Theartmask - ▪︎...Daydreaming...▪︎
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More Posts from Theartmask
Yeah, That Sounds Right
Have you all been good? I hope so~
Hypnosis Sun Au One Shot:
You are the owner of Fazbear Entertainment and are coming to audit the Pizzaplex and make sure it's running how you want. You haven't heard much, but some reviews you've been reading have raised an eyebrow.
It's fine, you're sure everything is going to make sense when you get there.
Word Count: 5.2k
The light turned green and you eased off the break of the rental car. Late rush hour traffic was taking its toll on your patience as you weaved around several slow drivers. The town around you was dull, dreary and completely uninteresting to look at, but that was fine. You had placed a special location here for that very reason. A place of color and light to bring some life back to the town and its inhabitants.
By the numbers of the incoming revenue it had been a smart decision. People flocked to the newly opened Pizzaplex in droves, not only from the local town but from the surrounding area as well. They all came for the nostalgia, the intrigue and to spice up their empty and dull lives.
Honestly, it was a win win for everyone.
Sure a couple people protested it being built give the questionable history of the land that was purchased and some conspiracy theorists claiming that the advanced AI in the anamatrnoics might take over the world one day, but those were few and far between.
As you neared the business the traffic increased until you could finally see the towering mall in the distance and smiled.
You had been unable to really see the fruits of your labor since the grand opening and even then there were still problems. Now it looked like it was fine.
There had not been a single incident report filed in a month, nor where their any complaints either.
Yes, by all accounts Freddy Fazbear's was perfect and back in business!
You managed to get passed the turn off and drove ahead to the empty VIP parking up front before checking you had everything in your briefcase. Content, you stepped out side and gazed up at the building with a smile.
You remembered coming to Freddy's as a kid. Back then you also looked up at it in awe and wonder. Now you got to spread that feeling to everyone. This truly was a dream come true.
With a spring in your step you walked to the door, looking a touch out of place in your more formal attire. The only thing that really marked you as someone with Freddy's was the long lanyard with the highest level clearance pass on it.
You entered the blinding neon building, minding the crowding at the entrance, and strolled up to the ticket counter.
The woman behind it had a beaming smile and you couldn't help but chuckle. This was wonderful, always good to see employee's so happy. Yet even as you made eye contact you noticed her eyes seemed a little far away and empty.
"Hello there! How can I help you today?" She greeted cheerfully.
"I have a meeting with your general manager today. Do you have her location?" You could easily find where the GM was through your own fazwatch that kept you appraised of events in the plex but you wanted to see if the human staff knew what to do as well.
Training was very important after all.
The girl tilted her head to the side her brow knitting slightly in confusion. It almost seemed like she was trying to hear something just out of range. Her smile never dimmed even though her eyes seemed to glaze over.
You almost raised an eye brow but refrained, maybe she was new?
"Oh, yes! Of course, Miss Alexandra notified me that you would be coming one of these days. Let me get a Staff bot to guide you to her location." The girl started typing something and hit the call button.
It was your turn to be a little confused. That statement didn't sound quite right. Perfectly polite but also odd that she called one of the bots. You always figured the human employee's wouldn't get along to well with the robot ones... Guess you were wrong.
As the staff bot arrived you gave a nod of thanks and the girl replied with a happy wave, "Have a Faz-tastic day!"
You were then escorted through the large mall and got to take in everything on a normal day. The crowds weren't as thick as they were at the opening. There was actually space to walk. A bit of ware could be seen on the walls of the building but it made it feel a bit better, more lived in.
You did noticed that the cleanliness was... high. You didn't think the bots were that efficient. They were more a cost saving tool and gimmick than actually functional. A quick cheat if you will, for filling out the employee roster and meeting OSHA codes.
As the bot lead you to the main office above the atrium, you noticed a parent yelling at an actual human employee. Now, you had seen enough interactions with people to know that the staff guy either didn't care or was possibly high. He had an almost serene smile on his face, letting the customer rant before saying something that you couldn't hear over the din.
With a huff you marched over to handle the situation. The staff boy wheeled behind you obediently as you took charge of the conversation.
"Excuse me sir, how can I help you today?" You asked, warm but firm. Controlled and precise.
"Who the hell are you?" The mans kid hid behind his leg, wearing a red Roxy shirt. Ah, so people were buying the merch too.
"I'm the owner of this establishment. If you are have any problems I would love to hear it," You replied with a polite smile.
"Ugh! Finally, we've been sending out complains for weeks now about your staff! You really need to teach these kids how to act and to not come to work high off their ass. I don't need my kid exposed to that sort of thing." You blinked and looked to the employee in question who had yet to move and whose expression had not yet changed.
