Hux X Reader - Tumblr Posts

5 years ago

I Won’t Say Anything-Pt. 2/3

I Wont Say Anything-Pt. 2/3

Warnings: TROS SPOILER, Torture, Soulmate AU Summary: You are a member of the Resistance. You’re captured by the First Order while you are waiting for information from the spy. Pairing: Armitage Hux x Female!Reader Words: 2662 Part 2 of 3

From the day you were treated and reinvigorated, Armitage Hux never entered the prison where they kept you.

In fact, you didn’t even know why they kept you there. You were no longer of any use and they hadn’t even bothered to torture you to get the information anymore. They had abandoned you there, in total silence, fed by a machine that pumped the food your body needed in your veins. Fortunately they had taken medical measures to keep you from having a constant need to go to the bathroom.

You had had so much time to think about the visions you had about the general that you almost hated the torture that had stopped. At least those could have distracted you from all those harmful flashes.

Would you die there? On that First Order ship, thinking about the general who destroyed so many lives?

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5 years ago


Armitage Hux x Reader

Request(s): Hey, can I request a General Hux x Reader, where the reader is a Resistance pilot captured by the First Order. And Hux is sent to interrogate them, not knowing it was the reader (the reader and Hux were extremely close when they were children). And when Hux realizes its them, he begins expressing his emotions to them and tries to persuade them to join him. (Up to you on whether they do succumb or not).

Hi! can i request some Hux x reader in which the reader is a rebel but somehow hux falls for them?

Warnings: Brief mention of death, angst….

I do not own anything!!!


You didn’t even know how you got caught. The mission you were sent on should have been simple recon. Get in. Get out. There was no reason that the First Order should have been on the small moon you and your team was on.

Then, the First Order appeared and everything went downhill. Stormtroopers began firing their blasters at you and the members of your team. One by one they were being picked off until you and two other members were the last ones standing.

Raising your hands in defeat, the three of you were rounded up and pushed forward on your knees, scraping them against the rocks on the ground. The end of a blaster was pushed against the back of your head, as well as your companions. A Stormtrooper with metal armor strolled up nonchalantly—you knew they were the real deal.

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5 years ago

Courtship - Victorian!Hux x Reader - One

Y/N: I’ve been wanting to write an Victorian AU Hux x Reader fic for a while, and this is part one! Hope you enjoy it, I really like this one.


You let out a gasp as your maid continued to tug on the laces of your corset…tighter, tighter. As society had told you, if they could hear you speak without gasping then it wasn’t tight enough. And you hated that. You felt free when there weren’t such restrictions. But today, there was a reason for the formal attire; you were going to meet a potential suitor by way of dinner. Your father was old and was going to pass away soon enough, but he had wanted to make sure that you were taken care of.

“You look beautiful, Miss Y/n. The Lord will be speechless when he sees you,” said Fiona, your maid. 

“He’s a Lord? What else do you know?” you asked as you turned around, putting your hands out in front of you so that your dress could be put on. It was a dark green number with black lace and pearl jewelry; the sign of your high status.

“Oh, I cannot say anymore, Ma’am. It would ruin the surprise,” Fiona said, shaking her head.

The whole mystery behind this Lord was annoying. You wanted to know more about him before you met him, since he’s going to be your husband at some point. There would be more time to get to know him after tonight, but the mere fact that everyone else but you knew about him just didn’t seem fair. 

Once you were fully dressed and presentable you made your way downstairs to meet with your father. He smiled, leaning onto the cane in his left hand, “Ahh, my dear Y/n. You look wonderful,” he said happily as he took your hand in his free hand, “Are you ready to meet him?” You gave a little nod, smiling. Your suitor was waiting in the other room, and you had no idea what to expect. Was he going to be some old man that was as old as your father? Or was he going to be some snobby, entitled Heir that was going to leave you with money but lonely? The possibilities were endless.

The first thing you see is his hair; kissed by fire. He looked young, but not too young. He was tall and lean…pretty much perfect. Where’s father find this man? He was practically the kind of suitor you were looking for…but what kind of person was he?

The ginger immediately stood from the sofa to turn to you and bowed, “My Lady, it is a pleasure to meet you. I am Lord Armitage Hux,” he introduced himself.

You smiled softly and brought out your hand; Hux took it and brought it to his lips to plant a kiss. “My Lord Hux, the pleasure is all mine. And considering the circumstances, you may call me Y/n,”

You saw Hux blush slightly and smiled, “Of course, Y/n. And you may call me Armitage,”

Perhaps this marriage wasn’t going to be so bad after all…

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5 years ago

Armitage Hux fics rec

Recommendations of my favorite headcanons/imagines/fics (I don't own any)

Armitage Hux Fics Rec



Hands off her

The captive (master list)

Fix me up


Five shots


I know



Murmurs while you sleep


I'm not going anywhere



Other Star Wars fics recommendations

Updated: 03/03/2020

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4 years ago

No Man Left Behind pt 1

No Man Left Behind Pt 1

A/N: this fic inspired by the awesome comic by @ellalba check it out. Part two will be a lot of Hux and Poe. We might also find out why Finn is being so mean. Could this turn into a Hux x reader? Time will tell.

“Where’s Hux?” Poe shouts over his shoulder as he starts up the falcon with help from Chewie. Finn rushes into the cockpit and settles into the seat behind Chewie. “I shot him.” He responds nonchalantly. “YOU WHAT?!” Poe stopped what he was doing and looked over his shoulder in shock at Finn who gave him a little shrug. “He asked me to!” Poe shook his head, “No no no, we can’t leave him. They’ll never believe he didn’t help us.” Finn rolled his eyes, “So? We need to go get Rey!”

“He saved our lives! We have to...” Poe decided to stop wasting time and leapt up out of the chair. He could hear Finn shouting after him but he didn’t stop. Running down the ramp of the Falcon, he momentarily froze wondering what he was doing. This was General Hux. The man who is responsible for the death and destruction of five planets. But also the man who most recently he owed his life to. Before he knew it, he was back at the hangar entrance. As he opened the door, he was slightly surprised to see Hux still right there.

Hux, although, was far more surprised to see Poe. “What are you doing here?!” He shouted while grabbing his leg and writhing in pain. “I’ve already called the guards, you have to leave!”

Poe knelt down and threw Hux’s arm over his shoulder. “Not without you.” Hux pushed away causing him to crash back onto the ground, letting out a hiss of pain. “I can’t go with you!”

Poe huffed. They didn’t have time to deal with Hux’s stubbornness. “Well you can’t stay here! They’ll know it was you and even if they don’t, you’ll be responsible for letting us escape. You want to live, you come with us!”

Hux looked down the hall for a moment. He didn’t want to admit it but Poe was right. His plans up until the moment had been based on haste and necessities. Reflecting on those choices now, it seemed clear that he had no real alternative. Looking back at Poe, he gave him a little nod. Poe immediately went back to Hux’s side and threw his arm over his shoulder once again. Poe stood and pulled Hux up with him who could not help but let out pained groans. They tried to take a step and Hux cried out in pain. With the faint sounds of shuffling boots getting closer, Poe scooped up Hux under the knees and started running towards the falcon.


“LET’S GO!” Poe screamed into the cockpit as the ramp closed behind him. He rushed over to the bunk in the communal space and set Hux down. “I’ll be right back.”

Hux grabbed his profusely bleeding leg as Poe disappeared into the cockpit. Trying to adjust himself on the small bunk, he began to evaluate his surroundings. The famous Millennium Falcon and it was.... disgusting. Everything around him looked old, tarnished and incredibly unsanitary. A wave of panic washed over him as he realized he had left his neat, orderly life for this. The panic didn’t stick though as his surroundings began to blur.


“Finn, go take care of Hux.” Poe burst into the cockpit and tapped the back of the left pilots chair where Finn was now sitting. Finn turned with a grimace, “What?! No! You do it. We’re going to get Rey.” Poe was taken aback. “Excuse me? Which one of us is the pilot here?”

Finn didn’t move but turned his chair to face Poe, “You forget that Chewie has been piloting this ship since before you were born.” Chewie let out a little roar in agreement. “You wanted to save him, he’s your problem now.” And with no further discussion, he spun back around.


Poe huffed as he came around the corner back into the large space, “Alright Hux, lets take a look-“ he abruptly stopped when he saw that Hux was unconscious and the amount of blood seemed to have increased tenfold. “Kriff!” he whispered, dashing over to Hux’s pale, lifeless body. “No no no no no...” he repeated as he dug through the supplies in a nearby crate. He grabbed a roll of gauze and went back to Hux, pushing the whole roll into the wound. “Hux. Hux wake up!” With his free hand, he shook Hux’s shoulder before beginning to tap him on the cheek. This was enough to start to rouse the man.

“Wha- stop.” Hux feebly attempted to push away Poe’s hand pressing on his wound. “I know, I know but I gotta stop the bleeding!”

“Hurts.” Hux managed to get out, still fighting the call of sleep.

The room erupted with noise as the ramp was lowered. Wing swirled through the common area and Poe was frozen not knowing what to do. Moments later, the ramp was closing at Poe could feel the ship lurch forward abruptly.

“What is he doing here??” Poe turned to see Rey, looking quite flustered, staring at them.

“He saved us and he’s-“ Poe looked around still trying to figure out what to do as Hux’s head lulled from side to side. “He’s bleeding out! I need help!” Poe shouted, not at anyone particularly but rather as if crying out to the universe. At the moment, Finn came in the room and despite wanting to rush to Rey, went to Poe. “What happened?!” He surveyed the situation not remembering Hux looking this bad last time he saw him. “I don’t know! You must have hit an artery or something! He won’t stop bleeding!” Poe tried to reach back into the crate while still pressing the wound. This stretch caused him to push down harder, making Hux cry out in agony and immediately curl into himself and almost off the bunk. Luckily, Finn caught him in the nick of time.

Rey, watching this scene all while still reeling from the information she had recently learned, was awestruck for a moment. Snapping herself out of it she cried out, “MOVE!” as she approached the bunk. Finn and Poe immediately got out of her way, a little scared of her tone. Hux sighed in release when Poe let his hand off the wound. Rey reached out a hand to Hux’s shoulder. He was finally able to focus on her face as she met his gaze. “Just relax and breath.” She spoke in the most calming tone and he gave her a small nod. Reaching out her hand over his wound, she closed her eyes and focused her energy on healing him. Hux closed his eyes as well and focused on breathing.

Finn and Poe just watched, motionless.

As the wound closed, Hux took a sharp inhale and opened his eyes as Rey did the same. He looked down at his leg and back at her, “thank you.” He whispered and she smiled. “You’re welcome,” she raised two fingers and waved them in front of his face, “now sleep.” And with that, Hux passed out once again.

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7 years ago

Sleeping with the enemy || Part II


Part I

Words: 2314

Warnings: Smut, Unprotected sex, threesome

SUMMARY: Trying to make Kylo jealous, reader is coquetting with Hux. Reader will have an opportunity to meet him more intensively. But, of course, Kylo can read her mind...

Author: Cass & Beast


Few days have passed.

Because of the way Kylo had treated you before, you were shunning him as much as you could.

Of course, few times you both passed each other. Without any word. Even without a single glance. But it made you feel comfortable somehow. You didn't have to deal with his mood swings at least.

Hux pushed you with his shoulder while you were sitting in the canteen.

"Could you be so polite and start to listen what am I saying?" He muttered looking at you with a frown. "Make yourself useful and go to Kylo. I have the important report for him, but I don't have the patience to deal with that man."

He gave you report and walked away like nothing happened, looking over his shoulder. "Better do this quick."

The folder with report was red and rather big.

You raised your head to throw Hux angry glance.

"Yea. Of course. I have to do everything in behalf of you, because you're too lazy to do a single thing."

Loud sigh left your mouth. "I'll do this."

Hux only sighed heavily. "Learn some respect, child. Just won't hurt your knees, when you will get to his chamber." He said with sarcastic tone, then left the canteen.

Kylo was sitting in his room waiting for any pieces of information.

He looked surprised when he saw you in the door

"Ah! Hux's loyal scum. How's new work?" He asked, smiling meanly.

You pretended to not hear what he has said.

"You report is ready, sir."

You put the folder on his desk, not even looking at him

"I hope those are a good news." Kylo said and got up from his seat.

He walked to you and put a finger under your chin, forcing you to look at him.

"Not so eager anymore? I thought you enjoyed it.." He purred.

"Fuck off." You mumbled under breath took step back. "Is there anything else I can do for you, sir?"

Kylo grabbed you by hair to hold your head in place, he looked into your eyes.

"First, show me some respect. Second, stop lying to yourself. We both know what do you want. We know how it will end." He said wrapping arms tightly around you. Every visit in his chamber ended like this, no matter what, he was always acting in the same way.

His eyes were full of anger and you saw it.

You turned head aside.

"Don't flatter yourself too much, sir," you said looking at the wall and focusing yourself on muting your emotions.

"Listen... I can feel it." He had his arms wrapped around your waist.

Brunette muttered softly getting closer to your neck. "I still like your scent, you know... the scent of sweet naive girl..."

Kylo looked at you. "Your heart is pounding every time you get closer to me... and you tell me to 'fuck off'... that's rude, little one."

You resisted

"Leave me alone. You kow nothing about me."

Your hands clenched into fists.

"I know more than you know, little one. Now go back to work." Kylo released you from his grasp.

Hux was waiting at you.

"Finally! How are your knees?" Man asked with a smile. "If I can be honest. When I saw you the first time I thought you have more self-respect... You should take a real man. Not the unstable leader." He muttered.

"I don't know what are you talking about."

Walking next to him, you were focused on the corridor. But you good knew what he was talking about.

"Come on... stop pretend that you are so hard to get." He muttered rolling eyes.

Hux looked at you. "My people are celebrating because of destroying resistance base. Maybe you should relax? With me?" He asked offering his arm. "What would you say?"

The need of revenge on Kylo was too huge for you to stop, so you nodded slightly.

"Yea. Right. Well. Yes. With a pleasure."

"Pleasure by my side, Y/N."

He walked with you into the control room. "I never was a fan of it. They only get distracted." Hux winced looking at his people. "But at last I can spend some time with you." He admitted with soft smile.

"I see, Hux" you smiled a bit at him. "So. What's now?"

He shrugged. "We will wait till..." Before Hux could finish his sentence, Kylo entered the room.

He looked at everyone, frowning. "At last for once you all were usefull."

Hux rolled his eyes. "As always. He talks like he is the one that did whole job." He muttered to you.

You gave a little nod.

"Exactly. He behaves like he would be a Supreme Leader."

You patted Hux's back.

"I think you would be better than him."

"I... Thank you." Hux only nodded.

Kylo walked to two of you. "Since when YOU are celebrating... With her?" He asked looking at Hux but pointing at you.

"Since I know, how to treat a woman. Not like someone is treating us." Hux smiled sarcastically and pulled you closer.

You were glad. Seeing the grimace on Kylo's face made you strangely satisfied with yourself.

"Hux. Can you help me with reports? I have to finish them, but I am not sure how."

You grabbed him by palm.

He squeezed your hand. "Of course, with pleasure, Y/N."

Hux left room with you. You both could hear how angry Kylo was screaming at everyone. "THAT'S ENOUGH! Go back to work!"

Hux only laughed at this.

"I love to annoy him."

"After his last behavior towards me, I found this pretty funny to make him angry. He is like a blind child. In control."

You winked at him and left his hand.

"And where are you going little one?" He grabbed you by palm and pulled you closer. "You won't run away so easily." Hux smiled at you.

You bit lower lip, wrapping arms around his neck and getting on you tiptoes to kiss his cheek.

"Don't worry. I am always around."

You winked at him and walked away, to go back to work.

Hux walked to you and wrapped arms tightly around your waist. "Now you won't get rid of me." He purred softly into your ear.

You giggled and turned around to look him in the eye.

"Oh really?"

With a corner of the eye you saw how Kylo was leaving a main room. You were sure he saw you and Hux.

"Of course you won't." Hux smiled.

Kylo stopped and looked at two of you, frowning.

"Sir, do you need something?" You asked viciously looking at Ren over Hux's shoulder.

Kylo only walked away.

Hux looked behind and then back to you. "Let's go to my chamber or better no… Too many guards on our way there.."

You nodded with soft smile. “Come to visit me at evening. I will be waiting.” You said and then walked away.

In a little, softly-lit bedroom, you're on a average sized bed. You're freshly showered, nude, and just a bit softly squirmy from anticipating what will happen next. You lied there for a bit, at times rubbing yourself for a moment. It was when Hux arrived.

"General Hux, I was sure you'll come." Your voice was soft like never before.

He entered without knocking, being sure of himself. He got undressed and quickly joined you on the bed. Without a word, Hux lied down beside you on your left and gently caressed you, starting at knees and gradually tracing your whole body, increasing your delighted squirming.

A few kisses later he pulled you toward himself with firm strength and determination, yet always gently. Mostly on his back but somewhat leaning toward you, Hux directed your hips onto his so that your left buttocks covered his crotch entirely. With his left hand he pulled your left leg around his left leg, then pushed your right leg sideways to be flat against the bed. He continued to pull a bit here and push there, bringing your hips a bit more up on his, his right hand cupping your right buttocks at times, rubbing your crotch.

"Y/N, you're fucking beautiful," Hux whispered.

He rubbed you a bit more between the legs, wiggled his fingers wherever they might be, shifted a bit now and then for effect, to find just the right spot for himself to settle in, then he caressed your torso, breasts and face with his left hand. He kissed your face then paused.

Kylo walked in the room.

Ren walked around the bed, leant across it and kissed you, first on the neck, then the right nipple, gently sucking it into his mouth and rolling it with his teeth for a moment. Then fully on your lips, tasting and inhaling you.

He leant back, put his right middle finger on your lips, you wanted to suck it into you, but Kylo quickly slipped it out, and traced a line down your center - chin, to neck, to sternum, to belly, between your lips. He slided it into you while whispering softly. "Be still, Y/N." He knew this was a challenge for you, but one that you willingly accepted.

Kylo held it inside you, not moving, and instructed you to demonstrate your muscles. As you did, his initial response was firm. "That is not enough. I know that you can do better ... I've felt it." You closed your eyes and squeezed tighter, imaging his cock instead of his finger.

You were eager for more. The novelty of the situation, the posture of your hips pushed up yet supported, the attentions and arousal of Kylo and Hux gave you new levels of excitement. With Hux beside and below you, and with Kylo so tantalizingly near and above, you looked Kylo in the eye and quietly begged. "Please."

Kylo sent a questioning look to Hux who nodded. Hux pushed his hand deeper under you. He also firmly pushed your legs farther apart, almost uncomfortably. With his left hand keeping you legs apart, Hux used his right hand to tease into readiness wherever he could reach.

Kylo, enjoying watching you try to stay still while you were beginning to uncontrollably squirm and moan, reached down and petted you body, keeping intentionally away from where Hux was touching.

Kylo bent down and gave you a few long, full-tongue licks along all of your pussy that sent you into a delicious, creamy, thrilling orgasm. One more quick lick followed by a little slap on your heated, ready pussy, then Kylo looked into your eyes. "You're incredibly tasty, Y/N. I needed that."

Hux continued to hold your legs apart and pushed you up a bit further. Kylo positioned himself in front of your spread legs, got himself ready and in a strong stance, then leant forward to enter you.

Kylo entered you in one, agonizingly slow, deep, powerful motion.

Hux shifted his hips slightly. You gasped and shuddered as Hux pushed into your ass. His hands on your sides, fingers curved around to hold your nipples. Lips on the back of your neck. Kylo reminded you to be still, to enjoy all of the sensations, the hardness within you. The strong men below and above you. The pinching nipples. Hux's teeth on your shoulders and the back of neck. Kylo's lips and breath dancing with hers.

"Oh God.." You could only mumble quietly enjoying the pleasure.

Kylo started to move his hips. Slowly withdrawing until just the tip remained. Your eyes were closed as you absorbed the feelings. The smell. The sound of moist bodies moving with each other.

While Ren held himself just barely inside of your quivering pussy, Hux slowly pulled out until he too had only the tip of his cock inside. They both felt your muscles contract as you tried to pull, to will them both back into you.

You whimpered just a bit.

Suddenly you imploded as you felt both men thrusted deeply, filling you beyond fulfilling. They were simultaneous in their plunge and withdraw. Plunged and withdrawed. You lost sense of time. Of connection with gravity as you were suspended between the two.

A whisper from Kylo brought you back for just a moment until you realized that it was a signal for Hux, and in an instant the rhythm had shifted, with one sliding inside you deeply as the other pulled back.

"Fuck! Fuck, it's so good! Fuck me harder!" You grunted loudly rubbing your clitoris.

And you were off again. Nearly floating above yourself as you orgasmed over and over. Your body moving in sync with theirs. Breathing as one, thrusting as one.

It didn't take long before Kylo and Hux reached their peaks, too.

Kylo was first, cumming deep inside of your clenching pussy.

"Fuck!" Ren leant down to suck on your pulse point, riding his orgasm off.

Hux was second, but before he came, he slipped out of your ass and pumped over his length, rolling you a bit. Seconds later, he erupted his load on your belly.

Hux kissed your nape as you panted deeply trying to catch a breath.

You weren't expecting something like this to happen. You knew subconsciously, that Kylo will join you since he could read your mind. But it was way too much from what were you expecting.

When Kylo slipped out, too, you rolled on the bed, covering tour figure with quilt.

"How did you like it, Y/N?" Kylo asked, dressing his boxers on.

You took deep breath and were about to answer, but were cut by Hux's kiss.

"Great." You managed to whimper.

It didn't take long for three of you to fall asleep. Your head rested on Hux's chest while Kylo had his arm wrapped around your waist, spooning you.

Sleep came fast, and the last thing you remembered was Kylo's whisper.

"I think I fell for you, Y/N."


Gif: by Cass

Pandies🐼: @blue-dragon-ice @calkingwood @imidarogerson @grossograsso @thewildgardensstuff @irai-lauri @leven-and-ashley @la-verdura @bearded-steve-rogers @sebbystan-plantlover @atuckyismylife @krispyjellyfishzombie @personality-within @haseki-huricihan @choppedgardenwhispers @vroobelek @lattimelka @chris-beamz @hidden-secrets69 @side-blog-of-me @purepearls @i-am-margerita @volcanoxxx @kastrup-sofie  @mikkal-akasaki  @withoutashadowofhope  @radbluebirdeagle @marvel-fan-site  @smutloversblog  @buquete  @super-psycho-love69 @tanglesss @peter-sommer @baysidewest @vegemania @philip-stan @chodiusmmm @subwaystunnel @tykorclint @dagger-dragger @kurant @nothing-can-least-forever @oxfordkipem @deliciousbouquet90  @tuptuptup @hellenna80  @karina-marina9 @latimeriaaa  @bratko @wurld89  @scott-evans @kiss-me-rouge @ovonel-espaniol @dancing-tacco @ratugadhi @white-tiger-shangrila @peter-sommer @axn69  @eternal-life-awaits @mrs-laura-harmon @artsy-inside @gleeeeees @darkllaama @jatut @agawux @fuzzy-tigrrr @jrjohnsson2 @cassandbeast @maaargoshaaa @dontgetmewrongman @einexx

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7 years ago

Sleeping with the enemy || Part III || Final.

Part I Part II


Words: 3816

Warnings: violence,  smut, unprotected sex, language, oral sex

SUMMARY: Kylo leaves you for few days alone on his ship because of his duties. You’re in charge on his behalf, but Hux, who still bears a grudge towards you, is planning to destroy you. What will happen? And who will survive?

