thefuzzzz - The Fuzz
The Fuzz

Writer and Occasional ArtistHe/him read my pinned!

201 posts

Klance Wip Bingo #1 And #2

Klance Wip Bingo #1 and #2
An Archive of Our Own, a project of the Organization for Transformative Works


Word count: 4,825

Chapters: 3/3


Finally, the perpetrator turned around and looked at Lance softly before whispering, "Can I borrow a pen? Mine ran out of ink."

Lance was taken aback for a second. Not only did this guy not realize he'd created a huge mess for Lance to clean up, but he was also downright gorgeous.

Lance stuttered over his words before providing a clear no. He did have a spare pen, but he would much rather inconvenience this guy the way he inconvenienced him. Even if he did have a beautiful face, Lance was hellbent on his revenge.

He nodded understandingly before tapping the shoulder of the person in front of him, and a few moments later being handed a simple black pen.

Damn, plot for revenge is foiled.


College was a weird place, especially for two roommates who are simultaneously in love and despite each other. After a hate-inducing run-in with Keith, Lance cant believe he has to share a dorm with this asshole for a whole year. Only after seeing Keith at his most vulreble, Lance starts to see the aloof folds of his roommate unravel.

My Bingo Card:

Klance Wip Bingo #1 And #2

This fic is my first and second box for the Klance Bingo Challenge by @klanceintergalactichub!! I love their community and can’t wait to do yet another bingo!

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More Posts from Thefuzzzz

1 year ago
The Jasico Bingo Challenge 2024 Is Oficially Over!

The Jasico Bingo Challenge 2024 is oficially over!

We want to thank eveyone who participated, all of your works were amazing and cute, the Jasico Nation is forever in debt with you haha

We also would like to ask you to keep reblogging your fellow creators' works! Everyone worked so hard and deserve the praise! Besides, you can never have too much Jasico works!

Now the fun part!

We're all very proud of every single participant in this event, it doesn't matter if you had a blackout, filled five in a roll or if you posted one work, we're happy this challenge gave you a creative boost!

But for those of you who blackouted their cards or filled five in a roll, we have a special treat! Fill out this form if you want to be included in the Hall of Fame and receive a Contratulations badge via e-mail.

The form will be open until March 5th so don't forget to fill it of you meet the criteria! Check the Calendar for more dates.

Thank y'all again, we hope you have fun! Stay tunned for the Hall of Fame post and future challenges news, we have a fun one coming up this semester!

1 year ago

Jasico Bingo Challenge #23!!

Prompt: Love Letter

Jason had just given Nico a long hug goodbye before his quest. Nico tried to convince him that the quest wasn't dangerous. He said it would be simple, and he'd be back at camp soon. However, the terrified look behind his eyes said something different. 

Jason changed out of his camp shirt and into a hoodie before turning to lay in bed. His gaze was captured by a piece of paper on his nightstand, one he was sure he hadn't left there.

He plucked it off the table and unfolded it, eyes falling on neat handwriting he only hardly recognized from its elegant cursive. It was from Nico.

"Jason, I'm sorry I'm telling you this in a letter, but fear restrains me. It's the night before my quest and I'm the most scared I've ever been in my life. Tartarus wasn't as scary as this. The reason I'm so afraid is because you've made my life worth living. You make me want to love and be loved. Believe me, I do love you. I'm in love with you. I didn't notice at first, I thought I only saw you as a friend. But, as the days dragged on and we were together more and more, I realized just how fond I was.  If you don't feel the same, that's perfectly fine and we can live our lives like this never happened. Still, if this quest does go how I think it will, I might not get to move on. I had to tell you before I couldn't. I needed you to know how I felt. You're the best thing that's ever happened to me. Always yours, Nico"

Jason felt his eyes well with tears. He rarely cried, but there were so many thoughts running through his head at once that he was pretty sure his head might explode. He loved Nico too, of course he did. He cared for Nico more than anyone in his life.

Jason crawled into bed, and for the first time in years, he prayed to the gods that this quest would go well. He couldn't stand to live without Nico, especially now that he knew how he really felt. 

The next few days were hell. Jason did nothing but reread the letter, fight back tears, and worry. 

People started to notice he'd stopped showing up to meals and the campfire. He even stopped training. For the past day, all he'd done was lay in his bed and hope for any sign that Nico was even alive.

The next day, Jason had caught word that Nico was back, but half dead and disappearing into shadow as they spoke.

Jason had never run so fast in his life. He practically flew to the infirmary, heart pounding in his chest and mind racing.

He ran inside, not bothering to tell the Apollo kids why he was there. He rushed into the back room, the one practically reserved for Nico at this point. Medics surrounded him, but Jason could hear Nico's familiar but weak voice.

