Serendipity247 - Tumblr Posts

8 months ago
My Literal Reaction To @mrabubu Answering My Question. Big Fan Hon, Its A Legit Honor To Be Able To See

My literal reaction to @mrabubu answering my question. Big fan hon, its a legit honor to be able to see a snippet of your fantastic mind 🧡✨👀

Mind if I add some of my thunks to it?

I really think the idea of Leo and Y/N having an “Only I Can Do That “ is so unfairly wholesome and totally would fit. Especially considering Leo is a middle child and a bit petty, so I think that having a relationship he doesn't have to share would be something really important to him. Seeing Leo get pouty because someone made his Y/N laugh is a troupe I'm also a sucker for.

I also really love the idea of Leo being absolutely blindsided by a funny Y/N who was funny in the same way as he (can you tell I'm projecting here? Cuz man I just really wanna roast this kid *affectionately* I have so many lines its not even funny) It would take some getting used for sure, but Leo being Leo of course would get back into the game so fast and boy would he come back swinging.

Whats a little rivalry amongst friends right? Just to prove the best of course. Just to make sure to hold his rank. Not to see you smile like that again. The way your eyes crinkle in the corners. Not to feel your hand on his shoulder cuz your gasping for air you're laughing so hard. Noooooooooooo. Not at all.

I love the idea of Leo finding someone who makes him feel heard and seen because for once someone genuinely laughs with him. Not at Him. 🤌🏼✨💙



I have some thoughts on that too, yeah.

So, I think it's all still depends on Y/N's personality overall. Because you can be a one-liner like Leo, but still have a different or opposite personality to his. This one is more like about taste in humor, I guess?

But yeah, I think his brain would short circuit the moment Y/N would use his own weapon against him or overall, and especially he would explode if their jokes are better than his. That would be the beginning of a war between them, to obliterate one another with their pickup lines and prove who's better. But in the end I imagine them becoming BFF's who are sometimes joke at one another just for laughs. I also have this idea when you call your friend and idiot, and you just laugh, but if SOMEONE ELSE calls your friend an idiot, you go into demon's mode "ONLY I CAN CALL THEM THAT". Something like that.

In terms of romance I'm going to return to my statement about how it depends on your personality overall.

If there's something I'm certain in, is that the romance between Leo and someone who has basically the same personality and mindset would either died down pretty quickly, or wouldn't work in the first place. "Opposite attract" phrase didn't come out of a thin air, because they feed each other. Opposite or just different people help discover some new traits in one another, keep each other in balance, help dealing with challenges they wouldn't be able to deal with by themselves and all that jazz.

Plus it's just overall much more interesting to watch this kind of a dynamic rather than watch two clones trying to be a couple and failing miserably.


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8 months ago
The Flip?? Is This?? BrolikeI Got No Words. Except For One. You Have Very Questionable Taste If You I'm

The flip?? Is this?? Bro…like…I got no words. Except for one. You have very questionable taste if you I'm sweet. Pretty sure the only sweet person is that darling reflection you see in the mirror hon 😉🧡✨

Woman like…c’mere. It's adoption time. Yer mine now. *wraps you up in a bear hug and squeezes you like a stress ball*

My Sweetest Mutual I Always Find Myself Feeling Soo Well Around Like They Are A Genuine Joy To Be Around

my sweetest mutual I always find myself feeling soo well around like they are a genuine joy to be around

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8 months ago
Oh Thisthisis Darling. Your Style Is Immaculate, Hon. Like Looking So Respectfully Right Now
Oh Thisthisis Darling. Your Style Is Immaculate, Hon. Like Looking So Respectfully Right Now

Oh this…this…is darling. Your style is immaculate, hon. Like looking so respectfully right now 👀👀👀

I MUST HAVE IT ON MY DASH. *Yoinks it like the feral chaotic Tumblr I am* MWHAHA MINE NOW THANK YOU 🧡✨

TMayNT Day 31: Redraw Of Day One. (Original Prompt Was: The Turtles In You Favourite Style.)

TMayNT Day 31: Redraw of day one. (Original prompt was: the turtles in you favourite style.)

