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518 posts

I Would Like To Request I Need A Place To Stay. With Jungkook ;)

I would like to request “I need a place to stay.” with Jungkook ;)


Requested by Anon

Plot: Unexpected feelings come at unexpected times and in unexpected ways.

Rating: PG-13 // SFW

Genre: One-Shot/Drabble | FriendstoLovers!AU | Romance/Fluff

Pairings: Jeon Jungkook x Reader

Warnings: Mild Language

Links: FAQ || BTS Masterlist || Admin E’s AO3 || Admin E’s WP || [ REQUESTS ARE OPEN ]

Word Count: 1,685

A/N: I have to admit, I thought this was really cute. And it actually has the potential to become a series. Will it? Who knows… Probably not though since I have something else lined up in the works for the rest of you lovely people. Enjoy!


“Hey,” he said, flashing his trademark grin at you, “I need a place to stay.”

The sigh that escaped your lips was on reflex. It was the same shit and on a different day. Part of you wondered why you entertained this fiasco at least twice a week, but the other part already knew why. In fact, you’ve always known the answer. It wasn’t like it was rocket science at this point.

It was because Jungkook was your best friend. When have you ever been able to say “no” to him? Nothing’s changed in the last twelve years. It wouldn’t change for the next twelve years, either.

Yet there you stood, gripping onto the doorknob and debating if today would be the day when you finally did, in fact, say “no” to his stupid, charming smile.

But like always, you relented. Stepping to the side, you gave an over dramatic flourish with one arm. He danced across the threshold, his duffel bag slung over his shoulder like he didn’t have a single care in the world. There were times when his nonchalant way of carrying himself could get under your skin. He’d been like that since you first met him in grade school. In fact, you were even a little jealous.

It was sheer luck that his parents happened to be close friends with yours. You were his childhood playmate. It was the same well through your adult years. 

You closed the door, shuffling into the kitchen to finish brewing the pot of tea you were preparing. He slung his jacket across the back of the couch, the duffel in its place on the side of it. He’d already kicked off his shoes and was now making his way toward one of the chairs at the kitchen table. 

“I want some,” he called out, “make me a cup too.”

You rolled your eyes. “You don’t even like tea.”

He pouted, his brows furrowing as you focused on pouring the hot water over the leaves in the teapot. “That’s not true.”

You give him the look, the one he knew all-too-well. “Since when?”

“Since today.” He flashed a cheeky grin at you and you shrug, pulling out two mugs. Jungkook gave small claps of victory. “You’re the best, Y/N.”

Shaking your head, you focus your energy on making sure that enough hot water is in the teapot. Mentally making a note to let it steep for a few minutes, you turned toward the fridge to pull out the plate of fruit you’d peeled and sliced earlier that afternoon. 

Because you worked from home, you had the luxury to do things at your own pace. You’ve always preferred it that way. You knew from a very young age that you could never work for some big company; squared away in a cubicle where people referred to you by an ID number. Your parents said you were foolish for breaking away from societal norms, but Jungkook praised you for wanting to strike out on your own and live your life on your own terms.

Jungkook was already spearing through one of the apples with the dessert fork he squirreled from the utensil cup on the counter. For a while, all you could do was look at him as he chewed. He definitely was a man now, but there was a boyish air that continued to linger over Jungkook in his adult body. He was popular with the women, charismatic enough to draw in the men, and as someone who pursued his dream of painting, he was the definition of “starving, attractive artist”. 

It wasn’t fair that he was your best friend. Who asked him to come into your life and stay there? Everyone else left and walked their own paths. It almost seemed archaic and unrealistic to maintain a “childhood friend” sort of relationship. No one was genuine anymore, willing to hide the truth behind plastic smiles and false promises. You expected Jungkook to be the same. People changed. Why shouldn’t he?

Yet there he was…

“So what happened this time?” you asked suddenly, pulling him from his fruit-induced moment of bliss. “Did you tell Marisa that she looked fat in some outfit again?”

“Huh?” Jungkook stopped in mid-chew, a piece of the apple poking out between his lips. “Marisa? We broke up, like, a week ago?”

Why weren’t you surprised?

“Besides, I learned my lesson on that front. Not all people appreciate honesty the way that you do.” Jungkook grinned. “If I said you looked fat in something, you’d either flip me off or make me help you pick something out that flatters your figure.”

“Gee, thanks,” you said as you poured the tea into both mugs, your sarcasm quite evident.

