Hello, I reblog stuff from Supernatural. Pleased to meet you.
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Thehappyearth - Tumblr Blog
ok wait also. the famous bobby chasing john off the property with a shotgun line IS explained in the Supernatural: Bobby Singer’s Guide to Hunting book. Somewhere around the mid 90’s john drops Sam and Dean off with Bobby to go on a hunt in Montana and then essentially drops off the face of the earth. he’s gone for so long that Bobby eventually decides to tell Sam and Dean that he must have died. sam apparently takes awhile to process this and goes very quiet and dean gets really angry. bobby says this is the biggest fight he and dean ever had. then dean disappears into the night and returns hours later with john in tow. dean’d tried to hitchhike to montana on his own to find john and accidentally caught his dad, totally unharmed and completely fine (capable of answering bobby’s phone calls, bobby takes care to mention john did own a cellphone at this point), on the way back. john packs the boys into the impala and tells them they’re going to stay with somebody who “actually cares about them” and bobby becomes so enraged that he pulls out the shotgun and starts firing.
True - which just makes it even more bizarre 10/10
I've never watched a single episode of spn but I've been thinking about the implications of being stuck inside a meme

The advice season 15 Dean would give season 4 Dean: appreciate Cas more. Because he'd prove to be the best friend and biggest ally.
JIB 11:
I hope we will get a chance to see that [Dean and Cas' reunion]. I think it would look like we all hope it would. There would be an embrace and then Dean would be like: Can we talk about that goodbye for a minute?
SPNVAN 2022:
I didn’t say anything - I didn’t give him anything. And what I had in my head was, I should have said "I love you too” and hugged him.
Dean's biggest regret was that he couldn't save Cas.

It is a special moment to witness a meme of one of the most shipped pairings on AO3 become its own fanfiction.
The destiel fandom is peaking 🌟
I've never watched a single episode of spn but I've been thinking about the implications of being stuck inside a meme

sam shows mary how google works and he’s like “you can look up anything!” and mary types in like “shoe” and “gun” and idk “kansas” and then sam’s like “and you can look up people! look” and he types in “sam winchester” and then he SLAMS the laptop shut when the results load cause he briefly forgot he was a serial killer

Thank you, Matthew Perry (August 19, 1969 - October 28, 2023)
The passing of Matthew Perry is genuinely hitting hard. He portrayed the hell out of a character that I adored for many years of my life. A character that was hilarious yet insecure, confident yet awkward, a character that never failed to put a smile on my face. 'Friends' has been watched hundreds of times at this point and now it won't hit quite the same. Matthew, like all of us, had his struggles and I can only hope that he is at peace.😔

R.I.P. Matthew
Matthew Langford Perry (August 19, 1969 - October 28, 2023)

RIP Matthew Perry
No one else could’ve played Chandler Bing🩵

Nathan breaking after getting slapped in the face by a sammy.
The popularity of ships like Aziraphael/Crowley and Ed/Stede makes so much sense because it’s the classic good boy meets bad boy except this time the bad boy is also a good boy, the good boy is insane actually, and both boys are middle aged men
the real villain of ofmd is toxic masculinity just like how the real villain of good omens is religious trauma
Anyone else coping with the lingering trauma of watching Supernatural by watching Good Omens and Our Flag Means Death?
*slaps the hull of a ship* this bad boy can fit so many gay pirates in it

(Amazon commisioned only the S3 scripts so far, not S3 itself)

Michael Sheen retweeted this and my love for him grows every time he calls his Angel out on his bullshit and sides with poor Crowley
Dean Winchester & hug dynamic analysis
I was thinking about how whenever Dean hugs someone he's almost always the one hugging the other and how this links to his psychological trauma of always being the caretaker of people, making himself bigger to protect them.

Because that's how Dean sees himself, as a shield for others, and then I thought about how Cas actually is the shield, and he's HIS SHIELD, specifically, the only one who's really there to protect HIM, which is why it hits so much when we see this:

The way Cas wraps his arms around him, trying to protect him with his whole body--that he'd use as a shield and give up in a second if he could spare him from any pain and save him.
(for context: Dean was about to go use the soul bomb on Amara there, it was a suicide mission)

Bobby is another one that hits, he hugs him as the big hugger because he's his father, he loves him and he's actually here to protect him (and Dean LETS him -barely, but he lets him *and Cas* - in a way that he doesn't let Sam)

I watched a compilation of Sam & Dean hugs to check if i was right about it, but it's almost always Dean the big hugger with Sam, except when he's about to die or Sam sees him alive again after losing him.

Even then, Dean mostly tries to hug Sam as the big hugger anyway, with at least one arm, like a way to comfort him, making him feel protected, like his body language is saying "I'm here, I'm okay, I'm still strong, i can still protect you" (because their real father failed and Dean thinks it's his job).

He rarely lets himself be the little one hugged with Sam, unless he's barely conscious. Which is why it kills me so much more now that in this moment (s14, when Dean was going to lock himself in the Ma'lak box cause he was possessed by Michael) and Sam has a desperate breakdown and punches him (to stop him) he forcefully hugs him as the little hugger, the way Dean always kept him, like a way of saying "I still need you to protect me, please don't do this to yourself".

In the scene below he gives Sam his blessing to do a dangerous (possibly suicidal) mission, and one of his arms is down, but the other one tries to stay up--he's forcing himself to do it and he struggles because he still wants to protect him, but (as the seasons progress) he slowly becomes more prone to let go.

So in this view the hug dynamic becomes an indicator of how Dean sees Sam (and himself) and his protector role, how adult and self sufficient he considers Sam, and how much he lets people around him take care of him, lowering his walls and letting himself be hugged.

This is also why i think hugs from characters like Garth or Charlie are so special, because they're just like us: they see Dean and they just know that he needs to be hugged a lot, and that he's not used to it, so they just go for it-- and it's so normal and kind and spontaneous that Dean's just not used to it-- he doesn't know how to respond (especially with Garth, at the beginning, but as the seasons progress, he learns to, and he even initiates the hug eventually).
I love the hugs where they're 50/50 (one arm up, one arm down both), feels like they're equals, both taking care of each other. I feel like with Sam and Dean, this indicates a healthier dynamic, because Dean lets go a little of the role that was imposed to him and manages to see Sam as the strong individual that he is. But the same applies to 50/50 hugs with other characters, like with Cas, where I feel like it testifies how equals they feel in terms of being fighters, there's a show of respect of each other's strength that transpires by the gesture (which is even more astounding considering that Cas is literally a powerful angel).

And just to end on a destiel note, I'd like to note the possessiveness and protectiveness of Dean (rightfully so) whenever he finds Cas after he thought he had lost him, and how that translates into his body/hug language:

nothing like stepping outside while the seasons are changing and suddenly feeling a change in the weather that knocks you back in time by several years

#Aziraphale also doesn't know they wanted to let Eric humiliate him before setting him on fire
GOOD OMENS (2019 - ) I 1.06 - Deleted scene
Girl. You know I love your theories about queer coding in television. But some times those two male characters are stood that close bc they need to get them both in the frame .
I find it extremely funny that the entire Good Omens fandom is absolutely in love with Bildad the Shuhite for seemingly no reason. Can one of you please tell me why we love him so?