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Bias Rekkers

Three Writers. Multiple Fandoms. One Tumblr. Fandoms we write for: BTS, VIXX, EXO, Monsta X, ATEEZ, GOT7 - - Mobile Navigation

518 posts

Way To You - 3

Way To You - 3


For the @btswriterscorner​ - Amor Fabula Launch Project in celebration of the month of Valentine’s Day! 

Plot: Everything isn’t what it seems. The truth finally sets him free.

Rating: M // NSFW

Genre: dystopian! au/dystopian themes | angst |  smut | fluff if you squint

Pairing: Kim Taehyung x Female OC (Tempest Estrellado)

Warnings: Strong language, interracial relationship, mentions of drugs, smut [like maybe softish? maybe sorta needed cause it’s been a while]

Word Count: 3,422

AN: And this is the end. Please enjoy and thank you for loving all that we do © thebiasrekkers (Admin T). All rights reserved. Reposting/modifying our work is prohibited. Translations are not allowed. Plagiarism/stealing is not tolerated by any means. Legal action will be taken in instances of theft.




BTS Masterlist



WC: 3,422


10:05 pm

They always sat in relative silence at dinner time. When was the last time they really sat to dinner? Taehyung pushed food across his plate idly. April made dutiful cuts into a piece of meat. “Taehyung, you’re not eating.” She barely spared him a glance as the fork disappeared between her teeth. 

“How come I don’t remember the scars on my back?” He asked quietly. There was no need to lift his head. He heard the scrape of a knife across the porcelain. The sound of her chewing was suddenly thunderous in that silence.

“Whatever do you mean, Taehyung?” April’s brow rose as she continued with her routine. The routine of eating. The routine of being his Wife. The routine of keeping...s e c r e t s. “You told me it was something that happened as a child. We’re so busy these days, I’m sure it slipped your mind.” Her voice never wavered. He knew she believed that to be true.

Or maybe she wanted him to believe that she believed it to be true. 

“See, that’s just the thing, April..” He placed his utensil down quietly. “I don’t remember a lot from my childhood. Don’t you find that strange?” The molten brown of his eyes lifted to the woman across from him. Because in the span of the last week, he realized he didn’t know just who the hell April really was.

She placed the last bite of food in her mouth. A napkin dabbing at the corners, hopefully hiding the irritation in her frown. “Taehyung.” She sounded like a mother chastising a young child. “A lot of things were forgotten when The Unification happened. Not all of us came out the same or mentally intact.” Her hands clasped over her lap as she sighed. “This is what happens when we stray from our routine. It’s a butterfly effect, Taehyung. That one late morning has spiraled into …” A hand waved as she tried to put into words his paranoia. “..this. I think you should get a check-up. We’ll make sure everything is ok, perhaps adjust your vitamins. Maybe lay off the caffeine, I’m sure you’ll be back to your usual self soon.” 

April pushed away from the table grabbing her plate. “For now, I think you should ease up on your workload. I know this year’s matching protocols are different - I believe it’s taking its toll.” Taehyung narrowed his eyes as she disappeared into the kitchen. 

“I’m going to give you something to help you sleep. It should get you back on schedule.” Taehyung stared at his plate of food again, the fork pulling through the vegetables. 

And he saw it again.

The green pellets - similar to the inside of the vitamins that April insisted on shoving down his throat. 

He lost his appetite. 

11:30 pm 

April sat in a chair at the side of the bed. Taehyung had seemed suspicious of the sleeping aid. But, he relented after admitting he was tired. Her fingers pinched at the skin of his wrist. She kept count of his pulse before letting his hand down gently. 

She stepped out of the room, the door a gentle click as she moved to the front of the house. The cell phone buzzing continued until it was retrieved from her lab coat.

“Well?” The voice on the other end inquired.

“I don’t know what to make of it, honestly.” She sighed. It was rare to feel the frustration of this level. Everything had been going smoothly for some years now. She wasn’t sure when things began to change - but Taehyung was destabilizing. “We need to get a handle on this before it gets too far.” 

There was a deep, disappointed sigh that echoed in her ears. “April, I thought you said you could handle this.” The tone caused her to frown. 

“I-I can. It’s just a small oversight. I will get him stabilized again. You have my word.” What was this nervousness? Why did she have a hard time believing her own words? 

There was a thick silence that allowed her to hear the volume of her own swallow. “Fix it, April.” Clear irritation in the male voice. “Because we don’t need a former leader of the Rebel Uprising to regain his memory. Are we clear?” 

April released a quiet breath as she nodded. “I won’t let you down, Hoseok.” 

“See that you don’t, Mrs. Kim.” The call disconnects. April ran nervous fingers through her hair. A hand clutched at her chest as she rushed out of the house. There’s got to be a stronger dosage that won’t kill him. Their research was imperative to keep rebels under control. It was important to the stability of their society. 

Her prestige was on the line - and while having Taehyung as a trophy was all well and good? April’s reputation was a far more precious thing. 

11:37 pm

Hoseok pinched the bridge of his nose as the call disconnected. “Did she buy it?” A female voice asked. He steepled his fingers turning to the fierce leonine gaze across from him. He offered a quiet nod. 

“She’s spooked enough to make a mistake. But, it also proves that destabilization happens faster than the research project.” Hoseok pursed his lips at the stack of folders opened across his desk. “And to think, it just takes a break in routine and a couple missed doses.” This almost absently as Tempest flipped through a folder in her lap.

“It’s taken a long time to even figure this out.” She tucked a strand of hair behind her ear. She closed her folder with a snap. Her hands raised to cradle her face. Hoseok watched her shoulders shake before looking off into the distance.

“You’ve done well to be this patient, Tempest.” He rose to round the desk. A comforting hand on her shoulder as they rose on an inhale. “I know it’s been a long time. We’re almost there.” Tempest nodded while placing a hand on his. Hoseok took her hand placing a syringe in her palm, curling the fingers over it. “This is it. If this works?” They held each other’s gaze for a long moment.

“And if it doesn’t, Hoseok?” The unshed tears in her eyes erased all his hesitation. 