“You don’t fall for my pitiful acts either. In fact, I don’t think I could ever pull a fast one on you.” He tilted his head slightly as he looked up at you. “Is it because you know me so well?”

You scoffed as you hold out the mug of steaming tea toward him. “I can see your bullshit from a mile away. I don’t know how girls keep falling for it every single time.”

He chuckled, cradling the mug between his palms. “Yeah, I don’t either.” Jungkook blew the steam away a few times and then took a sip. He sighed happily.

“You still haven’t told me why you need a place to stay.” You raised the mug up to your face, scrutinizing him. “Again.”

“Oh, that?” He shrugged. “I just got into a fight with my Old Man.”

You slowly raised a brow. That was odd, considering that you knew how well Jungkook got along with his father. In fact, you couldn’t remember a time where they ever fought. Jungkook told you everything. Literally. It would have been a little odd to omit something like that.

“What for?” you asked, sliding into the chair beside him at the table. He passed a dessert fork with a strawberry on top of it. 

Shrugging, he laughed as he polished off the apple and stabbed a piece of banana. “Honestly, it was really the stupidest thing. He said I was wasting my life on my art. That my career was too unstable to maintain.” He air-quoted around the words, his brows furrowing in contrast with the smile on his face. 

You bit into the strawberry, savoring the juices. It would definitely balance out the herbal flavor of the tea. “Then just marry a rich person.” 

The comment was clearly a joke. You knew he wouldn’t take it seriously. But as you lifted your mug of tea up to your lips, you spotted the look on Jungkook’s face. The amusement was gone from his features and he suddenly looked his age - petulant as the gaze was.

“That’s not funny, Y/N,” he said, his tone even and flat.

As the tea slid down your throat, you winced slightly at how it scalded the inside of your mouth. You quickly set the mug down on the table, suddenly uncomfortable with how hard Jungkook was staring at you. Since when did he take anything you said seriously? It actually irritated you.

“I was only joking, geez,” you snapped, tucking some of your hair behind your ear, “what’s your problem?”

“How can you even suggest that?” Jungkook folded his arms across his chest. “I’m going to marry for love, not for convenience.”

“Then love someone who happens to be rich so you can marry them!”

“Then I’ll marry you!”

The anger that was steadily boiling inside of you suddenly deflated. For a handful of seconds, all you could do was stare hard at one another. Finally, you balked at the idea, dissolving into a small fit of laughter. 

“Wait, what?” You continued laughing, feeling a slight pain digging into your side. “What?! That’s crazy.” You slowly slid your fingers around your mug, averting his gaze. “You’re crazy.”

Suddenly, you felt his hand around your wrist. Before you have a chance to ask him what he’s doing, he’s already pulled you into his orbit. You had an idea of what you wanted to say to clapback at him, but his lips were already sealing over yours in a heated kiss. Your hand curled into a fist, unsure of what you were feeling at that moment. All you could focus on was the sweetness from the fruit he’d just eaten and the lingering herbal flavor of the tea.

But there was no urge to pull away. Strange. Did you want this to happen? Had you wanted it for some time? 

He silently urged your mouth to open wider, wanting to get a better taste of you. In the same vein, you also wanted to taste him. This was your first kiss with Jungkook, after all. Out of all the relationships he’d had in the past, you were starting to get a better idea of why the other girls continuously fell for his nonsense - hook, line and sinker. There was a dark part of you that suddenly despised those other women.

They’d gotten a chance to indulge in his mouth long before you had. It wasn’t fair because you’d known him for almost half of your lives. Shouldn’t this moment have always been yours?

As Jungkook pulled away from you, you suppressed a whine of protest. He must have sensed it because he flashed his devious grin at you; the one that said he already knew what you were thinking. He had a way of being able to read you like an open book. Then again, you had the same skill when it came to him.

That didn’t make his face any less unnecessarily handsome or his kiss any less addicting.

“Hey, Y/N,” Jungkook whispered. He leaned in to press his nose gently against yours, causing your eyes to cross. “…I need a place to stay.”

Regardless of how hard your heart was jack-hammering against your ribs, you laughed. You both did. And then he pulled you in even closer, pressing your chest against his, so that he could kiss you once more.

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More Posts from Thebiasrekkers

4 years ago

Instigation || LJH


Plot: Jaehwan is an instigator when the cat’s away.