Ok there are so many ways my brain is trying to be critical BUT I am proud of myself for finishing one of these challenges, no matter what. I've tried and failed to commit to so many projects.

Just to clarify: my own style is NOT my favourite style. I am far too self critical for that. I just entirely ignored the prompt ^^

vvvv Comparison pic and comments on day 1 v day 31 below. vvvv

TMayNT Day 31: Redraw Of Day One. (Original Prompt Was: The Turtles In You Favourite Style.)

So for one thing I did want to de-centre Leo a bit, cause the original day 1 prompt was favourite turtle and I DO love them all, Leo just has a special place to me. I also wanted them to not be floating.

Now I do prefer some parts of the original, mainly the simplicity. I do want to try and aim for a more simplified style in the future (if I can stop defaulting to the style I have atm). I might have gone a little overboard with the lighting on the more recent one. STFU up brain, I did not get worse. But it was fun. I think it's good to explore and practice parts of the art process even if it isn't something you want to stick to. I do think I learnt a lot of stuff and made some improvements over the month.

also bonus cute Raph face that I liked from one of the first attempts but I ended up restarting

TMayNT Day 31: Redraw Of Day One. (Original Prompt Was: The Turtles In You Favourite Style.)

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8 months ago




Please feast your eyes on the incredible skill and pure wholesomeness that is this most delightful piece of art made by none other, than the incredibly talented @2aceofspades! Please please PLEASE go check out their blog and give ‘em the love and support that they deserve for being so fabulous!


They did a commission of one of my besties and her bird Brilli. Aren’t they just so pretty? 🫢🤌🏼😭🧡

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8 months ago
*through Gritted Teeth And Weepy Eyes*
*through Gritted Teeth And Weepy Eyes*

*through gritted teeth and weepy eyes*

It's fine, I'm fine.

I don't need a heart.

Toooootally fine

“Future you would be so proud on how far you’ve come.” …. “We all make mistakes, but that’s what makes you person.”

“You learn and develop over time, don’t be TOO hard on yourself okay??”

Future You Would Be So Proud On How Far Youve Come..We All Make Mistakes, But Thats What Makes You Person.

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8 months ago
I Just Remembered That Other Gifs Are A Thing And I Was Like Wait One Gosh Diddly Darn Second, I CAN

I just remembered that other gifs are a thing and I was like “wait one gosh diddly darn second, I CAN give hugs!”

So heres my favorite hugging gif because you is one of the favs. Thank you for the lovely response. It makes me very happy to talk to other creators. I wanna be like you when I grow up 🧡✨🫂

Hey. No. Girl Please Dont Ever Apologize For Being The Biggest Fangirl Over Your Own Art. Ive Hemmed

Hey. No. Girl please don’t ever apologize for being the biggest fangirl over your own art. I’ve hemmed and hawed over the past couples days wanting to send a message, but not sure on what exactly to say. So I’ll say it like this: you are so delightfully unapologetically yourself that you genuine make me want to cry *affectionately* and give you a hug. Like have you ever heard the word Meraki? It’s one of my most FAVORITE words ever. It’s a Greek word that best English translation roughly translates to “to do something with soul, creativity, or love; to put something of yourself in your work. To love what you do, is to do it well.” And well honey…you are literally oozing with Meraki, like it just pours out of you and it’s honestly something beautiful. I’m the only one in my family who constitutes as a fangirl and I have received so much slack over the years because of it, especially considering it’s the fact that it’s TMNT and whatever. In fact, I once showed my mom a piece that I was SUPER proud of, like I legitimately thought I had done a good job, and I wanted so much to share it with her because I was so happy with it. I felt like a 5 year old wanting approval “Hey look! I’m growing! I did a cool thing!” And she straight up looked at my piece, saw it was TMNT related and said, “So when are you going to use your skills for something actually useful?” Nevermind my hobbies make me happy. Nevermind that at all. It’s to the point that I have had to make the decision not to talk about ANY of my creative endeavors with pretty much my entire family. I can’t show my art, any of my writing, get excited about character or world building. Nothing. Nada. In essence, despite belonging to an incredibly family who I love dearly, I am basically “Meraki Blocked” around them.

