thereiswasabi - So many ideas, so little experience
So many ideas, so little experience

This is my fanart blog, 'cause I don't have any control over my life, but I can draw, so. . . //Oryginal story blog: thisiswasabis//

499 posts

Mini Headcanon To This - Eve (Caine's Mom) Was Very Unlucky In Her Love Life And Often Had Ended Up Divorcing

Mini Headcanon To This - Eve (Caine's Mom) Was Very Unlucky In Her Love Life And Often Had Ended Up Divorcing

Mini headcanon to this - Eve (Caine's mom) was very unlucky in her love life and often had ended up divorcing with her spouse. But often out of those marriages she had at least one kid. So, at some point, she started to call all her sons "Able" so, in case she had divorced again and didn't won one of her kids in the court, she would find them one day. Because, how many toons with objects for a head and named "Able" can be here? (A lot turns out)

End of headcanon. Thank u for coming to my Tedtalk 🙇

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More Posts from Thereiswasabi

8 months ago


Bezel, my husband,

the love of my life

Bezel, standing with his back to the viewer. But, o h, what a back 😫❤️

So sexy

Ladies and gentleman - the Embodiment of Time itself shooked and scared by the yellow dog falling over

So silly

Bezel beging himslef and frustrated jumping on us for a new year kiss with battle cry "I HAVE NO MOUTH AND I MUST KISS" ft: Fwench Fwy's goofy face in the background


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10 months ago

I'm still on a "break", but I decided that is too good opportunity to not show it

I'm Still On A "break", But I Decided That Is Too Good Opportunity To Not Show It

So I was thinking on CM (Cannibal Musical) some time ago and had been thinking - what would the waiters look like in it? And tried to draw one of so said waiters. I've decided for animal inspired designs, bc I'm basic and for this one I was going for a Black Widow. I wanted her to be a man at the beginning, but then reminded myself that's females who eats the males.

I have her mechanical legs, 'cause I have this idea, that she didn't had them as she joined the "restaurant" and they have her those so the things would be easier.

She also has a mask. When I looked on a poster on oryginal concept art, there was this smiling guy and at that time I thought it was a mask (it wasn't, but that's fine)

I'm Still On A "break", But I Decided That Is Too Good Opportunity To Not Show It

And because I took this as a mask, I assumed every waiter had those. So I gave her one too. I tried to make it look like a spider "face", but I couldn't look at a reference when I was making this, so it look off (and not spider)

I could ramble about her more but there's a little more to show!

As I was digging deeper into this, I've started to also thinking on a plot - about what musical like this would be about? How write a good plot for so unordinary(/pos) story?

And then it hit me - what if it was a video game, not a brodway show?

You propably asking me now, "Wasabi, how would that even work!? You can't pit musical numbers in a video game!"

I know, I know. . .

. . . but think about it

We are the player, who's is "soon-to-be-a-meal", but, plot twist, mamages to escape from your cage

And now searches for the way out of this hell

I'm Still On A "break", But I Decided That Is Too Good Opportunity To Not Show It
I'm Still On A "break", But I Decided That Is Too Good Opportunity To Not Show It

The songs would be singing by the bosses on each level, pulling player in the choerography, the attacks and the sound of smashes would add the rhythm to it

Like, for example: we have a level, where to win we have to win a game in hide & seek. Image how creepy it would be, you try to desperately find a shelter or way out, but there's a carnivore monster behind your back (is it behind you, right?), chasing you, your heart beats like it was running from it as well, you pray to just get out of here.

And there's "Ding-dong" type of song with music box melody playing in the background, louder and louder every time the boss is closer to you

A musical in form like that would be something new, fresh, something we could be a part of, not only a viewer admiring from afar

The possibilities with it are. . . Endless

But hey, it's just a concept, a fan concept!

And now, if you excuse me, I going back to my hole, bye~

Ps: sorry for the messy drawings, I wanted to make this post, bc I was excited to show this

I wanted to show you those ideas after my break, but why wait when you have a chance?

~ Wasabi

Do you still working on the Cannibal Musical? 👀

Only if anyone’s interested, it was only given to me in a dream so I can’t say for sure it can be soundly structured. Also the cannibalism dishes might deter others away if they’re grossly against eating humans (which I recommend to not eat humans you mad people)

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8 months ago

New Chikin Nuggit episode tomorrow, who's hyped?

8 months ago

Dang it, I rebloged on a wrong blog again

- _-


Bezel, my husband,

the love of my life

Bezel, standing with his back to the viewer. But, o h, what a back 😫❤️

So sexy

Ladies and gentleman - the Embodiment of Time itself shooked and scared by the yellow dog falling over

So silly

Bezel beging himslef and frustrated jumping on us for a new year kiss with battle cry "I HAVE NO MOUTH AND I MUST KISS" ft: Fwench Fwy's goofy face in the background


1 year ago

Because they all belong to Dorothy :D

Final Valentines Piece: A Mix Of OC And Fanart

Final Valentines Piece: a mix of OC and fanart

My version of Dorothy and Scarecrow's first meet for my Wonderland of OZ project. Scarecrow was immediately smitten by this sweet Kansas girl, even if he doesn't realize it yet.

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