“Tempest. It will work.” It has to. She stashed the syringe in her coat pocket. They both turned to a monitor that showed April walking into the downstairs lab. “Go. I’ll keep her occupied. If anything seems off, you get him out of there immediately. You know where to go.” 

She was out the door without another word. Leaving him to watch April fret over her data. His lips curled into a knowing smirk when she picked up the phone at her desk. He didn’t let the phone ring long as he sank back into his role. “Mrs. Kim, how can I help you?” 

1:15 am

“We have to do something.” Conviction burned in the depths of his eyes. She knew she couldn’t sway him in this state. “It’s not right, Tempest. You know that as well as I do!” He threw a hand to the hair as his voice escalated.

“Of course it’s wrong, Taehyung. But, what are we going to do against a whole global movement? This is madness!” She tried to get him to look at her as he paced. “We need to be smart about this. That’s all I’m asking. That’s all I’m saying.”

“There’s no time for smart, Tempest. If we don’t act now, soon? What becomes of us? All of us? Any of us?” His hands were tight on her shoulders.  They were afraid - both of them. Irrational and mindless with fear. To think that the UN felt that eradicating certain emotions would allow humanity to sink into harmony. They likened the state of the world to Troy. A beautiful woman could cause nations to war and fall.  So to solve the inconsistencies in the world? They would implement a new regime. One that would erase boundaries and barriers caused by status, race, religion, sexuality, and gender. 

In a way, it would be starting over. Everyone would be assigned a partner. Someone that would genetically yield strong, proper citizens of this new world order.

And they meant everyone. The prospect of relationships that have lasted decades being split on a whim, had more than half the population ready to riot.

“I love you. I don’t want to lose you.” His fingers slid up the column of her neck. Her fingers latched onto his wrist as he tilted her gaze to his. “And I’m willing to fight and die to keep you.” 

“I don’t want to lose you. I don’t need you to die for me, Tae.” She shook her head at the thought. “Let’s just go? Let’s just find someplace, the two of us. Let’s just go.” He smiled sadly as her head pressed into his sternum. 

“Tempest, there are others like us. There will be others like us. We need to stick together while we can.” There was a quiet sob that muffled into his shirt. She knew he was right - and even she was surprised at her selfishness. 

“We are going to have to fight, aren’t we?” She sniffled against the beat of his heart against her ear. 

“As long as we’re together..” He murmured into her hair.

“Can we stay like this forever?” Her fingers clinging to him as if he’d disappear at that moment. 

2:45 am

“You are interfering with human evolution!” A great debate ensued in the following months. Those who had lost faith in humanity gathered to champion the change in regime. This one of the few public, and cordial, debates that were happening across the globe.

Taehyung stood at a podium as the politician ranted until he was red in the face. He sighed deeply when the applause thundered in the building. “Listen, since time immemorial we have all paved a way for ourselves. Humanity has made its share of mistakes, this will surely be another one. While the theory is sound, the application is not. We can find a way to achieve this harmony by working together to help those less fortunate. By building up those weaker, sicker, than us. Thus helping to strengthen the very foundation of our society. We can help each other stand.” Tempest watched as those gathered contemplated, considered quietly the path they were about to take.

“That’s been the key this whole fucking time! But instead of doing that work? You just decide to just wipe us clean of the very thing that makes us human. Where is the evolution in that?” The politician looked around as the masses murmured. 

He narrowed his gaze at Taehyung a fist clenched against the podium edge. 

It was that day - that Taehyung became a beacon for those who wanted progress without the overbearing regime. It was the day that Taehyung became public enemy number one. 

3:30 am 

He felt a pinch in the side of his neck. 

Taehyung’s eyes rolled like marbles in his skull. A wave of heat and nausea rushed through him. He turned to the side to wretch into a small garbage can. Dizzy, feverish, and half-asleep a disjointed voice echoed in his ears.

“Shh. It’s ok. You’re almost there.” His breathing labored as his body spasmed and arched off the bed. It felt like someone was taking a razor blade to his nervous system. His mouth opened on a silent scream as a pair of hands pushed at his chest. 

He felt a weight settle over his abdomen pinning his body down to the bed. Tears squeezed from the corners of his eyes as pain scraped him from head to toe. 

Tempest moved his arms under her knees as she tried to avoid being bucked off the bed. A determined, teary, gaze locked onto him as she waited. It was, unfortunately, a part of the process. The only way to complete the destabilization was to essentially scrape the drug from the receptors in the central nervous system. It moved through the body, sweeping in to gobble the remnants of the chemical protocol.

3:50 am

“Ah, Kim Taehyung. You’re going to be a fine example of our research.” April let her fingers dance along the dip in his waist. A satisfied smirk as she watched the staff strap him down to the table. He radiated pain as they stretched his limbs outward. 

“You’re not going to get away with this, you psychotic bitch!” He spat. Their research had yielded fruit in curing his spinal injury. Now, it was time for the piece de resistance. He saw the multiple IV bags attached to the lines running into his hands and feet. They healed him but kept him weak and fatigued. Enough that they could do what they needed without much physical fight on his part.

April leaned down to brush a hand across his forehead. “I will get it away with it, Taehyung. And you won’t remember a thing.” She smiled as his vision blurred. 

It all came back to him in a rush - his life. Memories burst from the chemical floodgate in his brain. He fought against something trying to hold him back. Taehyung make sure to take your vitamins. Something kept him pinned, restrained - and he bucked to fight against it. 

April’s voice began to fade away. April’s face began to dissolve away in his memory. His brow furrowed as the uncertainty was replaced with anger.


His body twisted beneath the weight on top of him. 

“Don’t die, Taehyung.” 

His heart thundered against his ribcage as another voice became louder.

“Can we stay like this forever?” 

“I love you, Tempest.” 

Tempest? The name that caused his body to heat. Her presence caused his heart to calm. His brow furrowed as emotions swept over him. Because he remembered, suddenly, Tempest Estrellado. The woman he loved. The woman who brought joy to a decade of his existence. He was ready to ask that stubborn woman to marry him. To let him make an honest woman out of her - and then The Decree was made.

They spent another five years gathering like-minded people to rebel against The Regime. Then they were separated during The Uprising. And then…? 

