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200 Celebration Writing Challenge

 200 Celebration Writing Challenge


Again a massive thank you to all of you beautiful people who helped me reach this goal! And to @criminal-cookies for this beautiful banner! Love you bro<3


-You don’t have to be following me (but it would be nice) so everyone can participate

-Please reblog to help signal boost!

-Send an ask with the prompt and the character you’ll be writing please so I can keep track

-TAG: #Laura200 and @justmebeingtheweirdmeiam

-You can write for ANY marvel character (and it doesn’t have to be x reader)

-NO p*do, inc*est or noncon/dubcon


-You can interpret the songs however you like (lyrics or tone).

-Please add a read more if it exceeds 500 words

-It can be a social media au or one-shot or a series or drabble tbh

-Tag accordingly and if you have any questions don’t be afraid to ask me 

-Bolded works have been completed

-Please don`t forget to use trigger warnings!

-Due date is May 28th! So plenty of time because I want to read ALL of them.

Dialogue Prompts:

“I’ll feel much better if you let me walk you home.”

“I wanted to say “I love you” for the first time without stuttering, but that failed.”

“Apparently all our friends have a bet going that we end up together.” @criminal-cookies​ with Sam

“you make me feel alive. for the first time ever, I feel like I can breathe” @becausewhyknotme​ with Carol

“no. the moment you saw me as a bet was the moment you fucked up.”  @sebbbystaaan​ with Sam

“If you don’t hug me right now I think I might fall apart.” @mushyjellybeans with Bucky

“I swear, if you say another word, I’ll leave.”

“That ship has sailed. I’ve had my one great love already”

“Would you just shut up and listen to me for two goddamn seconds?!” @imma-new-soul​ with Sam

“if I asked you to stay, would you?” 

“Never trust a man whose smile steals the breath right from your lungs.” @imma-new-soul​ with Bucky

“I’m not a damsel in distress. I’m a damsel doing damage.” @nekoannie-chan​ with Bruck Rumlow

“You couldn’t handle me even if I came with instructions.” @criminal-cookies​ with Sam

“Where have you been all my life?” “hiding from you”  @kitkatd7​ with Bucky

“shut up with all that soulmate shit”

“All I wanted was a happy ending.”

“Mistakes are easily made in the moment. Apologies are not.”

“I don’t want to feel this way anymore.” @mushyjellybeans​ with Bucky

“My emotions have been turbulent for so long, I’m not sure how to react.”

“My heart tells me to kiss you, my head tells me to walk away.”

“I don’t want material belongings! I want my heart back!”

“Until you can return the time I wasted on you, I don’t want anything to do with you.” 

“Grief is natural they say. So is death. I don’t want either.”

Song Prompts:

High Hopes by Panic! at The Disco

Where do I go by Anna Blue

Pretty Girl by Maggie Lindemann

Colors by Halsey

High Hopes by Kodaline

All of me by John Legend

Voices by Against the Current

Body like a back road by Sam Hunt

Jar of Hearts by Christina Perri

Exhale by Sabrina Carpenter

Heat of the Moment by Asia

Middle of the night by the Vamps

Never gonna give you up by Rick Astley

I wanna get better by Against the Current

Come on Eileen by Dexys Midnight Runners

What I need by Hayley Kiyoko

Point of no return by Sunrise Avenue

Wonderwall by Oasis

Winter by Tori Amos

Killer in the Mirror by Set it off

Blitzkrieg Bop by Ramones

Endlessly by the Cab @official-and-unstable-satan

Highway to Hell by AC/DC taken by @theladyoffangorn​ (Clint/Bucky)

Movie/Series/Book Quotes Prompts:

Stop waiting for life to be easy. Stop waiting for someone to save you. @itsunclebucky​

People say that they love you but what they mean is that they love how loving you makes them feel about themselves.

A: No weapons. No friends. No hope. Take all that away, and what is left? B: Me.  @nekoannie-chan​ with Bruck Rumlow

I want to date, and shop, and hang out, and save the world from unspeakable evil. You know, girly stuff.

Do you think that I care for you so little that betraying me would make a difference?

What`s the point of being grown-up if you can`t be childish sometimes?

I once planned your murder. @jamesbchnnn​ with Bucky

A: I`m afraid that if I close my eyes when I open them I`m going to be back in that car, buried, running out of air. B: Ok, then you should come home with me. When you open your eyes, I`ll be there.

There is no pretending, I love you until I die, and if there´s a life after that, I`ll love you then. @imma-new-soul​

I am stunningly attractive.

I`m going to do what I want to do. I`m going to be who I really am. And I`m going to figure out what that really is.

You can`t just sit there and put everyone`s lives ahead of yours and think that counts as love.

Sometimes I feel like I`m stuck on a Ferris wheel.

Everyone deserves a great love story.

We`re all going to hell might as well enjoy the ride.

Nobody cares that you`re broken.

A: I have a salsa emergency. B: The condiment or the dance? I am equipped for both. 

I`m sorry I let you believe I was someone I`m not.

Don`t let your head get in the way of your heart.

I do feel better knowing you`ve suffered a little.

At the end of the day, you`re a garden rose, and that bitch is a weed.  @nekoannie-chan​ with Bruck Rumlow

A lot of people are stupid and still live full, productive lives.

I`ve wanted to look different because after everything I`ve been through I wanted to feel different. But it`s like you guys want me to go back to the same who I was before.

Permanent Taglist:  @criminal-cookies​ @becausewhyknotme ​ @theladyoffangorn ​ @officialtonystarkprotectionsquad ​ @disasterbuckley ​ @sandyclaws ​ @imma-new-soul ​ @mushyjellybeans ​ @fangirl-introvert ​ @wemisshim3000 ​ @ihatetomatoes3000 ​ @writingforhoursonend ​​

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4 years ago

The Angel Lost Her Wings ||Rafe Adler x Reader Smut


Summary: What will happen when an innocent girl that wants to have some fun meets a cocky millionaire on her way?

Warnings: Smut!

Words: 3617

Authors: Cass & Rouge

Request by: @grossograsso​


Short dress, stilettos, smoky eyes, straight hair  - you looked like a goddess that evening. You walked into the bar all alone, and immediately few people looked at you, most of guys have been riding your tail, yet you didn't mind it.

You walked to the bartender and ordered whiskey with ice cubes. That evening belonged to you, you felt it in your bones. Unfortunately, there was no one you could lay your glance on.

"Bartender! This drink is on me and make it two," a male voice said.

Rafe visited this bar to take his mind off of treasure hunting and all of this. What was better than a night out in the bar with a drink? Alcohol smoothed all the problems and beautiful ladies helped to relax and relase the tension.

Rafe saw you as soon as you walked in and he knew that you will warm his bed. Sooner or later.

You followed the voice and turned your head to see a well built man of average height and beautiful eyes.

Some unexpected tension has built up within your abdomen. You took a deep sip of your whiskey to distract yourself from glaring at this particular man.

"Well, some 'thank you' would be polite," Rafe said sitting next to you with his glass. "What such a star as you is doing in this place?," He asked before taking a sip of his drink.

"Thank you," it sounded more like a whisper but you shrugged your own tone off. "I'm just chilling, as you can see," you told him. "The real question is what the heir of fortune is doing in such a place," after these words you looked at him.

"Heir of fortune?," Rafe chuckled lowly and shrugged. "Oh, you know. As a heir of fortune I need to relax from time to time. Beautiful company and whiskey are the best ways to do it."

You nodded. "I've seen an interview with you in Forbes lately," you told him and finished your drink. "You must have very interesting life. All the travels you've had, all the places you've been to," you switched a little to face him, crossing legs nicely.

Rafe smiled and nodded. "Oh, yes. It is really interesting I must say, but it can be tiring just as much," he said and offered you his hand. "I am more than sure you know my name but I'd love to know yours."

"Y/N," you said dispassionately. "My name is Y/N."

"It's a pleasure to meet such a charming person as you, Y/N," Rafe said, taking your palm and placing a little kiss on top of it. Just like a real gentleman would.

You were surprised by man's behaviour. He seemed very chivalrous which had deeply touched you. "So you're not only the heir of a great fortune but also a true gentleman," with a little smile dancing in the corners of your lips you gave man a long glance.

"Well, it's kinda programmed in me. Heir of a great fortune needs to behave," Reafe shrugged and ordered two more drinks. He took the glasses and offered you one. "So? Maybe let's drink for this wonderful meeing, and please, call me Rafe."

"Rafe," his name rolled off your lips tenderly. "Rafael Adler," you added and took a glass from him. You took a sip and hummed at the burning taste on your tongue. "To this meeting then," you raised your glass and smiled at him. "When I went out an hour ago I didn't think I'd meet such a big star like you."

"Well, it must be your lucky day too, angel. Also, it's mine lucky day, indeed. I never expected to meet a cute girl in such a place," he chuckled and took sip of his drink. "And I am not a star. I am just rich."

You couldn't help but chuckled softly at his comment. "Whatever you say, dear," you told him and leaned forward a little. You opened your little purse and pulled out a pack of slim cigarettes. You offered him one.

Rafe smiled with a soft frown at your offer. He was in a cheap ass bar that was filled with people who weren't on his level, so he decided to stay withdrawn. "No, thanks, I don't smoke," he lied.

