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Make It Right [BTS Mafia!AU]

Pairings: Jin x OC | Taehyung/Hoseok x OC | Yoongi/Jungkook x OC Genre: BTS Mafia!AU Warnings: Graphic Violence, Heavy Language, Angst, Smut, Slow Burn
“It’s always darkest before the dawn…” It’s a dog-eat-dog world in Seoul, South Korea. One has to dwell in the shadows in order to reach for the light. What are you willing to sacrifice in order to feel the sunlight on your face? What will it take to drag you back into darkness? How long will the journey be to make it right?
AO3 | WP
Chapter 05: Boyz With Fun

"The fun boys go until the dawn moon sets, This is so fun, all fakeness has gone home."
Seoul - Cheongdam; Gangnam District South Korea
Taehyung leaned against the side of the building, the stick of his lollipop poking out from between his lips. After all these years, he still possessed an almost insatiable sweet tooth. It was one of the few things in life that he just couldn’t seem to give up and could also maintain his interest. As much of a flirt that he was, women came and went from his bed. Or he from theirs. The rough and tumble life they led in the earlier days of their beginnings had seemingly lost its attraction. But sweets? Well, those just never got old.
However, there were some people that could keep his attention. It was a feat, yes, but not impossible. One such individual worked in the very building he was leaning against. In fact, he’d been shadowing them for the better part of a few months. They were stubborn and liked to appear that they weren’t interested or even a bit curious as to why he was shadowing them. But that was fine. Taehyung didn’t mind.
It made the chase all the more delicious.
As he spied the time on his watch, he knew that this person was going to be clocking out soon. Their routine in this place was like clockwork; predictable and consistent. There were times when a wrench got thrown in, ultimately ruining the schedule, but those moments were rare. Unable to hide the growing excitement on his face, he pushed himself off the concrete surface and made his way through the automatic sliding doors of the hospital.
Not even a handful of steps into the lobby, he saw the person he was looking for. Or, rather, waiting for. She was dressed in her scrubs – a soft, periwinkle blue – clutching her bag while her coat draped over one of her arms. Tall with brown skin and curling dark hair, her glasses were situated on her face in a way that made her seem almost adorable. She was talking with one of her co-workers, probably about the patients they had for the day and what their plans were for the coming weekend. Would they trade off shifts? God, he hoped not.
She let out a laugh and Taehyung crunched into the hard candy, chewing methodically as he shoved his hands into the pockets of his slacks. He was mentally counting down how long it would take for her to notice him.
When the countdown finished in his head, she looked up and their eyes met. Her smile fell a fraction and she slowed her pace down a measure. Her co-worker seemed confused by the action until the other nurse caught sight of Taehyung. She gave a small wave and he returned the gesture just as she smirked playfully toward the woman whom he couldn’t take his eyes from. The other woman gently nudged her and told her she would see her tomorrow. Taehyung closed the distance between them, standing just a foot in front of her.
“Hey there, Gorgeous,” he said, the candy’s stick clamped between his teeth as he flashed her his trademark boxy smile, “long day?”
The woman, Raelyn Briggs, rolled her eyes as she side-stepped him so she could walk around him. “What is it now?” She asked him the question, but continued walking – as if she really didn’t care one way or the other if he answered or not.
Pivoting on his heels, he jogged up beside her while spitting the stick into the garbage. “Was it a bad day?”
“It was fine until you showed up.”
She refused to look at him, but this didn’t stop him from smiling or from being persistent.
“Aw, c’mon. That’s not a nice thing to say.” He dramatically placed a hand on his chest, palm resting over the spot where his heart was beating steadily beneath. “I need you to give me a check-up.”
Raelyn scoffed. “Then schedule an appointment.”
Taehyung clicked his tongue against the back of his teeth. “Don’t be like that, Rae Noona.”
"Like what?”
He pouted. “You’re such a meanie.”
“And you’re a menace.”
He tried to maintain his pouty expression, but he soon dissolved into a small fit of laughter. He didn’t know why but annoying her was so fun. Maybe it was because she made it so easy or because she didn’t immediately tell him to go fly a kite in downtown traffic. He couldn’t help his curiosity when it came to Raelyn.
She wasn’t the first transplant to come to South Korea. In this day and age, it was pretty common for foreigners to immigrate to other countries for work. There were all kinds of programs for teaching as well as through vocational or technical skills. Trade skills existed all over the world and like Koreans often went to other countries to learn, the same could be said for others wanting to expand their knowledge in a variety of fields.
From what he was able to glean, Raelyn was one such individual. Even though he’d known her for the better part of three years, she’d lived in South Korea for four. The more scandalous side of it all was that Raelyn used to date Hoseok. Things ended on her terms, though the reason for it was a bit hazy. At least what he was able to learn from the other Hyungs. No one really wanted to talk about it and so Taehyung didn’t pry.
He couldn’t remember why, exactly, the topic had been broached, but he did recall that Hoseok said he was over the relationship. That things ended for the best. Not that Taehyung was in the business of taking someone’s second serving of a dish, but if she was a girl interesting enough to turn Hoseok’s head then he had to know what she was all about.
Imagine his surprise when he discovered that she was a nurse, darker skinned and a foreigner.
Taehyung ran a few paces in front of Raelyn and stopped, forcing her to come to a halt. She had a clear look of irritation painted over her face, but this made his smile widen. He knew that she was just taking off from work and probably wanted to have nothing to do with him, yet he just wasn’t selfless enough to leave her alone. Maybe she was playing hard to get. Who knew? But she kept his interest and that made him even more determined to get her to give him a chance.
“Look, Noona,” he said, brushing his fingers through his silvery blue and black hair, “I know you’ve probably had a long day and that’s why I wanna take you out. Nothing fancy or uncomfortable, I promise.” He held his hands up in a show of playful surrender. “Just dinner and a drink. You think you’d be up for something like that?”
Raelyn gave him the once over, canting her head slightly in a way that made the lens of her glasses shine off from the many streetlights along the corner. There really wasn’t a reason for her to accept his offer. Then again, there really wasn’t a reason for her to decline it either. It was a win-win situation for both. He had a few days of down time before Jimin and he would have to hit the streets again to collect on some things. Normally Taehyung made an effort to get ahead of the game, but he wasn’t sure when he’d be able to get a chance to really get to know Raelyn for who she was. Not just the professional nurse mask she wore, but the real face that hid behind it.
After a few more grueling minutes of silence, Raelyn sighed slowly and Taehyung had to contain his excitement. He knew that he’d won. As he was mentally giving himself a pat on the back, he watched Raelyn setting her purse down on the ground so she could slip into her coat. Taehyung moved so that he was behind her, helping her arms slide into the sleeves. He leaned down and picked up her purse and she set it on her shoulder.
With a wide gesture of her arm, she cocked her head to the side. “After you.”
Taehyung grinned, holding out his arm for her and she shook her head while rolling her eyes. He gently elbowed her persistently and when her arm finally slid through his, he beamed proudly. For whatever reason, he felt like he was suddenly on top of the world.
Like he promised, they walked and talked amicably. It was no secret what circles he ran with and there was no sense hiding it from her. It wasn’t like she was ignorant to his world. He was curious about her day-to-day activities and quickly ascertained that he admired her drive to help people. But she wasn’t above taking care of herself. Self-care was important. People tend to forget that.
He most certainly did not .
It didn’t take them long to arrive to their destination. It was a quiet café with a nice atmosphere that also served modest entrees. He remembered her saying once that after a long shift, the last thing she wanted to do was gorge on food and pass out. It normally gave her indigestion in the morning and she wasn’t about that life. Taehyung could eat enough for three people, but that was just his metabolism and active lifestyle talking.
She ordered a deli sandwich, soup and coffee while he ordered a plate of pasta with tea. Their conversation continued on the tamer side and he ignored the looks that a few patrons gave them. He knew that he was good looking and there were people who also knew that he was part of the underground circuit. He didn’t care for their judgmental eyes or thoughts, keeping his attention on Raelyn as she ate politely while indulging him in conversation. Also politely.
Then the anvil fell.
“So,” she said, raising the mug up to her lips, “do you think it’s a good idea to be gettin’ fresh with your boss’s ex-girl?”
Taehyung was in mid-sip of his tea when he inhaled suddenly, racked with a coughing fit that he thought would never end. People were looking at him for a different reason now. He stared at her, unblinking, wondering just where the hell that even came from.
In fact, he was going to ask.
“Where the hell did that come from?”
She scoffed, sipping from the mug and then setting it down. “Oh come on , Taehyung- ssi ,” she said, putting extra emphasis to the polite way of addressing him, “I don’t know what game you’re playing but I know that you’ve been poking around me because you want to know something, don’t you?” Raelyn pushed her glasses up along the bridge of her nose. “‘What could my boss, Jung Hoseok, possibly have seen in a woman like this?’ That’s what you’re thinking, isn’t it?”
His mouth opened to protest, but he soon closed it when he realized that she wasn’t completely wrong.
But she wasn’t completely right, either.
However, instead of answering, all he could do was remain silent – his lips pressing together in a thin line.
Raelyn chuckled because she knew she’d gotten the upper hand. It wasn’t in his nature to not throw something back at her in rebuttal. But he knew he couldn’t regain the advantage. Not in this conversation.
“I’m pretty sure you already know that I was the one to end things. You’re wondering why that is, aren’t you? Why a woman like me would walk away from the benefits and opportunities that come with being the boss’s girlfriend?”
His eyes narrowed slightly. Anger flared behind his eyes, but he couldn’t pinpoint just what he was angry for . If it was because he’d been outsmarted, or if it was because Raelyn was taking Hoseok lightly.
No , he thought, his grip tightening around his cup of tea, she knows exactly what he is capable of.
“I’ll tell you why, Taehyung-ssi, so that you’ll finally get an idea of who I am and maybe, just maybe, you’ll leave well enough alone.” Raelyn finished up her coffee and began digging through her purse. She pulled out a black and silver clutch, removing a few bills from within. “As glamorous as your world is in movies and in books, it’s ugly on the inside. Turf wars were happening constantly and, if I’m not mistaken, they still are. Hoseok was good to me. In fact, he was great. But that charm and goodness wasn’t enough to keep me away from the one thing I treasure most in this world.”
She paused and Taehyung let out a breath he hadn’t even realized he’d been holding. Once again, their eyes met and the deep purple glint that shined behind her glasses caused his lips to part slightly.
“My freedom.”
Raelyn stood up from her chair, laying the bills on the table. Taehyung jumped from his seat, almost knocking the chair over.
“Rae Noona, wait—”
“You’re cute, Taehyung-ssi.” She smiled at him; a genuine one. The same smile he’d seen her giving to her co-workers after they clocked out for the evening, time and time again. “But not cute enough to give up my freedom for.”
Without another word, Raelyn left him in the café alone. There was nothing he could say that would stop her in her tracks. In fact, everything she’d just said stunned him. After a while, he slowly sank back into his chair – staring at the seat she’d once occupied.
And then a slow smile crept over his face.
This just got a lot more interesting, Raelyn Noona…
Edge of Forever [BTS Space!AU]
![Edge Of Forever [BTS Space!AU]](
BTS Space!AU [ ♧ ✪ ✿ ☆ ❂ ☾✘ ] “All the world’s a stage, and all the men and women merely players: they have their exits and their entrances; and one man in his time plays many parts, his acts being seven ages.” The stage is set and the stars are the guide for the lost souls that have congregated to one point. A fixed constant in the universe for others to discover and fulfill their wishes but will it come to ruin for others?
Pairings: BTS X OC (s) Genre: BTS Space!AU Warnings: Graphic Violence, Heavy Language
Chapter 6- New Divide

"I remember black skies, the lightning all around me. I remember each flash as time began to blur."
“Look, if I get one more goddamn message about either the Federation or the Pirates--I’m going to shoot you my own damn self.”
Yoongi growled at the screen while Jimin laughed like it was an everyday occurrence. Jin was overseeing the loading of his ship while Jungkook and Vairuit were making that the load was correct. They had gotten all the parts that they could ever need, plus some for the new ship that Nyala was taking them all to. They all had protested that Yoongi and Jimin shouldn’t go but they wouldn’t hear any of it and even the beautiful Jimin said that they would need someone with his skills once they got there. And Yoongi didn’t go anywhere major without him, so it was a deal for the both of them. Even Jin had complained that there wasn’t enough room for all of them but he was overpowered by the quiet man.
Now it was reaching Zero Hour for them and they had all kinds of people asking for the others, hoping to either collect the bounties on each of them or to get them off the station before real trouble happened upon them. Still, keeping the attention on them instead of the ship was smarter since they were finishing up. Getting out of there, however, would be the main problem as the entire area was flooding with both sides hoping to get a piece of the prize.
Yoongi had thought of that, a grin forming on his face as he placed everyone where he wanted them. It helped that he had such a network of connections and such everywhere he went, which meant that there were some that were fulfilling favors for him. They would be the decoys while they all got away, a simple plan that nobody would expect. After all, one expected the lot of them to blast their way out but any damage to the station would put others at risk. Another reason why both sides didn’t just fire upon it because it was integral to operations for both of them. Still, they laid in wait for them to come out of hiding because they couldn’t just sit there forever--and they were right.
The last of the cargo was secured in place when Jin took to the comms, letting them know that the ship was ready to go. The Broker then broke his silence to let the others know that they were proceeding with his plan, to cause a little chaos inside the station. Soon after, reports started to file in as Jimin caught them of the Outlaw’s last stand inside the station. It was the signal that the troops from the Federation would flood in and then the Pirates because they just couldn’t let them catch their prize. All the while, the group would take the safety junctions through the core of the station to the docks where the ship was waiting on them. It wasn’t as quick as going the direct route but it would see them there with as little conflict as possible.
Upon reaching the ship, Jin started on a tirade about how nobody cared for him and that all he was good for was to get them out of trouble. Everyone took places with Jimin taking Nyala’s place at the station she was previously at. He eased her away from it, a small smile on his face as she stepped aside--unsure about what to do in that situation.
The takeoff procedure was easy enough for them but it was getting through the ships. The space station wasn’t too far from an asteroid field, keeping the defenses of the station busy at all times with the number of stray asteroids that would head that way. Jin had been eyeballing a trajectory since things started to be loaded on the ship. He only had a few options but the field would be the best plan if they were to escape and get to subspace Drive. He just didn’t tell anyone about his plan of attack because he could only hear the opposition that would occur and he didn’t need to be distracted while getting them out of there. Once the ship made its way towards the asteroid field, that was when the concerned voices started to sound off. Even Jimin voiced his opinion about the action but Jin turned around in his seat and eyeballed them all.
“Look, this is our best chance of getting the fuck out of here so if anyone’s got anything else to say about my piloting skills--then they are welcome to take over. It’s either the field or the Armada.”
He waited for a second as silence filled the area before turning back around, resuming what he was doing before the protests broke out. He called out for Jimin to give him assistance, the other man hanging onto every word. The both of them moved at unnatural speeds as the ship sped towards the asteroid field, the words barely leaving Jin’s lips as Jimin was already punching it in. Unfortunately, there were ships that had caught onto to their plan and boldly followed them into the field. Yoongi yelled at Jin to slow down while Jungkook and Vairuit were busy blasting the rocks away from the ship. Nyala decided to help as she started to chant again, the energy gathering all around her before she released it. It sunk into the ship and Jimin reported that shields were actually gaining power because of it.

