He, french native language, Male (Fatal) Vore Kink page, mainly Marvel Charcters, sometimes actors, write stories, All characters are 18+ dispite what movies says.
41 posts
What About Bucky Cockvoring Peter And After He's Digested Filling Steve With His Remains (maybe Even
What about Bucky cockvoring Peter and after he's digested filling Steve with his remains (maybe even eating Steve after filling him like a turkey)
Sounds great! It could be an idea to write. I can totally see Peter sucking Bucky's dick while Steve's away and then getting swallowed by that same dick a moment later. And Bucky releasing that load of semen into Steve's ass once he gets home, while Steve is totally unaware that the semen now inside him was once poor Peter. 👌
At least Peter got to suck Bucky off first....
Right now I'm working on other stories in my spare time that I'd like to finish, but I might write something with this afterwards. 👍
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More Posts from Thesuperheroeater
I like your blog! Cool to see how superheroes and celebrities eating? But what if you do reversal scenario with celebrity/superhero being eaten by some fan or regular dude who have no idea about who they are? For example, delivery guy eats spider-boys while they ordered some food for their together party, and one of them offended him with comment about how long it took to deliver the order?
That's like my prefered scenario! I love when mighty/powerful heroes get consumed and digested by some regular human being. Even more if the guy complains about the quality of his meal after he just dumped their shitty remains down the pipes or some dark alley. Not knowing he just boilled to death one of earths mightiest heroes...
Heroes are just meant to be eaten and digested by random guys in the streets.
Oh that poll you did brought some thoughts to my head. Just imagine Sebastian being mad that Chris gets all this attention and just getting rid of him.
Well, no matter the outcome of the poll, I'm definately writing two stories with each other as pred and prey. I just love them both as preds and preys. But I've to admit that this particular scenario, I like this a lot. So, be prepared for a Seb as pred and Chris as prey story comming out soon! 😏
If we go to the 40s, do you think Bucky would've eaten the little Stevie or spared him, where Steve would massage his belly while someone is inside it
Well, my vision is that Bucky keeps Steve as a bellyruber, he's too small anyways to fill him completely. He prefers buffier meals, like the other soldiers in the army. Plus he knows Steve secretly loves it when his belly is working on someone, seeing his great his rubs feel.
Steve is always amazed by his friend appetite and how strong his is when reducing someone into mush. He doesn't want to admit it (because he finds it immoral to digest someone against their will) but he loves the sounds produced by Bucky's stomach while digesting someone.
So yeah, no little Stevie for meal. He's his best pal after all. Now, if Steve got his serum, that's another story...
Tony and Steve arguing over something and Peter tries to be neutral between the two but Steve gets angry and eats him
Well, I wanted to write a Steve as pred and Peter as prey story, looks like you just give me the perfect script for it! It would be even worse if Steve starts bragging to Tony about having eating his protégé!
Steve and Bucky having a bet and the price is eating Peter. Bucky wins and let's Steve get a view of his would-be price digesting in Bucky's belly
I can absolutely see these two hunks betting on Peter's life as bellyfiller, despite the kid consent or not. And when Bucky wins and swallows the kid without much troubles, Steve would give him some bellyrubs, feeling the struggling form of Spidey bulging out. The kid is begging for his release, but is inevitably digested. Steve's would've loved to win the price, but seeing Bucky's wonderfull belly in front of him, he's not disapointed...