Rose Hill Cemetery, CA

Rose Hill Cemetery, CA
Rose Hill Cemetery, CA
Rose Hill Cemetery, CA

Rose Hill Cemetery, CA

More Posts from Thefuzzyconcept-blog-blog

No Ideas...

I still have no idea for a new name for this blog so I think i'm going to reset it to what I had before just for now. 

Feel free to send me any ideas for blog urls for me, thanks :]

Last Week I Got A Job As A House/petsitter. It Was Pretty Great, I Got The House All To Myself For The
Last Week I Got A Job As A House/petsitter. It Was Pretty Great, I Got The House All To Myself For The

Last week I got a job as a house/petsitter. It was pretty great, I got the house all to myself for the entire week with no one else around except me and the pets. The owners left me in charge of their beloved animals. They had 3 dogs, 2 cats, a guinea pig, and a rat. I could do whatever I wanted, eat whatever I wanted, have friends over, and use whatever I wanted in the house. There were no boundaries. It's a lucky thing I'm a good girl and I don't go snooping or cause trouble. I had a great time there, minus the pet allergies I have, but hey it's a job and my allergies to the pets weren't too bad. It was pretty much quiet most days. Once or twice a couple of my friends came over for a visit, which was definitely what I needed. The picture is of one of the cats, Tulley to be exact. I was going to take photos of the dogs, but I forgot. I do have pictures on my itouch, but the quality is terrible on it. Do you have a pet you love to take pictures of? How hard is it to get them to stay still for you, even if its a spontaneous or random shot? It took me so long to get fairly good pictures of this guy since he kept meowing and moving around. 

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Very Cool Cheat Sheet That Simply And Clearly Explains The Variables Of Exposure For Those Of You Interested

Very cool cheat sheet that simply and clearly explains the variables of exposure for those of you interested in exploring photography with manual settings!

I Took This In Around 2009 And Edited It At School In My Digital Photography Class.

I took this in around 2009 and edited it at school in my Digital Photography class.

Won first place blue ribbon in the 2010 Fair. 

(As much as I hate putting my blog name on the file, I know some people save the pictures and use it as theirs and give no credit.)

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There is nothing worse than a brilliant image of a fuzzy concept.

Ansel Adams