Rating: Pg 13 // SFW

Genre: modern day || vampire!vixx ||

Pairing: Lee Jaehwan x Female OC

Warnings: Jaehwan

Links: FAQ || VIXX Masterlist || Admin L’s AO3 || [ REQUESTS ARE OPEN ]

Word Count: 501

AN: This was for out 100 follower milestone! I hope you all enjoy some VIXX!

© thebiasrekkers (Admin L). All rights reserved. Reposting/modifying our work is prohibited. Translations are not allowed. Plagiarism/stealing is not tolerated by any means. Legal action will be taken in instances of theft


It was quite an active night. Most of the Clan were out handling business. Their world of darkness, one that you had signed your life over for protection--it was more dangerous than you thought and in order to keep the Masquerade, they all had to play along with the song and dance to keep the balance as well as peace. The two elders of the clan and one of the younger ones were out to do such things and left the care of the mansion to the others. 

A word of caution, however.

There was one that you had to look out for. He was considered the middle child of them all, one stuck between the elders and the younger vampires. The one that they had to chain up most nights to keep him from hurting himself and others around him. Sometimes you heard his cries when they did that; the wail that would keen throughout the mansion. 

There was no such sorrow that night. 

You could hear him laughing along with the youngest as they enjoyed their freedom without the elders. The complaints of the second youngest could also be heard because he was trying to play his games but the others kept bothering him. You were only supposed to check in on them and drop off some paperwork but since you entered, they picked up on your scent like dogs sniffing out food. 

Jaehwan was by your side in a flash, a blink and his hands rested on your shoulders--keeping you from running away. His grin caught you off guard, showing the youthful and joyful face that always disarmed everyone else. He smiled sweetly at you, eyes crinkling. Almost instantly, you distrusted what he was planning. There was something cold in your hands, prompting you to look down at them. He put whipped cream into your hands, sticky and fresh. 

“I order you to throw this into Hongbin’s face.”

“W-what? Excuse you?! I’m busy right now!!”

“You work for me. You are my slave,” he whispered in your ear, making goosebumps appear on the nape of your neck. 

You were about to remind him who the actual boss was but there was a blur. A large blur that pushed up your hands, squishing the same whipped cream into Jaehwan’s face. The older vampire blinked, the white substance smeared all over his perfect and angelic face. You could see the struggle on his visage as he decided who was to blame for that - his little trick ruined. 

“HAN SANGHYUK, GET BACK HERE!” he finally roared, racing after him. 

He left you there with the dripping leftovers still in your hand and a dumbfounded expression still on your face. Suddenly, a towel fell down and landed on your head. The thing startled you and made you jump, the towel covering your eyes. You stood there for a moment before grabbing it and wiping your hands, scowling in the process. This was not what you signed up for. Not in the least. 

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4 years ago

Hi! Sorry for the mia but I'm almost done your mwl project :) exams have been killing me lately -P (your secret admirer)


Awww, it’s okay! We know that life happens! I’m just glad that we haven’t been forgotten! I can’t wait to see what you’ve come up with! I hope your exams went well and that you have an awesome day! 💖

~ Admin E

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4 years ago

Hello, just wanted to see how you guys are doing. All of this virus stuff is pretty scary and wanted to make sure you guys were safe. - Star 🐰


Awww, thank you so much Star! We are okay. Well, Admin T has pneumonia because she’s irresponsible -.- but Admin L and I are fine. We are doing all we can to stay safe and healthy. It is pretty scary though. You’re so sweet for checking in. I hope you’re doing well where you are as well.

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4 years ago

Make It Right [BTS Mafia!AU]


Plot: “It’s always darkest before the dawn…” It’s a dog-eat-dog world in Seoul, South Korea. One has to dwell in the shadows in order to reach for the light. What are you willing to sacrifice in order to feel the sunlight on your face? What will it take to drag you back into darkness? How long will the journey be to make it right?

Rating: NC-17 // NSFW

Genre: Series | Mafia!AU | Crime!AU | Angst | Romance/Fluff

Pairings: Jin x OC | Taehyung/Hoseok x OC | Yoongi/Jungkook x OC

Warnings: Graphic Violence, Heavy Language, Angst, Slow Burn, Smut

Previous Chapters: Prologue 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21

Links: FAQ || BTS Masterlist || Admin E’s AO3 || Admin E’s WP || [ REQUESTS ARE OPEN ]

Word Count: 2,868  

Chapter 21: Jamais Vu


“I just wanted to be good. I just wanted to make you smile…damn.”

Keep reading

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4 years ago

Official Post

Official Post

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