A statement of unchanging fact that was never to be eroded with time.

Leo never settled.

He really was never one to stay still. A line used from an old videogame you used to play, would often come to mind when you watched him pace like this: ā€œThe Endless Spirit of Timeless Unrestā€ or however it went.

Part of you wondered if thisā€¦ansgty unrestā€¦ was because he genuinely cared for these missions. Or if it was more of some desperate attempt to try and redeem himself for what he considered was his unforgivable sin.

Yes, Leo never settled.Ā 

Wellā€¦at least until now.Ā 

You smirked softly at that thought and adjusted in the doorway, taking a step forward as you softly called out.


Hm. Nothing.


Still nada. He had moved at least, this time his hands coming to brace either side of the table as he all but hunched over the strategy plans like some geriatric gargoyle.Ā 

ā€œLeonardo Hamato.ā€

Interesting. Even the full name had no response. Leo must really have been in the zone if not even the full seven syllables could grasp his attention. This was more serious than you thought. Looks like it was time to pull out the big guns.

ā€œOh Husband~...ā€

Leoā€™s head shot up at the gentle croon of your voice with a speed that you could have sworn would have popped a blood vessel, his eyes immediately zoning in on you in the doorway.

He snapped to attention, immediately stretching to his full height as his body went tense at the perceived danger at the sound of your voice. Your eyes immediately followed the movement, watching as the body of intimidation, the weapon of the ā€œGreatest Ninja in the Worldā€ literally rose in front of you.

You would never breathe a word of it, never in a million years, but such a look directed at you from Leo always made you feel like a chicken being circled by a fox.

Something of a dance of death, a toying tease as you awaited with baited breath for the inevitable strike. It was only for a moment, it was always only just for a moment, but it admittedly would make you freeze, have your stomach clenching, at the intense look in his eye.

You knew Leo would never hurt you. Well, at least not until recognition flicked across his gaze.Ā 

He just stared at you with that ever impenetrable gaze before shifting into his more familiar dastardly delicious, one sided, smirk that forever seemed plastered onto his face. Except this time, the smirk was a little bit more sheepish, looking the picture of a naughty child with their hand stuck in the proverbial cookie jar.Ā 

Leo was caught. You knew it. He knew it. And he knew that now you were here, there was no chance of getting out of it.Ā 

So Leo did what Leo always does, turned on that signature ā€œFace Man Charmā€Ā  to try and slip out of trouble. In a voice that just happened to be a little bit lower and perchance a hint more sensual than normal, Leo all but purred out, ā€Oh hey~ Didnā€™t see you there. Whatā€™s up?ā€

Your eyebrow quirked up at the sound of the attempted burr in his voice, and you couldnā€™t help but shake your head with an amused roll of your eyes. Keeping the blanket wrapped snugly around your shoulders, you pushed yourself off from the door frame and sauntered forward till you reached Leoā€™s side. Placing one hand on your hip, you looked up at him with a soft smirk and quipped off a dry reply, ā€œObviously. Whatā€™s up is you apparently. Do you have any idea how late it is?ā€

Leo blinked owlishly at you for a moment before he let out a very confident, ā€œUhhhhhā€¦n-no?ā€Ā 

The flat look you shot at him at his very convincing reply, had him wincing slightly. Your arms came up to fold exasperatedly around you with a small cock of your hip. Leoā€™s eyes flicked to your body with the motion, and he wouldn't meet your eye, choosing to instead shoot you another sheepish smile and nervously rub the back of his neck. When he saw that you were not having it, Leoā€™s smile dropped, and he held both of his hands up placating with a heavy sigh.

ā€œLook, you donā€™t even need to say anything. I know. I know I promised, Iā€™m sorry Love, but I just really need to have this all hammered out before-ā€

ā€œAbepbep, let me stop you right there, Cowboy.ā€Ā Ā 

You didnā€™t even let Leo finish before you raised a hand to cut him off, pressing your fingers against his lips. The motion obviously surprised Leo, all with the face touching, being a red-eared-slider and what not, effectively shutting him up for the time being. You tried to bite back a smirk at the thought of using Leoā€™s own biological behaviors against him to assert dominance in the moment, but hey, desperate times called for desperate measures and whatever.Ā 

You looked up at him and slowly shook your head, letting out a sad chuckle as you reached out to gently slide your hand over his cheek, down his arm until you could finally capture his hand. Maintaining eye contact with him, you slowly curled his hand into a fist and held it snugly over yours. Slowly raising it up so you could press a soft kiss to the back of his knuckles, murmuring softly into the cool skin.