You lit a cigarette and inhaled the smoke, keeping it for a moment in your lungs. "Well," you gave him a look, "So what are you up to now, Mr Adler? Are you seeking another treasure?"

"Yes, actually. I am looking for Avery's treasure and for a nice company," Rafe told you honestly. "But I am more than sure I already found the second one."

You cocked your brow and tilted head a little while sending him an innocent grin. "Oh, did you? Mmmm, I bet she needs to be very fancy if she's gotten your eye."

Rafe hummed wrapping arm around your waist. He placed his hand on your thigh, playing with the fabric of your dress. "Oh, yes, she indeed is a very fancy lady," he smiled at you.

You wrapped arm around his neck and let a quiet hum of appreciation. Oh, he was spinning your head round! "Do you tell this to every girl? To make her land in your bedroom?," You scratched his neck with your nails gently.

Rafe laughed and shook his head. "Not really. You know me, I don't have time to fuck around. So only special girls hear this," he hummed, enjoying the feeling of your nails on his neck.

Your nails aggravated his skin for a longer while. "To fuck around, you say? I never would've pegged you for a womaniser type," you made a little fun of his words while exhaling the smoke right into his face.

"Because most of girls follow me because of the money and I can tell you are more than that," Rafe shrugged and gently touched your cheek, his thumb slowly caressed your soft skin.

You placed your palm on top of his and brushed your lips against his thumb, only to suck on it briefly. With a cocky smirk on your lips, you looked him in the eyes.

Rafe's smile grew when he watched you. "Yeah, you definietly are different," he cupped your cheek, moving closer to you. His lips hovered over yours. "Maybe I should take it to a nicer place than this ugly bar, huh?"

You brushed your lips against his cheek and moved forward to reach man's temple. There, you placed a little kiss and moved to his neck where you teased his pulse point with the tip of your tongue.

You didn't care that few people were watching the two of you with consternation and undoubted interest.

"Oh, you are the frisky one, huh, angel? Naughty girl that doesn't care about people watching?," Rafe asked, looking around a little. It all was much easier than he though.

You took a hold of his face by holding his chin and french kissed him, humming softly. After that, you got up from your spot, smoothening your dress.

Rafe watched you, licking his lips. He quickly finished his drink and moved from his bar stool. Wrapping his arm tightly around your waist, he whispered into your ear. "You are coming with me."

Rafe was more than sure that he won't be able to drive either because of an arousal and  alcohol.

One of many perks of being rich was chauffeur. Rafe walked to a huge, almost limousine-like car and opened back door, gesturing at you. "After you, angel."

You got into the car and took a comfortable place, crossing legs and putting your purse next to you. You waited politely for him to join you. You were already hot and all this thanks to this dangerously handsome devil.

Rafe joined you soon. "Maybe I should open a window for you, beautiful. You look hot in here," he joked softly and looked at the driver trough the little window. "Take us home. Tonight our lady choosed bed with breakfast."

The car drove off and Rafe reached into the little bar to pull out a bottle of expensive champagne.

You smiled at him innocently, just like you did in the pub. "I think I should pass," you told him, resting your head on a headrest. "How it is? To be a wealthy man?"

Rafe opened the bottle and simply took a big sip. "No drink, no answers, angel. We are having fun so let's really go for it," he stated offering you a bottle.

With hesitation written on your face you accepted the bottle however and took a sip. The champagne tasted amazingly good, the little bubbling on your tongue felt nice and refreshing. "Maybe let's play a game," you offered.

Rafe watched you, taking in every inch of your body. He hummed, nodding his head. "Okay, let's play."

"Truth or dare?," You dropped the simple question.

Rafe thought for a longer moment before smiling at you. "Truth."

"Is it true that you have collaborated with Samuel Drake?"

"I did. Sadly he is no longer among us. Great lose," Rafe said, taking the bottle from you to take a big sip. "Truth or dare."


"Just so I know with what am I dealing. Bush or clean shaved?," He asked sending you a nasty grin.

You couldn't help but blushed. "Clean shaved of course," you replied nonchalantly. "Truth or dare?"

Rafe laughed at your blush. "I need to make you blush whole night. You look cuter then, and truth."

"Is it truth what they say?," You asked innocently. "That you have had more girls than found treasures?"

Rafe almost choked with champagne he was drinking. "Oh fuck, no. Of course not," he shook his head while giving you the bottle.

You took a deep gulp and smiled at him while handing him the bottle back.

"Truth or dare?," Rafe asked simply.


"Suck my cock," Rafe ordered while playing with the bottle in his hands.

You ran the tip of your tongue along your upper lip and sent him a grin. "You're not fooling around, huh? You're simply getting to main things," you admitted and moved to take a place right next to him. Your palm was placed on his crotch and you massaged him there. Then, with your skilled fingers you undone his belt and fly and slipped hand within his pants to free his already hard cock out.

Rafe looked at you and shrugged. "No, main thing is your sweet little cunt. This is just a foreplay, angel. Get to work," he ordered.

You leaned down and wrapped your lips around the tip of his cock. You worked your tongue while moving your head down, taking his entire shaft into your mouth, almost gagging yourself. You bobbed your head back and forth, also pumping your hand around his shaft.

Rafe groaned and let his head roll back, enjoying the feeling of your lips around him. Despite the nice feeling, it quickly got boring, so he grabbed your hair tightly to keep you still and started to thrust his hips.

You moaned loudly at sudden contact but when he started fucking your mouth, you let him do that. You kept groaning to send some vibes to his cock. Also, you massaged his balls through his pants while still bobbing your head. You were working your tongue around his shaft, your saliva mixed with his precum was leaking down his cock, making the fabric of his pants wet.

"So you like having your throat fucked, huh?," He asked with a smile, making sure to push himself even deeper. "Guess I met a whore, not an angel."

You sucked him hardly, and when finally you managed to free yourself from his grasp, you spat on his tip and spread your saliva along his cock. "You met a girl that likes sex, that's all," you told him while jerking on his shaft until he throbbed and cum in your hand.

Rafe took a deep breatch and looked at you with smile, humming and nodding. "More like a girl who likes to stain my cock with her lipstick," he chuckled, running his hand trough your slightly messy hair. "But I need to admit, you are good at this."

"Been learning from the best," you replied and licked his cum off your lips. "Truth or dare?"

Rafe didn't bother to improve his pants and he wasn't going to give you any satisfaction, too. "Truth," he said, relaxing on his seat.

"Are you attracted to me?," You asked simply.

"Yes, I am attracted to you. You wouldn't be here if I wasn't attracted," Rafe said honestly. "Truth or dare?"


Rafe looked at you, thinking for a longer moment before sending you smile. He could tease you a little. "You want to feel my cock fucking your sweet, little pussy?"

You blushed and took a lock of your hair behind your ear. "Yes," you told him openly. You put hand to his upper thigh and leaned to him, just to brush your cheek against his slightly bearded one. "I want you to fuck this little cunt that was never touched by anyone before. Truth or dare?"

"Oh, well, well, well, I have sweet virgin here," he stated, pulling you on his lap. Rafe's arm wrapped around your waist, securing you in place. "I would never say that about you. Especialy after stuff you said and did. Virgin in those time? I was lucky enough to find a valuable treasure and it's all mine. Truth."

"How many girls have you had?," You asked and traced your fingertips along his cheeks. He smelled so good, his cologne had to be a mix of mush, cedar and mint.

"A few, angel," he shrugged, telling you the truth, in some way.

The car stopped and Rafe kissed your cheek. "The game time is over. Time to have a real fun."

Adler wasted no time. He left the car with you still in his arms, he wasn't doing it for the first time.

Rafe's mansion was huge, with a beautiful garden surrounding it. Man took you inside and immediately pressed you to wall right next the door.

You groaned lightly at sudden action of his. Your arms wrapped around his waist and rested on his back where you stroked him slowly. "Hi there," you whispered and rolled head aside to provide him with better access to your neck.

"Less talking, more doing," Rafe laid you on the floor, still trapping you between his arms. "Undress. Now."

Looking him in the eyes, you moved up a little to reach your back where the zipper of your dress was placed. You unzipped it and slipped the dress off your arms. Then, you moved your hips up and tugged the dress down, throwing it aside. Still wearing underwear, you reached his face and kissed his jaw gently, while unclasping your bra. You took it off and slipped your panties off as well, obeying his order happily.

Rafe took off his shirt and threw it somewhere on the floor. He was tired of playing with you; you had a nice ass and boobs, but he already wasted so much time on you.

"Now, we will really play, angel. I am done with waiting," Adler groaned, removing his pants along with the boxers. Picking you up a little, he gave you a nasty smile, moving tip of his erected cock trough your soaked pussy. Without unnecessary words nor warning, he pushed roughly in you.

You closed your eyes shut and kept your breath in as he thrusted into you. Even though you were soaking wet for him, it hurt like hell when he roamed inside with his hard shaft. Finally, you gasped lightly and rolled head back resting it on the wooden floor. You parted your legs a little only to wrap them around his hips, deepening his thrusts.

Rafe didn't intend to go east with you, even if this was your first time. He didn't care much about this fact, his own pleasure was more important for him; you only made him waiting longer than it was neccessery. Rafe's hand wrapped around your throat. "I want to hear you."

