Windenburg - Tumblr Posts

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Makeover Posts: Maaike / Ulrike
CC Essentials under the cut:
Maaike Haas: Hair / Face Overlay / Eyelashes / Blush / Nosemask / Eyebrows (N.12)
Ulrike Faust: Hair / Blush / Face Kit / Eyelashes / Nosemask / (+ multiple Tattoos by @valhallansim .. )
Hope you like them :)

Bjorn Bjergsen / Bjergsen Family
Before and After

Clara Bjergsen / Bjergsen Family
Before and After

Sofia Bjergsen / Bjergsen Family
Before and After

Elsa Bjergsen / Bjergsen Family
Before and After

It smells like fresh fruit 🍎
Autumn adorned everything with its yellowish, red, and orange-brown tones from Willow Creek to the medieval town of Windenburg.
The gardens woke up already dressed for the new season, the cold already felt and invited to look for the warm clothes stored in the bottom of the closet.
Autumn was already reigning all over the neighborhood and the day invited to go out to explore and observe what was going on outside, with all the senses on alert.
Autumn is time to love!

The Picnic
Outdoor Family Time! 🌾
The days at San Myshuno were always the same monotony. A huge bustle on all sides, crowded traffic, people always rushing between other things ...
The cold felt outside but it was a nice day to practice an activity to the free.
- Josh, Marie, Jimmy! Wear some really warm clothes because I have a surprise for all of us scheduled for today. - Shouted Jasmine.
- What a surprise?! - Asked Jimmy, quickly.
- Surprise, my dear! - Answered Jasmine, smiling.
- We're here! - Told Jasmine.
- The old ruins?! - Asked Josh.
- Yes, right here, now take the basket out of the trunk. - Ordered Jasmine.
When the children noticed the food basket, they started screaming in jumps.
- Let's have a picnic! Let's have for a picnic!

The Lake
Thousands of fish... 🐟
The afternoon fell slowly and the fish came to the surface of the water to watch the last rays of sun of the day.
- Paradise exists and is here on earth!- Told Marie.
- I could stay here a thousand years. It looks like a dream drawn from a fairy tale, the ones that mother used to read every night before I fell asleep.- Murmured Jimmy.

A touch of magic ❄️
The landscape outside had changed. The town woke up this morning dressed in a white robe.
- Mummy, mummy is snowing. - The kids screamed as they jumped on the country bed.
- Go back to sleep. - Jasmine said.
- But mother? - Marie insisted.
- I’m very tired from the trip. - Jasmine argued.
- Dad, Daddy.- Called Jimmy.
- There’s already a request on the way. - Said Josh, laughing.- But, anyways, say it.
- Can we go play in the snow? - Asked little Jimmy.
- After lunch can it be? I’m just finishing a report. - Josh said.

Christmas Spirit
Part I The perfect tree 🎄
The Christmas scent was already filling the air and everywhere around one could find the traces of the season.
“Ho ho ho ho it’s Xmas!” Cheered all Santa Claus that garnished the doors of the stores.
Despite the Gonçalves were displaced due to the new house renovation, they wanted to spend their first Christmas in Willow Creek as tradition dictated. At first it was necessary to find a pine tree and look for the Christmas ornaments among the moving house items in order to decorate the tree chosen by the family.
- Dad, can we go out to buy a Christmas tree? – Asked Marie.
- Can we?? – Emphasized Jimmy – Please, say yes…
- Well, I am not sure. Replied Josh with a suspicious intonation. – But of course you can my little goblins.
At the store
- My God, so many pines and they’re all so beautiful. – Said Marie immersed in a rush of total euphoria.
- What do you think of this one? – Asked Jimmy.
- It’s too small with so few branches. – Replied Marie.
- What about this one? – Asked the Josh.
- No, dad. – Said Jimmy.
- Jimmy, Jimmy. Look that one! Over there! – Yelled Marie.
- It’s perfect!! – Said Jimmy.
The Corkery

The Telephone
Call Hello, is it Santa Claus?! ⛸☎️
A photo of the mother ice-skating on the lake. She was so gracious sliding on the ice. No doubt she was a great ice-skater at that time when she was around Marie’s age.
- Oh! If only I had ice-skates! – Sighed Marie.
In the morning of the following day, Marie decided to talk with Father Christmas.
- But how? Give him a call? To where? To which number? – Wondered Marie.
Looking up in the phonebook it read: “SANTA CLAUS. A vast choice of old and new toys. Call”
- What an odd number! Let’s give it a try…? - Questioned Jimmy.
- Is he there? Is it Santa Claus?… Are you hearing me? – Inquired Marie.
- You reached Santa Claus right now, however, he is not available. Please leave a message.
- Please, I would like to be given a pair of ice-skates this Christmas. – Said Marie.

