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46 posts

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More Posts from Theflashiestofthemall
★ 18 facts in a psychic’s life ★
# slight ooc saiki, gn! reader, fluff

saiki likes it when you buy him coffee jelly. even though it’s shitty expensive, but you don’t care.
saiki likes your company. you don’t talk much but you’re not too quiet, just balanced which he likes.
saiki likes how you seem to enjoy spending time with his parents even they’re.. a bit annoying. but you knew how much he loves them. his mother was always pleased whenever you visit inside their home.
saiki likes how you seem to keep your life peaceful. no unwanted attention, no desire for popularity, and your IQ is above average but he doesn’t mind.
saiki likes how you take care of his phobia with insects. you tried to tease him about it and he never spoke to you for a week, and yes you regret it lmfao. he’s grateful when you continue to leave everything that you’re doing in the moment just to save him.
saiki doesn’t like how you call him a damoiseau in distress because he knows you just searched the opposite gender of damsel in google. you were scolded not to do it again, but you’re stubborn. it was so fun seeing the stoic man loosing his facade over insects. you were a little shit after all. but deep inside you, you cared for him. so say bye to cockroaches.
saiki doesn’t like when you get cozy with nendou. like the two of you are best buddies, what happened to saiki forever loyalty mindset of yours?you certainly did not say that and pointed out how he was being a dramatic pinkie and he was so insulted. he even lower his pride just to say that to you, you regret not recording that.
saiki doesn’t like when you get cozy with his classmates. well ‘friends’, you corrected and he has to watch in suffer when they’re being so close with you especially teruhashi. oh my god, why are they hugging you?!
saiki likes when you give him coffee jelly in return for his pouty ass. but you adore the smile he wears whenever he eats the dessert, you thought you were being careful with taking a picture of him. yeah it was whole long gone in your gallery when he used his powers.
saiki likes when you play video games with him. even though you always fail because he always pick shitty games.
saiki doesn’t like when you get sick. unfortunately, he can’t heal you to get well fast or else you’ll notice something suspicious. he doesn’t have anyone who he can talk with *cue his friends with cricket noises* although you love how he comes always inside your house to check up on you, your parents were teasing both of you little shits.
saiki likes your parents. they bond with his parents, your parents were kind to him, saiki almost wanted to live with you when he found out how your father makes coffee jellies for a living.
saiki likes staying inside your house. clean, quiet, small, cozy, smells like coffee everyday.
saiki likes having sleepovers. you in their house or him in yours, either way he likes both. when he wants comfort and peace, everything about you is the answer
saiki happened to like having physical contact with you. it was definitely not easy and took a long time for him to be comfortable, but you were patient enough.
saiki likes how he became cuddle buddies with you.
saiki doesn’t know whether he should tell you about his secret or leave you unaware like the rest of his friends. what if you think of him differently? will you still be friends with him?
you noticed how he was too quiet for your liking, usually he always finds a way to point out every part of your life and insult your whole being. as a joke.
if you began to hate him for keeping his life as a psychic a secret, then he’ll become selfish and erase that part of your memories.
saiki loves how you accepted him. no hate, no fear, no admiring, no selfish desires within your eyes. like he just confessed something normal. he was now even more determined in returning the favors you did for him.
saiki loves how your relationship with him gradually grows. not too fast, not too slow. but both of you knew that there will be something big that will develop between you two.

This is beautiful.
i have been crying for like 20 minutes about the sincerity of art and the act of creation like ohhh my god
Let people grow.
When I was younger I was very right-wing. I mean…very right-wing. I won’t go into detail, because I’m very deeply ashamed of it, but whatever you’re imagining, it’s probably at least that bad. I’ve taken out a lot of pain on others; I’ve acted in ignorance and waved hate like a flag; I’ve said and did things that hurt a lot of people.
There are artefacts of my past selves online – some of which I’ve locked down and keep around to remind me of my past sins, some of which I’ve scrubbed out, some of which are out of my grasp. If I were ever to become famous, people could find shit on me that would turn your stomach.
But that’s not me anymore. I’ve learned so much in the last ten years. I’ve become more open to seeing things through others’ eyes, and reforged my anger to turn on those who harm others rather than on those who simply want to exist. I’ve learned patience and compassion. I’ve learned how to recognise my privileges and listen to others’ perspectives. I’ve learned to stand up for others, how to hear, how to help, how to correct myself. And I learned some startling shit about myself along the way – with all due irony, some of the things I used to lash out at others for are intrinsic parts of myself.
You wouldn’t know what I am now from what I was then. You wouldn’t know what I was then from what I am now.
It distresses me deeply to think of someone dredging up my dark, awful past and treating me as though that furiously hateful person is still me. It distresses me to see others dredging up the past for anyone who has made efforts to become a better person, out of some sick obsession with proving they’re “problematic.”
Purity culture tells you that once someone says or does something, they can never go back on it. That’s a goddamn lie. While it’s true that some remain unrepentant and never change their ways and continue to harm others, it’s important to allow everyone the chance to learn from their mistakes. Saying something ignorant isn’t murder. Please stop treating it that way. Let people grow.
Welcome to White Space!
The beautiful playlist i made for my blog ^

“White space” is the way a refer to my dandy little blog here on tumblr! It’s a safe space for me to write and post my works. I’d like to keep it that way! Please read my rules for further information. :}
I write for plenty of fandoms! These include KNY, OMORI, Saiki-K, Genshin impact, Colourful Stage, Welcome Home, TADC and TOH! I’ve probably forgotten some there, so don’t be afraid to ask if you’re curious! I may branch out to more fandoms in future.. who knows! Check out my master-list to see my works so far!
If you’re interested, you can check out my upcoming fics as well!
My alternative blog is “mar1naisse-tfota” there’s nothing there yet.. but any nsfw fics will go there!
Requesting is totally allowed! All the time too! Please read my rules before requesting though! I’m not too fussy about if you send asks into my inbox or dm me.. so whatever you feel like really!

If you want to get to know me more check out my carrd!
Best advice I’ve heard all my life. <3
“Why complicate life? Missing somebody? - Call. Wanna meet up? - Invite. Wanna be understood? - Explain. Have questions? - Ask. Don’t like something? - Say it. Like something? - State it. Want something? Ask for it. Love someone? - Tell it. We just have one life. Keep it simple.”
— Unknown