A/N: this is the last part of our short serie dedicated to Kylo Ren (me and my beloved Cass are fans of this character). We do hope you’ll enjoy our work. We’re also grateful for amazing feedback you all have left under previous parts of the story. Love you guys!

Author: Cass & Beast


Everything has changed.

Few weeks after common night with Hux and Kylo, and you started to be treated like one of the most important persons of First Order. Soldiers were listening to your commands, complying without complaining.

You were glad about new situation, however Hux's attitude became even more nasty then it was before. Reddish man was levering every single of your decisions. Struggling with it everyday was tiring, but you swore to yourself you won't give up and give him satisfaction.

"I told you to watch out what are you doing. You aren't a boss here." Hux muttered looking at you.

"One night and you think you can give orders to MY people?" Hux muttered and pulled you closer to him. "You know that such an action will require something extra from you, Y/N." Reddish man growled into your ear. Hux good knew you were more into Kylo and it was driving him crazy. He wanted to keep you only for himself.

His plan was to torment you until you will completely under his control but for now he was failing miserably.

"Fuck off, Hux," you threw him a cold glance as you passed him away at the corridor. "I bet you've heard what our Supreme Leader said. I am a commander now."

Increasing your speed, you were walking ahead, not even looking back to meet his glance.

Hux frowned looking at you with a cocked brow. "How dare you talk to me like that?! Already forgot about the night that we spent together. I bet everyone heard you screaming my name! You easy, cheap slut!" He yelled after you.

Man rubbed his nose. "We will see who will be in charge soon. Who the hell she thinks she is. I will make sure to show her what her place really is.." Hux said to himself walking down the hallway.

As soon as you came back to your room, you threw all folders you were handling on the desk, and you flopped down on bed sighing heavily.

You were tired with all those mean things Hux and his people were talking about you.

Kylo quietly entered the bedroom and walked to your bed, his rough hands slowly were wrapped around your nape, starting to massage it gently. "You are not gonna say goodbye to yours Supreme Leader?" He murmured in a deep voice of his.

Black haired man leant down to kissed your neck and shoulder gently. "How do you feel in your new role, my love?”

You shivered at the sudden touch. Slowly turning your head to face him, you enjoyed the touch of his hands.

"What? What are you talking about?" Almost immediately you rose from bed looking at him in shock. When he asked of your new role, you rolled eyes. "Could be better. You know. Hux."

Kylo sighed heavily shaking his head. "Little one, you have to listen to me more carefully. I told you yesterday that I have something important to do and I will be gone for few days. That's why you are in charge now."

Man slowly put a hand to your cheek caressing it with his thumb. "Don't worry about them. Hux is just a jealous snake but he nor his people won't hurt you. I promise you this, you can trust me, right?" Kylo assured you, and then kissed your lips passionately.

You kissed him passionately pressing your whole body to his form. "Oh. Yes. Right." You nodded nestling to his chest.

You felt so secure in his strong arms that you wanted this moment to last forever.

"I can see how he looks at me. It's awful... Like at a pray.."

Kylo laughed deeply. "You know, first woman, first crush... It can really corrupt man's mind." He explained and looked at you, licking his lips.

"I love your new outfit, it suits you very well. My little Miss Supreme Leader." Kylo bit his lips "What a shame that I need to leave you alone... I would like to see how easy it's to take it off from you. Let me make this outfit looks even better." He slowly took off his big scarf and wrapped it around your neck. "Now, you look even better. I need to go for now, my love." Kylo said before kissing your forehead.

You shivered softly at his touch. It felt like in heaven when he was around, complementing you and making sure you feel truly special.

You nuzzled to his scarf inhaling his scent with closed eyes.

"You can be sure I'll do everything to make you proud, Supreme Leader." You bowed head gracefully. "May the force favor you." You whispered climbing on your tiptoes to kiss his cheek.

Kylo smiled at your kiss. "With you too, my love. I can't wait until I will be back." He kissed the top of your head holding your cheek. After these words, he left your bedroom.

Hux was sitting in his chair, thinking. You were just a woman that randomly joined The First Order and now... You were even more important than he was! It was a madness for him. "Can't just leave it like this... I need to take care of her before Ren's return." He was talking to himself, looking at the wall.

Next day after Kylo's departure, you were leading a meeting. The most important persons in First Order joined. In a large chamber, you all were sitting, talking and discussing about next steps you shall make to stop the rebellion. "So. Is everything clear?" Your voice was firm as you rose from your chair.

"I have one thing." Hux said raising from his seat.

He watched you for a while. "My question is... Why we all should listen to you?"

Hux smiled at you and looked around, he was proud of himself. He knew that his plan was beginning here and now.

With a cold glance and not showing any emotions, you measured him with a single glance.

"I'm here on behalf of our Supreme Leader. Everything I'm doing shall be taken as his words, don't forget about it, General Hux."

"That's true, but I want to remind you that some of us feel deeply offended by his choice. He had chosen a normal woman over a highly experienced generals and commanders." Hux said loudly looking around. Others only nodded looking at you. "As for me it has only shown how weak our leader is... of course, it can be fixed really easily."

You cocked brow slowly, your chin went up a bit as you bit inside of your cheek. "What do you mean, General Hux?" You were afraid what you could hear in a response, but this question had to asked.

"Nothing scary." Reddish man snapped his fingers. Suddenly two guards grabbed your arm and pulled you away from your place.

"Gentlemen!" Hux slowly took your place. "I can promise you that she will disappear. Without consequences for any of you."

Other members of the meeting started to talk to each other, but they finally agreed on Hux's idea.

Man slowly walked to you and took your face into his hand. "If I can't have you... No one will, it will be a pleasure to see the Supreme Leader crying because his "girlfriend" had a small but deadly accident."

You jerked, but grasps of guards were strong enough to keep you in place.

As he touched your face you struggled to turn head around, as far from his reach as it was possible.

"You won't do this, Hux. Even if I'll die, Kylo will kill you either." You growled through clenched teeth.

Not being sure what to do, you spitted on his face trying to kick onto his crotch.

Hux wiped his face and sighed. "Simpleton... as usual. You see, gentlemen? This woman is supposed to be our Leader when Kylo Ren is gone. Pathetic." Man waved his hand. "Take this slut away. You two know where."

Guards only nodded and dragged you out of the room.

You were struggling and screaming, but no one came to help you.

With heart beating fast in your chest, you were expecting the worst.

"Where are you taking me?!"

"We have our orders from General Hux." One of the guards said before hitting you in the face to knock you down.

They dragged you to the bottom of the ship and threw you into small, dark chamber that was prepared for you early.

You woke up in your prison. You curled up in a ball in the corner of cell. Your knees were pulled close to your chest.

You couldn't do much. You looked around but there was literally nothing for use to use to defend yourself. Sobbing, you were awaiting.

Hux entered chamber after some time.

"Hey, don't cry, little one. You knew it was coming, I am not a toy you can play with.." He said and grabbed your chin, forcing you to look at him. "Don't try anything, sweetheart. You are so beautiful when you are helpless." Reddish man stroked your hair purring.

You were struggling viciously, you promised yourself that no matter what you won't give up without a fight.

You hit his chest with hands clenched in fists, your voice was nothing more but whisper.

"Let. Me. Go."

He grabbed your hands and with his whole strength pinned you to the wall. "You will stay here for my pleasure... and your Kylo will think you are dead. Then... it will be easier for me to take his place after that. Now, let's see how 'strong' you are, little one. Such a shame I have to ruin such a beautiful face." Hux said with sadness before hitting you in the face few times.

“It was nice to see you again, sweetheart.” After those words he left.

You didn't know how much time has passed. You lost timing.

Days seemed to last forever. Your routine now was suffering and living with constant sense of threat.

Nights were the worst, since Hux and his subordinates were busy during the days. It was only moment when you could 'rest', by closing eyes and dreaming of Kylo and safe place in his arms. But at nights... You were nothing but a whore then. At least they all were treating you like that.

You weakened quickly, after few days without food. Hux was generous, however. He was making sure you have fresh water to drink. Always. How cute from his side.

Few floors above your head stuff also weren't colorful. Hux triumphed and Kylo was mourning your death.

Bereavement has completely destroyed him. He was in shock that you were gone and that such a thing could destroy HIM.| He was the Supreme Leader, he couldn't cry, he couldn't be weak, but somehow lack of you by his side drained him out of everything. Kylo felt so lost and alone, even more than before.

This weird state of Supreme Leader was visible to everyone from ship's crew. Kylo wasn't leaving his chamber and everyone were doing what Hux ordered them.

One day a little black droid found it's way to your prison.

Weird noises have woken you up from trance.

You struggled to keep your eyes open as you crawled to the bars and drew hand out between them.

"Hello...?" You managed to mumble. "Is anyone here? Help..."

Droid let out few robotic sounds but it was definitely curious, so it moved even closer to you.

"Help.. Find... Find Supreme Leader.. Bring him here.. Please.." You put palm on droid's head, desperately looking for a button of recording.

When you found it, you pushed the button and recorded your voice, having hope that Kylo was back at ship.

Little droid listened to your order and quickly headed to Kylo's chamber.

Kylo was deeply surprised when he spotted droid in front of his door.

"What are you doing here...?"

Droid simply started to play the record.

Kylo couldn't believe that he heard your voice again. He was happy and terrified at the same time. You were dead, how could he hear you? Was his mind playing tricks on him?

"Leade me to her! NOW!" He yelled and ran after the little robot.

At this point you were lying in the cell, on dirty ground. All you could do was praying for death.

Last thing you remembered before losing consciousness was the heavy tread of boots nearby.

Without thinking, Kylo used his lightsaber to open doors.

"Y/N? Y/N?! My love... who did this to you?!" He asked taking you into his arms.

Kylo felt huge relief by holding you in his arms again, but his heart died when he saw your face and your state.

"I will take you away from here." Black haired man whispered before picking you up and taking you to the medical team.

When you woke up he was sitting next to your bed, holding your hand close to his lips. "Don't die, don't die, don't die..." He was whispering over and over again.

Kylo looked up immediately. "Y/N... My love, my whole world. You are back with me." He said and kissed you gently, stroking your cheek.

He looked at your face, his finger tracked scar on your lips that you received during this few awful days.

"Who... Who did this to you, my love?" Kylo asked looking you into eyes. His voice was firm and cold like never before.

Tears were rolling down your cheeks. And only one word left your lips.


Your palm looked for his blindly, and when you found his palm, you squeezed it tightly.

"Don't do anything stupid, Kylo." You asked.

Kylo looked at you and kissed you. "I won't do anything stupid, my love. He will get what he deserved... I am Supreme Leader and NO ONE will touch MY woman. I will be back soon. You are in good hands." After these words, black haired man left room.

"HUX!" Kylo roared loudly entering the control room where general was supposed to be found.

Man's eyes were full of rage, both hands curled up in fists so hard, that his leather gloves were creaking.

Hux raised his head from pile of papers, he pecked his lips.

"Ren. I'm glad to see you, too. What do you want this time?" Hux rubbed his chin cocking brows in wry grimace.

Kylo raised his hand only to use the force to choke and pull reddish man closer.

"Did you really think I will never find her? My woman is alive and you were the one that hurt her. You will pay for it."

Kylo looked around at other workers. "You all! Now look and learn what happens, when you do something against me! The Supreme Leader!" Man yelled and then threw Hux onto floor.

Hux got up quickly rubbing his throat, he jumped on Kylo.

"You're no one else but a child with bunch of complexes! You need to die!" Hux pulled a decorated dagger from behind his belt, man started to aim blows. "You also need to know..." he made jink to avoid being knocked down, "Your girl was screaming my name each night, crying like a fucking slut when I was fucking her!"

"But I became a Supreme Leader HERE!" He grabbed Hux's wrist and twisted it in an unnatural way before grabbing his lightsaber and cutting it off with one quick move.

After that, he aimed a strong punch right into Hux's face, knocking him down. "Better stay like this... or you will lose the second hand too."

Hux was screaming at this point. He pressed his injured hand to chest sobbing.

"I would rather die than look how you're leading us to defeat! You're nothing, Ren! Like your father and grandfather!"

His coat was soaking from his own blood.

"My grandfather would kill you on the spot." Kylo said and looked at guards. "Close him in the same chamber he had closed Y/N." Man ordered and walked away.

Before Kylo returned to you, medical team transported you to his bedroom. You were back in your common bed.

Kylo entered bedroom after few minutes. "Y/N..." Black haired man said and joined you in bed.

Few weeks have passed fastly.

You were recovering, of course it was taking time, but Kylo was so helpful towards you. Your only duty was to rest and sleep as long as you have wanted.

One night you couldn't fall asleep since Kylo was late. You were always worried when he wasn't arriving on time.

Kylo entered the bedroom and his gaze immediately fell onto you.

Thinking that you are asleep, Kylo went to the bathroom to take warm, relaxing shower.

Man growled loudly but happily as he felt warm water hit his tensed body.

Hearing shower running you bit your lower lip. It's been quiet a while since last time you had sex with Kylo, so you decided to use the opportunity.

You got up getting undressed, then you went straight to bathroom, quietly joining him under the shower.

You wrapped arms around his solid form from behind nuzzling to his back.

"You're late."

Kylo smiled and stroked your hands. "I know, my love and I am sorry. I had a lot of stuff to do. How do you feel today?" He asked and turned himself around to look at you.

"I'm fine," you sent him smile.

Your lips were pressed to his chest placing little kisses wherever you could reach.

"I missed you."

He took your chin into his hand and kissed you passionately. "My girl... I won't wait any longer..." Kylo simply picked you up, and walked with you back to bedroom.

He put you down, and pinned you to bed by your hands. "I love your body, I love you... How could I reject you earlier? I was such a fool." Man whispered kissing your neck, traveling down your body.

Shivers were running down your spine by his every kiss. You arched your back as he was kissing his way down your body. Yes, that was all you have wanted.

"I missed you so badly.." You slipped hand into his wet hair.

Man smiled at you and kissed you deeply. "I miss you harder, my love. I thought I lost you."

Kylo spit on his hand and rubbed your pussy. "You do realize I won't be gently, sweetie? You are mine and I need that tight pussy around my rock hard cock." He whispered into your ear.

The sensation was already building up in your abdomen. Panting, you gave him a nod.

"I know, Supreme Leader. I need you to mark your property."

As he rubbed your pussy, you rolled head back.

"Good girl."

Kylo turned you onto your stomach and pushed himself deep into you from behind. He was still for a bit letting you adjust to his size before his1 first hard thrust.

"Fuck... I missed this tight pussy. My girl... My own little slut." Kylo whispered against your ear. He wrapped arm around your stomach, holding you tight.

You were helpless at his sudden thrust, so you only screamed his name loudly. The familiar feeling of being filled by his thick shaft was so pleasant. You laid upper part of your body down on pillows to support yourself from collapse.

"Dear Lord..." you mumbled squeezing sheets as you were trembling slightly.

"Yes, scream my name. Let everyone know to whom do you belong." Kylo growled, thrusting deep and hard into you.

"I hope you're gonna like this." Dark haired man slowly rubbed your clitoris before slipping two of his long fingers into your already filled pussy.

You screamed louder shivering. The feeling of being filled to the brim was amazing.

You let him fuck your wet pussy as hard as he only wanted to.

"Oh, fuck!" You moaned loudly playing with your boobs. "Feels fucking amazing!

Kylo slipped out of you and turned you on your back only to thrust hard into you again.

He started to fuck you in unbearable pace while he was playing with your boobs and nipples. His lips were on your neck kissing and biting.

Kylo let out a loud moan and growl. "Fuck... so good, your pussy feels amazing."

You wrapped legs around his waist, because of that he could penetrate you deeper.

Your hands were wrapped around his neck as you were kissing his jawline.

"Harder, Supreme Leader!" You scratched his back hardly.

Wet noises could be hear all around the room as he was pounding hardly into you.

Kylo did just like you asked him to. He started to thrust harder and deeper into you.

"Fuck... your Supreme Leader is gonna cum. Do you want your Master to cum deep inside that tight pussy?"

You were a mumbling mess beneath him, but you nodded slightly.

"I do, but not like that."

With rest of strength you pushed him off of you and straight onto pillows. You took his hard throbbing shaft into your hands giving it few strokes. You were clinching hand in steady pace looking him in the eye. Then you leant down to take him deep into your mouth, at the same time tasting yourself on his cock.

Kylo watched you and moaned loudly closing his eyes. "Yes... yes, good girl. Suck you Master." He hummed.

You were sucking on his cock for a while, and when it was throbbing hardly in your hand, you straddled him rubbing his tip along your dripping pussy.

Kylo sat up and grabbed your hips, he pushed you hard onto his cock.

"Fuck!" Kylo hissed and moaned loudly. "I love you... and I love your tight cunt. It's only mine... just like you are." He said before letting out another loud moan.

You wrapped arms around his muscular shoudlers pulling him closer into a tight hug as you were rocking your hips riding his cock. Your pussy was clenching around his cock and you felt upcoming climax.

"Kylo!" You couldn't help and yelled his name rolling head back as you reached your peak.

"Yes! Fuck!" Kylo growled, biting your neck, leaving marks there.

He thrusted few more times before cumming deep inside your pussy, screaming your name.

You were hugging him for a long moment, then you pressed his chest strongly forcing him to lay down on bed. Still straddling him and having him in you, you laid down on his chest kissing his jawline and trembling all over your body.

Kylo was panting deeply, he only looked at you and hugged you tightly.

"I love you, Y/N, never leave my side... please... stay with me until the end of your days..." He murmured nuzzling to your shoulder.

You didn't respond, you only crushed your lips on his.

You rolled carefully and laid by his side, placing head on his strong chest. 


ou closed eyes smiling. You felt that many good things were ahead both of you.


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7 years ago

Hidden treasure || Part I

Hidden Treasure || Part I

Words: 3333

Warnings: language, cursing

SUMMARY: You are General Hux sister. After another failure, you've been sent back to Hux. He's pretty annoyed by the fact he has to take care of you. No one but Hux knows, that you have some special abilities. One day you accidentally meet commander Kylo Ren. Will this meeting change everything?

Author: Cass & Rouge


Hux growled deeply on his way to the hangar. He was expecting an 'important delivery' that he didn't want to ever get.

"Little spoiled, brat... They could kick her out of the ship one day. What I did to deserve someone like her in my family?" Reddish man muttered to himself.

Hux entered the hangar and waited, stamping his food angrily. "I will kill her when she will get here." He growled looking around.

Fitted black leather pants were hugging your legs nicely as you were getting out of the cruiser which had brought you here. Upper part of your uniform was a black jacket with a brassard on left sleeve, the logo of First Order could be easily seen.

As you stepped out of the small ship, you looked around and almost immediately your sight fell on him. Your older brother, General Hux.

You crossed arms behind your back and walked to him jauntily.

Hux looked at you with a frown as you walked to him closer.

"Take this jacket off." He said pulling it off of your arms. "You are not a part of First Order, and you will never be. How did you even get this?"

He took you out of the hanger. Reddish man was walking with you for a moment, but suddenly stopped in the half of a long corridor.

"Care to explain to me, how the fuck they could kick you out of the Academy, huh?! Who the hell you think you are?!" Hux yelled at you.

"Let. Me. Go." You growled jerking arm out of Hux's grasp. "I found it on the cruiser, chill out!"

Stretching your fingers you yawned a bit.

"Let's say I've made a mistake. And they said I cannot stay there. And I need more.. How to say it? That I need to get more attention to avoid any nuisances." You explained shrugging.

"Y/N, you are 24 years old, and they already kicked you out from SIX academies!" He growled and moved hand through his hair. "I can't believe we are even related... I am a general... When you even can't finish your education."

Hux thought for a moment.

"Listen to me, you little brat. One mistake... Only one. And I will personally launch you out in one of the escape pods, and I don't care what will happen with you, am I making myself clear?"

His eyes were cold like a steel, and you literally shivered under Hux's glance.

"Yes, Herr General." You curtsied theatrically. "So. What now? Because I don't think you'll want to play a happy family, huh?" You walked closer to him and stroked over his cheek. "You're so much like our father. So confident and fierce. He would be proud. At least of you."

Hux closed his eyes and sighed at your touch.

"Yes, and he would be completely disappointed with you. Someone needs to be the mature one. Maybe it's time for you to grow up too, sister."

He sighed sadly and ruffled Y/H/C hair. "And you look just like our mother. Regarding your question... I don't have time to play a happy family, Y/N." Hux took your hand. "I will show you your chamber."

You gave his palm a squeeze while walking by his side.

"Well. As I see you work in a fucking huge base."

You whistled when you were passing huge cargo chamber.

"What I will be doing here?"

"Nothing. You will be living here avoiding problems. My chamber is right next to yours, in case if my little sister will have a nightmare during the night." Hux smiled at you. "Now, excuse me, dear sister, I need to get back to work. For once be a good girl and stay out of troubles." He kissed your forehead before walking away.

"Armitage!" You said aloud, then you ran to him, and hugged to him tightly.

You were staying like this for few seconds.

"Sorry that I'm letting you down constantly."

Hux flinched at the sound of his name, he sighed deeply and hugged you back tightly. "It's okay... I am used to this... but maybe gather yourself up and do something with yourself and your behavior, you little brat." He said rubbing your back. "Now go and rest."

You nodded and came back to your chamber. Since you didn't have any packages, you simply flopped on the narrow bed slipping hand under head.

You sighed thinking about few past weeks and about your older brother. You knew deep inside he loved you, but taking his current position he couldn't let himself to show too many emotions.

You even didn't realize when sleep embraced you.

At morning Hux left a little note in your room. ‘You will find me in canteen, sleepy head.’

He was sitting there waiting for you and chatting with two stormtroopers.

"Oh... you finally decided to arrive, sister." Hux said with annoyed tone.

"Shit. Shit. Shit."

You were mumbling under your breath as you were running to the canteen.

You already felt in your bones that your brother will be mad. But what was he expecting? That you will be getting up at dawn to just fool around?

You approached Armitage taking seat next to him.


Armitage let out a loud sigh and shook his head.

"I thought you will finally change... But what can I expect from you? You always were a black sheep of our family." Hux rolled his eyes sipping on his coffee. "At last eat something and really gather yourself up, finally."

You didn't say a word, just reached for a bread and honey.

"Do you really have to treat me that way? All the time?" You looked at him with a corner of your eye biting on your food.

"I just treat you the way you deserved, Y/N. Look at yourself, what are you doing with your life?" He looked at with frown. "You are only few years younger than me. Look at my position and look at yours." Hux explained, taking sip o his coffee.

You stopped chewing. Thinking for a while, you were glaring at him. You swallowed and drank your coffee.

"You're forgetting that I am not you, Armitage." This time you dared to raise your voice. "I am not perfect. And you good know how difficult it is for a woman or person of color to join First Order. Oh! I forgot! The white boy had privileges since very beginning, huh?! If Snoke would be wiser, he would never give you this position. Just look at you! Who do you think you are?!" You got up hitting the table with fist. “I am not your fucking drudge!" Your words hung in the air while everyone was looking at two of you.

Without any more things to say you turned around and left canteen, not even looking around at your brother.

Hux watched you with anger and disbelief in his eyes. He didn't say a word when you left, he only looked at others. "What are you all staring at?! Get back to your stuff!" Man yelled and looked away before muttering to himself. "What a drama queen..."

Anger was raging in your soul and you weren't paying attention to your direction.

It was a second. You saw a tall dark figure in front of you, and next thing was a strong collision. Shortly after you were on the floor with a pain in your lower back.

"Watch out next time, man!" You yelled.

Black haired man looked down at you.