Jin weaved in and around the asteroids, dodging like he was made of something liquid. There were a few scrapes, a few bumps that just couldn’t be helped but he made it past the field and onto the other side with a victorious yell. The ship sailed right on through and started to prep for the jump to subspace, mere seconds after it was all clear. They wasted no time in getting out of there, leaving the battered ships behind them.
Once at subspace, they all breathed a sigh of relief--relaxing a bit as they took in their new freedom. Jin turned around in his seat and blew Jimin a kiss, who laughed and shook his head. Vairuit jumped up and suddenly ran to the back, where some of the cargo was stashed and brought back some glasses as well as a bottle of liquor. She grinned at everyone, knowing that she had placed it there when Jin wasn’t looking. They couldn’t really deny her the drink as the entire ordeal had been grating on their nerves.
So a drink they had.
It would be at least three days and two jumps to get to where they needed to go, another asteroid field that held an abandoned station. It was once a spaceport--until the planet nearby was destroyed. Some said that the Pirates had done the deed while others said that something had crashed into it, causing it to break up into pieces. The inhabitants had long fled the system, integrated with other parts of society in the System but the wreckage was still there. Still able to be used if one had the guts to do so and they did. The field wasn’t as dense as the one that they had gone through but it still posed some dangers.
Later on, Nyala had wandered into the cargo hold to inspect the crate that she had brought along. Her device beeped at her, varying symbols popping up as she ran tests to make sure that the cryosleep still held her in there. She didn’t notice that there had been someone behind her as she did so, more focused on her task at hand. Jimin was curious to see what it was that Yoongi had been talking about with Jungkook and Vairuit didn’t know too much about it either. Jin was more concerned about everything else that he didn’t want to bother him. So he went straight to the source.
“Miss Nyala, may I have a moment?”
Nyala almost jumped, never hearing or sensing him come up. She had been on edge about him since the moment she laid eyes on him, unsure of what it was that made her that way. Was it the fact that he just looked too nice, too innocent for his line of work or the company he keeps? Or was it something underneath that ran along the currents of their everyday lives that she was picking up on? She nodded, giving him more room in the cargo hold as she continued on with what she was doing. He peered at the device before looking up at her then to the crate, his words caught on the tip of his tongue as he chose his words carefully--like he always did.
“This crate contains the Bio-Android, yes?” A nod from Nyala signaled him to continue, “Do you think that the Pirates really will abuse her when they take her for their means?”
Nyala paused, hoping that would never happen but there was one thing that she was certain of. And that was the belief that the Armada held such strong beliefs that they would go through great lengths to achieve what they were looking for.
“Yes. And they will stop at nothing to get her and the ship we’re headed to. I understand if this is all too much.” She started to punch some buttons on the device when his hand was suddenly on her arm. His hand was gentle yet still had a firm grip there, for support. She put the device down and looked at him thoughtfully, eyes still red like embers under a dying fire.
“I don’t want that to happen to her. I am… familiar with her struggle and I care not to have the same thing that happened to me--happen to her. If Yoongi will not stay and help, then I will break myself off to help all of you along. No person should be a slave or put through something they wish to not happen.”
His soft words became bitter at the end, a glimpse of his true self breaking through the mask that he always carried. Nyala saw the paths of this man, in that moment and took a moment to realize something that she had neglected to analyze herself. The paths that they were all to tread, how they were all being gathered there. There must have been something more about their meetings than met the eye. She smiled at him, one hand reaching up to pat his cheek before announcing that she was fine. There was no damage and everyone was truly safe.
For the moment.

Moodboard by Admin L
Photo credit: Lorraine Ward and
Story: Edge of Forever
Character: Nyala (OC)
“There are greater things that pull our strings, older things that have left their mark for us to find. I can already tell that when the pieces are all assembled, that’s when the real chaos begins..”
Edge of Forever [BTS Space!AU]
![Edge Of Forever [BTS Space!AU]](
BTS Space!AU [ ♧ ✪ ✿ ☆ ❂ ☾✘ ] “All the world’s a stage, and all the men and women merely players: they have their exits and their entrances; and one man in his time plays many parts, his acts being seven ages.” The stage is set and the stars are the guide for the lost souls that have congregated to one point. A fixed constant in the universe for others to discover and fulfill their wishes but will it come to ruin for others?
Pairings: BTS X OC (s) Genre: BTS Space!AU Warnings: Graphic Violence, Heavy Language
Chapter 7- You
![Edge Of Forever [BTS Space!AU]](
"There's a fire within, hate to admit it but always knew Violence and sin, keeps me fearless.."
“Are you sure it's out there? Looks like a trap..”
Yoongi squinted at the screen as they all viewed the scene before them of the asteroid field where the Antares was being stored for safekeeping. Nyala let out a soft laugh before walking up to Jin, letting him know where the docking bay was. Truthfully, she was also worried that it was a trap since there were so many people interested in them now. Her other worry was that the others would be targeted for helping her. During the second jump, Jin and Yoongi put those worries to rest, partly. Between the both of them, all of them would be able to keep under the radar but who was really able to escape the Armada?
Yoongi’s black eyes seemed to pick up on those worries as he looked at Nyala, a frown forming on his features again. He also seemed to know of the conversation between herself and Jimin, nothing being hidden between the both of them. He wasn’t happy with her that his friend had decided that but he couldn’t hold him back on what he wanted to do.
Jin nodded at Nyala’s words and positioned the ship to where they could board. All of them held their breath until the locking clamp secured itself to the seemingly unassuming piece of rock. Jimin announced that everything was secure and the breath that was being held by everyone was let out. They would be set until they finished what they were there to do. However, the trick was to do it all in zero gravity since the asteroid was in its natural spin as not to seem suspicious to others.
Jungkook, Nyala, and Vairuit started their work of helping to unload what they needed to in the zero gravity while the rest of them made sure that the systems were still going to work for flight. Jin, Yoongi, and Jimin saw to that as they floated into the main cockpit of the ship. It was spacious, at least three times bigger than the other ship and its design was something none of them had seen before. Once they came onto the bridge, lights suddenly turned on and soft beeping could be heard from the various controls. Jimin ran his hand over one such console, marveling at how it almost sounded like music to him.
Life forms detected. Please identify with encrypted code and voice activation.
The three of them looked at each other, speechless at what to do. The mechanical voice repeated itself again as more lights were being lit up as it powered up basic systems. After a few minutes of silence, the voice repeated once more but that time was tinged with hostility and even added a part about subduing the intruders should they not provide the information. Nyala soared right on in, just in time and settled at a station. In her hand was another device that interfaced with the console, giving the code before anything could happen.
“I don’t appreciate this, Nyala. This thing could have killed us—” Jin started in on one of his rants, speaking so fast that she almost couldn’t hear what was being said by the computer systems. Jimin bounced over to him and hugged him, sending the pair of them over towards Yoongi. The man clapped one hand over Jin’s mouth as he tried hard to listen to what was going on himself.
“Vibrissa Class, TLS 1420-SJP. This is Nyala, Second House of the Rajini. Please confirm voice activation.”
The voice that had been warning them suddenly quieted, the system working as the lights dimmed as it confirmed. The boys looked around in alarm and even Jungkook, who had come from the cargo bay with Vairuit, nearly protested when they both floated in. Vairuit was fine since her eyes would allow her to see in low-level light as well as darkness. Suddenly, the lights powered back up and a different voice presented itself to the compliment. It was a light-hearted sound, male but one that was pleasant to most ears.
Nyala of the Ifrit, you are welcomed back to the Antares. I see you have brought friends with you? Should I add them to the crew manifest? And where is Lirael? Is she still damaged?
“Kibeth, we have more things to worry about like getting the ship up and running?”
The voice hummed and new life was suddenly lighting up the entire ship, a couple of projections suddenly popping up for all to see. The screens showed the schematics of the ship and the various levels of each system as they booted up. Jin gasped and floated forward, disentangling himself from Jimin as he watched what was going on. Yoongi looked on with great interest as well while the rest of them looked on as the other consoles lit up. Vairuit floated over to a weapons console and checked the armament. Jungkook accompanied her, looking over her shoulder but the action caused the pair of them to start trading words.
He was suddenly flung away from her, a smirk on Jungkook’s face when it happened. He nearly sailed right into Yoongi, who put his hand on one of the offenders' shoulders--and squeezed. A yelp came from Jungkook’s mouth as the action, surrendering immediately. The voice, Kibeth, gave a soft hum at the antics as it watched from one of the cameras on the ceiling.
My, this might be one noisy complement of crew.
“Are you an AI?” Jimin piped up from where he was, his words directed to Kibeth. At the query, the voice hummed again before answering him. “You won’t suddenly decide to do things on your own?”
Yes, I am the AI that is also apart of ship’s systems. My designation is TLS-1420 but you may call me Kibeth. Do not worry, I have learning capabilities but most of my coding is restricted from having a will of my own. I am completely devoted to the Antares’ Captain and Lirael.
No sooner than the words echoed away did an alarm sound on the bridge. Kibeth announced that there was a ship that had dropped out of Drive Space on the long-range sensors, heading directly for them. It cut itself off mid-sentence to correct itself--there were three ships instead and they showed no signs of going anywhere else but there. Another announcement was made that the lead ship was hailing them and that he was patching it in through audio-only since the main screen wasn’t yet active.
“My, my, my. Nyala, you led us right to the Antares and even so kindly have the Android aboard. Well done. Now surrender or die.” The transmission was cut off before anyone had the chance to retort back. The Pirate had found them a lot sooner than they all had anticipated.
“You all may leave now, they only want me and the ship. If I distract them long enough—”
“Do you really think you can pilot this ship by yourself. I mean, I could but you’re no pilot.” Jin climbed into the pilot’s chair, strapping himself in as he got himself familiar with the controls of the ship. Nyala words were cut off by him but she couldn’t get another word in as Yoongi took a seat with Jimin taking the communications console and chair.
“Nyala, we’ll get all the cargo and supplies we can from the other ship while we still have zero gravity. We can move crap more quickly that way. You focus on getting this hunk of junk ready to fight.” Vairuit grinned at Nyala, bumping her shoulder before she floated away--calling out Jungkook’s name as she did so. The man sighed and followed her out so that way he could help, flashing Nyala a grin as he passed. The ships were still a good distance away so it would give them time to do what they needed to do. They, once in range of their target, could only go so fast and the asteroid field was giving them extra time. Kibeth announced that the ships would be on them in about 20 minutes, given the field was still in its current state. Fluctuations were common due to the high impact of the asteroids with each other. There could have been a sudden shift that would throw everything into chaos, should it happen.
“I have a plan but we really need everything out of my ship that we can possibly get before peeling out of here,” Jin announced, still in the thick of learning the controls. It caught the attention of everyone around him, seeing that his face had turned grim. “We can overload the engines on my baby, causing a significant shift in the field. Still, the reactor core will take 7 minutes to overload and they might be within weapons range by then.”
“So what you’re saying is—?” Yoongi snapped, looking at Nyala for confirmation. She sighed and looked back at her work. It was showing that they still had another 8 minutes left in booting up the systems, even with Kibeth’s help. However, the good news was that the Drive Engines were warming themselves up too. They would just have to clear the field to activate and get the hell out of there.
“He’s right, Yoongi. If we do that, it would give us enough time to clear the field and get out of here. Hopefully.”
Yoongi gritted his teeth and relented at their words. By his calculations, 8 minutes until system-wide re-boot then Jungkook and Vairuit would have only two minutes to finish up what they were doing before the ships were within range of firing. Another 5 for the core and two minutes left to get away safely. That was, if they weren’t blown out of the entire existence by then. Yoongi grumbled and rubbed his face as he started to make preparations himself.
“Kibeth, can you access the Persona’s systems?” Jin called out, nearly finished with what he was doing. The AI confirmed he could, it just had to break through the encryption matrix to take control. The Pilot agreed and let him do that while everyone worked in sync to get their plan going. Once the AI was finished, Jin was ready for flight or at least that he was prepared enough to start calculations that he would need for the hurried trip out of that sector.
The 8 minutes seemed to fly by as fast as Jin would and everyone was given the two-minute warning. The AI was keeping tabs on the ships and the surrounding asteroids, in case of any sudden shifts. The pilot called out to Kibeth to go ahead and fire the Persona’s thrusters so that way the ship could help them turn around. They were going to use the rock that the ship was attached to as a shield, hiding the other ship that would stay behind. Once Jungkook and Vairuit were aboard, the doors were locked as well as sealed. Now they just had to wait for their expected guests to get near them.
However, they had started to blast some of the rocks that were coming by them and causing all kinds of chaos with the asteroids. Everyone took stations, Jungkook and Vairuit at the weapons array; Jimin at comms; Nyala at navigations while Yoongi took up another station and Jin always at the helm.
Jin gave Kibeth the go-ahead for the core meltdown, releasing them from the docked position. Once free, he had the other ship attach itself to the asteroid and they pulled away. Shots were fired once in sight of the ships but the weapons on the Antares were better in all aspects. The rounds fired off as Jin increased speed, maneuvering through the field. They had to go a bit slower than they originally planned due to the debris flying all around them from the gunfire but they finally made it a safe distance away--just as the other ship blew up. The seismic reaction, as well as the energy released from it, took out two ships since they were closer to it and disabled the third. Once clear of the field, the Antares took off into subspace Drive and once again left them to tend to themselves.
Make It Right [BTS Mafia!AU]

Pairings: Jin x OC | Taehyung/Hoseok x OC | Yoongi/Jungkook x OC Genre: BTS Mafia!AU Warnings: Graphic Violence, Heavy Language, Angst, Smut, Slow Burn “It’s always darkest before the dawn…” It’s a dog-eat-dog world in Seoul, South Korea. One has to dwell in the shadows in order to reach for the light. What are you willing to sacrifice in order to feel the sunlight on your face? What will it take to drag you back into darkness? How long will the journey be to make it right?
AO3 | WP
Chapter 00: Prologue

“I’ve grown a bit taller My voice has gotten a bit stronger…”
Keep reading
Make It Right [BTS Mafia!AU]

Pairings: Jin x OC | Taehyung/Hoseok x OC | Yoongi/Jungkook x OC Genre: BTS Mafia!AU Warnings: Graphic Violence, Heavy Language, Angst, Smut, Slow Burn WC: 1461 “It’s always darkest before the dawn…” It’s a dog-eat-dog world in Seoul, South Korea. One has to dwell in the shadows in order to reach for the light. What are you willing to sacrifice in order to feel the sunlight on your face? What will it take to drag you back into darkness? How long will the journey be to make it right?
AO3 | WP
Chapter 06: Serendipity

