Hi! im The Master 72 (or master to abreviate, no its not on purpose i swear-) i like drawing, video games and memes (and food)so, i tought it would be a good idea to share my toughts with the world, so here i am! expect drawings and ocasional meme posting from me, and chatting from time-to-time (dw im perfectly open to critism)just to get this out of the way... i have autism (asperger syndrome, highly functional) and ADHD, have that there in case you dont understand my goblin-like behavior lolso, thats it, thanks for reading this personality bible and... i wish you a nice day! :Dđź‘Ť
80 posts
Themaster72 - THE-MASTER-72 - Tumblr Blog
honestly very underrated imo, the horror here is very well done with the air of decay and despair that it presents. now that we got the compliments aside... THIS IS BASICALLY THE BINDING OF ISSAC, ALL THE WAY TO CATACOMBS, AND YOU CANT TELL ME OTHERWISE! SORRY I COULDNT CONTAIN MYSELF BUT LIKE, YOU CANNOT TELL ME YOU DIDNT THINK OF IT AT LEAST ONCE (sorry if the comment is rude i relly liked it)
Was my basement always this big?
I keep walking and walking
welcome welcome! warning: may contain traces of body horror

talking about poison in cooking shows: chooped, idk what episode the chefs were tasked to make a meal using eel, and THEY EXPLICITALY SPECIFIED "cook the eel, for it is very POISONOUS if eaten raw" and one of the chefs FORGOT about it, and instead of trying to give it a proper cooking in the small timeframe he had left, HE BLOWTORCHED IT FOR A FEW SECONDS AND FOCUSED ON THE REST OF HIS PLATE, THINKING A GOOD PRESENTATION WAS GONNA SAVE HIM IT WAS RAW R A W and guess what? the judges noticed it! and logically did not eat it at all! and he got inmediatly disqualified for being the only one with a plate they couldnt eat! AND THIS MAN HAD THE GILLS TO BE SURPRISED BY THIS OCCURRENCE! Y O U H A D O N E J O B. O N E.

its POISON!!! youve brought me an ELIXIR you DONKEY!!!!! i ask for a medium well wellington and you bring me a WITCHES BREW!!!!!!
i know i should not be wandering on the internet to avoid spoilers but...

this is the best game ever i swear

i found this game on steam called rabbit hole, you should check it out if you play roguelikes! (this is... probably the first actual human i draw in my entire career, dang)
i became literate just for this moment

The Bonus Pages for the pilot, RFCK and Gondola are now available for FREE on the LOVEWEBSITE on the episodes page!!! Bonus Pages for Yume Nikki, the iceberg meme and the rules of the internet are on my Patreon for 5€ (also you get to support me and help the show going yaaay)
Patreon Link
animation practice exercise 3: brick falling from shelf WHO IS THE FUNNY GUY THAT'S SUMMONING HANDS TO PUSH EVERYTHING IN MY HOUSE?!
animation practice exercise 1: bouncing ball loop
it goes boing
(yeah the previous one was exercise 2... my bad)
my warrior would be a barely put toguether frankenstein monster of the characteristic traits of all the subclasses, from barbarian's attack to templar's defense

why not both likes and reblogs? and yeah this was absolutely worth it
Saw a few folks drawing that one early Frisk Undertale concept art in their style and had to do it myself…

Click for Quality!
For every note this gets, I'll walk 3 feet.
Yes, I want lots of notes.

the papyrus in his natural habitat (+ points if you get the reference)

im quite proud of this one, an attack i made for youngsheldon on art fight! her name is meena!

live cybermare reaction to the #fixTF2 after-burn effect
So i decided to go back to making some animation practices, and i quite liked it!

a little experiment mayhaps, but i likie the results on this one
"hello sir how would you like your popcorn?" "amalgamated."

i made this from this image that i definitely didnt stage

i mean what kind of popcorn melts with its neighbors when burnt?

MANON WITH [circle with all but upper left quadrant black] EYES FOR GLOW IS CANON! (yeah, i definitively predicted it, and im definitively taking all credit for a casuality while looking like an idiot, spaking of, where is the punchline of this jok-)

now we have credits for the VAs of loveweb! i wanted to say thank you for making the peeps feel so alive! (i could really feel the... "non-bynary..ness? yeah thats a word now" on manon!)

"fake" miku and gondola are back! that was a nice callback to the other episodes! (my guess is that miku plays spy because of the suit n tie, and gondola plays soldier because it likes to fly around using the rocket launcher)

does he know? (and does he like sam and max?)

manon is a pyro main? not confirmed but i theorize it could be because of pyro-vision, i mean, come on, i cant be the only one who thinks that, right?

ok lets take a break its just... wow, that... got emotional for a moment... but i like this, cybermare had to take an "edgy older sister" moment in order to solve things out, which was cool to see, as based as she is, we all commit mistakes, and i understand having something so dear to you getting massacred and neglected by its creator (anyone remembers angry birds? wait im derailing here-) also the part where she didnt want manon to take things personaly but the misunderstanding happened... yeah that my whole life, and it sucks, so im at least glad that had a little bit of cover on that, alongside being able to talk things out peacefully and understanding the viewpoint of the other person, i feel like thats something that is slowly being lost as internet goes further into its existence and in real life too! seriouslly its not so hard explaining why you think like you think in a non-agressive way folks!

and to finish... "oh! I know you don't like being touched so this is how i show affection!" i swear this freaking cat is autistic in some way WHY AM I PROYECTING OVER THIS
so yeah i really liked this new episode! it has a bit of everything and covers tf2 from all angles like it promised! i learned some stuff! (and i might aswell try team fortress 2 classic and open fortress, they seem fun! i really need to practice my aim...) so yeah, thank you for everything shadok!

since you asked nicely, also *pets doggo*

Don't go away. Pet Doggo
reblog if you liked it pls
finished watching loveweb but i need to wake up early today (keyword TODAY) so i will have to wait until later to start hyperfixating on it, see ya!