You were trying to relax muscles of your pussy but it was so hard to do with his cock in. When he wrapped his palm around your throat and when his fingers burnt on your skin, you gasped for him and moaned loudly, his name was the only thing to roll from your parted lips. "It hurts, Rafe," you gasped a little yet your hand moved to cup his nape where you scratched him.

"Good, this means I am doing this right, angel," he growled making sure to give you even stronger and hursher thrust than before. "There is no pleasure without some dose of pain. Today you will learn a lesson," Rafe hummed, squezzing your throat a little harder.

He moved away just a little to focus on movements of his his and the beautiful view of his cock sliding in and out of you, glistening from your juices.

You felt na urge of crying yet you managed to cool down a bit. You were gasping for air feeling the knot building up within your abdomen. Desire overwhelmed you; your blood circulated faster, rustling in your ears.

There was a moment when his cock buried deep enough in your pussy with such a rapid thrust that it made your hymen to break finally; thanks to this your muscles relaxed enough to let him slip in you fully. You kissed his jaw again and moaned his name; it became different this way and the sexual intercourse turned out to be pleasant, feeling your womb with wetness and heat like never before. "Oh, God...," You mumbled softly and let your hand slip between your bodies so you could rub little circles around your pussy.

He grabbed your hand tightly and moving it away. "Oh no, angel. Want this hand to stay in one piece? You rather keep it away," Rafe ordered and started to circle your clit with his skilled fingers. The faster he went, the tighter his grasp on your throat became.

Moaning, groaning and screaming his name, you started to roll hips for him, you just desperately wanted to meet his thrusts and to gain some friction, the pleasure was almost unbearable. "Fuck me, oh God, it feels so good...!," You cried out and dutifully moved your hand away, resting it on his forearm like you'd be securing yourself from falling into an invisible hole.

"You see? I told you. Now, be a good girl and don't hold it. Cum for me, Y/N," Rafe growled, giving you particularly violent thrust, also not stopping with your clit abuse.

You wrapped arms around his neck and legs around his hips. His thrusts deepened and you rolled head back, screaming his name loudly. "Oh, Rafe!" Your pussy was clenching rhythmically around his shaft and that feeling sent you on the edge. You arched your back and moaned loudly as your body shivered when you cum around his dick still buried within your cunt. Your thick juices poured down on his throbbing member, covering him in hotness.

"Good, you can be useful," he muttered and nuzzled to your neck, soon he cum with a loud growl. Rafe filled you up with his warm semen, he looked down at you, improving his messy hair. "That was nice," he informed and pulled out of you. He wiped the drop of his cum that formed at his tip before getting up to his feet.

After puting his boxers on, he grabbed his jeans and pulled out the phone. With a frown he looked dowm at shining screen and let out a deep sigh. "Listen now, I have stuff to do. You can stay or leave, I don't really care. My servants will help you if you need assist," Adler informed you, still looking at the phone.

You hung your mouth open; it was definitely not what you had expected. "Uhm," you gasped and closed your parted lips. The awful feeling of being used overwhelmed you and occupied your mind. "I...," You tried to form a sentence yet wasn't able to.

As quickly as it was possible, you got dressed. Even if you were embarrassed to the brim, you didn't want to manifest it in any way.

Rafe rolled his eyes. "Always so dramatic, you women are impossible sometimes. It was so nice to make the angel lost her wings though," he hummed lowly and moved a little closer to grab your chin to steal a little kiss from your lips. "Like I said, my servants can take you to guest room or my driver can take you home."

You let him kiss your lips yet this time you didn't give the kiss back to him. With melancholic smile on your face, you shook head briefly. "I can find the way out, thank you."

"Suit up then," Rafe smirked wryly and walked away, returing to his phone.

You moved your glance after him and your heart skipped a beat when you heard him answering the phone with hi, no, it's nothing important, was busy with work.

You wanted to scream, you wanted to rip both his heart and dick off.

You walked to the huge door and opened them, walking out of the mansion. You closer the door behind you and leaned your back against them, rolling head back to rest it on the door as well. "Fuck," you cursed quietly letting a single tear to roll down your cheek. "What the fuck have I done?"


Pandies🐼: @imidarogerson @grossograsso @thewildgardensstuff @leven-and-ashley @la-verdura @bearded-steve-rogers @atuckyismylife @krispyjellyfishzombie @personality-within @haseki-huricihan​ @choppedgardenwhispers​ @vroobelek​ @lattimelka​ @chris-beamz​ @purepearls​ @volcanoxxx​ @kastrup-sofie​ @mikkal-akasaki​ @withoutashadowofhope​ @radbluebirdeagle​ @smutloversblog​ @buquete​ @super-psycho-love69​ @tanglesss​ @peter-sommer​ @baysidewest​ @vegemania​ @chodiusmmm​ @tykorclint​ @dagger-dragger​ @kurant​ @oxfordkipem​ @deliciousbouquet90​ @tuptuptup​ @hellenna80​ @karina-marina9​ @latimeriaaa​ @bratko​ @wurld89​ @scott-evans​ @kiss-me-rouge​ @ovonel-espaniol​ @dancing-tacco​ @ratugadhi​ @white-tiger-shangrila​ @axn69​ @gleeeeees​ @darkllaama​ @jatut​ @agawux​ @fuzzy-tigrrr​ @jrjohnsson2​ @maaargoshaaa​ @einexx​ @nwmtagsb​ @secretlygrantaire​ @infinity-stones-seeker​ @thehappyspider​ @wings4life​ @huxyluxy​ @dontbeafraidchild​ @misafiryanki​ @electronicpatrolcollective​ @thisismysecrethappyplace​ @aulika​ @a-happy-wolf​ @creative-seahorse​ @biologyforliving​ @stareyedplanet​

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4 years ago

Whether a Surprise Or a Hoax || Sam Drake x Reader


Summary: You're trying to find your birthday gift, unfortunately, every attempt ends in a debacle. Is Samuel Drake trying to startle you?

Warnings: none

Words: 926

Authors: Cass & Bear


Lighting another cigarette and inhaling the smoke deep on his lungs, Sam observed how furiously you were digging the hole in the ground. "I'm telling ya, babe, you ain't going to find it, I guarantee. You think I'd perform all of the prevention things to let you find it so easily?," Sam chuckled softly. "Put the shovel down, darling. You'll destroy our garden."

You pointed the shovel at him. "I will dig through the whole garden, Sam. I will find this gif, you will see." You informed him with a smile.

He shook his head and smirked. "You ain't gonna find it, love," after these words Sam sat on the wooden steps leading on your porch.

"Oh c'mon now! Sammy please!" You put the shovel down and followed him. "Tell me where it is, I can't wait any longer."

"Two days. Two days and you'll get the treasure," he promised calmly and reached his hand to place the palm on your knee where he stroked.

"You are annoying," You muttered and hugged arm. "I bet Nate or Sully have it." You added soon, looking up at him.

"You're mistaken, just like I was in the temple week ago," Sam couldn't help but chuckled.

You laughed softly and nodded. "Yup, but let's be honest. Sam Drake first do and later think, you should be thankful I was there with you," Taking his hand you let out a quiet sigh. "If not me, you would have your ass impaled on those spikes. I don't know if I would be able to lose you once again... For good this time."

"You know, wrong ones always survive," he teased and got back on his feet. He dropped the end of cigarette in the ashtray.

You shook your head and laughed again, following him inside. "You are impossible sometimes. You know that?" You purred, wrapping your arms around his waist.

"Snuggling from behind? You know what I like," Sam chuckled as he stopped in front of the fridge. He opened it and peeked inside. "I'd like to have a piece of the cake you baked yesterday."

You hummed something as your hands roamed his body but soon you pulled away, looking at the little box that you found in his pocket. "This is not a cigarette bag for sure, Samuel." You said slowly.

He frowned and turned to you so quickly that he almost caused you fell to your butt. He attempted to pull the box out of your hands.

You smiled but didn't give it back to him. "Hey, hey, hey. What's so important there, huh?"

"Nothing," he almost hissed. "Give that back, Y/N, ain't it funny."

"Hey, if it's nothing then why you act so angry now, hmm?" You teased him.

Sam lustrated you with his eyes and sighed. "Open it, go ahead."

You looked at the box and then back at him. "Well, if this is my gift," you hummed and walked to him and put the box back where you found it. "I just wanted to know where it is, not what it is."

"It's not the gift, actually," he shrugged. "But taking that you found it... I think I won't be waiting these two days..."

Sam pulled little box out and slowly knelt down on one knee.

"Okay," nodding slowly, you watched him. You weren't exactly what's going on and what you should do now.

Sam cleared his throat and slowly opened the box. Inside, there was a little piece of paper.

"Uhm, Sam?" You asked, looking at the piece of paper and then at Sam. "Really?"

"Will you get on another adventure with me?," He asked in serious voice. "I booked the flight already so if you'll say NO, we just lost thousand bucks."

You just blinked looking at him in disbelieve, letting out a heavy sigh you rubbed bridge of your nose. "I will go pack my backpack and our duffle bags." You muttered before walking away to your shared room to pack.

"Wait!," Sam screamed after you as he got back to his feet. He followed you.