“I’m your tricolor cat, here to meet you...”
Chapters: Prologue 1 2 3 4 5 6
Jimin sighed softly, scuffing the edge of his boots along the sidewalk. His breath came out in a soft translucent cloud, his eyes lifting at the streetlight just outside of the office building. There was a part of him that really wanted to leave, or at least get some coffee from a nearby street vendor. Seokjin, however, told him to be patient and wait. That this was worth standing out in the cold for. They’d been through worse so waiting around for someone in the chilly bite of Autumn would be a cake walk.
At least that’s how he was able to convince Jimin to even do this in the first place.
Then again, it wasn’t like he was going to say “no” to his Hyung either. Jimin was the sort of person who readily accepted a task that was given to him, no matter how big or small it may be. In a way, this also would cause him to take on more than what was necessary. Taehyung told him once that if he wasn’t careful, he was going to bite off more than he could chew and choke one day. But if he was helping the group and doing his part, then that was all that mattered to Park Jimin at the end of the day.
He just wanted to be useful.
Checking the time, he wrapped his jacket a little bit tighter around himself. It was getting colder these days and he wouldn’t be surprised if it snowed soon. In fact, didn’t the reports say that snow would hit in the next few weeks?
Just as he was thinking this, the doors to the corporate office opened and several workers began to exit the building. Jimin pulled out his phone, making sure that he had the right picture up, and waited as everyone filed out of the office. After politely staying out of the way of traffic, he was able to spy the person he was supposed to meet. Thankfully for him, she hadn’t changed much in the last year or so.
Reaching out with his hand, he grabbed her wrist and pulled her toward him. A soft gasp left the woman and she looked up at him, green eyes fluttering in confusion as her honey wheat hair flew about her shoulders. She peered up at him through the lens of her glasses in what Jimin could only presume as her trying to figure out who he was. He’d changed his hair since she’d last seen him.
Then came the recognition.
Jimin smiled, thankful that she remembered him. That would make this easier for them both. “Hey Ana Noona. Long time no see, right?”
She nodded slowly, gripping onto her tote purse as he let her go. Ana brushed some of her hair out of her eyes, giving him the once over. “What’s going on, Jimin-ssi? Is it important because I have another meeting?”
He nodded, holding out his arm for her. “I’m here to pick you up for it.”
“Huh?” she said, unable to keep her head from tilting sideways.
Jimin smiled when she slowly slid her arm through his. “Your appointment? I’m here to pick you up for it.”
Ana pressed her lips together in a thin line while furrowing her brows. “My appointment is at an investment firm. Last I checked, weren’t you running with a bunch of gangsters?” The continued walking. “Did you decide to make a career change in the last year?”
Even though her comment was a little bit barbous, he maintained his smile. Mostly because he knew just how kind and honest Ana was. He’d known for years now and from what he’d found out, she hadn’t changed all that much.
She blinked and placed a hand over her mouth. “...I didn’t mean that how that sounded.”
Jimin gave her a warm smile. “I know you didn’t.”
Anastasia D’Angelo was a transplant to South Korea and she’d been there for three years. Out of those three years, one year was spent getting acclimated. After a few company parties and making friends on her own, she ran into Jungkook and they began a relationship shortly after. It was at this time that the others of the Golden Jackals were introduced to her. Jungkook was always about being honest and he didn’t want to hide what his job entailed, even from his girlfriend. The relationship didn’t last long - they were together for about eight months - before they both decided that it was better for them both to stop. Jungkook didn’t want to impede her drive to climb higher in her company.
They remained friends and there were a few times where Jimin and Taehyung were dragged out by Jungkook to go hangout or even pick Anastasia up versus taking a cab. As a financial advisor for her stocks company, Anastasia was a miser. She would pinch a penny wherever and whenever she could. Not that the boys minded - she was honest and that was ultimately what mattered to them.
Which was why Seokjin was absolutely determined to have her working for them instead of her current stocks company. And that was where Jimin was taking her.
But she would find that out soon enough.
“And anyway, I don’t think that’s really important. I’m just supposed to take you to your appointment.” Jimin leaned in, practically pressing his nose to hers even though they were still walking. “Besides, did you really want to go to another company dinner? I thought you were over that nonsense.”
Ana sighed, nodding her head resolutely. “You’re right. But you know how it is. I have to keep up appearances and all that bullshit.”
“Again,” he said slowly, looking at her as he slowed their pace some, “I thought you were over that.”
She puffed one of her cheeks out at him. “Well, what the hell else am I supposed to do?”
“You could always quit that job.”
They were completely stopped now.
“Ha!” she balked at him, unable to hide how big her eyes were getting behind her glasses, “okay, sure. And then I’ll have to move back to the States.” She shook her head. “I’d rather not.”
Jimin watched as she seemed to finally be taking a look at where they’d stopped at. It was only a few blocks away from her actual building. She probably hadn’t realized they’d walked all that way. Jimin urged her to release his arm so he could open the door, ushering her inside.
It looked like a standard office building, just like any other. The difference was the emblem emblazoned in the main lobby. A secretary looked up just as they entered and smiled to Jimin. He bowed his head politely and she buzzed them in where they were able to gain access to the elevators. Once inside, he swiped his keycard and pressed the number to the topmost floor.
“Jimin-ah,” called Ana, dropping the polite form of address which, in turn, caused him to turn his head to look at her. She appeared genuinely confused and a little worried. “ you really work here now?”
There was hesitation in her tone and it almost hurt Jimin a little. Not that he could blame her and he most certainly never would. But they weren’t just scruffy thugs anymore. They had bigger plans for themselves, just like Namjoon dreamed for them long all those years ago.
Reaching out to brush a few strands of her hair behind her ear, he smiled before gently poking her nose. She went cross-eyed for a second and he laughed.
“Yes, I really work here.”
The elevator dinged and he guided her out of the elevator when the doors opened. There was a single corridor they had to walk down and a set of large, redwood double doors on the other end of the hall. Two large door handles were fitted on the outside and Jimin pulled one open so that Ana could enter. She gave him another look, clutching her bag a little bit closer to her body. He smiled, urging her to continue forward.
“It’s okay, Ana Noona. I promise . Now, go inside.”
He watched her visibly swallow before smiling at him and then entering the door. When the door clicked closed, he took about three steps away from the door. In his mind, he pressed a finger to his chin and absentmindedly wondered how she would react upon seeing who was on the other side.
And then he heard the scream.
“W-Wait a minute!”
Jimin stifled an outburst of laughter with his hand, settling himself on a nearby waiting bench. He pulled out his phone and opened up his reading app, picking up where he left off in the Webtoon he’d been reading.

Moodboard by Admin L
Story: Edge of Forever
Character: Jeon Jungkook
Role: Ballistics and Weapons Expert.
“I could always get revenge on what happened but now I have more than one thing to keep safe. If that means I die for that, then I’ve atoned for what it was that I’ve done. I won’t let the Pirates or anyone else get you.
Edge of Forever [BTS Space!AU]

BTS Space!AU [ ♧ ✪ ✿ ☆ ❂ ☾✘ ] “All the world’s a stage, and all the men and women merely players: they have their exits and their entrances; and one man in his time plays many parts, his acts being seven ages.” The stage is set and the stars are the guide for the lost souls that have congregated to one point. A fixed constant in the universe for others to discover and fulfill their wishes but will it come to ruin for others?
Pairings: BTS X OC (s) Genre: BTS Space!AU Warnings: Graphic Violence, Heavy Language
Chapter 8- Papercut

I don't know what stressed me first or how the pressure was fed.. But I know just what it feels like to have a voice in the back of my head
Now that all of them were quite possibly in on everything together, the Pirates had extended their bounty to not only just Nyala but the boys as well. Yoongi was a fine line and if someone dared to take the Broker down, which none had ever did in all his long years anyways--then most everyone would lose their number one source of supplies and weapons. So he was to be taken in alive as well as the Android, whereas everyone else was either Dead or Alive. Preferably alive so that way the Pirates could have their way with them.
Nyala had given Jin the coordinates for a planet called Izanami to start off with. They, after all, had to find an engineer and at least someone crazy enough to tend to a gang of Outlaws. The problem laid with entering a hospital zone and they couldn’t just enter one of those with what they were running from each time they were hurt. No, they actually needed someone there on the ship to tend to them while they got into all sorts of trouble. And they couldn't fix the ship by themselves either and Jimin could only do so much with his skills.
So they headed for the planet but it would be about a 4 day trip and 2 long jumps between subspace Drive. So they had some time on their hands, to say the least. So Nyala gave the new crew of the Antares a run-down of the ship’s systems as well as more details on what she had with the Pirates. She gave them all the information that she had stored within Kibeth’s data bank and cross-referenced it with the files she had presented to everyone that day on the Dragon’s Den. Still, most of the information was incomplete and if they wanted to keep everything out of the Pirate’s hands--then they would just have to beat them to the punch.
So to speak.
The planet was another wealthy and well off planet that had risen up from the ashes of war. Now it was another popular planet, just like Sagittarius but it was more of a tourist trap than anything. People from all over came for the clean air and the succulent foods that were found there. It was almost like paradise for some, where the wealthy headed to when they wanted to retire and hoard all their money. It was still a pretty good merchant planet to the South and the North was the rich and mysterious people headed. Another note of interest was the caverns in the North, meticulously well-kept by some of the scholars there. It was said that a member of an alien race headed to that planet long ago with the hopes of starting a new life there. What they had actually found was the indigenous species that had lived there for thousands of years held a secret that he coveted. So he tricked them and took their lands, after he had alerted other members of his species to come to the planet.
War raged for the land for quite some time but in the end, the peoples of the planet lost and they became slaves for the newcomers. However, the species didn’t do too well with the introduction of so many things--including disease. They now lived on through the caves and ancient texts that they left behind, their stories and myths carved on the walls.
After the history lesson, Yoongi was sitting in the bridge with the lights low and by himself. The data that Nyala had left him was still bothering him. There was some sort of connection to all of this, he was sure of it. Already, he had his fingers into the network to find some answers that seemed to be plaguing the story that was presented. His network of connections, favors and outright intimidation on various fronts had a long reach which was the reason why he was so valuable to both sides but even he knew that it wouldn’t be long before they determined that he was not useful anymore. So there was a lot of shit that he had to get done before that happened.
Vairuit had been exploring more of the ship while everyone else was off doing other things. She thought about taking a nap or something since she didn’t have much room to move around in. Well, not until they got some of the cargo out of the way. She ended up at the bridge again and leaned up against the doorway, watching the other in there as he stared at the screen. He was a curious being, one that looked like the humans but wasn’t human.
“I can sense you over there, Vairuit. Do you want anything?” Yoongi suddenly spoke, not even moving a single muscle. She stood up just a little bit more at his words, realizing that she had been caught. Not that she was doing anything wrong in the first place, just standing there minding her own business. Her ears twitched in annoyance but she brushed it off and shoved herself off the perch she had made. She walked straight up to him and leaned down to see what it was that he was doing.
“Aren’t you bored, going over this again?”
He sighed and swiveled in his chair to stare at her. He lifted his hand to place his head as he studied her, a Mao with some control. It was strange for him to see as he’d seen and dealt with numerous species, each with their own feelings as well as thoughts that he could detect. There was a current running underneath all of the exterior, he could see it well.
“Aren’t you getting a little bored yourself? I can sense that you are so why are you really in here bothering me?”
Vairuit snorted and leaned up against the console, peering down at him as he made his assessment of her. Her eyebrow raised as her eyes twinkled in the low-lighting, almost like a couple of lone buttons in the dark of night that were flickering. There was just something in his tone, his attitude that bothered Vairuit, same with Jungkook but at least he was more upfront about himself. This one, he hid in the shadows and didn’t really care much for everything outside of his ‘realm’ as she saw it. Yoongi could sense those thoughts and he smirked, turning back to what he was doing.
“I’m in here because I want to see what you’re doing. Is that a problem or is it you that really has the problem?”
He scoffed and didn’t answer her, moving on to another piece of information that he was studying. She reached over and pushed a button, causing the thing to power down--throwing them in almost total darkness. She could see his face, visibly angered by what she had done so she leaned over and crossed her arms over her chest. Yoongi raised the lighting and stood up, glaring at her for doing such a thing. Had she been anyone else, they would have balked at the stare but she stood her ground. She had hit a sore spot with him apparently, coolly looking at the man as he controlled his anger at her.
“The thing I have a problem with is your incessant meddling. My business is information and second money. I find things and get shit done so you are essentially getting in the way of my business. What is it that you’re searching for? Really? A purpose or just a good time?”
The questions caught her off guard as she was expecting him to rant and rail at her. However, he countered her pestering with his words. He was using her own mind against her, digging deep to something she had fought with for so long--even since being with her own family. They didn’t understand her need to go, to reach out and grasp what was on the edge of herself but not knowing what that really was. A calling, just as she was sure that he had since he was out there and away from his comfort zone.
She bristled a bit but still kept everything to herself, the energy that she had been expecting from him was now rising up in her as he spoke.
“Maybe both. I don’t know but at least I’m out here figuring that out and not hiding from things. I don’t sit and hope that nobody bothers me because I already know that they will. So what’s your deal, huh? Family leave you out in the dust? Trust issues? Betrayal?” She was reaching because what did she really know of this man? Yet, those always seemed to be common factors that she saw in people. Nobody was really original, were they?
“Or maybe it's all three? Let’s throw in a lost love and you’re the whole package. The tormented soul out making a name for himself.”
Yoongi’s face stilled, his anger turning white-hot but nowhere near to exploding. It bothered him that she had hit some sore spots but what did she truly understand about him? She was poking and prodding with the intent of making him explode but he wouldn’t have it. They clashed in a very different way than she did with Jungkook, even he could see it. So why was it that she was rubbing himself and the assassin the wrong way? Taking a breath, Yoongi’s eyes glittered with anger and actual pity for the woman.
“I don’t have to provoke others for a reaction to free themselves of boredom. I’d made my peace with my past and myself long ago. Did you?”
He took a device with the information on it and pushed past her, done with the conversation. It had been a while since he let anyone get under his skin like that. Yet, he’d let the Mao do that very thing and revealed a bit of himself that he hadn’t planned to do. It wasn’t even that far into what they were doing and already he had others that was getting on his nerves. He wondered how long he was going to last before he finally exploded on someone. He would have to see Jimin for another session, it seemed.
Vairuit, however, sat there and mulled over his words. She didn’t normally needle at people like that but there was just something that irritated her about him. Jungkook as well, the man with his smirk and his overconfident attitude. She really needed to get that cargo area cleared out to start her exercises again so that way the confrontation wouldn’t happen again. To get some of her aggressions out. It was going to be a long trip, it seemed.
Make It Right [BTS Mafia!AU]

Pairings: Jin x OC | Taehyung/Hoseok x OC | Yoongi/Jungkook x OC Genre: BTS Mafia!AU Warnings: Graphic Violence, Heavy Language, Angst, Smut, Slow Burn WC: 2996 “It’s always darkest before the dawn…” It’s a dog-eat-dog world in Seoul, South Korea. One has to dwell in the shadows in order to reach for the light. What are you willing to sacrifice in order to feel the sunlight on your face? What will it take to drag you back into darkness? How long will the journey be to make it right?
AO3 | WP
Chapter 07: Look Here