Jason resisted the urge to shove the healers away and let his mouth pour out every thought he had about Nico in his head. 

However, when the Apollo kids cleared every word he's so perfectly acquired died on his tongue. Even when he was dying, Nico was the most beautiful thing Jason had ever seen. HE felt his eyes tear up again as Nico turned his head to him, smiling faintly.

Jason panicked. He needed Nico to know how he felt. He needed so badly for him to understand how he felt exactly the same. 

So, he pushed their lips together roughly. It was a quick kiss, fast enough to leave Nico bewildered and slow enough for them to settle into it near the end.

Jason pulled away, face red. He was sure Nico's would be too if he wasn't almost dead.

Then, without a word, Jason laughed and hit Nico's arm lightly, making sure not to actually hurt him.

"You unbelievable asshole," Jason said, still grinning. Nico laughed so hard it hurt, which wasn't hard to do right now. "We just kissed and now I'm an asshole?" "I'm so in love with you." "Get your story straight."

Jason laughed and pulled Nico into a hug. "Never ever do that again." Nico smiled softly as their lips connected again.

This is also on AO3:
An Archive of Our Own, a project of the Organization for Transformative Works

My card:

Jasico Bingo Challenge #23!!

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1 year ago
Mod Cam is working hard for a Bingo, here's hoping they can get it before the event ends! About two weeks left in the Klance Intergalactic Hub's Valentine's WIP Bingo event 💖#klance #KLIHEvent #KlanceIntergalacticHub #discordserver #fanfic #fanart #keithkogane #lancemcclain

— Klance Intergalactic Hub (@KlanceHub) February 29, 2024

Mod Cam is working hard for a Bingo, here's hoping they can get it before the event ends! About two weeks left in the Klance Intergalactic Hub's Valentine's WIP Bingo event 💖

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1 year ago

Jasico Bingo Challenge #18!!

Prompt: College AU

New Rome University was rather boring, in Nico's opinion. When he took up a job at the campus library, the Library of Alexander, he was trying to find something to make class less boring. That was certainly going to happen, just not in the way he expected.

Nico rearranged books all day. The nerdy kid in him who always spent far too much time in the library loved the job. His fear of heights and the giant library ladder did not.

Luckily, the gods-awful ladder couldn't bug him when all he did all day was rearrange books students often checked out--IE not the ones they all had to use the hated ladder for--and write his book recommendation blog.

He occasionally got questions from students who weren't quite as adept at the Dewey decimal system as him, and he'd briefly leave his book cart to help them. So, it was no surprise when his rearranging was halted by a student walking over.

It was, however, a surprise when the person stopping by was the one and only student Nico had a crush on, his lab partner Jason Grace.

Jason smiled at him as Nico looked over. "Hey, Nico. I didn't know you worked here." Jason smiled, the same smile that always managed to make Nico's face red. "Yeah, I usually work in the morning. There was just an open shift this afternoon and I took it." Nico mumbled, now acutely aware of his messy hair and the clips and claw clip in it. Jason's voice dragged him back to reality. "Do you know if this library has The Great Gatsby?"

Nico nodded, pulling out his phone to go on the library's website and see if it was checked out or not.

"I know we have it, I read it a few days ago. I'm not sure if it's checked out, though," Nico mumbled. He looked it up and found that it was checked out. "Ah, sorry. Looks like it's checked out."

Nico looked up at Jason, who clicked his tongue and thought about what his next step was. Nico felt bad. Usually, he'd leave people to their own devices by now, but Jason was different for some reason.

"Was it for a book report or something specific to that book?" Nico asked, avoiding eye contact. "It's just for a book report." "There's a book I like that's pretty similar. It's also about some rich guy who has a tragic life." Jason laughed. "What is it?" "The Picture of Dorian Gray."

Jason let Nico show him where the book was and took it with a smile. "Thanks, man," he said, giving Nico a pat on the back that almost knocked him over. "See you in lab tomorrow."

"See you," Nico mumbled, genuinely considering climbing to the top of the library ladder and jumping off at the thought of having to do a lab tomorrow.

The next day, after practically dragging himself to the laboratory on campus, Nico took his seat next to Jason.

"Hey," Jason greeted, smiling as always. Nico was slightly less chipper but made an effort to smile for Jason. "Hey, man."

A few seconds of silence passed. Nico tried not to look at Jason. He listened to the lab instructor intently.

After the instructor talked, everyone got to work on the project. Nico, a violent hater of chemistry in all forms, let Jason do his thing and gave occasional help when needed. 

"I'm enjoying that book, by the way," Jason said, still maintaining focus on the project while he had his beloved small talk. "I'm glad," Nico tried to smile back, "it's one of my favorites." "Is it now?"

