theoccultz - 𝑨ron

Welcome ...i guess?!

859 posts

Hello ~ Ive Been Following You For A While Now, So Naturally, I Noticed You Have A Game Open! My Question

hello ~ I’ve been following you for a while now, so naturally, I noticed you have a game open! my question shall be:

what kind of person will I be when I’m at my ideal point in life?

initials: mgb

fave color: sage green

Hello ,

How you doing ?

Two of cups , 9of coins , 4of wands , 10 of cups

Overall: star

>Who are you at your ideal point in life ?

This is someone who people look upto , this is someone who is people's favourite , this is someone who people want to talk to , this is someone who people want to collaborate with ,this is someone standing in their power , they know their strength and weakness , they are like a lioness who isn't afraid to tackle down big or small predators , they are feircely protective of others , they are someone who has been through toughest times and they dont let the weight of it get them down , they are someone who's kind and helpful, they are someone who isn't afraid to make mistakes, who doesn't shy away from their skills,this is a truthful person who is a risk taker and that's attractive. This is someone who isn't afraid to love and express themselves sexually ,this is someone who values and respect their energy , they do not overextend their help ,this is someone who protects their energy who seek peace within themselves, who isn't afraid to travel and see the world alone , this is someone who cares for others and others care for them .

You remind me of sage archetype you'll benefit from healing.

Thank you for joining, let me know what you think !!


More Posts from Theoccultz

8 months ago

Wow tbh Im also surprised you said that 😭 I asked that question initially because Ive noticed that the majority of people I let close to me end up being envious of me so much that I'm reserved when it comes to having connections. I'm glad I trigger good things in some people. Thank you for the reading 🤍 also for the advice cause you're right I tend to worry a lot lol.

You're welcome (:


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8 months ago

Hi. I’m Linh. I’m going to develop a mobile app. But it’s a completely new area to me. I’m learning coding right now.

I would love to know should I follow this path.

I’m not sure whether I can succeed or not. I have an idea for how this app should be but I’m not sure if I’m able to learn coding. No one believe that I can achieve my wish. They said I should be more realistic and less daydreaming.

My favorite colors: red, pink, purple

My initials: L.D.N she/her


Thank you. Have a nice day🌕

Hello linh ,

I hope you're doing well 💜

The hermit ,3ofswords rx , the chariot

I'll leave this decision to you

I dont see any positive outcome coming out of it ,its gonna start of well but its gonna go downhill there's just so many things going on , not being able to utilise the time , having frustrations and anxiety , this will take up a lot of your mental energy now this is what cards are conveying.

I've been contemplating on this as well , i have done carrer guidance readings on my previous account and the answers were clear eveb though the answers are direct on this one too , i dont feel sure so you should go with my intuition

this one i strongly feel like you should try and do your best because the cards can only pick up energies , and my intuition is like nah she can absolutely do it .

Your advice cards is saying

6of coins , 9ofswords rx

To keep going and dont stop at nothing ,if you'll find it hard then relax and start again + you shouldn't listen to others judgement its gonna effect your process , dont let them intervene with your work and studies . Even if you face a moment of weakness you have to keep your eyes on the goal .

So yes you should go for it but your results will take time ,dont be discouraged easily

Thanks for joining, let me know what you think !!

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8 months ago

Hello 🐦‍⬛

I'd like to participate to your last game hehe~ (I hope I won't forget anything skjf)

Honestly I'm curious, how do i come across to others, I often think a lot about it lately (probably because I've tried to force myself out there recently 💀)

- LL, my favourite colour is crimson red c:

Yo 🐰

I can relate lol

King of cups ,3 of wands , 7ofcoins , page of cups

Someone who's got tough skin , you come off as a mature person , someone who we can go for guidance, they think you have a lot of big qualities that stands out , you apparently have a lot of opportunities that you dont make good use of , they think you are a someone who is a seeker you'll always look for bigger and better things its like they dont settle for less kind of energy .

They think you prefer to keep to yourself but you aware of what goes on behind the scenes , they think you are cool and contended and that you might be interested in archeology , surverys ,& psychology themed movies , people can sense you are not a troublesome person and its kind of refreshing because maybe people around you are totally different . They think you are somehow always positive, they expect positive energy from you , they know you're not gonna come in and ruin their mood.

They also think you delve into past a lot and that you may have intimacy issues , they think you should be inspired to try new things and it could be small as fashion sense or big as idk travelling? Cause thats big for me lol they think you have a sweet tooth and you prefer comfort over anyone and anything else . They think you could be a potential writer & they pick this up very randomly like yo that kinda rhymed or that was kinda deep i've never heard that of a perspective on a freaking stone . They also think you have this underlying protective energy within yourself like you will run up a bitch if you want too , they have to respect you as a person , they think you are restless and hide things , you are that friend who if we get stuck in a forest you are thinking logically , you are not the one who's panicking . Nope . You are looking out for potential serial killers 😭 You also are not likely to make a big deal out of things like you are not my mom kinda energy . I keep hearing ''honey'' and attractive eyes and i'm feeling warm so ...

P.s : you are represented by king of cups .

Things i picked up : helpful, Lazy , good built , droppy eyes , perfume , kohl ,282 , deer , timid .

Thank you for joining 🫂

Reblog 3 times to claim sksgdgfhd

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8 months ago

Next time : be clear with your questions guys , i dont want to guess what you need a reading on .

Ps: 2 asks are left .

Let's play a game

Theme: celebrating you

#Game 5: Ask me anything

A game where you can ask me about anything but it must be related to you

For eg : How do i come across to others ? & Stuff

Rules :

Be patient , be respectful

Anon's are allowed

Must be following me

Provide me with feedback

Ask through "ask box "with your initials and your favourite colour

Dont ask sensitive questions, thank you !!

Avoid too much love questions although its your choice , I want this game to focus on "you" !!

Let's Play A Game

Status: Closed , thanks for your participation

Your ask's will be answered soon !!

8 months ago

The first part was sweet and cute, but the second part was so badass lol 😂 thank you Aron, I loved it!

You're welcome (:

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