"You could show some respect, do you realize to whom are you talking to?" He asked and watched you for a bit.

Man didn't recognize you as Hux's sister.

"Who are you? You are not a part of my crew." His voice was deep and dangerous.

You were about to snap something, but it was when you realized who was standing in front of you. It was no one else but Kylo Ren, the commander of the First Order.

You've heard a lot about him. In the Academy, all girls were fangirling about him while men were setting him as a role model.

Sudden blush crept onto your cheeks. Didn't know what to do nor say, you swallowed hardly.

"I am sorry, Sir... I am new here.. They had sent me from Academy for trainings..."

You bit inside of your cheek. The lie wasn't huge, but still, it felt awful to be lying to him. However, at the moment you didn't have any other things use as an emanation.

Brunette grabbed your hand tightly and helped you got up pulled you closer, watching you.

"I didn't hear anything about someone from Academy... but... Let's say I believe you. Listen to me now... You are on my ship, so better behave and show me a respect... Or you won't return to Academy in one piece and it's not a warning." He growled and then let go of your arm.

Kylo gave you last cold gaze, then walked away.

Heart was beating in unbearable pace and you knees became weak. You leant back against the wall to support youself from falling.

"Oh my... Girls won't believe me..." You whispered under your breath.

Shaking all over your body, you came back to you chamber.

After few hours Hux bursted into your chamber. "You are dead. You ou are so dead, Y/N. Kylo is looking for a 'girl from Academy.' How could you told HIM that Academy sent you HERE?!" He asked raising his voice. "He gave order to find you... And you have to go to him. NOW!"

Truth was that your brother pulled you out of thoughtfulness, and you weren't happy.

"Yes. Sure. I'll go to him, but I get to put on my uniform. Could you be so kind and let me change my clothes?" You got up from bed and came to your brother pushing him out of your chamber.

Hux grabbed your hands tightly and pulled you closer. "Listen to me now, you stubborn bitch. You won't join First Order and you have no uniform, so better move your lazy ass to him now or I will forget that we are even related to me and I will bring him your head. As a proof that you were a spy and that you are dead."

His eyes were full of anger but they reminded cold, Hux pushed you out of your chamber.

You couldn't help. You slapped him straight in the cheek.

"Fuck off."

Improving your hair you went ahead, not even knowing where were you going.

Hux just watched you with his eyes wide open. "Guards! This girls is here!" He yelled and walked away.

Two man walked to you and grabbed your arms. "You will come with us. Someone want to see you." One of them said and they started to drag you into direction of Kylo's chamber.

You were expecting his chamber to be huge but definitely not that big.

As soon as you stepped in, the tensed atmosphere embraced you, so your heart pounded harder. You politely gave a sign to guards that you will be okay, so they left you.

You stopped in front of desk. The leather chair was turned with its back to you.

Kylo turned around on chair to face you. His voice was emotionless. "From Academy for trainings?" He asked with his deep voice. "I knew that something's wrong with you..." He said softly and got up from his chair, Kylo started to circle around you. "So... care to tell me who you are? Without laying this time. I don't like strangers here." Brunette explayned taking his lightsaber into hand.

You couldn't help and let out a quiet whimper seeing how he was holding his weapon in hand. The glove on his palm was black like rest of his outfit. Feeling his gaze on you made a cold shiver to rum along your spine.

"My name's Y/N. And.. Yes.. I am from Academy.. They kicked me out, Sir.. I didn't have a place to go.."

Kylo smiled softly, squeezing weapon in his hand. His glove started to crack.

"What just prove that you were laying... They didn't send you here."

He walked to you from behind. "So... How did you get here? This is not some random spaceship." Kylo said right into your ear.

You shivered but tried to stay calm.

"I've.. I took their cruiser, Sir. When no one was watching..."

Feelinh his warm breath on your nape, you closed eyes. You were afraid that he will use his lightsaber to kill you. "Forgive me, Master Ren."

Kylo laughed quietly.

"I am not your Master... And you are still laying... I've read your documents... Someone as weak as you couldn't get here by herself."

He pressed weapon to your lower back. "You know that good girls don't lie?"

You gave a nod.

"Yes.. I know someone here.. I had contact this person and asked for guidelines.. Please, Master.. I can be useful."

You dared to turn your head around. Seeing him that close was like a bliss. You felt a blush which was forming on your cheeks.

Kylo looked into your eyes. He was showing no emotions. "You? Useful? I wonder how."

Brunet slowly moved away and walked back to his desk only to look at you.

"I learn fast. I know some... People. I.. I know coding stuff and similar... Please, give me a chance and you won't regret.."

Before you thought, you started to act.

With a bit of hesitation you walked to him stopping inches from his form. Your hand traveled to his palm clenched on the lightsaber, and you stroked over there.

Kylo watched you. "What are you doing? My one move... And you are dead, woman." He muttered. "What are you trying to achive?"

He didn't know, like everybody else, that you had some special abilities, and that was the reason they didn't throw you out of the Academy.

"I can do stuff. I can make some objects float."

You looked him deep in the eye.

Kylo frowned looking at your face.

"You? You can make some objects float? How? Prove it. Now." He ordered gently pushing you away from him.

You nodded swallowing hardly. Looking around his chamber you noticed few little metal boxes in the left corner.

You looked at them, you focused as much as you were able to.

But nothing happened.

"Shit.." You whispered looking briefly at him.

Kylo laughed and shook his head. He walked to you closer and wrapped his hand around your nape.

"Now... You will leave my chamber. Before I will decide to kill you. And start to show respect, and don't get into my way. Then maybe you will find yourself a safe place here." He growled through clenched teeth.

You trembled when he came closer to you, he was much taller than you. But when he placed his hand to your nape, things got out of control.

You felt familiar tingling in your chest, and when you closed your eyes, an invisible force pushed him away of you. All the things that were placed in the chamber have floated up. Your hair were floating too, like at the invisible blows of wind.

You opened your eyes, and second later everything what was in the air fell down on the floor.

You slowly sank on your knees gasping for air.

Kylo blinked deeply suprised. He watched you carefuly, thinking about stuff that just happened, he knew what it meant.

"Try not to die here. I need to talk with someone about you." Kylo explained before he left chamber.

It took you longer while to get up and walk to his chair. You flopped on it heavily. Your head hurt, your entire body was still trembling. It was very first time when you managed to do something as spectacular.

Armitage was back in canteen, enjoying his little coffee break. He was happy and glad until he was Kylo entering the same room.

"General Hux, I need to talk with you about this girl from Academy."

Hux froze for a moment, then nodded. "What is it? Shell I find someone who will clean mess after killing her, or shall I find the way to get her out of the ship?"

"Of course no. I wanna take her in." Kylo said camly.

Armitage choked with his coffe. He wiped his mouth and looked at Kylo with disbelief. "What are you saying? So now we are taking every stray person that will get here? What if she is a spy? She should die."

"Are you questioning my orders, Hux?! She is staying here! And it's not under any question! It's an Order!" Kylo yelled angrily narrowing his brows.

Hux shuddered and nodded, thinking about you. Apparently your weird 'talent' started to show up again. He nodded his head. "Yes sir... I understand."

"Very well. You will be the one that have to take care of her." Kylo declared before walking away.

When Ren was gone, Hux let out a loud growl and smashed his cup against the wall.

Comfy bed. What an amazing feeling to lay your head down on a pillow.

You were back in your chamber, half conscious after last event in Ren's chember.

He sent you back with an assist of two paramedics.

Now, you were only dreaming of rest, however it was impossible. You heard that husky voice on the corridor, it was no one else but your brother.

"Wake up, you little scum!" Hux yelled at you as he entered the room. "Are you proud of yourslef?! Is it really your life goal to put shame on our family with your stupid abilities?!" He took one of pillows and threw it on you.

"Stop it!" You sat on the bed rubbing your temples. "It's not my fault! He touched me and... It happened! I didn't plan to!" You screamed.

"I don't care! You should control it by now! That's why we sent you to Academy. So you will forgot about them." He walked to you closer and took your face into his cold hands. "Why can't you be normal, sister? Just like you were when we were younger? Why can't you just forget about this and start live like a normal person? Like your only brother..." He asked looking into your eyes.

"You wanna know why? Because I am not Armitage Hux. I am Y/N Hux. And my abilities are so special that you don't understand them. Admit it, you're scared of my force."

He rolled his eyes. "Oh please, Y/N. One thing that I am scared of is that my only sister will get herself killed by joining wrong place, but who cares that Armitage is worried. No one! Because all you see is your fake thoughts that I am the bad one here! I am worried about YOU... MY little sister." He said and sighed deeply, Hux slowly sat down on your bed and rubbed his chin.

You fell down on pillows. "I know. But look. I don't know what to do with all this. It's scaring me. I can't recognize myself anymore. In the Academy they told me my force is too strong to be subjugated..." You let your eyes closed. "Now we can do nothing. Master Ren wants me to stay here. I don't know what is he planning."

"He is not your master... That's firstly. Second, I don't know, too. He only ordered me to take care of you." Hux sighed sadly and looked at you. "Come here... Hug from older brother?"

You looked him in the eye. U willingly, you sat back again and hugged to him. "I am tired. Can I sleep now?" You asked being nestled to his chest.

Hux hugged you and gently stroked your hair. "Yes. Sure you can, little one. In case if something will happen, I am in my room." He kissed your forehead before he left.


Pandies🐼: @blue-dragon-ice @calkingwood @imidarogerson @grossograsso @thewildgardensstuff @irai-lauri @leven-and-ashley @la-verdura @bearded-steve-rogers @sebbystan-plantlover @atuckyismylife @krispyjellyfishzombie @personality-within @haseki-huricihan @choppedgardenwhispers @vroobelek @lattimelka @chris-beamz @hidden-secrets69 @side-blog-of-me @purepearls @i-am-margerita @volcanoxxx @kastrup-sofie  @mikkal-akasaki  @withoutashadowofhope  @radbluebirdeagle @marvel-fan-site  @smutloversblog  @buquete  @super-psycho-love69 @tanglesss @peter-sommer @baysidewest @vegemania @philip-stan @chodiusmmm @subwaystunnel @tykorclint @dagger-dragger @kurant @nothing-can-least-forever @oxfordkipem @deliciousbouquet90  @tuptuptup @hellenna80  @karina-marina9 @latimeriaaa  @bratko @wurld89  @scott-evans @kiss-me-rouge @ovonel-espaniol @dancing-tacco @ratugadhi @white-tiger-shangrila @peter-sommer @axn69  @eternal-life-awaits @mrs-laura-harmon @artsy-inside @gleeeeees @darkllaama @jatut @agawux @fuzzy-tigrrr @jrjohnsson2 @cassandbeast @maaargoshaaa @dontgetmewrongman @einexx @totorosbooty @whatever-thingswillgetbetta @humifiler @anini71

Tags :
7 years ago

Hidden treasure || Part II


Part I

Hidden Treasure || Part II

Words: 1663

Warnings: language, cursing, violence against the reader.

SUMMARY: You are General Hux sister. After another failure, you’ve been sent back to Hux. He’s pretty annoyed by the fact he has to take care of you. No one but Hux knows, that you have some special abilities. One day you accidentally meet commander Kylo Ren. Will this meeting change everything?

Author: Cass & Rouge


Kylo was sitting in his chair thinking about you. If your abilities were that strong it was such a shame that you were waisting them.

If you would agree, he would gladly took you in. You really impressed him by this accident.

Kylo spent few more hours thinking about your case until he made a permanent decision.

You woke up in the middle of night covered in cold sweat. You were gasping shivering all over your body. Not knowing what to do with yourself you went to your bathroom to wash your face. As you did, you got dressed and then left your chamber. You knew you won't be able to fall asleep again, so you thought you will lurk along the ship checking everything.

He sensed you easily. Your force was strong in you. He got up from his seat, he left his chamber. Kylo saw you on one of corridors few moments later.

He walked to you quietly, so you didn't notice his presence.

"Aren't you scared to walk like this here? Alone?" brunette asked standing few steps from you.

You almost jumped hearing his voice. You turned to face Kylo.

"I am not afraid." Your voice was firm. You pulled your jacket more on your shoulders.

He shook his head smiling a bit. "But you are still scared like a little cat. Please, come with me." Kylo said offering his arm to you.

You hesitated but finally you took his arm and followed him.

"You have a power in you. Raw. How did you learn to control this?" You asked softly

"Years of hard training." He said simply. "And you? How it's possible that you have such a strong power? How is it possible that I have never met you before?"

You stopped.


You didn't know what to say. You didn't want to admit Hux was your brother. Firstly, because he would kill you. Second, you haven't ever felt like a part of Hux family.

"Since I was a child I was manifesting some special powers.. I couldn't control it."

You looked at him only to lower head shortly after.

Kylo listened to you carefully. "Than why you didn't try to tame it? It's so strong... So unbridled that it's a shame that I didn't get you into my hands earlier... I want to teach you, I want you to grow strong under my wings." He said proudly.

You smirked sadly. "They tried to tame it. It didn't work. I don't think it's gonna work."

You walked to the wall and leant your forearm against it.

"I won't try to tame it. I will teach you how to keep it under your control and I will show you, how strong you can get. Trust me. I will show you how perfect your ability is." Kylo said and looked at you with his cold gaze. "I want to give you a chance to be someone, to be by my side as my apprentice."

Thoughts were running in your mind, all at once.

After few moments you gave a nod.

"Yes.. Whatever you say, Master."

Your heart stopped in the second you spotted how Armitage came out of next corridor.

"Good... My precious apprentice." Kylo mumbled and put hand to your cheek. "You will be wonderful, my dear."

Kylo looked over his shoulder in the direction you were staring. "Hux, don't you have anything else to do? What do you want?"

Armitage looked at you and Kylo in shock, he cleared his throat. "I... I wanted to talk with this girl."

Slightly shake of your head had to give Armitage a negative signal. "Don't." You tried to connect with Armitage through mind bond, but you failed. You good knew what he was going to do now. "Don't you see I'm talking with commander Ren at the moment?" Instinctively, you took a little step backwards as you spoke loudly.

"Only thing that I see is a little fucking brat that tries to join wrong place. I wanna talk with MY sister!" Hux growled loudly.

Kylo blinked and looked at you with confused gaze. "With sister? You are Hux's sister?!"

Escape. Now. As soon as this thought went through your mind, you turned around, you started to run wanting to be as far from them as possible.

"Stop!" Kylo raised his hand using force to stop you from running away.

"Thank you, Kylo..." Hux said slowly approaching Ren. "Let me take care of this scum." Armitage walked to you and grabbed your arm tightly, then Kylo let you out of his force reach. "You are going with me now!" Hux growled and forced you to follow him.

You looked over your shoulder at Kylo. With pale lips you only managed to mumble "I'm sorry."

Kylo watched both of you, frowning.

You were jerking strongly trying to free your arm from Hux's grasp.

"Let go! Let go!"

"SHUT THE FUCK UP!" Hux yelled and threw you into your chamber. When you were laying on the floor, Hux kicked you right into the stomach. "I have. Enough. Of. Your. Idiotic. Dreams. Bitch."

One by one, words were leaving his mouth. Kick, and then another word, kick then and another word, and like this for few minutes.

"You will never join the First Order. You are nothing. You are nothing than the disappointment for our family! Even parents couldn't look at you, that's why they've sent you away!" Hux growled as he pulled you up only to hit you in the face.

You barely could keep your eyes open. With swollen lips you whispered: "One day you'll be the one to beg me for a mercy, and I'll show it to you by wiping you out with all available cruelty I'll be disposing."

As he was holding you strongly by your throat, you snapped your fingers. In the same moment the knife that was on your nightstand floated to you immediately. You grabbed the hilt and with an agile movement you put it to Hux's throat. "You can take everything I have, or you can brake everything I am like I am made of glass, but you'll never own me."

Hux grabbed the knife and threw it away. "Listen to me, scum. I won't break you, I will kill you. I can't believe I have you as my sister!" He yelled before next few punches.

Hux threw you on the floor finally. "I don't have a sister anymore. Father was right... Instead of sending you away he should kill you like he was planning to." With these words, Hux left you alone.

It was like forever to you before you managed to crawl out of your chamber. Two stormtroopers have found you on the floor in puddle of blood. They had the order to bring you straight to Snoke's throne room.

"Where is she?" Kylo asked joining Hux.

"She is... Fine. She is in her room." Hux muttered hiding fists in his pockets.

Kylo only nodded. "Good. Everything's ready, general?"

"Yes. Invasion is ready, stormtroopers are ready. We only wait at you." Hux explained and looked at Kylo. "Can we start?"

"Yes, I am ready too." He said. "What do we know about them?"

"Rebellion base. A single one on that little planet ahead." Hux pointed on the nearest window. In front of the ship there was a planet nearby.

Hux crossed arms behind his back. "We will crush them. I took care of your ship, it's ready to use."

Kylo gave him a look. "Good."

Water. It tasted amazing. Someone was holding back of your head helping you to quench your thirst.

You rolled eyes as the wave of pain hit your head.

"Young Y/N."

Strong voice said firmly. Shorty after came sonorous laughter.

You opened your eyes wider.

Snoke. You haven't seen him before, but you knew it was him.

Snoke beared much resemblance to a human being with fairly pinkish skin and bright blue eyes. He had age spots and a large wound on his left cheek. He was dressed in a golden robe.

"Supreme Leader Snoke..." You mumbled quietly.

His eyes were still on you as he raised his palm to call one of his praetorians. "Bring Ren to me. Now."

Kylo looked surprised when he heard that Snoke had wanted to see him. He sighed heavily and went to meet with his master, he wasn't really happy thinking about this meeting.

Kylo entered the room. "You wanted to see me, Master?" Brunette asked, taking a knee and looking at Snoke.

"Some rumors came to my ears. That mighty Kylo Ren isn't able to tame a single forlorn girl."

Snoke's eyes was drilling Kylo's figure like he would have wanted to reach straight into Ren's soul.

"My young apprentice," Supreme Leader started, "You've been chosen. I want you to take care of our young Y/N. You'll train her, as well as our other recruits. And you'll make sure she has everything she needs in a reach of her hand. She's truly special, endowed with an extraordinary power. We have to reforge it into our secret weapon."

Brunette flinched a little bit. "Of course that I can tame a single forlorn girl... It's not my fault that she is Hux's sister." Kylo tried to explain himself. He nodded his head looking down. "Yes, Master. I will do everything that I can to take good care of her."

"It only helps that she's his sister. You need to fan her rage towards him. It has to spread. She's the spark of conflagration that will burn the Resistance. Along with you, young Solo."

Snoke rose from his throne, and walked to Kylo. He stopped in front of him leaning down.

"I hope I am not mistaken entrusting you with this task. If you'll let me down, I'll make sure to show you what real suffer means."

Snoke turned with his back to Kylo.

"Now go. Destroy that rebels base. You know what to do later."


Pandies🐼: @blue-dragon-ice @calkingwood @imidarogerson @grossograsso @thewildgardensstuff @irai-lauri @leven-and-ashley @la-verdura @bearded-steve-rogers @sebbystan-plantlover @atuckyismylife @krispyjellyfishzombie @personality-within @haseki-huricihan @choppedgardenwhispers @vroobelek @lattimelka @chris-beamz @hidden-secrets69 @side-blog-of-me @purepearls @i-am-margerita @volcanoxxx @kastrup-sofie  @mikkal-akasaki  @withoutashadowofhope  @radbluebirdeagle @marvel-fan-site  @smutloversblog  @buquete  @super-psycho-love69 @tanglesss @peter-sommer @baysidewest @vegemania @philip-stan @chodiusmmm @subwaystunnel @tykorclint @dagger-dragger @kurant @nothing-can-least-forever @oxfordkipem @deliciousbouquet90  @tuptuptup @hellenna80  @karina-marina9 @latimeriaaa  @bratko @wurld89  @scott-evans @kiss-me-rouge @ovonel-espaniol @dancing-tacco @ratugadhi @white-tiger-shangrila @peter-sommer @axn69  @eternal-life-awaits @mrs-laura-harmon @artsy-inside @gleeeeees @darkllaama @jatut @agawux @fuzzy-tigrrr @jrjohnsson2 @cassandbeast @maaargoshaaa @dontgetmewrongman @einexx @totorosbooty @whatever-thingswillgetbetta @humifiler @jade-cheshire3303

Tags :
7 years ago

Hidden treasure || Part III


Part I || Part II

Hidden Treasure || Part III

Words: 1536

Warnings: language, cursing, violence against the reader.

SUMMARY: You are General Hux sister. After another failure, you’ve been sent back to Hux. He’s pretty annoyed by the fact he has to take care of you. No one but Hux knows, that you have some special abilities. One day you accidentally meet commander Kylo Ren. Will this meeting change everything?

Author: Cass & Rouge


Few weeks have passed so quickly.

Black, matte uniform. Heavy military boots. The hair pinned up in a ponytail. A determined step and a raised head.

You've developed over the last weeks becoming more confident. You got rid of the fright.

You entered canteen, the chamber was already full of stormtroopers. It wasn't something unusual at the breakfast time.

You felt their glances on you, you felt like their eyes were gliding over your body. Most of them wanted to fuck you, pathetic scums. If they would know you could sense their minds... You only smirked a bit as you took your place. You put mug with coffee in front of you. It was when with a corner of your eye you noticed like he entered. Your brother, general Hux.

He was avoiding you since he had beaten you almost to death. You sensed his fear.

Hux ignored you and went to join his best people.

You could feel like a pair of strong hands were placed on your shoulders. It was Kylo.

"How do you feel today, my dear Y/N?" Kylo asked before sitting next to you. "He is here." Ren said and looked at you taking a sip of his coffee.

Slight shrug was enough as an answer. "Yea. Treating me like an air. But it's better now." You turned head to face Kylo. "I'm good." You raised mouth corners in a slight smile. "What about you?" Your hand has been placed on his palm. "I've heard there was a problem with one of students yesterday."

Kylo smiled at you softly. "I heard about this... But I don't care to be honest. I was more worried about your safety and nothing else mattered." He admitted coldly.

Brunette leant closer to you. "Remember when he had beaten you up... Almost killing you? You let him just walk around here like nothing ever happened? I heard how he is telling everyone that you are just a slut." Kylo whispered into your ear.

With parted lips you gave Ren a brief look ending your coffee.

"Now you're not better than he is." You turned head around biting your lips.

You looked at Hux. He seemed to be happy enjoying his life.

"He's gonna pay me. But it's not today."

You got up improving your jacket.

"I gotta go back to my duties."

You left the canteen quickly not looking around.

Kylo caught you at the corridor and wrapped arm around your waist, then pulled you closer pressing you to his chest.

"Listen... I am your master. I am not saying that you have to kill him. You should show him who is the weak one here. I good know you want it, Y/N..." He purred deeply into your ear. "I read your mind... I know you want to do this, so do it! Make your master proud... Free your rage, Y/N."

Your chin was trembling at the moment. You turned head around to not look him in the eye.

Kylo was right. You let Hux prevail, it only made him stronger.

Ren's voice was so stronge, so deep.

"I'll do this, Kylo."

Kylo smiled and stroked your cheek. "Good girl, go then."

During this few weeks Kylo learned how to manipulate you. He knew that you had feelings for him, so he was using them to make you do what he said.

Hux was still in canteen, chatting with few people.

You approached him, arms crossed behind your back.

"General Hux," you smirked at him, "why you are waisting your precious time? Shouldn't you've been at the bridge now? Looking for our enemies?"

"Shouldn't you be in Kylo's chamber sucking on his dick." Hux muttered not even looking at you. Few of his people laughed at his comment.

