Cock Vore - Tumblr Posts
you ready bro my cocks hungry and ready to eat it’s prey don’t worry tho I’ll let you worship me a bit before I churn you into cum.

I’ll make sure to cum out the rest of you In my dirty boxers.

Looks like my cocks almost done sucking you in once your inside and start churning into my cum I’ll make sure of our promise and jerk your remains in my dirty jockstrap.

That’s it just sink in and let my cock consume you, once you fill my balls up I’m going to shoot you out everywhere your going to make a huge load.

I would’ve kept you around but you insisted my cock eat you, oh well Oohhhh yes keep sucking once I blow my load your going in and refilling my sac back up for the next guy.

Damn bro, your so tiny! You can just fit in my palm now. Let me light up a joint, you don't even need to take a drag for it to make you stoned out of your mind! So what should I do with you now? I could keep you in a little jar, like I just caught a grasshopper. Maybe I'll even put my socks in there, for you to climb in like a sleeping bag. It'll be a nice way to keep you obedient to me, my musk tends to do that. Or, I could keep you on me at all times. I'll stuff you in my pocket. Actually, I'll stuff you in my pants, keep you in the space between my cock and balls. You won't be able to escape that shit, bro. But I don't think I'll do any of this. The only surefire way to keep you without you escaping is letting my cock swallow you... keep you in my ballsack. I could keep you in there for a while. You'll be stuck in layers of thick cum, unable to move at all. The thought of that is pretty hot. I know what I'm gonna do to you now.
#100 🎉

Jeff was well known on and off the field as a heavy eater. His gut, and it’s contents were regular gossip topics. As a football star, Jeff attracted the attention of a cheerleader, a gay twink named shane. Shane found jeff in the locker room before a game once. Jeff was only wearing a jock and Shane begged Jeff to fuck him. Not once to pass up free casual sex, Jeff pinned him against the lockers and slowly fucked him, making sure to let his cock rest in Shanes hole to stretch him out. After Jeff had finished, he started licking Shane up and down. “I need some fuel for the game today…” Nd he began to eat shane, who tried his best to fight back. Jeff laughed as he swallowed every inch of twink into his jock body. As shane squirmed,jeff let out a meaty burp and rubbed his struggling prey. “Me and some of the other guys are gonna kidnap the opponents mascot. Were gonna trap him in his costume and take turns filling it with shit. With you around not only am i gonna have tons of energy for the game, but i’m gonna bury him with shit. Thanks man!”

“URRRRRRRRPPP” Jesse rubbed his aching gut, unable to believe what happened at the party last night. Things had gotten a little out of hand with the drinking, and he had gone upstairs with some twinky guy. Jesse had been balls deep down the twinks throat when some big guy walked in. “What the fuck?! What are you doing with my boyfriend” Jesse grabbed the back of the twinks head. He hadn’t even looked up. “Shit man. I didn’t know.” The football player charged towards jesse and slocked him in the head. When he tried to hit again, jesse caught his arm in his mouth, and started swallowing. The football player was soon squirming for his life and his boyfriend hadnt even stopped sucking jesse off. Jesse couldn’t move under the weight from the contents of his gut, and the twink took full advantage by playing with his cock all night long. “PRRRRRRRRRFFFFFFTTTT” Great, now he was gonna have to dump out some dudes remains. Jesse has got to quit partying.

Ashton grabbed his junk and flexed, the photoshoot taking a very sexy turn. As he licks his godly bicep ashton thinks back at how he became so muscular. He was in a gay club, and a couples of guys were hitting on him. A sexy twink came up to him and invited him to an orgy in his place. Ashton agreed, and when they arrived the twink gave him a pill and said it would make the sex better. Ash took it and quickly realized he was the only top there, and the six other guys were dying to get fucked by him. The horde of twinks were dying to get him inside them, without realizing that, with the pill, ashton was going to have them inside him very soon. As he was fucking the first guy, ashton groaned and closed his eyes, he felt a very strange sensation in his cock, which soon felt incredibly big. He felt squirming as the next twink, undeterred, backed his ass onto ashs cock. With two fistfuls of ass ashton started ramming the second guy. As this happened the third got down on all fours and started lapping at ashtons ass like a dog, finding his sweaty hole and forcing his face into it. Ashton, on the brink of cumming again, felt the same sensation as he took both guys into his own body. Grinning, he felt tremendous power as he cornered the last three guys. One tried crawling underneath ashton, but he squatted down, and the last thing he saw was ashtons ass, ready to slur him up. All the fucking made ashton hungry, so he satisfied his lust and hunger at the same time, swallowing the twinks and jacking off as they fucked inside his stomach.