"What? We can't go not prepared, and know you I will have to pack half of the pharmacy." You said turning to him.

Sam knelt once again, this time he reached into pocket of his flannel shirt. With free hand he cupped your palm. Once again he pulled the box, smaller than the previous one and opened it. "I wanted to make it in more romantic way but you didn't let me. Will you marry me, Y/N? So we can step into another adventure as a fiancé and fiancée?"

You frowned looking at him. "Are serious Drake? First you pull me out god know where and I need to watch your ass and now this?" You tried to sound offended but you couldn't help and giggled. "Okay I am a terrible lier. Yes... Yes! I will marry you, Sam."

Man placed the ring on your finger and got up to kiss your lips softly. "Now you can go pack. And pack me my socks."

You slapped his shoulder. "Maybe you would move your ass and for once pack yourself, huh? Oh! And thank you! I won 100 bucks from Nate and Sully."

Sam stopped as he was reaching into his pocket to pull cigarettes out. "What?"

"Well, they were so sure that you won't propose to me that each of them put 50 bucks on it." You giggled, grabbing your backpack. ”And now they are mine!”

Sam blinked and watched how you climbed up the stairs.


Pandies🐼: @imidarogerson​ @grossograsso​ @thewildgardensstuff​ @leven-and-ashley​ @la-verdura​ @bearded-steve-rogers​ @sebbystan-plantlover​ @atuckyismylife​ @krispyjellyfishzombie​ @personality-within​ @haseki-huricihan​ @choppedgardenwhispers​ @vroobelek​ @lattimelka​ @chris-beamz​ @hidden-secrets69​ @purepearls​ @volcanoxxx​ @kastrup-sofie​ @mikkal-akasaki​ @withoutashadowofhope​ @radbluebirdeagle​ @smutloversblog​ @buquete​ @super-psycho-love69​ @tanglesss​ @peter-sommer​ @baysidewest​ @vegemania​ @philip-stan​ @chodiusmmm​ @tykorclint​ @dagger-dragger​ @kurant​ @oxfordkipem​ @deliciousbouquet90​ @tuptuptup​ @hellenna80​ @karina-marina9​ @latimeriaaa​ @bratko​ @wurld89​ @scott-evans​ @kiss-me-rouge​ @ovonel-espaniol​ @dancing-tacco​ @ratugadhi​ @white-tiger-shangrila​ @axn69​ @eternal-life-awaits​ @mrs-laura-harmon​ @artsy-inside​ @gleeeeees​ @darkllaama​ @jatut​ @agawux​ @fuzzy-tigrrr​ @jrjohnsson2​ @maaargoshaaa​ @dontgetmewrongman​ @einexx​ @nwmtagsb​ @secretlygrantaire​​ @kyloren-supreme-ben​ @infinity-stones-seeker​ @thehappyspider​​ @wings4life​​ @huxyluxy​​ @dontbeafraidchild​​ @misafiryanki​​ @electronicpatrolcollective​ @thisismysecrethappyplace​​ @aulika​​ @hidden-secrets69​​ @a-happy-wolf​​ @creative-seahorse​​ @biologyforliving​​ @stareyedplanet​​

Tags :
4 years ago

Trouble With Double || Sam Drake x Reader x Nathan Drake Smut


Summary: Choosing one of the brothers is a difficult choice. So why not choose both?

Warnings: Smut!

Words: 2350

Authors: Cass & Rouge

Request by: @drakesfortuneseeker​​


You came to the bar along your boyfriend. Well, ex-boyfriend now.  

He was mean as always, putting you on display only. You were a toy to him, but you were clenching your teeth and tried not to complain. Yet, he had crossed the line this time when he started struggling with you for not giving him all of your attention. After a huge argument, you left the lodge, your ex-boyfriend and his already drunk friends and walked right to the bar; all you needed was a drink.

Why didn't you tell him that you're leaving with the men that you met at the bar that you already like 20 times more than him? Because you found it unnecessary. He was done to you.

And the best pick-up line was a tight dress, which you wore that evening.

You met two men at the bar; they claimed to be brothers. Taking fact you were bored and slightly drunk, you started flirting with them, and you didn't even realize when the three of you had left the pub.

"So," Sam hummed wrapping his arm around your waist pulling you closer to his side. "I would suggest for us to go visit my place. I have a nice, big bed, perfect for a queen like you," the older brother purred into your ear.

"Yea, sure. The bed with a mess and cigarettes scent filling the room,” the younger brother laughed. "I have a nice, cozy flat. We can go there," Nathan hummed.

Boys were back from really hard journey. They wanted to relax and have some fun, so it was normal that when the said fun was stuck between them, they were going to fight over it.

"Oh, so now I'm a queen instead of a doll, huh?," You teased, slipping hands into man's thick, brownish hair.

His grasp on your waist tightened but you didn't mind.

You looked at younger man who you were holding hands with. "Where's your flat, handsome? I suggest us to go to the place which is closer."

"You are both, a doll and a queen. You are everything," Sam hummed pulling out the pack of the cigarettes. The older Drake growled annoyed at your idea with the closer flat when the younger man laughed loudly.

"Well than! We go to my flat," Nathan said proudly when Sam rolled his eyes, letting out some smoke trough his nose.

You squeezed Nathan's hand and slipped out of Sam's embrace. You hugged to Nathan's side and slipped your hand right into back pocket of his jeans, squeezing his ass.


Soon, the three of you got to a Nathan’s place. It was a cozy flat indeed. All clean and ready for any kind of visitors.

"Looks like a your wife cleaned it well, Nate," Sam said walking inside; his brother wasn't married but at this point the older Drake was ready to do whatever he could to get your attention.

The younger Drake frowned. "Someone is jealous,” he almost sang.

"Boys," you chuckled as soon as you entered the flat and out your purse on the hanger. "Don't need to be jealous, you're brothers after all, so I bet you know how to share," with a cocky smile on your red lips, you dropped your leather jacket down, to the floor.

Sam blinked and laughed. "Share? With him? Doll, my brother is so innocent that I bet he doesn't know what to put where and I am not in the mood for the talk about bees and flowers," older brother shrugged.

"Oh, shut up! You were in the prison for so long that for sure you forgot where the pussy is!," Nathan barked, pointing at Sam.

"Oh, I can show you some of your own teeth, smartass," Sam growled at Nate.

Two drunk men and a beautiful lady wasn't a good mix. Both boys wanted to have your full attention.

You observed their little argument, smirking; the fight over your attention made you felt special for the very first time in a great while.

You simply entered the living room you found on the right side of flat. "Guys. If you're going to argue some more, I'm afraid I'll have to play with myself on my own!"

Both men looked at each other and huffed angrily. Nate and Sam wanted your attention, so if there was no other way, they indeed would have to share.

"Well... If you put stuff this way, doll. We'll share," Sam chuckled moving closer to you.

"But only if you drop a bit more than just a plane jacket," Nathan hummed following his brother.

Furrowing  your brows and curling lips in a wry grin, you walked to older man and grabbed hems of his jeans jacket, pulling him into a deep kiss. He tasted like beer and cigarettes, and you had to admit you loved it.

Soon, you broke the kiss to grab his palm and pull him behind you, right to the couch. You pressed on man's chest, forcing him to sit down.

Then, you tilted head and approached younger Drake. You wrapped arms tightly around his neck, slowly kissing his jaw line. The strong scent of his cologne hit your nostrils, and you hummed.

Nathan laughed softly and looked at you. "Enjoying yourself? I want to remind you that there are two of us, sweetheart."

Sam got comfortable on the couch, licking his lips and enjoying the little show. "Exactly and the time we spent in the bar was enough for us. We are honestly tired of waiting."

You kissed Nathan's lips slowly, gently biting his lower lip in the end.

After that you moved away and dropped your high heels off your feet. Then, you reached to your back where the zipper of your dress was located and you unzipped it slowly, licking your lips with a tip of your tongue.

Nathan walked to you from behind and pulled your hands away from to zipper. He took it in his hands and unzipped the dress, quickly pulling it down your body.

"Well, like I said we are getting bored of waiting, doll. If we would need a tease, we would pay for the whore to serve us," Sam explained and got up from the couch. He walked closer, admiring your body.

You leant your back against Nathan's chest, still covered beneath a fitted, blue t-shirt. You licked your lips and smiled at older man, pushing your hips forward to him. "I'm not teasing, at all," you mumbled quietly. "I just like when men are getting all hot for something," you grabbed Sam's hand and pulled him closer, locking his mouth with yours.

Sam kissed you back and slipped his tongue past your lips, deepening the kiss pretty quickly. His tongue dominated yours easily.

Nathan kissed your neck and shoulder as both of his hands moved under your lacy panties to cup your heat.

You hummed in the kiss with Sam as you felt other man's fingers playing with your clit. The sensation built within your abdomen was unbearable; you got pretty wet already. Pressing your butt to Nathan's crotch, you hummed again as a bulge could be easily sensed, even through material of his jeans.

Your hands moved down Sam's chest to rest in his belt. With skilled fingers you unblocked it.

Sam looked at you with smile. "Good girl, pay equal attention to us or your will have to play with yourself alone,” he warned.

“We are more than sure you do not want us to only watch you," Nathan said with smile.

