
“Ojiisan, you’re only a magnet for ocha and GO boards.”
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All was quiet and calm. Pretty boring really. Kazeshini was off with his shinigami partner doing who knew what. Most likely arguing and trying not to kill one another. Kaze hadn’t seemed overly thrilled considering he wanted to get out and into a good fight. But his reaper was defiant against those wishes and using his zanpakutou. He snorted at the thought. What a damn waste!
Grimmjow hadn’t been allowed to join. And Urahara was off dealing with his experiments. So that left him to find a spot and just stretch himself out beneath the warm sun and close his eyes. If anything this place had a sun. It was warm and pleasant and caused him to become cozy and sleepy. So he found himself a spot to nap and quickly fell into a light doze.
Being on the roof of the barracks he had thought he’d not be interrupted. Yet suddenly there as a presence beside him. He could feel eyes on him while a small hand found itself in his hair, fingers pulling through tendrils of cerulean. Eyes widened then narrowed, he turned his head to stare at what seemed to be a child. He knew this one. Not well though. Kazeshini was always chasing her away.
“The hell d’you want pipsqueak?”

As cyan eyes opened and met her emeralds, Sakanade beamed down at the arrancar. Ooh, he was a prickly one, but so was Kazeshini, and it hadn’t taken her long to wear him down. Lifting a tiny hand to tuck russet strands behind an ear, she looked thoughtful a moment. He was like Shinji in a way. The opposite way. He was a hollow with a little shinigami in him. She laughed like a tiny bell sounding. She wondered if this fearsome presence had someone like Pharaoh hiding in his mindscape pestering his zanpakutou.
“I was hoping you’d like to play some pranks with me. Kaze-kun said he’d help, but Hisagi-san took him. He said you were a lot of fun and that you liked tricks too. Pleeeease!” She begged looking at him hopefully, eyes sparkling.

Originally posted by nymph-angel-baby
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