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Boyfriend Joshua On Your Camera Roll
Boyfriend Joshua on Your Camera Roll 📷

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Just a Jeonghan voice message sucking up to you basically...
Hey it's me. Your boy. Your fave. The one you dream about every night. At least I hope you do or we have a lot to talk about.
I know it's late and you're asleep or just avoiding my calls which if so, ouch. What if I was in danger, in need, lost and alone and afraid? Then what?
I know you're rolling your eyes at that last part.
I know depite the dramatics you're intrigued as to why I'm calling though.
The reason?
After we dropped you off at home Gyu and I were talking and you know what he had the audacity to say to me? That you were going to get a restraining order aganist me if I keep staring at you the way I do. I told him to stop being so dramatic. He's just jealous that I don't give him the attention that I give you.
He didn't deny it either.
But it got me thinking. I don't think I told you once tonight how beautiful you looked. I was so caught up in taking you all in that I was at a loss for words when it came to telling you how you made my heart do backflips. I could have stared at you all night.
The way your whole face lit up whenever Hoshi told you one of his horrible jokes. The way your eyes crinkled at the corners, your laugh filling my ears like the purest music. How animated you got, almost like you were living every moment of the elabote stories Seungkwan kept telling you from our tour.
I can't get enough of you. I never want to get enough of you. I want to keep you close to me always so that I can see you enjoying life. To hear your laugh, To take in your beauty. My world is brighter with you in it. It's complete. I couldn't ask for amything more in this life. I feel so foolish for not being able to tell you this all in person. When I see you tomorrow I'm sure I'll tell you this all again and more. I just couldn't go to sleep without telling you.
And if you listen to this and happen to think 'Hey you know what, this guy is crazy and maybe I should get a restraining order' I'm blaming Gyu for manifesting it and it wont' be pretty.
Please don't let Gyu win this battle - it'll go right to his head and I'll never hear the end of it.
But more so, don't because I need you in my life, I want you in my life and I don't want that to change.
Ok, I think I've poured enough of my heart out to your voicemail for one night. I can't promise I won't do it again tomorrow night.
Maybe you do need a restraining order aganist me.
Ok, love you, miss you BYE
Boyfriend Hao on Your Camera Roll 📷

Soft Moments with Wonwoo
Late night pillow talk - Wonwoo might seem a little closed off to the world when it comes to sharing parts of himself. But when it's just the two of you snuggled under the blankets of your bed nothing is off limits. You're his safe space and when it's just the two of you all of his thoughts, dreams and ambitions are shared with you. There's nothing holding him back. He loves having you tucked under his chin, bodies intertwined telling you about everything from his gaming wins to the hopes he has for your future together and the worries he has in life. You're his favourite sounding board, therapist and let's face it maybe a life coach too. He holds so much in from the world that to be able to open up fully to you without judgment and fear, only love and support makes him feel so much more love and appreciation for you. With you he can be vulnerable and he doesn't hold back. Now don't get me wrong, it's not all about Wonwoo. As much as he enjoys being able to share his world fully with you, there's nothing he loves more than having you tucked in close to him letting you vent about your day, telling him your hopes and dreams and sharing your worries. He's the best listener and is always there to offer his opinions or advice. He likes to deconstruct your problems and present them to you in different lights so that they don't seem as big and scary. By the end of your talks he's solved all your problems or has a game plan in order to get life back on track. He's your biggest supporter and he won't ever let you forget it.
Acts of service - he might not always know how to express his thoughts and feelings to you in regards to your relationship. He might not be big on saying the words 'I love you' but he would show you how much he loved you in other ways. Wonwoo would be the type to run you a hot bath after a long day, cook for you and let you steal all his clothes without complaint. He would do anything to lessen the burden of the day on you, show up to every moment in your life big or small and always be your biggest support without question. You didn't need to hear the words from because you felt it through all he did for you without even asking, all because it helped you and it gave it great happiness to see that smile of relief or appreciation on your face.
Stolen moments - although Wonwoo isn't big on personal displays of affection that doesn't mean he doesn't sneak moments in. Honestly, to him stolen moments in a crowded room when no one seems to be watching are much deeper and exciting to him. They're small, simple moments, over in a second but they leave you with a flush to your face and a catch in your breath. Surrounded in a crowded room your eyes would be searching their faces for him but he would catch you before you saw him. You'd feel his hand on the small of your back, bending down so that his lips would brush lightly against that spot on the neck you always liked or a fluttering kiss against your shoulder. He was the first to notice if you were overwhelmed in the room full of people, he knew he didn't have to say anything just his presence would help you take your breaths easier but he would let you know he's there by running his thumb along the back of your hand or tracing small circles on the inside of your arm as you stood close together. Wonwoo would always ensure that you knew you were the only one catching his eye in the room. He'd love to gently move the hair from your face getting close to whisper in your ear how you were the most breathtaking one in the room, loving watching your face redden with his words
Always knows what you need/always taking care of you - it's like he has direct access to your mind. Wonwoo knows you so well that just by the look on your face he can easily tell if you need a shoulder to cry on, a listening ear, a engulfing hug or just one of his well constructed meals. He's always in tune with your needs and would go out of his way without complaint to make sure they were met. He wanted you to be happy and would aid in making sure that how you felt in anyway he could. You just needed someone to be there with you as you sat in silence until you were ready to talk? He'd bring snacks and arms to wrap around you for support. Had a rough day? He'd cook you your favourite meal and wouldn't leave the table until he heard every last bit of it. Just needed to be held? He would be your own personal teddy bear. Whatever you needed he was there.
Invasion of personal space - we all know Wonwoo likes his alone time, don't we all? But the one person he doesn't mind having around all the time is you. He actually likes having you around during his quiet moments. Just knowing you're there, curled up in your chair he bought you for his gaming room reading calmed him. Having you laying on his lap as he read, sometimes reading out loud to you was pure comfort. You knew how much he valued his peace and quiet so to be able to allowed into the domain meant a lot to you and showed you just how much he valued having you in his life.
Eyes always on you - despite all the people that might be around him at times, if you're in the room his eyes are always on you. Not just out of pure admiration and love for you. But out of worry and safety. He always wanted to ensure you were safe and comfortable, enjoying yourself even if he couldn't be right by your side. He wanted to ensure you weren't overwhelmed by the sheer amount of people and pressures that surrounded his life. So even if you thought he was caught up with a group of people he was always highly aware of where you were and gauging how you were feeling and if he could help
Boyfriend DK on Your Camera Roll 📷