"Us meeting isn’t just coincidence. Meeting you was what I wanted."
Anastasia took a deep breath as Jimin closed the doors behind her. When the soft click ensued, she stepped forward and noticed that the person sitting behind the large desk was not facing them. In fact, all she could see was the desk, the nameplate (which had traditional Chinese characters on it), and the back of the large leather chair. She cleared her throat in an attempt to get the person’s attention, but when there was no response, she decided to wait patiently until she was acknowledged.
This wasn’t America, after all.
Taking a moment to busy herself in the silence, Anastasia made a note of how big the office was. The floor was made of premium marble and the oak desk was clearly well-polished. There was a set of six black leather chairs, three on each side, around a black and marble topped coffee table. Another black leather chair sat at the head of the table just feet away from the desk situated on a slight riser from the rest.
It was modestly decorated, dark green curtains framing a set of bay windows and French doors led to an outdoor balcony. A few pictures hung on the wall but there was a hand-embroidered image of a golden jackal situated on black canvas that was framed and hung over the desk. This kept her attention longer than it should have, but she couldn’t tear her gaze from it. Anastasia knew that she’d seen that before somewhere, but less ornate and less prominent.
She could at least say that it was a lovely piece of artwork.
But where have I seen that from?
“Long time no see, Anastasia,” came a voice suddenly, knocking her out of her thoughts.
Even though she hadn’t meant to, a soft squeak escaped her as she felt her shoulders jump. Anastasia lifted her purse up to her chest, clutching it just a little bit tighter as her eyes focused on where the voice came from. Blinking at the back of the chair at the desk, she watched as it slowly turned. It was like a scene from The Godfather , and when the chair was fully turned around, there in the large leather chair was none other than Kim Seokjin. If he’d been holding a cat, he would have been Claw from Inspector Gadget and then she really would have fallen out.
“W-Wait a minute!” Her eyes practically bugged out of her skull. “Kim Seokjin-ssi, what are you doing here?!”
Pouty lips spread into a knowing smirk, his elbows resting on the arms of the chair while he steepled his fingers. “I work here.” He answered like she’d asked him a math question. “Or, rather, this is my company.”
Anastasia blinked rapidly, her lips opening and closing as a few stammering sounds spilled forth. “What did you say?”
His smile widened further. “I said that this is my company. I own Golden Star.”
She couldn’t believe it. There was no way that he was serious. Seokjin must have cashed in a favor and she was being played a fool. Someone was playing a prank on her! The Kim Seokjin that she knew was a gangster. All of his friends, the ones he called his brothers, were all gangsters. Weren’t they all running around trying to make a name for themselves, getting themselves caught up in the streets?
Her eyes lifted to spy at the art piece of the golden jackal. Their gang was known as The Golden Jackals. Anyone who was even remotely aware of the underground circuit knew of them and was also aware that they were an up and coming group. Their domain was the street, though. At least that was what Jungkook told her when they were still together before they ended their relationship.
So what had changed in that short amount of time? Had they been working on building toward this even back then?
Anastasia suddenly remembered why she was there. She was supposed to undergo an interview to see if she was qualified to be a financial advisor for another company. Not that she had anything against the stock exchange firm she was currently employed with. But she knew that there was limited room for her to grow and to really showcase her skills. Coming from a background that lacked money taught her how to utilize funds and how to properly shift one’s finances to benefit a company and to encourage its growth. This was her chance to finally climb higher and to stabilize herself without worrying about living from paycheck to paycheck.
But this? There was no way she could have prepared herself for this.
Her moment of shock started to ebb away and she took a breath. Anastasia’s eyes narrowed and she frowned. “No.”
Seokjin’s smile fell as he canted his head slightly. “What?”
“No way.” She pivoted on her heels and made her way toward the door. “There is absolutely no fucking way .”
Her hand landed on the door and she began to pull. However, instead of wrenching the door open like she’d anticipated, it held; resisting against her. For a second, all she did was blink - staring at her hand in disbelief. Had she been locked in? Again, she pulled - harder this time, and again, she was met with resistance.
“What in the hell?” Anastasia began pulling more aggressively, using both hands and all the door did was rattle in response. “What the hell is happening?!” She swiveled around, ready to ream into Seokjin when she saw he was directly behind her. Anastasia let out a scream, pressing a hand to her chest as her back slammed into the door. “Wh-Wh-What do you think you’re doing?!”
Seokjin leaned forward, peering into her face. Her cheeks flushed and she mentally kicked herself for her own body reacting involuntarily. She wasn’t sure if it was because he was so close to her or if it was because she was halfway down the road of embarrassing herself. Or was she already there? Well, whatever the case, Anastasia didn’t appreciate him invading her personal space like that.
“I don’t know what’s funnier,” he said slowly, his eyes never leaving hers, “the fact that you’re spazzing out for no reason or that you’re pulling on a door that you’re supposed to be pushing on.”
What had he just said?
Seokjin reached forward, gripping the handle of the door and he pressed the latch situated at the top. With a gentle push, the door swayed open. Anastasia peered over her shoulder and saw Jimin sitting on the waiting bench, thoroughly engrossed on whatever was on his phone. When the door opened, he looked up and then smiled - giving a pleasant wave to the two of them before going back to his phone.
All she could do was blink in both parts amazement and disbelief.
When it looked like Jimin wasn’t going to intervene, she saw Seokjin moving out of the corner of her eye. He reached forward, grabbed the handle, and then pulled the door closed. Anastasia felt it brush against her shoulder blade, her eyes never leaving Seokjin’s profile even as the door closed with a soft click . His arm lingered there a moment longer before he straightened up to his full height. Some of his hair fell across his brow line and the lump that was unknowingly forming in her throat made her even more aware of their close proximity.
Seokjin normally wasn’t the type to invade another person’s bubble like this. At least from what she knew and of the few times they interacted with one another.
Finally, his smile returned and he looked at her. “Now then,” he began, turning to the side and gesturing toward the array of leather chairs with a wide flourish, “if you’d be so kind, can we get this little meeting underway?”
She felt his hand resting at her lower back and Anastasia’s legs moved unconsciously. What in the world was happening, exactly? Well, she couldn’t be sure. But before she could issue a protest, she was sitting at the chair closest to the one at the head of the table.
“Can I offer you something to drink?” he asked, already making his way toward the area where various liquor decanters were situated.
“Bourbon if you’ve got it. Whiskey if you don’t.”
He chuckled while setting aside two glasses. “And if I have neither?”
This elicited a sudden laugh from Seokjin and he came back to the table, holding out the glass containing the amber liquid. Two cubes of ice were inside the tumbler and she looked at it before lifting her gaze to give him a curious look. He settled into the chair, his own glass filled with a similarly colored drink. His contained no ice.
“I remembered that you’re a fan of bourbon. I was just teasing.”
Anastasia pouted, taking a ginger sip of alcohol while secretly thanking him for remembering to pour her drink on the rocks. After taking a moment to appreciate the smoothness of the booze, she set the glass down on the wooden coaster. She crossed one leg over the other, not caring that the toe of her shoe was brushing up against one of the table legs.
“Seokjin-ssi,” she said, her tone as serious as she could manage. He raised a brow at her as he drank. “What is this all about?”
He swallowed, setting his glass down. “I thought you knew what this was about. Isn’t that why you came out here?”
“I came because I was called about a financial advisor position.”
“Well, that certainly hasn’t changed, so what’s the issue?”
Anastasia felt the vein near her temple throbbing. “The issue is that I didn’t know this was your company!”
“Is that a problem?” He smirked. “I didn’t realize me being the boss was a problem for you.”
“It’s not about you, dammit!” she snapped, her neck flaring up with the steady rise of her anger. “You know of my history with Jungkook and it’s not like I’m completely ignorant to who you guys are.”
Seokjin’s smile fell just a fraction. A thoughtful expression soon replaced it as he crossed his legs. “I thought you and Jungkook broke up mutually and are still on good terms.” He looked at her, a single brow raising. “Is that not the case?”
“Well, no, we’re still friends...but--”
“And if it’s the background you’re worried about, you can do some digging if you’d like. Golden Star is a legitimate company, Anastasia.”
“That’s not--”
“Then I guess I’m failing to see what the problem is.” Seokjin folded his hands in his lap. “Care to enlighten me?”
For one of the few times in her life, Anastasia actually had no words. None. It wasn’t like she despised the company of the Golden Jackals. She mostly hung out with Jungkook, Taehyung and Jimin. She could confidently say that they were her friends. Namjoon and Hoseok were nice and Seokjin was always a polite gentleman toward her. There was no real reason for her to be on the defensive.
And yet she still felt like she’d been suckerpunched in the stomach.
She sighed, her hostility deflating as she sank back in the plush leather chair. “Why me?”
Seokjin’s smile returned. “Why not you?”
She scoffed. She couldn’t help herself. “Oh, don’t give me that, Seokjin. You could hire anyone. Especially if you can afford to run your business out of a building like this. It’s almost as big as the company I work for.” Anastasia gave him a pointed look. “I’m one of hundreds of office workers. I literally work from a freaking cubicle. I’m a damn dime a dozen.” Her accent was coming out and she hated it, but she knew that once she got rolling, there was no stopping her. “So why me , Seokjin-ah?”
Anastasia was a professional 99% of the time. It was very rare that she wasn’t, especially when it came to her work. But when the polite form of address was dropped, when honorifics and protocol were thrown out the window, it was when she meant business. She loved her job and she loved the country she was now living in. If it was one thing she wasn’t about to do, it was jeopardize any of that for any reason at any time and not for any one .
A moment of silence passed between them and Seokjin’s arms moved to rest on the arms of the chair. He steepled his fingers again, pressing them against his lips. Anastasia watched him as he tried to formulate the words that she needed to hear. If it was something she wasn’t okay with, her plan was to walk straight out of that office and not look back. Her career meant everything to her. Stability meant everything to her.
She wasn’t in the business of taking risks for no damn reason.
“You’re driven, Anastasia. You’ve always been like that.” He looked at her and she felt her fingers curling into the fabric of her dress pants. “The company you’ve been working for doesn’t know what to do with you. You’ve been with them for five years and three of those five years have been spent here. It’s unheard of for employees starting out to get reassigned to other countries. You’ve clearly got ambition.”
Warmth touched her cheeks and she wasn’t sure what to make of what he was saying. Were they compliments? He wasn’t trying to pull a fast one on her. It simply sounded like he was stating the facts.
She remained silent as he continued.
“But you’ve hit a point where you’re not going to be able to move forward. You’re smarter than half of your co-workers but because you lack a certain set of connections, you’re at an impasse. You can’t move ahead and you can’t just go back.” Seokjin paused, his smile returning. “What if I told you that you wouldn’t have to worry about that here? I need someone who can keep this company financially on track but who also isn’t afraid to make a few risky moves if it means turning a higher profit.”
His offer was enticing. How could it not be? But while she was in the business of taking risks, that didn’t mean she was going to step out on thin ice if she was confident enough to swim in freezing waters.
Reaching for her glass, she tried to appear unimpressed with his words. “What’s the pay?” Anastasia pressed the glass to her lips, letting the alcohol gently touch her tongue.
“Ten thousand dollars the first month.”
A mist of alcohol sprayed from her mouth. Anastasia began coughing furiously, her hand slapping her chest in an attempt to open up her airways so she could breathe. When she was able to gather her senses, she looked at Seokjin with eyes as wide as saucers.
“...what did you just say?”
“And you’ll be getting an additional ten thousand dollar signing bonus.” Seokjin winked. “But that’s because I like you.”
She frowned, coughing one last time as her eyes narrowed. “Stop playing around.”
“I am dead serious.”
“You’re crazy.”
He shrugged. “I’ve been called that and then some, but I can promise you that I am very much within my right mind on this.” His eyes met hers, the smile gone from his face completely. “So, what do you say? You in or out?”
Anastasia picked up her drink and drained the glass. Once she was finished, she stood up from the seat and looked down at him. “You’re only getting one chance to draw up a proper contract. If it’s not to my satisfaction, you can forget it.”
Seokjin stood, one hand sliding into his pocket. “You’ve got yourself a deal.” He looked like he’d already won and this made the muscle at her jaw tick. “I’ll have it sent to your place and you can look over it at your leisure.”
“Fine.” She slipped her purse over her shoulder and made her way to the door. “You’ve got three days, Kim Seokjin-ssi.”
Anastasia pushed the latch on the door handle and pushed this time, the door swaying open easily. Jimin seemed to be waiting on her and he slid his phone into his pocket. He smiled at her cheerfully and she immediately puffed her cheeks out defiantly. Ignoring the arm he held out for her, she huffed her way down the hall.
“I’ll see you in three days, Anastasia D’Angelo,” called Seokjin from down the hall.
Jimin caught up with her and pressed the button to call the elevator. She knew she wouldn’t be able to get back downstairs without his clearance. But that was the only reason she was even waiting on him. As they stepped into the elevator, she saw Seokjin still standing in the doorway of his office. Just before the doors closed, Anastasia stuck her tongue out at him and she had to ignore the way her heart thumped as he laughed - watching him disappear back into his office.
As Jimin swiped his card, he pressed the main floor button. “Did you have a good talk, Noona?”
She clicked her tongue against the roof of her mouth. “Don’t you start,” she warned and he laughed. “You’re in trouble.”
He nodded, holding his hands up in mock surrender. “Yes, yes, I know,” he said, gently bumping her shoulder with his own. “Can I buy you dinner to make up for it?”
She folded her arms across her chest and huffed. “Black Bean Noodles or it’s no deal.”
Jimin laughed. “It’s a deal!”
A sigh left her as she side-eyed him, wondering how she wound up in this situation. She certainly couldn’t be mad at Jimin. He was just doing his job. But this?
Well, this was just something she wasn’t really prepared for. But one thing was certain. She would know in three days what her answer was.
Anastasia could play nice until then.
Make It Right [BTS Mafia!AU]

Pairings: Jin x OC | Taehyung/Hoseok x OC | Yoongi/Jungkook x OC Genre: BTS Mafia!AU Warnings: Graphic Violence, Heavy Language, Angst, Smut, Slow Burn WC: 3222 “It’s always darkest before the dawn…” It’s a dog-eat-dog world in Seoul, South Korea. One has to dwell in the shadows in order to reach for the light. What are you willing to sacrifice in order to feel the sunlight on your face? What will it take to drag you back into darkness? How long will the journey be to make it right?
AO3 | WP
Chapter 08: Am I Wrong?