Nico tried not to implode at the sound of Jason's voice and just nodded, hiding a blush behind the mop that was his hair when it wasn't tied up. He wrote something down on their lab sheets, mostly just to keep himself busy. 

"Maybe you can explain something to me, then," Jason said, a hint of question in his tone, something Nico was embarrassed he noticed. "Sure, I love that book." "What's the importance of Syble Vane's character? I'm only on page fifty, but I just don't get her." Nico chewed his lip before answering, "You have to read more to find out, she gets more important later."

Jason didn't seem satisfied with this response, but he was too enraptured in the project to fully explain his question yet. Nico took the opportunity to look him over, admiring details he hadn't yet noticed, which were few and far between.

"I mean," Jason clarified, "why does she exist?" Nico thought about that. "Well, for where you are, she's Dorian's first love. She's the one who makes him realize he's not the only important person alive. She breaks him out of his obsession with himself, if only for a second."  Jason laughed lightly. "Write that down, I'm stealing that for my book report."

Nico smiled a real smile. "I could be way off, that's just how I interpreted it." "Do you read a lot? Or is working at the library just a convenience?" Jason asked.

Nico felt oddly flustered. Jason managed to have that effect. It really felt like the things he asked weren't just small talk, but a true care for people. Nico convinced himself it was all chatter, and swallowed any fluster still left within him.

"I read a lot. I always have," Nico said, shrugging. "I might have to start getting all my book recommendations from you," Jason smiled.

Nico was flustered, once again.

At the end of class, Nico wished they could talk just a little more. However, he resigned to the cruelty of labs and walked back to his dorm, unable to shake the semi-compliment from Jason that was now infecting all his thoughts. Nico went back to his dorm, worked on his book blog, and fell asleep with Jason's voice swarming in his thoughts.

A few weeks later, Jason came practically running into the library at seven in the morning. Nico had been chatting with Clovis, who worked the book check counter. He looked over at Jason curiously, wondering what book-related drama was so important it needed to take place at such an unreasonable hour of the morning.

"Are you GhostReader?!" Jason practically yelled, making Clovis point at the sign telling everyone to quiet down. "I-uh-" Nico fumbles. "How on earth did you find that blog?" His cheeks turned red. Suddenly, that horrible ladder didn't look so bad.

Clovis took this as his sign to suddenly have something to do in the other room and stood to meander through the doorway to the back.

"I've used that blog for my book reports since I was a freshman here!" Jason said. "I've been plagiarizing your work since I even knew what a blog was." Nico laughed, "Well, I'm glad you liked it, I guess?"  "Are you kidding? I love everything you write!"

Nico smiled, and just as quickly as he had entered, Jason left. he said something about having a class to get to, but Nico wasn't paying attention. It was hard to hear him over Nico's heartbeat in his ears.

Clovis walked out from the back room once Jason had left. "So, when's the wedding?" "Shut up." 

For the next week or so, Nico and Jason discussed books regularly. While Nico's mental library was quite a bit larger, they still had some points of conversation.

One morning, months later, Nico sat at the counter beside Clovis, on break. He looked up when Clovis elbowed him, snickering.

Jason walked in, face red, and sat a to-go cup down on the counter before turning and silently leaving. Nico picked it up and examined black Sharpie written on the side of the cup in messy, panicked handwriting.

"A tea for all the help you've given me on my book reports (P.S. I think you're really cute)"

Beneath the writing was a phone number. Nico felt his face grow hot immediately, a small smile overtaking him.

Clovis leaned over Nico's shoulder to read the messy Sharpie. "Nice. How's the tea taste, loverboy?" Nico took a sip before laughing. "It's so awful." "At least you got his number."

This is also on AO3:
An Archive of Our Own, a project of the Organization for Transformative Works

My card:

Jasico Bingo Challenge #18!!

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1 year ago

Klance WIP bingo #3!!
An Archive of Our Own, a project of the Organization for Transformative Works


Word Count: 834

Chapters: 1/1


"I didn't know you were stealing my things," Keith laughed, examining Lance in his hoodie.

"I just missed you last night," Lance said, underestimating just how much Keith would tease him for that.

"Really?" Keith laughed, a familiar smile threatening to break on his lips.

"God shut up," Lance laughed back. "You're wearing my hoodie too, hypocrite."


Keith and Lance have a hard time being able to be around each other as much as they’d like after saving the universe and starting to explore their own interests. So, they find a simple solution that leads to their relationship getting exposed.

My Card:

Klance WIP Bingo #3!!

I had sm fun writing this!! This challenge (by @/klanceintergalactichub) is sm fun and I can’t wait to write some more for it. Also, their discord is so nice and supportive!!

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