ā€œBoy, you are just as bad as Donnie. I figured if you werenā€™t coming to bed, Iā€™d just bring bed to you instead.ā€

Now Leo was never one to lose his cool; it was something he was actually rather proud of, keeping his head in the heat of the moment and what not. But there was something about the way that you looked up at him, holding and kissing his hand like that, that got him feeling some kind of way.Ā Ā 

He tried to resist, he really did, but admittedly he was getting kind of tired and he maaaaay or may not be somewhat distracted by the way the blanket looked so invitingly wrapped around you and how his loose shirt was beginning to slip, showing off the delicate and smooth curve of your shoulder.

Leo cleared his throat and quickly turned his head, a muscle thumping in his jaw as he tried to hide the sudden warmth that was heating up his cheeks. He stammered out, his voice soft and apologetic as he lowered his hand with yours.

Ā ā€œLook, Love, I-I canā€™tā€¦ā€

At hearing Leoā€™s quiet and hesitant denial, your heart sank, and suddenly the bunker just felt that much colder. He really was serious about this, and you didnā€™t think anything you could say or do in the moment would change his mind.Ā 

You continued to look up at him searchingly, his hand still being held tightly with yours as you watched with growing worry at the way his eyes creased on the side, at the hollowness found there and the furrow further deepening on his brow.

Sure, he wasnā€™t going to change his mind, but that didnā€™t mean you were going to let him keep standing on duty like this. Not if you, as a good wife, had anything to say about it.Ā 

Shaking your head with a small huff, you reached up with your one free hand to adjust the slipping blanket, not wanting to let go of Leo with the other now that you had his attention, and took a step back tugging Leo along.

ā€œOh very well, you can still work, but at least come sit down. Itā€™ll help you get a new angle at least.ā€

Leo stumbled slightly with the tug, blinking in surprise that you had even gotten him to move. He must have been more tired than the both of you had previously thought. But he just fondly rolled his eyes with a small sigh of his own, reaching behind him to swiftly grab his papers before you dragged him off to who knows where.

ā€œGoodness! So bossy.ā€

Leo all but chortled to which you respond with a dry chuckle, playfully shooing Leo backwards until his legs hit the back of a couch that had been left in the corner of the room. Without giving him a chance to recalibrate, you all but shove him down onto said couch, and plopped down next to him to prevent any chance of escape. To further ensure your snare, you unwrapped the blanket and gently shifted it until it was resting on top of the both of yā€™all, effectively nestling yā€™all under the fabric together.Ā 

You chuckled with a shake of you head as you pulled your legs up onto the couch and turned so you could nestle into Leoā€™s side with a soft smirk, gently slapping his plastron.

ā€œMaybe, just a little but that's because your stubborn arse won't listen to anything else. Now be a good husband and put your arm around me.ā€

It was turn for Leoā€™s eyebrow ridge to raise at the slight demand, and he just chuckled softly, obliging you as he lowered his arm around your shoulders to pull you close to his plastron.

ā€œYes Mrs. Hamatoooo.ā€Ā 

You rolled your eyes at the slight whine in his tone with a soft huff and squirmed a little to get more comfortable. To do so, and to just cover all your bases in making sure Leo was NOT going anywhere, you lazily threw your arm over Leoā€™s waist and snuggled in close. You nuzzled your nose against his plastron with a soft mutter as sleep began to already encroach on the corners of your mind now that you were next to him.

ā€œWell someone has to keep you humble.ā€

Leo looked down at you in surprise as you wrapped your arm around him, that all too familiar heat beginning to crawl up his cheeks. You really were a little Mrs. Feisty Pants weren't you? Not that he minded or anything. It was honestly one of the things he adored about you, being able to call him out like that and doing so in such a way that always made him feel like a million bucks. Still, he didnā€™t think heā€™d ever get used to you actively and consistently reaching out for him like this.

He couldnā€™t hold back the soft smirk that inched across his face as he saw the sleepy expression cross yours and before he had even realized he had even done it, found himself leaning down to press a soft kiss to your forehead.

ā€œGood, Iā€™d miss it if you ever stopped.ā€

You let out a small snicker at that, your nose wrinkling at the brush of his lips against your crown and reached up to cover Leoā€™s face with your hand, playfully pushing him away.

ā€œShhhhh shhh baby, itā€™s sleepy time.ā€

Leo chuckled at your pet name, and you could feel more than hear the rumble against you ear as you all but lean up against his chest. He slowly rubbed a palm up and down your blanket covered arm before leaning to press another absentminded kiss with a soft mumble.