“Did I say something wrong? Did I lie?”
“Hey, Eden! When are you going to take a break?”
She grunted while shifting her back on the creeper, the wheels creaking as they slid along the concrete. Sweat clung to her brow and she attempted to swipe it away with her forearm. Eden could feel the bandana beginning to soak with sweat, but she refused to stop. Her grip tightened on the socket wrench in her hand, her other hand moving to swivel the under-hood light so she could get a better look at the various rods and pipes situated in the underbelly of the vehicle.
“Seriously, you’ve been at it for three hours straight.” Minki knelt and peered at her from beneath the vehicle. “You need to take a break.”
“Then you take a break,” she said, the heel of her boot scraping along the ground, "I’m not stopping you.”
There was a collective chorus of groans that echoed in the shop. She smirked, ignoring the drop of oil that fell on her cheek. Eden knew that she probably did need to stop and take a moment. But she was stubborn. When she set her mind on something, be it a hobby or a work order, she always saw it through to the very end. She knew her employees were probably aggravated with her for always taking on the most complicated jobs, but succeeding in even the most impossible endeavors made her reliable. Reliability equaled reputation growth.
And a good reputation ensured a steady flow of regular customers.
Even though it was the 21st century, women in certain types of vocational fields were frowned upon. It was even worse in South Korea. At least in America, she only had to deal with the occasional discriminatory remarks. Mostly it had to do with her skin color and her status as an orphan. But here? Well, they judged her on her skin color, her social standing and her occupation. Triple threat – a term she’d been wearing as a badge of pride.
Maybe that was why she was surrounded by co-workers who were similar. Not necessarily due to the outward appearance, but all of them were relatable in a way. But if they were passionate about their jobs, then that was all Eden cared about. It’d taken her long enough to build up her shop and secure regular business. Now she could say, with confidence, that she’d achieved success on her own terms.
Yoon Minki, her assistant and one of her best friends, sighed as he grabbed at her foot and began to shake it back and forth. She lifted her head up so she could peer at him from just over her stomach. He looked like he was torn between scolding her or just giving up.
If she ignored him and went back to work, the former would start up.
Eden sighed, setting the socket wrench on her stomach. “What?”
“Food.” Minki emphasized this by shaking her foot again, this time with more force. “Now.”
“Fine,” she clipped, dragging the heels of her boots toward her so she could slide out from under the car on the creeper. Looking up, she saw her other employees grinning. Had she really been the reason they were waiting? She set the wrench down on the ground and stood up, dusting off the backs of her overalls. “Alright, let’s eat.”
Entering the main office, they all crowded toward the back room where there was a small kitchenette. Minki began setting utensils down around the table and Jumin started putting rice into the metal bowls. The side dishes were already out and the excitement at the prospect of finally eating could be felt all around the room. Eden pushed passed the others as they began to take their seats and Taejun kicked her chair out so she could slide into it. Hyuksoo ladled bean sprout soup into larger metal bowls and set them down in their appropriate spots. Everything smelled delicious and Eden felt a twinge of guilt. She really needed to stop hyper focusing when she was at work, otherwise she was going to starve her employees half to death.
Once the table was set, they all clapped their hands and began digging in.
The conversation circulated around the table and laughter boomed in the small break room. Eden nearly choked on the spoonful of rice she’d swallowed. Minki handed her a cup of barley tea and she washed down the rice and kimchi in her mouth, unable to stop herself from laughing at the insults being fired back and forth between Taejun and Hyuksoo. Jumin fussed at them for causing such a ruckus at the table and Minki joined in on the teasing.
The five of them were like family and Eden wouldn’t have had it any other way.
Her eyes lingered on her phone that sat just in front of her rice bowl. Eden’s smile fell as she lifted a spoonful of soup to her lips, as if she were anticipating it to light up. When it didn’t, she sipped the soup in frustration and set her spoon down roughly in the metal bowl. Minki seemed to notice something was off and he gently nudged her with his knee from under the table. Casting him a sidelong glance, she tried to play it off like it was nothing and resumed eating – her mind only half there with the boys.
The other part of it was occupied with thoughts of Min Yoongi.
It would be a lie to herself and anyone else if she said she still didn’t still have feelings for him. But there was a part of her that knew it probably wouldn’t last. After all, what would a self-made successful entrepreneur like Min Yoongi want with an orphan auto mechanic like her? He probably came from a good family and he’d even hinted that his parents were simple farmers who had tons of land out in the countryside. He’d merely gone into the business venture side so he could help his family more, so they could live more comfortably.
In other words, he came from the chaebol lifestyle on the rural spectrum.
Eden was only half Korean. Sure, that enabled her to have the same rights as Korean citizens thanks to the F4 visa she applied for when she first arrived in the country. Doing a little research, she was able to find out that her own mother came from a line of nobility. But that’s where all the investigation stopped. Eden didn’t want anything to do with it and she did her best to ignore her curiosity. If she dug up any more info and found out that she was some kind of aegissi to some line and would have to give up her current life, she didn’t think she’d be able to handle it.
So, she left it alone.
Even though Yoongi had grown close to her during those first three years, dating for two of them, Eden knew it would fall apart eventually. He was constantly coming and going from her life while she remained where she was, working and covering herself in oil and grease. She was a literal grease monkey and every time she made him wait so she could clean up before going out while he was always looking dapper, there was a twinge of guilt there. Eden knew that there were better women out there for him – someone that fit his status better than her.
There were moments when she even believed he was mostly amusing himself with her. Eden could have almost been content with that. Almost.
But she refused to feel ashamed of herself every time they went out somewhere. And she didn’t know many of his own personal social circles. Again, he was probably too embarrassed to bring her around. She wasn’t rich and while she finished college, she’d hardly call herself scholarly or an intellectual. If anything, Eden knew what kind of nerd she was, and it certainly wouldn’t have suited the tastes of any of Yoongi’s colleagues.
So when he showed up at her shop the other day after months of not seeing each other, Eden believed that maybe, just maybe, they would try to start over. That he would treat her as more than an impulsive drunken fling. Maybe they could do things differently…
Instead, she was offered friendship and no contact after nearly a week.
Is he jerking me around again? she thought, irritation sparking at her temple.
No sooner had she thought that, her phone lit up and her heart leapt into her throat. As her eyes zeroed in on the screen, however, a different name popped up. Her placid expression transformed into mild annoyance. The “mutt” was being ever persistent.
Petty Mutt: Hey, you busy?
Eden stared at the phone, her hands refusing to move to pick it up. Minki seemed to notice and he peered at the screen, his gaze lifting back up to stare at the side of her face. “You’re not gonna answer?”
She resumed eating as the screen went dark. “Nope.”
“Why not?”
“Because I’m eating.”
Minki snorted. “Right, because eating stops you from playing on your phone.” She could feel his shit-eating grin without even having to look at him. “Doesn’t stop you from playing those otome games.”
Eden aimed a swift kick to his shin and he half yelped; half laughed while leaning down to rub at his leg.
“Don’t talk shit about my otome games,” she snapped, shoveling more rice into her mouth, “Sarutobi Sasuke doesn’t give me any grief like you fuckers do.”
“Psh, yeah right,” Minki said, still laughing, “like that can substitute a real relationship.”
“Real relationships are a joke,” she said while casting him a sidelong glance, “they only end in disappointment. At least if I’m not satisfied with an ending, I can just restart or delete the app completely.”
Her response came out colder than she’d intended. The table grew silent and she set her chopsticks down while the others looked at her cautiously. It wasn’t like relationships were a taboo topic in her circle. In fact, she encouraged it for the others. The last thing she wanted to deal with were lovesick issues while they were at work. If they were happy with their significant others, then that meant they would work hard so they could hurry up and clock out to be with them.
But for her, she just didn’t care for them. All it ever did was end in disappointment, leaving her feeling inadequate.
Her phone lit up again.
Petty Mutt: Fine, don’t answer me. I’ll just stand out here and wait until you come out.
Eden stood up, the legs of her chair scraping loudly along the floor. Everyone else jumped at the sound, clutching their rice bowls to their chests. She hadn’t meant to startle them, but she couldn’t help her seemingly involuntary reaction.
“That little shit,” she muttered, shuffling around the boys and making her way out to the shop.
Crossing the full expanse of the shop, she pressed the button near one of the garage shutters and it rattled to life – lifting slowly. Her eyes shifted to the ground and she could make out a pair of black and white Chucks nestled under the hems of dress pants. She watched the shoes shifting, as if the person were turning, and when the door slid up fully, she was greeted with the cheeky grin of Jeon Jungkook.
He waved to her, his silver rings reflecting off the setting sun just behind a few of the buildings from across the street. Eden folded her arms across her chest, not caring that she probably looked a mess. Her hair was pulled back in a braid that fell across her shoulder, her bright red bandana hiding the rest of her fringe beneath. Her work gloves hung out of one of the pockets of her faded overalls.
Jungkook pivoted on his heels, stuffing his hands into his pockets as he rocked back on the heels of his sneakers. This made her eyes narrow as he continued to beam at her, like he’d just found a mountain of gold or something.
“Why are you here?” Her tone was gruff and completely unwelcoming.
He continued to smile. “Isn’t it almost time for you to clock out?”
Eden’s arms fell to her side and she jammed her thumb into one pocket, resting her weight on her back leg. “And that’s your business how, hm?”
“I wanted to walk you home.”
“You upfront about your stalking now?”
Jungkook pouted and she didn’t know if she was more irritated that he was giving her that expression or that she felt like she’d just kicked a puppy.
“Why you gotta be like that, Eden Noona?”
“Don’t call me that,” she said, stepping out of the shop. She pressed one of the buttons on the clicker in her pocket. The garage door closed behind her. “We’re not close enough for you to address me like that.”
His brows furrowed, a pained expression flitting over his features and her heart twisted inside of her chest. Now she really did feel like she’d just kicked a puppy.
Eden looked at his pitiful face and she groaned, turning her head away from him. If she didn’t look at him, maybe she wouldn’t feel bad for what she’d just said. “Forget about it.” She continued to look away from him. “What do you want?”
“I already told you that --”
“I don’t need you to walk me home.” Eden gave him a sidelong glance. “I’m a grown ass woman and can take care of myself just fine.”
There was a long stretch of silence between them before she heard him sigh. “…it’s because I’m a gangpae , isn’t it?” He looked at her and she could feel the weight of his gaze on top of her. “You don’t want to be seen with some punk like me, huh?”
Eden felt a flash of anger explode across her chest. “That’s gotta be the stupidest fucking thing I’ve ever heard,” she said loudly, “you take me for some kinda judgmental little --”
Her words were cut short when she saw Jungkook advancing toward her. Her eyes widened as he immediately began crowding her personal space, her back pressing against the metal garage door. He shot his arms out, his palms slamming into the door on either side of her head. Eden took a moment to search his face, to see if there was any rage or hostility there. But there was none. She heard a soft scraping sound around her ears and could see his palms curled into fists.
“Then why?” Jungkook wasn’t yelling, but she heard the desperation in his tone. “Why do you keep pushing me away?”
A lump was forming in her throat and she was doing her best to swallow it down. She wasn’t sure if there was an answer that she could give him that he’d be satisfied with. Especially since he’d been adamant about chasing her for months now. Eden wasn’t one to judge anyone for their background, considering what her own was. But she didn’t want to get hurt again. She didn't want to take the risk.
Jungkook had been persistent in his attempts to get her attention. She’d give him props for his tenacity. Most men would have given up. Most men had given up. And she honestly didn’t understand what he saw in her that day he brought his motorcycle to be serviced. But ever since then, he’d been in hot pursuit – taking it to new levels she’d never experienced.
Seriously, who would go out of their way to steal a girl’s phone number?
He wasn’t ugly, he had a sweet smile and he was genuinely a nice person. Eden had seen it for herself. What asshole went around helping old ladies with their groceries, or made sure kids didn’t run out in the middle of the street and get hurt? Jungkook even smacked teenagers who were trying to play hooky, even going so far as to drag them back to school by the scruffs of their uniforms.
Him being a gangster had nothing to do with her pushing him away.
Regardless of why he lived the life that he did, why he chose that path, it held no precedence on her keeping him at arms’ length. She just didn’t want to get hurt. Not again. Eden knew what she was worth and knew what circles she didn’t want to be around. She knew that she didn’t want to deal with any bullshit and the last thing she wanted to do was tangle herself (or her heart) in a place where it would be difficult to climb out of. Being stuck between a rock and a hard place? No, she wasn’t about to deal with that shit again.
“It has nothing to do with you,” she replied, her voice softer than earlier, “I wish you’d get that.”
J ungkook leaned in closer, causing her to press the back of her head further into the metal surface. “Well, I don’t.” He continued to look at her with that hurt expression, inadvertently breaking her heart just a little bit. “I don’t get it at all.”
Eden sighed but said nothing. She didn’t know what to say and it wasn’t like she was against the idea of getting to know him better. He was stubborn as her, if not more so.
“Just…just let me walk you home?”
Lifting her eyes to meet his, she saw his gentle smile return even though his brows were furrowed.
The lump in her throat settled just a smidge. All she could do was look at him as he patiently waited for her response. She knew the smart thing to do was tell him to fuck off – to leave her alone and to never show his face in front of her again. It wasn’t like he hadn’t made it clear that he was attracted to her and it would be a lie if she didn’t find it a little flattering.
…oh, goddammit .
“…fine,” Eden muttered, knowing that if she tried to come up with any sort of excuse, she’d flounder under his insistence. “I need to finish up the paperwork for today so just…” She paused, pointing at the ground. “You wait here, you got that?”
Jungkook pushed himself off the door, standing at his full height. He beamed down at her and Eden rolled her eyes before turning away from him to hide the warmth crowning her cheeks.
She pushed the button on the clicker again, the metal shutters sliding up so she could step back into the shop. When she stepped inside, she slapped the button on the wall to close the shutter back behind her. Eden took about two steps before she was face-to-face with the rest of the boys, all of them clinging to their rice bowls and eyes wide as saucers.
She frowned. Those nosy little shits…
“Get the fuck on!” she bellowed, pointing back to the break room area, “and clean the damn table!”
“Yes Ma’am!” they yelped, scrambling to the back.
Pressing the back of her wrist to her forehead, she sighed. “…why do I feel like I’m going to regret this?”
Edge of Forever [BTS Space!AU]
![Edge Of Forever [BTS Space!AU]](
BTS Space!AU [ ♧ ✪ ✿ ☆ ❂ ☾✘ ] “All the world’s a stage, and all the men and women merely players: they have their exits and their entrances; and one man in his time plays many parts, his acts being seven ages.” The stage is set and the stars are the guide for the lost souls that have congregated to one point. A fixed constant in the universe for others to discover and fulfill their wishes but will it come to ruin for others?
Pairings: BTS X OC (s) Genre: BTS Space!AU Warnings: Graphic Violence, Heavy Language
Chapter 9- Lucia di Lammermoor
![Edge Of Forever [BTS Space!AU]](
A chill creeps into my breast! trembles every fiber, falters my foot! Near the fountain next to me sit a while!
We really needed to get an engineer or someone with some tech experience .
Nyala worried over that fact with all the recent attacks. With how aggressive their tactics were, it would only be a matter of time before something serious happens and none of them would be able to fix it. Her thoughts swirled with those thoughts so much that she failed to notice Jimin come up behind her again. Normally she could sense others through the energy that they gave off, her other side would have picked up on someone too because of her connection with the world but nobody was perfect. She was allowed to be worried and blind to things when faced with things out of her control.
“Miss Nyala?”
She nearly dropped the device she had and turned around to see Jimin, his unmarred face barely looking up at her. The thought crossed her mind about how he seemed to innocent to be around the business and people like Yoongi. Not that she had anything bad to say about him, but his whole demeanor seemed to suggest that he was more innocent than what others thought. Or would it be the other way around? Nyala had been monitoring the levels of the cryosleep, not convinced that the unit was entirely safe. She wouldn’t really breathe a sigh of relief until they got someone on board who had actually had some sort of knowledge.
“Is everything alright? You keep checking the container like something has happened.”
She shook her head gently, a soft smile gracing her lips. She set the device down and leaned against another piece of cargo, still deep in thought. There were a lot of things weighing on her mind and they ranged from guilt to the current situation. She really didn’t like sharing things with others, a trait that she had grown up with since studying with the other High Ones in her temple. Before it was destroyed and things happened in her life that took the choice out of her hands.
“Yes. Everything is fine, I was just checking since we were in that skirmish not too long ago.”
“You are worried and you are attempting to close yourself off.”
His sudden words seemed to slap her in the face, not expecting that to come out of his mouth. Was he really like Yoongi, another species where he had mental abilities that would transcend some barriers of the mind and soul? She couldn’t pin anything down with him, almost like he really was like Lirael. She just couldn’t figure him out and the way that he moved around the rest of them, it was like he was water. Her mouth opened and closed for a moment before she had a moment to gather herself up again. There really hadn’t been someone like that since she was in the Armada and that was something that she cared not to get into again.
No matter what kind of pull she was sensing.
“See? You’re doing it again, running away from the present and into your own world. Whatever it is, it must bother you greatly that you have to escape from it. I cannot read emotions or such like Yoongi but I have other skills that I use to see such things.”
Jimin walked a bit closer to to Nyala, not breaking eye contact as he studied her. He wanted to know more about her, someone outside his realm. Though he was the way that he was, even he still felt the pull and was more sensitive to things than the others realized. Well, aside from Yoongi which he could never hide anything from. He owed everything to him and now that he was exploring more than what was him, there was a dangerous current that seemed to sweep him up and ignite his curiosity. There really hadn’t been anything like that since--well before everything happened to him. Before all the alterations and the suffering, when he used to look up at the stars and wonder about the world itself. That naive man that had rose up again in their presence, despite experience telling him that he should use extreme caution.
However, she was not an enemy nor did she feel that he was one either. Just the magnetic pull that Nyala could sense and Jimin could see. There was something fueling the current that was binding them all together, pulling them in the same stream that he navigated without knowing what it truly was.
He had sworn that he would never again but found himself breaking that oath.
Nyala was almost powerless as she drowned in the sensation, her own senses that were encouraging her to delve into the current. She reached out and carefully touched his face, fingers a stark contrast against his skin. His eyes, round and inviting, were just as still as his body as he allowed her to touch his face and trace her fingers down his jawline. He turned his head, making his face mold into her soft hands as she explored him. He had started to breathe heavily as he took in all the sensations that he could while she was still willing. He would never take without permission, as he knew all too well what that felt like.
“Please, come to me Nyala. I want to know.” He breathed, in her personal space and almost pressing his body against hers, “There is something that we both can feel but I will not take. Not without your permission.”
She, at that point, was breathing heavily herself. Her normally iron-clad restraint was being put under the test at that moment and he hadn’t even touched her. He hadn’t even done anything but plead that she listen to the surrounding currents. To forget what was going on around them and focus on her senses because that might be what was needed at the moment.
Nyala bent down a little and pressed her lips onto his. Jimin took that as his answer as he responded back, lips closing in on hers for more contact. After a moment of feeling, a moment of just being in that energy--he pulled back just a hair to whisper to her. The soft breaths of his voice played with the distance that was between the both of them, his presence seeming to be bigger than he actually was and spread all over her body.
It was more of an urgent call now, Jimin calling her again. His hands, that were still at his sides, now inched forward to grasp at her. The robes that she was wearing were being pressed and crumpled underneath the weight of his hands. He pushed at her, getting her to move from the spot that she was at and towards the exit door without breaking eye contact. They moved in tandem, however slowly it might have seemed to them. He whispered her name again, the sound jolting and electrifying the energy between them. She was breaking, he could see it on her face as she struggled. They reached the lift that would take them to the crew quarters level and he pressed her against the side even more.
Nyala sighed at the contact, the last of her resolve being unraveled like he had been untying the ribbons around her will. He gave one last push, one last plead with her before he would start making commands. She could see it in his eyes, the intent on what he wanted to do and it honestly scared her. That alone was keeping everything intact, keeping her safe for so long that she didn’t know what else to do with it. He pressed his entire body against her, holding the back of her head as the other arm pulled her to him. She was warm and fire, the scent of her body filling his mind with one thing.
But he would not take unless she gave her permission.
The doors opened and they made their way to her room, having decided on their accommodations the second that they were safe. He took her lips again, since he had permission to do so and traced his way from them and down to her neck--still with his hold on her. The door to her room suddenly opened and they both nearly fell through but with the both of them so intoxicated with each other, it was nearly a fall if it wasn’t for the fact that Jimin used his strength to his advantage.
He laid her out on her bed, hovering over her. Jimin gazed into her red eyes, now glowing again like the embers had been reignited for a roaring fire. His hands moved again and they now touched her face. He closed the distance again, ready to make the final push.
“Nyala.” The tone was more of a command, exerting his will into the word. The word that he wanted to chant before her and worship like the Goddess she was. He wanted to drink deeply into the energy, into Nyala herself. However, at the tone of Jimin’s voice--it broke her.
The simple release of the sound, of the world nearly caused him to not be a gentleman. He smiled and dove into devouring the opening to the soul. He bit her lips, caressing them soon after in the excited bout of the affirmation. He was going to delve so deeply into her and find out why they had been sensing that current since they met. Why they were so drawn to each other but the exploration wouldn’t happen that day. Yoongi had sensed what was going on and headed down there, his thoughts intruding in on Jimin with his words of caution. The man grew agitated at the intrusion and stopped what he was doing to look down at the woman he had in bed. Her lips were perfectly swollen from his attack, breathing still at an all-time high. He was sad that he had to stop but he could at least calm her down and let her rest.
For now.
Jimin placed his hands on her face, stroking the skin there before using his powers on her. The tranquilizing effect that he could produce, that he used on so many others for information, was now being used to sedate Nyala. She gave a contented sigh of relief, relaxing against the bed as she succumbed to the powerful action.
“Nyala, sleep for now. I will be back and we will continue this at a later time. I want you to have the sweetest of dreams and not worry.”
Her eyes drooped as she sank into darkness, watching his form get off of her bed and throw a blanket over her. His back was the last thing she remembered when she finally fell asleep due to his power. A beautiful sleep, one where she felt protected for once.
Jimin stepped outside of her room, turning to his left and seeing Yoongi there with a frown on his face. His body was rigid, unlike Yoongi’s who was loose and accusing as if he was anticipating a fight. He asked a simple question: Why?
“Because... getting involved with one of them will only lead to trouble. Why are you so infatuated with them? With her ?”
“There is something there that I cannot ignore. You won’t be able to ignore it soon either. None of us will because this current is pulling us all along. You have the ability to look into a person’s feelings and mind but can you truly see? I have faith again, something that I did not have for a long time and if it leads to my ruin--then so be it.”
Jimin turned on his heel and left Yoongi there, dumbfounded at his words. Never had he been like that since he rescued him, since he saved him from that Hell he was in. They were using and abusing him, even altering his very body to fit their needs. It worried him that the man was making such decisions and he was powerless to help him. His own feelings aside, he wouldn’t let anything else hurt him. Jimin was his brother, more so than his own family. Fuck, even Jin and Jungkook were too since he drove right in against his own judgment to help them. He always said that it was because he had investments with them.
But could he truly leave them to the Pirates, those that take and take without any mercy? His own soul hurt, just like Jimin’s did. He could see that at least and that was why he wouldn’t let anything happen to them. Nothing at all.
The Bias Rekkers 2020!