And then? 

And then he was captured. 

“Tempest.” His voice a half sob as his muscles finally released. His body slumping into the mattress as the lie that had been his life fizzled away.

“I’ve missed you, querido.” His eyes flew open to those leonine eyes fixed to his face. 

“Tempest?” She moved her knees as his hands shot up to frame her face. Trembling fingers, pupils wide as he touched her. “You’re here? You’re really here?” 

“Si, mi precioso.” Her fingers raked through his hair, nails scraping against the nape of his neck. Her fingers dug into his shoulders as their foreheads touched. “I’m really here. It’s over now. You’re ok. You’re safe.” 

Taehyung’s lips trembled, opened and closed with too many questions for his brain to process. 

“Seven years.” She spoke as the meat of her bottom lip slipped between her teeth.

His brow furrowed as his head tilted. “W-what?” 

“It’s been seven years, Taehyung.” 

“It’s...that’s impossible?” He croaked. “It was just…” 

“Seven years, Tae.” Tempest grabbed his hands, holding them steady as if she could stop the tremors. “It took us five years to find you. These last two years we’ve been trying to find a way to reverse the re-education process. It’s been seven years since the Rebel Uprising.” Tae swallowed thickly with her words.

“And now?” His voice barely above a whisper.

“And now we know that it works.” Tempest framed his face with her hands. “And now I have you back. Now the hard work begins. Now we can-” Her nostrils flared as his hands pressed into her hips. His lips crashing onto hers silencing anything else she had left to say.

“Shut up.” Feverish kisses as his fingers sank into the wealth of her hair. They weren’t exactly at the pinnacle of youth when the world changed. “Just shut up…” Tempest whimpered under his assault. “The only thing I want now? Is you. Just you.” 

“Please.” She whispered against his mouth. “Please.” The need ripped through her gut as he flipped her over. Her legs wrapped around him pulling her against the heat burning between her legs. He leaned back on his knees peeling off the damp shirt. His hands slid up her torso before tearing the shirt from her body. Buttons ricocheted against hard surfaces as she unbuttoned her pants. His mouth blazed a hot moist trail against her collarbone and over the swell of her breast. His tongue swirled a nipple over the satin fabric of her bra. 

He pulled her up to shrug the shirt off, the bra followed flung into the shadows of the room. They stayed apart only seconds long to maneuver out of the rest of their clothes. They were out of breath and completely naked staring at each other. 

Taehyung’s mouth began to water as she filled his vision. The beaches. The summer. Their time all of it, rushing back to him as he pulled her against him. She felt him hard, throbbing, and warm against her stomach. Taehyung’s fingers flexed against her ass he tried to pull her into him. His tongue slithered against her bottom lip as she opened for him. They fell back against the bed as he nudged his way between her legs. “I’m sorry. I can’t wait. I promise I’ll be gentle later. But right now…” He growled against her mouth as his arms lifted her legs. 

“Taehyung, please just - dios mio!” Her eyes rolled into her skull as Taehyung pushed against the lewd wetness of her slit. 

And he bottomed out.

In one stroke. 

He wanted to take his time remembering every inch of her body. He wanted to take her slow, build her up and watch her fall apart beneath him. But, it’s been seven whole years that they’ve been apart. 

It’s been twelve years since they were last in each other’s arms. He needed this - he needed her to chase away this bitterness inside of him. “Tempest.” He leaned back letting his fingers dig possession into her hips. Her breasts jiggled with the force that he pounded into her. “God, I missed you. I missed this.” Beads of sweat dotted his hairline as she clutched the sheets. He knew he wouldn’t last it’d been too long. Hell, he couldn’t even remember a time that masturbation even came to mind. 

He moaned her name over and over. She spoke his name like prayer to deities long gone. Taehyung’s hands slid upward to cup her breasts, her nipples caught between his fingers with a light tug. 

That was all it took. She lifted her hips to meet each thrust as her hips vibrated with the force. His hands raked down her body holding her hips upward. Keeping her right where he needed her as he pounded that soft spongy area inside of her. Her toes curled, legs cramping as she thrashed her head against the pillows.

Faster. Faster. Harder. Veins bulging in both of their necks as they reached for the finish. One thrust, two thrusts. Taehyung froze as she snapped down on his length with a gargled cry. His head fell back as he lurched forward once more. Grunting with their skin sticky as he emptied into her.  The orgasm was so swift and strong his thighs quivered with the effort to stay still.

He took a ragged breath as he collapsed atop of her, pulling her to the side immediately. They lay in the afterglow, the light of pre-dawn filtering through the window. The sound of their breathing turned to quiet sobs as they held each other.

Their limbs were tangled and he could feel her breath against the skin of his neck. The gentle rise and fall of her shoulders. Taehyung kept his eyes closed, living within the sounds and sensations around him. His fingers could trace the colony of goosebumps on her skin. He could smell the heat of her so close. The faint sweet, salty mix of their love lingered on his lips turning upward into a dreamy smile. The rumble of his laugh, deep and sensual, caused her to smile. 

And this time he asked, “Can we stay like this forever?” 

“We can, querido. We can now.” 


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More Posts from Thebiasrekkers

5 years ago
Welcome To The Kim Line Net! This Network Is Dedicated To The Lovely Kim Namjoon, Kim Seokjin, And Kim

Welcome to the Kim Line Net! This network is dedicated to the lovely Kim Namjoon, Kim Seokjin, and Kim Taehyung of BTS. This network is a place to find anything kim line related, meet fellow kim line enthusiasts, and have fun!

Application Status: OPEN

How to apply!

Follow the network! – You will not be accepted if you do not follow

Reblog this official post – liking it does not count

No rule on having to be 60% BTS! You can be 5% BTS and still join this net

Read the rules here

Apply here

Optional: check out the admins to get a feel of our style! 

Admins: Atlas, Maddie

5 years ago

The latest Chapter of Make It Right is awesome as always. Love how every chapter is the name of the song. So Tae was after Relyn for almost 2 years? And what's the reason they wanna go straight or end it once and for all?