"I good know when and where I should be. You aren't the one that give me orders here, miss Y/N Hux," after these words he looked at you.

Kylo entered canteen, he watched you and your actions.

Your eyes turned black as rage hit you with its force. You only tilted your head, it was enough for your force to take over control.

Hux started to choke.

"Don't. You. Dare. To. Talk. To. Me Like. This. Anymore. You. Fucking. Sod."

Each of words was snapped angrily through clenched teeth. You moved hand a bit, and Hux slowly floated up. With another tilt of your head, the force tossed reddish man on the nearest wall.

Kylo watched you proudly clapping his hands. "Bravo, Y/N. You has shown him who is the boss here. Now... Come to me." He said with a smile reaching hand towards you.

Hux growled loudly getting up from floor. "How could I ever care of you..." He muttered to himself.

As you were walking to Kylo, you turned head to your brother.

"Did you say something?" You growled again force choking on him for a second. "No? I'm glad. You all, go back to your fucking duties, scums!" You yelled at rest of soldiers.

Standing next to Ren you glared at him. "Are you proud now?" You snapped before passing him away.

Kylo watched you proudly but there was also something else... He was using your feelings but He felt bad about this... He also felt bad thinking how much you've changed during this few weeks.

He didn't know why, but he liked the shy girl you used to be, and he also didn't know why he just has wanted to hug you and never let go.

"Let's go, Y/N. We have training." Kylo declared firmly.

"I wanna stay alone." You gave him simple look above your shoulder. "Start without me, I bet rest of the group is already on place waiting for you."

You headed back to your chamber, where you laid down on the bed looking up at the ceiling.

Shame was loud in your soul as you were thinking about your older brother. Extreme feelings were mingling with each other leading you from fear to kind of an rejoicing. Yes. You hated Armitage, but on the other hand he was only part of your family. He was part of you, and nothing could change it.

Kylo sighed watching you, he really wanted to leave you alone just like you had asked, but something pushed him to follow you.

After few minutes Kylo entered you chamber without knocking. "Y/N... I feel that something's wrong with you." Man said and sat on your bed.

"Just leave me alone, please?" You muttered covering your head with pillow. "Go away. I am not in a mood. I don't wanna talk. Just leave me."

Loud sigh left your lips as you pulled knees closer to chest rolling yourself in a ball.

"I can't leave you like this... I should take care of you." Kylo said softly and touched your arm. "Come on, Y/N... What's wrong?" He asked, stroking your arm.

"I've said, leave me alone!" Your voice was husky when you screamed. Your bed trembled few times, and lights flickered.

Kylo grabbed you by your hair and pulled you down. "Never again! Never rise your voice on me, do you understand?!" Kylo growled deeply. "I am your master and you have to listen to me and respect me! You belong to me and you good know this!" He yelled, looking you right in the eye.

Feeling like a little animal in a trap, you reacted instinctively. You aimed strong blow into Kylo's face slapping him in the cheek.

"You don't own me, Ren!"

Kylo grabbed your throat and squeezed it firmly with smile on his face. "First Order owns you... and I own you as your master. I am stronger than you... so better behave." He growled against your ear.

"Or what?" You struggled hardly. "What? You'll treat me like my brother did, huh? I am curious what Snoke would say about this." You growled turning head aside.

"Snoke would tell you the same thing, that we own you and you should show me some respect, and that you should listen to me as your master!" Kylo yelled, releasing your throat from his grip.

Barely breathing, you took few deeper breaths. "Of course, MASTER." You snapped through clenched teeth. "If this is all I think you should leave."

Kylo grabbed your arm tightly and pulled you up. "You are going with me, it's your training time now and I don't care how do you feel." He said and dragged you out of the room.

You jerked strongly few times. "I am not in a mood for training." Seeing that your actions weren't helping at all, you stopped in the middle of the corridor.

Kylo rolled his eyes and simply grabbed you by your waist, he picked you up throwing you over his shoulder and walked toward the training room.

When you both got inside, Kylo threw you on the floor and shook his head. "You should be happy I am not the one that trains you today. Because I would break you in half." He growled and walked away.

As annoyed as you were, you focused on training, even when you didn't want to cooperate at all. Kylo started to annoy you with all that 'superiority' of his.


Pandies🐼: @blue-dragon-ice @calkingwood @imidarogerson @grossograsso @thewildgardensstuff @irai-lauri @leven-and-ashley @la-verdura @bearded-steve-rogers @sebbystan-plantlover @atuckyismylife @krispyjellyfishzombie @personality-within @haseki-huricihan @choppedgardenwhispers @vroobelek @lattimelka @chris-beamz @hidden-secrets69 @side-blog-of-me @purepearls @i-am-margerita @volcanoxxx @kastrup-sofie  @mikkal-akasaki  @withoutashadowofhope  @radbluebirdeagle @marvel-fan-site  @smutloversblog  @buquete  @super-psycho-love69 @tanglesss @peter-sommer @baysidewest @vegemania @philip-stan @chodiusmmm @subwaystunnel @tykorclint @dagger-dragger @kurant @nothing-can-least-forever @oxfordkipem @deliciousbouquet90  @tuptuptup @hellenna80  @karina-marina9 @latimeriaaa  @bratko @wurld89  @scott-evans @kiss-me-rouge @ovonel-espaniol @dancing-tacco @ratugadhi @white-tiger-shangrila @peter-sommer @axn69  @eternal-life-awaits @mrs-laura-harmon @artsy-inside @gleeeeees @darkllaama @jatut @agawux @fuzzy-tigrrr @jrjohnsson2 @cassandbeast @maaargoshaaa @dontgetmewrongman @einexx @totorosbooty @whatever-thingswillgetbetta @humifiler @jade-cheshire3303

Tags :
7 years ago

Hidden treasure || Part IV


Part I || Part II || Part III

Hidden Treasure || Part IV

Words: 4012

Warnings: language, cursing, violence against the reader. smut.

SUMMARY: You are General Hux sister. After another failure, you’ve been sent back to Hux. He’s pretty annoyed by the fact he has to take care of you. No one but Hux knows, that you have some special abilities. One day you accidentally meet commander Kylo Ren. Will this meeting change everything?

Author: Cass & Rouge


Days were passing so quickly. Most of time you were spending on the training room practicing your skills.

Kylo wasn't up to having a conversations with you, so finally you let go.

What was making you suspicious was your brother behavior. His mood swings began to be unbearable. Once he could be nice to you only to slander you in front of troops moment later. So when he asked you to join him on the mission, you came to this idea with dose of restraint.

"You finally decided to show up." Hux said proudly looking at you with a soft frown. "Get on the ship, I'm not gonna wait any longer." He muttered and pushed you gently inside. "Maybe for once in your entire life you will be useful." He said before looking at his troops. "Remember! Kill everyone that isn't cooperating."

You threw a gaze onto a hangar.

The ship was huge. A lot of troops were at the briefing.

Politely, you followed General trying not to ask too many useless questions. Last thing you needed was another argument with him.

"Why you decided to take me with you?" You asked taking a seat on leather chair near the bridge.

"Well, I heard you wanted to go on a mission to train and get stronger. So here is your chance." Armitage shrugged sitting in his own chair. "You are my sister. I shouldn't stop you from developing." Hux explained not even looking at you.

You tilted head with eyes wide open. "From developing? Oh. I see. So now you try to help me with my development instead of fighting with me and shaming me in front of your people? How cute of you!" Crossing legs you looked at the people working with radar. "I don't buy it at all. But let it be."

"Shut up, you little scum. You should be thankful that I let you take a part in one of MY missions!" Reddish man growled loudly. Crossing legs he shook his head. "I even can't believe myself that I agreed on this."

Hux was planning something more than just an ordinary mission. One little mistake would give him a reason to kill you or at least to punish you. One thought about beating you up again made him feel unhealthy satisfied.

"Thank you, general." You shrugged and decided to not step into an argument any further.

Instead, you got up and walked to people from navigation section. You talked with them politely, avoiding your brother's glances as much as you could.

After the landing Hux ordered you to stay by his side while others went to do their job. You two were standing outside the ship.

Few minutes later two troopers brought a young woman. She was crying and whimpering. "You will not get away with it. Resistance will get you all! And you all will fall!"

Hux smiled and looked at you. "Go on, sister. Show her who you are." He whispered into your ear.

You stiffened as you turned head to look him in the eye. "Are you kidding me?" You whispered quietly. "I ain't gonna do this."

You looked at the young woman in front of you. Pain was painted on her face as she was trembling all over her skinny body.

You swallowed and took step ahead. "What are you hiding?" You asked her firmly. "If you'll tell us where's their hideout, we'll let you free..." With each word you sounded more and more unconvincingly.

"NO! I will never tell you anything! Never!" Woman yelled.

"Kill her. NOW!" Hux growled into your ear. "And better do this quickly."

Woman looked at you. "If First Order owns soldiers like you than you have no chance against us." Woman mumbled between sobs.

You reached to your pocket pulling out a handy knife. Turning it few times in hand, you were measuring woman with cold glance. Finally, you put the blade to her throat. You were about to cut it open but...

"I can't." The firm statement left your pale lips. "I won't do this."

"Kill her." Hux ordered his soldiers before grabbing you by your nape and pulling you back inside the ship. Troopers killed woman without any hesitation.

Hux pushed you against the wall and grabbed your neck. "Who the hell you think you are?! You have to listen to MY ORDERS!" He yelled and then threw you on the floor. "I am the general here and you have to listen to my every single word!" Hux growled and then he put one of his feet onto your chest.

You brother looked at you with a sadistic smile and started to press on your chest strongly. "We will see how much you can handle. It will be such a shame when Kylo will find out that you died on a mission."

You struggled. Barely breathing you tried to jerk out of your position.

Not being sure about what to do, you mumbled. "Armitage, enough.." You grabbed his feet trying to push it off of your chest. His weight was pinning you down to the groud and you started feel dizzy.

With last ounce of strength that left in you, you focused so deeply. Invisible force smacked Hux in the stomach throwing him on the nearest wall.

You rolled on your knees kneeling like this for a while as you struggled to catch a breath. Turning head over your shoulder, you looked at your brother. You reached hand into his direction and focused again trying to use force to choke him. But nothing happened.

Armitage got up from the floor and laughed. "Not so brave anymore, huh sister?" Hux walked to you and grabbed your throat right before punching you in the face. "You aren't so strong anymore, Y/N. Maybe you just lost 'talent' because you let Ren to fuck you, huh? Maybe now you will be just a pathetic, ordinary human again!?" He asked before hitting on your stomach few times and slapping your face.

You aimed a blow into his face. The force was enough to send him on the ground. You rolled into a ball pressing hands to your stomach. Your lips were cracked. Slowly, you got onto your knees supporting your weight on hands. You raised head looking at your brother. With a corner of eye you saw few troops entering the chamber.

"You'll naver brake me. Never." You growled.

"What you are looking at?!" Hux growled at troops. "GET THE FUCK OUT TO YOUR FUCKING JOB!" He yelled right before grabbing your handful of your hair and smashing your head against the metal wall. "We will see what you'll say now, dear sister." Reddish man smiled before smashing your head against the wall few more times, each time doing it harder.

First hit made you feel dizzy. Second made your whole body tremble. Third caused a huge wave of pain spreading all over your flesh, to each nerve.

You stopped counting after three times. The knowing of your situation was enough for you to lost conscious but you kept your eyes open as long as you could.

When Hux stopped and kicked you with his heavy combat boot on the stomach once again, you fell on the ground being alomst unable to move and breathe. You turned head aside leaning cheek against cold floor. You coughed deeply; a huge blood clot cropped out within your lips. The wounds on head were bleeding hardly. Your sight got blurry. "Kylo..." You managed to whisper before you drifted into darkness.

He roused suddenly, his body covered in cold sweat and all muscles tensed.

Gasping deeply man blinked few times adjusting his eyes to darkness in the room.

He could swear he heard whining. Female whining.

Heart was beating strongly inside of his chest, blood pressure was rumbling in his ears.

A sudden thought ran across his mind. "Y/N!"

Hux smiled. 

"He isn't here. He won't help you this time." He said and took knife from your pocket into his hand. "Now... let's think where to stab you... so it will look like an attack on you.... Or let's do this in another way."

Hux slowly pulled up the shirt of your uniform revealing your belly. He started to slowly cut your stomach. He made sure that wounds weren't too deep, so you wouldn't bleed out.

This action gave him a pleasant feeling. His sadistic mind was calm now, he could feel like he was calming down. With every new cut and every blood drop appearing on your skin, Hux was feeling something in between trance and rapture.

After everything, he got up and grabbed you by your hair. Reddish man slowly drugged you out of main chamber.

Kylo's ship has been prepared in several minutes.

Ren took his best people with him, strictly ordering them that after landing they have to find general Hux and lead him straight to Kylo.

The travel at the planet wasn't too long since it was located not far away from radar's view.

"I want him alive." Kylo's voice was firm as he spoke. "No matter how, you'll find that scum and bring him to my ship."

Hux slowly walked out of the ship and blinked at what he saw. "Kylo Ren's people? What are you doing here? The mission is going well. We don't need your intervention. My people control the situation." He snapped deeply annoyed.

The last thing he needed now was dealing with Kylo and his pathetic people. He had enough of nerves because of your presence. "What do you want?!" He growled.

Kylo pushed himself through his people and with subtle tilt of head pointed at Hux's ship. "Rummage this piece of junk." Brunette order through clenched teeth. "And you will come with me, Hux."

"Piece of junk?! How dare you, Ren?! What do you want this time? I really don't have patience to deal with your moods." Armitage said with the frown and slowly followed other man.

Hux wasn't scared. Y/N was his sister and she belonged to him as much as she now belonged to the First Order. He didn't feel guilt or fear.

As they stayed alone on Kylo's ship, corvine haired man immediately used force to choke ginger man. "Where is Y/N?" He snarled in deep voice of his. "What have you done to her, prick?"

Hux gasped and grinned his teeth trying to somehow free himself. "Y/N.... She got.. She got what she deserved. She is just a freak! B.... Black ship of my family! She should be DEAD!" He growled struggling to take a deep breath.

Kylo tightened grasp on Hux's neck. "As soon as we come back on Supreme Leader Snoke's ship I'll report him what you've done. You can be sure he will kill you with all possible ferocity. And better prey. Because if he will decide to give yoi back into my hands, death will be the only prize you'll be able to get."

Praetorians were ready to attack within a second if needed, when Hux has been brought to the throne room.

Snoke was sitting on his throne, his chin leant over palm clenched into fist.

"General Hux." His voice raised, echoed from walls.

Hux looked at Snoke with a cold gaze. "Why am I here? I didn't do anything bad, so can I just go back to my duties? Because I don't see any reason for this... meeting." He muttered keeping his hands behind his back, looking around without particular need.

Snoke moved his finger, with this sending Hux straight onto the ground.

"How dared you to attack Y/N? Don't you realize how powerful is she? We need her alive, and you have almost killed her!"

Reddish man growled loudly and got up slowly from the floor. "I don't care! No one needs her here. We already have Ren, I don't feel a need to deal with her, too. She is a part of MY family and it should be my decision what will happen to her." Hux said improving his coat. "She is a mistake and no matter what I will eliminate this disgrace." He said without hesitation.

"How dare you oppose to my commands, general!?" Snoke slowly rose from his throne taking few steps into Hux's direction. "It'll be like I say. She's too precious to be killed."

Supreme Leader walked to Hux standing in front of him. "If you'll dare to object to my words, you'll be slain."

Hux frowned. "She is my sister. I will decide about her life. I don't care how powerful she is. She doesn't belong here, her powers are nothing!" He yelled. "She won't change anything here."

Snoke snapped his fingers at the same time force-choking ginger general. "Your life lies in my hands. I can sense how afraid you're of Y/N's abilities."

Snoke looked at two praetorian guardians on his left. "Take general Hux to the cargo chamber and show him his place in all this."

Supreme Leader walked back to his throne taking a sit after.

Kylo carried you carefully through the corridor. He held you close to his chest. Brunette took you to his chamber.

When Kylo got there he gently put you on his bed. He sat next to you and looked at your injuries. "How could he even touch you... you are safe now." Kylo muttered taking off his gloves, then he started to take care of your wounds.

When you opened your eyes, you got illuminated by lights. Frowning and covering your eyes with palm, you tried to sit but the burning pain inundated your entire body. Having no other choice, you put head back onto pillow.

Looking at the side, you noticed a familiar figure towering near the bed.

"Ren.." You mumbled with pale lips.

He looked at you with a small smile. "Hush now, you are safe. I will take care of you." Kylo whispered and gently touched your cheek.

"I am almost done." Kylo said, wrapping bandages around your stomach, then he kissed your forehead fondly.

You closed eyes enjoying his rough lips on your skin.

"What happened?" It was an ask which had to be set. "Why am I in your chamber and not mine?"

"Hux happened but don't worry. He has a meeting with Supreme Leader right now. He will punish him for what he had done to you..." Kylo said as he finished with bandages. "I am happy you are alive, Y/N and.... I took you here to take care of your injuries."

You nodded slightly not being sure what to say. "I was afrid. I tried to use forcenbut I failed."

"No one is perfect. You are still learning... The most important thing that you are here... with me... and you are safe." Without thinking Kylo gently pulled you into a hug.

You hissed loudly since every part of your body was covered in bruises and wounds.

"What now?" You whispered.

"I don't know... I don't care. I just want to have you as close as possible." Kylo sighed and kissed your neck gently. His hands traveled down your body only to be wrapped tight around your waist, he pulled you even closer. "I can't lose you, I don't want to lose you... Never." Brunette muttered against your lips before crushing his own on yours.

You didn't give kiss back, instead you put hand to his chest gently pushing Kylo back. "Are you insane?" You whispered quietly. "That's inappropriate." You looked him straight in the eye.

"Inappropriate is the fact that you even had joined the First Order. You should be away from all of this... Be protected," he whispered slowly slipping hand into your hair.

"Stay with me. Only with me. I will make you my queen and I will protect your honor and life with my own." Kylo looked deep into your eyes. "We will rule the Galaxy. Together."

You blinked few times not being sure what have you just heard.

You however couldn't lie to yourself. He was much in your type. Handsome and tall, mighty and mysterious. It's been a longer while since you were sharing bed with someone, your body already gave you a signs that it liked the situation; your heart pounded harder in your chest, your pupils got wider aa you were looking at him.

"My brother will kill me. If not, Snoke will do it. I am nothing."

Kylo moved his hand under your shirt only to touch bare skin at your back. "Stop it. You aren't nothing. You are everything to me. You are strong, dangerous, yet so fragile and sensitive. I won't let anyone ever hurt you. I will make you stronger."

Kylo held his breath, pulling your shirt up. He kissed your lips gently, then moved down to your chin and neck placing kisses on every inch of your skin. He gently pushed you back down on the mattress and continued his way down, till he reached bandages on your stomach.

Brunett kissed them gently and moved to your pants than he looked up at you, asking for your permission voicelessly.

You looked down at him, you were shivering already. After a second you gave a slight nod.

"Kylo." You said firmy. "You shouldn't.. Beside, someone can get it. What then?"

Kylo grabbed the waistband of your pants and pulled them down along with your panties. "I don't care. You are mine. And everyone will know about this." Brunett muttered and placed your legs on his shoulders.

He took it slow, playing with your sensitive areas. His hot tongue was moving up and down your pussy as he was sucking on your clit from time to time.

It didn't take long before two of his long fingers have been slipped inside of you, Kylo smiled at the feeling of your tight pussy.

He looked up at you while his fingers started to move in and out.

You rolled your head back on the pillow moaning loudly.

He was very skilled, that was sure.

You rested your weight on one elbow slipping second hand into his hair.

"Fuck..." You were looking like he was eating you out with half opened mouth. Gasping and moaning for him.

As his fingers slipped in, you bit lower lip and slowly rolled your hips to gain more friction.

"Don't stop.. Don't you dare to stop, Ren.." You voice was husky as you pulled on his hair a bit.

Brunette growled loudly as you pulled on his hair. As an answer to your actions, he only picked his pace up and wrapped his lips around your clit.

He sucked on your pussy hard, pushing his fingers as deep as he only could.

You could see how uncomfortable he got, his pants were already tight by themselves but they got even tighter on crotch because of his yet hard cock.

Suddenly Kylo pulled fingers out of you, and he rose up from the bed. He started to undress himself giving you a little show.

His cock was already rock hard when he freed it.

Kylo hovered over you and pinned you to bed. "What will you do now, Y/N?" He purred into your ear.

You leant up to kiss his full lips. "I'd like to play with this thick cock, Ren."

You moved your leg beneath him, so your knee stroked over his length.

"Mmmm.." You purred smiling wryly a bit. "Someone got pretty hard here.."

You slipped hand between two of you to briefly rub on his tip.

"You haven't had anyone since a while, huh?" You asked kissing his earlobe.

Kylo was letting out a loud long groans at your every touch. His head dropped onto your shoulder as he started to nibble on it. "Just like you, little one. You are so tight, sensitive."

He grabbed your hand and pinned it back to mattress over your head.

Kylo kissed your lips harshly and pushed himself into you slowly, inch by inch, deepening the kiss with every second.

You sucked hardly on his lower lip stopping yourself from screaming as he filled you to the brim with his thickness.

You only raised your back a bit taking off your shirt and bra in a rush.

You wrapped arms around his neck and opened your legs wider for him.

"Oh Lord, yes... Yes, just like that, oh fuck..." You were whimpering quietly nuzzling to his chest.

Kylo wrapped arms tightly around you and held you close to his chest making long deep thrusts. He grabbed your hair and pulled them, so you turned head more to him. He kissed you again.

He needed this. The feeling of your body against his. He dreamed about this since he met you, no matter who you were.

Kylo moaned loudly against your lips and started to thrust harder, looking deeply into your eyes.

You slowly wrapped legs around his hips, at the same time deepening his thrusts.

You slipped hand between your connected bodies and rubbed over your clit.

"Your cock feels so fucking amazing in my pussy, Kylo." You whispered into his ear while scratching his back with free hand.

Your whole body was in pain, mostly because od what your brother had done against you. But now, the pain was almost gone. Instead, a heat and waves of pleasure were inundating you over and over again.

"I want to feel this cock more. I need this rough. Make me yours, master." You begged him in the most sexy voice you could do.

Letting out a loud growl, Kylo picked up his pace. Now he was fucking you in an unbearable pace, slipping as deep, hard and fast as he only could.

His forehead was soaked by sweat when he started to let out soft gasps.

"You are so tight, Y/N... Your master gonna cum soon, you will be mine and only mine." Kylo muttered and suddenly bit your neck hardly, leaving a bloody mark. "Now... Everyone will know about this."

"Yes, yes!" You were groaning loudly in his arms, kissing his jawline.

Your pussy was soaking wet as he pounded in you.

Looking him in the eye, you used your entire force to roll on top of him.

You briefly leant down to kiss his lips lovingly as you started to rock your hips back and forth.

"Oh, fuck! Fuck... So good, shit.." Your mouth were half opened when you were riding him hardly.

Kylo moaned loudly and smiled. "My naughty girl."

Brunette grabbed your hips hard enough to leave bruises on them. He rolled his hips to meet your movements.

"Yes... Yes, just like that, you little slut. You're gonna make your master so proud!"

It took only few longer moments for him to cum. Kylo pushed you hard down his cock and held you like this, completely filling your pussy up with his warm cum. He was watching your face whole the time.

You were nearing your peak but when you felt how he shot his load inside of your pulsating core, you couldn't stop yourself from cumming hardly around his thick length.