Soft moments with Minghao
Letting you into his space - we all know Minghao gives off a slight black cat energy and is someone who values his own space and time. But when it comes to you, you're the one person he would allow into his quiet more personal moments. He would welcome you with open arms into his meditation space enjoying walking you through the process in order for you to find an inner peace and relase some of the stress you're carrying in your everday life. Something about sharing this time with you, no words just energies combining together would be so personal and intimate to him and he would feel so much closer to you through these shared moments. It would make him smile and his heart vibrate with happiness in his chest when you would ask to join him in these moments and would be even more elated to see you much more calm and at peace at the end of them. He would also enjoy shared time sat reading together. He would often suggest and pick up books that he thought you would both enjoy so that you could read them together and be able to talk about them with one another. Sharing thoughts and predictions on what was going to happen next. He would love it on the days that you would curl up beside him, you head on his lap. He would run a hand through your hair as he would read out loud to you until you dozed off in peaceful comfort.
Your built in therpaist - this man, the definition of an active listener. He is always there for you when you need to talk. When life gets too hard and he notices you struggling he would sit you down and encourage you to share the burden with him so that you could figure it out together. With him, you would never be alone in this world. To him, your problems, your struggles and your worries were his as well. He would do anything and everything to help provide you with advice, different prespectives and ideas on how to handle things going forward. Just sitting down and telling him what was going on and seeing his face calm and collected would instantly take so much weight off your shoulders. He always would know just what to say to bring you down from your worries and make then seem so much more manageable and not as scary as you would make them out to be in your head. On the flip side he is not only there in the tough times to listen. He loves listening to you ramble on about your day, what you did what you saw. He would love the way your face would light up when you would talk about you faveourite things in life. When he was feelling down he would ask you about your faveourite hobbies just to see you face light up and get lost in how excited you are about it all. It would instantly make him forget the rest of the world.
Personal Stylist - we all know how fashionable this man is. He takes pride in his fashion sense and would love to share that with you. You wouldnt ever have to worry about going shopping, what to wear and what to accessorize with because he has your back. He would love to take you shopping, pilling clothes in the dressing room for you to try on. He would know exactly what would fit you best, always making sure to pick things that he knew you would be comfortable in. He would be your biggest hype man too while trying things on. Talking up how good you looked in all the outfits he picked out for you, taking pictures of everything for his own collection. Going out? Have an event? He's got you. He would love coming over to roam through your closet to help you compile an outfit that would wow everyone else in the room. Minghao would also love buying things that you both could wear or buying somehwat matching outfits that would compliment one another as well. Lets be real, he would also love dressing you up to have full on photo shoots so that he could combine his two favourite things, fashion and you into one thing.
Window into his silly side - despite his usual more quiet and reserved nature with you Minghao is more likely to let his hair donw and let his more relaxed silly side down. We've all seen him twerk on tipsy live. This MInghao would be out a lot when the two of you were alone together. He loved seeing your smile and hearing your laugh and with you he felt no judgemnt so he would let his guard down and express his silly nature more to allow all of this to happen. You would have our own inside jokes with one another, your own looks that would express them so that when you were out with others you could just look at one another and know and giggle silently to yourselves together. I can just see him being much more carefree and open, relaxed.
Always shows up for - you are his pride and joy and he wants you to know that every second of everyday. He also wants the whole world to know that and to know that you are his. He would go out of his way to show up for you in every way he could in life. If it was to be there for a phone call when he was away so that you could vent about a tough day he was there answering the call. If it was an special life event like winning an award of graduating you know he would be as close to the stage as possible cherring you on. If you just needed one of those hugs that seemed to put all your broken pieces back together, his arms were open and waiting. I just feel that with him you would never feel alone, always feel apprecited and always feel safe and secure because you knew he was only one step behind you if you ever stumbled and feel. Man. I have such a sweet spot for hi, but I just feel like he would always be there and you would never doubt him for a second in amything