You turned your head to Nathan and kissed him while one of your hands was placed right onto the bulge built within his jeans. You hummed at the kiss, then turned to kiss Sam.

You unzipped Sam's fly, and turned to do the same with Nathan's pants.

When you were done, Sam gently pushed you down to your knees. "Don't play around," he said pushing his pants down together with his boxers.

Nathan removed his pants and boxers as well.

You looked up at Sam at first, then you moved glance to Nathan, smiling innocently.

A quick look at their manhood and you already knew Sam will not enter you as easily as Nathan will.

You grabbed both cocks, and gave them few strokes. At first, you wrapped lips around Nathan's shaft.

Nathan moaned softly. "Oh fuck, just like that. Oh, these lips of yours feel so good around me. I hope your pussy will be just as good," he hummed.

Samuel only chuckled, pulling your hair in a ponytail. He held them like this tightly in his hand, pulling on them a little.

You hummed deeply as Sam caught your hair.

Nathan's cock slipped out of your mouth with loud, wet noise. You took a moment to kiss his tip, then your attention went fully to older man. Tip of your tongue touched his tip, and shortly after you bobbed your head back and forth, sucking on his cock. Meantime, of course, your other hand was jerking Nathan a little.

Sam groaned and hummed happily, enjoying the feeling of your lips around his cock. He used the opportunity and started to thrust his hips, pushing his member further down your throat. "Let's see how much you can take."

You relaxed your throat and jerked Nathan harder, swallowing entire cock of Sam, gagging yourself a little bit. Then, you pulled it out of your mouth and sucked younger Drake some more, deep-throating him as well.

Nathan moaned. "Fuck, if you keep doing this I will fill this pretty mouth of yours with my cum," he hummed.

"We do not want that. Not yet. Come here," Sam pulled you away from Nate and picked you up, looking at you. "So, now it's up to you. Who gets the front and who gets the trunk?," He joked, squeezing your ass.

You licked your lips and kissed him, sucking on his lower lip. "I want you to get the pussy," you informed him, almost moaning. "But I don't know if this..," you touched his shaft with your fingers, "… will fit in. I'm pretty tight."

"I can see you take the best stuff, girl," Sam hummed and kissed your cheek gently. "Don't worry about that. I bet that this tight pussy of yours got wet enough for my cock to slip in and... A little bit o stretching won't hurt that much."

Nathan rolled his eyes. "She is worried about her pussy. What about this ass?," He said, rubbing your back. "Bet it's tight as well."

You looked at Nathan above your shoulder and blushed. "Apparently I prefer anal sex and I've done this few times before, so, you know," you winked at him and undone clasps of your bra, taking it off.

Nathan chuckled and spat on his hand to make his cock nice and slick. "You prefer anal, huh? We'll see about that," he said, moving closer.

"We will see how you can handle two man, fucking you nicely," Sam commented and set you down for a moment to remove your panties. Soon, you were pressed between two men.

"Ready?," The older one asked.

"From the day I was born," you replied and kissed his jaw. You slowly straddled man's lap and lowered yourself on his cock.

It took a second or two before his cock started to slide in your wetness. You rolled head back, moaning.

Sam smiled watching how nicely his cock moved in and out of you. "Ha, ya see, it wasn’t that bad, now it will get fun, love," his hand moved down your belly until it reached your clit.

"Yes, it will," Nathan hummed, pressing the tip of his cock to your second hole. Soon, he was pushing slowly in, inch by inch.

You pressed your boobs to Sam's chest and let him take over control. As soon as Nathan entered you, you moaned loudly, the pleasure was almost unbearable. You parted lips and gasped loudly. "Fuck!," You grunted quietly.

Both men started to move slowly. Sam's fingers kept dancing in your clit while Nathan's hands cupped your tits to play with your nipples.

Gasping quietly, you turned your head to Nathan and begged him to place a kiss to your lips. When he did, you hummed happily and tried to roll your hips for them.

Men started to move a little faster as soon as you relaxed a little bit. "No need to be so quiet."

"We want to hear you, doll," Sam said giving you a stronger push to earn the whimper of you.

You gasped loudly and clenched hands in fists on the sheets you were supporting yourself on. "Harder, harder!," You begged and a single tear strolled down your cheek as your pussy started clenching around Sam.

"You heard her. Move that ass, Nathan. Don't make the lady wait," Sam muttered.

"Shut up," Nathan barked back and both men granted your wish.

Soon, your pussy squeezed Sam that tight that he could move back of you. You rolled head back, and asked Nathan to kiss you. As he did, you cum around Sam's cock.

Both man followed you shortly. They filled your both holes to the brim with their warm cum.

"Fuck...," Nathan muttered, nuzzling to your neck. "Fuck indeed," Sam chuckled, placing kisses on your chest.

You chuckled and your hand traveled to Nathan's neck where you stroked him. A little kiss was then placed to Sam's cheek. "Thank you, boys, it was fucking amazing," you informed them.

"Thanks to you and your amazing pussy," Sam breathed out. "And that ass," Nathan added quickly. "So? What now? Do you wanna stay for tonight?," Younger brother asked.

As you got off Sam's lap, you turned around and nuzzled to Nathan. "With a pleasure, Nate," you whispered into his ear.

Sam smiled and quickly found his pants. He pulled out the pack of cigarettes and the lighter. "I will go to the window to smoke. I don't want to irritate your little nose, brother," Sam joked.

"Bite me," Nathan said, hugging you.


Pandies🐼: @imidarogerson​ @grossograsso​ @thewildgardensstuff​ @leven-and-ashley​ @la-verdura​ @bearded-steve-rogers​ @atuckyismylife​ @krispyjellyfishzombie​ @personality-within​ @haseki-huricihan​​ @choppedgardenwhispers​​ @vroobelek​​ @lattimelka​​ @chris-beamz​​ @purepearls​​ @volcanoxxx​​ @kastrup-sofie​​ @mikkal-akasaki​​ @withoutashadowofhope​​ @radbluebirdeagle​​ @smutloversblog​​ @buquete​​ @super-psycho-love69​​ @tanglesss​​ @peter-sommer​​ @baysidewest​​ @vegemania​​ @chodiusmmm​​ @tykorclint​​ @dagger-dragger​​ @kurant​ @oxfordkipem​​ @deliciousbouquet90​​ @tuptuptup​​ @hellenna80​​ @karina-marina9​​ @latimeriaaa​​ @bratko​​ @wurld89​​ @scott-evans​​ @kiss-me-rouge​​ @ovonel-espaniol​​ @dancing-tacco​​ @ratugadhi​​ @white-tiger-shangrila​​ @axn69​​ @gleeeeees​​ @darkllaama​​ @jatut​​ @agawux​​ @fuzzy-tigrrr​​ @jrjohnsson2​​ @maaargoshaaa​​ @einexx​​ @nwmtagsb​​ @secretlygrantaire​​ @infinity-stones-seeker​​ @thehappyspider​​ @wings4life​​ @huxyluxy​​ @dontbeafraidchild​​ @misafiryanki​​ @electronicpatrolcollective​​ @thisismysecrethappyplace​​ @aulika​​ @a-happy-wolf​​ @creative-seahorse​​ @biologyforliving​​ @stareyedplanet​

Tags :
5 years ago

Distracted by Millicent || Armitage Hux x Reader

Distracted By Millicent || Armitage Hux X Reader

Summary: Smut between Hux and reader who's his wife, interrupted by Hux's cat Millicent.

Warnings: smut

Words: 1492

Request by: @itsnestea

Authors: Cass & Rouge

Distracted By Millicent || Armitage Hux X Reader
Distracted By Millicent || Armitage Hux X Reader

Armitage watched the door to his quarter slowly slid open right in front of him.

 He was deeply exhausted after the whole day of hard work and dealing with Ren.

 It was always wonderful to return back to his chamber, to his wife.

 Hux sneaked into your shared bedroom as quietly as his high boots only let him. Sighing deeply, he started to undress himself in front of the wardrobe, looking over his shoulder from time to time only to take a look at his wife peacefully sleeping in the bed.

Armitage slipped under the quilt as soon as he was done with undressing. Immediately interweaving his skinny legs with yours and wrapping his arms around you, he felt the soft fabric of your nightdress. He only purred and kissed back of your neck. "Your general is back," Hux purred against your neck.

 You murmured softly in your calm sleep yet opened your eyes and shifted in man's arms, turning onto your back and facing ginger man. "Armitage," your voice was only a soft whisper dancing on your lips as your fingertips stroked over his pale, perfectly carved cheek. "Tough day, wasn't it?"

 "Which day isn't tough? But it's much better now, I am back with my beautiful wife," Hux said, kissing your palm before moving to your neck. "You are the best part of this fucking ship and only mine in addition."

 You kept on stroking his cheek. "I know, Armitage. I know."

 You cupped his face in your palms and forced him to look right into your eyes. When your glances met, you smiled a little and stared in his unbelievable green irises for a longer moment before placing a soft kiss to his full lips as your hands moved to wrap around his neck.

 Hux murmured loudly and kissed you back, easily placing you on your back again, this time right under him. He pulled away from the kiss to look at you. "Tonight I will worship this body. I missed you so fucking much."

 Armitage started to move down your body, removing the nightdress and placing kisses on every inch of your bare skin.