*holds up a hand* Now I don’t share this to garner sympathy or whatever, but to use as an example on why I think you are so incredible. Because you don’t let people get in the way of your Meraki. Like at all. You love, love again and keep on loving no matter what people say. And the best part? Is that you’re a bit older than me and you STILL haven’t lost your Meraki. It’s still bursting from you in the most stunning rainbow of color I have ever seen. Like, I’m so sad to a degree that I only know you digitally because I very much want to just wrap you up in a big ole bear hug, so I can squeeze all my love and appreciation back into you.

Simply put, you INSPIRE me, give me the courage to be myself, and give me hope that maybe one day I could create something so full of love and Meraki just like you. So please, please, PLEASE, don’t ever apologize for loving your character. Please don’t ever try to hide that. It’s beautiful.

You and your soul are beautiful, and I am so honored to be able to exist at the same time as such a delightful individual as yourself ✨🧡🫂

Oh man dude thank you so much??? 🥺💓💓💓 This is such an incredibly sweet thing to say. I draw all my personal art out of love and want very much to encourage others to do the same, so to hear that at least one person feels that way from it is like mind-blowingly awesome. Meraki is such a lovely word!

Also, as a fellow only “nerd” in my immediate family, I so get you. It’s tough when you want to share with loved ones but don’t feel like the things you do are appreciated or understood. It’s part of why I love being able to come here and share my August stuff with like-minded goobers. I realize it was just an example story but I’m sorry your fam doesn’t support your just-for-fun joys more. I hope you can build a network of cool people to “play” with your creative interests elsewhere though! I’ve found that with my online buddies and it’s beyond amazing. They encourage me every day and engage with me as I bubble about AUs for hours and I’m delighted when they bubble about their stuff too. I think that’s a large part of why I’m able to share so much of August so eagerly. Every little happy comment in a tag or like or silly gif response to August or Papatello or anything I share is a GIFT that I so appreciate. I’d keep posting even without the engagement but it certainly helps encourage me haha.

Creating is fun on its own, but it’s SUCH a blessing to be able to encourage others in turn. So I extra appreciate hearing how my silly ninja turtle OC has brought you even a little spark of hope or happiness. 🥹💜💜💜 The cool thing about getting older is that your interests don’t always change and you have more experience to pull on when making things for yourself. I hope your creative light keeps on glowing too!! Thank you for bringing extra light to me as well. 💖💖💖

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7 months ago
*vibrates At The Speed That Could Shatter Glass*
*vibrates At The Speed That Could Shatter Glass*
*vibrates At The Speed That Could Shatter Glass*

*vibrates at the speed that could shatter glass*

ThIs Is GiViNg IdEaS

*vibrates At The Speed That Could Shatter Glass*
*vibrates At The Speed That Could Shatter Glass*

@smoothturtle0 mAy I hAvE pErMiSsIoN tO drAw a ReSpOnSe PoR fAvOr?!

(sorry for the weird texting but like I saw this at work and got hit with not only the feels but the BIGGEST wave of creative inspiration like in months. Don't wanna do anything without your expressed permission tho ofc. You're fabulous hon btw ✨🤌🏼🧡)

It's Just Nonviable For Them... Hopeless Love
It's Just Nonviable For Them... Hopeless Love
It's Just Nonviable For Them... Hopeless Love
It's Just Nonviable For Them... Hopeless Love

It's just nonviable for them... hopeless love

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7 months ago


Man’ s a simp! We have two sources now to back it up! Chessman just wants Leo aaaaalllllll for himself, dontcha buddy?! (for legal purposes this is an affectionate joke, please don't hurt me) It was reverse psychology all along! I knew it!

Apologies everyone... I fear I have accidentally killed him. Who knew a cryptid could be so powerful...