Alex groaned as you fell to your knees. The powerful alpha male had spotted you in the gym and dragged you back to his apartment, rubbing his iron hard bulge on you the whole way back. He sat and spread his perfect hairy legs and revealed his humongous balls. What you didn’t know was that under the musky smell and salty taste were the goopy remains of cummified twins, taken in and digested in the alphas superior balls. He used his muscular arms to force your head closer and open your mouth and soon his was full on humping your open mouth, not caring if you could breathe as he shot a three gallon load into your gut. You were his sex toy now.

Alex groaned as you fell to your knees. The powerful alpha male had spotted you in the gym and dragged you back to his apartment, rubbing his iron hard bulge on you the whole way back. He sat and spread his perfect hairy legs and revealed his humongous balls. What you didn’t know was that under the musky smell and salty taste were the goopy remains of cummified twins, taken in and digested in the alphas superior balls. He used his muscular arms to force your head closer and open your mouth and soon his was full on humping your open mouth, not caring if you could breathe as he shot a three gallon load into your gut. You were his sex toy now.

Brett, the hooker you hired to fuck you and your boyfriend, entered the room with his engorged cock throbbing, his rippling muscles which he easily flaunted made you know that he was a superior, alpha, man. You crawl to him, begging to worship his godly body, which he allows. As you put your head near his cock you hear… screaming. You realize that his cock isn’t throbbing.. someone was inside! You look up at his evil grin, and he puts a rough hand on the back of your head and in your heart, you know. You’re next.

What would i do with bryan hawn?
This man is an ass god. Id take him to a frat party and start shoving guys up in there. They would think it was just a party trick and after there were seven or eight of them up there they’d go down his throat and up his cock. We’d lay down and watch an entire frat get digested.
School starts soon so I'll be more busy and im gonna take an art break until September. So heres the aftermath of my last post and last art piece until September.
John had to let it all out eventually. That cumsplostion was expected and he was ready for it. His tongue stuck out as the shot landed all over him

{S x F} What Are Friends For? (CV; M/M)