Northern Winds ❄️💨
The souverain winter arrived with majesty and the previously colourful landscape became white and pale.The northern wind freezes the forests and the prairies. The enchanted song of the flowing water is no more to be heard.
There is no easy life for the birds and the beasts of the field. No more swallows, nor flowers not even butterflies; however, winter brings not only sadness.
- Mom, why does it snow? - Questioned Marie whilst shaking the globe.´
- It snows because it is too much cold. Mother’s homeland only had snow in the mountains and then the temperature dropped drastically. - Responded Jasmine.
- Mom, shall we go outside? Please, I really want to try my ice skates. - Begged Marie.
The ice was stiff, dry and deep.
Marie tried ice-skating but that’s not a simple task!In the picture, her mother skated so gracefully and elegantly!
Certainly after Marie gets a couple of lessons to control her balance, everything will work out just fine!

Once upon a time…
Cinderella on Ice: The Royal Ball ⛸✨
- Boys, girls, who wants to go down to Winderburg to watch an ice-skating spectacle? Asked Josh. - Me, me… - Shouted the kids with enthusiasm. (…) Cinderella on Ice, advertised the poster displayed at the park entrance.
A magic show suitable for everyone to travel back in time to childhood transported and cradled by its beauty and enchantment.

Marie Mummy
Martine, do not make a mess!! 🍼🍭
It was Saturday morning and Jasmine was starting to write down things for the upcoming lunch whilst little Jimmy was doing the dishes of last night supper. - Mom, may I go to Aunt Arrietty House? – Requested Marie. - Oh Marie, you could indeed help me like your brother is doing instead of wanting to give your aunt a hard time. – Argued Jasmine. - But Mommy, I really want to play with Martine… I swear I will behave. I promise! – pled Marie. - Do you need your father to drive you there? – Asked Jasmine. - No, I can go with my bike. – Replied Marie. - Then go upstairs and dress a warm coat because there’s a cold wave around and I will ring to Arrietty in the meantime. – Stated Jasmine. - Can I come along, mommy? – Begged Jimmy. - Not today. After lunch, we are also going to see our new home. – Said Jasmine. - I’m never allowed to do anything. – Cried out Jimmy while running to his room disappointed. (…) - Behave, Marie Jane. I will catch up later with your aunt to check if you’ve been a good girl.

A Thousand Years
I promise to stay … ❤
.... even when the world ends I'll be here holding yours.I promise.
Processes are like a cool breeze of a morning that mirrors the smell of an english roses in the air.
- Thank you for staying with the kids. - Said Jasmine.
- You don't have to thank me nor Mario, we really enjoy having Marie and Jimmy over. - Said Cassandra.
I'm telling you now that I want to stay with you the rest of my days and with this ring I make that promise today. He slip the ring on her wedding finger, tilt his dark face to the right as he treis to reach her lips with his.
- Josh...? I've got something for you. - Said Jasmine. - Is this what I'm thinking it is? - Asked Josh Yeah it is but I don't really know if I want this son. Replied Jasmine.
- Are you fucking crazy? – Shouted loud Josh.
A scene of anger burst between Jasmine and Josh as Josh pleads with tears streaming down his face all awhole cursing berween the cries of Jasmine.
Happy Valentine’s Day!

Can't relate to desperation? Are your give-a-plums on vacation? Working late 'cause you're a singer? Then this is the cafe for you! With drinks made to perfection and fresh pastries to go, you'll leave this place muttering "that's that me, espresso" at least a hundred times.
Lot name: The Brewed Awakening Café
Gallery ID: lostinsixam
if you could pick a sims 4 world that closely resembled where you actually live, what world would it be?
mine would be del sol valley

Charley did a kitchen makeover for the Bergsen Berjersen Bjergsen family in Windenburg! This was the first job where the client wasn’t happy with it for some reason? The snooty mom said it “just wasn’t her taste” UGH I thought it came out pretty though, and I tried to match the style of the rest of their house. Also, found out Charley is preggers with Don’s baby. We all knew this was bound to happen eventually *curses risky woohoo*

Since gen 2 will be in Windenburg, Sahara went there to find a possible partner knowing full well who I was looking for She got hit on by a bald creeper and Brittany Cho made everything about herself as usual Then I found Miss Yuki Behr! They’re so cute together 💖