ā€œNaw, itā€™s time for you to get some sleep, Love. I still have some work to do.ā€

You let out a small grunt at that, your face scrunching in a small pout as you instinctively tightened your arm around his waist, your hand coming to mirror his as it slowly stroked up and down the side scutes of his plastron.

ā€œFiiiiiineā€¦justā€¦donā€™t stay up too late, mkay?ā€

Leoā€™s smirked softened at the obvious worry and displeasure in your tone and the feeling of affectionate tenderness grew as he watched your eyelashes flutter against your cheeks as you vainly tried to stay up. His hand continued its slow trek against your arm, and his voice dropped into a sacred whisper, not wanting you to stay up any more than you have to.

ā€œDonā€™t worry Love, I won't.ā€


So back to work Leo went. Erā€¦at least tried to. There was just one teeny tiiiiiny itsy bitsy wee little factor that was preventing him from doing so.Ā 

Work. Was not working.

Leoā€™s brain could be described to something akin to an egg on the summer concrete the way it felt so fried. Nothing was clicking. Even the ā€œnew angleā€ as you so called it, was not helping in the slightest. Shell, heā€™d be staring at this page for so long that the words had started to swim like little black fish between his eyes.Ā 

A hand came up to slowly drag down the length of Leoā€™s face accompanied with a most exhausted sigh. Yeah, he wasnā€™t getting anywhere with this tonight.

As if to emphasize said point, like the Universe itself was trying to grab his attention, Leoā€™s tympanum was caught by the subtle sound that had begun to escape from your parted lips as you all but lounged against his plastron. Leo blinked in surprise at the feeling of the heavy -laded breath that brushed across his chest before his lips curled up into a soft smirk at said sound.Ā 

A sound that could only be described as a snore. Just a light little thing, more of a exhale of air than an actual sound. But it was the fact that you only snored when you were completely out of it.

Leo chuckled softly at the thought as he placed his paperwork onto the ground next to the couch and with his now free hand, curling a knuckle to gently knock your chin up so as to prevent you from drooling against him.Ā It wouldn't be the first time.

Your face instantly scrunched up into a small frown at the displeasure of having something touch you in your sleep, and you instinctively raised a hand to swat against the unseen foe. Letting out a disgruntled little mumble, you shifted against Leoā€™s side, curling into him as if to try to hide your face against the intrusion.Ā 

Leoā€™s smirk softened with fond amusement at your decidedly very grumpy face. You were always just so expressive, even in sleep, and he would never tire from trying to memorize each and every face that you would make. Even if he had to be a little turd at times to do so.

Still, you must have not minded, not really, not if you had continued to stick around like you did. Even going as far to marry this poor sap of a turtle heā€™d become.

He didnā€™t understand it, and he supposed that he never really would. Understand the fact that you could drop all walls and just fall asleep so quickly next to him without even a second thought. Mikey had said something in passing once that people only fell asleep in places where they felt safe or secure. And Leo, for the life of him, couldnā€™t fathom what he had done that made you feel safe enough to do so around him.Ā 

Acting on pure instinct, Leo couldnā€™t help but reach up from where his hand had rested against your jaw to instead lightly trace between your brows, trying to ease the tension that had formed there with a gentle massage of his thumb. Watching with satisfaction at how with each stroke across your brow and cheek line, your eyelashes fluttered and you all but further slumped into his hand, the tension leaving you with a soft sigh.Ā Ā 

While your brow smoothed, Leoā€™s own brow furrowed, and his hand went still while cupping your cheek.

How on earth could you feel safe? How could you still reach out for him, still care about him, after everything he had done?

He was the reason that the entire world was in this mess, the reason behind every ā€œRaph Chasmā€ on the faces of the people who passed by, and why you couldnā€™t sleep soundly anymore unless he was there.Ā 

You and his brothers had told him repeatedly that what had happened wasnā€™t his fault, that there were more pieces at play then he could have ever handled. Despite all the reassurances, all the never ending support and dedication, it was in these still quiet moments, Leo found himself being haunted by the shadows of his own consuming demons.Ā 

This was his fault.

All of this was his fault.Ā 

And yet despite this, despite all the destruction and heartache his stupid stupid pride and self ego had caused, you still wanted him. You still could stand to even be in his presence, to still care and call him friend.

Enough so that you hadā€¦you wantedā€¦you asked if he wantedā€¦would be willing to create a future with you.

Leoā€™s breath hitched softly at the thought as he looked down at you, curled up so tightly against him, sleeping peacefully at his side like everything was right in the world now that you were close to him.