Oh my goodness, thank you so much! 💖 And yes, I am definitely maintaining a theme here with the chapter titles. XD Yes, Tae apparently had his eyes on Raelyn for a bit. As for the reason they want to go straight? Well, I don’t want to give it away. You’ll just have to wait and see! ^^ But it’s like Hoseok said, they were never planning to stay in the criminal underground forever. 

The REAL question is are they telling the truth, or is it a cover-up for something bigger? ツ

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5 years ago

Welcome to BTS Writers’ Corner’s first project! In celebration of the establishment of our network as well as the renouned holiday, Valentines Day, we present Amor Fabula, a collaboration between the various writers of the network~

Project Summary: “Love can be a wonderful thing, but it can also breed chaos. Imagine a world where love is absent; where the feeling itself is restricted, misunderstood, or illegal altogether. Marriage partners are chosen for the sake of increasing the population and enhancing socioeconomic growth. Nothing more. It’s a world where being in love is criminalized and your options are few: accept your fate, hide the truth in your heart, or turn your back on the world.”


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@thebiasrekkers​ (Eden) presents: Touch in the Dark 

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@moccahobi presents: Amor Erratur

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@thebiasrekkers (Tomi)/ @darknytemare presents: Way To You

Summary: Taehyung is satisfied with how his life is. Because that’s what he’s supposed to feel. But, a certain incident changes how he feels. And those feelings begging to unlock memories deep within his mind. He begins to question everything -including why he keeps seeing a woman who is not his wife invading his thoughts.

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@prisczero presents: Renegade

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But this was the way your life was supposed to be, and you were content.

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Released: February 16th | read here



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5 years ago

The Girl In The Window - MYG


For @prisczero​, a companion story to their fic The Boy In The Window. 

Plot: The girl next door romance - except it’s a window.

Rating: PG // SFW

Genre: fluff | romance | next door neighbors

Pairing: Min Yoongi x Female Reader

Warnings: None

Links: FAQ || BTS Masterlist || Admin E’s AO3 || [ REQUESTS ARE OPEN ]

Word Count: 3,152

AN: I adore this story concept and wanted to do something special; mostly because they’re such a huge fan of my BTS Mafia series, “Make It Right”. So yeah, this is for you. I hope this makes your week! Please go check out her stuff, she’s amazing. All reblogs, critiques/reviews, comments and affection are accepted! Happy reading!

© thebiasrekkers (Admin E). All rights reserved. Reposting/modifying our work is prohibited. Translations are not allowed. Plagiarism/stealing is not tolerated by any means. Legal action will be taken in instances of theft.


He wasn’t a morning person.

Not by a long shot.

But what choice did he have since the movers only had a slot available at 7AM? If he didn’t do it now, Yoongi would be forced to wait until tomorrow to get the rest of his shit together at his new place. He wasn’t about to wait. He’d waited long enough. He needed to get out now.

After four hours, all of his belongings were situated in his new apartment. It was modest, modern, and simple enough that he wouldn’t complain. Attachments were hard for him and he didn’t expect himself to be staying there longer than a year. Moving around helped him think; helped broaden his horizon and expand his spreadsheet of experiences.

It helped breathe life into his music.

The sun was out, but Yoongi was a Night Owl. He showered, ate a frozen dinner, and trudged to his bedroom. He pulled the blackout curtains over the window and crawled into bed. He didn’t care if his hair was wet or that the window was still open. If he caught a cold, oh-fucking-well. He’d get over it. 

Just like every other obstacle in his life.

Waking up several hours later, Yoongi busied himself with unpacking a few boxes. Mainly the ones for his mini studio. Monitors were arranged on a desk, an electronic keyboard plugged into the wall and situated one side of the L-shaped desk. A sound board sat off just to the left of his keyboard and two large speakers rested on the floor on either sides of his desk. Hooking up the robot arm to his microphone, he adjusted the shock mount and pop-filter, swiveling it back and forth to make sure it was exactly where he wanted it to be. 

Desktop tower, dozens of cords and cables, and readjustment of his desk chair later, he was finally satisfied with his work station. Yoongi booted up everything, made sure all of his programs were running smoothly, before debating on making dinner. A loud stomach growl following the thought was the deciding factor.

He opted for cup noodles this time.

Itching to get to work, he slurped down noodles as he pulled up his music making software. Hitting the ‘enter’ key, the bass fired off with a deep melody rolling through the tones. He eyeballed the time, not caring that it was late. It wasn’t like he was being loud and he didn’t have downstairs neighbors to worry about. As far as he knew, the walls were made of reinforced concrete.

Too bad he forgot that the window was open.


Yoongi blinked rapidly, his vision blurring momentarily as he stared listlessly at the computer screen. A soft haze of smoke wafted into his line of sight, reminding him that he hadn’t knocked off the ash on his cigarette in about ten minutes. Crossing his eyes, he saw that the cigarette nearly burned out to the filter. Sighing, he groped around for his can of soda. Shaking it, he dropped the ash and cigarette but into the mouth of the can. He took a moment to pull the sleeve of his hoodie back to look at his watch. It was almost three in the morning. 

“Maybe I should take a break,” he muttered, already standing from his chair. 

He stretched, popping a few bones and releasing the tension on the muscles around his neck and shoulders. Patting his pockets, he found his pack of smokes. He was already lighting up another cigarette as he made his way out to the window. Pulling back the blackout curtains, Yoongi mentally noted that he needed to do laundry at the end of the week. Regardless of his terrible habit, it didn’t mean he enjoyed sleeping in an ashtray.

Blinking against the light of the moon, Yoongi brushed his fingers through his hair. And that’s when he saw her. She looked lost in her own thoughts, hugging her arms close to her chest. He wondered if she was cold and thought about asking her, but then realized how creepy that would come across.

Inhaling slowly, he leaned out of the window. The ember glow from the end of the cigarette distracted him momentarily. He still didn’t know what he wanted to say, so Yoongi croaked out the only thing he could think of that wouldn’t sound completely asinine.


Resting his elbows on the window sill, Yoongi swiveled the cigarette to the side of his mouth so he could get a better look at his neighbor. She seemed to scrutinize him, sizing him up. He wondered if she was going to say something about how loud he’d been the last few weeks.

