A little blog where I rant about books
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What the different characters see when Matt walks by:
Rand and the Two Rivers gang


The Aes Sedai

The soldiers

What Matt sees in the mirror

Nynaeve figures out how to heal stilling and then never thinks about it again, thank you next energy
on ao3 like some of these doves aren't even wounded
Bitch what the fuck is going on in The Wheel of Time?????? Moiraine dies???? Lan just fucking disapears to go look for someone who isn't Nynaeve??? Bitch Egwene Is the amyrlin seat????? Nynaeve just figured out how to heal being stilled??? I honestly don't know what else could possibly happen in the rest of the books
So glad Nynaeve talked to Elayne about her behavior towards Thom. Say what you will, but personally I was uncomfortable. Especially since Thom had an affair with Morgaise and distinctly remembers Elayne as a child. Personally I think I would prefer them with a father/daughter type relationship, seems very fitting.
Starting on The Fires of Heaven and I gotta say, Nynaeve is being a bit of a shit. Like, yes, she is unreasonably strong when she can actually channel and I'm willing to forgive character flaws if you can Get Shit Done but goddamn. She lies to others and herself about her own shortcomings, distrusts people who have done nothing but help her, bosses around her friends as if she's ranked any higher than they are, is unnecessarily rude to others for no reason than her own prejudices to the point it gets the gang into trouble, etc.
I hope that now that she's Fucked Around and Found Out she'll change for the better.

I think one of the main things Egwene doesn’t understand about Rand is that he had to change for his own survival. She seems to think he’s gotten a big head since he realized he’s the dragon reborn, taking too much pride in it and ordering others around.
Rand grew in a way he needed to, in a way that would prevent him from being consumed by everyone else’s plots and schemes, grew in a way that would keep him alive even though he never asked for what he had to deal with. Yes he is rude and a bit of an ass on the occasion, but that’s too be expected given all he’s up against, and the knowledge he’ll have to literally die to save the world. He’s obviously not perfect, and I think that’s what makes him a strong protagonist.
Literally a “chosen one” type protagonist who hates it and misses his home, growing in a way that allows him to take care of his duty and hopefully the things he cares about.
Rand Al'Thor running around with the Spear Maidens in Rhuidean:

So pretty early on in The Fires of Heaven, our boy Mat hands a necklace to one of the Maidens to impress her, not realizing that giving a gift like that as a close as a dude can come in Aiel culture to proposing. Which means. This guy. Has not one but TWO accidental proposals under his belt. Incredible writing decision, no notes, RJ really said “I will explore cultural differences by making Matrim Cauthon get accidentally engaged as many times as possible” and that was the best possible choice
The boys’ dynamic in the waste is basically:
Rand: oh man I hope Mat doesn’t think I’m losing it, I’m just trying to be strategic and outsmart my enemies
Mat: *googling “insane asylums near me” every time Rand looks at him*

started wheel of time book 4 yesterday and god have I missed this woman
"What are you going to do now?" Mat asked.
"Something you should like. I am going to break the rules."
"I meant are you going to get something to eat? Me, I am hungry."
The Wheel of Time but take a shot every time Mat, Perrin, or Rand thinks that they are bad with women and that the other two are better.

Can I just share this meme I made back from book four.

They weren't lying. This Shadow do be Rising.
vis when he first started training with lanistia and kadmos

this community needs more memes. you're welcome.

Read it!!!

The Will of the Many by James Islington
Chapter XLVI
Can I tell Vis he’s bisexual? Like, somebody has to, my man is oblivious…
I think it's very funny how basically everyone who matters knows Vis is a lying liar but they're all just dead wrong in guessing the truth
The only time I have ever agreed with Nynaeve was when she said she believes The Creator only created men to cause women trouble
I can't believe there's not a bigger fandom on The will of the many by James Islington, what a fucking book.
Iro is a little fucking bitch and i hate him so much