 "General...," You moaned lazily with your hands slipped in his thick, ginger hair. Your fingertips tangled with his ginger locks as you gently tugged on them. "I missed you so much as well. Have no idea how much..."

 Finally, he throw the nightdress on the side and looked at your completely naked body.

"Beautiful as always and only mine," Armitage gently kissed and bite your soft skin as he got closer to your core.

 "No," you tugged on his hair harder. "I just want you in, no foreplay," you begged.

 He looked up and raised his eyebrow. "Oh, really? My wife missed me that much?"

 Hux moved up to tower over you, he pushed his boxers down enough to free his already hard cock. Just the image of your naked body affected him that way. Placing your legs around his hips, Hux kissed you gently, you could feel his tip poking at your entrance.

 You bit your lower lip and gasped eagerly, with smile that was saying you'll welcome him gladly.

You wrapped legs around his hips and rolled them, rubbing yourself against his stiffened length.

 He pushed inside you, going slowly inch by inch, trying to tease you with his slow movement.

 Immediately you pulled him into a kiss humming onto his mouth as well. You rocked hips a little and placed hands on his back, hugging him a little.

 Armitage purred loudly and kissed you back deeply, cupping your cheek with his palm. His moves became faster as he pushed his tongue into your mouth.

 You were humming for your husband.

His every thrust was giving you such a huge pleasure that you could only roll head back and moan loudly for him.

 Hux chuckled at looked at your face briefly before moving again to your neck.

"You like it, don't you?"

 "Hux," you looked back at him. "Don't bullshit me, you good know what I like the most," your hands slipped down his back and were placed on his buttocks, squeezing them.

 Armitage rolled his eyes, snapping his hips harder into you.

"You could at last pretend to be more innocent, love," he joked, his hand moved between your bodies and started to rub over your clit.

 You gasped and rolled head back again, his name was the only thing to roll out from your lips in a gasps of pleasure.

With head rolled back you parted your thighs wider a little, to provide Hux a better access.

 You were moaning loudly and turned face back to him only to spot some movement with a corner of your eye.

 Millicent jumped on the bed and started to rub over your face with her side.

 "Tfu! Millie!," You giggled. "Stop it!"

 Hux growled annoyed and grabbed Millie.

"As much as I love you, this isn't the right place or time," he said putting cat on the floor.

 You gasped loudly as Armitage shifted a little in you while putting cat down on the polished floor. "She apparently missed ya as well, general," you bit your lower lips and wrapped arms around his neck again. "So, where have we ended....?"

 "Oh, I know very well where we ended," he said with a smile and pulled you into a kiss as his hips returned to previous speed, his hand returned to your clit.

 You were nearing your peak so you used all of your strength to roll on top of Hux. As soon as you did, your hands were placed on his chest as you rolled your hips, back and forth. "That's it, my general. That's the right place for you to be, beneath me, moaning my name," you said and started to playing with your breasts, squeezing them gently.

 Millicent meowed loudly and looked at two of you from the floor.

 Hux got quickly distracted by the cat.

"Oh, for fuck's sake... Really? Go away, Millicent!," He hissed.

 Instead of listening to her owner, Millicent jumped on the bed again and climbed onto Hux's chest where she rounded few times only to lay down, yawning.

 You giggled and stopped your moves. "I'm sorry, darling, she's a little distraction," you admitted.

 "Tell me about it," Hux muttered taking Millie off his chest only for her to quickly return back on.

Hux only sighed deeply and rubbed his face annoyed.

 You leant down and kissed his forehead, then you slowly started to buck your hips for him again and kept going until you cum, moaning his name.

 "Well, that makes one of us," Hux muttered and looked at you, then at the cat which was purring on his chest. "She is a total turn off."

 "Come on, focus on me, not on her, she's just laying, doing nothing but purring," you told him as you slowly got off his cock only to kneel between his legs and wrap your lips around his shaft, head bobbing back and forth.

 "Love, please, don't. Enough, I really can't when she bothers me like this," Armitage tried to again put Millie away but she returned back.

 You pulled his cock out of your mouth. "Are you sure? I hate when I'm the only one to get the orgasm," you told him and reached out to stroke Millicent's ear.

 "Yes, more than sure. I went soft before you even finished," he sighed and gently pet the cat. "Next time we need to make sure she is out of the room."

 You crawled up the bed and laid down next to him, stroking his chest gently. "Don't be mad on her, she's just missing her beloved general, as much as I did," you kissed him. "And I'll make you cum, don't worry about this, won't forget it," you put head on his chest. "I love you so much.

 Hux nodded, scratching cat's head.

"I think I will start to bother her everytime she naps on your lap," ginger man mumbled and looked at you with a smile.

 "Oh, how wry you are, love," you said and pulled him into soft, passionate kiss.

 Millicent didn't like the affection you were giving to Armitage so she hit her paw on your face gently, in accompaniment of loud meowing.

 Hux only laughed and shook his head.

"Well, now we see the problem."

 "She's just jealous. I'm not surprised," you kissed him for the last time and rolled on your side. "Good night."

 Armitage stayed on his back.

"Good night, love," he told you, petting Millicent's back.

 Cat looked at him without blinking, she meowed few times and got up only to take few little steps and lay right onto his shoulder, nuzzling her face to his neck.

 "I love you and good night for you as well," Hux whispered, kissing kitten's head.

 Millicent licked his cheek few times and purred before closing her eyes.

Distracted By Millicent || Armitage Hux X Reader
Distracted By Millicent || Armitage Hux X Reader

Pandies🐼: @imidarogerson @grossograsso @thewildgardensstuff @leven-and-ashley @la-verdura @bearded-steve-rogers @sebbystan-plantlover @atuckyismylife @krispyjellyfishzombie @personality-within @haseki-huricihan  @choppedgardenwhispers @vroobelek @lattimelka @chris-beamz @hidden-secrets69 @purepearls @volcanoxxx @kastrup-sofie @mikkal-akasaki @withoutashadowofhope​ @radbluebirdeagle @marvel-fan-site @smutloversblog​ @buquete​ @super-psycho-love69​ @tanglesss​ @peter-sommer​ @baysidewest​ @vegemania​ @philip-stan​ @chodiusmmm​ @subwaystunnel​ @tykorclint​ @dagger-dragger​ @kurant​ @nothing-can-least-forever​ @oxfordkipem​ @deliciousbouquet90​ @tuptuptup​ @hellenna80​ @karina-marina9​ @latimeriaaa​ @bratko​ @wurld89​ @scott-evans​ @kiss-me-rouge​ @ovonel-espaniol​ @dancing-tacco​ @ratugadhi​ @white-tiger-shangrila​  @axn69​ @eternal-life-awaits​ @mrs-laura-harmon​ @artsy-inside​ @gleeeeees​  @darkllaama​ @jatut​ @agawux​ @fuzzy-tigrrr​ @jrjohnsson2​ @maaargoshaaa​ @dontgetmewrongman​ @einexx​ @nwmtagsb​ @anini71​ @secretlygrantaire​ @kyloren-supreme-ben​ @infinity-stones-seeker​ @thehappyspider​ @wings4life​ @huxyluxy​ @dontbeafraidchild​ @misafiryanki​ @electronicpatrolcollective​ @thisismysecrethappyplace​ @aulika​ @hidden-secrets69​ @a-happy-wolf​ @creative-seahorse​ @biologyforliving​ @fanofgeneralhux​

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4 years ago

CROSSfire || Sam Drake x Reader Smut


Summary: Sam needs your help with getting the cross. Who says that such a difficult task can't be enjoyable?

Warnings: Smut

Words: 4016

Authors: Cass & Rouge

Request by: @porgswillrullgalaxymotherfucker


The auction day came quickly.

You stepped into an old castle, wearing a lacy, red dress that reached half of your thighs. It was a flared dress with deep neckline and revealed back. You wore black high heels in an addition to your outfit. Your hair were pinned up in a bun.

 You walked into a huge ballroom, a lot of people were inside; ladies in dresses, gentlemen in tuxedos or suits.

 You smelled the champagne in the air, and smiled to yourself. Reaching to your little purse, you pulled a little mirror out and checked your red lipstick. It was applied perfectly, so you smiled proudly to your reflection.

Sam and Nate looked around the crowded ballroom. The plan was simple: get the cross and run away. There was nothing in between them and the artefact.

 When Nate casually watched people and the room itself, Sam's eyes stopped at beautiful young lady in a flared, red dress.

Older Drake was a simple man, freshly out of the jail, so he thought a female company would be a very nice addition.

 Sam tapped Nate's shoulder. "Listen, we still have some time before the big plan. So I will go do reconnaissance among the people. Who knows, maybe I will find out something interesting," he shrugged and quickly walked away to follow the girl before Nate could say a word.

 Nathan blinked and narrowed his brows, observing how his older brother walked away and soon vanished among the crowd. He understood that Sam was all alone by many years, but it wasn't a proper place nor time for affairs. He didn't stop Sam, though.

 You took a glass of champagne off the silver plate that a waiter offered. Taking a little sip, you left a mark of your red lips on the glass. You walked closer to he podium, and took a proper look on the cross. You had to get this item.