"Very well sir, I understand. Please see the young miss at the counter on your way out for a free day pass. I'm sorry for this, I'll make sure to discuss new training measures today." The man huffed, taking his kids hand and marching away. Crisis averted. You turned to see the kid gazing off into space and moved in front of him to ensure that he saw you.
His eyes seemed to brighten for a moment before he said happily, "Welcome to Freddy's! What can I help you with today?"
"Kid," Your voice lowered a bit to avoid anyone over hearing. "Are you taking anything right now?"
The guy finally blinked looking genuinely surprised before blurting out, "Of course not! That's against the rules."
The genuine surprise in his voice stunned you. In fact his eyes looked more clear now than they had ever been.
"It is, that's why you could loose your job. I'm going to have to have the general manager write up an incident report about this and see about getting you coached." You expected push back, maybe slight panic but you did not expect the look of absolute horror that crossed his face as he backed away from you slowly.
"N-no..." He was now quaking as if you had just become a monster ready to eat him. "I've done nothing wrong, I followed the rules!"
The kid started to hyperventilate and looked ready to make a bolt for it before he was pounced on by a couple staff bots you hadn't noticed were around and began to drag the squirming kid away into one of the security tunnel doors.
You blinked, stunned and confused before looking at your guide who stared back with blank painted on eyes.
Apparently some things weren't being reported... and that made you unhappy. With a slight scowl you motioned for your escort to continue to the office.
On the way you couldn't help but take note of more things. Again and again you would see a human worker and again they would somehow seem more stiff and robotic than the robots. Always smiling. Always having that distant look on their face. Always polite and relaxed no matter the situation.
It was starting to creep you out.
When you finally reached the main office and knocked on the door you had to calm yourself down for a moment. You would address those concerns later. For now you had other stuff to go over besides the questionable behavior of all the staff.
"Come in," The woman said normally, and a thought flew through your mind quickly about how everyone seemed to use the same tone a voice when speaking and it was only hearing someone else that made you realize it. With a grimace you opened the door and stepped onto the retro style carpeting.
Alexandra was rifling through a nearby filing cabinet when she turned to look at you. It was only with too much relief that she did not seem to have that distance in her eyes. You then berated yourself. Of course she didn't, all the young people you had seen were probably just on whatever new designer drug popped up on the market.
"Welcome in, I trust the flight was uneventful." You smiled, ignoring the suspicious part of your brain telling you that her delivery seemed a little flat.
"As it could be, though I can't say the same for my trip through the pizzaplex." You gave a huff and a smile, trying to release some of the tension.
Instantly the woman stood to attention before moving over to the desk. "Was something not up to company standards?"
"It seems most of the human employee's are passing around some new drug. They were all very out of it. You do know we have a zero tolerance policy correct?" You tried fishing a little, you found it hard to believe she didn't know what was going on right under her nose.
The woman blinked, tilting her head in a familiar way that threatened to turn down the corners of your mouth.
"Of course we do, and I can assure you no human staff on this premises are on any kind of substance." It was a professional response, and one that couldn't be true by sheer human nature.
"Well, we can get back to that issue later, for now I have some other concerns I would like to address..." You started before bringing out several documents and papers. Going over legal things, budgeting and so on.
After over an hour you had finally relaxed. The woman was attentive and absorbed the information before bringing up counter points that he hadn't thought of. It was actually going really well. You felt that progress had been made and even brought up the idea of getting everyone drug tested and sending out some job listings. While Alexandra once again reassured you that no one was on anything, she relented. It felt like you were making great progress until the issue of the daycare came up.
"You want to what?" Her posture had stiffened, her face freezing.
"I don't know why I thought to add it in the first place, you don't need a daycare in a place where families come to be together. I might just knock down the walls and make it an indoor park. It would be less costly as well." You muttered eyeing the spending and costs for the daycare.
"I think that would be a hasty decision." You looked up at the sound of the strain in the woman's voice. "We didn't have it fully operational last time you were here. You should see it now and you will understand that it's just as important as anywhere else."
"I guess we'll have to see, we only really have one anamatronic there anyway." You muttered, looking down at the doc for the two in one bot. "We could probably repurpose it if it's still in good condition. I don't know how much ware and tear it might have from any children."
"Which is why we should go see," Alexandra then said quickly standing up and moving towards the door. "I know you'll change your mind when you see Sun."
You doubted it but you had been sitting for a while and a nice walk would stretch your legs as well as let you think a bit. the more you went over the plans to make a nice indoor park the more you liked it. Alexandra lead the way, accompanied by the staff bot that was apparently waiting outside the door the entire time. You didn't question it, probably a safety measure for VIP's that got implemented.