The realization that THAT is what you felt about him made his hand begin to tremble slightly against your skin.Ā 

Not wanting the chance of his shaky hand to disturb your slumber, Leo quickly slid his hand from your face, back to cup your shoulder instead, thoughts of any previous failures or work fading away the instant he could feel the warmth of your body through the blanket underneath his hand, grounding him instantly into the present.

Feeling that warmth, that comforting and grounding weight, Leo suddenly decided that while you were close sitting by his side like this, you werenā€™t close enough.

He wanted more, wanted more of you.Ā 

Moving ever so carefully, only as a well seasoned ninja could, Leo gently wrapped both of his arms around the back of your shoulders as he slowly fell backwards onto the couch, pulling you in tow until you were resting on top of him, laying flush upon his plastron.

The sudden shift of positions had you stirring from sleep, causing you to let out a soft questioning hum as your head blearily raised from Leoā€™s chest.Ā 

Leo acted instinctively not wanting you to awake and to possibly see the unbidden moisture that had begun to form in his eyes, his hand coming up to cradle the back of your head and gently push it back down to strategically rest against above his heart.Ā 

ā€œShhh shh, it's just me Love, just me. Iā€™m finally going to get some sleep now. You ok with being my weighted blanket for a little bit eh?ā€Ā 

Not waiting or really wanting a response, Leoā€™s hand came up to gently card his fingers through your hair in long smooth strokes, hoping to soothe you back into sleep. He watched with satisfaction as your eyes began to flutter close again and you let out a soft appreciative hum, resting more heavily against him into his hand. He couldnā€™t help but smirk softly at the feeling. Everybody had their happy spots, he supposed.

Leo could understand why. He knew that you tried your very best to take care of you tresses as best as one could during an alien invasion. But what he didnā€™t know was what woman magic you wielded here during the apocalypse that still made your hair silky smooth as it was. It was so soft. You were so soft.

His hand absentmindedly ran over the curve of your back and shoulders, always amazed at the slight give of your skin against the pressure of his hand. It made him think of how you were always giving, in every way you could. To him, to the rest of the Resistance, to every single soul who had the privilege of coming into contact with you. Such softness and warmth couldnā€™t be contained, to the point that it was engraved upon every inch of your delicate frame.Ā 

Being a good-for-nothing ninja turtle, who was created literally to be a weapon, a tool, Leo didnt think he'd ever get the opportunity to be soft with someone with someone like this. Have the chance to take comfort in someone elseā€™s body and presence, or have someone take comfort in the likes of him.

And yet here you were, resting on top of him, locked within the protection of his arms, sleeping as soundly as a babe.Ā 

It surprised him even in the beginning of yā€™alls relationship. It still surprised him to this day because Leo, didnā€™t think he deserved anything good. Not ever again.

Leo looked down at you. If it were not for the heat and the comforting weight of you on top of him, he was pretty sure that he was dreaming. But for once, it wasn't a dream. Wasn't just a passing wish. No, you were here. You were really here. And that was all that mattered.Ā 

Cradling you closer with one arm wrapping around your shoulders, Leo pulled you protectively flush up against his plastron. His other hand coming to gently dig his fingers through your hair at the back of your head, cradling you close enough that he could press a soft kiss to the top of your head.

His lips lingering over your skin as he absentmindedly peppered slow kisses on your crown and hair at random intervals whenever the affectionate urge hit, indulging in the tenderness that only comes out in these small moments.

Leo would fight any number of Kraang, plan as many ambushes as needed, and take any and every single chance if it meant he could keep you close like this.

Maybe, just maybe. For this one moment, he could let go. Leo could believe in good things again, he could believe in life, settle down and just appreciate this little tender moment with you.


Special thanks to my Beloved Lā€™appel du Vide and @anobodyinabog for being my beta readers!

As well as a shout out to @firefly-graphics for the beautiful dividers!

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7 months ago

*looks at this with a shrug*

Fire away folks

Honesty Hour, Ask Me Anything! Nothing Will Go Unanswered

Honesty Hour, Ask me anything! Nothing will go unanswered

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8 months ago
I Just Remembered That Other Gifs Are A Thing And I Was Like Wait One Gosh Diddly Darn Second, I CAN

I just remembered that other gifs are a thing and I was like ā€œwait one gosh diddly darn second, I CAN give hugs!ā€

So heres my favorite hugging gif because you is one of the favs. Thank you for the lovely response. It makes me very happy to talk to other creators. I wanna be like you when I grow up šŸ§”āœØšŸ«‚

Hey. No. Girl Please Dont Ever Apologize For Being The Biggest Fangirl Over Your Own Art. Ive Hemmed