Your walls clenched tightly around his cock which was still buried deep in you, and the huge wave of extasy flooded you, washing every other feelings away.

Still having him inside, you laid down on his chest gasping for air.

"Oh Lord..." You were able to whimper quietly as your throat hurt from previous screams. "Kylo... Oh Lord.."

Kylo slowly pulled out of you and laid you next to him.

Kylo only smiled and hugged you gently nuzzling to your head.

"I know, my love. Rest now. You need this more than ever before. I will be here to protect you in your sleep." He whispered and kissed your forehead.

You nodded and were about to add something but his steady heartbeat and breaths made you relaxed enough, so you stayed silent.

You didn't realize when sleep overwhelmed you.

Last thing you remembered was a tingling feeling deep in your stomach and the sense of security like you have never had before.


Pandies🐼: @blue-dragon-ice @calkingwood @imidarogerson @grossograsso @thewildgardensstuff @irai-lauri @leven-and-ashley @la-verdura @bearded-steve-rogers @sebbystan-plantlover @atuckyismylife @krispyjellyfishzombie @personality-within @haseki-huricihan @choppedgardenwhispers @vroobelek @lattimelka @chris-beamz @hidden-secrets69 @side-blog-of-me @purepearls @i-am-margerita @volcanoxxx @kastrup-sofie  @mikkal-akasaki  @withoutashadowofhope  @radbluebirdeagle @marvel-fan-site  @smutloversblog  @buquete  @super-psycho-love69 @tanglesss @peter-sommer @baysidewest @vegemania @philip-stan @chodiusmmm @subwaystunnel @tykorclint @dagger-dragger @kurant @nothing-can-least-forever @oxfordkipem @deliciousbouquet90  @tuptuptup @hellenna80  @karina-marina9 @latimeriaaa  @bratko @wurld89  @scott-evans @kiss-me-rouge @ovonel-espaniol @dancing-tacco @ratugadhi @white-tiger-shangrila @peter-sommer @axn69  @eternal-life-awaits @mrs-laura-harmon @artsy-inside @gleeeeees @darkllaama @jatut @agawux @fuzzy-tigrrr @jrjohnsson2 @cassandbeast @maaargoshaaa @dontgetmewrongman @einexx @totorosbooty @whatever-thingswillgetbetta @humifiler @jade-cheshire3303

Tags :
7 years ago

Cat's intrigue || General Hux x Reader

Cat'sintrigue || General Hux X Reader

Words: 1112

Warnings: none

SUMMARY: You had enough of general Hux's grumpy face. You decided to prank him by hiding his precious cat. Was it a good idea?

Authors: Cass & General

Cat'sintrigue || General Hux X Reader

You picked Millicent up and sighed. "Don't you even try to scratch me. I will hide you in my room and later you will return to your daddy." 

You giggled quietly and left Hux's chamber, making sure that no one, especially Hux, won't see you. When you were sure that corridor is empty you went to your room.

Another rough day, exact same duties.

Rolling eyes, Hux were watching his subordinates. A pathetic people who were thinking that Galaxy's destiny was laying in their hands. Hah!

Hux finished his tea and slowly rose from his leather chair.

"I am off. If any problems will occure, you know where to find me." His voice was raspy.

Hux slowly left the bridge.

You put cat on a pillow in your room. "You have everything here, don't worry. You will return to daddy soon." You said and then left your chamber closing door behind you.

Letting out a loud sigh, you went to pay a visit to general Hux himself.

Hux entered his room and casually threw long heavy coat off of his shoulders.

He took a sit at his desk and opened one of the folders to go through documents.

"Millicent!" He called not taking his eyes off of the files.

Ginger man realized that something wasn't okay after few longer moments, when his kitten didn't respond.

You banged to his door.

"Oh, general?! Are you in there? I wanted to talk about something really important!" You said loudly waiting at his permission to enter.

Frowning, Hux rolled his eyes as he sighed rubbing on his temples.

"Come in."

His cold glance slipped over your form as you stepped in. "How can I help you this time, Y/N?" He asked. "Have you again had problems with coffee machine, huh?" His voice was as cold as his glance.

You blinked and looked at him rolling your eyes. "Maybe. Not my fault that it's always broken." You sighed deeply and frowned. "Are you okay, sir? You look... worried?" You said with fake shock in your voice.

Hux cocked his brow glaring at you.

"I am totally fine, just having a lot of things on my shoulders, so if your problem isn't urgent, be so kind and come back later."

Hux waves his hand at you.

"Oh! Y/N, haven't you seen Millicent? I can't find her."

You bite inside of your cheek as you heard cat's name. "Oh? This ball of ginger fur? Not really... But... I heard Ren screaming in his bedroom something like 'Come here you ginger rat! I will kill you!' Maybe she is there." You shrugged.

Hux paled within second.

"I'll kill this little arsehole if he dared to touch my little kitten."

Hux got up fastly from his chair, he headed out of the chamber and down along the corridor.

You laughed quietly when he left chamber.

"Oh... I am so dead. Still worth it." You shrugged and ran after him.

"General! Wait! I wanna help!"

"You will help by not stepping into this, Y/N." Hux growled deeply not even looking at you. "I swear, I have enough of him. Oh heavens, why do I have to deal with this little bloody savage on my own ship!?"

You rolled your eyes. "Because Snoke said so? Funny... Ren says similar things about you. I am sure he won't hurt your cat, she is quick. I am more than sure that she is fine." You said walking next to him, trying your best to calm down. You wanted to laugh so badly at the moment but you couldn't. You had to have your 'mask' on.

Hux briefly looked at you over his shoulder.

"It was a rhetorical question, Y/N." Man miffed angrily.

As he reached Ren's chamber, Hux opened the door vigorously without knocking.

"Where's she, you fucker?" Ginger man looked around the chamber not even paying attention to Kylo who was changing his uniform at the moment. "For fuck's sake, put something on, Ren! It's not a fashion show!"

You slowly looked over Hux's shoulder and could help but laughed.

You didn't expect such a result. This was simply too much for you then.

Hux gazed at you frowning.

"What's so funny, Y/N?!" He yelled loudly.

Ren, who put on fresh shirt already, laughed also.

"Don't you get the joke, Hux? She has your precious cat. I would never touch this little scurvy ginger thing."

"I beg your pardon, how did you call my beautiful cat, Ren!?" Hux clenched his teeth.

At this moment, Hux were completely lost. He didn't know who had pissed him more.

You took deep breath and looked at Ren.

"But... How... Nevermind." You waved your hand at Kylo and looked at Hux. "Please... Follow me, general. I know where she is."

Hux looked at Ren nodding. "Thanks. This time you gained my appreciation."

Ginger man followed you not saying a word.

You took him to your room and opened door.

Millicent was sleeping on one of your pillows.

"You see, sir? She is okay. I made sure she will have everything here. Food and toys. It just had to be a stupid joke, I would never hurt this ball of cutness." You shrugged with smile.

Hux threw you one of his cold glances before he stepped into your room.

Man crouched next to your bed and slwoly stroked cat's ear.

"God, my beautiful girl," he whispered, then raised chin to look at you. "Never dare to do this again. Understand?"

You nodded slowly. "But... Nothing bad happened... She is fine... And you saw naked Ren." You said and laughed loudly.

You quickly bite inside of your cheek and nodded. "Yes... Yes I understand, sir.."

"Believe me or not, seeing naked Ren wasn't my life goal." Hux shook his head slightly. "This one time I won't punish you. But remember what I've told you.

Hux slipped arm under Millicent's flesh and he picked cat up in her sleep.

"Come on... Smile... At last a little bit. Please, sir." You whimpered and gave him the sweetest smile you could ever done.

Hux stopped in front of you. His lips were narrowed as he clenched them hardly looking you in the eye.

He leant down to you and kissed your lips briefly.

"Never again, my love or I'll have to think about new type of punishment for you."

He kissed your nose and winked at you before he left your chamber.

You were standing there, looking at the wall in front of you.

"What... Has just happened..."

You looked out of your room only to see Hux's back.

"I need to kidnap this kitten often." You murmured happily under your breath.

Cat'sintrigue || General Hux X Reader

Pandies🐼: @blue-dragon-ice @calkingwood @imidarogerson @grossograsso @thewildgardensstuff @irai-lauri @leven-and-ashley @la-verdura @bearded-steve-rogers @sebbystan-plantlover @atuckyismylife @krispyjellyfishzombie @personality-within @haseki-huricihan @choppedgardenwhispers @vroobelek @lattimelka @chris-beamz @hidden-secrets69 @side-blog-of-me @purepearls @i-am-margerita @volcanoxxx @kastrup-sofie  @mikkal-akasaki  @withoutashadowofhope  @radbluebirdeagle @marvel-fan-site  @smutloversblog  @buquete  @super-psycho-love69 @tanglesss @peter-sommer @baysidewest @vegemania @philip-stan @chodiusmmm @subwaystunnel @tykorclint @dagger-dragger @kurant @nothing-can-least-forever @oxfordkipem @deliciousbouquet90  @tuptuptup @hellenna80  @karina-marina9 @latimeriaaa  @bratko @wurld89  @scott-evans @kiss-me-rouge @ovonel-espaniol @dancing-tacco @ratugadhi @white-tiger-shangrila @peter-sommer @axn69  @eternal-life-awaits @mrs-laura-harmon @artsy-inside @gleeeeees @darkllaama @jatut @agawux @fuzzy-tigrrr @jrjohnsson2 @cassandbeast @maaargoshaaa @dontgetmewrongman @einexx @totorosbooty @whatever-thingswillgetbetta @humifiler

Tags :
7 years ago

I Have a Crush On You || General Hux x Reader Smut


Words: 2446

Warnings: smut, unprotected sex

SUMMARY: You have a crush on Hux, who also is your boss. You try to keep it as a secret until you find your General under the shower.

Authors: Cass & General


Definitely, it wasn't a good day for him. Like whole previous week.

General Hux, as annoyed as he was, ruffled his bangs a bit while walking along the bridge with his arms crossed behind his back.

"Faster! We have to find those rebel scums!"

You were his assistant. That meant you had to be there and listen to his screams even when they weren't directed at you.

General Hux was the less pleasant person on the ship but he was your boss. You always followed him everywhere and spent a lot of time with him. The more time you had spent with him, the more you liked him. Even if you knew it was wrong.

"General... I am sorry but I wanna remind you that Supreme Leader wanted to see you today.." You said calmly, ready to be shouted.

"I didn't ask you to speak, Y/N." He threw you a cold glance, his steel eyes slipped over your figure. "And yes. I remember." Reddish man shrugged. "Anything else, Y/N?"

You shivered softly and looked down. "Commander Kylo Ren also wanted to talk with you... Just like Captain Phasma. After all of this, you will be free to go, Sir." You said and smiled at him politely, looking into his eyes.

They were cold and empty but you still loved them. You sighed loudly and looked away.

Hux scrutinized you from the bottom to the top.

"Ah. Amazing. What a lovely day!" He closed eyes for a second holding breath back, then he exhaled and looked at you again. "Be useful for once and arrange all the meetings for next day. Tell them I am indisposed or anything else, I don't care. I need a calm evening. I've just got a migraine." Hux rubbed his temples.

You blinked "W-Wait... You want me to put all meetings for tomorrow?! Even the one with the Supreme Leader... " You looked at him with shock and worries in your gaze but you quickly nodded. "I will do this Sir."

Hux nodded when he was passing you by. "Good, Y/N. Later you can also take few hours off."

"Thank you, sir." You said quietly and then facepalmed, this would be a hard task.

And it really was. Snoke wasn't too happy but agreed on a meeting next day. Just like Phasma did. Only Kylo was a problem as always, he destroyed half of the room in front of you but in the end he also agreed.

When your work was done, you returned to your chamber and flopped on the bed. It took you few minutes before you forced yourself to get up and change your clothes.

Taking off your uniform you thought about the general. "Maybe I should pay him a visit?" You muttered to yourself.

Hux was having the best time since few weeks. Calm. Quiet. Bitter tea and soft noises made by his cat. The feeling of freedom.

General was finishing his report when he heard knocking to his door. "Come in!"

You slowly entered his chamber wearing shorts and shirt. "Good evening, general. Sorry for interrupting but I wanted to check if everything's fine... How's your head, sir?"

Hux glared at you from the pile of documents. "Y/N..." He blinked checking out your outfit. "You should wear something more than pair of shorts..." He said. "It's not a fashion show, my dear."

You looked down at your body and blushed softly. "I... I know, sir. I just... I have time off now and I wanted to take a rest from wearing my uniform, sir. You didn't answer my question, sir." You looked at him and bite inside of your cheek.

"Yhy..." He mumbled moving eyes along curves of your figure. Then, he focused on documents again. "What was the question?"

"How's your head, sir? I was... worried about you." You said quietly and then walked closer to him.

You smiled softly when you saw a cat. "Oh, hi there. Who is a beautiful girl?" You purred but quickly cleared your throat, knowing you shouldn't be doing this.

Hux frowned and raised his glance from above papers. "You can pet her. She will love it. Trust me."

"In a moment. Sir, you didn't answer my question." You said and looked him into eyes. Hux again looked at you and sighed deeply. "A bit better. Thank you."

"Can I help you? Do you need anything?" You asked and started to pet cat's head with soft smile on your lips.

"No, Y/N. What had to be done is done. You're free now."

"Are you sure, sir..?" You watched him. "It's not a problem for me... You are my boss after all. I should help you."

Hux slowly rose from his leather chair and grabbed your elbow pulling you behind him. "Y/N, I've said something."

When you both reached the door he again looked you deep in the eye.

You looked into his eyes sadly and nodded. "Yes... I am sorry, sir. I... I will be in my room if you will need anything." You said and left his room.

"And put something on, for God's sake." Hux's glance fell on your butt as you were leaving.

You growled when the door closed behind you. "What I was even expecting." You muttered to yourself and then went to your room. "At last cat isn't mean." You shook your head while laying on bed.

Cold water was running down his tensed body.

He didn't know how much time had passed since he went to take a shower.

His forhead was leant against cold tiles.

Hux had to unload all negativity, so his hand traveled down his body until he reached his cock.

You sighed loudly. He was in your mind whole time, you couldn't stop thinking about him. "Fuck it! I will go to him and tell him. Even if he will kill me... At last I will pet his can before death." You shrugged and got up from the bed.

You even didn't bother yourself with putting on something more, just like he told you before. You walked straight to his chamber.

Door was open. Millicent was napping at his desk. You could hear shower running nearby. His chamber was rather huge but you could notice that door to bathroom wasn't locked and was opened somewhat.

You slowly entered the chamber and looked around. You bite your lips when you heard the shower and saw the open door, without thinking too much you walked to them and looked inside.


Hux moaned deeply while pumping hand over his yet hard cock. His forhead was still leant against wall of shower, he was stroking strongly. And your name was the only thing that was leaving his full lips from time to time.

It took your breath away. You put a hand on your mouth and watched him for few minutes, admiring every inch of him. You bite your lips when you heard how he was moaning your name.

Slowly you entered the bathroom and looked at him. "I told you to pay me a visit when you will need anything, sir." You said calmly with a hope that you won't scare or piss him off.

Hux raised head and gave you one of his best glances, his steel eyes slipped over your figure. "I remember." He smirked at you winking at the same moment. "How long does it least, huh? Your crush, Y/N?"

You shrugged walking closer to him. "Long... Really long. I would say that since my first day as your assistant." You explained slowly removing your shirt.

He licked his lips as water was running down his body. "Wanna join me?" Hux asked casually.

You laughed softly. "No, sir. I undress because I like to be naked." You shook your head and then slipped off your shorts.

You slowly joined him under the shower. "Good evening, sir. How may I serve you today?"

He put hands on your hips admiring your naked body. "Show me how deep is your crush on me." He leant to you kissing your clavicle.

You bite your lips and nodded. "Yes, sir.." You purred softly when your hand slowly moved to his cock. You touched his tip before wrapping your hand around his shaft.

Hux bit on your neck leaving a mark there. "Just like that, Y/N. You're so fucking skilled as I can see."

With free hand he cupped your breast squeezing it.

You whimpered softly when he bite your neck. "Yes, sir. That's why I am your assistant." You said as your hand started to move up and down his cock paying special attention to his tip.

He growled loudly at the touch. "Yes..." Soft moan escaped his lips.

You kissed him gently and looked him in the eye. "How long does it least, sir? Your crush on me?"

"Since I saw you for the first time.." Hux mumbled. "I fell for you, Y/N..."

"Great General Hux knows how to love... But you never made any 'moves' torward me." After these words you dropped down on your knees and gave his cock few long licks.

He closed eyes and rolled head back leaning it over tiles. "Fuck..." Loud moan escaped his mouth as he looked down at you. "You look fucking amazing down there, Y/N.." Hux murmured deeply.

You purred and simply took him into your mouth. Your head started to bob over his cock.

He slipped hands into your hair and moaned your name loudly as he felt your mouth around his length.

Your hand moved to his balls so you could massage them, looking up at him.

Hux bucked his hips a bit looking down at you. "Just like that. Suck this cock. Take it deep in your sweet little mouth, yeah.."

You purred loudly sending vibrations to him before taking his cock even deeper into your mouth.

Hux bucked hips few more time and at the end he cum shoting his load down your throat.

You moaned and sighed loudly swallownig everything he had given to you. "You are delicious, Sir."

He smirked at you and pulled you up by your forearms. "Come here, I wanna taste it.." He purred before he kissed you deeply.

You kissed him back and wrapped arms around his neck pulling him even closer.

Hux turned you around and pressed you to the wall picking one of your legs up. He stroked over your thigh. "You're fucking hot." He kissed your lips sucking on them a bit.

You growled against his lips. "Thank you, sir... You are handsome." Your voice was nothing more than a whisper.

Hux wrapped your leg around his hip. He grabbed his thick cock and ran tip briefly along your folds. Then, without saying a word, he slipped in your clit.

You moaned loudly at the filling of his cock stretching out your tight pussy. "General... I waited at this for so long." You whispered and kissed him deeply.

He took a hold of your hip pushing slow but yet deep. "So tight..." Hux was moaning straight into your ear as he was thrusting in and out of you.

You wrapped your arms tightly around him rolling your hips a bit.

"Just for you, sir." One of your hands moved to his ginger hair. "Fuck me harder, sir. Make me yours."

He sucked on your pulse point and wrapped your second hand around his hips, at the same time picking you up and holding you by your butt. He pinned you strongly to the wall increasing his pace.

You only whimpered loudly grabbing his hair. The feelig was amazing, ideal mix of pain and pleasure. You put one hand on his cheek and pulled him into another kiss relaxing in his arms.

Hux pushed harder kissing you. He slipped tongue into your mouth as water was running down your connected bodies. "Fuck, I'm gonna cum soon.. Fuck.." Hux clenched teeth thrusting even harder.

You moaned his name loudly as he started to move harder. "Fuck... I am close, too. Please, cum in me, sir... Make me yours. I want to belong to you." You whispered and kissed his neck panting against his skin.

Hux pushed harder. He stopped in you. Then, ginger general pushed out, only to slip back in so deeply. He did this few times, at the end cumming deep inside you and filling your pussy with his hot release.

You yelled his name as you cum hard around his cock. "Fuck... General..." You sighed deeply and nuzzled to his shoulder trying to calm down your breath.

Hux pushed few more times before he pulled out of you. He hugged you tightly and leant chin on top of your head, you could feel how his body was trembling.

"Are you okay, Armitage?" You asked carefuly stroking his wet hair.

Hux nodded slightly. "Yes." Man whispered.

He briefly brushed his rough hand over your inner thigh. "What's gonna be now, Y/N?"

You looked at him and kissed his cheek. "I'm gonna do what you want. We can be together. If not... One your word and I will forget... About you and all this." You sighed heavily.

Hux smiled a bit and kissed you. "I don't want you to ever forget to whom you belong to.." He brushed his lips against yours stroking over your waist at the same time.

You purred quietly and kissed him back. "I belonge to Armitage Hux. General of the First Order." You whispered touching his cheek.

After shower you've shared together, Armitage carried you to his bed. He also took care to stay awake until you fell asleep completely.

You woke up first. You looked at Armitage who was sleeping by your side and you smiled softly before kissing his lips. "Good morning, sir. It's time to get up, You have a lot of work to do." You giggled.

He opened his eyes and wrapped arm around your waist pulling you to his chest. "Good morning, Y/N. What would you say for a lazy day in bed, huh?"

You hugged to him and sighed. "That would be nice, sir, but... Some angry ginger man ordered me yesterday to plan all his meetings for today and I don't really want Supreme Leader to snap your neck."

Hux blinked and looked at you. He shook his head as he ruffled your hair. "Ah, Y/N. Since when you're listening to my every order, huh?" He pecked your lips, then man just got up, not paying attention to the fact he was naked.

You watched him biting your lips. "Since I work for you and don't forget to put on your uniform." You laughed and flopped back on bed.


Pandies🐼: @blue-dragon-ice @calkingwood @imidarogerson @grossograsso @thewildgardensstuff @irai-lauri @leven-and-ashley @la-verdura @bearded-steve-rogers @sebbystan-plantlover @atuckyismylife @krispyjellyfishzombie @personality-within @haseki-huricihan @choppedgardenwhispers @vroobelek @lattimelka @chris-beamz @hidden-secrets69 @side-blog-of-me @purepearls @i-am-margerita @volcanoxxx @kastrup-sofie  @mikkal-akasaki  @withoutashadowofhope  @radbluebirdeagle @marvel-fan-site  @smutloversblog  @buquete  @super-psycho-love69 @tanglesss @peter-sommer @baysidewest @vegemania @philip-stan @chodiusmmm @subwaystunnel @tykorclint @dagger-dragger @kurant @nothing-can-least-forever @oxfordkipem @deliciousbouquet90  @tuptuptup @hellenna80  @karina-marina9 @latimeriaaa  @bratko @wurld89  @scott-evans @kiss-me-rouge @ovonel-espaniol @dancing-tacco @ratugadhi @white-tiger-shangrila @peter-sommer @axn69  @eternal-life-awaits @mrs-laura-harmon @artsy-inside @gleeeeees @darkllaama @jatut @agawux @fuzzy-tigrrr @jrjohnsson2 @cassandbeast @maaargoshaaa @dontgetmewrongman @einexx @totorosbooty @whatever-thingswillgetbetta @humifiler @nwmtagsb @secretlygrantaire @kyloren-supreme-ben @yessy2012

Tags :
7 years ago

Hidden treasure || Part V


Part I || Part II || Part III || Part IV 

Hidden Treasure || Part V

Words: 2452

Warnings: language, cursing, smut.

SUMMARY: You are General Hux sister. After another failure, you’ve been sent back to Hux. He’s pretty annoyed by the fact he has to take care of you. No one but Hux knows, that you have some special abilities. One day you accidentally meet commander Kylo Ren. Will this meeting change everything?

Author: Cass & Rouge


Day by day. Week by week. Month by month. Your time was passing by so quickly.

You and Kylo became a couple few days after your "first" time. You definitely weren't ready for what was coming.

Snoke's death was so sudden. But what happened after was even more unexpected. Kylo has appointed himself for new Supreme Leader. Of course, this move made everyone more aware of Ren than they have been before.

But you supported him from very beginning, becoming his right hand at some point.

Hux became Ren's enemy number one. It was obvious they both weren't keen on each other but after Kylo's crowning situation got worse.

Armitage had enough of this whole situation. For him, you were acting like someone special but the truth was that you were no one... Just Kylo's slut, no one else than that.

He was thinking, planning on his revenge. All he has wanted was to erase you from his life, Hux has really wanted Kylo to suffer... Yet, he needed to keep hands clean.