Happy New Year from The Bias Rekkers!
We ended 2019 on a good note - and steady growth!
So, this is a little spiel about our current offerings!
Make It Right [Mafia!AU, Smut [later], Slow Burn, Angst, Heavy/Graphic Violence, BTS as main characters - Multifandom character usage.]
Type: Series by Admin E
Current Chapter: 8
Posting: Tumblr, AO3, and Wattpad.
7 boys. 7 Brothers from the countryside in South Korea come up with a plan at the peak of their adolescence. They want more than what they have. They want more than what their small town offers. So they risk it all on a plan - a gamble, in Seoul.
Fast forward ten years later and somehow those 7 boys from the countryside are a well-respected part of the criminal underground. But they didn’t plan to stay forever. This is a tale of 7 men trying to leave the darkness and step into the light.
And the fight to keep all they hold dear safe in the process.
Edge of Forever [Space/Sci-Fi/Outlaw Star!AU, Smut [later], Slow Burn, Angst, Heavy/Graphic Violence, BTS as main characters with Multifandom character usage]
Type: Series by Admin L
Current Chapter: 9
Posting: Tumblr, AO3, and Wattpad.
A rag-tag crew of misfits suddenly find themselves on a mystical ship. Maybe it’s the mystical woman, her strange cargo, and a vessel cloaked in mystery and intrigue. That precious cargo is a part of an ancient relic from long ago.
The only way to find its purpose is to journey to the deep outer ridges of space. That would be perfectly fine if it wasn’t for every organization in the galaxy attempting to track them down! As they pick up strange and, at times, annoying characters on the way - they all realize something strange pulling them together.
And pulling them all to the edge...
What lies for them there?
No Words [Idol!AU, Poly, Interracial, Tall Female, Smut, Porn With Plot, Angst, Fluff (if you squint), NSFW, BTS as central with OCs]
Type: Series by Admin T
Current Chapter: 7 [plus completed Interlude Flashback series.
Posting: Tumblr
A love of music brings you to a prestigious program at the local college in Chicago, Il. As a surprise, your class is invited to the next BTS concert happening that night. By chance, the technical director gives your class a chance to run the show.
Under careful guidance, you impress - and enjoy the rest of the show. You were high as a kite while helping backstage - that is until you bumped into Kim Taehyung.
And he decides he wants you all to himself - now, he just has to figure out how to make that happen.
And that’s that! We would love to hear what you think of our pieces! Our ask box is open! We take requests! We take threats of legal action for hurting your feelings, or making you question your bias choices!
Thank you for enjoying so far! Please love these stories as we do!
These stories are just getting started - keep an eye on us! We update every 1-2 days here: Bias Rekkers Masterlist
Happy Writing! And Happy Reading!
Make It Right [BTS Mafia!AU]

Pairings: Jin x OC | Taehyung/Hoseok x OC | Yoongi/Jungkook x OC Genre: BTS Mafia!AU Warnings: Graphic Violence, Heavy Language, Angst, Smut, Slow Burn WC: 2923 “It’s always darkest before the dawn…” It’s a dog-eat-dog world in Seoul, South Korea. One has to dwell in the shadows in order to reach for the light. What are you willing to sacrifice in order to feel the sunlight on your face? What will it take to drag you back into darkness? How long will the journey be to make it right?
AO3 | WP
Chapter 09: I’m Fine

"I’ll keep telling myself, Even if I fall down again...I'm fine."
Raelyn rarely slept.
Then again, it came with the territory. Just because a person had a certain shift that they were given didn’t mean anything. There were few professions in the world that “never sleep” and working in a hospital was one of them. The other, from what she understood, was television news broadcasts. Just like news staff, hospital personnel were always on call.
She didn’t mind it. This was the occupation she chose, and she wouldn’t have traded it for anything. Not even for a few more hours or sleep. Or hell, even one more hour of sleep.
But there were times, very few times, where she would have made a deal with a demon if it meant getting just fifteen more minutes. Even five.
This was one of those mornings.
Raelyn didn’t know how long she’d been asleep, but she could recite exactly how many hours she’d been awake.
Thirty-six, to be exact.
The very minute that the car accident victim was wheeled in through the ER entrance, she knew she was in for the long haul. On a normal day, she would have had just one more hour until her shift was over. Throw in one of her co-workers calling in sick and well, that pretty much summed up the next day and a half for her. If she wasn’t running around gathering all the medical information on the patient, she was administering sedatives and making sure everyone else was taking the right number of breaks so that they didn’t pass out when they were needed in a pinch.
It got a little scary around the twenty-ninth hour. Some of her fellow nurses didn’t think the victim was going to make it through the morning, let alone through the night. A few morbid cynics were actually taking wagers. In this line of work, sometimes you needed to make light of even the worst situations to get through it all.
Otherwise a person would go certifiably insane.
Once everyone was dismissed and assured that the patient was, in fact, going to make it, Raelyn felt like her bones were going to turn into jelly. She’d collapsed into a chair, the physical and mental exhaustion finally taking its toll. A few of the orderlies made sure she was alright, asking her if she needed to take a quick nap in one of the employee rest areas. But Raelyn knew her body. She needed a cup of coffee; just enough caffeine to get her back home so she could pass out for the next twelve hours.
Crossing the threshold of her modest apartment, she barely remembered hanging up her coat or even stepping into her house slippers. She didn’t even really remember stripping out of her scrubs, throwing them into the hamper, or even taking a quick five-minute shower. The only thing that really registered through her body was climbing into her extra-large sweatshirt and falling into her bed face-first. If her phone died in the middle of her nap, so be it. She was off for the next two days as per the orders of her supervisor.
Like she was even going to argue.
Beep. Beep.
Raelyn groaned, rolling over onto her back while scratching her stomach. The soft beeping noise barely registered at the forefront of her mind. Exhaustion held strong, keeping her tethered to the bed and she pulled the mink blanket up across her body. Sometime in her sleep she’d pushed it off of her and instantly regretted it.
Beep. Beep. Beep.
That noise again.
That goddamn noise again.
Her eyes slowly opened and she moaned, her vision attempting to focus. The stream of moonlight that slid in through the bedroom windows helped her to see better in the dark. Was she dreaming? This had to be a dream. There was no way she fell asleep that hard only to be woken up by some damn noise she could barely even hear. That was just crazy.
Beep. Beep. Beep. Beep.
It was the buzzer from the front door.
“…you’ve gotta be fuckin’ kiddin’ me,” she muttered, sitting up on her elbows to look around the room. Her eyes lingered to her nightstand, the digital clock’s red numbers mocking her of the time.
4:27 AM
She angrily threw the covers off her, almost tripping into her house slippers, before shuffling her way out of her bedroom and into the living room. Hands brushed up against the wall, attempting to feel for the light switch and the living room was flooded with a soft amber lighting. Raelyn had never been a fan of bright light and she had lamps everywhere – keeping the atmosphere ethereal and comfortable. It was easy on her eyes that way, especially when she didn’t have her glasses on.
Crossing the small distance to the front door, she reached up to the panel where the door camera was. Pressing the button, the screen lit up but all she could see was the top of someone’s head as they seemed to be leaning against the door. She watched as their hand lifted to press the door buzzer again and it was then that she noticed it was stained with blood.
Gasping, she unbolted the door and threw it open. A man practically fell into her arms and his sheer weight caused her knees to buckle slightly. Bracing most of her weight onto her back leg, she wrapped her arms tightly around the person before ushering them inside – her leg extending out to kick the door closed. When she heard the security lock latch and beep, Raelyn took a moment to see just who was in her house.
The silvery blue and black hair was unmistakable, and she nearly dropped him on accident.
He groaned, attempting to look up at her as he gave her a pained smirk. “Hey…Rae Noona…”
It was here that she was able to get a good look at him now that he was brought into the light. His right cheek was slightly swollen and showing tell-tale signs of bruising. There was a cut over his left brow, leaking a fresh red trail of blood down his cheek that began dripping onto the floor. Hand prints were left on his throat – angry red welts and small scratches from where nails had gotten hold of him.
The worst, though, was the injury around his stomach. The one he was clutching on to so desperately. Raelyn surmised that he’d gotten hit badly in his stomach. Maybe a group assault? She couldn’t be sure. She knew for certain that it wasn’t a gun. In South Korea, unless you were a police officer or military, civilians were prohibited from owning firearms.
That or if you were a hired assassin, but this wasn’t some damn action movie.
Hefting him up as best she could, she ushered him into the living room where she laid him down on the floor. His clothes looked a mess, like he’d been rolling around in the dirt. But his hand was still clutching at his stomach and she could now see the red stain blossoming across his shirt. Raelyn’s lips formed into a thin line and she stood up, making her way toward her bathroom where her emergency first aid kit was located. She then picked up her glasses from her nightstand and put them on. She was going to need her sight completely for this, she could already tell.
When she returned to the living room, she saw Taehyung attempting to sit up and she quickly knelt beside him – her hands on his shoulders and urging him to lay back down. However, as gentle as she was, her face spoke her anger in volumes.
“Lay back down unless you want to make my job harder,” she snapped once she was able to force him back down. “Let me see.”
Taehyung’s brows furrowed but instead of moving his hand, his fingers curled into a fist to grip even tighter into his shirt. Raelyn had to resist the urge to growl at him, instead focusing her attention on opening the first aid kid. She could feel the onset of a migraine right near her left temple.
“Boy, if you don’t move your goddamn hand, I’m going to make you.” She glared at him. “Now let me see.”
He seemed to be considering her words before he finally loosened his grip, his hand sliding off his stomach. She saw the injury and a wave of relief hit her. It was just a stab wound. Lifting his shirt up, Raelyn’s eyes inspected the wound before pressing two of her fingers around the cut. He hissed slightly, but that was to be expected. Thankfully, it wasn’t deep. But he was still going to need stitches.
Her stony expression remained. “I have to disinfect this and it’s going to hurt like hell. You want something to bite on?” She watched him shake his head as she soaked some gauze in rubbing alcohol. “Are you sure? This is your last chance.”
“Woman,” he grunted, half laughing as beads of sweat broke out across the bridge of his nose, “just hurry up and get it over with. I’m dying.”
Raelyn rolled her eyes. “You’re far from heading to your grave, I can assure you.”
Just as he opened his mouth to throw some other kind of smartass comment at him, she pressed the gauze to his cut and watched the bright white cloth immediately change to red. Taehyung yelled, clearly unprepared for her assault. But it served him right. She slept for maybe two hours before he showed up on her doorstep, bleeding all over her entryway. She wiped three more gauze strips over his stomach, moving his hand to cover the last one.
“Put pressure on this.” Raelyn began threading a needle. “Don’t move.”
“W-Wait a minute,” he protested, trying to sit up but she put her hand on his forehead and all but shoved him back down onto the floor. Taehyung coughed, clearly surprised by her strength. “Wow, your bedside manner is terrible, Noona.”
“Shut-up,” she said, her tone icy as she finished threading the needle. “You don’t get to bitch after waking me up in the middle of the night.” Dipping the needle in the rubbing alcohol, her dark eyes lingered on him for a moment. “Move your hand.”
“What?” He blinked up at her in disbelief. “You’re just going to go at it? Just like that?”
Her neutral expression didn’t waver. “You wanna bleed to death?” Needle still in hand, she pointed to her front door. “The door’s right there. Do it out in the hall.”
Taehyung coughed while trying to catch his breath. “You are so mean.”
Now she pointed the needle at his face, right between the eyes, causing his eyes to cross slightly. “Keep it up and I’ll sew your mouth shut.”
Holding his hands up in surrender, he turned his head so he wouldn’t see her work. Satisfied that he was going to keep his mouth shut, Raelyn began stitching up his wound with absolute precision. It only took about fifteen minutes, but it was fifteen minutes of silence she appreciated. Sweat dripped from her brow and she quickly lifted her arm up to swipe at it with the back of her wrist. The stitches needed to be tight so that the scarring would be minimal. The last thing she wanted to hear was Taehyung bitching about how his oh-so-perfect abs had been marred.
Once she was finished, she placed some gauze to the injury and secured it with medical tape. He sat up, taking note of her handiwork, and she set aside the bloody rags and dirty needle to be tossed out. Closing the first aid kit, Raelyn turned to look him square in the eye.
“You’re fixed. Now get out.”
Without waiting to hear him out, she got to her feet and made her way to the kitchen. She needed to wash her hands and probably splash some cold water on her face. Then she was going back to bed and she dared anyone to try and stop her.
Taehyung followed her. “Wait. That’s it?” She didn’t look at him as she threw the bloodied gauze and needle into the trash. “You just sew me up and throw me out?”
She didn’t look at him. “I’ll bill you later.”
Raelyn’s hand went to the faucet to turn it on, but Taehyung’s larger hand encircled her wrist before forcing her to turn around and look up at him. She could see her irritated expression reflected in his eyes as he, too, gave her an equally irate face.
“You’re not even gonna ask what happened?”
“I don’t need to ask. I’m not blind. I know exactly what happened.”
“And you’re just gonna brush it off like it’s nothing?”
“Like I said, I’ll bill you later.”
He frowned and while she appeared unaffected on the outside, Raelyn was infuriated from within. This was what she was talking about the last time she spoke with Taehyung. This was the kind of shit she was trying to keep away from her life. It was one thing to be a nurse and help someone who was bleeding out on an operating table when it was a stranger. It was a completely different issue when it was someone she knew. The life that Hoseok led, the life that the rest of them led, that violent path to claim dominion was something she quickly realized she didn’t want to be part of. It was undue stress. Especially since they were still trying to make a name for themselves.
It was why she broke up with Hoseok two years ago. He told her that it wouldn’t always be like this, but that was a risk she wasn’t willing to take. Her past held enough scars. She didn’t want to add more to it by worrying about whether or not the person she cared for would get cut down at any given moment. And she sure as hell wasn’t about to become a liability for them either. Raelyn wasn’t going to keep Hoseok from the path he wanted to walk, but walking that path beside him was something she didn’t want to do. She wasn’t ready to. Hell, she didn’t think she’d ever be ready.
And now Taehyung showed up, beaten up and bleeding in her personal sanctuary. Was he fucking crazy?!
“Look, Noona –”
“No, you look!” She yanked her hand free from his grasp, using it to smack his chest hard. He took a step back, blinking at her in surprise. “This is the kind of shit that I was trying to avoid the first time around, Kim Taehyung! Do you have any fucking idea what it’s like to wake up in the middle of the night and have someone bleeding out on your doorstep?!”
She smacked him again.
“Wondering when the hell someone you care about is going to kick the damn bucket? Huh? Do you?!”
This time she punched his shoulder, her lower lip quivering slightly.
“I lost count how many times Hoseok would come here, beaten up and bleeding all over the goddamn place. And like you, he’d just laugh it off and promise me that things would get better.” Raelyn angrily wiped at her cheeks. “Well you know what? I got tired of waiting for things to get better. I fuckin’ told you this already and you just won’t listen!” Not wanting to look at his worried expression anymore, she buried her face in her hands. “You’re such a fuckin’ asshole.”
Raelyn took several deep breaths, refusing to lose it or cry. She had to stand her ground on this. Because if she didn’t, she was going to have to admit to herself that she cared. She told herself a long time ago after ending things with Hoseok that she valued her freedom more than anything else. Raelyn couldn’t afford to waver. Not now.
Silence seemingly stretched on forever between them and then she felt Taehyung’s arms encircle her in a warm hug. Biting her lower lip, Raelyn had to remind herself not to cry. Instead, she took three deep breaths and lowered her hands, inhaling softly. Taehyung smelled like Curve for Men and rubbing alcohol. She sniffed, collecting herself. Taking a step back, she noticed that Taehyung’s hands were resting at her lower back. Warmth touched her cheeks and she could feel an ache inside of her chest - an ache Raelyn was desperately trying to ignore.
She took another step back, clearing her throat loudly before reaching for a rag on the counter and shoving it into his hand. He looked at it curiously and she pointed to the door. “Clean up that mess you left in the hallway before the cops show up wondering what the hell happened.”
Taehyung grinned, the color coming back to his cheeks. “Can I make you breakfast to make up for everything?”
“I don’t care. Do what you want.” She watched him turn to leave the kitchen and head to the front door. “I’m still billing you later.”
A ghost of a smile touching her lips as Raelyn heard him chuckle just as he closed the door behind him. Once it clicked closed, she sighed and pressed a hand to her forehead. This was going to be problematic. She could tell from a mile away.
Yet there was a part of her that just didn’t have the heart to turn him away. Not this time.
Doberman 18+ || KWS