 Sam grabbed one glass as well and walked to the girl. He took a quick sip of the champagne, noticing that woman was looking at the cross. He dicided it's his chance. "Saint Dismas cross... Really rarity of tonight's event. Are you here for it? Or does lady like you wait to buy a nice ancient necklace to match this beautiful dress?"

 You stopped sipping your champagne, and slowly turned head to face the man who spoke to you.

 First impression was more than positive. He seemed stylish and classy. As tall as he was, he hovered over you. He was for sure older than you.

 "I'm into getting this beautiful cross," you replied with cocked brow.

Even though his comment made you flattered, you tried to hide it.

 Sam looked at the woman and smiled as his eyes scanned her body. Here was a perk of being tall, taking a peak into woman's cleavage wasn't too hard.

 He chuckled casually taking a sip from his glass. "Oh, really? And what will you do with this cross? Are you a private collector or something?"

 "Let's say I need it for work purposes," you replied and moved around. You caught him staring into your boobs, and you felt like blushing.

 With a swing in your hips, you walked into the door direction. "And you?," You asked loudly. "What's your purpose here?"

 Sam followed the woman admiring the nice move of her hips. Maybe he was locked away for way too long? "Well, I came here to get the cross. I also need it for my work," he hummeed with a small nod. "You see, I am the Saint Dismas expert. This thing would help a lot in my research."

 You stopped in the threshold, and leant your back against a doorframe. "Oh, so apparently, you're the expert. It's a pleasure for me then," you sent him a brief smile. You pushed your hips forward gently, you knew he was observing you. "What do you do for living?"

 "Uhm, ya know. I read, I do research, travel," Sam shrugged, standing right next to her.

"I meet beautiful ladies from time to time. This is the best part, honestly."

 "Oh, you mean it?," You asked and ran the tip of your tongue along your lower lip.

 Sam dared to slowly wrap his arm around her waist and smiled. "Oh, sure I do mean it and I need to say this, I have never met a lady as stunning and beautiful as you."

 You slowly cocked one of your brows. Oh, how flattered you were! He was making you blush. And he was a complete stranger!

 You tilted your head a little. "I bet you say things like this to every girl."

 Sam shook his head as he stroked her waist gently with his colosal hand. "No, these words are reserved for one special lady and I think I found her. After all the years of searching."

 You looked at him, you didn't know what to say.

The compliments he was offering you were the cheapest one, but somehow you were falling for them. At least a little part of you was.

 The auction started, so you excused him. "I need to take the best place now," you told him. "But who knows, maybe we'll meet up later?"

 You walked away, with the familiar swing in your hips, turning your head a little to looked at him above your shoulder.

 Sam watched her hips with a smile, he just got the idea how to get the cross and leave this place in peace.

 He quickly went to Nathan who was talking to Sully. "Gentlemen, I just created a master plan that will help us get a cross."

 "Honestly I am scared to ask," Sully muttered.

 "So what's your plan, Sam? I can sneak out to the controlling room and switch the lights off, as we planned before," Nathan crossed arms over his chest.

 He shook his head. "There is no need for this, little brother. See that beautiful girl in red dress?" Sam discreetly pointed at you. "This little cutie is horny for that cross. Well, not only for the cross if you two catch my drift," he said with a small shrug. "Here is the thing. We need to let her win it. Later I will get it."

 Sully exchanged surprised glances with Nathan.

 The younger Drake asked first. "How are you going to do this?," He looked at his older brother.

 Sully rubbed his chin. "There are a lot of guards around. How are you going to force her to give you the cross? Are you going to kick her so she will lose consciousness?"

 Sam let out a fake laugh and rolled his eyes.

"Oh, come on, Victor. We all are gentlemen here and we sure know how to treat a good lookin' lady," he said, wiggling his eyebrows.

 Sullivan stroked his mustache. "I am afraid you might be too sure of yourself. Such a woman, she doesn't look like a fool girl."

 "Let him try," Nathan decided.

 "I talked with her and she's already mine," Sam winked. "Besides, I still can steal the cross from her. She is alone, and I am twice her size. What can go wrong?," He was sure of his idea.


The auction was fierce and rough, many people wanted to out their hands on the cross.

 Nathan and Sully were standing in the back of the ballroom, sipping on their drinks, observing the place.

 You were setting the highest bids, and finally, after half an hour, you made it. The Saint Dismas cross was yours.

 As soon as you took the artifact in your hands, you finished your champagne and left the room. You headed to the bathroom.

 "Here she goes. Cross fingers for me," Sam said walking away.

 He followed you, making sure he looked decent. "Well, hello there, lucky lady. I can see the luck doesn't leave your side tonight," Sam greeted you when he got close enough.

 You frowned as soon as you heard the male voice behind you. You turned head around, and relaxed as soon as you spotted the stranger who talked to you earlier. "I think you lost your way. Men's toilet is on the other side of the corridor," you pointed a white door for him. "And apparently it was my lucky auction, indeed."

 Sam laughed and nodded. "Oh, don't worry, I am not lost in any way. You said that maybe we will met again, so I just decided to help my luck," he shrugged. "How about celebrating your victory?"

 "I'm set with my friends," you told him. "I need to fix my hair and I'm going to leave. Celebration will be huge tonight," you admitted and opened the door to the restroom. You stepped in, and closed the door behind you.

 As soon as you did, you shifted the cross into your purse.

 Sam rolled his eyes, he was getting slightly annoyed. He wanted to get the cross and to get off, this was something he really needed.

 Rubbing his face he followed you inside the bathroom. Even if it was wrong. "Oh, come on, little one. Why are you running away from me like that?"

 You were leaning over a sink, sipping the water from your curled palm. You choked on it when you heard the man stepped into the restroom right behind you. "I'm sorry, it's ladies' bathroom," you reminded him and wiped your lips with a top of your palm.

 You measured his features with an interested glance, from the bottom to the top. Oh, how handsome this man was. His attention was flattering you.

"I'm not running away, sir," you informed him, yet licked your lips. He was even more than handsome, you had to admit when he stepped in a full light.

 "Oh, so it's a sir? I like this nickname," Sam said with a smile, checking you out again. You looked so beautiful that Sam wanted to fuck you right here, he noticed how you looked at him as well. "Like what you see, little one?"

 You didn't reply. Instead, you turned with your back to him and you started applying some powder to your nose. "Let's say I do. It's been a while since I saw a man your age in such a good shape."

 Sam chuckled and walked to you, he pressed his front to your back, trapping you between the sink and his body. "I feel flattered that you think something like this about me, but trust me, girl, I am in s good shape in every way possible," he whispered right into your ear.

 Instinctively, you stick your bun out to him, pressing it to his crotch, and rubbing your ass over him. You licked your lips slowly, looking at your reflection in a huge mirror. You smirked at the man. "So. You do feel flattered? So maybe I'll try to make you blush now," you whispered.

 As you were trapped between the man and the counter there the sink was, you didn't want to turn to him. Instead, you slowly moved stripes of your dress down, slowly freeing both of your hands and exposing your naked boobs to him. You did it as slowly as possible, at the same time still rolling your hips and rubbing your bun against his crotch.

 Sam moved his hand to your belly, he looked at you in the mirror. "Oh, sweetheart. You will need more than that to make me blush."

His hand moved from your belly to cup your boob. Sam massaged it, playing with your nipple while his lips attacked your neck.

 With a gasp you rolled head back, resting it in his chest. You provided him better access to your neck.

One of your hands was placed to his on your boob, you licked your lips some more when he pinched your nipple. Meantime, other hand of yours moved to be placed on his thigh. Even through his pants you could feel well built muscles.

 Sam pushed his hips against you, he kissed your neck and moved to your shoulder. "You are a naughty little thing, ain't ya?"

Sam's hand left your boob and moved between your bodies to move the lower part of your dress up. "Let's see what are you hiding there."

 You gasped and moved in his arms, turning around to face him. You pulled the hems of your dress up and exposed your black, lacy panties.

 "Well, hello there, beautiful," Sam hummed and kissed you. He moved your panties aside and his finger immediately traveled to your clit. "Tell me what do you desire."

 You licked your lips and jumped on the counter, parting your legs widely for him. You caught man by his white shirt and pulled him closer, so his crotch pressed to your exposed clit. "I have no idea. Girls just want to have fun though, so maybe show me how it is to have fun with older, experienced man like you," you ran your hand up and down his chest, licking your lips slowly.

 "As this expirianced man I suggest we skip this boring foreplay and get straight to the main fun," Sam said before working on his pants and letting them drop down to his ankles together with his boxers. "Just look what you're doing to me," he growled, giving himself few strokes.

 You licked your lips and reached hand to place it on his shaft. Man's cock was hard, smooth in touch, yet with many veins on the surface, so you hummed loudly. Your thumb rubbed his tip. Then, you spat on your palm and rubbed your clit as well.

 Sam watched you with amusment before removing your hand from your clit. He looked you right in the eyes, and slowly pushed his cock in, Sam's fingers started to work on your clit while his hips snapped roughly.

 You rolled head back, letting a little whimper out. He roamed into you viciously, he gave you pain, but the pleasure made it all up for you. "You like younger girls, don't ya?," You gasped in anticipation of his another thrust.

