thepigeonsopinion - this pigeon has taken flight
this pigeon has taken flight

just a pigeon that likes sleeping, fandoms, shipping, and fanfics (´ ꒳` )

109 posts





Also the irony that this is what I post after the fact I haven’t posted in awhile lmao. :p

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More Posts from Thepigeonsopinion

1 year ago

Me just scrolling through tumblr: . . .

Suddenly sees this gem!

Me Just Scrolling Through Tumblr: . . .

Excuse Me, My Boi Is Now In HD!!

Me Just Scrolling Through Tumblr: . . .
Me Just Scrolling Through Tumblr: . . .


I’ve never been happier. . . 。゚(TヮT)゚。

Anyway that is it, I just want to celebrate that my sweet guitar violin boi is now in HD! (and in the miraculous movie, I might actually watch the movie now :D)

Have a great rest of your day or night!!

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2 years ago

You know I just realized that if MLB is going to going to go with the route of Adrien being a sentimonster then if the ring that “controls” him is destroyed would that mean Adrien would also cease to exist, which in turn would end the LS all together. :0

(Old thought but why not post it lol :p)

But that's just my opinion (or theory idk) (・ε・)

((Also surprise I’m not dead, tho I wish I could be))

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3 years ago
Forcing Your Time Rewinder To Try Every Possible Combination Of A Safe Until It Opened Is Kinda Messed

Forcing your time rewinder to try every possible combination of a safe until it opened is kinda messed up

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3 years ago

Damn, what is this the third spoiler this week?

So, the "Gabriel Agreste" trailer AND synopsis of the episode just came out recently and as alway we're here to talk about my inner opinions (and maybe some theories along the way) of the episode.

If you've haven't seen/read the synopsis here it is:

"Nathaniel and Marc have a plan for Marinette to declare her feelings to Adrien. They sat it up at school, where Adrien is free of his father's control. But Chloe films their meeting and threatens to reveal everything to Gabriel, who would forbid Adrien to go back to school. Chloe will spend the evening at Gabriel's, where Marinette cannot enter. But Nath and Marc's imagination is limitless, and Marinette, disguised as a waitress, sneaks into the Agreste home... where a supervillian is also crashing the party. Will Ladybug save the soiree?"

So as you can see, this episode is just going to be another episode where I'm going to be so pissed. Not to mention that the trailer, is already giving me dramatic vibes (with chloe kicking a whole ass door down). Let's just dive into it, I guess!

First of all, let's talk about the one main upside of the episode, the Marcthaniel moment! They look so cute, and the fact that they did something together for Marinette is so cute! (even if the thing they came up with is to push Marinette to Adrien even more heheheehe... :,)). The first scene in the trailer shows a table with many masks on top of it, I wonder what the significance of the masks are to the episode because no one at the party is wearing them so I wonder...

AnYwAy! The fact that Thomas Astruc is making Chloe do stuff that would deem her nonredeemable is just sad in my opinion. Because in the first few seasons it seemed she could be redeemed (she even avoided being akumatized again) but now, with everything that happened in season 4, it does not seem possible anymore. It just so sad because she could've had so much potential. Now, don't get me wrong I still don't like how Chloe acts and how she treats other characters in the show, but all I'm saying is that her character could've had a better role in season 4 other that stereo typical bully *(plus the chaos that is happening in this trailer ALONE.)

Okay, now let's dive into the family drama between Felix and Gabriel! As we all know Gabriel's and Felix's relationship isn't a friendly one and it's definitely more prominent in the episode with the stink eye they give each other (probably because Felix stole the ring from Gabriel)((wait I just realized that if Felix didn't steal the ring from Gabriel we wouldn't have found out that Adrien is a sentimonster because the ring that Emilie had was obviously the object to control the sentimonster/Adrien. So, if Felix didn't steal that ring Adrien would've been able to have more freedom of choice :0) Also, I believe that this is the episode that Felix finds out that Gabriel is Shadowmoth and whether he plans on using that information against Gabriel or just keep it to himself is up to him ( but I believe that Felix is just going to keep it to himself.)