"So the jester anamatronic is still operational?" You asked curiously. Honestly, you hadn't really expected much from it. It had been bought on a whim from an old theater company that went bankrupt. There weren't many decent or iconic anamatronics on the market at the time so you had acquired it at a pretty good price. It was only later after coming into some money and investors that you realized you had little use for it and just threw it into the daycare.
"Oh yes, it's still functioning." You ignored the strange lilt in her voice as you passed through the weaving crowds.
When you reached the area in question you looked around, noting that the party rooms were quite busy. Hmm, yes if you knocked down the walls around the play area... the ceilings were pretty high you could make an excellent jungle gym. You wouldn't even have to add much to what was already there, just expand. It would be a much bigger draw.
The cheerful and upbeat music echoed through the hall as you moved down the stairs and to the main gate you took a quick glance at the theater behind you. Honestly you hadn't done much with it. Maybe you could start hosting movie nights or something. Now that you had established a base it would be easy to start adding a roadmap of new things for people to get excited over and bring in new customers.
"The daycare closed about an hour ago, but Sunny should have it cleaned up already." Alexandra said sounding a bit more chipper and more relaxed.
"Sunny?" You repeated a little confused. The woman blinked, a little confused and you realized to your surprise her eyes seemed to have that glazed look.
You frowned, you hadn't seen her take anything during the meeting... and you doubted she took something before hand that could time release like that.
"Are you okay?" You said sternly. Alexandra smiled at you and nodded before knocking on the doors.
"Of course, now let's get you inside." She said as the gate swung open and you were forced in by the staff bot. You grunted as the bots wheels clipped the back of your heels.
The music was even louder in here and you squinted through the flood lights. You didn't realized those were in here, the glass outside must have been tinted. They were much brighter in the play pen.
"Ho, ho! Miss Alexandra what brings you here today!" A loud and happy voice crowed and you looked to the left to see the anamatronic bounding forward with enviable grace. You balked slightly at the things size. You had read over the schematics when you purchased it, but you never saw it in person or realized just how uncanny it looked up close.
You were a little stunned as you had to crane your neck to look up at the thing.
"Sunny, I would like to introduce you to-"
"Oh a new friend!" Sun cried in joy, cutting of the manager as it took note of you. Something raked you wrong about how it talked. It sounded almost more alive than some of the humans around here.
"I'm not your friend, I'm the owner of the company." You probably could have said that a bit softer as you watched the machine back up as it if has physically been hit. You couldn't really read it all that well given its frozen smiling expression but it's body language seemed to make up for it.
There were a couple moments of clicking before the robots stance eased to something more neutral, but there was still an odd sway to its body. " I see, so so SO sorry! Well, if you're not here to come see little ole' me, whatever can I do for you?"
"I'm thinking about getting rid of the daycare and repurposing it. I have a much better idea than this." You admitted easily. It wasn't like the robot could feel attached it its job, though you did avoid mentioning possibly scrapping it.
You took another glance around and missed the look Sun shot to the manager who was looking fearful and anxious. Sun looked back at you at the same time your eyes refocused from the light. It really was bright in here.
For some reason with your vision a little blurry it seemed like the anamatronics expression tightened a bit, seeming less friendly and more sinister. You squint at the taller being as it starts to fidget in seeming agitation... something was right here... but you couldn't understand what.
"Is that so? Well, you wanna know what I think?" The Sun's voice dropped a bit on the last couple words and you blinked. You didn't know it could do that. "I think you should try working here for a couple days. Yes, yes, yes! You should work with me for a bit and then you'll understand just how valuable we are."
The robot finished it's little speech with a happy twirl and leaned in a bit closer, clearly expecting you to tell it what an amazing idea that was. Instead you dead panned and scoffed slightly. You didn't have time to spend working on the ground floor. You had meetings and spreadsheets to do, things that couldn't be done while dealing with a bunch of children.
"I don't think so." You replied easily, your smile a bit more forced as you watched the machines stance shudder before straightening up to its full height.
"O-oh..." It seemed at a loss before you turned away towards the gate. You had seen enough honestly. You knew what you wanted to do with this space now and Sun's personality would be a good fit for some sort of adventure park once it got an update or two. Honestly the thing was a little too quirky.
"Wait, wait, wait! Where are you going?" Sun bounded to your side so quickly you almost got whiplash. "You haven't even gotten the grand tour yet! I could show you the nap area, or the craft tables or the security desk or the storage rooms-"
"There are storage rooms here?" You asked bewildered cutting off the weird rant the Sun had gone on.