“Hey. Smoking isn’t good for you, you know.”

He blinked, surprised that this was the answer she was giving him. He half expected to get cussed out because he’d been a lousy neighbor. He hadn’t introduced himself or even bothered to stop by to get to know his neighbors. Was it because he had no plans to stick around for longer than the lease term?

Chuckling, he watched the smoke push from between his teeth as he flashed her a grin. “You’re right.” And after a few seconds, Yoongi felt his deadpan expression return. It was his normal look - the one coined as his “resting bitch face” by others. “Hold on.”

Pulling away from the window, he reached around for the soda can on his desk. Holding both the cigarette and the can, he made a show of throwing the remaining cigarette into it. He waved the can back and forth, a gesture of “good faith” was what he would call it.

“Last one.”

She scoffed. Rightfully so. 

“You’re telling me you’re gonna quit smoking?”

He nodded and Yoongi watched as she shook her head. She didn’t have a reason to believe him. Hell, he didn’t half believe it himself. However, instead of disgust, there was a ghost of a smile on her face. It wasn’t much, but it was something.

“Just like that?”

Yoongi’s expression remained neutral. But even he could feel his eyes tightening up around the corners as he held back a snicker. He’d often been told that his eyes had a way of smiling even if his mouth didn’t. Sometimes he was just too honest. Or at least his eyes were.

Nothing else was said between them. He opened his mouth, prepared to continue the conversation, but soon realized it would fall flat. Again, he tried and, again, he shut his mouth. He rubbed at his fringe in frustration, attempting to start the conversation back up. There had to be something…

“What’s your name?” he finally blurted out, peering intently across the small expanse of space that separated them. 

She crossed her arms across her chest, humming to herself. She was probably surmising whether or not it was a good idea to divulge such information to him. Especially if he’d been a rude neighbor up until this point.

“You first.”

Brows knit over his eyes, but he chuckled a little to himself. She wasn’t about to make this easy for him. “I’m Yoongi. Your turn.”

And then she smiled; a soft gesture that seemed to pull the breath straight out of his lungs. “My name is Y/N.”

“Y/N,” he murmured to himself, rolling it over his tongue. 

Movement caught his attention and he watched Y/N shuffle slightly, her arms tightening around her chest. Maybe she really was cold. It was late, after all. 

There was a cascade of andromeda reflected in her eyes, stirring something inside of him. For what felt like an eternity, nothing else was said between them. Instead, Yoongi watched as Y/N looked lost in her own world. He couldn’t help but think it was a little adorable that she seemed lost inside of her own head.

He’d leave her to it. There was something he needed to work on; now more than ever.

Yoongi disappeared into his room, closing the window. But he didn’t bother with the blackout curtains. He wanted her to see the light of his computer; to let her know that he was still there.

Pressing the “enter” key on his computer, the soft bass drummed across the speakers and reverberated off the floor. The rhythm wasn’t harsh or distracting. It was chill, soft like a whispered echo lost across the skies. 

Y/N looked a little tired. Maybe this will help her sleep.

Grinning, he threw the can into the trash by his desk. Setting up an automation playlist of things he’d worked on, he made sure that every piece was something relaxing. It would be loud enough to press through the glass. 

He knew that it would reach her.


Yoongi didn’t think there would be another night after that one. He was pretty sure he’d turned her off from wanting anything to do with him. It wasn’t like the 80’s where you could simply hold casual conversations with the next door neighbor through their window. Hell, it would have been more comical with two cans connected with a line of string.

That sounded more interesting.

But providence decided to show him some mercy and granted it to him. 

Then another. 

And another. 

And another.

The days turned into weeks - the two of them meeting every night to chat side by side with two full arm lengths separating them. For the first time in years, Yoongi could feel a connection that didn’t feel cheap or contrived. It was true and he didn’t have to question it. Y/N was so honest that he knew it to be true without poking or prodding her over it.

They laughed, fussed, cussed and nitpicked at each other. Yoongi couldn’t remember a time when he’d smiled so much; when he wasn’t throwing himself into his music and nothing else. When he wasn’t allowing for anything else to intrude into his world. He kept it that close to him for a reason. He kept his distance for a reason.

But not with her. 

With Y/N, he wanted to let her in. He wanted to get even closer to her. Closer than the stretch of arms and fingers it would take to reach her.

He wanted to touch her - to hold her hand and be near her than he was already allowed.

Groaning, he pressed the heels of his palms into his eyes. A small cluster of cigarette butts were piled in the plastic ashtray. He told her he’d quit smoking, but the mounting stress on his shoulders was about as much as he could stand. Yoongi couldn’t focus. Work was becoming tedious and while producing music was his passion, there was the constant yearning for a need to be resolved pulling at the forefront of his mind. 

This wasn’t going to work. He had to get this out of his system because whether he said it out loud or not, he knew one thing was true.

He couldn’t get Y/N out of his mind.

Sighing, he grabbed his hoodie. He decided that he needed to just see her. Not from the window, but from her front door.

A cold wind whipped through his body, halting him in his steps. Pulling out his phone, he spied the time. Normally she was home by now, but it was also getting a little late. She hadn’t called out to him so there was a chance that she was asleep. Hell, she probably could have been out with her own friends.

Making his way to her front door, he lifted up his hand to knock. But just before his knuckles could hit the surface, his nerves seemed to knot up inside his stomach. All of his worries, all of his doubts, came flooding across him mercilessly.

What if she doesn’t feel the same? he thought, his brows furrowing slightly as his hand slowly pulled away from the door. What if she pushes me away?

Yoongi roughly shook his head back and forth, pivoting away from the door. He couldn’t face her like this. He needed to clear his head. He needed to come back with more confidence. If she rejected him, she rejected him. They could at least still be friends. She could still smile at him.

Things didn’t have to change if he couldn’t have her.


He walked for what felt like miles, even though he knew it was only a few blocks. An hour passed and Yoongi knew he needed to head back. It was late, past the allotted time they usually met up, but he knew he had to take the chance now. Nothing would be certain if he did nothing.

Once again, he stood outside of her door. Yoongi attempted to swallow the lump in his throat, his heart jack hammering wildly in his chest. And once again, he raised his hand up to knock on the door.

