67 posts
The Lake

The Lake
Thousands of fish... 🐟
The afternoon fell slowly and the fish came to the surface of the water to watch the last rays of sun of the day.
- Paradise exists and is here on earth!- Told Marie.
- I could stay here a thousand years. It looks like a dream drawn from a fairy tale, the ones that mother used to read every night before I fell asleep.- Murmured Jimmy.
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More Posts from Thegoncalves

New School, New Adventure!
Back to School 🎒
The first day of school is always a special day, marks the beginning of a new stage of learning and sharing for any sim.
Who does not like the smell of new books and the vast list of school supplies?? The parents.
This year, little Jimmy was entering primary school and he was in a state of uncontrollable nervousness and anxiety.
New school, new teachers, new classmates and all this seemed scary. Maria seemed to be super calm. It did not even seem like today was his first day of classes at the new school.
- Kids, hurry up, you'll be late for school.- Shouted the father.- Come and have breakfast. I still have to take them to school before going to the office.

1st Day of Classes
Part I Reading Room 📚
- Good morning class. We have a new student among us today, Miss Marie. Miss Marie, kindly come here and introduce yourself to your classmates. - Ordered Ms. Frizzle.
- Hi, I'm Marie, I'm 11 years old and when I grow up I want to be a veterinarian. My favorite subject is actually two, arithmetic and sciences. My goal for this school year is above all to make new friends and complete primary school with satisfactory and positive school performance in all areas. - Answered Marie.
-Very well, Marie, clap childre
- Now you can go to your place, I'm Ms. Frizzle and I teach the Reading discipline.

The Farewell
Come back soon my love 🚉
- Honey, I need to go to the company headquarters in New Crest even today. - Said Jasmine.
- Mother, are you going to be away for a long time? - Asked Jimmy.
- No, my beautiful. The mother only needs to stay away for four to five days at most a week. I'll be back as soon as it's all settled. - Answered Jasmine.
- What time do you have to leave? - Asked Josh.
- Twenty o'clock.- Answered Jasmine.
- I'll take you to the station. - Said Josh.
- I'll miss you, come back soon. - Argued Josh.
- Do you know that I love you? - Asked Jasmine.
- I love you so much… from the day I first met you in high school. - Answered Josh.
- I have to go in. I love you. I'll call you as soon as I get there. - Jasmine said.
- Bye. I love you! - Shouted Josh.

The Playground
Puddles of rain ☔️
Ringed the bell, is playtime!
- Marie, will you come and play with me?- Asked little Jimmy.
- No, ask for someone your age.- Answered Marie.
- Children!- Replied Marie's friend, with a smile on her face.
- To whom you say, my brother is a pain in the ass. - Answered Marie.
- Boring, me! Silly and silly girls! Shouted Jimmy.
- Jimmy, Jimmy!- Someone called.- Do you want to come and play in the rain? - I swear, it's going to be a lot of fun.

What a day!
Working to the fullest! 💤
It was another day of hard work in the new house. The works were a little late because of the problems in the old plumbing.