Hux came up with the simple plan - finding someone who will take care of dirty work.

Currently, the general was sitting in his office, waiting at the volunteer to show up. "Why no one is punctual on this bloody ship.." He growled.

The door has opened after strong knocking. Tall stormtrooper came in.

"General," he bowed head a bit, "I've heard you're looking for someone who can help you."

"Finally! Sit." Hux ordered. "I hope you do know with what I need help, don't you? I need someone to kill Y/N and I want this person to be precise and effective. I want her to die as soon as possible." He explained looking at other man with the ruthless gaze. "And you can't fuck up. This HAS to be done!" Hux raised his voice.

Stormtrooper took a seat and listened carefully to his supervisor.

"What about the pay?" Man asked firmly. "I won't do this without good thing in a payback." Corners of his mouth curled into wry smirk.

Armitage slowly rose from his seat and walked into man's direction stopping right behind his seat.

Hux grabbed stormtrooper's head and with full force smashed it against his desk. After this, he crouched next to the man watching blood dripping from stormtrooper's nose. "Your pay is your life. Because right now nothing will stop me from accusationing you of an attack on me and plotting against our Supreme Leader Kylo Ren and his beloved one. Broken nose will be just a proof of my self-defense." Hux explained, shrugging. "Now, clean yourself up... You will get my floor dirty with that fucking blood. I don't need this shit here."

Man covered mouth with hand, warm and slick liquid was leaking between his fingers. "Yes, sir..." Guy mumbled with a husky voice. "I'll do my best, general."

Stormtrooper got up from the chair and not taking eyes of Hux, he retreated quickly with his head bowed down.

Hux sat down on his seat being proud of himself. Y/N will disappear from his life soon.

"Y/N!" Kylo's voice echoed through the throne room as soon as he noticed your presence.

He raised from the throne and slowly walked to you. "How's my queen today? I was worried about you." Brunette whispered into your ear when his hand wrapped tightly around your waist.

You smiled at him softly slipping palm in his bangs. "I am wonderful now."

You never thought that someone like him can be so gently. He had other face beneath that rough mask.

"Tough tasks again. Of course troops don't listen to me at all." You smiled gently.

Kylo sighed loudly letting out quiet growl. "I will make them pay. Soon they will listen to you." He muttered and looked down at your body. "I love your dress... I bet it's easy to take it off. I prefer to watch you naked." Kylo said quietly. His gloved hand grabbed the fabric and pulled it gently.

You bit lower lip and smirked. "Kylo, stop it, silly!" Your giggle echoed in the room. "Someone can come in!"

You nuzzled to his chest sighing loudly.

"My one word... And this room will be empty and locked." He smiled at you. "Just imagine this... You, me... And your moans filling this room." Brunette purred moving his hand into your hair.

You got closer to him pressing your breasts to his strong chest and slipping hands under his long coat. "Whatever you wish, my Supreme Leader."

You bite your lower lip again looking him in the eye.

Kylo let a happy moan and looked over his shoulder. "You all, leave the room and make sure that no one will come in here. I have importat stuff to talk about with my queen." After these words room quickly became empty.

"Finnaly alone." He grabbed your hand and returned to his throne pulling you onto his laps. Brunette wrapped arms tightly around your waist pressing your back to his chest. "I don't want damage your beautiful mind, so tell me what do you want, my queen? Tell me about your desires."

You smirked closing your eyes as you leant back against his chest. "My desire is to be dominated by my Supreme Leader." You whispered quietly.

You slipped out of his arms and got up. You moved your hips slightly from left to right humming a melody under your breath.

Slowly, you turned to him and started to getting onto your knees.

Then, you reached to his belt and unbuckled it looking into his eye.

He got comfortable in his seat and sighed watching you. "Better do this quick, sweetheart."

Kylo took off his gloves and tossed them aside, then he helped you with his pants.

As you pulled his yet hard cock out of his pants, you gave the tip few little licks. You looked him in the eye and smirked at the moment you wrapped your lips around his length. You slowly bobbed your head up and down his shaft.

Brunette smiled at you and let out a low growl. "Yes... Good girl. My queen is a dirty slut."

His hands slowly moved into your hair. In that moment he started to control your moves pushing himself as deep your throat as he only could.

You cupped his balls and squeezed them between your fingers. You licked over his shaft and sucked on his tip. "Mmmm.. I like when your cock fucks my mouth, Supreme Leader..." You moaned loudly pumping hand over his length.

Kylo let out a loud moan. "I love to feel your mouth around my cock." He said and watched you for a few minutes, then he pulled you up by your hair. "But... I think it's time to do something more interesting."

When he pulled you by hair, you slipped his cock out of your mouth and politely got up. You kissed his lips passionately. "What do you have in mind?"

Kylo kissed you back still holding your hair. Suddenly he pulled you onto his laps setting you in exactly the same position that before. "Oh, you good know, sweetheart. I'm gonna fuck that sweet pussy and fill it up with my cum." He growled into your ear before kissing your nape.

You bucked hips pressing your butt to his crotch. "Oh, are you?" You whispered.

You reached to your back to unzip your dress.

Kylo rolled his eyes being slightly annoyed. "We will get you a new dress." He growled and simply torn your dress apart. "You walk around without panties? My naughty girl." Brunette kissed your neck before pushing two of his long fingers inside you.

"Fuck..." You rolled head back leaning it against his shoulder and cupping your breasts, you squeezed them biting inside of your cheek.

You loved the way he was using you for his own pleasure.

Kylo pushed fingers as deep as he only could while watching your every single move. His lips and teeth attacked your neck when his fingers started to move even faster. "Mmm, you do like it, Y/N, don't you? You love when I play with that little pussy of yours, huh?" Brunette asked as his thumb started to rub over your clit.

You nodded slightly. "Yes, I love it, Supreme Leader."

You slowly bucked your hips letting his fingers to slip even deeper.

"I need you to fuck me." Your voice was winded at the moment. "Make me your dirty slut, sir. I want you to fuck this pussy as hard as you only can."

You reached behind you to stroke his shaft.

Kylo watched you and removed his finger. He slowly lifted you up and then lowered you back onto his cock letting out a quiet moan with every inch of his shaft slipping inside you. "My queen. Your pussy feels so good around me."

Kylo started to move you up and down his cock purring loudly as he started to massage your breasts.

You drop your mouth open gasping for air as you felt how his hard, thick cock stretched your pussy. You licked your fingers and slipped hand down your body to rub over your clitoris.

"Just like that, Kylo.." You mumbled in shaking voice.

He growled angrily and grabbed your neck tightly. "Don't you dare to call me Kylo now... I am your Supreme Leader, so better address me that way." Kylo growled loudly and started to fuck you in an unbearable pace.

You rocked hips back and forth for more friction. "Oh, fuck!" You whimpered feeling how perfectly he was filling your core with that cock.

But after a while you simply got up, so his cock slipped out of you.

With that swing in your hips, you went to the nearest wall leaning your back against it and giving him sign to join you.

"C'mon. Get me." You teased.

"You little slut."

He quickly joined you. "How dare you to play with me like that?! I am the Supreme Leader."

Kylo pinned you to the wall and kissed you hungrily before picking you up. Brunette pressed your back against the wall and simply slipped into you starting to fuck you. "Now you won't escape me! Scream, moan for me! NOW!" Man raised his voice grabbing your neck only to squeeze it strongly.

As tight as you could, you wrapped legs around his hips nibbling on his shoulder. Your nails were scratching his back leaving bloody marks.

"Fuck. Fuck.." Rolling head backward, you closed eyes shut enjoying the waves of pleasure.

With each of Kylo's thrusts you were feeling how your clit was getting tighter and tighter around his cock.

Kylo's moves became even deeper and harder. "My tight slut... Come on, cum for me. Cum for your Supreme Leader!" He growled loudly into your ear before biting your neck, leaving a bloody mark.

You kissed his jawline slipping hand between two of you to stroke his shaft when he was slipping out. "Harder! Harder for fuck's sake!" You yelled rocking your hips.

Brunette moaned loudly at your touch and listened to your words fucking you as hard as he only could. "My queen... I am close..." He murmured nuzzling to your neck.

When his cock was going out of your core, you were groaning loudly. And when it was slipping in, you were scratching his back.

Slickness started to pour down your thighs as you cum hardly around his cock. Your walls squeezed him tightly keeping him buried so deeply.

"Fuck!" Your raspy voice was shaking as you were catching breath.

He whimpered your name loudly before cumming deep inside of you. "Fuck..." Kylo whispered.

Brunette purred and kissed you gently. "I love you, my queen. My everything." He said pulling out of you, then he helped you to clean yourself up and get dressed.

"We will see each other later." He said buckling his belt not even looking at you.

You smiled sadly. You always have enjoyed the intimacy between two of you after love sessions. This time it was obvious you couldn't let yourselves for such a comfort, it made you sad a bit. "Of course, Supreme Leader."

"My good girl." Kylo said softly and kissed your forehead. "Now, you all can return to the room!" Kylo raised his voice and room become full of workers again within a minute.

Hux was in his office, waiting again. He was pissed off. Kylo's room wasn't soundproof. He could hear most of your screams what made him even angrier. He was sitting on his leather chair with Millicent on his laps. "I hope this idiot will come up with the good plan or I'll kill him." Ginger man mumbled petting cat's back.

Loud knocking pulled Hux out of thoughtfulness.

The stormtrooper who was obligated to create a murkiest scam has came to general to talk about possible ways of dealing with the "problem".

"I hope you have good reason to return here." Hux said coldly looking at other man. "If not, you can leave now. I don't have time for any stupid ideas. I wanna hear a good plan. A really good plan." He explained not even getting up from his seat.

Tall man nodded briefly. "Of course, general. I came because I know how to fulfill your wish."

Wry smile crawled onto man's lips. "She is an easy target by herself. But most of the time Y/N is around Ren. We just have to separate them for ten minutes. For example, you can always give him some documents to sign."

"I beg your pardon? I'm not even gonna get closer to him. Him or her, I want my hands to remain clean and I want to stay far away from any suspicions." Hux commented while frowning. "I am more than sure that you will come up with a good idea for that."

"Then order someone to take Ren out. Whatever it takes."

Man crossed hands behind his back and casually walked to the Hux's desk leaning hip on the counter.

"It will be quick. One stab will be fine. What with body?"

The reddish man frowned. "First of all, move away from my desk. Second, nothing. I want everyone, including Ren, to see how she bleeds out." Hux explained without any emotion on his face. "I want everyone to watch her end."

Stormtrooper gave a nod. "Of course, sir."

Man stretched his back and moved to the door. "Oh, and general?" He stopped looking back over his shoulder. "Don't try to play with me. Or everyone will find out who commissioned this little accident."

After these words man simply left.

Hux watched man leave.

He smiled to himself. "Like someone would even believe you." He said and shook his head.


Pandies🐼: @blue-dragon-ice @calkingwood @imidarogerson @grossograsso @thewildgardensstuff @irai-lauri @leven-and-ashley @la-verdura @bearded-steve-rogers @sebbystan-plantlover @atuckyismylife @krispyjellyfishzombie @personality-within @haseki-huricihan @choppedgardenwhispers @vroobelek @lattimelka @chris-beamz @hidden-secrets69 @side-blog-of-me @purepearls @i-am-margerita @volcanoxxx @kastrup-sofie  @mikkal-akasaki  @withoutashadowofhope  @radbluebirdeagle @marvel-fan-site  @smutloversblog  @buquete  @super-psycho-love69 @tanglesss @peter-sommer @baysidewest @vegemania @philip-stan @chodiusmmm @subwaystunnel @tykorclint @dagger-dragger @kurant @nothing-can-least-forever @oxfordkipem @deliciousbouquet90  @tuptuptup @hellenna80  @karina-marina9 @latimeriaaa  @bratko @wurld89  @scott-evans  @kiss-me-rouge @ovonel-espaniol @dancing-tacco @ratugadhi @white-tiger-shangrila @peter-sommer @axn69  @eternal-life-awaits @mrs-laura-harmon @artsy-inside @gleeeeees @darkllaama @jatut @agawux @fuzzy-tigrrr @jrjohnsson2 @cassandbeast @maaargoshaaa @dontgetmewrongman @einexx @totorosbooty @whatever-thingswillgetbetta @humifiler @nwmtagsb @secretlygrantaire @kyloren-supreme-ben @yessy2012

Tags :
7 years ago

Gone Wild || General Hux x Reader Smut


Words: 3107

Warnings: smut, unprotected sex

SUMMARY: You’re a new general of the First Order. You take care of one of the teams and truth is you and general Hux don’t like each other. But after little accident that happened to him everything is changing. You find out that raw general Hux has a crush on you. Same as you have for him.

Authors: Cass & General


You were with Armitage in his chamber. "You look like a mess..." You muttered wrapping bandages around Hux's torso. "Sometimes... I have a feeling that you like it when they hurt you." You sighed deeply watching his devastated face.

Hissing from time to time, Hux remained silent. He only briefly nodded listening to your words. "None of your business, Y/N. The fact they picked you for a new general of planning team doesn't change fact I am the ruler on my ship. So stop playing solicitous, okay?"

"Ruler on the ship?" You laughed. "Let's be honest, Hux. No one treats you here like a real general. Right now... You are just a Kylo's bitch. Look at yourself! Where is great general Hux? I just see a child. Thin as a piece of paper and as useless." You smiled and pressed hand onto his wound. "Ren uses you as his own punching bag. You are nothing here, Armitage."

Hux huffed a bit before pushing you away and getting up from the chair. "I don't remember that I asked you about your fucking opinion, Y/N."

His eyes were drilling you to the brim. His jawline was clenched and whole body tensed as he threw shirt on his shoulders.

You patted his shoulder. "This is not my opinion. This is a real fact, Hux. I will be in my office." You waved your hand and then left the chamber.

He went few times around his chamber, at the end Hux sat heavily on the chair hitting hand against the counter of his desk.

You were working on the one of highest position and Hux already has heated you, mostly for your confidence and composure.

After few hours you knocked to his door. "Hux? Can I come in?" You asked softly.

Sometimes you hated that man but if fact you were worried about him.

There was no response from his side.

Instead, Kylo Ren, who was casually passing you by, gave you a mean look. "If you look for him, check on bridge. I saw him leaving chamber some time ago."

"What a man..." You muttered and bowed your head. "Thank you, Ren." You simply said and quickly went to check the bridge.

"Are you fucking deaf!?" Hux, waving his hands, was screaming at one person of the radar crew. "I've told you all many times to check twice before reporting to me, haven't I!?" Ginger man rolled his eyes rubbing his temples. "For Supreme Leader's sake! Can you at least do one fucking thing in a proper way from the beginning to the end!?"

You smiled softly watching whole situation for a moment. "Armitage. Watch out and calm down. I am not gonna patch you up when your stitches will snap again." You walked to him. "How do you feel?"

"How do I feel?!" He growled through clenched teeth watching you. "Me? Oh, Y/N, I feel amazing! Look at me! How could I not feel wonderful!?" He was raising his voice gradually, completely not paying attention to other people gathered on the bridge. "And guess what?! I don't need your fucking fake attention! YES. I am here. YES. I'm still alive feeling well enough to keep the authority in my hand. And YES. I am not gonna give up. So now, please..." Suddenly he lowered his tone. Only to scream using all air gathered in his lungs. "GET THE FUCK OUT OF MY BRIDGE! Every-fucking-one!!!!"

You rolled your eyes listening to his screams. You were used to them just like everyone on the ship. "Whatever you say, Hux." You growled and left 'his' bridge.

For you this was the most annoying thing in him. Not paying too much attention to other stuff, you simply walked to your chamber.

Hux spent rest of the day on the bridge, screaming and being highly offended.

People were glad when he finally got off and headed to his chamber.

Millicent was napping on his chair when he got to his chamber.

Hux flopped on bed sighing heavily. He reached to his pocket and pulled out pack of cigarettes. He lit one and inhaled with smoke. "What a fucking day..." Man mumbled under his breath.

Meanwhile, you were in your office filling some documents for Ren.

You were thinking about Armitage whole time. He was weird person to you. Sometimes he was calm and submissive but most of the time he was agressive trying to keep control fully in his hands.

You thought about this for a while before you decided to visit him in his chamber

Armitage was struggling with bandages. "Fucking shit..." He was cursing from time to time.

When he spotted you, he stiffened. "Y/N!"

You just smiled at him watching his battered body. "Oh, Armitage... Do you need a hand?" You asked softly entering the room.

He growled deeply. "No. Go away. I am fine."

He tried to wrap bandage around his chest but he failed once again. "Fuck."

You rolled your eyes and walked to him closer. Taking bandage into your hand you looked at him. "Sorry, General. This time I need to disobey your words." You giggled and started to carefuly wrap bandage around his stomach. "You should watch out... I have no idea who had patched you up... But those stitches are weak as Ren's selfcontrol."

He blinked but remained silent. "You know nothing about that scum. Don't say his name around me, Y/N. Unless you wanna be fired."

"Well. I saw his 'selfcontrol', so yes. I know something about him." You looked him in the eye and laughed. "Hux, all you can do is poke me in the nose. I am sorry but I need to check something... Tell me if it hurts." You said and pressed your hand strongly to his side.

He whimpered and hissed loudly. "Watch it!" He looked at you. Little tears appeared in the corners of his steel eyes.

"Sorry, I had to. You know you shouldn't walk around like this... Your ribs are broken." You said and looked at him. "Armitage...” Without thinking you simply pulled him into a kiss.

He gave kiss back blinking shortly after. "What the fuck..." Armitage held his breath back.

"I thought about stuff you said on the bridge... Maybe this will teach you that some emotions, attention and care from other person isn't always fake..." You muttered and kissed him again.

Armitage gave kiss back, this time he put some emotions in it. "It's inappropriate. I am your boss. Kinda."

You laughed softly. "Since when you are worried what is inappropriat and what is not?" You shook your head and kissed his cheek. "You should rest. I will come back at morning to check upon you."

Hux nodded and slowly laid down on his bed wrapping blanket around his figure.

Millicent meowed loudly and jump off the chair to join her owner in bed.

At morning you knocked to his door. 

"Armitage? Can I come in? I wanna check your ribs and... You overslept. I brought you breakfast."

But there was no response from his side.

You shook your head and simply entered his chamber.

Hux was fully asleep cuddling with Millicent who was purring loudly.

You put tray on the desk and walked to bed. "Armitage... Good morning. Time to get up." You said quietly and gently stroked his hair.

He opened eyes looking at you. "Hey, sweetie... I meant.. Hi, Y/N..." Man muttered softly.

You giggled and smiled. "Hey, sweetheart. How do you feel today? What with your ribs? And I brought you breakfast and coffee." You informed him and then pet cat's head.

Hux grabbed you by wrist and pulled you to the bed pushing Millicent off of the bed at the same time.

You blinked and looked at him in shock. "Hux... What are you doing?" You asked quietly not being sure, what was actually happening.

Hux kissed you deeply. Taking your hand in his, he guided it straight into his boxers. "This is what you're doing to me, Y/N.."

You kissed him back wrapping one arm around his neck.

Quiet whimper left your lips when you touched him. "Yes but still... You are an asshole to me." You muttered against his lips.

"Shut that little mouth, Y/N." Hux ordered simply, then he bit your lower lip sucking on it.

Still guiding your hand, he forced you to grab his cock.

"Now. Show me if all those rumors about your skills are true."

"Yes, sir."

You smiled at him and kissed him deeply as your hand started to move along his shaft squeezing him from time to time.

You growled into the kiss and then bite his lower lip pulling it gently.

"Yes.. Yes.. Just like that." Hux's fingers have slipped into your hair as you were giving him a handjob. "Harder, babydoll." He moved his hand on your back to press your chest more to him.

"Mmm... Someone is sensetive, general." You purred before kissing his neck.

Your hand started to move faster squeezing him even harder.

He moved hand at your butt spanking it strongly. "And someone's fucking hot here. Strip for me." Ginger man slipped your hand out of his boxers and pushed you off of the bed. "C'mon. Show me what you got under that uniform."

You sighed softly and started to unbutton upper part of your uniform. Your shirt slowly slipped off of your shoulder revealing your red, lacy bra, then you removed the lower part of your uniform. You swung your hips a bit so he could see your matching panties. "Like what you see, General?"

He licked his lips slipping hand into boxers again. He started to stroke himself watching how you were moving your hips. "Fuck yeah."

With second hand he gave you a sign to join him.

You purred loudly and joined him in bed, your hand gently touched his cheek before you kissed him. "What now, sir?" You whispered against his lips.

He simply slipped off his boxers and kisses you. With his fingers tangled into your hair, he pushed you down so you could wrap your mouth around him.

You wrapped your mouth around his tip and sucked him softly at first but soon you started to take his cock deeper into your mouth.

He bucked hips a bit rolling head back. "Yea. You're doing a great job down there, doll."

Meantime, Hux reached to your bra unfastening it.

You purred around his cock to create vibrations, only to make him feel good. You moved your head up and down sucking him even harder. Your hand gently stroked base of his cock before moving to his balls.

"Fuck.." Hux moaned lazily but when he felt your hand squeezing his balls, he couldn't help and cum in your mouth.

You moned and swallowed everything he had given you.

You looked up at him, licking your lips. "Mmm... You are delicious, sir." You purred before giving his cock one long lick.

Grabbing you by wrists he pulled you on top of him. "I know you want this cock to fuck your sweet pussy.." Hux smirked at you while rubbing over your yet slick folds. "Mmm, yes. I knew you'll be wet for me."

"Sure I want it sir and I am wet evertime I see you. Every day and every night when I touch myself while thinking of you." You whispered and kissed his neck rolling your hips only to press yourself more to him.

Hux grabbed his cock and ran tip along your slickness. Then with a slight movement, he slipped into you.

"Oh fuck... So tight.." He put hands on your hips admiring your curves.

"Just for you sir." You purred and then moaned rolling your hips for him.

You were dreaming about this moment for a really long time.

"Please... Fuck me, sir. I am your loyal slut."

Hux smirked as you were riding him. Man leant up to you to close his mouth on your hard nipples. He sucked while swirling tongue around each of them. His hands were on your butt squeezing and spreading it slowly.

You whimpered moving up and down his thick cock, he was filling you up perfectly. "Please, sir... Fuck me harder. Make me yours. I don't want anyone else." You moaned wrapping arms around his neck.

Hux pulled you to his chest locking your hands with his own above his head, he punded so hardly into your pussy keeping you in place.

Long, loud moans were leaving your lips with his every thrust. "Armitage... I am so close. Please, fuck me harder."

Man bit on your neck slipping out of you and spanking your butt. He pressed your stomach to the matress and slipped back in from behind. Grabbing your butt Hux was pushing himself as deep as it was possible.

You whimpered his name so loudly that probably whole ship could hear it but you didn't care. You pressed your face to the mattress and moaned even louder while your hands clutched the sheets. "Fuck... Armitage..." You whimpered before cumming hard around his shaft.

It didn't make him stop. Hux fucked you harder slipping in and out if you. "Yeah.. Yeah... Fuck you, cunt!"

He spanked your buttock and kept on pushing slipping hand between your thighs to rub on your pussy.

You let out next loud whimper when he continued to fuck you hard, you were too sensitive now. "Armitage... more... I think that soon I will cum again." You moaned and nuzzled your face into one of his pillows inhaling his scent.

He slipped out of you only to lay down between your thighs. He grabbed them and pulled you down on his face closing his mouth on your clit. He swirled tongue around your folds humming loudly.