There weren't any storage rooms on the schematics for the daycare. You were too wrapped up in your thoughts to see the anamatronics ray's seem to jerk in annoyance.
"Yes, yes, of course! Let ole' Sunny lead the way!"
A large hand came behind your back, not close enough to touch but close enough to herd you where it wanted to go. You frowned and looked back at Alexandra who was looking between you and the machine nervously, even in the bright lights she was looking a little unwell.
"Are you not coming?" You asked trying to stop yourself from moving to far to hear the answer.
"Oh no, Miss Alexandra is very, very busy! Yes, it's best that she gets back to work!" Sun replied easily, his head twisting around to see the manager who let out a quick nod and practically bolted out of the gate which closed behind her.
You felt the hair on your neck stand up and internally berated yourself for feeling anxious.
There was nothing wrong here.
Absolutely no reason to be getting worked up about being alone with an anamatornic that took care of children every day.
As you were lead into a slightly hidden hall off to the side you noticed three doors that you knew for a fact were not meant to be there. Blinking you took initiative to open the door on the right and flicked the light on curiously.
Most of it was craft supplies. A LOT of craft supplies, and for some reason and unfathomable amount of glitter. Why did they need so much of it? Maybe this was why some of the costs were so high, because of this little stock pile. Who was handling inventory here?
You were too lost in your thoughts to hear the soft click of the door closing behind you. When you turned to check the other doors you almost yelped in surprise because Sun was right there, looming over you. In shock you tried to back up and proceeded to bump into the shelves.
You looked behind you slightly before two large hands slammed onto the selves on either side of your head. You gasped and turned back to the anamatronic, trying to fight the sudden panic that threatened to surge your system.
A sound you could only describe as a tsk, sounded from the things voice box and you shivered.
"What are you doing?" You demanded to know, your anger coming to the forefront.
"You're in enough trouble as it is, you're an adult. You should know better." Sun chided in a tone you hadn't had anyone use on you in a long time. "You were very, very, very rude to me earlier, so I'm going to have to punish you."
Your jaw dropped as you gaped, what the actual fuck?
"You have no authority to punish me for anything, I'm your superior! Now move, you clearly need to be taken to parts and service if you think assaulting your boss is okay." You snarled, trying to find a way around him but he was hovering over you, much to close for your liking.
"Ah-ah!" Sun's voice returned to an almost playful cadence as he swayed from side to side as if this was just one big game. "I haven't touched you at all! No touch staff without permission."
You twitch in annoyance at the technicality and let out a small growl. How come no one told you this thing could fly off the handle? Was this in more of those reports you still hadn't been able to find? Was someone deleting them?
"Now, now, you're not paying attention and that's really rude." You heard the creaking of the shelves beginning to warp under the anmatronics firm grip. A thrill of fear shot through you at the thought of what that kind of grip could do to your bones.
Sun tsked again, clearly annoyed by our continued distraction. At least that's what we thought that sound was until we realized it was that same strange ticking sound he had made earlier.
It started soft...
Then got louder...
Every tick raising in volume until it seemed to be echoing around the silent and enclosed space. Your vision seemed to blur you muscles seeming to relax as you heard the faint under current of a dull hum.
Quickly you slapped your hands over your ears, trying to drown out the sound before glaring up at the anamatronic only to find that it's milky blank eyes were no long white but seem to swirl in a blue kaleidoscope of color.
You blinked, looking at them made you feel dizzy and disoriented. You didn't notice your hands slowly sliding down your face. An internal voice screaming at you to look away but it was quickly drowned out by Sun's own.
"Well Friend, you aren't looking to steady, would you like some help?" It wasn't the same as before. The machines voice seemed to rumble and echo with a few different layers of reverb.
"Not... not your friend." You muttered, but there was very little strength in it. He wasn't right? It was getting harder and harder to think clearly over the relentless ticking noise that seemed to make your whole body thrum in time to it.
"Of course I am! I'm a very, very good friend of yours in fact. Don't you remember? Maybe you're not feeling well, may I steady you?" That same voice came, soothing and steady and you found yourself nodding without thinking.
"Ah-ah," Sun chided in disappointment and for some reason that made your heart skip a beat unpleasantly. "You need to use your words friend. May I touch you?"
"Yeah..." Came the weak reply. You really were feeling dizzy, your knees were quaking and you felt like jelly. Some help sounded really good right about now.
As you began to slump, you felt warm hands cup either side of your face and you practically melted into them. They were so warm and smooth and felt very nice.
You let yourself be held, giving up whatever restraints were keeping you upright.
"That's it... You're being oh so good for me." The voice came again. You couldn't clearly recall who it was from nor even who you were really. "It makes me so so so happy to see you like this."
