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I hate my life, and I hate myself, and it's never going to change. It's never going to get better. So why do I even bother anymore? Tell me one reason why I shouldn't just give up now. God I'm so close to giving up.
At times like this it's hard not to just end it all...
I hate my life and myself and for these reasons I just want to die.
It's as simple as that.
My Final Letter
I loved you and you broke my heart. All I did was care for you and want the best for you and you fucking tore me to pieces. I tried my best to hold out and to stay strong but you slithered your way in and put poison into my heart. Bit by bit you slowly broke me apart and tore at each of my layers. You dug deeper and deeper weakening my walls all the while with a sick malicious grin plastered on your face. You knew your strength and your power and ability and you took satisfication as you watched me fall right into all your carefully laid traps. When I would try to fight my way out you knew exactly what to say to lure me back in. To make me think that you had changed. That things would be better. But they never were and they never would be. I sat on your sick and twisted merry-go-round long enough holding out for you, for us, for anything. But I'm done. I'm smarter now and I'm stronger then you thought. I don't need you. I can see right through you because you are just a snake and you will stay in the dirt where you belong. But I am a butterfly and I will grow and transform into something even more beautiful then before and I will fly away and find a new garden to make my home in and I will be happy there.

Apology for My Personality
I’m sorry for my personality. I’m sorry for what makes me, me. I’m sorry that we aren’t on the same page, And that we probably never will be.
I’m sorry that we always end up in the same place, And I’m sorry that I just suck. I’m sorry for every time you think it’s not worth it, And every time I’ve made you want to give up.
I’m sorry that I push your buttons, and I’m sorry when I let you push mine. I’m sorry that we never seem to have quite enough time.
I’m sorry that I care for you so damn much, And I’m sorry that even still, all I think about is how much I miss your touch.
I’m sorry that things never work out, And that we always have to try so hard. I’m sorry for every comment you’ve ever had to disregard.
I’m sorry that I’m crazy and have put you through so much. I’m sorry that we didn’t make it but mostly I’m sorry for when we inevitably lose touch.
But I would walk 500 miles and I would walk 500 more just to be the one who walked a thousand miles to fall down at your door. When I wake up, Oh I hope I'm gonna be, I'm gonna be the one who's waking up next to you. And when I'm dreaming, well i know I'm gonna dream, I'm gonna dream about the time I had with you.
Gonna Be (500 Miles) -Sleeping at Last
My only relief is to sleep. When I’m sleeping, I’m not sad, I’m not angry, I’m not lonely, I’m nothing.
Jillian Medoff, Hunger Point (via books-n-quotes)

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You ever just look at somebody and it’s like your soul aches to touch them?
N.M.Sanchez (via wnq-writers)
I still haven’t figured out how to sit across from you, and not be madly in love with everything you do.
William C. Hannan (via lovelustquotes)
I don’t want to go to sleep for when I do I dream only of you…

This world is a sad, fucked up shit hole

I am a strong person. But every once in a while I would like someone to hold my hand and tell me things are going to be OK.
Unknown (via onlinecounsellingcollege)