You moaned and your hands moved into his hair, pulling his face even closer. "Eat this pussy out, general." You hummed loudly. You could feel how your legs were shaking.

Stroking over your thighs Hux was licking along your cunt. At the same time man was sucking on your clitoris with his eyes on you still. After while he licked his fingers and pushed them into you.

When he pushed his long fingers in you all you could do was let out a loud scream. You gasped and looked down at him, taking fact that you were sensitive after last orgasm, it didn't take long before you cum again.

He smiled kissing your pussy. Hux licked you further sucking on all juices you had given him. "You're delicious, Y/N..." He purred brushing his cheek over your inner thigh.

He pushed you off of his face and when you were laying comfortably on his bed, man took place behind you and slipped his yet hard length back into you. Hux squeezed your hip when he started to pound slowly into you.

You pressed your back against his chest and purred quietly, your body relaxed because of his slow movements. Your hand moved back and slowly slid into his hair. "Mmm... you are amazing, Armitage. I underestimated you." You said as your hand moved down to his cock so you could stroke as much of it as you only could.

He was nibbling on your nape cupping your breasts. His movements were slow and long, his cock stretching your pussy nicely. "Shit... So tight. So juicy.." He was whispering in deep tone of his, straight into your ear.

You let out a moan at the sound of his voice. "Just for you, general... My pussy is all yours." You whispered back and turned your head so you could kiss him.

His lips crushed on yours. The kiss was long and tender.

After few longer moments you could feel how his massive cock started throbbing in you. "Fuck... Fuck, your pussy... So sweet.. Feels amazing.... Fuck!" He grunted deeply before he cum in you.

You moaned and growled against his lips then you kissed him deeply. "Being filled by your cum feels amazing, General." You whispered.

Being buried into you, Hux nuzzled to your nape holding you as close as he only could. "I won't let you out."

You giggled. "I thought you hate everyone and everything, Armitage." You said and moved your hand back to stroke his hair. "Maybe let's lie down in more comfortable position, sweetie?"

He said nothing but simply slipped his cock out of you. "Sure, Y/N."

You sighed and nuzzled to his chest, then you looked up at him and smiled. "What the fuck was that, Hux? Since when you even know how to love?" You asked and sat up.

He was running fingers along curve of your waist. "Only special persons deserve my full attention."

"I ask for real now.." You said looking at him. "I heard that General Hux is a cold, cruel man... And here? And how I deserved this full attention?"

"You're a good tactician. And not only that. You're also a beautiful woman. And I like to be surrounded by beauty."

You looked down at his chest and bandages there. "Do you think that color red is beautiful?" You asked and then looked at his face.

"Yes. I love this color. Why?" He frowned a bit.

"Because... Your stitches snapped and you are bleeding out. Like right now." You said and pointed at his now red bandage then got up from bed to find aid kit.

He looked down at his chest. "Oh fuck!" He growled angrily sitting up. "Still. It was worth it." Hux hissed a bit.

You laughed and returned to him with aid kit. "Let's make a deal. Now... You will be a good boy and you will let me take care of you but... You have to stay in bed for the rest of the week. I will make sure that you are getting better... And that you will get this pussy every day. If you refuse, I will leave you here so you can bleed out. What do you say, General? Deal?" You asked looking at him.

He smirked shaking his head slightly. "If I will be getting this pussy every single day then yes."

He clenched teeth when you were cleaning the wounds. Hux remained silent even if the feeling was burning his senses.

You were quick but precise, it was an easy task for you. When you were done you simply stroked his cheek and kissed his forehead. "Armitage..."

"Yes?" He asked as he got up from bed and went to his closet.

"I love you." You said simply.

He put on fresh shirt and looked at you above his shoulder. "Same here, Y/N. Love ya too."

Gone Wild || General Hux X Reader Smut

Pandies🐼: @blue-dragon-ice @calkingwood @imidarogerson @grossograsso @thewildgardensstuff @irai-lauri @leven-and-ashley @la-verdura @bearded-steve-rogers @sebbystan-plantlover @atuckyismylife @krispyjellyfishzombie @personality-within @haseki-huricihan @choppedgardenwhispers @vroobelek @lattimelka @chris-beamz @hidden-secrets69 @side-blog-of-me @purepearls @i-am-margerita @volcanoxxx @kastrup-sofie  @mikkal-akasaki  @withoutashadowofhope  @radbluebirdeagle @marvel-fan-site  @smutloversblog  @buquete  @super-psycho-love69 @tanglesss @peter-sommer @baysidewest @vegemania @philip-stan @chodiusmmm @subwaystunnel @tykorclint @dagger-dragger @kurant @nothing-can-least-forever @oxfordkipem @deliciousbouquet90  @tuptuptup @hellenna80  @karina-marina9 @latimeriaaa  @bratko @wurld89  @scott-evans  @kiss-me-rouge @ovonel-espaniol @dancing-tacco @ratugadhi @white-tiger-shangrila @peter-sommer @axn69  @eternal-life-awaits @mrs-laura-harmon @artsy-inside @gleeeeees @darkllaama @jatut @agawux @fuzzy-tigrrr @jrjohnsson2 @cassandbeast @maaargoshaaa @dontgetmewrongman @einexx @totorosbooty @whatever-thingswillgetbetta @humifiler @nwmtagsb @secretlygrantaire @kyloren-supreme-ben @yessy2012

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7 years ago

Hidden treasure || Part VI || Final


Part I || Part II || Part III || Part IV || Part V

Hidden Treasure || Part VI || Final

Words: 4880

Warnings: language, cursing, blood, violence

SUMMARY: You are General Hux sister. After another failure, you’ve been sent back to Hux. He’s pretty annoyed by the fact he has to take care of you. No one but Hux knows, that you have some special abilities. One day you accidentally meet commander Kylo Ren. Will this meeting change everything?

Author: Cass & Rouge


Few weeks have passed.

A lot of stress, sleepless nights, arguments with your older brother whenever he could start one...

You've noticed little changes in your condition after some time. Your mood swings were unbearable. You stopped recognizing yourself at some point. Even Kylo noticed that something wasn't okay.

Once you even fought with one stormtrooper who refused to handle you a cup with tea.

In the end, you made a decision to visit a doctor. Some things just had to be explained...

When you entered the dispensary, doctor looked at you in shock. Few workers even left the room in silent.

"L-Lady Ren." Doctor blurted out and bowed her head softly. "H... How can I help you today?" She asked being visibly stressed by your presence. Woman slowly got up from her chair and forced herself to smile at you.

You looked around checking if you both were alone, then you took a seat in front of doctor's desk. "Something's wrong with me." The sentence was way too superficial to express what you were feeling deep inside. "I don't feel well."

"Uhm... Uhm..." Doctor muttered and looked at you waiting at your permission to sit down. "So... So... What's the problem, Lady Ren..? What do you mean that something's wrong with you? What is happening with you exactly, Lady Ren?" Doctor asked looking at you.

You nodded briefly giving her a permission to take a place.

"I'm weak. I cannot focus on my daily tasks. I get distracted easily, what is an usual situation to me." You rubbed your temples. "I feel disgust when I think of eating."

Doctor let out a loud sigh sitting down quickly.

She listened to you nodding her head while she was writing down everything you said.

"O... Okay. Can I have... more... Sensetive question to you, Lady Ren? Of course, don't get me wrong! This is importat for me... As a doctor." She said and laughed nervously.

You frowned when she laughed but nodded your head. "Of course. Go on. Anything to make me feel better by setting a proper diagnosis."

You looked at left. Huge window was having a view at the hangar. On the other side you could see the window of your brother's chamber.

She nodded and sighed. "So... When you and Supreme Leader Ren are together... Do you use any protection?" She asked even more nervously. Such a question was a really private thing and she was aking YOU about this.

Hux was currently putting on his coat so he could leave to work. He petted his cat before leaving the chamber.

You blinked. Truth was you weren't considering this as a cause of your sudden impairment.

"No... Not really.." Words were heavy and you barely said them. "I didn't.. Oh Lord.. I need to be sure.. I need to be sure it is exactly what I think of.." Once again you looked through the window to watch general Hux for a while.

She bite her lips nodding her head. "I see. Now, other question. Your period, Lady?" She asked. "Have you controlled it?"

Hux was already gone. Only Millicent was running around playing with her toy.

"It's delayed.." You admitted clenching hands in fists. "I just thought... He.. I mean Supreme Leader has force. I thought he has a control over such stuff."

You felt like you would be suffocating.

"Uhm... I am not an expert, Lady Ren... But I am sure He doesn't." She said looking at you. "I think you may be pregnant, Lady Ren. I will give you a test and than you will know." Doctor said and got up from her seat to find the test for you.

As she handled the test to you, you took it in your hand and slipped straight into your pocket. "Thank you, doctor." You said as you rose from the chair.

Before you left you looked at her over your shoulder. "No one can find it out, am I making myself clear?"

Doctor shivered as you looked at her. She quickly nodded. "Y-YES! Yes, of course, Lady Ren. No one will know. No one." She said and nodded.

After you left, she sat down and let out a loud sigh. "I'm gonna get a heart attack when I will see her here next time." She muttered.

Minutes were wearing on awfully. You were sitting in the bathroom waiting for a result. Biting inside of your cheek, you were looking around.

Few minutes have passed and you walked to the sink. With shaking hands you took the test and looked at it.

You felt like a coldness was trundling along your veins. Your heart has stopped for a second.

Two red lines. You were pregnant.

The last thing you remembered was like world around you was fading away.

"Y/N! Where are you?" Kylo called out walking inside the chamber. He frowned when you didn't come to him right away.

Kylo started to search through every room.

When he saw you laying on the floor in bathroom, he looked at you with fear. "Y/N!" Kylo quickly took you into his arms. "Wake up, my queen. What happened?" He asked and stroked your cheek.

You slowly opened eyes at the sound of his voice. Automatically you nuzzled to his chest. "Kylo.. My love.." You mumbled quietly. "Can you help me?" You leant over him trying to get up.

He picked you up and took you to bedroom. There, he laid you down on the bed. He sat next to you and took your hand. "What happened, my love? Did someone attack you? I will KILL THIS PERSON!" He growled.

"Easy.." You smiled gently. You reached for his hand and slowly put it on your stomach. "I think you already know what I want to tell you.."

Kylo blinked and looked at you confused. "What do you mean, my queen?" He asked and moved his hand away from your stomach.

You looked at him, then turned head aside. "I'm pregnant." You whispered quietly, not even looking at him.

Brunette was quiet for a moment, and than he got up from bed simply leaving the chamber. Kylo left without one word or without a single look at you.

You watched him leaving feeling like tears are forming in your eyes. It wasn't a way you expected him to react. He let you down.

You were laying for a longer moment, then you got up. You put a coat on your shoulders and left chamber. You headed on the bridge.

Hux was there yelling at everyone as always. "Move your fucking asses finally! You all are doing nothing! As fucking always!" Hux growled and rubbed his forehead. "It was a mistake to even get up from bed today." He muttered to himself.

As you spotted him, you walked straight into his direction. "Armitage..." You said as you reached him. "Can we talk, please?"

He looked at you with disgust in his eyes. The look that he used to have since you appeared on this ship. Hux looked at your face and suddenly his gaze softened, apparently the 'good older' brother woke up in him.

Armitage nodded and took your hand. He walked with you back to his chamber.

As soon as door was closed behind you, you let tears to roll down your rosy cheeks. "Armitage..." You whimpered choking on your own tears. "I have a problem... Can you help me? Please... I don't know what to do... I have no one but you.."

He blinked and quickly hugged you tightly. "Shhh... Hey, calm down, Y/N. Explain me what's wrong.." Armitage slowly sat down on his bed and pulled you closer trying to calm you down.

You nuzzled to his chest wrapping arms tightly around his waist. "I'm pregnant.." You sobbed loudly, not even daring to look at him.

Hux blinked and looked at you, he was terrified. "You are what... How... WHAT?!" He put hand to your cheek and forced you to look at him.

"Pregnant, Armitage. I'm expecting HIS child.." you bursted with tears and nuzzled to hia chest again. "I've told him. He wasn't happy at all. He didn't even look at me.."

Armitage hugged you as tight as he only could. His head was full of thoughts, full of fear.

He was planning to kill you but he couldn't do this now. By doing this he wouldn't be better than your father.

"Maybe he got scared... Even Ren couldn't be ready on this." Armitage said, rubbing your back, suddenly he took off his gloves and then took your cheek into one hand. Man started to gently stroke it, trying to calm you down.

You nodded. "Or maybe he plans how to kill me..." You cried.

Your body was trembling. But you found yourself feeling safe in your brother's arms.

"Hush... For sure not. Ren is complete idiot but he wouldn't be so cruel. Not to his queen." He said still rubbing your cheek. "I know him. He would never do this, sis." Hux said using nickname that he was using when you two were small, man gently kissed top of your head. "Let's go to him, sis... We will talk with him."

You nodded and took his hand. "Will you protect me? I am so scared..."

You let him take you out of his chamber. You were walking by his side wrapping coat tightly around your stomach.

Armitage smiled sadly, he good knew what was comming.

"Yes. I will protect you... As I always did when we were younger. Remember?" He asked and ruffled your hair.

You squeezed his palm and hugged to him when you were walking along the corridor.

From a flank corridor a tall man came out. Dressed in a black armor and with a blaster in his hands.

"All hail General Hux! Die, scum!" Man aimed at you and pulled the trigger.

Hux immediately pulled you closer to him, turning around with you in his arms, he shielded you from the shoot with his own body.

"Fuck..." He groweld loudly, looking at blood stain that started to form on his uniform. He pressed hand to his chest. "Take that fanatic away! And throw out of the ship! NOW!" Hux yelled before sinking down onto his knees. "Y/N... Are you okay...." Armitage asked and looked at you.

"Dear Lord!" You screamed in horror kneeling in front of him and wrapping arms around his waist. "DOCTOR! I need a fucking doctor up here!!!" Your vocie was raspy as huge tears rolled down your pale cheeks. "Hold on, brother! I will help you, just focus on me. Listen to my voice.."

"You better get Ren here!" He yelled and then looked at you. "Come on... Don't cry, sis. You need to be brave. Just like your brother." Hux smiled at you and then he looked at wound. "Doctor is not gonna help me here..." He let out a short laugh.

"Shut up, bro!" You dared to slap his cheek strongly leaving a mark there. "Shur your mouth!"

You helped him to lay down and pressed hand to his chest. "Don't die here.."

Kylo appeared on the corridor after longer moment. "What the fuck had happened here!?"

"Someone tried to kill your Queen... I had to protect my little sister." Hux muttered. "I did this only for her... Y/N, stop pressing that. It won't help. I'm gonna bleed out no matter what." He pushed your hands away.

You didn't care what he had wanted. You again pressed hands to his wound resting your forehead on his shoulder. "Don't leave me alone, Armitage..." Your tears soaked through his shirt.

With a helpless glance you looked at Kylo. "Why are you standing like this!? Help him, for fuck's sake!!" You yelled.

A lot of stormtroopers were standing close to you, whispering and talking quietly about the situation. Their general was dying and no one could help.

Kylo came to Hux and knelt next to him. "Thank you. You've fulfilled the most important duty of all time, Hux. Hold on, doctor's on his way here."

"Shhh..." Hux sighed petting your back. "Hey... You won't be alone, Y/N. You have your... Man and you know.." Redish man looked around slightly annoyed. "Don't you all have other things to do?! And I told you something, Ren. I did this as my personal duty... Y/N... Come on sis... Can I take a nap?"

Not thinking much, you slapped his cheek strongly. "Stay awake, you little shit!" You hissed deeply.

As doctor came, two stormtroopers helped to pick Hux up.

Ren looked like they were taking general to the dispensary.

"Come here, Y/N. He will be fine, don't worry. Such a fucker like him cannot be killed so easily."

You punched his side. "Don't you say such a things!"

Hux hissed as stormtroopers picked him up. "Hey! Watch it... Because if I won't die I will hit you back, little scums." Hux muttered before he passed out.

You and Kylo followed medical team straight to the dispensary. "I am worried..." Your voice broke down as you took a seat on the chair at the corridor.

"Don't. He is a strong fucker." Kylo said and stroked your hair. "I think we need to talk about something very important." Kylo sat next to you.

You crossed legs nicely and gave him a mean look. "Mighty Kylo Ren is afraid of responsibility, huh?" You were angry and he could see this.

"Stop it!" He growled loudly at you. "It's not like this. I had to think about this. I needed some time alone." Kylo muttered.

You slowly rose from the chair. "You think it's easy to me?!" You yelled loudly enough to make few people looked over two of you. "It's not okay! Of course you put yourself on first place!"

Kylo growled and grabbed your nape pulling you into angry kiss. "Will you shut up finally, my queen?" He muttered against your lips before kissing you again.

You mumbled something and kissed him back. Your hands slipped onto his back. "What are we gonna do now?"

"What? You will become my wife." He smiled and kissed your lips shortly. "And our little prince or princess will be happy with us two."

You blinked and pushed him away. "Woah.. Easy, cowboy." You opened your eyes widely. "Isn't it so quick?" You put hand on your stomach stroking it through your shirt. "Besides, I am not sure what Armitage will say about this idea."

He frowned. "I don't care what this fucker will say. You are mine. You have problem with becoming my wife but you don't have problem with me fucking you for last few months?!" He asked looking at you.

"KYLO!" You screamed blushing hardly. "It's not that I have a problem. The situation is brand new to me..."

You walked away and sighed looking through the window at the small room where doctors were helping Armitage.

He smiled at your blush. "This is true. Everyone knows that you belong to me. Every little inch of you is mine." Kylo walked to you and wrapped arms around your waist, he kissed your neck. "I love you. I want you to be mine forever. I want to rule the galaxy with you." He growled against your skin.

Armitage was currently unconscious.

You let Kylo to hug you from behind. You grabbed his palm and put it to your belly. "I just want this baby to be happy. To have a full family.." Your voice was soft while you were speaking. "I just.. I can't lose my brother... Do something, Kylo. Force is strong in you, you have to help him... I am begging you, my love..." You whispered.

Your voice was slowly fading out until you sanked on your knees losing consciousness.

Kylo grabbed you and picked you up. "I don't need to do anything. He will be fine, my queen, and everything will be just like you wish. Don't worry about that." Kylo muttered and then carried you inside, he put you on empty bed next to Armitage's. "Take care of her, too. Just be gentle with her." He growled at medical crew before leaving the room. Kylo decided to find out why such a situation had even happened.

You turned head to look at your brother. He was still unconscious and medical team was helping him.

"Armitage..." You whispered before drifting into a darkness once again.

The stormtrooper who had attacked Kylo's woman several minutes before was gathering his stuff in a rush. "Fucking coward..." Man cursed under his breath thinking about general Hux. "First he ordered to kill the slut only to protect her. Fucking pussy.."

Man threw backpack over his shoulders. He put a hood on his head and then left the chamber heading to escape pods.

"Where do you think you are going?" Kylo's voice echoed through the corridor.

"Stop right there, ZK-6902." Phasma said joining Kylo's side. "Supreme Leader has few questions to you. Collaborate or you will be forced to do so." She warned.

Few stormtroopers surrounded the traitor cutting hia escape route off.

Man reached to the backpack pulling blaster out and aiming weapon into Phasma. "Fuck off, you're only Hux's bitch, no thinking, just doing what your owner will say!" He yelled looking around. "And you all!? You ain't better than me! Many would be grateful for what I've done!"

Kylo rolled his eyes slightly and used the force to choke the man. "Shut up, scum." He used his abilities to pull man closer.

Evil laughter escaped man's lips. "I had the order from above!" He spitted on Kylo's face and smirked. "General Hux himself ordered me to kill his scum sister."

Kylo growled loudly, he could feel anger building up in him. His anger was so strong that it has triggered the force.

Men's neck snapped in Kylo's hand like a twig. Kylo threw the body on the floor. "Clean it... I will be back soon." Brunette said and walked away wiping his face. He headed back to the dispensary.

Armitage woke up slowly and looked around. He immediately spotted you on next bed. 

"Y/N.... Y/N! Sister... What's wrong with you..." Hux slowly reached out to you only to grab your hand, ignoring the strong pain in his side.

You slowly opened your eyes looking at your brother. "Armitage..." You mumbled. "I am so worried about you..." You caughed strongly and put hand to your belly. "You've saved me..."

Ginger man smiled at you softly. "I know... I know that, sis."

Suddenly Kylo entered the room and looked at both of you. "You scum..." He mumbled and grabbed Hux by his throat. "I am so happy you are awake. I will be able to kill you and have satisfaction from this." Brunette said squeezing Hux's throat as hard as he only could.

"S-Supreme Leader..." Hux growled loudly trying his best to free himself from Kylo's grasp but there was no use in trying.

"KYLO!" Immediately getting up from the bed, you hit man's back. "LEAVE HIM ALONE! WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING?!" You screamed as loudly as you only could.

Kylo let go Hux's neck and looked at you, his eyes were full of anger and rage. "HE! HE DID THIS! IT WAS HIS ORDER! HIS ORDER TO KILL YOU! HE SHOULD DIE!" He yelled at you pointing at Armitage.

You covered mouth with a hand taking step back and looking at Armitage in horror. "What.. No. Impossible. He saved me! Armitage, tell Kylo it wasn't you!"

Armitage looked down and nodded rubbing his throat. "Yes..." He nodded again taking a deep breath. "Yes... I did this... But when you said that you are pregnant... When you come to me... To ME. I couldn't let anyone hurt you and the little one." Hux explained and looked at Kylo. "I am ready to die." He said closing his eyes.

Kylo looked at Armitage with a cruel smile. "Very well general." Brunette said taking the lightsaber in his hand and igniting it on.

As strongly as you could, you grabbed the hilt of lightsaber pulling it out of Kylo's hand. You quickly turned weapon down throwing it away. You threw Kylo a mean look, then you slapped his cheek. "Just look what are you doing, Ren!" You took a step back shaking your head in disbelief. "You both! You both deserve each other! Ha! I have enough of both of you! Don't ya try to get into my eyeshot!"

With heart beating fast you left the chamber.

Kylo shook his head and followed you. "Y/N! Stop! What am I supposed to do, huh? He has betrayed me and you. You are his sister! Please, my Queen! Tell me what to do." He grabbed your hand and pulled you close to himself. Kylo hugged you tightly.

Hux stayed in bed, even when he wanted to run after you, oh so badly. This whole plan was the biggest mistake he had ever committed.

You were struggling in Kylo's arms for a while but when you calmed down, you rested head on his chest. "He's still my brother. Leave him alone. If not him, I would be dead now."

Kylo held you tightly until you were fully calm. "If not him, it wouldn't even happen." He sighed deeply and kissed the top of your head. "I still don't like fact that he is alive after all of this. HE wanted to KILL you."

"I won't change my mind. I already forgave him." You looked at Kylo slipping out if his arms. "Now, leave me alone. I want to rest. Don't feel well."

"Y/N! Stop it. You should go back to the dispensary." Kylo offered you his hand. "Please, my queen... For your own good. Your and baby's good." He said quietly.

You were measuring him with cold glance but you agreed taking offered hand.

Few days later you were able to left dispensary. You came back to your daily routine.

Hux was still slowly recovering from his injury. The biggest surprise to everyone on the ship was fact that general and Supreme Leader started to get along but there still was something deep inside Hux and he needed to take care of this.

"Y/N.." Hux said softly walking to you. "Sis, how do you two feel? Can we talk? Please? Don't worry, I won't hurt you."

You kept your face straight but deep inside you were glad he came to you. "We are okay." You put hand on your a bit rounded belly. "What about you?"

