theresatm - {Tmblur}

welcome to another squinting look at the liminality of the tm wherein you probably didn't see what i did there. hardly any one really does. also: make good art; or else. -  -

813 posts

Theresatm - {Tmblur}

theresatm - {Tmblur}

More Posts from Theresatm

4 years ago
El FICM da a conocer la Selección Oficial de su 18ª edición
¡Conoce la Selección Oficial de la 18ª edición del Festival Internacional de Cine de Morelia (FICM)!

Holy crap! A Home for the Brave got selected! Our work got into a film festival. Hooooow!?!

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4 years ago

"my brain hurts like a knife hole"

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4 years ago
theresatm - {Tmblur}

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