It was another day for the spy of the west, Agent Twilight/Loid Forger. Like any regular person, he put his pants on one leg at a time alongside other fairly mundane traits. As with any living creature, whatever they drink would end up being excreted through his urethra. Earlier that day, he was throwing a stakeout on a plausible terrorist that threatened the peace between Ostania and Westalis. After drinking nothing but tea while stalking his target, Loid’s bladder began to ache.
He excused himself after the mission was completed and entered the men’s restroom. Despite being full enough to burst at the seam, he made it over to a urinal and unzipped his fly. Standing there, a gold stream of liquid rained down into the drain in a soft trickle. “Finally...”
The internal walls of the dam broke through as the water flowed out. While he did train himself to refrain from going to the restroom, it was still painstakingly agonizing. He was too preoccupied with himself that he did not hear the door open and someone park themselves beside him. The man undid his fly, but he was too close to comfort to the Westalian agent. In fact, whoever that was pissing in the same bowl. Loid, finishing up, noticed that he was seeing double dick.
“What the?”
He turned around and saw the visage of his friend Franky Franklin. Yes, how could he forget what the informant looked like? How could anyone not memorize Franky’s square face and round eyes? Or his thick-framed glasses and black suspenders? Loid looked back down noticing that Franky’s cock was around 6 ft and close enough to Loid’s schlong, they were touching.
“Uh, Franky...what are you doing?”
Franky laughed. “Oh, sorry. Just had to go.”
Loid grew suspicious. “And you did not notice I was using this urinal?”
Franky shrugged. “I guess not.”
Loid lightly backed away and fastened his fly. “Well, if you don’t mind, I’m going to be heading out.”
Loid was looking away from Franky when he was saying this. If there were any events he wanted to forget, that was one of them. He would wash his hands, and then walk out. He and Franky would spend the rest of their day doing the most mundane of tasks, and they would not talk about what happened here. Or at least, that was what he was hoping.
“Oh, Loid,” Franky started still hovering over the urinal, “did I tell you the good news?”
Loid, washing scrubbing his palms with soap before rinsing, did not look back at his friend. “What good news?”
Franky beamed for a moment before speaking again. “I got a girlfriend!”
Loid looked up in surprise. He was very well-aware that Franky had an unsuccessful love life. Either the woman he was interested in had no mutual affection for him, or they were already taken. Often, Loid, being the good friend he was, would have to console him over drinks. Yet, he is now saying that he had a girlfriend? What kind of bizarro world was this?
“You...have a girlfriend?” Loid asked.
“Yeah, remember when we were at the bar getting drinks?”
Loid nods.
“I met one of the employees there and we hit it off well,” Franky explained, “turns out we had a lot of things in common.”
Loid tried to visualize the type of woman who would be interested in his bushy-haired friend. He did not want to accuse his friend of lying, but he could not see any woman ever legitimately showing interest towards him. Could it have been she was really after the man’s money? Loid’s eyes widened. Was it that kind of relationship that he wrongly believed his wife was being paid for? Regardless, Franky was his friend, so it was in his best interest to encourage him.
“Well, Franky, I never thought it had it in you. Congratulations.”
Franky smiled. “Thanks, buddy.”
Loid was in the process of drying his hands with a paper towel when Franky slowly approached him his pants reaching his ankles. “Actually, I need you to help me with something.”
“Hm, what is it?”
Franky, without warning, grabbed Loid at the back of the head and shoved him down. Loid’s head hovered over Frank’s pale head for a few moments. “Franky, what the hell are you doing?”
“Well, we had been dating a bit, so I think we are at the moment of our relationship where I wanted to whip this bad boy out. But... I think I need a little fuel to really rattle her insides around.”
“What do you mean? -”
Franky moaned and gently rubbed his glans with his other hand. Each moan caused his cock to grow and elongate. Loid attempted to lift his head, but the seemingly weak informant held a tight grip on him. Now roughly the size of a Doberman, Loid’s lips touched the slit of Franky’s glans before sliding past it. “Oh, yeah. Get all in there.”
The sounds of deafening sucking assaulted Loid’s ears almost blasting his ear drums. His head and neck became lodged in Franky’s tip with precum rubbing into every orifice and making his descent easier for Franky. The bespectacled-man rubbed up and down his shaft relishing in the fullness Loid’s head was making. Loid’s face pressed against the walls of his schlong creating a bulge against the taut skin.
Franky licked his lips. Somehow, he was tasting Loid without tasting him. The suction squeezed Loid’s shoulders into his slit cutting off the spy’s attempts at pulling himself out. He watched the bulge of his friend’s head slide down his “snake” and traced the path with his index finger. Loid’s head broke through an orifice and he was face-to-face with rubbery walls of Franky’s right nut.
Loid’s chest and waist fell victim to the rampant onslaughts of slurping squeezing through the tight passage. The Westalian agent could feel the precum sticking to his skin with Franky using it to his advantage to make his descent easier. Loid hit the bottom of Franky’s nut with the pooling cum smearing on his face and hair. He was temporarily blinded due to the heavy accumulation of cum gluing to his eyes. He tried to use the little space he had to move but the slight motion only elicited an aroused moan from the bespectacled man.