He smiled at you gently. "I am fine? I mean." Armitage moved his shirt up, showing you his bandages. "Still healing but... I really need to talk... Can we go to your chamber? I want to talk with you."

You frowned a bit glaring up at him. "Can't we talk here or in the canteen?" You asked simply.

Hux looked around at stormtroopers and shook his head. "Not really. Please, sis... I need this.." Armitage was practically begging you, what wasn't typical for him.

You smirked. "If you will promise that you ain't gonna kill me, then I am okay with this idea."

You led him to your new chamber. Kylo had given you bigger room taking you needed more space not only for yourself but also for a baby that was about to be born soon.

He looked down sadly. "Of course I won't..." Hux said quietly and followed you.

Inside your chamber ginger man looked around. "I see that this idiot Ren takes a good care of both of you." Armitage said and looked at you.

"Armitage." You growled deeply looking at him above your shoulder. "Stop calling him like that. He's good to us."

You pointed at leather chair in front of little coffee table. "Take a seat. So what do you want to talk about?"

"By 'to us' you mean to you and little one." He laughed softly and then looked at chair. "No, no, thank you. I am fine."

Armitage walked to you closer. "Y/N... I.. I am so sorry... I just, I was blind. You got on fucking top... Doing nothing. I was working so fucking hard and still, I was only Supreme Leader's punching bag..." Hux fell onto his knees and started to cry. "Forgive me sister... I beg you. When we were smaller... I protected you, and now I tried to kill you. I shouldn't, it was my mistake. Please, forgive me!" He whimpered wrapping arms around your legs.

You blinked few times and went down on your knees to hug him tight. "Hush now. It is okay. Everyone makes mistakes. So do you." You patted his back gently.

It took you few longer moments to calm your brother down. "And now, come on, get up." You reached hand to him and helped Armitage to get back on his feet.

You smiled at him and went to large window with a view on the space. "Promise me something. That you will be a good uncle. That you will protect this child as much as you protect me. This baby has no one but me, Kylo and you."

You were stroking your belly with forehead leant against the glass.

Amritage watched you and nodded. He came to you and hugged you from behind nuzzling to your shoulder. "I promise... I swear... I swear on my life. I won't let anyone hurt you or little one. I won't, never." Hux said trying to control his emotions.

You sighed slightly. "I trust you. Don't mess with me anymore, bro."

You turned and briefly kissed his cheek. "Now, can you leave me alone? Afternoon nap is all I want for now." You giggled.

"Please.... Can I stay here with you? I can sleep on a couch. I just wanna stay close to make sure you are safe." He whispered holding you tightly.

You rolled your eyes giggling. "Kylo will be glad seeing you here, brother."

You ruffled his hair and nuzzled to him. "C'mon."

You led him to the king sized couch and got on it next to him. "Tell me a story. Like you used to do when I was small." You nuzzled to his chest.

Armitage hugged you and sighed heavily. " Uhm... I am not sure if I remember any stories now. But I will try my best. For my little sister."

Kylo walked to your chamber and found you and Hux asleep on couch. He sighed softly and took blanket to wrap it around both of you.

"FUUUCK!!" You voice was piercing the air echoing along corridors.

The childbirth was lasting since few hours. You were totally exhausted but still trying to cooperate with doctors. "I CAN'T DO IT!!!" You screamed after another painful push you had to make. "I WILL KILL REN PERSONALLY AFTER ALL THIS SHIT!!"

"You're doing great, Mrs Ren." One of doctors wiped your forehead from sweat. "Just few more pushes. You can do it, Y/N."

Hux shivered listening to your screams. All he has wanted was to take pain away from you. "Ren, really? You don't care?"

Kylo, on the other hand, was sitting on the chair, his face was emotionless. He was just sitting there, your screams and threats haven't touched him at all. He looked at Hux. "I care but she is stronger than she looks. I am not worried about her health at all. She can make it." Brunette shrugged.

Hux only rolled his eyes. "You are immposible." He growled.

At the same moment everything became silent.

After several minutes young nurse came out of the operating room.

"Supreme Leader, I have the pleasure of informing you that lady Y/N just gave birth to a pretty little girl." Woman smiled bowing her head. "My sincere congratulations."

Kylo simply walked past the woman. All he has wanted was to see you and his daughter.

Hux rolled his eyes. "Thank you for your help." He said to the nurse and followed Kylo.

Ren sat next to you on a bed and gently pressed his forehead to yours. "My queen. You did a great job, just please, don't try to kill me now. It's your brother's job."

Kylo's gaze fell on the small bundle in your arms. "Is this her? This is our child?" He asked and looked at you.

Hux rolled his eyes again listening to Kylo. He looked at little girl you were holding in your arms. "She is really cute."

You nodded at Kylo. "It's her." Little smile crept onto your lips. "She's perfect."

You gently stroked over little forehead with your index finger. "We need to think of the name for her, Kylo."

Kylo looked at you not really sure what to say.

Hux rolled his eyes. "Maybe Y/D/N? I think it will be perfect." He shrugged.

You smiled at your brother. "To me it's a perfect name. So... Y/D/N... Welcome." You kissed little nose softly.

Kylo kissed your cheek and slowly took Y/D/N into his arms. "Welcome, my little princess." He said holding little girl close to his chest.

He looked at you and easily you could see tones of love into his eyes. Kylo was truly happy for the very first time. Like you all were that day.


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6 years ago

In spite of all || Amritage Hux x Reader

In Spite Of All || Amritage Hux X Reader

Summary: You came back on Hux's ship since you were having an important case to him. And it was about his little daughter, about which he didn't know yet.

Warnings: none.

Words: 2624

Authors: Cass & General

Request by: @votelib Request: “Armitage Hux learns that he has a little daughter with you.”

In Spite Of All || Amritage Hux X Reader

You were walking along large corridors of a spaceship. It's been many years since you where for the here last time.

You were Armitage's private bodyguard and his secret lover. A few years ago something forced you to leave ranks of The First Order. Thanks to your position you had a free hand to leave.

But you were here again. Same long corridors. Good thing was that you still remembered the plan of the whole ship.

Another pile of papers made a rage increased deep inside of him. Armitage was in his chamber, working again on things his people didn't manage to do yet. Ginger general decided to take few minutes off, so he got up from his chair and walked to the large window with a view on a hangar.

Suddenly you ran onto someone. You took a step back and shivered at the sight. It was Phasma in her chromed armor. "Y/N? What are you doing here?" She asked coldly. You always had the feeling that Phasma didn't like you at all. She was always so cold, calm, serious. She was a "Perfect Soldier", maybe that was the reason why she never looked at you in a good way. "Phasma! Uhm... I came here to met with Armi... I mean General Hux." You said nervously. Phasma looked at you shortly and nodded. "Fine then, I will escort you there." She informed and all you could do then was to nod.

Hux was leaving his chamber when he noticed a movements on the corridor with a corner of his eye. He turned head to see Phasma that was waking next to a familiar figure. "Y/N?" Hux wasn't trying to hide his wonderment.

"She was wandering around the ship. She said she is going to see you, so I decided to bring her here to make sure she is telling the truth, General."

Phasma reported coldly. You looked over your shoulder and frowned. "I am capable of speaking by myself, thank you, Captain Phasma." You said annoyed.

Apparently being back on the ship brought back memories of your old work and your behavior automatically switched due to the old training you went through a long time ago.

Then you looked at Armitage. For you, he didn't change even a bit. "Can we talk?"

"We have nothing to talk about." Hux snapped angrily and pushed between you and Phasma. "I've got a lot of work, I won't find time for another pointless conversation."

He passed both of you by and walked along the corridor, never turning his head back.

Phasma already put a hand on your shoulder ready to pull you away but you only frowned and pushed her palm away. "Armitage, I have a really important case to talk to you about. It's really important." You said firmly, following him.

You already made your decision and you couldn't get out now just because he was in a bad mood as always.

"Shall I do something with her, sir?" Phasma asked emotionless.

Hux stopped after several long steps and looked at you above his shoulder, frowning. "Didn't I make myself clear a second ago?" He asked, not even looking into your direction. "If the case is that important, you can visit me at evening."

Armitage threw a cold glance to Phasma. "Let her go."

"This can't wait!" You growled loudly at him. "At last for once in your life listen to someone!" You practically started to scream at him. "I need to speak to you now!"

You could hear a sound of shiting behind you. What could mean that even Phasma became interested in the whole nontypical situation.

Hux crossed hands behind his back, then he turned to you. "So? What's the matter?" He cocked his ginger brow, looking straight at you.

You frowned. "I want to talk just with you. Without this shining can over here." You said looking him straight in the eyes.

"Watch your mouth, Y/N. You aren't a part of The First Order anymore. I could shoot you right here and now. No one would care." Phasma warned you.

You smiled softly. "You won't do this because General didn't give you an order. So? Armitage? Shall we?"

You could see how he was clenching teeth. Finally, he nodded. "You have 5 minutes." He growled at you when he was opening thw door to his chamber. He shifted a bit to make spelace for you to enter the room.

"Phasma? Go to the cargo and check if everything's fine down there." Hux ordered simply.

"Thank you, Armi." You said playfully and entered his chamber. "Bye bye, Phasma." You said with a smile.

Phasma only nodded, looking at Hux and then walked away.

The talk took a bit longer than five minutes. Your talk with Armitage was interrupted by Phasma. "General? I require permission to enter. It's urgent." You sighed deeply and looked at the door, then back at Armitage.

"Come in." Hux said loudly and improved his position on the chair.

Phasma walked in holding small girl by the collar of her shirt.

"Hey, let me go!" Girl whimpered trying to free herself from Phasma's grip.

"She was wandering around cargo." Phasma muttered.

You quickly got up from your seat. "Let her go, Phasma! Put her down immediately." You growled. "And Y/D/N, I told you to wait at me at the ship."

Girl looked at you sadly. "I am sorry, mommy." She said. Phasma slowly looked at Hux.

He frowned more, rubbing over his chin. "Who's she?" Hux asked coldly. "I thought that we had wiped all unnecessary passengers out."

He walked to Phasma, giving her signal with hand to put girl down. Hux stopped in front of child and crouched. "Hi. Who are you? What were you doing at cargo level? How did you get there?"

Phasma put the girl down.

Girl had a black hood on. She looked at Phasma and then at Armitage. "Hello, sir. My name is Y/D/N and I am five years old. I wanted to look around. You have a nice ship, sir. It's sooo big and wow." Girl smiled at him. "Mommy brought me here, sir. She ordered me to stay in our ship... but I didn't listen. I am sorry, sir... Please, don't be mad at me or my mommy." Girl said quietly.

Hux couldn't stop himself from smile. He slipped both hands beneath the hood and gently pushed it of girl's head. "I am not mad. But such little girls should be always listening to what their mothers say. Where's you daddy?"

Girl has long, nicely braided ginger hair. "I know sir... but... your ship looks so cool. I wanted to see everything. But... this scary shining soldier caught me." Girl shrugged. "I don't know, sir. Mommy says that my daddy is somewhere among starts and she says that he is someone really important. What's your name, sir?"

Hux gently brushed his index finger against girl's cheek. "My name is Armitage. I'm the general here. I like your hair." His smile was slowly fading away as he gently touched her hair. He looked at you above his shoulder, cocking his brew up.

Girl giggled. "I like your hair too, sir, but you know what... Lady in shining armor is really scary." She whispered the last part.

You looked at Hux and nodded. Just giving him a sign that it was his little girl.

Phasma looked at Hux. "What shall I do with this little brat, sir?"

Hux smiled sadly at girl and got up. "You'll take care of her. You'll be nice to this young lady and you'll show her any part of ship she'll want to see. And call her brat once again, and I'll rip that ridiculous helmet off your head to knock you down, Phas."

"With all due respect, sir. I am not a babysitter." Phasma muttered not really happy after hearing the order.

"I didn't ask for your opinion, captain." Hux shrugged. "You'll take care of this young lady as best as you can, otherwise, you'll be put in front of the court." Hux added shortly but his eyes were focused on you. "Now, leave me and Y/N alone. We have a lot of things to talk about." Hux growled as he grinned.

"Yes, sir." Phasma muttered coldly.

You walked to girl and smiled at her. "Just be a good girl, okay, Y/D/N? And listen to Captain Phasma.." You said and rubbed girls cheeks. "You will be safe with her." Girl looked at you and Armitage. "Okay, mommy." Phasma offered hand to girl and little one took it. "Bye bye, mommy! Bye bye, Armitage!" She said happily and followed Phasma.

Your daughter walked away with captain and you sighed sadly, returning to your previous seat. "So... Any questions, Armitage?"

But he hadn't any questions. Hux approached you, he grabbed you by collar and force you to got up from the seat. When you did, he strongly slapped your cheek. "Who the fuck you think you are?" He pulled you as close to him as it was possible. "Five fucking years? And only now you wanted to inform me that I have a daughter?" Hux wrapped hand around your neck and squeezed it.

You whimpered loudly and grabbed his wrist. "Armitage... Let me... Go!" You growled and kicked him with your heavy boots.

When he let go of you, you gasped. "That's why I didn't tell you ealier! I knew how you will react! I wanted to protect her. That's why I left but... I decided that you both should know the truth." You sighed heavily.

Hux shrugged. "I don't care. If you count on the fact I'll start take care of her, you're fucking wrong." He snapped. "This won't change anything. Not only this. I don't want to see you with her around here ever again. As I can see, you were taking good care of her for 5 fucking years."

You rubbed your neck. "Yea... What I expected. You are just like your father. Second Brendol Hux." You frowned.

"That's enough!!!" Hux yelled and grabbed your neck again, pulling you closer. He raised hand and it looked like he was about to slap you again. But instead he leant down and pressed his full lips to yours, kissing you until he had to take a breath.

You closed your eyes ready for next hit. You opened your eyes suprised as he kissed you.

Now, it was you who has wanted to slap him but instand you kissed him back.

After the kiss, you looked at Armitage and gently touched his cheek. "What was that for..."

"I was freaking out when you disappeared. I ordered the best soldiers to look after you. When they lost the troop, I've killed every of them. And you didn't give any sign, fuck.." He pushed away from you and walked to the window, he leant forehead against the glass. "I knew she's mine since I took her hood off. There is not that many ginger people in the galaxy..." He whispered more to himself.

"Armitage. Forgive me..." You walked to him slowly and put your hands on his shoulders. "I wanted to protect her... I wanted to be sure that she will grow up without Supreme Leader or Ren's influance on her. Without your outbursts... But she was asking about you so often... That I couldn't hide it anymore. That's why I took her here."

Armitage didn't react, he was still leaning forehead against the glass. "You're sorry. Nice. I was in love with you and you've just skipped it. What am I supposed to do right now? You know what will happen when Phasma will find this out? She will kill her. And you."

"Well... As far as I know. You are general here. She listens to you. If you want, I can always come back... With Y/D/N but.. if you promise to protect us.." You said and carefully moved your hand trought his hair just like you used to do long time ago.

He turned to you improving buttons of his coat. "I feel I won't be able to protect you and her. And Phas.." He smirked sadly, "She pretends. I think she wants to get rid of me."

"I wouldn't say that. You are a good ally to her." You sighed and hugged to him. "I missed you Armitage.." You said quietly, nuzzling to his shoulder.

"I'm literally afraid. Of stepping into this new rule. Yet, will do my best. Maybe go look for Y/D/N now."

He offered you his arm and little smirk ran through his lips.

You smiled softly and nodded, taking his arm.

"Okay.. let's go look after her. You know what? Sometimes she is as moody as you are." You giggled.

Hux and you have found Y/D/N at the canteen. Armitage looked at you, he also looked around looking for Phasma but she was absent. "Hi, little one." He smiled to girl as he took his coat off.

Girl gasped happily. "Sir Armitage! Mommy!" She jumped. "Look! Lady in shining armor brought me here and I got dinner."

You smiled at her. "That's wonderful, sweetheart. How is it?"

Girl shrugged. "It's good but I still prefer when mommy is cooking and I like your coat, sir."

"Maybe you'll get one someday." Hux stroked girl's hair. "Where is lady which had to be taking care of you, sweetie?" Man asked.

She shrugged. "I think she is sick. Because she doesn't speak too often. Maybe she has a sick troat just like I had once? I asked her questions and she hasn't answered. She gave me a dinner and just left."

You shook your head. "She didn't change even a little bit as I see." You said.

Girl grabbed Armitage's coat and pulled it gently. "Armitage, sir? You have the same hair color as I do... Does this mean that you are my daddy?" She asked looking at him.

You blinked and facepalmed.

Armitage paled. "Well. It's a long story. Me and you mom were so in love some time ago. And when two people are loving each other, they're so close. That's how you came to this world, Y/D/N." He explained looking at you, his eyes were begging for your help.

Girl gasped. "SO YOU ARE MY DADDY!" She whimpered and jumped off her seat go hug him.

Armitage took her into his arms and picked her up. "Your mommy was a bad girl. She didn't tell me about you until now." He bumped her little nose.

It was when Phasma came into the canteen.

Girl giggled and hugged to him tightly.

You looked over your shoulder. "Armitage? Phasma." You said quietly.

Hux glanced at Phasma. "Where have you been? You had to take care of this little girl and instead you have left her here, completely alone!" He growled through clenched teeth.

"As I explayned before, sir. I am not a babysitter. Besides, I had my things to do and she was safe here." Phasma explained.

Hux looked briefly at you and said: "Next time, when I'll order you to stay with MY daughter, you'll do this and only this, do you understand?"

You could see that Phasma was definitly confused by situation but she nodded. "Yes, sir. Can I go now?"

"You ain't going anywhere." Hux put little girl down. "Now, go and find a nice chamber for them."

"Yes, sir." She said.

You picked Y/D/N up and hugged her. "So... We are staying here?" You asked him suprised. "I though... You said..." You looked at him.

"Don't care about things I've said. It's your home now again. And it's the future to my daughter." He looked at you, holding head high. "Welcome back home, girls."

In Spite Of All || Amritage Hux X Reader

Pandies🐼: @blue-dragon-ice @calkingwood @imidarogerson @grossograsso @thewildgardensstuff @irai-lauri @leven-and-ashley @la-verdura @bearded-steve-rogers @sebbystan-plantlover @atuckyismylife @krispyjellyfishzombie @personality-within @haseki-huricihan @choppedgardenwhispers @vroobelek @lattimelka @chris-beamz @hidden-secrets69 @side-blog-of-me @purepearls @i-am-margerita @volcanoxxx @kastrup-sofie  @mikkal-akasaki  @withoutashadowofhope  @radbluebirdeagle @marvel-fan-site  @smutloversblog  @buquete  @super-psycho-love69 @tanglesss @peter-sommer @baysidewest @vegemania @philip-stan @chodiusmmm @subwaystunnel @tykorclint @dagger-dragger @kurant @nothing-can-least-forever @oxfordkipem @deliciousbouquet90  @tuptuptup @hellenna80  @karina-marina9 @latimeriaaa  @bratko @wurld89  @scott-evans  @kiss-me-rouge @ovonel-espaniol @dancing-tacco @ratugadhi @white-tiger-shangrila @peter-sommer @axn69  @eternal-life-awaits @mrs-laura-harmon @artsy-inside @gleeeeees @darkllaama @jatut @agawux @fuzzy-tigrrr @jrjohnsson2 @cassandbeast @maaargoshaaa @dontgetmewrongman @einexx @totorosbooty @whatever-thingswillgetbetta @humifiler @nwmtagsb @secretlygrantaire @kyloren-supreme-ben @yessy2012

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6 years ago
Imagine: Cuddling With HuxRequested By: @hail-kylo-ren A/N: Kylo Will Be Here Tomorrow;)
Imagine: Cuddling With HuxRequested By: @hail-kylo-ren A/N: Kylo Will Be Here Tomorrow;)

Imagine: Cuddling with Hux Requested by: @hail-kylo-ren   A/N: Kylo will be here tomorrow ;)

Imagine: Cuddling With HuxRequested By: @hail-kylo-ren A/N: Kylo Will Be Here Tomorrow;)

“Aaaaaaaaarmitage!” You whimpered loudly from a bedroom you were sharing with General. You waited at him for almost two hours, just since he told you the most random sentence he was always using - ‘give me five minutes’. “Huuuuuuuuux!” You whimpered again. You planned to shout once again, until he would come back to bedroom.

“For the love of Supreme Leader! What do you want Y/N?!” Hux growled, putting away his papers. “Why are you whimpering there?!”

“You promised to come to me in five minutes. IT WAS HOURS AGO!” You answered.

Ginger sighed loudly and rubbed bridger of his nose, then looked at the watch.  “Okay, fine. I am coming, just please stop whimpering,” he muttered and got up from his seat.

You quickly sat up and smiled.  “Armi! Come here.”

Hux walked to you and kissed the top of your head.  “Don’t call me that. I am not a child anymore.”

“Come on. It’s late, let’s cuddle and go to sleep,” you smiled at him.

Armitage still didn’t get use to fact that you were full of happiness, like no one else in that place. Maybe that’s why he fell for you.

It took him longer moment go get ready to bed but when he joined you, you immediately hugged him. Hux stiffed and looked at you.

“You still do this, Armitage,” you looked at him with a soft frown.

“I am just not used to this kind of contact,” he admitted.

“Come on. You had to have such contact in the past. Like just when you were small,” you rolled your eyes.

“If by contact you mean abuse than yes, I had.”

You let out a sigh and looked around, thinking. “Okay, I have an idea. You can hug me from behind like I would be Millicent.”

He blinked. “Excuse me?”

“Come on,” you smiled and turned with your back to him.

Armitage watched you for a short moment and hugged you tightly. He nuzzled to your hair, sighing quietly. “Okay… This is nice.”

“Meow!” You let out a sound and giggled.

You could hear Hux’s quiet laugh.

“Maybe this will be one of the better nights…” Armitage whispered and closed his eyes.

Imagine: Cuddling With HuxRequested By: @hail-kylo-ren A/N: Kylo Will Be Here Tomorrow;)


Pandies🐼: @blue-dragon-ice @calkingwood @imidarogerson @grossograsso @thewildgardensstuff @irai-lauri @leven-and-ashley @la-verdura @bearded-steve-rogers @sebbystan-plantlover @atuckyismylife @krispyjellyfishzombie @personality-within @haseki-huricihan @choppedgardenwhispers @vroobelek @lattimelka @chris-beamz @hidden-secrets69 @side-blog-of-me @purepearls @i-am-margerita @volcanoxxx @kastrup-sofie @mikkal-akasaki @withoutashadowofhope @radbluebirdeagle @marvel-fan-site @smutloversblog @buquete @super-psycho-love69 @tanglesss @peter-sommer @baysidewest  @vegemania @philip-stan @chodiusmmm @subwaystunnel @tykorclint @dagger-dragger @kurant @nothing-can-least-forever @oxfordkipem @deliciousbouquet90 @tuptuptup @hellenna80 @karina-marina9 @latimeriaaa @bratko @wurld89 @scott-evans @kiss-me-rouge @ovonel-espaniol @dancing-tacco @ratugadhi @white-tiger-shangrila @axn69 @eternal-life-awaits @mrs-laura-harmon @artsy-inside @gleeeeees @darkllaama @jatut @agawux @fuzzy-tigrrr @jrjohnsson2  @cassandbeast @maaargoshaaa @dontgetmewrongman @einexx @nwmtagsb @anini71  @secretlygrantaire @kyloren-supreme-ben @infinity-stones-seeker @thehappyspider @wings4life @huxyluxy @dontbeafraidchild @misafiryanki @electronicpatrolcollective @thisismysecrethappyplace

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