It’s now or never, he thought.

But before his knuckles could hit the door, it swung open. His eyes went wide and he blinked in surprise as Y/N let out a small squeak of surprise. Yoongi stuffed his hands into the pockets of his hoodie, rocking back on his heels as he looked back at her.


Silence. She seemed to be gathering herself before her own lips parted to speak.


Her voice sounded a little off; like she was attempting to dam up everything inside of her. Yoongi wasn’t sure what to say, so he opted to shift his weight from one foot to the other. This wasn’t how he’d planned it. It was like seeing Y/N’s face knocked all the fight straight out of him.

“Are you okay? I was worried when you didn’t show up! And there was no music, and–”

Yoongi blinked up at her. Under the light of the moon and the street light on the corner, her eyes shined like diamonds. It wasn’t until that same sheen pooled around the lower parts of her eyes that he realized she was about to cry. He stepped forward on impulse, his hands resting on either sides of her face as his thumbs swept away the tears that began to fall.

“Shh, don’t cry. I’m okay,” he said softly, and he couldn’t help the small smile that was forming on his lips. He couldn’t believe that she was worried over him like that. She’d been waiting for him all along. “I’m sorry for worrying you.”

He felt her leaning her cheek into one of his palms, causing his heart to skip a beat. She looked so pretty under the light that it almost hurt to look at her. 

“Why didn’t you come?”

And then her question, her soft voice, did make him close his eyes.

What could he say that wouldn’t sound like an excuse? What would even make sense?

The truth.

“I wanted to come to your door this time. But as I was about to knock, I chickened out...” He took a breath, wetting his lips and opening his eyes to look down at Y/N. “I just - I couldn’t do it. I was nervous…” He sighed. “So, I went out for a walk. Thought it would clear my head. But then I realized over an hour had gone by and I came back and… as soon as I was about to knock, the door swung open.” 

He couldn’t help but chuckle a little at what just transpired moments ago, as well as how in sync they both were. He was worried about her and she was worried about him. He wanted to see her up close and she was about to run next door to do just that.

Yoongi saw her smile, the insides of his palms wet from the fresh tears spilling down her cheeks. Her smile was the only reassurance that he had to know that they weren’t tears of sadness. 


Again, he wiped at her face. “Yes? Why are you crying again?”

She shook her head back and forth, dabbing at her eyes with the sleeve of her hoodie. A knot twisted inside of Yoongi’s chest as his hands rested on her shoulders. He gave them a gentle squeeze, unable to chase the concern from his mind.

“I’m just happy.” Y/N looked back up at him and he gave a soft sigh of relief. “I’ve wanted to be this close to you for so long. I even had dreams about it.”

He couldn’t stop himself from smiling. “But you were scared of rejection.”

It wasn’t a question. She nodded.

Leaning down, he brought his face closer to hers - smelling the faint scent of her shampoo. “Me too. But here we are, aren’t we?”

He gave a voice to his feelings at last. Yoongi wasn’t sure where he’d mustered the courage. Maybe it was her tears. Or knowing that she was that worried about him, that her heart was drawing itself toward him without realizing it. Whatever the reason, Yoongi knew that he was so thankful.

Thankful for her.

“Y/N?” Her eyes lifted to meet his gaze and he let it linger there before lowering to stare down at her slightly parted mouth. “I want to kiss you.” 

His eye-line shifted to meet hers once more, waiting for her to give him permission to claim what he’d longed to taste for days now. Y/N said nothing. But she did, however, nod, and that was all he needed. One hand moved from her shoulder to rest at the back of her neck, pulling her into his space. His lips pressed gently over hers, sealing them with a soft kiss. Darkness overtook everything as he shut his eyes, wanting to enhance the flavor of this moment more than anything else.

Slowly, Yoongi pulled back - removing his mouth from hers. His fingers danced through the soft baby hairs at the nape of her neck and he stroked his thumb along the length of her jawline. There was a pinkish tint to her cheeks and he grinned down at her, the onset of tears clear in her eyes. 

Once again, silence filled the void. He wanted to hear her voice again; to know that this wasn’t a dream. Anything would have been fine. Yoongi just wanted to know it was from her.

Nerves bundled up around his chest; the all-too-familiar butterflies dancing in the pit of his stomach. And then Y/N took a breath, causing you to get lost in her gaze again. This woman who managed to send you soaring high and grounding you at the same time.

This girl he’d met through his window.

“You taste like cigarettes.”

Yoongi quickly bit his lip, stifling an outburst of laughter, before leaning in to bring you back into his center of gravity. Seconds before his lips met hers, he flashed a devious smirk at her.

“Last one, promise.”

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5 years ago

Make It Right [BTS Mafia!AU]


Pairings: Jin x OC | Taehyung/Hoseok x OC | Yoongi/Jungkook x OC Genre: BTS Mafia!AU Warnings: Graphic Violence, Heavy Language, Angst, Smut, Slow Burn WC: 2,633 Prologue 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 “It’s always darkest before the dawn…” It’s a dog-eat-dog world in Seoul, South Korea. One has to dwell in the shadows in order to reach for the light. What are you willing to sacrifice in order to feel the sunlight on your face? What will it take to drag you back into darkness? How long will the journey be to make it right?

AO3 | WP

Chapter 17: MIC Drop


"Careful of your feet... Careful of what you say..."

Two Years Ago Seoul – Hannam; Yongsan District South Korea

“Hey, Hyung?”

Hoseok looked up from his reading, blinking when he realized that Taehyung managed to enter his study without making a sound. It wasn’t like him to be so quiet, especially not at home. He closed the book he was reading, running a hand through his hair as Taehyung closed the door behind him. He wasted no time closing the distance between them, taking the seat directly across from his desk.

“What is it, Taehyung-ah?”

For a moment, Taehyung didn’t say anything. There was something on his mind and he felt like Hoseok was the only one who would be able to help him with whatever was troubling him. Instead of prodding him to speak up, Hoseok waited patiently for him to gather his thoughts before continuing. He set the book down on his desk, crossing one leg over the other and folding his hands into his lap.

