Thevoidstaredback - Cats Welcome, Humans Tolerated

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More Posts from Thevoidstaredback
I was caught so off guard.
I have....concerns. Please don't update me about this story. Please. I'm begging.

I had plans today.
I was gonna finish editing a story on AO3, and then I was gonna add more parts to my stories here, and then I was gonna work a few WIPs. After that, I was gonna go record something for YT with my friends and sister.
I woke up at 10:30 (1.5 hours after my alarm) and my brain decided it's a low brain day. I have enough energy for one (1) thing today and it's going to be recording because I flaked last time.
Anyway, because it's a low brain day, I want to sit here and read. But, if I say in my room, my mom will be passive aggressive about me always being in my room. Unfortunately, she's decided to listen to stuff on her laptop at full volume.
Why to adults (older millennials and older) do that? You don't need to watch stuff at full volume.
I get we're at home, but I just want some quiet.
(My dad does the same thing, but worse. He's got his speaker on full blast in his room and I can hear it clearly in the kitchen, let alone my own bedroom)
(Mom normally does this, so it's not a new problem, but I usually have an easier time blocking her stuff out)
reblog if you're aspec and FUCKING VALID!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
had a dream where i logged in to ao3 and saw this

so i'm manifesting it for every author who sees this
likes charge reblogs cast, rb to wish kudos and comments upon your favorite fics
(I'm also having a lot of fun, so here's some more)
The only thing Danny's brain could register as he woke up was pain. When had he fallen asleep? In between the shocks of hurt and pain, he remembered fighting and an ambulance, but nothing much other than that. He knows that he was in a hospital at some point, but that sure as hell wasn't where he was now.
Had the G.I.W gotten him? Probably. He didn't have the energy to care, though. The pain taking over his senses completely. That's not good.
The haze of pain lessened a bit over time, though he couldn't tell how long it was, and allowed him feel other things. The first thing he felt was that he was missing a few pieces of himself. The next thing he felt was the warm air on the inside of his skin. If his stomach had still been in its proper place, he would've been sick.
The next thing to make itself known to him were the voices. Loud, obviously not caring who or what heard them. They were talking about him and cores or something. It sounded important. Why did it sound important?
His sense of sight was the next to return to him, though he used it sparingly. The room was bright. White walls, white ceiling, white LED lights, and he assumed even the floor was white tiles. Though, he figured the table he was on - silver if he had to guess - and the floor were both stained neon green and dark red. Green because of the ectoplasm that made up his ghostly form and red because of the blood that flowed through his very human veins. He opted to close his eyes again.
That was another thing to worry about. He was Phantom right now. He could've sworn he was Danny at the hospital. When did he change? Did someone force him to? How? Why? Danny didn't know. He doesn't like not knowing. Memory lapses are dangerous.
The very top of his list of surprises was when the LEDs and the voices in the room were drowned out by ominus red and a blaring alarm. That, added with the frantic running through the halls, painted the picture that someone was either attacking or raiding the base. Huh. What a coincidence.
Not that it mattered to him. Whoever it was would either be taken down or leave after they got what they came here for. Best not to get his hopes up. Intead, he was going to focus on piecing himself back together. Not having use of his limbs was making the task difficult, but he'd handle it.
Well, that had been the plan. He was alone in the room now, so he could do it, but the door was thrown off its hinges before he got very far. How unfortunate.
A gasp and several curses filled the room as someone (multiple someones?) rushed in and stopped by his bedside.
"Are you alright?" someone asked.
"He's probably asleep," that was a different voice. Definitely at least two people in there with him now.
The fingers on Danny's right hand twitched as he growled a soft "No," to answer the question.
"Shit!" a third person swore.
"You mean he's awake?!" a fourth.
Damn. There are a lot of people in this room. If he wasn't currently an open book, he'd say he was getting claustrophobic. As it stands, that's the least of his problems.
"Oracle?" he heard the first voice ask, "What do we do?"
He didn't hear a response from whoever 'Oracle' was, but he did hear the people get closer to him. Two on one side, one on the other, and one probably by the door. That's four people, plus whoever 'Oracle' is.
"We should've told father or the Justice League." the second voice said, "They would know how to deal with this better."
Now that was a name Danny knew. Everyone knows who the Justice League are! But, why did these guys not tell them? The Justice League are heroes! Don't tell him these are kids that're here!
He groaned, moving his head and prying his eyes open. He had to get them out of here. They weren't safe here. He needs-!
"Sh, sh, sh!" the first guy started, his hands waving a bit but not touching Danny, "Hey, hey, don't move. You're, um..."
"A little bit everywhere," the third voice said.
"I k'nda fig'red tha'." Danny slurred. Wow, maybe he lost a bit more than he expected. Oh, well. Nothing to do about it now. "Got'a ge' up!" It was proving to be a very difficult task, seeing as he was still strapped down and wide open.
"Whoa," the third guy pushed his shoulder back down like it would do any good. He had leather gloves on. "You're not going anywhere."
Danny mustered up the best glare he could and sent to the guy. A red helmet? Weird, but okay. "Why no'?"
The first guy spoke again, his voice smoother and a bit higher than little red riding hood's. "You're a little stuck," He was wearing black and blue with a black mask, the eyes whited out.
There was a scoff from over by the door, "He's been cut open, he's little more than 'stuck'." Rude little gremlin, obviously younger than the others, but speaking more formally.
"I'm working on it!" that was the last one. His voice was familiar. Why?
Danny leaned his head back down. He knew he couldn't do anything while strapped down like this, and it was very upsetting. Why did this always happen to him?
No use lamenting about it now. He's at the mercy of whoever the hell these guys are. Hopefully, they're a step up from his previous company.
DPxDC Prompt:
The vigilante meant well, taking the kid to the hospital to treat his injuries. The kid mumbled the entire time, barely conscious. "No hospital, please," he said more than once.
Poor kid, the vigilante thought. He must have a phobia of needles or something.
They never could have anticipated the danger they put that kid in, placing him in the care of that hospital.