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7 months ago
@fishsticksloser Ah Creating Mischief Through Writing Snippets For Your Friends, I See. A Worthy Engagement

@fishsticksloser Ah creating mischief through writing snippets for your friends, I see. A worthy engagement indeed, for tis an endeavor I participate inquire frequently. May all the inspiration be upon ye, and your fingers fly swiftly in your story.Show no mercy, my friend. Make him suffer 😈🫡🧡🙌🏼

and if I may be as bold, may I see the destruction afterwards? I do so enjoy a good creative volley

Apologies everyone... I fear I have accidentally killed him. Who knew a cryptid could be so powerful...



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7 months ago
Why Revenge My Dear, Chessman. Why Else? You Make Us Suffer So Fabulously With Your Incredible Skills

Why revenge my dear, Chessman. Why else? You make us suffer so fabulously with your incredible skills and intriguing personality. You’re practically impenetrable due to your mystery. Seems only fair to return the favor. Within small doses of course.

*chants softly before getting progressively louder* one of us OnE oF Us ONE OF US ONE OF US

Apologies everyone... I fear I have accidentally killed him. Who knew a cryptid could be so powerful...



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7 months ago
*looks At Piles Of Rough Drafts With A Thoughtful Hum*

*looks at piles of rough drafts with a thoughtful hum*

I…may have something for this actually…gimme a sec to clean it up…hold that thought

*falls from roof and lands gracefully- not.*



Do you ever think.. F!Leo and Y/N would get married. And if so.. do you think F!Leo would cry??

Keep up the amazing work you are very inspiring 💕💕

*Puts a pillow for you to land on*


I'm not sure if you meant my au or overall, so I'm going to stick with the second xd

I think, if we stick more to the canon, he would be like: "Marriage...? Why...? We're in the middle of the apocalypse, what are you talking about..." BUT, but, if Y/N is stubborn enough, Leo eventually gives up. "Yeah, ok, ok! You won! We'll arrange something..."

I can totally imagine him cry a bit (or not a bit...), but maybe after the whole ceremony? I imagine him keeping his cheerful, "classic Leo" facade the entire process, but after this all is over and him and Y/N is left alone, his mask cracks and emotions flow out. But, like, those are tears of happiness, also a bit of disbelief. I imagine him sitting down on the bed, hand on his face as tears begin to flow down his cheeks. He chuckles with a soft smile, processing the fact that this is something that actually happened, in this whole chaos when the world is crumbling down, and he just got this moment of happiness.

"Wow... I'm married..."

*falls From Roof And Lands Gracefully- Not.*

And I imagine him refusing marriage at first not only because of the circumstances they were in, but also because he didn't believe he deserved something like this.

Yeah I made a little sketch because the image of this moment scratched my brain...

Also, thank you~

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7 months ago

@imagine-darksiders is dis your Death?

theanonymousninja247 - The Anonymous Ninja

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7 months ago

Random Turtle Thunks: Incorrect Quotes

Figured it was high time to introduce myself and thought it would be funny to do so by associating things I’ve actually said to the ROTTMNT boys.

Raph🧸❤️: *grabbing you by the shoulders and looking you dead in the eye* I’ve got a big heart ok? That means there’s a LOT of love in it, so you are going to flippin let me love you, IN THE WAY I FEEL YOU DESERVE, or else I’ma start throwing things. Something like a chair…or compliments… I don’t know, haven’t decided yet.

Donnie🤔🟪: *not able to socialize and compliment like a normal person* You have the aUdAcItY to actually be a decent human individual, work hard AND do your job?!

Leo✨💠: *wincing with crooked smile* Oof. I think I pulled a muscle power posing too hard. 

Mikey🎨🧡: *grinning at you with an unsettling gleam in his eye* Yep! We’re friends now. You should have ran when you had the choice. Now you’re just going to have to deal with been appreciated and loved for the rest of your life sucka. Tis both my threat and promise.

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7 months ago

I can’t tell you the genuine squeak of pure glee that came out of me as I watched this because they WOULD and I am HERE FOR IT. 🙌🏼🤌🏼✨🧡

Like this was really well done, super impressed OP

I’ll say right away that I’m not an animator, so I don’t really know how to make storyboards yet


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