Wait a second did Gabriel make a sentimonster version of himself or at least his akumatized self (I forgot the akuma's name :p). Also not the fact that even after all the things that boi has done he still being saved T3T. Wait, of Marinette is supposed to be "disgused as a waitress" why the heck is she wearing a mustache. Well, I guess no one would recognize her with that disguise (maybe Kagami would find out?). Also, I bet that Marinette will not be able to confess to Adrien I mean, if this show has taught me anything is that anything that has to do with the LS now is probably end in one in two ways. One being that it just doesn't work out and Marinette fails to confess properly to Adrien (aka the way she wants to) or Adrien just misunderstands the whole thing and thinks that Marinette is being "good friend". Two being that they pull an "Oblivio" and forget the whole thing even happened.

Not to mention, we love Kagami trying to fight on her own! Yess, Queen! (btw I am starting to love Kagami even more because of her ability to be independent :)). Even if punching the book straight ahead was kinda stupid T3T. Still, you go girl!

I know the only reason that Felix smiles at the painting is because it looks like his mother, but like it be kinda suspicious though. Not that Gabriel arriving at the exact moment Felix was to press the buttons to open the "gateway" to the butterfly basement is not suspicious. (Also, I just realized that maybe Emilie when she created Adrien ((if the theory that Adrien is a sentimoneter is correct.)) she probably based it off of Felix, which is why they look so similar :0)

I just realized that we don't know why their's a party at the Agreste household. Eh, it's probably for Gabriel Agreste's 100th collection.

And with that, the trailer is done!

All in all, just with the trailer and the synopsis of the episode I can already tell that I will be very annoyed and intrigued by the episode. The one half being that there is going to be a part of the episode that will be cliche as heck, which is code for Marinette and her friends making a plan for her to confess her "undying love" for AdRieN and fail miserably in the end, which is no doubt going to annoy the heck out of me. And the other half being the drama in the Agreste household and the theory that Felix may find out that Gabriel is Shadowmoth, which will no doubt intrigue the heck out of me. But, in the end I can't wait for my questions and theories to be answered.

Anyway! That has been my whole rant about the new released synopsis and I still stand with my opinion. I hope everyone has a great rest of their day or morning(?) (Because I'm doing this at like 3:00 in the morning :0) and as always remember...

But that's just my opinion (・ε・)

(I swear if this episode gets released this weekend I will be so freaking pissed, mainly because this show just doesn't give us a minute to recover from an episode, especially with the fact that the last episode had so many things to unpack :p)

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3 years ago

"Gabriel Agreste" recently came out, so you know what that means...

So the episode "Gabriel Agreste" came out and I have some thoughts about it (as usual). And we all know what that usually leads to... A RANT! So let's just dive into it!

(And yes I skipped doing the usual overly detailed summary because I am really sleep deprived right now and I just want to get my thoughts out now, and it's totally not because I forgot what happened in the episode heheheheheh :))

Warning: Spoilers from the episode "Gabriel Agreste"

(Also, as always I am re-watching the episode as I type this so I might have some unnecessary details. Anyway! Let's get into it!)

First things, first all the scenes in which Gabriel talks to Emilie, who is in a glass case while she is in a comatose state might I add never seems to creep the heck out of me. It also goes to show how Gabriel is slowly falling deeper into the hole we like to call insanity (heheheheh totally didn't see that coming :l). Not the fact that Felix actually watches the Ladyblog. I mean I get the fact that Felix is very resentful to Gabriel, but like him watching the Ladyblog just to add onto the blackmail list that he has against him (I'm guessing) would have to infer that he's been already suspecting that Gabriel is Hawkmoth or Shadowmoth. Which I guess makes sense already because of the whole still obsessed with my supposedly "dead" wife thing being already a pretty big red flag. But, why would he want to know whether or not Gabriel is indeed Shadowmoth. I mean, he doesn't really seem to have any ulterior motive to even target Gabriel because he already practically got what he wanted, which was the family heirloom that Emilie had before she "died" or more accurately disappeared. Unless Felix does have another motive or he just wants blackmail against Gabriel, which could be the more accurate answer with him resenting Gabriel. But I digress.