Plot: How do you Hunt that which is used to Hunting? Even more so when feelings are involved?
Rating: R 18+ // NSFW
Genre: modern day // mafia!au
Pairing: Kim Wonsik x Female OC
Warnings: Strong language, sex, violence
Links: FAQ || VIXX Masterlist || Admin L’s AO3 || [ REQUESTS ARE OPEN ]
Word Count: 3,069
AN: For Admin E! I wrote this a while back and now that we have a space for VIXX, I figured I would go ahead and post it!
© thebiasrekkers (Admin L). All rights reserved. Reposting/modifying our work is prohibited. Translations are not allowed. Plagiarism/stealing is not tolerated by any means. Legal action will be taken in instances of theft.

Her hands shook as she saw the photos, of the aftermath. It was something that she had gotten used to being there in the gang with them all but there was a small piece of her that really never got used to it all. They had tried to come for her again, under the orders of her former boss but she was always one step ahead and even made a new home without them.
It was a quiet night, as she looked at the pictures again and she almost wished that she’d died that morning. But she didn’t, in fact. She rose up from Hell to get where she was, to finally be able to take down her former boss. The one that worked her, tried to mold her and to try chain her down to his ways. One could never fully control a tiger, could they? The cigarette smoke drifted lazily up, the slow burn of the nicotine and tobacco filling the area with a familiar smell. It was one thing that he hated she do, for he was a neat man. He was a control freak and that wasn’t any good way to run a gang, now was it?
Even more when they tried to kill her, tried to kill the one person that keeps them from going under.
However, her escaping only proved to be the Herculean Feat as she tried to stay alive afterward. If it wasn’t one thing, it was another and those days seemed to be full of it as they went along but she was determined to stay one step ahead. Even if it was one half-step ahead, it still progressed. The ash fell gently from the burning stub and into the tray as she flicked the remainder in there with a delicate finger. Taking another drag off of it, she felt her nerves slowly settle and finally clearing her head just enough to process what she was seeing there.
Her contacts had been found and slaughtered, the pictures were found at the crime scene. It meant that she was no longer safe where she was, the pack was trying to close in on her. Their sniffing was getting too close for comfort and while she grieved their lives, they all wanted her to live. They all wanted her to take her life and finally do something with it, aside from mucking around with them. She was too good for them all, each and every one of them could sense it. So they all helped her to get out and now paid the price for it.
Her former boss looked boldly up into the camera, a slight smirk on his face. A disgusting turn of her lip when she saw that picture, it caused her to snuff out her cigarette on his face. Her lace nightgown barely touched the floor, even with her sitting there at her vanity. It was too hot to put something else on but at that point, she might need to since she was already found out. Suddenly, there was a slight click and her blood ran cold as she realized that danger was far closer than what she previously thought.
Looking into the mirror, she saw a shadow step out of the shadows and sighed. The figure didn’t move from his position, hand on the door when he had closed it with his gloved hands. The tuxedo only made him look more presentable standing there as they watched each other for several minutes.
“So, who the fuck is it this time? Did he fucking get smart and send someone after me that will actually be a cakewalk?”
The figure reached up with his free hand and pulled down the mask that he had on his face, revealing a face that she’d only heard about in passing. Someone that they only called out for when things got rough, the one that actually protected her former boss.
Oh god damn, Ravi….

He’d been watching her for some time now, how she had made her way up in the ranks even. It was a long time watching her and yet, he felt conflicted about taking this job. Personal reasons aside, this was a stupid ass move. But a man’s ego was too much at times, even he knew about that. His boss had made the mistake of crossing her for the last time and when she retaliated, he could only laugh when his boss had the gall to be upset.
After all, what should he expect from the little Wolf? The woman was fierce and stirred his blood, no matter how many times she railed at the storm. But there he was, ordered to kill her. Something he felt was incredibly unfair but he was just a pawn and a follower in the grand scheme of things. Yet, all he could think about was reaching out to stroke her hair and relish on how it would feel in between his fingers. How she would sound as she whispered his real name on his skin, the mere thought of it raised the hairs on his arm and neck where her lips would have been.
It just wasn’t fair.
His dark eyes watched her, watching him in return. For several minutes, he just took in her form as she sat there with the moonlight creeping its way in to illuminate her figure. That cold blooded killer, protector--he was out of his league when dealing with her. Yet, he was under a contract and that couldn’t be changed.
“What are you just standing there for? Are you here to try and kill me or not?”
He blinked in surprise at her boldness, watching her finally stand up with the nightgown falling over her dark skin. He was more enraptured by her presence now than he was before, like someone had lifted something from his eyes so he could see everything in HD. There was never a time that he had such emotions in his work until that very moment. He slowly lifted the fabric away from his holstered gun and sighed, wanting to prolong this out as much as possible. She raised an eyebrow at him and scoffed before turning to her vanity to pick up a hidden knife. The Wolf threw it at his head, to which he only turned his head a fraction to keep it from piercing his face.
Another long pause before he stepped forward. He mirrored her actions by throwing needles that were in his sleeve but she gracefully stepped aside with an incredulous look of her own. That was when the war started.
They both lunged for each other, the Wolf and the Hunter.
Parries and fists were deflected as they fought. Her vanity was destroyed when he was thrown into it and the chair she was previously sitting in was split in half when he broke it across her back. They were going at it with no mercy, both fighting for their lives. It wasn’t until they both pulled guns and were at another stalemate, both of them with the trigger in their faces. Heavy breathing and drips of blood, the fight was fierce from the start with no signs of relenting. One trying to stay alive and other after said shadows.
“What? Can’t get it off? Can’t pull the trigger? What’s the matter, suddenly got feelings?”
Her words were meant to sting, to aggravate the man but it made him realize that he did feel that way. A mistrustful look suddenly settled on her face as she watched the flicker of recognition hit his droopy eyes, the eyes of a dog who was tired. And for once, she watched the Hunter pause in his relentless drive to capture. The gun suddenly dropped as a new tension started to fill the room, mainly coming from his intense stare at the sweaty but gleaming creature before him.
From her, the dark eyes surveyed the tense aura that came from him. She’d always seen him from afar and for the brief moment, around her shadow when she had gotten close to their boss. Once, she had entertained the idea but that was put to a stop by their boss and even more so when she left the gang. So why the fuck was these things coming into play now? One last dive for survival? Even she didn’t know and in that moment of hesitation from her, he stepped forward to kiss her.
He could have killed her in that moment, hell. No, he chose give into his carnal desires and press her barely clothed body to his. The kiss was hot and demanding, telling her that he wanted her for her body. It was a spur of the moment rush of emotion that had her reeling back in shock, slapping his face out of instinct. It didn’t deter him as he reached out and grabbed her wrist to bring her back to him. The aggression overcame the both of them as she reached up and yanked on his hair, forcing him to break away from his assault. Eyes blown out, the both of them came together again with him pressing her against the wall as he took apart her outer clothing.
Her hands roughly pulled apart his shirt until the buttons popped off, exposing the broad chest and surprisingly… tattoos. She couldn’t help but smirk as her hands ran over them, enjoying the expanse as his hands suddenly found her neck from the contact. He growled and suckled on her skin, wanting more as she was fascinated with his own skin. Soon he took of the rest of his shirt and even had to separate to take off his belt. Pinning her with his hips, he took the belt and tied her hands up. Oh how she protested but his leg in between hers was letting her know that he was wanting only one thing and he was going on a different Hunt tonight.
After nipping at her throat and chest, the Hunter picked her up and threw her onto the bed that fortunately hadn’t been destroyed in the battle. It had been while since being treated this way, all tied up and ready for unwrapping underneath his taut body. Even her previous lover hadn’t been this way with her, despite telling him that she wanted otherwise. It was all about him but this time? It was for the both of them, to burn energy and desires right off their bodies like steam from the asphalt in summer. His fingers found their way underneath the little she had left on like fire trailing with every touch and when she tried to bring her bound arms around him, he only took one long arm to keep them up.
At least, until he was done roaming her body with both lips and fingers. Her bound hands were forgotten when he settled between her legs, ripping away what was there. Spreading her wide, he admired what was there waiting for her as the cool air brought goosebumps along the area. His hot breath crept up her thigh, a little nibble her and there until he got to his prize. Precious few were able to handle the Wolf but even fewer were able to see this side of her. If he was truly prepared, he would have had other objects there waiting to please her with but he was disappointed that all he had for her was his mouth and his dick.
But he had to work with what he had, right?
His lips carefully brushed her there, causing her to whimper for more and to demand that if he was going to fucking suck there then he needed to get on with it. A smirk spread on his lips as he complied with her wishes. Attacking brutally the area, she couldn’t help the gasp that suddenly left her body at the sudden contact. He was the Hunter after his prey, lips and teeth combined with the sly flick of the tongue were chasing down his prey. Her bound hands found the follicles of his messy and bloody hair, to pull and have something to hold onto as he continued his assault.
He hoisted her legs on his shoulders, to gain more access to the area he was relishing his feast on. Pushing even further in, one hand left the confines of her beautiful long legs and now were dipped into the plush velvet to keep his tongue company. His fingers pumped slowly while his tongue teased the bud and giving it random, sweet sucks. The absolute moment that he started to feel her tighten around his fingers was when he released her legs, pulling away.
For the moment.
The loss of sensation had her about to round on him again, until she saw him freeing himself from the pants he had on. He didn’t even bother pulling the fabric off of his body fully when he sheathed himself into her. Gripping her hips, he was doing all the work for her and to also let her know that his lust for her was more than just that moment. It had been a long time coming and he was going to paint her body with that passion. After all, he might have to kill her later so he might as well enjoy the moment.
He wasn’t letting her get her way, every time she tried to lift or swirl around for more friction. Firmly, he set her back down against the mattress and drilled into her further as punishment. He slicked in and out of her until there was nothing to be heard but their frantic breath and wet noises slapping against skin. The bed was knocking against the wall soon with the force of his hips, adding more to the ambiance. But somehow, her hands wiggled their way free of his haphazard bindings to bring him even closer to her burning body with nails and teeth of her own.
She marked him like had done her, gasping for reprieve in his rhythm as she reached that high peak quickly. His hands shifted and trailed up her chest, caressing the curve of her neck. A few light squeezes had her momentarily panicked, the unexpected sensation throwing her back into fight mode. Like lightning, she drew out a knife that was under the pillow that she had been splayed upon and held it up to his throat. He paused a moment in his ecstasy, before laughing leaning more into it. Was she going to bring something interesting to their session or was it really meant to kill him? His member twitched in anticipation inside of her, taking of the hands that was on her neck to grasp hers holding the knife.
“Do it. Kill me here and now because I’m about ready to bust a fucking nut inside of you from this.”
His words, gravelly and low, spurned her on as she slid it from a death strike to the flat end down his chest. Reminding him that she was always still in control and ready to strike should he test her again. His hand knocked the knife out of her hands to get it out of the way and he pulled all the way out to ram inside of her again. His thumb of the hand that was still on her neck reached up to caress the perfect little opening that she now had, swiping some of the moisture across her lips as he pounded in hard but slow strokes this time.
It wasn’t long before she clenched around him, holding him with everything that she had as she cried out with her own finish. The force of the action caused him to finally let go since he started. On his own pride, he wasn’t going to let go of everything until she had her own. The force of holding back had his veins in his neck ready to pop as he rutted until he was finished dumping everything he had inside of her.
Well, honestly.. It wasn’t everything as he was instantly ready to keep going.
She gasped from the force of it, seeing stars of her own before being able to focus on him. Taut muscles and the way he was still rock hard inside of her, nearly had her once again. He suddenly started up again, pounding inside of her as her oversensitive clit cried out in abuse. Pleasurable abuse, is what it was as he kept going to completely spend all of the energy that they both still had for one another.
Tears started to spring in the corner of her eyes as his fingers found the nub to give it extra pleasure. He hooked her leg over his shoulder, holding her here in that position while the other hand was plucking and rubbing the moisture that she had spilt all over herself as well as him. It wasn’t long before she came undone again, squirting all over his shaft and dribbling into the sheets below. He was going to make a complete mess of herself before doing anything else.
He pulled out of her, ready to erupt again at the sight of her body splayed out there for him. So, to achieve his final end, Ravi helped her turn over with her pretty and perky ass upright for him. He entered her beautiful and destroyed pussy from behind, wrapping what he could around himself for extra friction. Giving themselves over completely to the chase of the pleasure, the fucked like animals for many hours more until they were completely spent.
The Hunter had finally gotten his fill of the hunt while the Wolf got tired of running from him. They laid there in their mess, panting and exhausted. Yet, the rush of the chase had worn off and they were left with the question of the original meeting.
“I wish I didn’t have to kill you, my little wolf.”
“Then don’t and help me kill your master. I’m not saying this to spare my life, but I have my reasons for doing what I did. And I’ll be damned if I regret it.”
He smiled, eyes darkening again at her suggestion. Ravi’s hands roamed up her stomach again, the need suddenly filling him again. He could do with that, after all the Hunter needed another target that night.
Fantasy [Vampire!AU] || LHB