It did? It made them happy to see you all comfortable and at peace? That's really what this felt like. A deep all consuming peace. You almost didn't want to leave it. You had so few moments of true peace in your life.
Maybe you should stay like this then. That wouldn't be so hard right? You didn't think so anyway...
Thoughts came and went, you weren't sure how many were your own but it didn't matter. You were safe and warm and didn't want to leave the moment. You felt yourself drifting off, maybe you fell asleep at one point. Maybe you didn't. It was impossible to tell as you simply allowed yourself to exist in the little bubble you had been put into.
Until it came crashing down.
The sensation of falling made you jerk your eyes open.
When had they closed?
You blinked blearily, the space was too bright and colorful, and you crushed the heels of your palms into your eyes.
"Hey, are you alright?" A woman's voice. You knew her, recognized it.
"Oh yes, yes, of course they're alright! Just got a little over heated from the tour!" Came a second voice that arrested your attention. You frowned slightly, swaying from the surge of dizziness that threatened to overwhelm you.
You lowered your hands to see Alexandra and Sun in front of you. The former looking less concerned than you felt like she should and Sun... he shouldn't be speaking for you like that.
Yet when you opened your mouth to say something you felt bad. A fierce dread heart stopping fear rose within you. No, no, if you have nothing nice to say don't say anything.
You gave a slight nod and the feeling of something gripping your heart eased a bit and you were able to breath. The thought of contradicting him, after he was being so nice and took care of you after you passed out didn't sit well at all.
"So it all worked out then?" There was an odd note in her voice that made you look at her confused. What worked out? Did you and Sun have a talk or something?
"Yes, yes of course! They even volunteered to help me out in the day care for a couple of days!" Sun's cheer was practically infections as Alexandra gave the energetic jester a bright smile.
You did?
"I see, that's a relief." She nods and you feel like she should be more surprised about that.
You can't remember why but trying to think back on it gives you a powerful headache. Maybe you caught a bug or something and it was running rampant in your system. Yeah, that was probably why you fainted.
It would probably be best for you to just go back to the hotel and get ready for your shift tomorrow. After all if you promised to work here for a bit you needed to honor that. It was important to keep your promises.
You get up from the colorful block you had apparently been sitting on and wobbled slightly before a warm hand gripped around your bicep. You blinked dumbly for a moment before following it up to see Sun looking at you expectantly. You gave a soft smile in return, it was so much nicer to smile than scowl all the time.
"Thanks Sunny." You said sincerely and watched his rays start to spin happily. You weren't sure how you suddenly felt like you could read him when you couldn't before. Maybe you had just been trying too hard.
"Happy to help friend! Let's get you to the door." He walked you to the gate, chattering about how busy tomorrow was going to be and you simply nodded along, listening blankly. The more you moved the more your head seemed to clear up and the more things seemed to make less sense. The throbbing behind your eyes increased until Sun stopped you moving and you looked back up at him. His face plate leaned closer seeming to be looking for something.
Suddenly, the anamatronics thumb was rubbing a soothing circle in your arm and you looked down at it, the motion made you feel kinda funny.
"You know, I just had wonderful idea!" Oh, you should probably listen. Sun had a lot of good ideas. You weren't sure where that came from but you found yourself focusing. "I know you promised to come in extra early tomorrow but maybe you should stay overnight then too! That way you can be here the next day as well."
Sun gave a firm and happy nod and you blinked. You didn't remember promising to come in early... and the thought of being locked in the pizzaplex alone after hours with Sun made something lodge in your throat and you suddenly felt a deep rooted instinct to flee wash over you.
The anamatronics grip on your arm tightened and you forced yourself to swallow down the sudden panic.
"Y-yeah, that's a great idea Sunny." You agreed, trying to force your body to stop trembling.
"Oh good!" Sun giggled happily before his voice dropped to something more sinister. "I'd be so so SO upset if you didn't come to spend some more time with me..."
Oh no... you really didn't want him upset.
You nod again before he gives you a tight hug, a pat on the head and shoos you out of the gate. As Alexandra and the staff bot walked you back to the front entrance you didn't realize how much time you lost.
You didn't realize that you forgot to check on the rest of the plex. You were so negligent that didn't even visit the other anamatronics or parts and service.
But... they don't really matter do they? They're running fine. They have lots of techs and handlers that cater to them every day.
Their fine.
It's fine.
The rest of the building doesn't need that much attention. No one else needs that much attention...
Sun does though.
He's all alone and needs some help and TLC and as the owner of the company it's only right that we take care of him, right?
Yeah... That's sounds right.




Moon made a new friend!