I do art, sometimes | | he/him/his/himself | I enjoy certain things 🫶 | might not post much but who knows ! not a minor !
27 posts
Hi, Quick Sketch!!

Hi, quick sketch!!
The paws r very wrong but who cares :P /nsrs
theloophimself liked this · 6 months ago
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But at the end of the day,you don't fall in love with a fictional character,no you don't
you fall in love with the way an painter drew it,those brush strokes that paint the eye,the nose,the hair
you fall in love with the way a writer showed it, giving you a picture of atmost perfection with mere words woven together.
you fall in love with a voice of someone who gave years of their life to make you imagine that there's no soul in that voice but the character's you look at
but most of all,you fall in love you your own brain...
you fall in love with your thoughts,your own imagination,your own ideas
it's not the characters you love you love what you think
for you are in love with nothing but a thought-came-true by the help of many but most of all, your own thoughts
for no one loves their own thoughts but a day dreamers who claims to be in love
why couldn't i just have been into normal asmr . why did my brain decide "hey why don't we follow every creator that does audio rps with really in depth storylines and try to follow the narratives"
Thinking about robots made to process human body language and expressions, and as a result cannot watch live action movies or shows without being highly aware that the people are actors.
Just like folks so familiar with horse or dog body language that they can tell the supposedly "distressed" animal is actually super calm and excited to do their fancy little trick for a treat, the robot can see all the little microexpressions that make it painfully obvious the actor does not feel a smidgen of the anger or fear their character does.
Maybe they should try their luck with cartoons...
respectfully, so tired of "evil AI that wants you dead". where is the evil AI that loves you sooo much that you are. not allowed to leave it. evil AI that wants to wrap you up in its wires and keep you forever and ever and ever.

friend told me to put this on tumblr