 Sam pinched your clit gently, not stopping his movements. "I like all girls, as long as they do not complain about headache too much," man winked at you. Sam's hips stuttered a little. He was getting close, maybe he was locked away a bit too long.

 After some time, you pushed him off, so his cock slipped out of you with a wet noise. Jumping off the counter, you turned around, resting your hands against counter edge. You shook your ass for the man. "How about fucking this little pussy from behind, Mr Traveler?," You moaned.

 Samuel hummed loudly taking your hips and massaging them. "Oh, miss Artifacts Buyer. I will gladly fuck this nice, tight pussy from behind."

He pushed deep inside of you, fucking you in a quick, hard pace. Sam's hand grabbed your hair, pressing your head against the counter. He made sure you did not look at your abandoned bage. Sam reached inside with his other hand. "Such a good girl, letting me fuck you like a whore," Sam purred as he found the cross, he quickly pulled it out and placed it in the inner pocket of his jacket.

 You were moaning for him like a good girl would.

The fact he caught a handful of your hair add some spiciness to the entire act.

You hummed deeply and pushed your hips back more, rolling them a little in his hips. At that time, you were getting closer and closer to the peak.

 Sam moved the jacket aside a little and pressed his chest to your back. "Is my girl getting close? I can feel that sweet pussy squeezing my cock," he picked your leg and place it on the counter. "Just like that, my girl."

 You turned head a little to give him a glance from half-closed eyelids. "I don't wanna break this tense but I am cumming!," You moaned loudly for the man when he switched the position a little as you core has gotten tight like never before. "Don't ya dare to torture me."

 Sam smiled pulling on your hair  gently, this scene was beautiful to him. "Oh, c'mon, sweetheart. No one is torturing you," he moaned placing few kisses to your nape. "You can cum, I can't wait to feel it actually," Sam whispered in a low tone.

 "Oh, God," you gasped under your breath, and even the words you've said were addressed to you, you caught a grin on his lips with a corner of your eye.

 In the same moment, your inner walls started clenching around his member. The feeling was unbearably wonderful, you could sense all of the veins on his shafts, and this literally drove you crazy.

 Moaning like a little kitten, you slipped hand between your thighs to rub yourself. With a smirk on your face you discovered that you were dripping down your parted thighs. And all of this because of this handsome stranger...

 You screamed when your pussy clenched around man's cock for a long few seconds. You could feel how the wetness is covering him.

 Sam groaned loudly at the wonderful feeling of tightness, and at your wetness covering him. He wanted to stay like this forever, but he had a mission, and he had to go back to his brother soon. "Such a good, little girl. You feel wonderful, now get down on your knees. I am not done yet," Sam said looking at your reflection in the mirror. He winked at you as he slowly pulled out.

 You gasped sadly at the feeling of emptiness within your core. You knew your panties was soaking wet, and you thought you'll have to get rid of them. And this was your favourite pair of panties...

 You turned to face the man, but instead getting down on your knees, you climbed on you tiptoes and placed a lovingly kiss to man's jaw, then you pressed your rosy lips to his rough ones. You were kissing him for a moment, letting your tongue dance along with his, and you could swear to God, this was the best feeling ever.

 Then, taking your time, you slowly knelt in from of the stranger and gasped a little at a sight of his erected cock. Its size was more than average, the shaft was covered with veins, and was throbbing a little. You licked your lips and spat on the tip. Tip of your tongue ran along the shaft, from base to the tip. Then, you slipped it into your mouth.

 Sam looked down on you, licking his lips after such an enjoyable kiss. His hand moved into your hair, but this time he didn't pull on them, he simply scratched your scalp. "That's it, you're a clever girl," Drake mutttered, enjoying the feeling of your sweet lips wrapped around his cock. "Keep it up, sweetheart, and I will fucking cum."

 You bobbed your head back and forth. Your hands were placed on his thighs. Some of wet noises could be heard within the room and you sucked on man's shaft hardly. Soon, one of your palms cupped his balls. Slowly squeezing it between your fingers, you increased your pace. In the end, you tried to deep-throat him. You slipped almost all of his cock down your throat and gagged yourself a little.

 Sam chuckled observing your attempt.

"Careful there, little one. I don't want you to get hurt here." He winked.

 Sam let you continue the work. He was getting closer and closer to the climax.

When Sam got close enough, he grabbed your hair and pulled you away from his cock. He grabbed it and gave himself few strokes befor painting your gorgeous face white with his cum. "I never thought there might be something that can make you even more beautiful. I think I was mistaken."

 You wiped his cum from your nose and cheek; it was thick and viscous.

You ostentatiously put your fingers covered in his cum into your lips and licked them clean, with your eyes still on his face. "Mocha?," You raised your brow. "You gotta drink too much coffee, sweetheart."

 "What can I say? I love my coffee," Sam laughed, improving his pants. "You should clean yourself up before going out to your friends, sweetheart."

 You nodded and got back to your feet. You tugged your panties down and there them into a trash bin. Then, you looked at yourself in the mirror. Your hand slipped to your purse.

 Sam cleared his throat and walked to the trash bin. "Such a waste, bad girl," he summed up and pulled the panties from the bin. Sam wanted to pull your attention away from the purse, and to have a little souvenir from this little adventure. "Guess I will take these. Maybe one day you will want them back. You will have to find me," Sam giggled with his loud tone and winked at you walking to the door.

 You blinked and your hand stopped few millimetres from the purse. "Are you joking?," You asked him and blushed. You quickly improved the dress and wiped rest of his cum with a paper towel.

 Licking your lips, you walked to him. "Tell me your name at least, handsome stranger."

 "Drake. That's all you need to know, little one," Sam pulled you into a deep kiss, pulling your lower lip gently with teeth. "I hope to see you again."

 He slipped out from the bathroom and walked away.

When he was sure you weren't watching nor following him, Sam quickly ran to look for Nathan and Sully.

 "We can go now," He announced simply as soon as he found them.


You could swear you'd heard this surname somewhere before. You couldn't recall where you might have heard thus surname.

 You cleaned yourself and left the bathroom.

 When you had gotten to your car, you dropped the purse to seat next to the driver seat. You slipped hand in, and paled. You couldn't find the cross.

You grabbed the purse and flipped it upside down. Only a pack of handkerchiefs, a lipstick, a little mirror and a pack of condoms fell out. "FUCK," you screamed.


"I told you it will be easy. Easiest way to women's treasure...," Sam said proudly, patting the part of jacket where the cross was hidden, "Leads trough her pussy," he finished and laughed.

 Nathan looked at his older brother in disbelief. "Sam. Get civilized, please. I'm the last one to hear about your sexual adventures," he claimed. "Let's focus on Avery now. Even if he doesn't have a pussy, he's the most important figure for us now."

 "How desperated your wife had to be to put a ring on such a bore like you, little brother,"  Sam said wrapping arm around Nate's shoulder. "You're right, but later you need to hear me out. She was amazing! So soft and small. Maybe you will get idea what to do to your wife," older Drake hummed, wigling his eyebrows.

 Nathan blushed reluctantly and pushed his brother away. "Sam. I beg you, stop. I don't want to hear anything like this. God," younger Drake looked at Sully, who only rubbed his chin. "Tell him something, Sully."

 Older man chuckled quietly. "You know, Nathan, you'd be saying other things after being locked down for the last 15 years. I have kind of understanding towards Sam."

 Nathan shook his head. "Whatever, gentlemen. Let's focus on our mission."

 "Oh yeah, yeah, let's focus, but Victor?," Sam turned to older man. "What would you say for some men time? Just us, good cigarettes or cigars, old whiskey and talking about ladies. Nate can go to sleep, he is too young to hear about such things," Sam joked.

 Sully only laughed and shook his head.

"Sounds good, but now I suggest to leave before your female adventure return to us in attempt to find the cross you've stolen," he said and after that the trio left the building.


Pandies🐼: @imidarogerson @grossograsso @thewildgardensstuff @leven-and-ashley @la-verdura @bearded-steve-rogers @atuckyismylife @krispyjellyfishzombie @personality-within @haseki-huricihan @choppedgardenwhispers @vroobelek @lattimelka @chris-beamz @purepearls @volcanoxxx @kastrup-sofie @mikkal-akasaki @withoutashadowofhope @radbluebirdeagle @smutloversblog @buquete @super-psycho-love69 @tanglesss @peter-sommer @baysidewest @vegemania @philip-stan @chodiusmmm @tykorclint @dagger-dragger @kurant @oxfordkipem @deliciousbouquet90 @tuptuptup @hellenna80 @karina-marina9 @latimeriaaa @bratko @wurld89 @scott-evans @kiss-me-rouge @ovonel-espaniol @dancing-tacco @ratugadhi @white-tiger-shangrila @axn69 @eternal-life-awaits @mrs-laura-harmon @gleeeeees @darkllaama @jatut @agawux @fuzzy-tigrrr @jrjohnsson2 @maaargoshaaa @einexx @nwmtagsb @secretlygrantaire @infinity-stones-seeker​ @thehappyspider​ @wings4life​ @huxyluxy​ @dontbeafraidchild​ @misafiryanki​ @electronicpatrolcollective​ @thisismysecrethappyplace @aulika​ @a-happy-wolf​ @creative-seahorse​ @biologyforliving​ @stareyedplanet​

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