thecosmicstudyblr - The Cosmic Studyblr
The Cosmic Studyblr

24 * Virgo * I/O Psychology Ph.D. Student * Studyblr 

334 posts

New PR- 400m

New PR- 400m

On days where everything seems to suck, it’s nice to have something good to push you forward. I broke my previous PR (2min 42sec) today while doing 400m repeats- my new PR is 2min 37sec.

I know that’s not a crazy improvement, but its what I needed today <3

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8 years ago
Learn, Grow, Improve - Get 2FREE Audiobooks From Audible

Learn, grow, improve - get 2 FREE Audiobooks From Audible

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8 years ago
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7 years ago
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7 years ago


The early bird gets organized

Start 2 days before the beginning of the next month . If you’re scrambling to organize everything you have to do for that month the day the month starts, you’re already behind.


It can be your planner, your bullet journal, or your bedroom/ dorm room wall. But pick a location where you will use your monthly plan, and see it often so that you’re acclimated with it.


What if the only monthly plan you made suffers severe water damage? Then you’re screwed for an entire month. I i m p l o r e you to please PLEASE make a copy of your plan. Everybody makes mistakes. Everybody has those days. Don’t let that DAY ruin your MONTH.

Start with your academics

Starting with academics not only keeps your priorities in line with where they should be, but it permits you to get all your ducks in a row for your classes. Find out when they are, if you don’t have the same courses every day, so you know what to be prepared for on which day

Follow up with assessments

Academics and assessments go hand in hand. Now that you know what day everything is for this month, and when you will be having your classes, find out what assignments you have in those classes. Knowing your assignments in advance allows for more preparation, and more consequent success

Prioritize those assessments!

If one assessment is your final grade for a mandatory course, and one assessment is a vocabulary quiz, the final grade assessment needs to be prioritized over the vocabulary quiz. Make sure you are highlighting the more important assessments, so you know their value!

Do the same with homework!!!

Homework is often seen as less important that assessments, but you still need to get it done. If you know in advance what assignments you will have, put those in!

Got projects?

Projects are the bane of every individual’s existence because you think you have all the time in the world to get it done, and then they due date sneaks up on you like the plague. Not only should you WRITE IN THAT DUE DATE but separate the tasks that you have to do for that assignment and assign it to yourself as homework.

Make your appointments!

Figure out what appointments you have that entire month, and preferably before the month starts. That way, you can ensure there are no conflicts and go in with ease.

Extracurricular obligations!

Find out what obligations you have for your extracurriculars before they sneak up on you. No one wants to be out of compliance for an extracurricular, but you don’t want it to conflict with your life either.

Fit in some F U N.

Don’t make your monthly plan just boring this, and plain old that. Incorporate some hang-out sessions with friends, or a personal day (maybe two). Everyone needs that R & R.


Repeat it the next month. Soon, you’ll be in a habit of planning. I promise, this will make your life s o m u c h e a s i e r.

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7 years ago

This is gorgeous <3

This Is What I Do In Study Breaks. It Wasnt Supposed To Look So Gloomy Though
This Is What I Do In Study Breaks. It Wasnt Supposed To Look So Gloomy Though
This Is What I Do In Study Breaks. It Wasnt Supposed To Look So Gloomy Though

This is what i do in study breaks. It wasn’t supposed to look so gloomy though

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