Taehyung lifted his eyes to look at Hoseok, seeing a determination he hadn’t seen since they’d first arrived in Seoul seven years ago.


Hoseok couldn’t help but laugh, tilting his head to the side. “What’s wrong? Your tongue got fat all of a sudden?”

He watched his friend swallow thickly before lowering his head. This caused Hoseok to sit up a little, his arms resting on the arms of his chair.


“Hyung, are you still in love with Raelyn Noona?”

The question was so sudden that he didn’t know what to make of it. It wasn’t often that he was caught off guard, but a puff of air was all he could release as he tried to process just what Taehyung was asking him. And more importantly, why he was asking him this?

“Why all of a sudden?”

He saw Taehyung’s eyes narrow slightly, showcasing just how serious he was. This wasn’t a joke and Hoseok didn’t know how should be taking such an outright question when it came to his heart. Pursing his lips together, he slowly sank back into his chair.

“Are you asking as a member of the Golden Jackals or are you asking as my friend?”

Taehyung straightened his posture. “I’m asking as your friend and as your younger brother. Hyung, please…I need to know.” He paused, taking a breath. “Do the rest of us have to keep seeing her as our Hyungsoo-nim or are you over her now?”

Hoseok’s hand went to his chest, his palm resting over the fabric of his pajama top. The cold bite of silver from the pendant that hung there made him that much more aware of the current situation. It wasn’t a secret that some of the younger ones still interacted with Raelyn and Anastasia. He couldn’t tell them who they could or couldn’t be friends with – not when it came to normal civilians. He didn’t want to be the kind of leader who held them back with a choke chain. They were free to make their own choices and he wasn’t about to tell them who they could or couldn’t have feelings for.

Without having to say it, Hoseok knew Taehyung must have started developing feelings for Raelyn.

Sighing, he shook his head while he lowered his hand back down to his lap. “It’s been a year since she and I ended things, Taehyung-ah. Do I still care about her? Of course. But,” he said gently, pausing as he gave Taehyung a simple smile, “our time is over.”

Present Day Seoul – Gwanhun; Jongno District South Korea

Hoseok sat in the backseat of the sedan for a long moment. His eyes were hidden from view thanks to his Aviators. He held his phone in his hand, scrolling through the various emails and text messages he’d received in the last couple of hours. Business meetings were pushed back and a few concerned messages from the others pinged over his phone. His driver, Han Minjoo, sat quietly in the front seat and merely waited for his next set of instructions.

The mid-morning sun peeled in through the window, shining over his pristine white slacks. His white blazer was unbuttoned, falling against his white silk shirt. Hoseok’s hand lifted to touch the pendant that hung from his neck from a simple, black leather strap. The points of the crescent moon pressed against the pads of his fingers and he bit his lower lip, his thoughts eerily quiet.

He’d received a report on Taehyung’s condition. It wasn’t as bad as he imagined it to be, but it was bad enough. He remembered the looks on Jimin and Jungkook’s faces when they came home that night after taking Taehyung to the hospital. Namjoon even reported that Taehyung was enjoying his time at the hospital and he sighed, wanting to visit his brother but knowing that it wasn’t suitable for his image or the role he currently occupied.

Besides, he didn’t think he could handle seeing Raelyn after his little “episode” and knew that Taehyung was in good hands.

He was with the person he cared about.

A soft tap on the window brought Hoseok out of his thoughts. He looked up to see Namjoon on the other side of the glass and he shifted slightly so that he could open the door. Hoseok stepped out, straightening his jacket as his rings glinted along the sunlight.

“They’ve prepared a room for us,” Namjoon said as he shut the door, “we can go ahead and make ourselves comfortable.”

“The others?” Hoseok inquired and he saw Namjoon shake his head. He pulled back the sleeve of his jacket to spy the time on his watch. “It’s still early. Let’s go.”

As they entered the Kyung-in Museum of Fine Art, a hostess greeted them before ushering them toward the back. The entire place was built like a magnificent hanok, keeping to the traditional aspects of their country’s period culture. They both stepped out of their shoes, their socked feet taking measured steps along the polished wooden floor. The hostess stopped in front of a room with traditional rice paper sliding doors. She pulled one door open, gesturing for them to enter.

Inside was a single wooden table with an elegant tea set, as well as a small kettle to boil water in one of the floor coals – a small cast iron kettle hanging from two metal rods from the floor. There was a black lacquered box on the table which Hoseok knew to contain a variety of tea leaves. The two men entered and Hoseok took a seat on one of the plush cushions placed on one side of the table. Namjoon remained standing.

They didn’t say anything, which was fine with Hoseok. There was a lot weighing on his mind and Namjoon seemed to have sensed this. He reached over to light the fire for the coals under the cast iron kettle after checking that water was inside. When the water reached its boiling point, he heard feet shuffling down the hall. The door to the room slid open again and Hoseok’s craned his neck to look toward the doorway.

Im Changkyun, dressed in a three-piece black suit, stood in the doorway; Sohn Shownu, his second, standing to his right.

Changkyun smiled, his hands still stuffed into the pockets of his slacks. “Ah, I see you’re here already, Hoseok Hyung,” he said, his tone pleasant, “does that mean I’m late?”

Hoseok grinned. “No, I’m just early.”

“Oh, good,” was all he said before stepping inside.

Changkyun crouched down so he could sit on the cushion across from Hoseok, his hands resting on his knees. The steam pushed from the kettle’s spout and he reached over to take the handle of the kettle while Hoseok pulled out one of the drawers to the tea chest. Shownu remained in the hallway and Namjoon crossed the room to join him. The two men bowed to their bosses before sliding the door closed to give them privacy.

Hoseok chose several dark leaves and placed them into the ceramic teapot that was on the table. The stainless-steel strainer sat around the top. After arranging the tea to spread over the strainer, Changkyun carefully poured the boiling hot water over the leaves. The water immediately began to change color – a soft red color. When the pot was empty, Changkyun replaced the cast iron kettle over the hot coals as Hoseok poured more water into it.

“I’m sorry for asking you to come out here on such short notice,” Changkyun said as he placed the lid onto the pot, “I know how busy you are.”