“Oh, look like I’ll be the first one to defeat Agent Twilight,” Franky bragged.
His cock shifted like a snake devouring an egg as if taking on a life of its own. It swayed back and forth to wrestle with pinching Loid’s hips into the slot. Each spasm made his shaft enlarge. He bucked his pale hips becoming overcome with lustful intent. “Ah, fuck yes.”
He rubbed his shaft with feverish delight assisting his monster hog in rubbing Loid further inside. Loid, naturally, kicked around aimlessly only stopping when he felt his groin rubbing against Franky’s rubbery walls. Frank arched his back and extended his hands to get a good grip of his dick. For someone as big as Loid, Franky was uncertain if he could pull this off, but he had spent a few weeks practicing with fruits, vegetables, and then small animals. Bugs, birds, even the occasional stray dog became reduced to baby batter.
Slurp, slurp, slurp. Pop.
Two slurps. Three slurps. Indents and curves of Loid’s body weighed heavily on the walls of his penis. His breathing slowed down as his lungs were constricted. Even if he could scream, he doubted anyone would hear him due to the audible sounds of Franky’s schlong slurping him. All that remained of the foreign spy were his long, toned legs. Franky slowed down the rate of the sucking for a little moment as he enjoyed how his friend’s muscles massaged his urethral walls. If he wasn’t too careful, he would have calmed then and there.
Slurp. Suck. Suck.
Loid’s legs sank into the lips of Franky’s head precum pooling from the sides. Probably to avoid how rough his shoes were, Franky removed Loid’s shoes and tossed them aside leaving ten wriggling toes at the mercy of his penis. Loid was forced into a tight ball with no leverage to grapple with. Franky’s glasses fogged over his breathing becoming hazy with sweat drenching his shirt. “Ah, that’s right...keep it up.”
Franky closed his eyes and gnashed his teeth together. With one final pull, Loid’s toes popped into his cock. The glans closed behind Loid causing his feet to bulge out in a crude, mishappen bulge that Franky followed with his fingers until he sensed them entering the orifice. His cock dwindled in size as his balls became engorged with the full weight of the Westalian spy.
“Ah! That hit the spot, thanks a lot for the help, Loid.”
Muffled yelling rang out from his balls clearly indicating that Loid was not amused. Franky laughed to himself. “Well, too bad. I’ll be digesting you now.”
The walls of Franky’s right nut started to collapse around the tight ball that was Agent Twilight. They squeezed into his body mixing some pre-made semen into his body to begin the melting process. His testicles tensed up before receding. Back and forth in a hypnotizing pace the walls would squeeze Loid before becoming lax. Loid’s clothes were the first thing to dissolve in the semen-filled chasm becoming more baby batter for the informant. Frank propped his back against the sink, his back turned from the mirror.
Loid squirmed and screamed with as much strength he could muster. He tried punching but his blows were weakening. His energy was waning fast. Franky rubbed some of the bulges with satisfaction. “Of all the ways you could have died, you weren’t expecting something like this, weren’t you?”
Franky wrapped his legs between his churning balls, enjoying the heat that radiated from them. “ Ooo , you are getting soft on me, Loid.”
During the digestion process, a heatwave washed over Loid’s disintegrating body. This must have been like for gingerbread men forming in an oven. The heat was unbearable and scorched Loid’s thinning skin. However, everything became slightly better for the spy. Since his pain receptors had melted off, all Loid had to do now was submit. Franky massaged his balls with his legs sensing them clench around Loid’s lifeless body. The more semen pumped in slowly transformed Loid’s body chemistry. The heart pumped cum until it completely dissolved. Loid’s lungs were destroyed. His brain broke down becoming nothing more than batter for the lecherous man. The walls kneaded and dissolved Loid down until he was an unrecognizable mass of cum.
Franky yawned and stretched his arms. His balls swayed back and forth sloshing the contents around. Sensing that his friend was no longer putting up a fight, he wrestled with his monster balls and somehow slipped them into his underwear. He heaved his pants around his engorged scrotum and redid his suspenders. “She’s gonna love this.”

damn, i wonder who got churned into spunk this time. Although maybe a better question is who's going to end up taking a mega load and risk being next?

Damn bro, your so tiny! You can just fit in my palm now. Let me light up a joint, you don't even need to take a drag for it to make you stoned out of your mind! So what should I do with you now? I could keep you in a little jar, like I just caught a grasshopper. Maybe I'll even put my socks in there, for you to climb in like a sleeping bag. It'll be a nice way to keep you obedient to me, my musk tends to do that. Or, I could keep you on me at all times. I'll stuff you in my pocket. Actually, I'll stuff you in my pants, keep you in the space between my cock and balls. You won't be able to escape that shit, bro. But I don't think I'll do any of this. The only surefire way to keep you without you escaping is letting my cock swallow you... keep you in my ballsack. I could keep you in there for a while. You'll be stuck in layers of thick cum, unable to move at all. The thought of that is pretty hot. I know what I'm gonna do to you now.
#100 🎉