theflashiestofthemall - “I’ll Be The Flashiest Of Them All!”
“I’ll Be The Flashiest Of Them All!”

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46 posts




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★﹐冬のはなし.﹗﹑ KUSUO SAIKI


ミ★ ; "I rejected her." he said, his voice remaining stoic, "Why?" was all you said, tears welling up in your eyes, "Because I like you"

warnings. angst. happy ending. second lead!teruhashi. implied unrequited love. grammar errors


"Saiki, I really really like you." the blue haired girl said, waiting for him to answer the two words she wanted to hear him say; "oh wow." but that never came, not from him but from someone outside the classroom door, it was a surprise they didn't hear her, she assumed they focused on each other. She left before the pink haired boy said anything, going to text him that their cafe hangout would be canceled.

'smth came up sai, i'm srry." — seen

Right. You were guessing that kusuo and kokomis were hanging out at this point, it was no surprise that they would end up together, he'll even some of kokomis crazy fans thought so. Those two were meant to be soulmates, together in every universe.

While you were stuck as the second choice, like always. You wondered if you were to confess before the blue haired angel would everything stay the same? That instead of teruhashi confessing to saiki in that classroom, it was you? That he said yes to you, and not her. You hated how selfish you were thinking, though you were glad you and saiki gotten those matching rings that would stop his psychic abilities, he wouldn't know what you were thinking of.


It was late, and here you were still crying over the pink haired boy, something you hated. You looked at the ceiling, and starting thinking of every universe there was where the two of them would end up together. That's when you heard a notification from your phone;

You checked your phone to ignore the feeling of heartbreak. That was the plan until you saw a message pop up;

"Meet me at the park in 5" — sent from 'ku⁉️'

It was 3 AM at the moment, what would he want this late at nigh—

'I'm not taking a no as an answer" — sent at 3:02 AM

Okay then, you were heading to the park, great.

Once you got ready, you headed out your window, making sure it was quiet so no one could hear you, after that you started head to the park where the pink boy would wait for you. That same feeling of heartbreak not leaving you as you headed to the place.

By the time you get there he was by the swings, swinging back and forth, you went up to him and smiled, he looked up at you and stood up, "We need to talk," he said, that same stoic face not leaving him, "About...?" "Teruhashi confessed that she liked me," "oh. congratulations on getting with her! you two were practically made for each oth—" "I didn't say yes, I rejected her."

your didn't know wether to feel bad for her or not, "Why?" "Because I don't like her" "okay... why are you telling me this?" "Because I saw you outside the classroom door," that's why, maybe he doesn't want you to get the wrong idea about because you always joke about that to him, "Right, Is tha—" "I also wanted to let you know that..." "That..?" "I know you like me, I knew from the start" ah. you thought you were being discreet about it, guess not. "Look. give me time, I'm trying to get over you. Just please— give me more time to get over you" you look up at him and tears begin to show up in your eyes.

The link haired boy looked at you and grabbed you by the cheek, he got near your eyes and wiped the tears that began falling out, "That's not what I meant." "Then what do you mean then?" "I need time to understand what I'm feeling for you, to make sure I'm not lying to you." was all he said, he turned to look the other way, hiding the fact that he's flustered, "And that means..." "It means we could be something more"

And on that night, snow began to fall from the sky on a nice December night.

And Maybe, just maybe, this wasn't a dream.


NAO SPEAKS? i lob my silly little pink haired guy :(


I think more people need to learn the phrase "I don't know enough about that to have a strong opinion" its literally a cheat code for awkward conversations

Found This On Pinterest. Not The Most Poetic Thing Ive Saved But Its Still The Truth.

Found this on Pinterest. Not the most poetic thing I’ve saved but its still the truth.

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Check here for upcoming fics!


Genshin Impact:


Nothing yet..


Nothing yet..


Arataki Gang Hcs!

Demon Slayer:


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Inosuke High-fives..

The Owl House:


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Nothing yet..


Nothing yet..

The Disastrous Life Of Saiki K:


Nothing yet..


Nothing yet..


Nothing yet..

Arataki Gang Hcs

Arataki Gang Hcs

• I head-canon that the Arataki Gang all live / constantly visit Granny Oni. Like her house is pretty much their hideout

• Granny probably makes them snacks while they’re beetle fighting

• Granny Oni definitely loves Kuki like a daughter

• Major family dynamic

• They started getting in trouble with the tenryou commission on accident but now they’re kinda’ trying to annoy them on purpose.

• They totally host mini beetle fighting and TCG tournaments between the members.

• For sure have movie nights at least three times a month.

• They all chip in to by pizza and snacks for movie night.

Arataki Gang Hcs

I honestly love this group so much <3

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