Plot: In the dark of night, you find what exactly you’d been searching for. Your fantasy.
Rating: R 18+ // NSFW
Genre: modern day // vampire!au
Pairing: Lee Hongbin x Female OC
Warnings: Some language, mentions of blood, biting
Links: FAQ || VIXX Masterlist || Admin L’s AO3 || [ REQUESTS ARE OPEN ]
Word Count: 1,054
AN: For Admin T! I wrote this a while back and I’m getting around to post my other works on here!
© thebiasrekkers (Admin L). All rights reserved. Reposting/modifying our work is prohibited. Translations are not allowed. Plagiarism/stealing is not tolerated by any means. Legal action will be taken in instances of theft.

You knew looking for him was almost suicide but the moon burned its promise into your mind as you walked around in the dead of night. The area was lit up with city lights and a soft falling of fog that creeped its way from the ocean not too far away. At least, that was what everyone assumed it was but you knew better because it could only be him. He always walked on the soft ground with the slow rise of fog to show him the way.
He always warned to not look for him when the moon rose but it was so damn hard to resist. You looked high and low for him, in the dark corners to the lit up areas of the city until the moon was high in the dark sky. Maybe not tonight, you thought. That was, until, there was a brush against your neck and the hairs stood up from the cold whisper of his lips. It made you freeze in your steps, right on the edge of your house and the warm city lights in the distance. He was always in the in-between of places, you realized as you turned to see his golden eyes.
He drew himself, slowly, out of the shadows with a slight smirk that betrayed his bored-like stare. The mischievous side was always drawn out of him when he had someone to tease, to taunt and to take over when he wanted. The golden shade of his eyes seemed to darken when you whispered his name, he that walked out of the shadows of the in-between world.
“I told you to not look for me but here you are, antagonizing me again. What do you want, besides my company?”
You opened your mouth but no words came out, unable to tell him of the dreams that you kept having of him. Those dreams that left you weak, searching and dripping with want until your mind was just filled with him. He had possessed you since the first time you encountered him, unchaining him from the bonds that held him. You’d left him little gifts by your window, hoping that he would visit after that but only saw him once in a red moon when the fog crept up. His fingers snapped you out of your thoughts, the icy digits touching your dark skin to capture your attention once again. He held onto your jawline with barely any inch of his fingers, to shake you awake and onto him. The icy feeling crept down your jawline and down your spine like he was actually tracing his fingers down the length of your back.
“If you are looking for me, you should keep your attention on me.”
Without any thought, your hand reached out touch him and landed on his broad chest. You wanted to make sure that it wasn’t a dream again, since he visited them so often. As soon as your fingers made contact, his hand snapped out to capture yours in alarm. He backed away from you, still holding onto your hand but his eyes were glowing now in warning. He came to you so often but the moment you came to him? It was infuriating but this time, you wouldn’t let go.
“Why are you running from me when you get to visit me so often? It’s not fair..”
“Life isn’t fair and if you reach out for me, look for me… then that life won’t be yours anymore. You need to live and I need to leave.”
He tried to let you go but you held onto him, not wanting your dream to disappear again. The creature whirled on you, a faint glimpse of his fangs snapping at your neck before stopping mere inches from your neck. You stood there, still holding onto him with the same fortitude that you always had. His breath was hot against your skin, making goosebumps form and your blood rush in the veins to sweetly call to him. He couldn’t resist you, which was why he visited you in your dreams so often but he had resigned himself to stay in your dreams.
For if he got close to you, he would devour you.
Again, he tore himself away from you.. To leave you for the shadows of the in-between world but you held onto him once again. The both of you tumbled in the void, to his home where the world of the living was long past returning. He panicked, knowing the consequences for a living being that ventured there into the land of the dead.
“What the hell is wrong with you?! I told you, if you follow me… your life is not yours anymore!”
“Then it’s yours… “
He paused, his mouth opening and closing in bewilderment before gritting his teeth in frustration. He reached forward and enveloped you in his arms, like a dark curtain falling over you to take you back to his home where it was safer. Your feet finally touched the ground and he let go of you, skittering away like you had burnt him. It was almost too much to bear, having you there in his world where you shone like a beacon for others to see. At least, in the living world, other things dimmed your scent and presence so it made it easier to watch you from the shadows.
But he had to deal with it now. He had to keep you safe from the Others that were out there and just as hungry as he was.
Yet, he couldn’t bear to do it. He couldn’t get close enough to take her life from her so you did it for him. You stepped closer to him and wrapped your arms around him again, feeling him freeze again. The scratching of the Others soon stirred, your presence now known to them in the Manor. A wave of possessiveness took control of him, eliciting in a rumble that could be heard and felt by them. His hands reached up and grasped your head as well as your body, holding them there for him to feast upon.
He heard you whisper once more to take her so that way she can stay forever with him. His teeth sunk into her soft flesh, without hesitation this time.
Make It Right [BTS Mafia!AU]

Plot: “It’s always darkest before the dawn…” It’s a dog-eat-dog world in Seoul, South Korea. One has to dwell in the shadows in order to reach for the light. What are you willing to sacrifice in order to feel the sunlight on your face? What will it take to drag you back into darkness? How long will the journey be to make it right?
Rating: NC-17 // NSFW
Genre: Series | Mafia!AU | Crime!AU | Angst | Romance/Fluff
Pairings: Jin x OC | Taehyung/Hoseok x OC | Yoongi/Jungkook x OC
Warnings: Graphic Violence, Heavy Language, Angst, Slow Burn, Smut
Previous Chapters: Prologue 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21
Links: FAQ || BTS Masterlist || Admin E’s AO3 || Admin E’s WP || [ REQUESTS ARE OPEN ]
Word Count: 2,868
Chapter 21: Jamais Vu

“I just wanted to be good. I just wanted to make you smile…damn.”
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Instigation || LJH

Plot: Jaehwan is an instigator when the cat’s away.
Rating: Pg 13 // SFW
Genre: modern day || vampire!vixx ||
Pairing: Lee Jaehwan x Female OC
Warnings: Jaehwan
Links: FAQ || VIXX Masterlist || Admin L’s AO3 || [ REQUESTS ARE OPEN ]
Word Count: 501
AN: This was for out 100 follower milestone! I hope you all enjoy some VIXX!
© thebiasrekkers (Admin L). All rights reserved. Reposting/modifying our work is prohibited. Translations are not allowed. Plagiarism/stealing is not tolerated by any means. Legal action will be taken in instances of theft

It was quite an active night. Most of the Clan were out handling business. Their world of darkness, one that you had signed your life over for protection--it was more dangerous than you thought and in order to keep the Masquerade, they all had to play along with the song and dance to keep the balance as well as peace. The two elders of the clan and one of the younger ones were out to do such things and left the care of the mansion to the others.
A word of caution, however.
There was one that you had to look out for. He was considered the middle child of them all, one stuck between the elders and the younger vampires. The one that they had to chain up most nights to keep him from hurting himself and others around him. Sometimes you heard his cries when they did that; the wail that would keen throughout the mansion.
There was no such sorrow that night.
You could hear him laughing along with the youngest as they enjoyed their freedom without the elders. The complaints of the second youngest could also be heard because he was trying to play his games but the others kept bothering him. You were only supposed to check in on them and drop off some paperwork but since you entered, they picked up on your scent like dogs sniffing out food.
Jaehwan was by your side in a flash, a blink and his hands rested on your shoulders--keeping you from running away. His grin caught you off guard, showing the youthful and joyful face that always disarmed everyone else. He smiled sweetly at you, eyes crinkling. Almost instantly, you distrusted what he was planning. There was something cold in your hands, prompting you to look down at them. He put whipped cream into your hands, sticky and fresh.
“I order you to throw this into Hongbin’s face.”
“W-what? Excuse you?! I’m busy right now!!”
“You work for me. You are my slave,” he whispered in your ear, making goosebumps appear on the nape of your neck.
You were about to remind him who the actual boss was but there was a blur. A large blur that pushed up your hands, squishing the same whipped cream into Jaehwan’s face. The older vampire blinked, the white substance smeared all over his perfect and angelic face. You could see the struggle on his visage as he decided who was to blame for that - his little trick ruined.
“HAN SANGHYUK, GET BACK HERE!” he finally roared, racing after him.
He left you there with the dripping leftovers still in your hand and a dumbfounded expression still on your face. Suddenly, a towel fell down and landed on your head. The thing startled you and made you jump, the towel covering your eyes. You stood there for a moment before grabbing it and wiping your hands, scowling in the process. This was not what you signed up for. Not in the least.
I saw that you guys write for VIXX too! I Would you be able to do the drabble with Ken? # 34 “You work for me. You are my slave.”
Plot: Jaehwan is an instigator when the cat’s away.
Rating: Pg 13 // SFW
Genre: modern day || vampire!vixx ||
Pairing: Lee Jaehwan x Female OC
Warnings: Jaehwan
Links: FAQ || VIXX Masterlist || Admin L’s AO3 || [ REQUESTS ARE OPEN ]
Word Count: 501
AN: This was for out 100 follower milestone! I hope you all enjoy some VIXX!
© thebiasrekkers (Admin L). All rights reserved. Reposting/modifying our work is prohibited. Translations are not allowed. Plagiarism/stealing is not tolerated by any means. Legal action will be taken in instances of theft

It was quite an active night. Most of the Clan were out handling business. Their world of darkness, one that you had signed your life over for protection--it was more dangerous than you thought and in order to keep the Masquerade, they all had to play along with the song and dance to keep the balance as well as peace. The two elders of the clan and one of the younger ones were out to do such things and left the care of the mansion to the others.
A word of caution, however.
There was one that you had to look out for. He was considered the middle child of them all, one stuck between the elders and the younger vampires. The one that they had to chain up most nights to keep him from hurting himself and others around him. Sometimes you heard his cries when they did that; the wail that would keen throughout the mansion.
There was no such sorrow that night.
You could hear him laughing along with the youngest as they enjoyed their freedom without the elders. The complaints of the second youngest could also be heard because he was trying to play his games but the others kept bothering him. You were only supposed to check in on them and drop off some paperwork but since you entered, they picked up on your scent like dogs sniffing out food.
Jaehwan was by your side in a flash, a blink and his hands rested on your shoulders--keeping you from running away. His grin caught you off guard, showing the youthful and joyful face that always disarmed everyone else. He smiled sweetly at you, eyes crinkling. Almost instantly, you distrusted what he was planning. There was something cold in your hands, prompting you to look down at them. He put whipped cream into your hands, sticky and fresh.
“I order you to throw this into Hongbin’s face.”
“W-what? Excuse you?! I’m busy right now!!”
“You work for me. You are my slave,” he whispered in your ear, making goosebumps appear on the nape of your neck.
You were about to remind him who the actual boss was but there was a blur. A large blur that pushed up your hands, squishing the same whipped cream into Jaehwan’s face. The older vampire blinked, the white substance smeared all over his perfect and angelic face. You could see the struggle on his visage as he decided who was to blame for that - his little trick ruined.
“HAN SANGHYUK, GET BACK HERE!” he finally roared, racing after him.
He left you there with the dripping leftovers still in your hand and a dumbfounded expression still on your face. Suddenly, a towel fell down and landed on your head. The thing startled you and made you jump, the towel covering your eyes. You stood there for a moment before grabbing it and wiping your hands, scowling in the process. This was not what you signed up for. Not in the least.
Blanket Thief | PJM

Requested by @moccahobi for our 100 Follower Special!
Plot: Blanket thievery is a serious crime in a relationship…
Rating: PG // SFW
Genre: One-Shot/Drabble | Established Relationship | Romance/Fluff
Pairings: Park Jimin x Reader
Warnings: Mild Language
Links: FAQ || BTS Masterlist || Admin E’s AO3 || Admin E’s WP || [ REQUESTS ARE OPEN ]
Word Count: 982
A/N: This is cute. This is fluffy. This is a serious issue between couples. Don’t be a blanket thief. Thank you for coming to my Ted Talk. I love you. Enjoy!
© thebiasrekkers (Admin E). All rights reserved. Reposting/modifying our work is prohibited. Translations are not allowed. Plagiarism/stealing is not tolerated by any means. Legal action will be taken in instances of theft.

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Make It Right [BTS Mafia!AU]

Plot: “It’s always darkest before the dawn…” It’s a dog-eat-dog world in Seoul, South Korea. One has to dwell in the shadows in order to reach for the light. What are you willing to sacrifice in order to feel the sunlight on your face? What will it take to drag you back into darkness? How long will the journey be to make it right?
Rating: NC-17 // NSFW
Genre: Series | Mafia!AU | Crime!AU | Angst | Romance/Fluff
Pairings: Jin x OC | Taehyung/Hoseok x OC | Yoongi/Jungkook x OC
Warnings: Graphic Violence, Heavy Language, Angst, Slow Burn, Smut
Previous Chapters: Prologue 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24
Links: FAQ || BTS Masterlist || Admin E’s AO3 || Admin E’s WP || [ REQUESTS ARE OPEN ]
Word Count: 2,327
Chapter 24: Moving On

“Back then I thought this was a big place. But my ambition grew too big.”
© thebiasrekkers (Admin E). All rights reserved. Reposting/modifying our work is prohibited. Translations are not allowed. Plagiarism/stealing is not tolerated by any means. Legal action will be taken in instances of theft.

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