“Not as busy as you are,” he said, watching Changkyun lift the tea pot off the bamboo mat it rested on. His hands moved to pour the omija tea into Hoseok’s teacup.

He began pouring tea into his own cup. “You know what they say about idle hands, Hyung.” He said this with a smile and Hoseok arched a single brow. “How is Tae Hyung?”

Hoseok lifted the teacup to his lips. “He’ll live.” He took a sip, savoring the semi-sweet flavor. “He was discharged yesterday.”

“That’s good. Minhyuk Hyung informed me of how your boys roughed him up.” Changkyun sipped from his own cup, sighing. “I’ll be honest, Hyung, I didn’t think you would go so far to beat him up like that. One broken limb would have sufficed.”

Hoseok’s brow twitched. “Like I told you on the phone, I don’t take kindly to anyone trouncing through my territory. The same goes for my men doing the same in someone else’s turf.” He set the cup down. “I believe that should settle the debt I owe to you for my group’s transgression against yours.”

Changkyun smiled. “Hyung, that’s not necessary. It’s just us. You don’t have to be so serious.”

“It’s because it’s just us that I have to be serious.” His eyes narrowed as Changkyun took another sip of tea. “Why did you want to meet, Changkyun-ah?”

He watched Changkyun’s eyes lift to meet his and the two remained quiet. After a handful of seconds, Hoseok watched him set his teacup back down on the table while he propped one hand on his knee. The other hand brushed through his jet hair, pausing to rest along the back of his neck.

“Is it true, Hyung? Are you really going straight?” Hoseok’s expression stayed neutral. He didn’t want to give anything away when he didn’t know what was at stake. “After everything you’ve accomplished, you’re going to just give it all up?”

“Staying in the Underworld forever was never the plan.” He paused, reaching for the teapot to pour Changkyun tea into his cup this time.

“So what,” Changkyun began, his tone clipped toward the end, “you just stumbled into it and decided enough was enough?” He rolled his eyes. “Yeah, right.”

Hoseok scoffed as he set the teapot down onto the bamboo mat. “Believe what you want, but the choices we made were our own.”

“And what about the rest of your boys?”

“They know what the plan is.”

“Hoseok Hyung!”

“Changkyun-ah,” Hoseok said slowly as he cut his eyes toward him, “what we do as a collective has absolutely nothing to do with you, do you understand?” He paused, lifting his teacup into his hand. “Besides, you don’t even bother to attend the district meetings. What reason do you have to complain about what I choose to do?”

“It’s a waste,” snipped Changkyun, “the meetings are a waste of time and phasing out from our world is a waste of time.” Hoseok frowned. “Do you think that disbanding is going to make you legit? You think the law is going to look at you in a better light because you’ve turned over a new leaf?” Changkyun sneered. “Bullshit.”

“Watch it.” He was giving him just one warning.

“We’re no better than a bunch of bastard children in our own society, Hyung. Becoming a decent human being in the eyes of the world won’t erase the blood on our hands.” Changyun’s eyes narrowed at Hoseok. “On your hands.”

“Im Changkyun—”

“Let’s join forces, Hyung,” he said suddenly, causing Hoseok to blink rapidly as his lips parted. “You and I can take control of this entire city easily. It’s child’s play.” Changkyun flashed a wicked grin. “The old bastards wouldn’t stand a chance against us.”

For a moment, all Hoseok could do was stare silently at Changkyun. He knew that his ambition was borderline insatiable, but he never imagined it had gotten this bad. Then again, when he’d heard that the Jade Fangs had taken over Mapo, it shouldn’t have surprised him. In fact, it urged Hoseok to hurry things along as quickly as possible. He didn’t want to be caught up in whatever schemes Im Changkyun was planning.

“…are you completely outside of your head, Changkyun-ah?”

Changkyun’s smile fell and was instantly replaced with a frown as his eyes grew dark. “Why would you say that?”

“Did you forget what our lives were like five years ago? What it was like on these streets then?” Hoseok’s brows furrowed. “Do you want to launch yet another gang war?”

He watched Changkyun shrug nonchalantly. “Sacrifices have to be made for the greater good. Those old fogies want to maintain those stupid traditions and respect boundaries. It only causes confusion and leads to more misunderstandings.” He glanced to Hoseok, his own brows knitting together. “It impedes progress, Hyung.”

“You’re gonna get you and your boys killed talking like that.” Hoseok set his cup down onto the table, curling his legs up as he made to stand. “If you do, that’s on you. Leave my people out of it.” He started making his way toward the door.


Hoseok paused, glancing over his shoulder as Changkyun remained seated.

“Do you really think you’ll be able to stay in Seoul once you leave? Your people remain untouched because you control two large territories. The minute you let that go is when you let that power fall into someone else’s hands, and they will make your lives hell!”

He turned around fully, one hand slipping into the pocket of his slacks. “You say that like some kind of threat.”

Changkyun stood on his feet. “And not just you, Hyung, but the people close to you. They will make it their mission to turn your world upside down and you will bow your head in shame at how weak you are.”

“I meant what I said, Changkyun-ah,” said Hoseok, his voice dropping an entire octave, “she has nothing to do with us. Her friends have nothing to do with us. You’d do well to leave them out of this madness you’re spinning.”

“But how long is that going to be true?” Changkyun canted his head slightly. “And when it’s no longer true, just how safe will they be?” He smirked. “You shouldn’t show your belly so easily, Hyung.”

“Don’t test me.” Hoseok brushed his hair out of his eyes. “I will end you if you do.”

Changkyun stepped up to Hoseok so that they were only a foot apart. His smile never left his face. “Game on, Hyung. Game on.”

And then he bowed his head before reaching out to slide the door open. Shownu bowed his head and waited for Changkyun to walk past him, making to follow behind him obediently. Namjoon stood in front of Hoseok, remaining silent. Hoseok’s eyes followed Changkyun and Shownu as they were escorted out of the teahouse. A hand curled at his side and his knuckles popped from the sheer force of how hard he was squeezing his hand.


“Namjoon,” he called, his voice even before turning to lift his gaze to his friend’s, “we need to hurry and make our move. And soon.” 

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