Hey. No. Girl please donā€™t ever apologize for being the biggest fangirl over your own art. Iā€™ve hemmed and hawed over the past couples days wanting to send a message, but not sure on what exactly to say. So Iā€™ll say it like this: you are so delightfully unapologetically yourself that you genuine make me want to cry *affectionately* and give you a hug. Like have you ever heard the word Meraki? Itā€™s one of my most FAVORITE words ever. Itā€™s a Greek word that best English translation roughly translates to ā€œto do something with soul, creativity, or love; to put something of yourself in your work. To love what you do, is to do it well.ā€ And well honeyā€¦you are literally oozing with Meraki, like it just pours out of you and itā€™s honestly something beautiful. Iā€™m the only one in my family who constitutes as a fangirl and I have received so much slack over the years because of it, especially considering itā€™s the fact that itā€™s TMNT and whatever. In fact, I once showed my mom a piece that I was SUPER proud of, like I legitimately thought I had done a good job, and I wanted so much to share it with her because I was so happy with it. I felt like a 5 year old wanting approval ā€œHey look! Iā€™m growing! I did a cool thing!ā€ And she straight up looked at my piece, saw it was TMNT related and said, ā€œSo when are you going to use your skills for something actually useful?ā€ Nevermind my hobbies make me happy. Nevermind that at all. Itā€™s to the point that I have had to make the decision not to talk about ANY of my creative endeavors with pretty much my entire family. I canā€™t show my art, any of my writing, get excited about character or world building. Nothing. Nada. In essence, despite belonging to an incredibly family who I love dearly, I am basically ā€œMeraki Blockedā€ around them.

*holds up a hand* Now I donā€™t share this to garner sympathy or whatever, but to use as an example on why I think you are so incredible. Because you donā€™t let people get in the way of your Meraki. Like at all. You love, love again and keep on loving no matter what people say. And the best part? Is that youā€™re a bit older than me and you STILL havenā€™t lost your Meraki. Itā€™s still bursting from you in the most stunning rainbow of color I have ever seen. Like, Iā€™m so sad to a degree that I only know you digitally because I very much want to just wrap you up in a big ole bear hug, so I can squeeze all my love and appreciation back into you.

Simply put, you INSPIRE me, give me the courage to be myself, and give me hope that maybe one day I could create something so full of love and Meraki just like you. So please, please, PLEASE, donā€™t ever apologize for loving your character. Please donā€™t ever try to hide that. Itā€™s beautiful.

You and your soul are beautiful, and I am so honored to be able to exist at the same time as such a delightful individual as yourself āœØšŸ§”šŸ«‚

Oh man dude thank you so much??? šŸ„ŗšŸ’“šŸ’“šŸ’“ This is such an incredibly sweet thing to say. I draw all my personal art out of love and want very much to encourage others to do the same, so to hear that at least one person feels that way from it is like mind-blowingly awesome. Meraki is such a lovely word!

Also, as a fellow only ā€œnerdā€ in my immediate family, I so get you. Itā€™s tough when you want to share with loved ones but donā€™t feel like the things you do are appreciated or understood. Itā€™s part of why I love being able to come here and share my August stuff with like-minded goobers. I realize it was just an example story but Iā€™m sorry your fam doesnā€™t support your just-for-fun joys more. I hope you can build a network of cool people to ā€œplayā€ with your creative interests elsewhere though! Iā€™ve found that with my online buddies and itā€™s beyond amazing. They encourage me every day and engage with me as I bubble about AUs for hours and Iā€™m delighted when they bubble about their stuff too. I think thatā€™s a large part of why Iā€™m able to share so much of August so eagerly. Every little happy comment in a tag or like or silly gif response to August or Papatello or anything I share is a GIFT that I so appreciate. Iā€™d keep posting even without the engagement but it certainly helps encourage me haha.

Creating is fun on its own, but itā€™s SUCH a blessing to be able to encourage others in turn. So I extra appreciate hearing how my silly ninja turtle OC has brought you even a little spark of hope or happiness. šŸ„¹šŸ’œšŸ’œšŸ’œ The cool thing about getting older is that your interests donā€™t always change and you have more experience to pull on when making things for yourself. I hope your creative light keeps on glowing too!! Thank you for bringing extra light to me as well. šŸ’–šŸ’–šŸ’–

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7 months ago

I canā€™t tell you the genuine squeak of pure glee that came out of me as I watched this because they WOULD and I am HERE FOR IT. šŸ™ŒšŸ¼šŸ¤ŒšŸ¼āœØšŸ§”

Like this was really well done, super impressed OP

Iā€™ll say right away that Iā€™m not an animator, so I donā€™t really know how to make storyboards yet


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