I also love the fact that Felix adores his mother so much to the point he would do anything for her. Which tells us that he is a Mama's Boy. #MamaboyFelix ¬‿¬ . Not to mention, that Gabriel admits to the fact that he can't do everything without Natalie and that there is no one that can replace her. Now all we need is for him to realize that he doesn't need to do all the things he is doing to "resurrect" his wife, when he already has Natalie, which will probably never happen. Also, props to Natalie already having everything set for the party, but not only that, but also a list of what he needs to do. Natalie is the true brains of the show no doubt. Not to mention, that she reminded him to eat! That girl is wife material no doubt.

Now here's the part of the episode that I would much rather skip because all it's doing is putting another unnecessary scene in another episode in the season. I mean sure, it gives Marinette a reason to be there in the first place, but all really does is put a side plot into the episode that really doesn't contribute to anything in the plot of whole show itself. It's also just another example if how the show is just trying to make the love square present in every episode of the show, even if it doesn't contribute to anything in the actual episode. But, don't get me wrong I appreciate the Marc x Nathaniel moment that wasn't really prominent, which kinda makes sense, I guess. Also, I just realized that Marc is taller than Nathaniel and I LOVE that (ㅅ´ ˘ `)♡. Not to mention the fact, that Marinette still hasn't realized that her crush on Adrien isn't really a secret anymore and that everybody and I mean EVERYBODY in the show is already aware of it. How are Marc and Nathaniel the specialists of romantic comedies? What even qualifies them, other than being a writer and an artists duo. And is this just a way to admit that Love Square or at least Marinette's love life is a romantic comedy? Wow, didn't see that coming.

I know Chloe is supposed to be the big bad villaness in the episode, for at least the side plot of the episode, but like, again was this really necessary.

I'm just gonna say that Marinette looks good in any hairstyle; a bun, space buns, a ponytail, a low ponytail, pigtails, or just hair down, she looks like an absolute queen.

I don't see why the masks are needed, but I'm lowkey getting squid game vibes from this. The Felix X Chloe moment though was kinda cute, but I gotta admit it was kinda weak. This whole episode just shows how smart Felix is and I love that because if Shadowmoth does get defeated and we are introduced to another Butterfly villain he would make a great candidate.

Also not Kagami giving Felix the side eye. What's going on there hmmmm? I wonder... Maybe Fekix and Kagami have met before and they didn't get along, we'll just have to see if this ever brought up again. We also stan that Kagami even though she helps the LS she still kinda resents him after their whole break up in "Lies".

I swear anyone can just refuse a akuma at this point. I mean at first with Alya it was kinda surprising because she was the only one able to do it, but then Nino was able to do it, which didn't make it a whole once in a lifetime thing anymore. And now that Felix was able to do it, it doesn't make it a surprising moment anymore, it only makes it predictable. You know this akuma would be more entertaining if he used all the people he captured or "collected" as pokemon, like "Chloe, I choose you!" Damn that would've been so funny. Also, we stan bodyguard Kagami. Look at her protect, she so graceful! We Stan!! or at least I stan :). Wait, does Gabriel grow like a foot taller when he is transformed? What in the heck?!

Wow, Now what Felix did was smart. He deliberately ripped Gabriel's pant cuff with his arm cuffs to see if whether or not Gabriel was up to something, aka whether he was a sentimomster made by Shadowmoth. And it's finally canon that Felix knows that Gabriel is Shadowmoth. What a twist (note the sarcasm). Not to mention, Marc and Nathaniel making a whole ass comic on Marinette's or Marino's misfortune. ALSO, Gabriel has something planned for Felix, I wonder what that could be! And with that the episode ends.

All in all, the episode was kinda interesting with Felix showing off his intelligence and us finally getting canon confirmation that Felix is indeed the one that finds out. But, the side plot as I have stated before kinda seems very unnecessary and it was probably just for comic relief. Though the episode was interesting it still doesn't go in my top ten list.

Anyway! Those were my thoughts on the episode "Gabriel Agreste". I hope everyone has a wonderful rest of there day or night and always remember. . .

But that's just my opinion (・ε・)

(I'm so sleep deprived right now with everything going on in school and all the miraculous updates, I'm just glad that my Fall Break is coming soon :))

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