
17 posts

Thefuzzyconcept-blog-blog - Tumblr Blog

12 years ago
12 years ago
Walnut Creek, CA
Walnut Creek, CA
Walnut Creek, CA
Walnut Creek, CA
Walnut Creek, CA
Walnut Creek, CA

Walnut Creek, CA

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12 years ago
Black Diamond Mines, CA
Black Diamond Mines, CA
Black Diamond Mines, CA
Black Diamond Mines, CA
Black Diamond Mines, CA
Black Diamond Mines, CA
Black Diamond Mines, CA

Black Diamond Mines, CA

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12 years ago
Last Week I Got A Job As A House/petsitter. It Was Pretty Great, I Got The House All To Myself For The
Last Week I Got A Job As A House/petsitter. It Was Pretty Great, I Got The House All To Myself For The

Last week I got a job as a house/petsitter. It was pretty great, I got the house all to myself for the entire week with no one else around except me and the pets. The owners left me in charge of their beloved animals. They had 3 dogs, 2 cats, a guinea pig, and a rat. I could do whatever I wanted, eat whatever I wanted, have friends over, and use whatever I wanted in the house. There were no boundaries. It's a lucky thing I'm a good girl and I don't go snooping or cause trouble. I had a great time there, minus the pet allergies I have, but hey it's a job and my allergies to the pets weren't too bad. It was pretty much quiet most days. Once or twice a couple of my friends came over for a visit, which was definitely what I needed. The picture is of one of the cats, Tulley to be exact. I was going to take photos of the dogs, but I forgot. I do have pictures on my itouch, but the quality is terrible on it. Do you have a pet you love to take pictures of? How hard is it to get them to stay still for you, even if its a spontaneous or random shot? It took me so long to get fairly good pictures of this guy since he kept meowing and moving around. 

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12 years ago
Rose Hill Cemetery, CA
Rose Hill Cemetery, CA
Rose Hill Cemetery, CA

Rose Hill Cemetery, CA

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12 years ago
San Francisco, CA

San Francisco, CA 

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13 years ago
Very Cool Cheat Sheet That Simply And Clearly Explains The Variables Of Exposure For Those Of You Interested

Very cool cheat sheet that simply and clearly explains the variables of exposure for those of you interested in exploring photography with manual settings!

13 years ago

What do you think?

I was browsing through quotes and the one I posted earlier caught my attention. 

I really liked how "the fuzzy concept" sounded so I wanted to make it my blog's new URL:) 

I was going to change it to something like " A picture is like a thousand words", but then the quote overall is so common that it wasn't unique. 

Now that I have a new URL which I hope sounds interesting, I need some inspiration to take photos. 

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13 years ago

There is nothing worse than a brilliant image of a fuzzy concept.

Ansel Adams

13 years ago

No Ideas...

I still have no idea for a new name for this blog so I think i'm going to reset it to what I had before just for now. 

Feel free to send me any ideas for blog urls for me, thanks :]

13 years ago

Ok Guys,

I'm going to change the url to this blog. 

My boyfriend just told me that he tried to look up this blog, and forgot to include the word "blog" in my url and it directed him to a porn site... 

So, to save any of my viewers, I'm going to change the name of this site.

Any ideas or suggestions? Let me know asap! :) 

13 years ago
13 years ago
13 years ago
High School Football Stadium Lights In 2010

High School Football Stadium Lights in 2010

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13 years ago
Taken At My Old High School.

Taken at my old high school.

First macro shot on my Kodak Share C182.

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13 years ago
I Took This In Around 2009 And Edited It At School In My Digital Photography Class.

I took this in around 2009 and edited it at school in my Digital Photography class.

Won first place blue ribbon in the 2010 Fair. 

(As much as I hate putting my blog name on the file, I know some people save the pictures and use it as theirs and give no credit.)

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13 years ago

This Blog's Potential

I'm planning on making this blog my photography blog. Almost like a scrap book except online. This is mainly just for me to organize and just almost like a storage place for my pictures, but I don't mind getting feedback. 

To Anyone Viewing This Blog:

First off, if you view all my pictures (that are to come), I don't have the best camera. I don't have a DSLR or anything fancy like that. I just have a simple Kodak Easy Share C813 and a Kodak Easy Share C182. My Kodak C813 is slightly broken so I'm most likely going to be using the C812 instead. I don't expect anyone to be amazed at anything I post. 

Secondly, I honestly don't mind constructive criticism. In fact, I encourage it! Although I don't plan to become a professional photographer or anything, just taking pictures that capture memories has become a hobby for me and it's something I enjoy. I won't tolerate anyone telling me that my pictures suck. I'm not perfect and I had no prior training or anything. I only know the basics. I'd rather people who have negative comments to just keep that to themselves.

Third, my posts will becomes extremely inconsistent. Sometimes I may post day after day, and other times I may not even post a single thing for weeks or months, possibly up to a year. I don't expect people to follow me at all, as I said, this blog is mainly just for myself.

Fourth, I don't own Photoshop. I can't edit pictures because I don't have the software for it and no, I will not illegally download it. I'd rather just buy it when I can and actually install it through a CD by legal means. If any of my photographs are photo-shopped, it's because I had access to it at one point in the past and I just wanted to post something I did. It's my work after all and whether I choose to post something old or recent is my choice. 

Fifth, I promise you I don't post nudes or anything that is sexual. This blog is and will contain clean pictures. 

Lastly, if you enjoy what I post, Great! If you don't, no need to keep looking. Everything I post on this blog is mine. This blog is public and is it by your own free will to come and go as you please. 

(Although the background layout and my avatar picture aren't mine at all. All copyright goes to their respectful owners. Even if I do post something that isn't mine, I'll be sure to credit them for their work!) 

Thank you! =) 

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